May 22, 1986
    On April 10, 1986, the Board, through an Interim Order,
    requested that participants in this proceeding comment on certain
    procedural issues. In response to the April 10, 1986, Interim
    Order and an earlier request made at hearing on March 21, 1986,
    the Board received the following:
    1) Objection to Agency Motion to Amendment
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.204 by Duo Fast and
    CACI (4—3—86);
    2) Agency Comments to Board Regarding
    Proposed Amendments for Consideration in
    this proceeding (4—4—86);
    3) Comments of Allied Tube & Conduit and 3M
    4) Agency Comments on Interim Order of the
    Board (5—5—86); and
    5) ISCC Comments to the Board Regarding
    Proposed Amendments by the Agency and Two
    Industrial Sources (5—7—86).
    The Board will, for the reasons outlined in this Order, retain
    all pending proposed amendments within the R82—l4 docket, as well
    as any filed by July 1, 1986.
    The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”)
    filed a motion to amend 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.204 on March 13,
    1986. CACI and Duo Fast objected to this amendment at the March
    20, 1986, hearing and in their April 3, 1986, Objection. The
    Objection, in brief, argues that the proposed amendment to
    Section 215.204 modifies the key provision setting RACT for a
    large number of stationary VON sources; that the proposed
    amendment may have wide—reaching and highly significant impact on
    many manufacturers in Illinois; that because the amendment has
    been proposed at this late stage in an ongoing rulemaking many
    potentially impacted manufacturers have no notice and no

    opportunity to participate; and therefore, the Agency’s proposed
    amendment should be docketed as a new and separate rulemaking
    proceeding. The Agency responds in its April 7, 1986, comments,
    that the proposed amendments to Section 215.204 grew out of the
    R82—l4 proceeding and are interrelated with proposed Section
    215.207 and therefore, should be retained within this proceeding.
    The Board will retain the proposed amendment to Section
    215.204 within the R82—l4 docket. By so doing, the Board will be
    able to utilize the existing pertinent record regarding exempt
    solvents and the record regarding proposed Section 215.207. Duo
    Fast, itself has recognized the interrelationship of proposed
    Section 215.204 and 215.207 at hearing on March 20, 1986 (R.
    3379). Regarding the notice issue raised by Duo Fast and CAd,
    the Board will fulfill all statutory notice requirements through
    newspaper publication, distribution of hearing notices to
    participants on the R82—14 notice list and publication in the
    Environmental Register. The Board notes that placing the
    proposed amendments to 215.204 in a new docket could result in
    less actual notice to potentially impacted industries as a new
    and less complete notice list would have to be created. By
    retaining the proposed amendment to 215.204 within R82—l4, all
    participants will have been given notice and an opportunity to
    comment on these issues.
    Currently, there are two “site—specific” proposals to
    Section 215.204 as related to proposed Section 215.207 filed with
    the Board in R82—14. A third “site—specific” proposal is
    expected. As these proposals are related to proposed amendments
    to Section 215.207, the Board will entertain them in the context
    of R82—14. The Board is persuaded to follow this course in this
    proceeding for a number of reasons. First, the December 31,
    1987, Clean Air Act (“CAA”) deadline for an implemented, approved
    State Implementation Plan (“SIP”) for attainment of the national
    ambient ozone standard necessitates Board decision in this.
    proceeding, no later than January 1, 1987. There is a great need
    to complete this proceeding and separate docketing of certain
    proposed amendments could result in duplication of effort, and
    notice and scheduling delays. Second, the Board will be able to
    more freely utilize the existing R82—l4 record and better explore
    the interrelationship of various proposed amendments. Third,
    while the full impact of CIPS v. IPCB, No. 4—85—0602, slip op.
    3/31/86, 4th District, may not be fully comprehended at this
    time, the best course of action is to at least develop records
    for “site—specific” proposals.
    The Board is concerned with the status of the economic
    record in this proceeding. In the absence of legislative relief
    exempting CAA rulemakings from the requirement of a Department of
    Energy and Natural Resources (“DENR”) economic impact statement
    (“EcIS”) or determination of negative declaration of economic
    impact, the Board may be unable to meet the CAA deadlines for any

    regulation arising from this docket. It is necessary to close
    the record in R82—14 by December 1, 1986, in order to have
    sufficient time for Board decisionmaking. Therefore, the Board
    requests that DENR file a status report stating its evaluation of
    the various proposed amendments by July 14, 1986.
    Because of the fast approaching CAA deadline, it is
    necessary to schedule, at this time and in this Order, deadlines
    for completion of this record. Therefore, the Board establishes
    the following schedule:
    1. The Board requests that the Department of Energy and
    Natural Resources (“DENR”) file a status report to the
    Board by July 14, 1986, on whether all economic studies,
    hearings, reports or determinations of negative
    declaration of economic impact can be completed by
    December 1, 1986;
    2. The Board will entertain filing of proposed amendments
    until July 1, 1986. The Board will not consider
    proposed regulatory language in this proceeding that is
    not timely submitted;
    3. Pre—prepared testimony supporting or responding to
    proposed regulatory language must be filed with the
    Board no later than July 14, 1986. Exchange of this
    testimony among participants is mandatory.
    4. Hearings will commence on August 4, 1986, and will be
    continued from day to day, as necessary, through August
    8, 1986. The subject matter of the hearings will be
    limited to:
    a. Amendments to Section 215.204 and 215.207 as
    proposed by the Agency;
    b. “Site—specific” amendments to Section 215.204 as
    proposed by 3M and Allied Tube & Conduit;
    c. Completion of cross—examination of Dr. John Reed by
    3M regarding proposed Section 215.205; and
    d. Any other proposed amendments timely filed with the
    Board by July 1, 1986.
    Only testimony that has been pre—prepared and submitted
    by July 14, 1986, will be admitted at hearing during the
    week of August 4, 1986.
    5. Additional hearings will be held commencing September 3,
    1986, and will be continued from day to day, as
    necessary, through September 9, 1986 (excluding Saturday

    and Sunday). The subject matter of these hearings will
    be limited to issues raised at the hearings held the
    week of August 4, 1986. Pre—prepared testimony for the
    hearings beginning September 3, 1986, must be filed with
    the Board no later than August 22, 1986. Exchange of
    prepared testimony among participants is mandatory. No
    testimony will be received that has not been pre—
    submitted in a timely manner.
    6. Final hearings, if necessary, will be held in early
    October. The sole focus of these hearings will be
    rebuttal and response. Separate notice and a schedule
    for pre—submission of testimony will be issued, if
    7. The record will close December 1, 1986. All comments
    and briefs must be filed by this date.
    As deviation from this already too—tight schedule could
    result in failure to timely adopt a final rule, resulting in
    possible imposition of federal sanctions on the state, the Board
    does not intend to deviate from this schedule.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, he,reby certify that the above Order was adopted on
    the ~2~day
    1986, by a vote
    Dorothy M. G~’nn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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