September 5, 2002
(January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002; ) (Identical-in-Substance
) Rulemaking - Public Water Supply)
Proposed Rule. Proposal for Public Comment.
The Board today proposes amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in
substance” to drinking water regulations adopted by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA). The USEPA rules implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-
1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (1994)). This docket includes federal SDWA
amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002.
Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and
17.5 (2000)) provide for quick adoption by the Board of regulations that are identical in
substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the
Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40
(2000)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal
SDWA regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
The order segment of this opinion and order sets forth the text of the proposed
amendments. That text begins below on page 28. The Board will cause the proposed
amendments to be published in the
Illinois Register
and will hold the docket open to receive
public comments for 45 days after the date of publication. The Board will then adopt and file
the final rules, taking into account the public comments received. The rules will be adopted
and filed no later than January 14, 2003.
The following briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this rulemaking.
Docket R03-4: January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002 SDWA Amendments
USEPA amended the federal SDWA regulations on only two occasions during the
period January 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002. These are summarized below:
January 14, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 1812)
USEPA adopted the Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
(LT1ESWTR). The goals of the LT1ESWTR are to improve control of risks to human
health posed by microbial pathogens and to balance the risks posed by disinfection
byproducts. The LT1ESWTR applies to systems using surface water or groundwater
under the direct influence of surface water that serve fewer than 10,000 persons. The
LT1ESWTR complements the earlier Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
(IESWTR) that applied to larger systems.
USEPA adopted the IESWR on
December 16, 1998 (at 63 Fed. Reg. 69478), and the Board made corresponding
amendments to the Illinois drinking water regulations in SDWA Update, USEPA
Regulations (July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998), R99-12 (July 22, 1999).
March 12, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 11046)
USEPA adopted a direct final rule that delayed the deadline for reporting unregulated
contaminants monitoring results obtained before May 13, 2002.
No Board Action on One Federal Action
One of the federal actions that occurred during the period of January 1, 2002 through
June 30, 2002 will require no action on the part of the Board to amend the Illinois drinking
water regulations. No action will be necessary on the federal March 12, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg.
11046) unregulated contaminants monitoring rule. As stated in SDWA Update, USEPA
Regulations (July 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999) (Aug. 24, 2000), R00-10, USEPA and
the Agency have both commented that the unregulated contaminant monitoring provisions are
not segments of the federal SDWA rules that the Board is required to adopt and maintain.
No Later SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments of Interest
The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this
opinion and accompanying order, the Board has not identified any USEPA actions since
June 30, 2002 that further amend the SDWA rules. When the Board observes an action
outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that would require expedited consideration in the
pending docket, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments. Federal actions
that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments
involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as
soon as possible and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited
consideration. If the Board identifies any federal actions that fulfill these criteria prior to final
action on the present amendments, it may include those amendments in the present update
docket R03-4.
Summary Tabulation of the Federal Action Included in This Docket
January 14, 2002
67 Fed. Reg. 1812
The Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Rule (LT1ESWTR).
The Board will receive public comments on this proposal for 45 days following its
publication in the
Illinois Register
. After that time, the Board will immediately consider
adoption of the amendments, making any necessary changes made evident through the public
comments. The Board will file any adopted rules with the Secretary of State immediately after
The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board
makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is
followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the
federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by
federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant
notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments
and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
Discussion of the Federal Action
The Long-Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Rule—Sections 611.101, 611.160, 611.220,
611.250, 611.740, 611.883, 611.902, 611.903, and Subpart X and Appendices G and H to
Part 611
On January 14, 2002 (67 Fed. Reg. 1812), USEPA adopted the LT1ESWTR. The
recent LT1SWTR is a companion to the December 16, 1998 (63 Fed. Reg. 69478) interim
enhanced surface water rule (IESWTR). The 1998 IESWTR imposed requirements on larger
water systems (those providing water to 10,000 persons or more) that use surface water or
groundwater under the direct influence of surface water. USEPA established the filtration and
disinfection requirements of the 1998 IESWTR in a new subpart P to 40 C.F.R. 141 (40
C.F.R. 141.170 through 141.75, corresponding with Subpart R to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611;
Sections 611.740 through 611.745). The 2002 LT1ESWTR extends enhanced filtration and
disinfection requirements to smaller public water supplies (those serving fewer than 10,000
persons). USEPA adopted the 2002 LT1ESWTR as a new subpart T to 40 C.F.R. 141 (40
C.F.R. 141.500 through 141.571, corresponding with new Subpart X to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
611; Sections 611.950 through 611.957).
The Board incorporated the January 14, 2002 federal amendments into the Illinois
drinking water regulations with only minimal changes to their text. The principal changes
made related to the style and structure of the LT1ESWTR. USEPA chose a more informal
approach to drafting and codification of this rule. USEPA divided its new subpart T into eight
segments bearing sub-headings. In each segment are two to seven short sections that are set
forth in a question-and-answer format. USEPA freely used the second person and a question-
and-answer format in setting forth the rules.
The Board has altered these aspects of the federal text. First, a corresponding use of
Subpart sub-headings is not allowed in the
Illinois Administrative Code
. Some of the new
federal provisions are very short, with many no more that one or two sentences long. For this
reason, the Board has used the federal sub-headings as the basis for consolidating this new
Subpart into eight new Sections, rather than the 32 sections added by USEPA to federal part
141. Second, the Board strongly prefers not to use the second person and the question-and-
answer format that USEPA seems to favor in drafting rules. The Board has changed the rules
so that the second person does not appear, and so that the rules affirmatively impose
requirements on a “supplier.” The Board believes that this reduces any possibility of any
mistake that the rules are advisory, rather than compulsory.
The Board has made another series of changes in the structure of the rules. USEPA
included seven short tables in its rules that set forth what is required. The Board changed this
structure by incorporating the tabulated requirements into the standard paragraph format that
the Board prefers for rules. The Board was able to make this structural change with only
minimal alterations to the text of the rules, such as introducing the material from the column
headings into the text of the requirements and separating material from the various columns
with a comma.
The table that appears below on page 7 itemize the several changes made by the Board
to the text of the federal rules. The Board requests public comment on our incorporation of the
January 14, 2002 federal LT1SWTR. The Board specifically requests comment on the several
structural changes made to the text.
General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the
federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the
federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors
in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois
rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors that we see in the text as we engage in these
routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds
it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened
for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying
provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that
closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the
Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the
Code of Federal Regulations
to the most recent
version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
available to the Board is the July 1, 2001 version. Thus, we have updated
all citations to the 2001 version, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate
Federal Register
citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal
base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to
make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format
throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where
the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or
she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative
clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their
format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout
the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is
used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of
the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer used, since it is not used in everyday
language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board usually substitutes “must.” An
exception to this would be that the Board renders such phrases as “no person shall” as “no
person may.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the
subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself
to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional, with the exception of
proscriptive use of may as indicated in the above example. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,”
and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) has requested that the Board
refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all
of our bodies of regulations—
, air, water, drinking water, Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous
waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United
States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” We will continue this conversion in
future rulemakings, as additional sections become open to amendment. We will further
convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly
outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the
federal text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are
set forth and explained beginning at page 13 of this opinion. There is no further discussion of
most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
Agency or Board Action
Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify portions of the program
USEPA over which will retain decision making authority. Based on the general division of
functions within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State
agency is to make decisions.
In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-
making authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to
avoid specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application
are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of
authority between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
1. Whether the person making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or
taking action contrary to a Board regulation--
, the decision is effectively
granting relief from a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board
action to grant relief from a Board regulation.
2. Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give
meaningful review to an Agency decision.
3. Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement
itself. If so, Board action is generally required.
4. Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing
environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act.
If so, it must be made by the Board.
There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-
specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can
be temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard
or site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these
decisions between the USEPA and Board regulations.
Discussion of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
The tables below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on
current federal amendments. The first table (beginning immediately below) includes deviations
made in this Proposal for Public Comment from the verbatim text of the federal amendments.
The second table (beginning below at page 26) contains corrections and clarifications that the
Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in this second
table are not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Some of the entries in
these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at
page 4 of this opinion.
Table 1:
Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section
40 C.F.R. Section
611 table of contents,
listings for Subpart X
141 table of contents,
listings for Subpart T
Replaced the 32 section headings with the
eight sub-headings “General
Requirements”, “Finished Water
Reservoirs”, “Additional Watershed
Control Requirements for Unfiltered
Systems”, “Disinfection Profile”,
“Disinfection Benchmark”, “Combined
Filter Effluent Requirements”,
“Individual Filter Turbidity
Requirements”, “Reporting and
Recordkeeping Requirements” from the
611.160(a)(2) 141.2 “comprehensive
performance evaluation”
Changed the Subpart reference from
“subparts P and T of this part” to
“Subparts R and Y of this Part”
611.220(e) 141.70(e)
Changed “this subpart” to “this Subpart
B”; changed the reference from “subpart
T of this part” to “Subparts Y of this
611.250(a)(4) 141.73(a)(4)
“systems serving” to “a
supplier that serves”; changed the
reference from “§§ 141.550 through
141.553” to “Sections 611.1550 through
611.250(d) 141.73(d)
Changed “systems serving” to “a
supplier that serves”; changed the
reference from “§§ 141.550 through
141.553” to “Sections 611.1550 through
611.883(d)(4)(e)(3) 141.153(d)(4)(v)(C)
Added a comma and after “611.250” to
separate the elements of a series;
removed the unnecessary conjunction
“or” after “611.250” (twice); changed
the reference from “§ 141.551” to
“Section 611.955(b)” (twice); added a
comma after “611.743” to separate the
elements of a series (twice)
Subpart R heading
Subpart P heading
Changed “serving” to “that serve”
611.740(d) 141.170(d)
Changed “Subpart H systems” to singular
“a Subpart B system supplier”; changed
the reference from “§ 141.72” to
“Section 611.742”; changed “they served
. . . but serve” to singular “it served . . .
but which serves”; changed the reference
from “§§ 141.170, 141.171, 141.173,
141.174, and 141.175” to “Sections
611.740, 611.741, 611.743, 611.744,
and 611.745”; changed “these systems”
to “such a supplier”; changed “consult
with the State” to “obtain the prior
approval of the Agency” (twice);
changed “system” to “supplier”; changed
the reference from Ҥ 141.172(c)(1)(i)
through (iv)” to “Section
611.742(c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(D)”;
added the indefinite article “a” before
141.202(a) table entry 6
Added a comma after “(IESWTR)” to
separate the elements of a series
611.Subpart X
141, Subpart T
Changed the Subpart designation;
reorganized the Subpart by combining the
32 Sections into eight Sections using as
Section headings the sub-headings from
the federal text
611.950 141.500-141.503
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “General Requirements”;
added an ending Board note to designate
the source of this provision
611.950(a) 141.500
federal section 141.500 as
subsection (a); changed “this subpart T”
to “this Subpart X” (twice); changed
“subpart H of this part” to “Subpart B of
this Part”; added a comma after
“Cryptosporidium” to offset the final
element of a series; changed “which” to
“that” for a restrictive relative clause;
added “the following”
611.950(a)(1) 141.500(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (a)(1)
611.950(a)(2) 141.500(b)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (a)(1); changed “§§ 141.530
through 141.544” to “Sections 611.953
and 911.954”
611.950(b) 141.501
Designated the federal section as
subsection (b); added “applicability of the
Subpart X requirements”; changed “you
are” to “a supplier is”; added “the
following is true of”; changed “your” to
611.950(b)(1) 141.501(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (b)(1)
611.950(b)(2) 141.501(b)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (b)(1); changed “GWUDI” to
“groundwater under the direct influence
of surface water”
611.950(b)(3) 141.501(c)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (b)(1)
611.950(c) 141.502
the federal section as
subsection (c); added “compliance
deadline”; changed “you” to “a
supplier”; changed “this subpart” to “this
Subpart X”; added a comma before
“except” to offset the parenthetical
611.950(d) 141.503
Designated the federal section as
subsection (d); changed “this subpart” to
“this Subpart X”; changed “you” to “a
supplier”; changed “your” to “its”;
added “the following”
611.950(d)(1) 141.503(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “you” to “the
supplier” (twice); added a comma before
“as described” to offset a parenthetical;
changed “§§ 141.510 and 141.511” to
“Section 611.951”
611.950(d)(2) 141.503(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “your” to “the
supplier’s”; changed “you” to “the
supplier”; changed “§§ 141.520-
141.522” to “Section 611.952”
611.950(d)(3) 141.503(c)
Designated the federal subsection (c) as
subsection (d)(3); changed “your” to “the
supplier’s”; changed “you” to “the
supplier”; added a comma before “as
described” to offset a parenthetical;
changed “§§ 141.530-141.536” to
“Section 611.953”
611.950(d)(4) 141.503(d)
Designated the federal subsection (d) as
subsection (d)(4); changed “your” to “the
supplier’s”; changed “you” to “the
supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”;
added a comma before “as described” to
offset a parenthetical; changed
“§§ 141.540-141.544” to “Section
611.950(d)(5) 141.503(e)
Designated the federal subsection (e) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “your” to “the
supplier’s”; changed “you” to “the
supplier”; added a comma before “as
described” to offset a parenthetical;
added a comma before “as described” to
offset a parenthetical; changed
“§§ 141.550-141.553” to “Section
611.950(d)(6) 141.503(f)
Designated the federal subsection (f) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “your” to “the
supplier’s”; changed “you” to “the
supplier”; added a comma before “as
described” to offset a parenthetical;
changed “§§ 141.560-141.564” to
“Section 611.956”
611.950(d)(7) 141.503(g)
Designated the federal subsection (g) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “you” to “the
supplier”; added a comma before “as
described” to offset a parenthetical;
changed “§§ 141.570 and 141.571” to
“Section 611.957”
141.510 and 141.511
Combined two federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Finished Water
Reservoirs”; added an ending Board note
to designate the source of this provision
611.951(a) 141.510
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “applicability”;
changed “All subpart H systems serving
. . . are” to singular “a Subpart B system
supplier that serves . . . is”
611.951(b) 141.511
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “requirements”;
changed “your system” to “a supplier”
(twice); added a comma before “the
reservoir” to offset the introductory
clause that precedes it; changed to
singular “a finished water reservoir . . .
611.952 141.520-141.522
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Additional Watershed
Control Requirements for Unfiltered
Systems”; added an ending Board note to
designate the source of this provision
611.952(a) 141.520
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “applicability”;
changed “if you are a subpart H system
serving . . ., you must” to “a Subpart B
system supplier that serves . . . must”;
changed “§ 141.72” to “Sections
611.211 and 611.230 through 611.233”;
changed “§ 141.521” to “subsection (b)
of this Section”
611.952(b) 141.521
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “requirements to
avoid filtration”; changed “your system”
to “a supplier”; changed “Your
system’s” to the indefinite article “a”;
changed “must, for Cryptosporidium” to
“must fulfill the following for
611.952(b)(1) 141.521(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (b)(1); added “the program
must”; changed “which” to “that”
611.952(b)(2) 141.521(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (b)(2); added “the program
must”; changed “which” to “that”
611.952(c) 141.522
the federal Section as
subsection (c); added “determination of
adequacy of control requirements”;
changed “§ 141.71(b)(3)” to “Section
611.232(c)”; changed “State” to
“Agency”; changed “your” to the
indefinite article “a”; changed “your” to
the definite article “the”; changed “your
system” to “the supplier”; changed
“and/or” to “or”
611.953 141.530-141.536
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Disinfection Profile”;
added an ending Board note to designate
the source of this provision
611.953(a) 141.530
the federal Section as
subsection (a); changed “your” to the
indefinite article “a”; added
“applicability”; changed “if you are a
subpart H . . . systems serving . . ., your
system must” to “a Subpart B . . . system
supplier that serves . . . must”; changed
“your State” to “the Agency” (twice);
added as a parenthetical offset by
commas “by a SEP issued pursuant to
Section 611.110”; changed “your
system’s” to the indefinite article “a”;
changed “§§ 141.532-141.536” to
“subsections (c) through (g) of this
611.953(b) 141.531
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “determination that
a disinfection profile is not necessary”;
changed “States” to “the Agency”; added
“applicability”; changed “a system’s
profile” to “a disinfection profile”;
changed “unnecessary” to “not
necessary”; changed “a system’s” to “the
system’s”; changed “must be” to “must
have been”; changed “your” to the
definite article “the”
611.953(c) 141.532
the federal Section as
subsection (c); added “development of a
disinfection profile”; added “the
611.953(c)(1) 141.532(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (c)(1); changed “your system”
to “the supplier” (twice); added commas
before “as discussed” and “over the
course” to offset a parenthetical; changed
“§ 141.533” to “subsection (d) of this
Section”; changed “your system” to “the
supplier”; changed “you” to “it” (twice);
added a comma after “500 persons” to
offset the introductory clause
611.953(c)(2) 141.532(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (c)(2); changed “your system”
to “the supplier”; changed “§§ 141.534
and 141.535” to “subsections (e) and (f)
of this Section”
611.953(c)(3) 141.532(c)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (c)(2); changed “your system”
to “the supplier”; changed “§ 141.536”
to “subsection (g) of this Section”
611.953(d) 141.533
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (d); added “data required for a
disinfection profile”; changed “your
system: to “a supplier”; changed
“§ 141.74(a)” to “Section 611.231”
611.953(d)(1) 141.533(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (d)(1)
611.953(d)(2) 141.533(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (d)(2); changed “your system”
to “a supplier”
611.953(d)(3) 141.533(c)
Designated the federal subsection (c) as
subsection (d)(3); changed “time(s)” to
611.953(d)(4) 141.533(d)
Designated the federal subsection (d) as
subsection (d)(4); changed
“concentration(s)” to “concentrations”
611.953(e) 141.534
the federal Section as
subsection (e); added “calculations based
on the data collected”; added “the
supplier must”; reformatted the
information in the table into standard
paragraph rules format
611.953(e)(1) 141.534(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (e)(1); changed “your system”
to “the supplier”; changed “your system”
to “it”; added a comma after
“application” to offset the introductory
clause; added “either of the following”
611.953(e)(1)(A) 141.534(a)(1)
Designated the federal paragraph (a)(1)
as subsection (e)(1)(A); changed
“CTcalc” to “CTcalc”; changed “CT99.9”
to “CT99.9”
611.953(e)(1)(B) 141.534(a)(2)
the federal paragraph (a)(2)
as subsection (e)(1)(B); changed
“CTcalc” to “CTcalc” (four times);
changed “CT99.9” to “CT99.9” (four
611.953(e)(2) 141.534(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (e)(2); changed “your system”
to “the supplier”; changed “your system”
to “it”; changed “CTcalc” to “CTcalc”;
changed “CT99.9” to “CT99.9”; changed
“paragraph (a)(2) of this section” to
“subsection (d)(1)(B) of this Section”
611.953(f) 141.535
the federal Section as
subsection (f); added “use of
chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide
as a primary disninfectant”; changed
“your system” to “a supplier”; changed
”State” to “Agency”
611.953(g) 141.536
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (g); added “development and
maintenance of the disninfection profile
in graphic form”; changed “your system”
to “a supplier”; changed “your system”
to “the supplier”; changed ”State” to
“Agency” (twice); used lower-case
“disinfection profile” (twice)
611.954 141.540-141.544
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Disinfection Benchmark”;
added an ending Board note to designate
the source of this provision
611.954(a) 141.540
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “applicability”;
changed “if you are a subpart H system
required . . ., your system must” to “a
Subpart B system supplier that is required
. . . must”; changed “§§ 141.530
through 141.536” to “Section 611.953”;
changed to lower-case “disinfection
benchmark”; changed “you decide” to “it
decides”; changed “your” to “its”;
changed “your system” to “the supplier”;
changed “State” to “Agency”; changed
“you” to “it”
611.954(b) 141.541
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “significant
changes to disinfection practice”
611.954(b)(1) 141.541(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (b)(1)
611.954(b)(2) 141.541(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (b)(2); changed
“disinfectant(s)” to “disinfectants”
611.954(b)(3) 141.541(c)
Designated the federal subsection (c) as
subsection (b)(3)
611.954(b)(4) 141.541(d)
Designated the federal subsection (d) as
subsection (b)(4); changed “State” to
611.954(c) 141.542
the federal Section as
subsection (c); added “considering a
significant change”; changed “if your
system is considering . . ., your system
must” to “a supplier that is considering
. . . must”; changed “benchmark(s)” to
“benchmarks” (twice); changed
“§§ 141.543 and 141.544” to
“subsections (d) and (e) of this Section”;
changed “your State” to “the Agency”;
changed “State” to “Agency” (twice)
611.954(c)(1) 141.542(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (c)(1)
611.954(c)(2) 141.542(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (c)(2)
611.954(c)(3) 141.542(c)
Designated the federal subsection (c) as
subsection (c)(3)
611.954(c)(4) 141.542(d)
Designated the federal subsection (d) as
subsection (c)(4); changed “State” to
611.954(d) 141.543
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (d); added “calculation of a
disinfection benchmark”; changed “if
your system is making . . ., it must” to
“a supplier that is making . . . must”;
changed “the procedure specified in the
following table” to “the following
procedure”; changed the ending period
into a colon; reformatted the table
information into standard rules paragraph
611.954(d)(1) 141.543(a)
Designated the federal table entry “Step
1” as subsection (c)(1); added “that” for
a restrictive relative clause; changed
“your system” to “the supplier”; changed
to lower-case “disinfection profile”;
changed the ending puctuation to a
semicolon; added the ending conjunction
611.954(d)(2) 141.543(a)
Designated the federal table entry “Step
2” as subsection (c)(2)
611.954(e) 141.544
the federal Section as
subsection (e); changed “§ 141.543” to
“subsection (d) of this Section” (twice)
611.955 141.550-141.553
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Combined Filter Effluent
Requirements”; added an ending Board
note to designate the source of this
611.955(a) 141.550
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “applicability”;
changed “All subpart H suppliers which
serve . . .are” to singular “a Subpart B
system supplier that serves . . . is”;
changed “§§ 141.551-141.553” to
“subsections (b) through (d) of this
Section”; changed “subpart T” to “this
Subpart X”; changed “§ 141.73” to
“Section 611.250”
611.955(b) 141.551
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “combined filter
effluent limits”
611.955(b)(1) 141.551(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (c)(1); changed § 141.74(a)
and (c)” to “Sections 611.231 and
611.233”; changed “§ 141.570” to
“Section 611.957(a)”; changed “the
following table describes” to “the
following are”; changed the ending
punctuation to a colon
611.955(b)(1)(A) 141.551(a) table
Designated the federal table entry “(1)”
as subsection (b)(1)(A); changed “if your
system consists of” to “for a system
with”; changed to lower-case “filtration
or direct filtration”; changed “your” to
611.955(b)(1)(B) 141.551(a) table
Designated the federal table entry “(2)”
as subsection (b)(1)(B); changed “if your
system consists of” to “for a system
with”; changed “all” to “any” removed
the quotation marks from and changed to
lower-case “alternative”; added
“technology” after “filter”; changed
“your” to “the” moved the parenthetical
“not to exceed 1 NTU” from after
“State” to follow “value”; changed
“State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP
pursuant to Section 611.110” as a
parenthetical offset by commas; changed
“§ 141.552” to “subsection (c) of this
611.955(b)(2) 141.551(b)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (c)(1); changed § 141.74(a)
and (c)” to “Sections 611.231 and
611.233”; changed “§ 141.570” to
“Section 611.957(a)”; changed “the
following table describes” to “the
following are”; changed the ending
punctuation to a colon
611.955(b)(2)(A) 141.551(b) table
Designated the federal table entry “(1)”
as subsection (b)(1)(A); changed “if your
system consists of” to “for a system
with”; changed to lower-case “filtration
or direct filtration”; changed “your” to
611.955(b)(2)(B) 141.551(b) table
Designated the federal table entry “(2)”
as subsection (b)(1)(B); changed “if your
system consists of” to “for a system
with”; changed “all” to “any” removed
the quotation marks from and changed to
lower-case “alternative”; added “filter
technology” after “alternative”; changed
“your” to “the” moved the parenthetical
“not to exceed 5 NTU” from after
“State” to follow “value”; changed
“State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP
pursuant to Section 611.110” as a
parenthetical offset by commas; changed
“§ 141.552” to “subsection (c) of this
611.955(c) 141.552
the federal Section as
subsection (c); added “requirements for
alternative filtration systems”
611.955(c)(1) 141.552(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (c)(1); changed “§ 141.551”
to “subsection (b) of this Section”;
changed “State” to “Agency”
611.955(c)(1)(A) 141.552(a)(1)
Designated the federal paragraph (a)(1)
as subsection (c)(1)(A)
611.955(c)(1)(B) 141.552(a)(2)
the federal paragraph (a)(2)
as subsection (c)(1)(B)
611.955(c)(1)(C) 141.552(a)(3)
Designated the federal paragraph (a)(3)
as subsection (c)(1)(C)
611.955(c)(2) 141.552(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (c)(2); replaced “[reserved]”
with explanatory language to retain
structural parity
611.955(d) 141.553
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (d); added “requirements for
lime-softening systems”; changed “State”
to “Agency”
611.956 141.560-141.504
federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Individual Filter Turbidity
611.956(a) 141.560
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “applicability”;
changed “if your system is a subpart H
system serving . . ., you must” to “A
Subpart B system supplier that serves
. . . must”
611.956(a)(1) 141.560(a)
Designated the federal subsection (a) as
subsection (a)(1); changed “§ 141.74(a)”
to “Section 611.231”
611.956(a)(2) 141.560(b)
Designated the federal subsection (b) as
subsection (a)(2)
611.956(a)(3) 141.560(c)
Designated the federal subsection (c) as
subsection (a)(3)
611.956(a)(4) 141.560(d)
Designated the federal subsection (d) as
subsection (a)(4); changed “§ 141.570”
to “Section 611.957(a)”
611.956(a)(5) 141.560(e)
Designated the federal subsection (e) as
subsection (a)(5); changed “§ 141.571”
to “Section 611.957(b)”
611.956(b) 141.561
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “failure of turbidity
monitoring equipment”
611.956(c) 141.562
the federal Section as
subsection (c); added “special
requirements for systems with two or
fewer filters”; changed “§ 141.560(a)
through (d) and § 141.561” to
“subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) and (b)
of this Section”
611.956(d) 141.563
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (d); added “follow-up action”;
changed “tables” to “requirements”;
codified the tabulated material in standard
rules paragraph format
141.563 table
Designated the federal table entry (a) as
subsection (d)(1); changed “systems” to
singular “a system”; used a comma to
separate the material of column one from
that of column two; changed “your
system” to “the supplier”; changed
“State” to “Agency”; changed
“number(s)” to “numbers”; changed
“date(s)” to “dates”; changed “value(s)”
to “values”; changed “exceedance(s)” to
141.563 table
Designated the federal table entry (b) as
subsection (d)(2); changed “system” to
“supplier”; changed “State” to
“Agency”; used a comma to separate the
material of column one from that of
column two; changed “your system” to
“the supplier”; changed “filter(s)” to
“filters”; added “on which” after “day”;
changed “paragraph (c) of this section”
to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section”;
changed “systems” to singular “a
supplier that has a system”; changed
“that” to “which” for a subsequent
restrictive relative clause; changed the
semicolon to a comma to separate the
elements of a series without sub-series
(four times)
141.563 table
Designated the federal table entry (c) as
subsection (d)(3); changed “system” to
“supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”
(six times); used a comma to separate the
material of column one from that of
column two; changed “your system” to
“the supplier”; changed to lower-case
“comprehensive technical assistance”
611.956(e) 141.564
the federal Section as
subsection (e); added “special individual
filter monitoring for a lime-softening
system”; changed “State” to “Agency”
(twice); changed “§ 141.563” to
“subsection (d) of this Section”
141.570 and 141.571
Combined two federal sections into a
single Section under the federal subpart
sub-heading, “Reporting and
Recordkeeping Requirements”
611.957(a) 141.570
the federal Section as
subsection (a); added “reporting”;
changed “this subpart T” to “this Subpart
X”; changed “your system” to “a
supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”;
changed “the following table describes”
to “subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of
this Section describe”; changed “which”
to “that” for a restrictive relative clause;
added parentheses to the final sentence,
which is explanatory; changed “your
system” to “the supplier”; changed “the
following table” to “subsections (a)(1)
through (a)(4) of this Section”; changed
“shown in the first column” to
“indicated”; changed the table
information to standard rule paragraph
611.957(a)(1) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(a)” as subsection
(a)(1); added “If a supplier is subject to
the”; changed lower-case “filter effluent
requirements”; changed “§§ 141.550-
141.553” to “Section 611.955”;
separated information from the first and
second columns with a comma; changed
“description of information to report” to
“it must report as follows:”
611.957(a)(1)(A) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(a)(1)” as
subsection (a)(1)(A); separated the
material from the second and third
columns with a comma
611.957(a)(1)(B) 141.570 table
table entry “(a)(2)” as
subsection (a)(1)(B); changed “which” to
“that” for a restrictive relative clause;
changed “your system’s” to “the
supplier’s”; separated the material from
the second and third columns with a
611.957(a)(1)(C) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(a)(3)” as
subsection (a)(1)(C); changed “which” to
“that” for a restrictive relative clause;
separated the material from the second
and third columns with a comma
611.957(a)(2) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(b)” as subsection
(a)(2); added “If a supplier is subject to
the”; changed lower-case “turbidity
requirements”; changed “§§ 141.560-
141.564” to “Section 611.956”;
separated information from the first
column from that from the second
column with a comma; changed
“description of information to report” to
“it must report as follows:”
611.957(a)(2)(A) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(b)(1)” as
subsection (a)(2)(A); changed “that” to
“the fact that”; changed “your system” to
“the supplier’s system”; separated the
material from the second and third
columns with a comma
611.957(a)(2)(B) 141.570 table
table entry “(b)(2)” as
subsection (a)(2)(B); changed
“number(s)” to “numbers”; changed
“date(s)” to “dates”; changed “value(s)”
to “values”; changed “which” to “that”
for a restrictive relative clause; separated
the material from the second and third
columns with a comma; moved the
parenthetical clause “but only if . . . 1.0
NTU” to follow the information from the
third column, offset by a comma
611.957(a)(2)(C) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(b)(3)” as
subsection (a)(2)(C); separated the
material from the second and third
columns with a comma
611.957(a)(2)(D) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(b)(4)” as
subsection (a)(2)(D); changed “that” to
“the fact that”; separated the material
from the second and third columns with a
611.957(a)(2)(E) 141.570 table
table entry “(b)(5)” as
subsection (a)(2)(E); separated the
material from the second and third
columns with a comma
611.957(a)(3) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(c)” as subsection
(a)(3); added “If a supplier is subject to
the”; changed lower-case “disinfection
profiling”; changed “§§ 141.530-
141.536” to “Section 611.953”; changed
“description of information to report” to
“it must report”; separated information
from the first and second columns with a
comma; changed “which” to “that” for a
restrictive relative clause; changed
“mg/l” to standardized “mg/L” (twice);
changed to lower-case “only”; changed
“your system” to “the supplier” (twice);
added “as follows:”
611.957(a)(3)(A) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(c)(1)(i)” as
subsection (a)(3)(A); changed “systems”
to singular “a supplier”; changed
“serving” to “that serves”; added
“persons”; added the ending conjunction
611.957(a)(3)(B) 141.570 table
table entry “(c)(1)(ii)” as
subsection (a)(3)(B); changed “systems”
to singular “a supplier”; changed
“serving” to “that serves”; added
611.957(a)(4) 141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(d)” as subsection
(a)(4); added “If a supplier is subject to
the”; changed lower-case “disinfection
benchmarking”; changed “§§ 141.540-
141.544” to “Section 611.954”;
separated information from the first and
second columns with a comma; changed
“description of information to report” to
“it must report”; changed “your” to
“its”; separated information from the
second and third columns with a comma;
changed “your system” to “the supplier”
611.957(b) 141.571
Designated the federal Section as
subsection (b); added “recordkeeping”;
Changed “your system” to “a supplier”;
changed “subpart T” to “this Subpart
X”; changed “§ 141.75” to “Sections
611.261 and 611.262”; changed “the
following table describes” to
“subsections (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this
Section describe”; added parentheses to
the final sentence, which is explanatory;
changed “your system” to “the supplier”;
changed “the following table” to
“subsections (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this
Section”; changed “shown in the first
column” to “indicated”
141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(a)” as subsection
(b)(1); added “If a supplier is subject to
the”; changed lower-case “individual
filter turbidity requirements”; changed
“§§ 141.560-141.564” to “Section
611.956”; separated information from the
first and second columns with a comma;
changed “description of necessary
records” to “it must retain as necessary
records the”; added “for” to separate the
information from the second and third
141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(b)” as subsection
(b)(2); added “If a supplier is subject to”;
changed lower-case “disinfection
benchmarking”; changed “§§ 141.530-
141.536” to “Section 611.953”;
separated information from the first and
second columns with a comma; changed
“description of necessary records” to “it
must retain as necessary records”;
changed “Profile” to lower-case “its
disinfection profile”
141.570 table
Rendered table entry “(c)” as subsection
(b)(3); added “If a supplier is subject to”;
changed lower-case “disinfection
benchmarking”; changed “§§ 141.540-
141.544” to “Section 611.954”;
separated information from the first and
second columns with a comma; changed
“description of necessary records” to “it
must retain as necessary records”;
changed “Benchmark” to lower-case “its
disinfection benchmark”
611.Appendix G
¶ I.A.5.
Appendix A to Subpart Q
¶ I.A.5.
Changed the reference from
“141.551(b)” to “611.955(b)(2)”;
changed the reference to “141.560(a)-
(c)” to “611 9560(a)(1)-(a)(3); changed
the reference from “141.561” to
611.Appendix G
¶ I.A.7.
Appendix A to Subpart Q
¶ I.A.7.
Changed the reference from “141.500-
141.553” to “611.950-611.955”;
changed the reference to “141.530-
141.544, 141.560-141.564” to “611 953,
611.954, 611.956”
611.Appendix G
¶ I.A.9.
Appendix A to Subpart Q
¶ I.A.9.
Removed the periods from the end of the
entries in columns one and five; changed
the reference from “141.500-141.553” to
“611.950-611.955”; changed the
reference to “141.530-141.544, 141.560-
141.564” to “611 953, 611.954,
611.Appendix G
¶ I.G.10.
Appendix A to Subpart Q
¶ I.G.10.
Changed the reference from “141.1530-
141.544” to “611 953, 611.954”
611.Appendix H ¶ B
Appendix B to Subpart Q
¶ B heading
Added a comma after “(LT1ESWTR)” to
separate the elements of a series; omitted
the unnecessary definite article “the”
before “Filter Backwash Recycling Rule”
611.Appendix H
¶ B.4.
Appendix B to Subpart Q
¶ B.4.
Added the standard health effects
language from ¶ B.3. to correct a flaw in
the table structure
611.Appendix H
¶ B.5.
Appendix B to Subpart Q
¶ B.5.
Added the standard health effects
language from ¶ B.3. to correct a flaw in
the table structure
611.Appendix H
¶ B.6.
Appendix B to Subpart Q
¶ B.6.
Added the standard health effects
language from ¶ B.3. to correct a flaw in
the table structure
611.Appendix H
¶ B.7.
Appendix B to Subpart Q
¶ B.7.
Added the standard health effects
language from ¶ B.3. to correct a flaw in
the table structure
611.Appendix H note
Appendix B to Subpart Q
note 4
Added a comma before “and the 2002
Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule”; changed “2001” to
611.Appendix H note
Appendix B to Subpart Q
note 6
Added a comma before “and the 2002
Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule”; changed “2001” to
611.Appendix H note
Appendix B to Subpart Q
note 8
Added a comma before “and the 2002
Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule”; changed “2001” to
“2002”; changed “systems” to singular
“a supplier” (three times); changed
“serving” to “that serves”; changed
“use” to singular “uses”; changed “a
system’s” to singular “a supplier’s”;
changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”
Table 2:
Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section Source
611.101 “approved
source of bottled
water” Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
Added a Board note explaining the codification of the
third sentence of the corresponding federal definition
of 40 C.F.R. 141.2 at 611.160(a)(2)
611.101 “GWS”
Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “inactivation
ratio” Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “inorganic
contaminants” Board
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “mixed
system” Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “radioactive
contaminants” Board
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “reliably and
consistently” Board
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “special
irrigation district”
Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.101 “SWS”
Board note
Changed “drawn from” to “derived from”; updated
the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of Federal
611.101 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
611.160(a)(2) Board
Added an explanation of the source of this subsection
611.160 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
611.220 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
Added language formerly codified at Section
Delete the first sentence; moved the language of the
second sentence to Section 611.250(a)(3)
611.250 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
611.740 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
611.883 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
Changed “the primacy agency” to “the Agency”
611.902 Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
611.Appendix G
Board note
Updated the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of
Federal Regulations
, including a citation to later
amendments that appeared in the
Federal Register
611.Appendix H
Board note
Deleted the redundant duplicate Board note; updated
the citation to the 2001 edition of the
Code of Federal
, including a citation to later amendments
that appeared in the
Federal Register
The complete text of the proposed amendments follows:
PART 611
611.100 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
611.101 Definitions
611.102 Incorporations by Reference
611.103 Severability
611.107 Agency Inspection of PWS Facilities
611.108 Delegation to
Local Government
611.109 Enforcement
611.110 Special Exception Permits
611.111 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(a) Variances
611.112 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1416 Exemptions
611.113 Alternative Treatment Techniques
611.114 Siting requirements
611.115 Source Water Quantity
611.120 Effective dates
611.121 Maximum Contaminant Levels and Finished Water Quality
611.125 Fluoridation Requirement
611.126 Prohibition on Use of Lead
611.130 Special Requirements for Certain Variances and Adjusted Standards
611.131 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(e) Small System Variance
611.160 Composite Correction Program
611.201 Requiring a Demonstration
611.202 Procedures for Agency Determinations
611.211 Filtration Required
611.212 Groundwater under Direct Influence of Surface Water
611.213 No Method of HPC Analysis
611.220 General Requirements
611.230 Filtration Effective Dates
611.231 Source Water Quality Conditions
611.232 Site-specific Conditions
611.233 Treatment Technique Violations
611.240 Disinfection
611.241 Unfiltered PWSs
611.242 Filtered PWSs
611.250 Filtration
611.261 Unfiltered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
611.262 Filtered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
611.271 Protection during Repair Work
611.272 Disinfection following Repair
611.276 Recycle Provisions
611.280 Point-of-Entry Devices
611.290 Use of Point-of-Use Devices or Bottled Water
611.295 General Requirements
611.296 Acrylamide and Epichlorohydrin
611.297 Corrosion Control
611.300 Old MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
611.301 Revised MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
611.310 Old Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Organic Chemicals
611.311 Revised MCLs for Organic Contaminants
611.312 Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
611.313 Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDLs)
611.320 Turbidity
611.325 Microbiological Contaminants
611.330 Maximum Contaminant Levels for Radionuclides
611.331 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity
611.350 General Requirements
611.351 Applicability of Corrosion Control
611.352 Corrosion Control Treatment
611.353 Source Water Treatment
611.354 Lead Service Line Replacement
611.355 Public Education and Supplemental Monitoring
611.356 Tap Water Monitoring for Lead and Copper
611.357 Monitoring for Water Quality Parameters
611.358 Monitoring for Lead and Copper in Source Water
611.359 Analytical Methods
611.360 Reporting
611.361 Recordkeeping
611.380 General Requirements
611.381 Analytical Requirements
611.382 Monitoring Requirements
611.383 Compliance Requirements
611.384 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
611.385 Treatment Technique for Control of Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Precursors
611.480 Alternative Analytical Techniques
611.490 Certified Laboratories
611.491 Laboratory Testing Equipment
611.500 Consecutive PWSs
611.510 Special Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants
611.521 Routine Coliform Monitoring
611.522 Repeat Coliform Monitoring
611.523 Invalidation of Total Coliform Samples
611.524 Sanitary Surveys
611.525 Fecal Coliform and E. Coli Testing
611.526 Analytical Methodology
611.527 Response to Violation
611.531 Analytical Requirements
611.532 Unfiltered PWSs
611.533 Filtered PWSs
611.560 Turbidity
611.591 Violation of State MCL
611.592 Frequency of State Monitoring
611.600 Applicability
611.601 Monitoring Frequency
611.602 Asbestos Monitoring Frequency
611.603 Inorganic Monitoring Frequency
611.604 Nitrate Monitoring
611.605 Nitrite Monitoring
611.606 Confirmation Samples
611.607 More Frequent Monitoring and Confirmation Sampling
611.608 Additional Optional Monitoring
611.609 Determining Compliance
611.610 Inorganic Monitoring Times
611.611 Inorganic Analysis
611.612 Monitoring Requirements
for Old Inorganic MCLs
611.630 Special Monitoring for Sodium
611.631 Special Monitoring for Inorganic Chemicals
611.640 Definitions
611.641 Old MCLs
611.645 Analytical Methods for Organic Chemical Contaminants
611.646 Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V Volatile Organic Contaminants
611.647 Sampling for Phase I Volatile Organic Contaminants (Repealed)
611.648 Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V Synthetic Organic Contaminants
611.650 Monitoring for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
611.657 Analytical Methods for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
611.658 Special Monitoring for Organic Chemicals
611.680 Sampling, Analytical and other Requirements
611.683 Reduced Monitoring Frequency
611.684 Averaging
611.685 Analytical Methods
611.686 Modification to System
611.687 Sampling for THM Potential
611.688 Applicability Dates
611.720 Analytical Methods
611.731 Gross Alpha
611.732 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity
611.733 General Monitoring and Compliance Requirements
611.740 General Requirements
611.741 Standards for Avoiding Filtration
611.742 Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking
611.743 Filtration
611.744 Filtration Sampling Requirements
611.745 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
611.830 Applicability
611.831 Monthly Operating Report
611.832 Notice by Agency (Repealed)
611.833 Cross Connection Reporting
611.840 Reporting
611.851 Reporting MCL, MRDL, and other Violations (Repealed)
611.852 Reporting other Violations (Repealed)
611.853 Notice to New Billing Units (Repealed)
611.854 General Content of Public Notice (Repealed)
611.855 Mandatory Health Effects Language (Repealed)
611.856 Fluoride Notice (Repealed)
611.858 Fluoride Secondary Standard (Repealed)
611.860 Record Maintenance
611.870 List of 36 Contaminants
611.881 Purpose and Applicability of this Subpart
611.882 Compliance Dates
611.883 Content of the Reports
611.884 Required Additional
Health Information
611.885 Report Delivery and Recordkeeping
611.901 General Public Notification Requirements
611.902 Tier 1 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
611.903 Tier 2 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
611.904 Tier 3 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
611.905 Content of the Public Notice
611.906 Notice to New Billing Units or New Customers
611.907 Special Notice of the Availability of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
611.908 Special Notice for Exceedence of the Fluoride Secondary Standard
611.909 Special Notice for Nitrate Exceedences above the MCL by a Non-Community
Water System
611.910 Notice by the Agency on Behalf of a PWS
611.950 General
611.951 Finished Water Reservoirs
611.952 Additional Watershed Control Requirements for Unfiltered Systems
611.953 Disinfection Profile
611.954 Disinfection Benchmark
611.955 Combined Filter Effluent Turbidity Limits
611.956 Individual Filter Turbidity Requirements
611.957 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
611.Appendix A Regulated Contaminants
611.Appendix B Percent Inactivation of G. Lamblia Cysts
611.Appendix C Common Names of Organic Chemicals
611.Appendix D Defined Substrate Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Total
Coliforms and Eschericia Coli from Drinking Water
611.Appendix E Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Community Water
611.Appendix F Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Non-Transient Non-
Community Water Systems
611.Appendix G NPDWR Violations and Situations Requiring Public Notice
611.Appendix H Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
611.Appendix I Acronyms Used in Public Notification Regulation
611.Table A Total Coliform Monitoring Frequency
611.Table B Fecal or Total Coliform Density Measurements
611.Table C Frequency of RDC Measurement
611.Table D Number of Lead and Copper Monitoring Sites
611.Table E Lead and Copper Monitoring Start Dates
611.Table F Number of Water Quality Parameter Sampling Sites
611.Table G Summary of Section 611.357 Monitoring Requirements for Water Quality
611.Table Z Federal Effective Dates
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2, 17, and 17.5 and authorized by Section 27 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 17, 17.5, and 27].
SOURCE: Adopted in R88-26 at 14 Ill. Reg. 16517, effective September 20, 1990; amended in
R90-21 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20448, effective December 11, 1990; amended in R90-13 at 15 Ill. Reg.
1562, effective January 22, 1991; amended in R91-3 at 16 Ill. Reg. 19010, effective December 1,
1992; amended in R92-3 at 17 Ill. Reg. 7796, effective May 18, 1993; amended in R93-1 at 17
Ill. Reg. 12650, effective July 23, 1993; amended in R94-4 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12291, effective July
28, 1994; amended in R94-23 at 19 Ill. Reg. 8613, effective June 20, 1995; amended in R95-17 at
20 Ill. Reg. 14493, effective October 22, 1996; amended in R98-2 at 22 Ill. Reg. 5020, effective
March 5, 1998; amended in R99-6 at 23 Ill. Reg. 2756, effective February 17, 1999; amended in
R99-12 at 23 Ill. Reg. 10348, effective August 11, 1999; amended in R00-8 at 23 Ill. Reg.
14715, effective December 8, 1999; amended in R00-10 at 24 Ill. Reg. 14226 effective
September 11, 2000; amended in R01-7 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1329, effective January 11, 2001; amended
in R01-20 at 25 Ill. Reg. 13611, effective October 9, 2001; amended in R02-5 at 26 Ill. Reg.
________, effective ______________________.
Section 611.101 Definitions
As used in this Part, the term:
“Act” means the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5].
“Agency” means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
BOARD NOTE: The Department of Public Health regulates non-community water
supplies (“non-CWSs,” including non-transient, non-community water supplies
(“NTNCWSs”) and transient non-community water supplies (“transient non-
CWSs”)). For the purposes of regulation of supplies by Public Health by reference
to this Part, “Agency” will mean the Department of Public Health.
“Ai” means “inactivation ratio.”
“Approved source of bottled water,” for the purposes of Section 611.130(e)(4),
means a source of water and the water therefrom, whether it be from a spring,
artesian well, drilled well, municipal water supply, or any other source, that has
been inspected and the water sampled, analyzed, and found to be a safe and
sanitary quality according to applicable laws and regulations of State and local
government agencies having jurisdiction, as evidenced by the presence in the plant
of current certificates or notations of approval from each government agency or
agencies having jurisdiction over the source, the water it bottles, and the
distribution of the water in commerce.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 142.62(g)(2) and 21 CFR 129.3(a) (2000)
(2001). The Board cannot compile an exhaustive listing of all federal, state, and
local laws to which bottled water and bottling water may be subjected. However,
the statutes and regulations of which the Board is aware are the following: the
Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act [410 ILCS 620], the Bottled Water Act [815
ILCS 310], the DPH Water Well Construction Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 920), the
DPH Water Well Pump Installation Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 925), the federal
bottled water quality standards (21 CFR 103.35), the federal drinking water
processing and bottling standards (21 CFR 129), the federal Current Good
Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food (21
CFR 110), the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 USC 1451 et seq.),
and the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling regulations (21 CFR 201).
“Best available technology” or “BAT” means the best technology, treatment
techniques or other means that USEPA has found are available for the contaminant
in question. BAT is specified in Subpart F of this Part.
“Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
“CAS No.” means “Chemical Abstracts Services Number.”
“CT” or “CTcalc” is the product of “residual disinfectant concentration” (RDC or
C) in mg/L determined before or at the first customer, and the corresponding
“disinfectant contact time” (T) in minutes. If a supplier applies disinfectants at
more than one point prior to the first customer, it must determine the CT of each
disinfectant sequence before or at the first customer to determine the total percent
inactivation or “total inactivation ratio.” In determining the total inactivation ratio,
the supplier must determine the RDC of each disinfection sequence and
corresponding contact time before any subsequent disinfection application points.
(See “CT99.9.”)
“CT99.9” is the CT value required for 99.9 percent (3-log) inactivation of Giardia
lamblia cysts. CT99.9 for a variety of disinfectants and conditions appear in Tables
1.1-1.6, 2.1 and 3.1 of Section 611.Appendix B. (See “Inactivation Ratio.”)
BOARD NOTE: Derived from the definition of “CT” in 40 CFR 141.2 (2000).
“Coagulation” means a process using coagulant chemicals and mixing by which
colloidal and suspended materials are destabilized and agglomerated into flocs.
“Community water system” or “CWS” means a public water system (PWS) that
serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly
serves at least 25 year-round residents.
BOARD NOTE: This definition differs slightly from that of Section 3.05 of the
“Compliance cycle” means the nine-year calendar year cycle during which public
water systems (PWSs) must monitor. Each compliance cycle consists of three
three-year compliance periods. The first calendar cycle begins January 1, 1993,
and ends December 31, 2001; the second begins January 1, 2002, and ends
December 31, 2010; the third begins January 1, 2011, and ends December 31,
“Compliance period” means a three-year calendar year period within a compliance
cycle. Each compliance cycle has three three-year compliance periods. Within the
first compliance cycle, the first compliance period runs from January 1, 1993, to
December 31, 1995; the second from January 1, 1996, to December 31, 1998; the
third from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2001.
“Comprehensive performance evaluation” or “CPE” is a thorough review and
analysis of a treatment plant’s performance-based capabilities and associated
administrative, operation, and maintenance practices. It is conducted to identify
factors that may be adversely impacting a plant’s capability to achieve
compliance and emphasizes approaches that can be implemented without
significant capital improvements.
BOARD NOTE: The final sentence of the definition of “comprehensive
performance evaluation” in 40 CFR 141.2 is codified as Section 611.160(a)(2),
since it contains substantive elements that are more appropriate in a substantive
“Confluent growth” means a continuous bacterial growth covering the entire
filtration area of a membrane filter or a portion thereof, in which bacterial colonies
are not discrete.
“Contaminant” means any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance
or matter in water.
“Conventional filtration treatment” means a series of processes including
coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration resulting in substantial
particulate removal.
“Diatomaceous earth filtration” means a process resulting in substantial particulate
removal in which:
A precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support
membrane (septum); and
While the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum,
additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed
water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
“Direct filtration” means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration
but excluding sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal.
“Disinfectant” means any oxidant, including but not limited to chlorine, chlorine
dioxide, chloramines, and ozone added to water in any part of the treatment or
distribution process, that is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic
“Disinfectant contact time” or “T” means the time in minutes that it takes for water
to move from the point of disinfectant application or the previous point of RDC
measurement to a point before or at the point where RDC is measured.
Where only one RDC is measured, T is the time in minutes that it takes for
water to move from the point of disinfectant application to a point before or
at the point where RDC is measured.
Where more than one RDC is measured, T is:
For the first measurement of RDC, the time in minutes that it takes
for water to move from the first or only point of disinfectant
application to a point before or at the point where the first RDC is
measured, and
For subsequent measurements of RDC, the time in minutes that it
takes for water to move from the previous RDC measurement point
to the RDC measurement point for which the particular T is being
T in pipelines must be calculated based on “plug flow” by dividing the
internal volume of the pipe by the maximum hourly flow rate through that
T within mixing basins and storage reservoirs must be determined by tracer
studies or an equivalent demonstration.
“Disinfection” means a process that inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by
chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.
“Disinfection byproduct” or “DBP” means a chemical byproduct that forms
when disinfectants used for microbial control react with naturally occurring
compounds already present in source water. DBPs include, but are not limited
to, bromodichloromethane, bromoform, chloroform, dichloroacetic acid,
bromate, chlorite, dibromochloromethane, and certain haloacetic acids.
“Disinfection profile” is a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation
through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile
is contained in Section 611.742.
“Distribution system” includes all points downstream of an “entry point” to the
point of consumer ownership.
“Domestic or other non-distribution system plumbing problem” means a coliform
contamination problem in a PWS with more than one service connection that is
limited to the specific service connection from which the coliform-positive sample
was taken.
“Dose equivalent” means the product of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation
and such factors as account for differences in biological effectiveness due to the
type of radiation and its distribution in the body as specified by the International
Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU).
“Enhanced coagulation” means the addition of sufficient coagulant for improved
removal of disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors by conventional filtration
“Enhanced softening” means the improved removal of disinfection byproduct
(DBP) precursors by precipitative softening.
“Entry point” means a point just downstream of the final treatment operation, but
upstream of the first user and upstream of any mixing with other water. If raw
water is used without treatment, the “entry point” is the raw water source. If a
PWS receives treated water from another PWS, the “entry point” is a point just
downstream of the other PWS, but upstream of the first user on the receiving PWS,
and upstream of any mixing with other water.
“Filter profile” is a graphical representation of individual filter performance,
based on continuous turbidity measurements or total particle counts versus time
for an entire filter run, from startup to backwash inclusively, that includes an
assessment of filter performance while another filter is being backwashed.
“Filtration” means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage
through porous media.
“Flocculation” means a process to enhance agglomeration or collection of smaller
floc particles into larger, more easily settleable particles through gentle stirring by
hydraulic or mechanical means.
“GAC10” means granular activated carbon (GAC) filter beds with an empty-bed
contact time of 10 minutes based on average daily flow and a carbon reactivation
frequency of every 180 days.
“GC” means “gas chromatography” or “gas-liquid phase chromatography.”
“GC/MS” means gas chromatography (GC) followed by mass spectrometry (MS).
“Gross alpha particle activity” means the total radioactivity due to alpha particle
emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
“Gross beta particle activity” means the total radioactivity due to beta particle
emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
“Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water” means any water
beneath the surface of the ground with significant occurrence of insects or other
macroorganisms, algae, or large-diameter pathogens, such as Giardia lamblia or
(for Subpart B systems serving at least 10,000 persons only) Cryptosporidium,
or significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics, such as
turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH, that closely correlate to
climatological or surface water conditions. “Groundwater under the direct
influence of surface water” is as determined in Section 611.212.
“GWS” means “groundwater system,” a public water supply (PWS) that uses only
groundwater sources.
BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) & 141.24(f)(2) note (2000)
“Haloacetic acids (five)” or “HAA5” means the sum of the concentrations in
milligrams per liter (mg/L) of five haloacetic acid compounds (monochloroacetic
acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and
dibromoacetic acid), rounded to two significant figures after addition.
“Halogen” means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.
“HPC” means “heterotrophic plate count,” measured as specified in Section
“Inactivation ratio” (Ai) means:
Ai = CTcalc/CT99.9
The sum of the inactivation ratios, or “total inactivation ratio” (B) is
calculated by adding together the inactivation ratio for each disinfection
B =
A total inactivation ratio equal to or greater than 1.0 is assumed to provide
a 3-log inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from the definition of “CT” in 40 CFR 141.2 (2000)
“Initial compliance period” means the three-year compliance period that begins
January 1, 1993, except for the MCLs for dichloromethane, 1,2,4-trichloro-
benzene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, benzo(a)pyrene, dalapon, di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate,
di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, hexa-
chlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, oxamyl, picloram, simazine, 2,3,7,8-
TCDD, antimony, beryllium, cyanide, nickel, and thallium as they apply to
suppliers whose supplies have fewer than 150 service connections, for which it
means the three-year compliance period that begins on January 1, 1996.
“Inorganic contaminants” or “IOCs” refers to that group of contaminants
designated as such in United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
regulatory discussions and guidance documents. IOCs include antimony,
asbestos, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, mercury, nickel,
nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and thallium.
BOARD NOTE: The IOCs are derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4) (2000)
“L” means “liter.”
“Legionella” means a genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type
of pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease.
“Man-made beta particle and photon emitters” means all radionuclides emitting
beta particles or photons listed in “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and
Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for
Occupational Exposure,” NCRP Report Number 22, incorporated by reference in
Section 611.102, except the daughter products of thorium-232, uranium-235 and
“Maximum contaminant level” or “MCL” means the maximum permissible level
of a contaminant in water that is delivered to any user of a public water system.
(See Section 611.121.)
“Maximum contaminant level goal” or “MCLG” means the maximum level of a
contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect
on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of
safety. MCLGs are nonenforceable health goals.
BOARD NOTE: The Board has not routinely adopted the regulations relating to
the federal MCLGs because they are outside the scope of the Board’s identical-
in-substance mandate under Section 17.5 of the Act.
“Maximum residual disinfectant level” or “MRDL” means the maximum
permissible level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be
exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse
health effects. MRDLs are enforceable in the same manner as are MCLs. (See
Section 611.313 and Section 611.383.)
“Maximum residual disinfectant level goal” or “MRDLG” means the maximum
level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or
anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which
allows an adequate margin of safety. MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals
and do not reflect the benefit of the addition of the chemical for control of
waterborne microbial contaminants.
“Maximum total trihalomethane potential” or “MTP” means the maximum
concentration of total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) produced in a given water
containing a disinfectant residual after 7 days at a temperature of 25
C or above.
“MFL” means millions of fibers per liter larger than 10 micrometers.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4)(i) (2000).
“mg” means milligrams (1/1000 of a gram).
“mg/L” means milligrams per liter.
“Mixed system” means a PWS that uses both groundwater and surface water
BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) and 141.24(f)(2) note (2000)
“MUG” means 4-methyl-umbelliferyl-beta-d-glucuronide.
“Near the first service connection” means at one of the 20 percent of all service
connections in the entire system that are nearest the public water system (PWS)
treatment facility, as measured by water transport time within the distribution
“nm” means nanometer (1/1,000,000,000 of a meter).
“Non-community water system” or “NCWS” or “non-CWS” means a public water
system (PWS) that is not a community water system (CWS). A non-community
water system is either a “transient non-community water system (TWS)” or a
“non-transient non-community water system (NTNCWS).”
“Non-transient non-community water system” or “NTNCWS” means a public
water system (PWS) that is not a community water system (CWS) and that
regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.
“NPDWR” means “national primary drinking water regulation.”
“NTU” means “nephelometric turbidity units.”
“Old MCL” means one of the inorganic maximum contaminant levels (MCLs),
codified at Section 611.300, or organic MCLs, codified at Section 611.310,
including any marked as “additional State requirements.”
BOARD NOTE: Old MCLs are those derived prior to the implementation of the
USEPA “Phase II” regulations. The Section 611.640 definition of this term, which
applies only to Subpart O of this Part, differs from this definition in that the
definition does not include the Section 611.300 inorganic MCLs.
“P-A Coliform Test” means “Presence-Absence Coliform Test.”
“Paired sample” means two samples of water for Total Organic Carbon (TOC).
One sample is of raw water taken prior to any treatment. The other sample is
taken after the point of combined filter effluent and is representative of the treated
water. These samples are taken at the same time. (See Section 611.382.)
“Performance evaluation sample” or “PE sample” means a reference sample
provided to a laboratory for the purpose of demonstrating that the laboratory can
successfully analyze the sample within limits of performance specified by the
Agency; or, for bacteriological laboratories, Public Health; or, for radiological
laboratories, the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety. The true value of the
concentration of the reference material is unknown to the laboratory at the time of
the analysis.
“Person” means an individual, corporation, company, association, partnership,
state, unit of local government, or federal agency.
“Phase I” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
regulations promulgated by USEPA on July 8, 1987, at 52 Fed. Reg. 25712.
“Phase II” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
regulations promulgated by USEPA on January 30, 1991, at 56 Fed. Reg. 3578.
“Phase IIB” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
regulations promulgated by USEPA on July 1, 1991, at 56 Fed. Reg. 30266.
“Phase V” refers to that group of chemical contaminants promulgated by USEPA
on July 17, 1992, at 57 Fed. Reg. 31776.
“Picocurie” or “pCi” means the quantity of radioactive material producing 2.22
nuclear transformations per minute.
“Point of disinfectant application” is the point at which the disinfectant is applied
and downstream of which water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
“Point-of-entry treatment device” or “POE” is a treatment device applied to the
drinking water entering a house or building for the purpose of reducing
contaminants in the drinking water distributed throughout the house or building.
“Point-of-use treatment device” or “POU” is a treatment device applied to a single
tap used for the purpose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap.
“Public Health” means the Illinois Department of Public Health.
BOARD NOTE: The Department of Public Health (“Public Health”) regulates
non-community water supplies (“non-CWSs,” including non-transient, non-
community water supplies (“NTNCWSs”) and transient non-community water
supplies (“transient non-CWSs”)). For the purposes of regulation of supplies by
Public Health by reference to this Part, “Agency” must mean Public Health.
“Public water system” or “PWS” means a system for the provision to the public of
water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if
such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at
least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. A PWS is either a
community water system (CWS) or a non-community water system (non-CWS).
Such term includes:
Any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control
of the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such
system; and
Any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control that
are used primarily in connection with such system.
BOARD NOTE: Where used in Subpart F, “public water supply” means the same
as “public water system.”
“Radioactive contaminants” refers to that group of contaminants designated
“radioactive contaminants” in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance
documents. “Radioactive contaminants” include tritium, strontium-89,
strontium-90, iodine-131, cesium-134, gross beta emitters, and other nuclides.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.25(c) Table B (2000) (2001).
These radioactive contaminants must be reported in Consumer Confidence
Reports under Subpart U when they are detected above the levels indicated in
Section 611.720(c)(3).
“Reliably and consistently” below a specified level for a contaminant means an
Agency determination based on analytical results following the initial detection of a
contaminant to determine the qualitative condition of water from an individual
sampling point or source. The Agency must base this determination on the
consistency of analytical results, the degree below the MCL, the susceptibility of
source water to variation, and other vulnerability factors pertinent to the
contaminant detected that may influence the quality of water.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(9), 141.24(f)(11)(ii), and
141.24(f)(11)(iii) (2000) (2001).
“Rem” means the unit of dose equivalent from ionizing radiation to the total body
or any internal organ or organ system. A “millirem (mrem)” is 1/1000 of a rem.
“Repeat compliance period” means a compliance period that begins after the initial
compliance period.
“Representative” means that a sample must reflect the quality of water that is
delivered to consumers under conditions when all sources required to supply water
under normal conditions are in use and all treatment is properly operating.
“Residual disinfectant concentration” (“RDC” or “C” in CT calculations) means
the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of
water. For purposes of the requirement of Section 611.241(d) of maintaining a
detectable RDC in the distribution system, “RDC” means a residual of free or
combined chlorine.
“Safe Drinking Water Act” or “SDWA” means the Public Health Service Act, as
amended by the Safe Drinking Water Act, Pub. L. 93-523, 42 USC 300f et seq.
“Sanitary survey” means an onsite review of the water source, facilities,
equipment, operation and maintenance of a public water system (PWS) for the
purpose of evaluating the adequacy of such source, facilities, equipment, operation
and maintenance for producing and distributing safe drinking water.
“Sedimentation” means a process for removal of solids before filtration by gravity
or separation.
“SEP” means special exception permit (Section 611.110).
“Service connection,” as used in the definition of public water system, does not
include a connection to a system that delivers water by a constructed conveyance
other than a pipe if any of the following is true:
The water is used exclusively for purposes other than residential use
(consisting of drinking, bathing, and cooking, or other similar uses);
The Agency determines by issuing an SEP that alternative water for
residential use or similar uses for drinking and cooking is provided to
achieve the equivalent level of public health protection provided by the
applicable national primary drinking water regulations; or
The Agency determines by issuing an SEP that the water provided for
residential use or similar uses for drinking, cooking, and bathing is
centrally treated or treated at the point of entry by the provider, a
pass-through entity, or the user to achieve the equivalent level of
protection provided by the applicable national primary drinking water
BOARD NOTE: See sections 1401(4)(B)(i)(II) and (4)(B)(i)(III) of SDWA (42
USC 300f(4)(B)(i)(II) & (4)(B)(i)(III) (1996)).
“Slow sand filtration” means a process involving passage of raw water through a
bed of sand at low velocity (generally less than 0.4 meters per hour (m/h)) resulting
in substantial particulate removal by physical and biological mechanisms.
“SOC” or “Synthetic organic chemical contaminant” refers to that group of
contaminants designated as “SOCs,” or “synthetic organic chemicals” or “synthetic
organic contaminants,” in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance documents.
“SOCs” include alachlor, aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, aldicarb sulfoxide, atrazine,
benzo[a]pyrene, carbofuran, chlordane, dalapon, dibromoethylene (ethylene
dibromide or EDB), dibromochloropropane (DBCP), di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, di(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate, dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, heptachlor,
heptachlor epoxide, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, lindane,
methoxychlor, oxamyl, pentachlorophenol, picloram, simazine, toxaphene, poly-
chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 2,4-D, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and 2,4,5-TP.
“Source” means a well, reservoir, or other source of raw water.
“Special irrigation district” means an irrigation district in existence prior to May
18, 1994 that provides primarily agricultural service through a piped water
system with only incidental residential use or similar use, where the system or
the residential users or similar users of the system comply with either of the
following exclusion conditions:
The Agency determines by issuing an SEP that alternative water is
provided for residential use or similar uses for drinking or cooking to
achieve the equivalent level of public health protection provided by the
applicable national primary drinking water regulations; or
The Agency determines by issuing an SEP that the water provided for
residential use or similar uses for drinking, cooking, and bathing is
centrally treated or treated at the point of entry by the provider, a pass-
through entity, or the user to achieve the equivalent level of protection
provided by the applicable national primary drinking water regulations.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (2000) (2001) and sections
1401(4)(B)(i)(II) and (4)(B)(i)(III) of SDWA (42 USC 300f(4)(B)(i)(II) &
(4)(B)(i)(III) (1996)).
“Standard sample” means the aliquot of finished drinking water that is examined
for the presence of coliform bacteria.
“Subpart B system” means a public water system that uses surface water or
groundwater under the direct influence of surface water as a source and which is
subject to the requirements of Subpart B and the analytical and monitoring
requirements of Sections 611.531, 611.532, 611.533, 611.Appendix B, and
611.Appendix C of this Part.
“Supplier of water” or “supplier” means any person who owns or operates a public
water system (PWS). This term includes the “official custodian.”
“Surface water” means all water that is open to the atmosphere and subject to
surface runoff.
“SUVA” means specific ultraviolet absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), which is
an indicator of the humic content of water. It is a calculated parameter obtained
by dividing a sample’s ultraviolet absorption at a wavelength of 254 nm (UV 254)
(in m
-1 ) by its concentration of dissolved organic carbon (in mg/L).
“SWS” means “surface water system,” a public water supply (PWS) that uses only
surface water sources, including “groundwater under the direct influence of surface
BOARD NOTE: Drawn Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) and 141.24(f)(2) note
(2000) (2001).
“System with a single service connection” means a system that supplies drinking
water to consumers via a single service line.
“Too numerous to count” means that the total number of bacterial colonies exceeds
200 on a 47-mm diameter membrane filter used for coliform detection.
“Total organic carbon” or “TOC” means total organic carbon (in mg/L) measured
using heat, oxygen, ultraviolet irradiation, chemical oxidants, or combinations of
these oxidants that convert organic carbon to carbon dioxide, rounded to two
significant figures.
“Total trihalomethanes” or “TTHM” means the sum of the concentration of
trihalomethanes (THMs), in milligrams per liter (mg/L), rounded to two significant
BOARD NOTE: See the definition of “trihalomethanes” for a listing of the four
compounds that USEPA considers TTHMs to comprise.
“Transient, non-community water system” or “transient non-CWS” means a non-
CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months
of the year.
BOARD NOTE: The federal regulations apply to all “public water systems,”
which are defined as all systems having at least 15 service connections or regularly
serving water to at least 25 persons. (See 42 USC 300f(4).) The Act mandates
that the Board and the Agency regulate “public water supplies,” which it defines as
having at least 15 service connections or regularly serving 25 persons daily at least
60 days per year. (See Section 3.28 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/3.28].) The
Department of Public Health regulates transient, non-community water systems.
“Treatment” means any process that changes the physical, chemical,
microbiological, or radiological properties of water, is under the control of the
supplier, and is not a point of use treatment device or a point of entry treatment
device as defined in this Section. Treatment includes, but is not limited to,
aeration, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, activated carbon treatment,
disinfection, and fluoridation.
“Trihalomethane” or “THM” means one of the family of organic compounds,
named as derivatives of methane, in which three of the four hydrogen atoms in
methane are each substituted by a halogen atom in the molecular structure. The
THMs are the following compounds:
Trichloromethane (chloroform),
Bromodichloromethane, and
Tribromomethane (bromoform)
“μg” means micrograms (1/1,000,000 of a gram).
“USEPA” or “U.S. EPA” means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
“Uncovered finished water storage facility” is a tank, reservoir, or other facility
that is open to the atmosphere and which is used to store water that will undergo
no further treatment except residual disinfection.
“Virus” means a virus of fecal origin that is infectious to humans by waterborne
“VOC” or “volatile organic chemical contaminant” refers to that group of
contaminants designated as “VOCs,” “volatile organic chemicals,” or “volatile
organic contaminants,” in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance documents.
“VOCs” include benzene, dichloromethane, tetrachloromethane (carbon tetra-
chloride), trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl
chloroform), 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,2-dichloroethane, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene,
ethylbenzene, monochlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene, styrene, 1,2,4-trichloro-
benzene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, trans-1,2-dichloro-
ethylene, xylene, and 1,2-dichloropropane.
“Waterborne disease outbreak” means the significant occurrence of acute infectious
illness, epidemiologically associated with the ingestion of water from a public water
system (PWS) that is deficient in treatment, as determined by the appropriate local
or State agency.
“Wellhead protection program” means the wellhead protection program for the
State of Illinois, approved by USEPA under Section 1428 of the SDWA.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.71(b) (2000) (2001). The wellhead
protection program includes the “groundwater protection needs assessment” under
Section 17.1 of the Act, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 615 et seq.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January
22, 2001) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.160 Composite Correction Program
a) The Agency may require in writing that a PWS conduct a Composite Correction
Program (CCP). The CCP shall consist of two elements: a Comprehensive
Performance Evaluation (CPE) and a Comprehensive Technical Assistance
1) A CPE is a thorough review and analysis of a plant’s performance-based
capabilities and associated administrative, operation, and maintenance
practices. It must identify factors that may be adversely impacting a
plant’s capability to achieve compliance and emphasize approaches that
can be implemented without significant capital improvements.
2) For purposes of compliance with Subpart Subparts R and X of this Part,
the comprehensive performance evaluation must consist of at least the
following components: Assessment of plant performance; evaluation of
major unit processes; identification and prioritization of performance
limiting factors; assessment of the applicability of comprehensive
technical assistance; and preparation of the CPE report.
BOARD NOTE: Subsection (a)(2) of this Section is derived from the
third sentence of the definition of “comprehensive performance
evaluation” in 40 CFR 141.2 (2001), as amended in 67 Fed. Reg. 1812
(Jan. 14, 2002).
3) A CTA is the performance improvement phase that is implemented if the
CPE results indicate improved performance potential. During the CTA
phase, the PWS shall identify and systematically address plant-specific
factors. The CTA is a combination of utilizing CPE results as a basis for
followup, implementing process control priority-setting techniques and
maintaining long-term involvement to systematically train staff and
b) A PWS shall implement any followup recommendations made in writing by the
Agency that result as part of the CCP.
c) A PWS may appeal to the Board, pursuant to Section 40 of the Act, any Agency
requirement that it conduct a CCP or any followup recommendations made in
writing by the Agency that result as part of the CCP, except when a CPE is
required under Section 611.745(b)(4).
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 142.16 (1998) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg.
1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.220 General Requirements
a) The requirements of this Subpart constitute NPDWRs. This Subpart establishes
criteria under which filtration is required as a treatment technique for PWSs
supplied by a surface water source and PWSs supplied by a groundwater source
under the direct influence of surface water. In addition, these regulations
establish treatment technique requirements in lieu of MCLs for the following
contaminants: Giardia lamblia, viruses, HPC bacteria, Legionella, and
turbidity. Each supplier with a surface water source or a groundwater source
under the direct influence of surface water shall provide treatment of that source
water that complies with these treatment technique requirements. The treatment
technique requirements consist of installing and properly operating water
treatment processes which reliably achieve:
1) At least 99.9 percent (3-log) removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia
cysts between a point where the raw water is not subject to
recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before
or at the first customer; and
2) At least 99.99 percent (4-log) removal or inactivation of viruses between
a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface
water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.
b) A supplier using a surface water source or a groundwater source under the
direct influence of surface water is considered to be in compliance with the
requirements of subsection (a) if:
1) It meets the requirements for avoiding filtration in Sections 611.230
through 611.232 and the disinfection requirements in Section 611.241;
2) It meets the filtration requirements in Section 611.250 and the
disinfection requirements in Section 611.242.
c) Each supplier using a surface water source or a groundwater source under the
direct influence of surface water shall have a certified operator pursuant to 35
Ill. Adm. Code 603.103 and the Public Water Supply Operations Act [415 ILCS
d) Additional requirements for PWSs serving 10,000 or more persons. In addition
to complying with requirements in this Subpart, PWSs serving 10,000 or more
persons must also comply with the requirements in Subpart R of this Part.
e) Additional requirements for systems serving fewer than 10,000 people. In
addition to complying with requirements in this Subpart B, systems serving
fewer than 10,000 people must also comply with the requirements in Subpart
X of this Part.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.70 (1998) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg.
1812 (January 14, 2002). The Public Water Supply Operations Act applies only to CWSs,
which are regulated by the Agency. It does not apply to non-CWSs, which are regulated by
Public Health. Public Health has its own requirements for personnel operating water supplies
that it regulates, e.g., 77 Ill. Adm. Code 900.40(e).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.250 Filtration
A supplier that uses a surface water source or a groundwater source under the direct influence
of surface water, and does not meet all of the criteria in Sections 611.231 and 611.232 for
avoiding filtration, must provide treatment consisting of both disinfection, as specified in
Section 611.242, and filtration treatment that complies with the requirements of subsection (a),
(b), (c), (d), or (e) by June 29, 1993, or within 18 months after the failure to meet any one of
the criteria for avoiding filtration in Sections 611.231 and 611.232, whichever is later. Failure
to meet any requirement after the date specified in this introductory paragraph is a treatment
technique violation.
a) Conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration.
1) For a system using conventional filtration or direct filtration, the
turbidity level of representative samples of the system’s filtered water
must be less than or equal to 0.5 NTU in at least 95 percent of the
measurements taken each month, except that if the Agency determines,
by special exception permit, that the system is capable of achieving at
least 99.9 percent removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts at
some turbidity level higher than 0.5 NTU in at least 95 percent of the
measurements taken each month, the Agency must substitute this higher
turbidity limit for that system. However, in no case may the Agency
approve a turbidity limit that allows more than 1 NTU in more than 5
percent of the samples taken each month.
2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
must at no time exceed 5 NTU.
3) Beginning January 1, 2001, a supplier serving at least 10,000 or more
persons must meet the turbidity requirements of Section 611.743(a).
4) Beginning January 14, 2005, a supplier that serves fewer than 10,000
people must meet the turbidity requirements in Sections 141.1550
through 141.1553.
b) Slow sand filtration.
1) For a system using slow sand filtration, the turbidity level of
representative samples of the system’s filtered water must be less than or
equal to 1 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements taken each
month, except that if the Agency determines, by special exception
permit, that there is no significant interference with disinfection at a
higher level, the Agency must substitute the higher turbidity limit for that
2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
must at no time exceed 5 NTU.
c) Diatomaceous earth filtration.
1) For a system using diatomaceous earth filtration, the turbidity level of
representative samples of the system’s filtered water must be less than or
equal to 1 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements taken each
2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
must at no time exceed 5 NTU.
d) Other filtration technologies. A supplier may use a filtration technology not
listed in subsections (a) through (c) if it demonstrates, by special exception
permit application, to the Agency, using pilot plant studies or other means, that
the alternative filtration technology, in combination with disinfection treatment
that meets the requirements of Section 611.242, consistently achieves 99.9
percent removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and 99.99 percent
removal or inactivation of viruses. For a supplier that makes this
demonstration, the requirements of subsection (b) apply. Beginning January 1,
2002, a supplier serving 10,000 or more persons must meet the requirements for
other filtration technologies in Section 611.743(b). Beginning January 14,
2005, a supplier that serves fewer than 10,000 people must meet the
requirements for other filtration technologies in Sections 141.1550 through
Turbidity is measured as specified in Sections 611.531(d) and 611.533(a).
Beginning January 1, 2002, a supplier serving 10,000 or more persons must
meet the turbidity requirements in Section 611.743(a).
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.73 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
(January 16, 2001) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.740 General Requirements
a) The requirements of this Subpart R are National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations. These regulations establish requirements for filtration and
disinfection that are in addition to standards under which filtration and
disinfection are required under Subpart B of this Part. The requirements of this
Subpart are applicable to a Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more
persons, beginning January 1, 2002, unless otherwise specified in this Subpart.
The regulations in this Subpart establish or extend treatment technique
requirements in lieu of maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for the following
contaminants: Giardia lamblia, viruses, heterotrophic plate count bacteria,
Legionella, Cryptosporidium, and turbidity. Each Subpart B system supplier
serving 10,000 or more persons must provide treatment of its source water that
complies with these treatment technique requirements and are in addition to
those identified in Section 611.220. The treatment technique requirements
consist of installing and properly operating water treatment processes that
reliably achieve:
1) At least 99 percent (2-log) removal of Cryptosporidium between a point
where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer for filtered
systems, or Cryptosporidium control under the watershed control plan
for unfiltered systems; and
2) Compliance with the profiling and benchmark requirements under the
provisions of Section 611.742.
b) A PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart is considered to be
in compliance with the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section if:
1) It meets the requirements for avoiding filtration in Sections 611.232 and
611.741, and the disinfection requirements in Sections 611.240 and
611.742; or
2) It meets the applicable filtration requirements in either Section 611.250
or Section 611.743, and the disinfection requirements in Sections
611.240 and 611.742.
c) A supplier must not begin construction of uncovered finished water storage
facilities after February 16, 1999.
d) A Subpart B system supplier that did not conduct optional monitoring under
Section 611.742 because it served fewer than 10,000 persons when such
monitoring was required, but which serves more than 10,000 persons prior to
January 14, 2005 must comply with Sections 611.740, 611.741, 611.743,
611.744, and 611.745. Such a supplier must also obtain the approval of the
Agency to establish a disinfection benchmark. A supplier that decides to make
a significant change to its disinfection practice, as described in Section
611.742(c)(1)(A) through (c)(1)(D) must obtain the approval of the Agency
prior to making such a change.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.170 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
(January 16, 2001) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.883 Content of the Reports
a) Each CWS must provide to its customers an annual report that contains the
information specified in this Section and Section 611.884.
b) Information on the source of the water delivered.
1) Each report must identify the sources of the water delivered by the CWS
by providing information on the following:
A) The type of the water (e.g., surface water, groundwater); and
B) The commonly used name (if any) and location of the body (or
bodies) of water.
2) If a source water assessment has been completed, the report must notify
consumers of the availability of this information and the means to obtain it.
In addition, systems are encouraged to highlight in the report significant
sources of contamination in the source water area if they have readily
available information. Where a system has received a source water
assessment from the Agency, the report must include a brief summary of
the system’s susceptibility to potential sources of contamination, using
language provided by the Agency or written by the PWS.
c) Definitions.
1) Each report must include the following definitions:
A) Maximum Contaminant Level Goal or MCLG: The level of a
contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or
expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.
BOARD NOTE: Although an MCLG is not an NPDWR that the
Board must include in the Illinois SDWA regulations, the use of
this definition is mandatory where the term “MCLG” is defined.
B) Maximum Contaminant Level or MCL: The highest level of a
contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as
close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment
2) A report for a CWS operating under relief from an NPDWR issued under
Sections 611.111, 611.112, 611.130, or 611.131 must include the
following definition: “Variances, Adjusted Standards, and Site-specific
Rules: State permission not to meet an MCL or a treatment technique
under certain conditions.”
3) A report that contains data on contaminants that USEPA regulates using
any of the following terms must include the applicable definitions:
A) Treatment technique: A required process intended to reduce the
level of a contaminant in drinking water.
B) Action level: The concentration of a contaminant that, if exceeded,
triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must
C) Maximum residual disinfectant level goal or MRDLG: The level
of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or
expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of
the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.
BOARD NOTE: Although an MRDLG is not an NPDWR that
the Board must include in the Illinois SDWA regulations, the use
of this definition is mandatory where the term “MRDLG” is
D) Maximum residual disinfectant level or MRDL: The highest
level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is
convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary
for control of microbial contaminants.
d) Information on detected contaminants.
1) This subsection (d) specifies the requirements for information to be
included in each report for contaminants subject to mandatory monitoring
(except Cryptosporidium). It applies to the following:
A) Contaminants subject to an MCL, action level, MRDL, or
treatment technique (regulated contaminants);
B) Contaminants for which monitoring is required by Section 611.510
(unregulated contaminants); and
C) Disinfection byproducts or microbial contaminants for which
monitoring is required by Section 611.382 and Subpart L, except
as provided under subsection (e)(1) of this Section, and which are
detected in the finished water.
2) The data relating to these contaminants must be displayed in one table or
in several adjacent tables. Any additional monitoring results that a CWS
chooses to include in its report must be displayed separately.
3) The data must be derived from data collected to comply with monitoring
and analytical requirements during calendar year 1998 for the first report
and subsequent calendar years thereafter, except that the following
requirements also apply:
A) Where a system is allowed to monitor for regulated contaminants
less often than once a year, the tables must include the date and
results of the most recent sampling, and the report must include a
brief statement indicating that the data presented in the report is
from the most recent testing done in accordance with the
regulations. No data older than five years need be included.
B) Results of monitoring in compliance with Section 611.382 and
Subpart L need only be included for five years from the date of last
sample or until any of the detected contaminants becomes regulated
and subject to routine monitoring requirements, whichever comes
4) For detected regulated contaminants (listed in Appendix A of this Part),
the tables must contain the following:
A) The MCL for that contaminant expressed as a number equal to or
greater than 1.0 (as provided in Appendix A of this Part);
B) The Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) for that
contaminant expressed in the same units as the MCL
C) If there is no MCL for a detected contaminant, the table must
indicate that there is a treatment technique, or specify the action
level, applicable to that contaminant, and the report must include
the definitions for treatment technique or action level, as
appropriate, specified in subsection (c)(3) of this Section;
D) For contaminants subject to an MCL, except turbidity and total
coliforms, the highest contaminant level used to determine
compliance with an NPDWR, and the range of detected levels, as
i) When compliance with the MCL is determined annually or
less frequently: the highest detected level at any sampling
point and the range of detected levels expressed in the same
units as the MCL.
ii) When compliance with the MCL is determined by
calculating a running annual average of all samples taken at
a sampling point: the highest average of any of the
sampling points and the range of all sampling points
expressed in the same units as the MCL.
iii) When compliance with the MCL is determined on a system-
wide basis by calculating a running annual average of all
samples at all sampling points: the average and range of
detection expressed in the same units as the MCL;
BOARD NOTE to subsection (d)(4)(D): When rounding of results
to determine compliance with the MCL is allowed by the
regulations, rounding should be done prior to multiplying the
results by the factor listed in Appendix A; derived from 40 CFR
153 (1999) (2001).
E) For turbidity the following:
i) When it is reported pursuant to Section 611.560: the
highest average monthly value.
ii) When it is reported pursuant to the requirements of Section
611.211(b): the highest monthly value. The report must
include an explanation of the reasons for measuring
iii) When it is reported pursuant to Section 611.250, or
611.743, or 611.955(b): the highest single measurement
and the lowest monthly percentage of samples meeting the
turbidity limits specified in Section 611.250, or 611.743, or
611.955(b) for the filtration technology being used. The
report must include an explanation of the reasons for
measuring turbidity;
F) For lead and copper the following: the 90th percentile value of the
most recent round of sampling and the number of sampling sites
exceeding the action level;
G) For total coliform the following:
i) The highest monthly number of positive samples for
systems collecting fewer than 40 samples per month; or
ii) The highest monthly percentage of positive samples for
systems collecting at least 40 samples per month;
H) For fecal coliform the following: the total number of positive
samples; and
I) The likely sources of detected contaminants to the best of the
supplier’s knowledge. Specific information regarding contaminants
may be available in sanitary surveys and source water assessments,
and must be used when available to the supplier. If the supplier
lacks specific information on the likely source, the report must
include one or more of the typical sources for that contaminant
listed in Appendix G of this Part which are most applicable to the
5) If a CWS distributes water to its customers from multiple hydraulically
independent distribution systems that are fed by different raw water
sources, the table must contain a separate column for each service area and
the report must identify each separate distribution system. Alternatively, a
CWS may produce separate reports tailored to include data for each
service area.
6) The tables must clearly identify any data indicating violations of MCLs,
MRDLs, or treatment techniques, and the report must contain a clear and
readily understandable explanation of the violation including the following:
the length of the violation, the potential adverse health effects, and actions
taken by the CWS to address the violation. To describe the potential
health effects, the CWS must use the relevant language of Appendix A of
this Part.
7) For detected unregulated contaminants for which monitoring is required
(except Cryptosporidium), the tables must contain the average and range at
which the contaminant was detected. The report may include a brief
explanation of the reasons for monitoring for unregulated contaminants.
e) Information on Cryptosporidium, radon, and other contaminants:
1) If the CWS has performed any monitoring for Cryptosporidium, including
monitoring performed to satisfy the requirements of Subpart L of this Part,
that indicates that Cryptosporidium may be present in the source water or
the finished water, the report must include the following:
A) A summary of the results of the monitoring; and
B) An explanation of the significance of the results.
2) If the CWS has performed any monitoring for radon which indicates that
radon may be present in the finished water, the report must include the
A) The results of the monitoring; and
B) An explanation of the significance of the results.
3) If the CWS has performed additional monitoring that indicates the presence
of other contaminants in the finished water, the report must include the
A) The results of the monitoring; and
B) An explanation of the significance of the results noting the
existence of any health advisory or proposed regulation.
f) Compliance with an NPDWR. In addition to the requirements of subsection
(d)(6) of this Section, the report must note any violation that occurred during the
year covered by the report of a requirement listed below, and include a clear and
readily understandable explanation of the violation, any potential adverse health
effects, and the steps the CWS has taken to correct the violation.
1) Monitoring and reporting of compliance data;
2) Filtration and disinfection prescribed by Subpart B of this Part. For CWSs
that have failed to install adequate filtration or disinfection equipment or
processes, or have had a failure of such equipment or processes which
constitutes a violation, the report must include the following language as
part of the explanation of potential adverse health effects: Inadequately
treated water may contain disease-causing organisms. These organisms
include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause symptoms such as
nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches.
3) Lead and copper control requirements prescribed by Subpart G of this
Part. For systems that fail to take one or more actions prescribed by
Sections 611.350(d), 611.351, 611.352, 611.353, or 611.354, the report
must include the applicable language of Appendix A of this Part for lead,
copper, or both.
4) Treatment techniques for acrylamide and epichlorohydrin prescribed by
Section 611.296. For systems that violate the requirements of Section
611.296, the report must include the relevant language from Appendix A
of this Part.
5) Recordkeeping of compliance data.
6) Special monitoring requirements prescribed by Sections 611.510 and
611.630; and
7) Violation of the terms of a variance, adjusted standard, site-specific rule,
or administrative or judicial order.
g) Variances, adjusted standards, and site-specific rules. If a system is operating
under the terms of a variance, adjusted standard, or site-specific rule issued under
Sections 611.111, 611.112, or 611.131, the report must contain the following:
1) An explanation of the reasons for the variance, adjusted standard, or site-
specific rule;
2) The date on which the variance, adjusted standard, or site-specific rule was
3) A brief status report on the steps the CWS is taking to install treatment,
find alternative sources of water, or otherwise comply with the terms and
schedules of the variance, adjusted standard, or site-specific rule; and
4) A notice of any opportunity for public input in the review, or renewal, of
the variance, adjusted standard, or site-specific rule.
h) Additional information.
1) The report must contain a brief explanation regarding contaminants that
may reasonably be expected to be found in drinking water, including
bottled water. This explanation may include the language of subsections
(h)(1)(A) through (h)(1)(C) of this Section or CWSs may use their own
comparable language. The report also must include the language of
subsection (h)(1)(D) of this Section.
A) The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water)
include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and
wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the
ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some
cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting
from the presence of animals or from human activity.
B) Contaminants that may be present in source water include the
i) Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which
may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems,
agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife;
ii) Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can
be naturally-occurring or result from urban stormwater
runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil
and gas production, mining, or farming;
iii) Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety
of sources such as agriculture, urban stormwater runoff,
and residential uses;
iv) Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and
volatile organic chemicals, which are byproducts of
industrial processes and petroleum production, and can also
come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and
septic systems; and
v) Radioactive contaminants,
which can be naturally-occurring
or be the result of oil and gas production and mining
C) In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, USEPA
prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain
contaminants in water provided by public water systems. United
States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) regulations
establish limits for contaminants in bottled water that must provide
the same protection for public health.
D) Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be
expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants.
The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that
water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants
and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the USEPA
Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).
2) The report must include the telephone number of the owner, operator, or
designee of the CWS as a source of additional information concerning the
3) In communities with a large proportion of non-English speaking residents,
as determined by the Agency, the report must contain information in the
appropriate languages regarding the importance of the report or contain a
telephone number or address where such residents may contact the system
to obtain a translated copy of the report or assistance in the appropriate
4) The report must include information about opportunities for public
participation in decisions that may affect the quality of the water.
5) The CWS may include such additional information as it deems necessary
for public education consistent with, and not detracting from, the purpose
of the report.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.153 (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022
(May 4, 2000) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.902 Tier 1 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
a) Violations or situations that require a Tier 1 public notice. This subsection (a)
lists the violation categories and other situations requiring a Tier 1 public notice.
Appendix G of this Part identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation
or situation.
1) Violation of the MCL for total coliforms when fecal coliform or E. coli
are present in the water distribution system (as specified in Section
611.325(b)), or when the water supplier fails to test for fecal coliforms
or E. coli when any repeat sample tests positive for coliform (as
specified in Section 611.525);
2) Violation of the MCL for nitrate, nitrite, or total nitrate and nitrite, as
defined in Section 611.301, or when the water supplier fails to take a
confirmation sample within 24 hours after the supplier’s receipt of the
results from the first sample showing an exceedence of the nitrate or
nitrite MCL, as specified in Section 611.606(b);
3) Exceedence of the nitrate MCL by a non-CWS supplier, where permitted
to exceed the MCL by the Agency under Section 611.300(d), as required
under Section 611.909;
4) Violation of the MRDL for chlorine dioxide, as defined in Section
611.313(a), when one or more samples taken in the distribution system
the day following an exceedence of the MRDL at the entrance of the
distribution system exceed the MRDL, or when the water supplier does
not take the required samples in the distribution system, as specified in
Section 611.383(c)(2)(A);
5) Violation of the turbidity MCL under Section 141.13(b), where the
Agency determines after consultation that a Tier 1 notice is required or
where consultation does not take place within 24 hours after the supplier
learns of the violation;
6) Violation of the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), or Interim
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), or Long Term 1
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT1ESWTR) treatment
technique requirement resulting from a single exceedence of the
maximum allowable turbidity limit (as identified in Appendix G), where
the primacy agency Agency determines after consultation that a Tier 1
notice is required or where consultation does not take place within 24
hours after the supplier learns of the violation;
7) Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak, as defined in Section
611.101, or other waterborne emergency (such as a failure or significant
interruption in key water treatment processes, a natural disaster that
disrupts the water supply or distribution system, or a chemical spill or
unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the source water that
significantly increases the potential for drinking water contamination);
8) Other violations or situations with significant potential to have serious
adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure, as
determined by the Agency by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110.
b) When the Tier 1 public notice is to be provided. Additional steps required. A
PWS supplier must:
1) Provide a public notice as soon as practical but no later than 24 hours
after the supplier learns of the violation;
2) Initiate consultation with the Agency as soon as practical, but no later
than 24 hours after the PWS supplier learns of the violation or situation,
to determine additional public notice requirements; and
3) Comply with any additional public notification requirements (including
any repeat notices or direction on the duration of the posted notices) that
are established as a result of the consultation with the Agency. Such
requirements may include the timing, form, manner, frequency, and
content of repeat notices (if any) and other actions designed to reach all
persons served.
c) The form and manner of the public notice. A PWS supllier must provide the
notice within 24 hours in a form and manner reasonably calculated to reach all
persons served. The form and manner used by the PWS supplier are to fit the
specific situation, but must be designed to reach residential, transient, and non-
transient users of the water system. In order to reach all persons served, a
water supplier is to use, at a minimum, one or more of the following forms of
1) Appropriate broadcast media (such as radio and television);
2) Posting of the notice in conspicuous locations throughout the area served
by the water supplier;
3) Hand delivery of the notice to persons served by the water supplier; or
4) Another delivery method approved in writing by the Agency by a SEP
issued pursuant to Section 611.110.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.202 (2000) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg.
1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.903 Tier 2 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
a) Violations or situations that require a Tier 2 public notice. This subsection lists
the violation categories and other situations requiring a Tier 2 public notice.
Appendix G to this Part identifies the tier assignment for each specific violation
or situation.
1) All violations of the MCL, MRDL, and treatment technique
requirements, except where a Tier 1 notice is required under Section
611.902(a) or where the Agency determines by a SEP issued pursuant to
Section 611.110 that a Tier 1 notice is required;
2) Violations of the monitoring and testing procedure requirements, where
the Agency determines by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110 that
a Tier 2 rather than a Tier 3 public notice is required, taking into account
potential health impacts and persistence of the violation; and
3) Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any relief equivalent
to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a SDWA Section 1416 exemption
in place.
b) When Tier 2 public notice is to be provided.
1) A PWS supplier must provide the public notice as soon as practical, but
no later than 30 days after the supplier learns of the violation. If the
public notice is posted, the notice must remain in place for as long as the
violation or situation persists, but in no case for less than seven days,
even if the violation or situation is resolved. The Agency may, in
appropriate circumstances, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110,
allow additional time for the initial notice of up to three months from the
date the supplier learns of the violation. It is not appropriate for the
Agency to grant an extension to the 30-day deadline for any unresolved
violation or to allow across-the-board extensions by rule or policy for
other violations or situations requiring a Tier 2 public notice. Extensions
granted by the Agency must be in writing.
2) The PWS supplier must repeat the notice every three months as long as
the violation or situation persists, unless the Agency determines that
appropriate circumstances warrant a different repeat notice frequency.
In no circumstance may the repeat notice be given less frequently than
once per year. It is not appropriate for the Agency to allow less frequent
repeat notice for an MCL violation under the Total Coliform Rule or a
treatment technique violation under the Surface Water Treatment Rule or
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. It is also not
appropriate for the Agency to allow across-the-board reductions in the
repeat notice frequency for other ongoing violations requiring a Tier 2
repeat notice. An Agency determination allowing repeat notices to be
given less frequently than once every three months must be in writing.
3) For the turbidity violations specified in this subsection (b)(3), a PWS
supplier must consult with the Agency as soon as practical but no later
than 24 hours after the supplier learns of the violation, to determine
whether a Tier 1 public notice under Section 611.902(a) is required to
protect public health. When consultation does not take place within the
24-hour period, the water system must distribute a Tier 1 notice of the
violation within the next 24 hours (i.e., no later than 48 hours after the
supplier learns of the violation), following the requirements under
Section 611.902(b) and (c). Consultation with the Agency is required
for the following:
A) Violation of the turbidity MCL under Section 141.320(b); or
B) Violation of the SWTR, or IESWTR, or treatment technique
requirement resulting from a single exceedence of the maximum
allowable turbidity limit.
c) The form and manner of Tier 2 public notice. A PWS supplier must provide the
initial public notice and any repeat notices in a form and manner that is
reasonably calculated to reach persons served in the required time period. The
form and manner of the public notice may vary based on the specific situation
and type of water system, but it must at a minimum meet the following
1) Unless directed otherwise by the Agency in writing, by a SEP issued
pursuant to Section 611.110, a CWS supplier must provide notice by:
A) Mail or other direct delivery to each customer receiving a bill and
to other service connections to which water is delivered by the
PWS supplier; and
B) Any other method reasonably calculated to reach other persons
regularly served by the supplier, if they would not normally be
reached by the notice required in subsection (c)(1)(A) of this
Section. Such persons may include those who do not pay water
bills or do not have service connection addresses (e.g., house
renters, apartment dwellers, university students, nursing home
patients, prison inmates, etc.). Other methods may include:
Publication in a local newspaper; delivery of multiple copies for
distribution by customers that provide their drinking water to
others (e.g., apartment building owners or large private
employers); posting in public places served by the supplier or on
the Internet; or delivery to community organizations.
2) Unless directed otherwise by the Agency in writing, by a SEP issued
pursuant to Section 611.110, a non-CWS supplier must provide notice by
the following:
A) Posting the notice in conspicuous locations throughout the
distribution system frequented by persons served by the supplier,
or by mail or direct delivery to each customer and service
connection (where known); and
B) Any other method reasonably calculated to reach other persons
served by the system if they would not normally be reached by
the notice required in subsection (c)(2)(A) of this Section. Such
persons may include those served who may not see a posted
notice because the posted notice is not in a location they routinely
pass by. Other methods may include the following: Publication
in a local newspaper or newsletter distributed to customers; use
of E-mail to notify employees or students; or delivery of multiple
copies in central locations (e.g., community centers).
BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.203 (2000) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg.
1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.950 General Requirements
a) The requirements of this Subpart X constitute national primary drinking water
regulations. These regulations establish requirements for filtration and
disinfection that are in addition to criteria under which filtration and disinfection
are required under Subpart B of this Part. The regulations in this Subpart X
establish or extend treatment technique requirements in lieu of maximum
contaminant levels for the following contaminants: Giardia lamblia, viruses,
heterotrophic plate count bacteria, Legionella, Cryptosporidium, and turbidity.
The treatment technique requirements consist of installing and properly
operating water treatment processes that reliably achieve the following:
1) At least 99 percent (2 log) removal of Cryptosporidium between a point
where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer for filtered
systems, or Cryptosporidium control under the watershed control plan
for unfiltered systems; and
2) Compliance with the profiling and benchmark requirements in Sections
611.953 and 611.954.
b) Applicability of the Subpart X requirements. A supplier is subject to these
requirements if the following is true of its system:
1) Is a public water system;
2) Uses surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface
water as a source; and
3) Serves fewer
than 10,000 persons.
c) Compliance deadline. A supplier must comply with these requirements in this
Subpart X beginning January 14, 2005, except where otherwise noted.
d) Subpart X requirements. There are seven requirements of this Subpart X, and a
supplier must comply with all requirements that are applicable to its system.
These requirements are the following:
1) The supplier must cover any finished water reservoir that the supplier
began to construct on or after March 15, 2002, as described in Section
2) If the supplier’s system is an unfiltered system, the supplier must comply
with the updated watershed control requirements described in Section
3) If the supplier’s system is a community or non-transient non-community
water systems the supplier must develop a disinfection profile, as
described in Section 611.953;
4) If the supplier’s system is considering making a significant change to its
disinfection practices, the supplier must develop a disinfection
benchmark and consult with the Agency for approval of the change, as
described in Section 611.954;
5) If the supplier’s system is a filtered system, the supplier must comply
with the combined filter effluent requirements, as described in Section
6) If the supplier’s system is a filtered system that uses conventional or
direct filtration, the supplier must comply with the individual filter
turbidity requirements, as described in Section 611.956; and
7) The supplier must comply with the applicable reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, as described in Section 611.957.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.500 through 141.503, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.951 Finished Water Reservoirs
a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that serves fewer than 10,000 is
subject to this requirement.
b) Requirements. If a supplier begins construction of a finished water reservoir on
or after March 15, 2002, the reservoir must be covered. A finished water
reservoir for which a supplier began construction prior to March 15, 2002 is not
subject to this requirement.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.510 and 141.511, as added at 67
Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.952 Additional Watershed Control Requirements for Unfiltered Systems
a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that serves fewer than 10,000
persons which does not provide filtration must continue to comply with all of the
filtration avoidance criteria in Sections 611.211 and 611.230 through 611.233,
as well as the additional watershed control requirements in subsection (b) of this
b) Requirements to avoid filtration. A supplier must take any additional steps
necessary to minimize the potential for contamination by Cryptosporidium
oocysts in the source water. A watershed control program must fulfill the
following for Cryptosporidium:
1) The program must identify watershed characteristics and activities that
may have an adverse effect on source water quality; and
2) The Program must monitor the occurrence of activities that may have an
adverse effect on source water quality.
c) Determination of adequacy of control requirements. During an onsite inspection
conducted under the provisions of Section 611.232(c), the Agency must
determine whether a watershed control program is adequate to limit potential
contamination by Cryptosporidium oocysts. The adequacy of the program must
be based on the comprehensiveness of the watershed review; the effectiveness of
the program to monitor and control detrimental activities occurring in the
watershed; and the extent to which the supplier has maximized land ownership
or controlled land use within the watershed.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.520 through 141.522, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.953 Disinfection Profile
a) Applicability. A disinfection profile is a graphical representation of a system’s
level of Giardia lamblia or virus inactivation measured during the course of a
year. A Subpart B community or non-transient non-community water system
that serves fewer than 10,000 persons must develop a disinfection profile unless
the Agency, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110, determines that a
profile is unnecessary. The Agency may approve the use of a more
representative data set for disinfection profiling than the data set required under
subsections (c) through (g) of this Section.
b) Determination that a disinfection profile is not necessary. The Agency may only
determine that a disinfection profile is not necessary if the system’s TTHM and
HAA5 levels are below 0.064 mg/L and 0.048 mg/L, respectively. To
determine these levels, TTHM and HAA5 samples must have been collected
after January 1, 1998, during the month with the warmest water temperature,
and at the point of maximum residence time in the distribution system.
c) Development of a disinfection profile. A disinfection profile consists of the
following three steps:
1) First, the supplier must collect data for several parameters from the
plant, as discussed in subsection (d) of this Section, over the course of 12
months. If the supplier serves between 500 and 9,999 persons it must
begin to collect data no later than July 1, 2003. If the supplier serves
fewer than 500 persons, it must begin to collect data no later than
January 1, 2004.
2) Second, the supplier must use this data to calculate weekly log
inactivation as discussed in subsections (e) and (f) of this Section; and
3) Third, the supplier must use these weekly log inactivations to develop a
disinfection profile as specified in subsection (g) of this Section.
d) Data required for a disinfection profile. A supplier must monitor the following
parameters to determine the total log inactivation using the analytical methods in
Section 611.231, once per week on the same calendar day, over 12 consecutive
1) The temperature of the disinfected water at each residual disinfectant
concentration sampling point during peak hourly flow;
2) If a supplier uses chlorine, the pH of the disinfected water at each
residual disinfectant concentration sampling point during peak hourly
3) The disinfectant contact times (“T”) during peak hourly flow; and
4) The residual disinfectant concentrations (“C”) of the water before or at
the first customer and prior to each additional point of disinfection
during peak hourly flow.
e) Calculations based on the data collected. The supplier must calculate the total
inactivation ratio as follows, and multiply the value by 3.0 to determine log
inactivation of Giardia lamblia:
1) If the supplier uses only one point of disinfectant application, it must
determine either of the following:
A) One inactivation ratio (CTcalc/CT99.9) before or at the first
customer during peak hourly flow, or
B) Successive CTcalc/CT99.9 values, representing sequential
inactivation ratios, between the point of disinfectant application
and a point before or at the first customer during peak hourly
flow. Under this alternative, your system must calculate the total
inactivation ratio by determining (CTcalc/CT99.9) for each sequence
and then adding the (CTcalc/CT99.9) values together to determine
2) If the supplier uses more than one point of disinfectant application before
the first customer, it must determine the (CTcalc/CT99.9) value of each
disinfection segment immediately prior to the next point of disinfectant
application, or for the final segment, before or at the first customer,
during peak hourly flow using the procedure specified in subsection
(d)(1)(B) of this Section.
f) Use of chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide as a primary disninfectant. If a
supplier uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection,
you must also calculate the logs of inactivation for viruses and develop an
additional disinfection profile for viruses using methods approved by the
g) Development and maintenance of the disninfection profile in graphic form.
Each log inactivation serves as a data point in your disinfection profile. A
supplier will have obtained 52 measurements (one for every week of the year).
This will allow the supplier and the Agency the opportunity to evaluate how
microbial inactivation varied over the course of the year by looking at all 52
measurements (your disinfection profile). Your system must retain the
disinfection profile data in graphic form, such as a spreadsheet, which must be
available for review by the Agency as part of a sanitary survey. Your system
must use this data to calculate a benchmark if you are considering changes to
disinfection practices.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.530 through 141.536, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.954 Disinfection Benchmark
a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that is required to develop a
disinfection profile under Section 611.953 must develop a disinfection
benchmark if it decides to make a significant change to its disinfection practice.
The supplier must consult with the Agency for approval before it can implement
a significant disinfection practice change.
b) Significant changes to disinfection practice. Significant changes to disinfection
practice include:
1) Changes to the point of disinfection;
2) Changes to the disinfectants used in the treatment plant;
3) Changes to the disinfection process; or
4) Any other modification identified by the Agency.
c) Considering a significant change. A supplier that is considering a significant
change to its disinfection practice must calculate a disinfection benchmarks as
described in subsections (d) and (e) of this Section and provide the benchmarks
to the Agency. Your system may only make a significant disinfection practice
change after consulting with the Agency for approval. Your system must submit
the following information to the Agency as part of the consultation and approval
1) A description of the proposed change;
2) The disinfection profile for Giardia lamblia (and, if necessary, viruses)
and disinfection benchmark;
3) An analysis of how the proposed change will affect the current levels of
disinfection; and
4) Any additional information requested by the Agency.
d) Calculation of a disinfection benchmark. A supplier that is making a significant
change to its disinfection practice must calculate a disinfection benchmark using
the following procedure:
1) Step 1: Using the data that the supplier collected to develop the
disinfection profile, determine the average Giardia lamblia inactivation
for each calendar month by dividing the sum of all Giardia lamblia
inactivations for that month by the number of values calculated for that
month; and
2) Step 2: Determine the lowest monthly average value out of the twelve
values. This value becomes the disinfection benchmark.
e) If your system uses chloramines, ozone or chlorine dioxide for primary
disinfection your system must calculate the disinfection benchmark from the data
your system collected for viruses to develop the disinfection profile in
subsection (d) of this Section. This viral benchmark must be calculated in the
same manner used to calculate the Giardia lamblia disinfection benchmark in
subsection (d) of this Section.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.540 through 141.544, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.955 Combined Filter Effluent Turbidity Limits
a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that serves populations fewer than
10,000, is required to filter, and utilize filtration other than slow sand filtration
or diatomaceous earth filtration must meet the combined filter effluent turbidity
requirements of subsections (b) through (d) of this Section . If your system uses
slow sand or diatomaceous earth filtration you are not required to meet the
combined filter effluent turbidity limits of this Subpart X, but you must continue
to meet the combined filter effluent turbidity limits in Section 611.250.
b) Combined filter effluent turbidity limits. Your system must meet two
strengthened combined filter effluent turbidity limits.
1) The first combined filter effluent turbidity limit is a “95th percentile”
turbidity limit that your system must meet in at least 95 percent of the
turbidity measurements taken each month. Measurements must continue
to be taken as described in Sections 611.231 and 233. Monthly reporting
must be completed according to Section 611.957(a). The following are
the required limits for specific filtration technologies:
A) For a system with conventional filtration or direct filtration, the
95th percentile turbidity value is 0.3 NTU.
B) For a system with any other alternative filter technology, the 95th
percentile turbidity value is a value (not to exceed 1 NTU) to be
determined by the Agency, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section
611.110, based on the demonstration described in subsection (c)
of this Section.
2) The second combined filter effluent turbidity limit is a “maximum”
turbidity limit which your system may at no time exceed during the
month. Measurements must continue to be taken as described in
Sections 611.231 and 233. Monthly reporting must be completed
according to Section 611.957(a). The following are the required limits
for specific filtration technologies:
A) For a system with conventional filtration or direct filtration, the
maximum turbidity value is 1 NTU.
B) For a system with any other alternative filter technology, the
maximum turbidity value is a value (not to exceed 5 NTU) to be
determined by the Agency, by a SEP issued pursuant to Section
611.110, based on the demonstration described in subsection (c)
of this Section.
c) Requirements for alternative filtration systems.
1) If your system consists of alternative filtration(filtration other than slow
sand filtration, diatomaceous earth filtration, conventional filtration, or
direct filtration) you are required to conduct a demonstration (see tables
in subsection (b) of this Section). Your system must demonstrate to the
Agency, using pilot plant studies or other means, that your system’s
filtration, in combination with disinfection treatment, consistently
A) 99 percent removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts;
B) 99.9 percent removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts;
C) 99.99 percent removal and/or inactivation of viruses.
2) This subsection (c)(2) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.552(b), which
USEPA has designated as “reserved.” This statement maintains
structural correspondence with the corresponding federal regulation.
d) Requirements for lime-softening systems. If your system practices lime
softening, you may acidify representative combined filter effluent turbidity
samples prior to analysis using a protocol approved by the Agency.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.550 through 141.553, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.956 Individual Filter Turbidity Requirements
a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that serves fewer than 10,000
people and utilizing conventional filtration or direct filtration must conduct
continuous monitoring of turbidity for each individual filter at your system. The
following requirements apply to continuous turbidity monitoring:
1) Monitoring must be conducted using an approved method in Section
2) Calibration of turbidimeters must be conducted using procedures
specified by the manufacturer;
3) Results of turbidity monitoring must be recorded at least every 15
4) Monthly reporting must be completed according to Section 611.957(a);
5) Records must be maintained according to Section 611.957(b).
b) Failure of turbidity monitoring equipment. If there is a failure in the continuous
turbidity monitoring equipment, your system must conduct grab sampling every
four hours in lieu of continuous monitoring until the turbidimeter is back on-
line. Your system has 14 days to resume continuous monitoring before a
violation is incurred.
c) Special requirements for systems with two or fewer filters. Yes, if your system
only consists of two or fewer filters, you may conduct continuous monitoring of
combined filter effluent turbidity in lieu of individual filter effluent turbidity
monitoring. Continuous monitoring must meet the same requirements set forth
in subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) and (b) of this Section.
d) Follow-up action. Follow-up action is required according to the following
1) If the turbidity of an individual filter (or the turbidity of combined filter
effluent (CFE) for a system with 2 filters that monitor CFE in lieu of
individual filters) exceeds 1.0 NTU in two consecutive recordings 15
minutes apart, the supplier must report to the Agency by the 10th of the
following month and include the filter numbers, corresponding dates,
turbidity values which exceeded 1.0 NTU, and the cause (if known) for
the exceedances.
2) If a supplier was required to report to the Agency for three months in a
row and turbidity exceeded 1.0 NTU in two consecutive recordings 15
minutes apart at the same filter (or CFE for systems with 2 filters that
monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters), the supplier must conduct a
self-assessment of the filters within 14 days of the day on which the filter
exceeded 1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements for the third
straight month unless a CPE as specified in subsection (c) of this Section
was required. A supplier that has a system with 2 filters which monitor
CFE in lieu of individual filters must conduct a self assessment on both
filters. The self-assessment must consist of at least the following
components: assessment of filter performance, development of a filter
profile, identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter
performance, assessment of the applicability of corrections, and
preparation of a filter self-assessment report. If a self-assessment is
required, the date that it was triggered and the date that it was
3) If a supplier was required to report to the Agency for two months in a
row and turbidity exceeded 2.0 BTU in 2 consecutive recordings 15
minutes apart at the same filter (or CFE for systems with 2 filters that
monitor CFE in lieu of individual filters), the supplier must arrange to
have a comprehensive performance evaluation (CPE) conducted by the
Agency or a third party approved by the Agency not later than 60 days
following the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive
measurements for the second straight month. If a CPE has been
completed by the Agency or a third party approved by the Agency within
the 12 prior months or the system and Agency are jointly participating in
an ongoing comprehensive technical assistance (CTA) project at the
system, a new CPE is not required. If conducted, a CPE must be
completed and submitted to the Agency no later than 120 days following
the day the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements
for the second straight month.
e) Special individual filter monitoring for a lime-softening system. If your system
utilizes lime softening, you may apply to the Agency for alternative turbidity
exceedance levels for the levels specified in the table in subsection (d) of this
Section. You must be able to demonstrate to the Agency that higher turbidity
levels are due to lime carryover only, and not due to degraded filter
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.560 through 141.564, as added at
67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.957 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
a) Reporting. This Subpart X requires a supplier to report several items to the
Agency. Subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this Section describe the items that
must be reported and the frequency of reporting. (The supplier is required to
report the information described in subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this
Section, if it is subject to the specific requirement indicated.)
1) If a supplier is subject to the combined filter effluent requirements
(Section 611.955), it must report as follows:
A) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken
during the month, by the 10th of the following month.
B) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity
measurements taken during the month that are less than or equal
to the supplier’s required 95th percentile limit, by the 10th of the
following month.
C) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during
the month that exceed the maximum turbidity value for your
filtration system, by the 10th of the following month.
2) If the supplier is subject to the individual turbidity requirements (Section
611.956), it must report as follows:
A) The fact that the supplier’s system conducted individual filter
turbidity monitoring during the month, by the 10th of the
following month.
B) The filter numbers, corresponding dates, and the turbidity values
that exceeded 1.0 NTU during the month, by the 10th of the
following month, but only if 2 consecutive measurements
exceeded 1.0 NTU.
C) If a self-assessment is required, the date that it was triggered and
the date that it was completed, by the 10th of the following month
(or 14 days after the self-assessment was triggered only if the
self-assessment was triggered during the last four days of the
D) If a CPE is required, the fact that the CPE is required and the
date that it was triggered, by the 10th of the following month.
E) A copy of completed CPE report, within 120 days after the CPE
was triggered.
3) If the supplier is subject to the disinfection profiling (Section 611.953), it
must report results of optional monitoring that show TTHM levels 0.064
mg/L and HAA5 levels 0.048 mg/L (only if the supplier wishes to forgo
profiling) or that the supplier has begun disinfection profiling, as
A) For a supplier that serves 500-9,999 persons, by July 1, 2003; or
B) For a supplier that serves fewer than 500 persons, by January 1,
4) If the supplier is subject to the disinfection benchmarking (Section
611.954), it must report a description of the proposed change in
disinfection, its system’s disinfection profile for Giardia lamblia (and, if
necessary, viruses) and disinfection benchmark, and an analysis of how
the proposed change will affect the current levels of disinfection, anytime
the supplier is considering a significant change to its disinfection
b) Recordkeeping. A supplier must keep several types of records based on the
requirements of this Subpart X, in addition to recordkeeping requirements under
Sections 611.261 and 611.262. Subsections (b)(1) through (b)(3) describe the
necessary records, the length of time these records must be kept, and for which
requirement the records pertain. (The supplier is required to maintain records
described in subsections (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this Section, if it is subject to
the specific requirement indicated.)
1) If the supplier is subject to the individual filter turbidity requirements
(Section 611.956), it must retain as necessary records the results of
individual filter monitoring for at least 3 years.
2) If the supplier is subject to disinfection profiling (Section 611.953), it
must retain as necessary records the results of its disinfection profile
(including raw data and analysis) indefinitely.
3) If the supplier is subject to disinfection benchmarking (Section 611.954),
it must retain as necessary records its disinfection benchmark (including
raw data and analysis) indefinitely.
BOARD NOTE: This Section is derived from 40 CFR 141.570 and 141.571, as added at 67
Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Added at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.Appendix G NPDWR Violations and Situations Requiring Public Notice
See note 1 at the end of this Appendix for an explanation of the Agency’s authority to alter the
magnitude of a violation from that set forth in the following table.
Monitoring & testing
procedure violations
Contaminant Tier
Citation Tier of
I. Violations of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR):
A. Microbiological Contaminants
1. Total coliform
2. Fecal coliform/E. coli
4 1, 3
3. Turbidity MCL
4. Turbidity MCL (average of
two days’ samples >5 NTU)
5 2, 1
5. Turbidity (for TT violations
resulting from a single
exceedence of maximum
allowable turbidity level)
6 2, 1
3 611.531(a),
6. Surface Water Treatment
Rule violations, other than
violations resulting from single
exceedence of max. allowable
turbidity level (TT)
2 611.211,
3 611.531-
7. Interim Enhanced Surface
Water Treatment Rule
violations, other than violations
resulting from single
exceedence of max. turbidity
level (TT)
7 611.740-
3 611.742,
8. Filter Backwash Recycling
Rule violations
2 611.276
3 611.276
9. Long Term 1 Enhanced
Surface Water Treatment Rule
2 611.950-
3 611.953,
B. Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs)
1. Antimony
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
2. Arsenic
10 611.301(b)
9 611.601,
3. Asbestos (fibers >10 m)
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
4. Barium
611.301(b) 3
5. Beryllium
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
6. Cadmium
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
7. Chromium (total)
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
8. Cyanide
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
9. Fluoride
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
10. Mercury (inorganic)
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
11. Nitrate
10 1, 3
12. Nitrite
10 1, 3
13. Total Nitrate and Nitrite
1 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
14. Selenium
611.301(b) 3
15. Thallium
2 611.301(b)
3 611.600,
C. Lead and Copper Rule (Action Level for lead is 0.015 mg/L, for copper is 1.3 mg/L)
1. Lead and Copper Rule (TT)
3 611.356-
D. Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
1. 2,4-D
611.310(c) 3
2. 2,4,5-TP (silvex)
3. Alachlor
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
4. Atrazine
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
5. Benzo(a)pyrene (PAHs)
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
6. Carbofuran
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
7. Chlordane
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
8. Dalapon
611.310(c) 3
9. Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
10. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
11. Dibromochloropropane
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
12. Dinoseb
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
13. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
14. Diquat
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
15. Endothall
611.310(c) 3
16. Endrin
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
17. Ethylene dibromide
18. Glyphosate
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
19. Heptachlor
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
20. Heptachlor epoxide
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
21. Hexachlorobenzene
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
22. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
23. Lindane
611.310(c) 3
24. Methoxychlor
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
25. Oxamyl (Vydate) 2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
26. Pentachlorophenol 2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
27. Picloram
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
28. Polychlorinated biphenyls
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
29. Simazine
2 611.310(c)
3 611.648
30. Toxaphene
611.310(c) 3
E. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
1. Benzene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
2. Carbon tetrachloride
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
3. Chlorobenzene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
4. o-Dichlorobenzene 2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
5. p-Dichlorobenzene 2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
6. 1,2-Dichloroethane 2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
7. 1,1-Dichloroethylene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
8. cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
9. trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
10. Dichloromethane 2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
11. 1,2-Dichloropropane
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
12. Ethylbenzene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
13. Styrene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
14. Tetrachloroethylene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
15. Toluene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
16. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
17. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
18. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
19. Trichloroethylene 2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
20. Vinyl chloride
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
21. Xylenes (total)
2 611.310(a)
3 611.646
F. Radioactive Contaminants
1. Beta/photon emitters
2 611.330(d)
3 611.720(a),
2. Alpha emitters
611.330(c) 3
3. Combined radium (226 &
2 611.330(b)
3 611.720(a),
4. Uranium
11 2
12 3
G. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Byproduct Precursors, Disinfectant Residuals. Where
disinfection is used in the treatment of drinking water, disinfectants combine with organic and
inorganic matter present in water to form chemicals called disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
USEPA sets standards for controlling the levels of disinfectants and DBPs in drinking water,
including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
1. Total trihalomethanes
14 611.310,
3 611.680-
2. Haloacetic Acids (HAA5)
2 611.312(a)
3 611.382(a)-(b)
3. Bromate
2 611.312(a)
3 611.382(a)-(b)
4. Chlorite
2 611.312(a)
3 611.382(a)-(b)
5. Chlorine (MRDL)
611.313(a) 3
611.382(a), (c)
6. Chloramine (MRDL)
611.313(a) 3
611.382(a), (c)
7. Chlorine dioxide (MRDL),
where any two consecutive
daily samples at entrance to
distribution system only are
above MRDL
2 611.313(a),
15, 3
611.382(a), (c),
8. Chlorine dioxide (MRDL),
where samples in distribution
system the next day are also
above MRDL
161 611.313(a),
1 611.382(a), (c),
9. Control of DBP precursors--
2 611.385(a)-(b)
3 611.382(a), (d)
10. Benchmarking and
disinfection profiling
11. Development of monitoring
H. Other Treatment Techniques
1. Acrylamide (TT)
2. Epichlorohydrin (TT)
II. Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring:
A. Unregulated contaminants N/A
B. Nickel
III. Public Notification for Relief Equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 Variance or a Section
1416 Exemption:
A. Operation under relief
equivalent to a SDWA section
1415 variance or a section 1416
18 1415, 1416
B. Violation of conditions of
relief equivalent to a SDWA
section 1415 variance or a
section 1416 exemption
2 1415, 1416,
IV. Other Situations Requiring Public Notification:
A. Fluoride secondary
maximum contaminant level
(SMCL) exceedence
3 611.858
B. Exceedence of nitrate MCL
for a non-CWS supplier, as
allowed by the Agency
1 611.300(d)
C. Availability of unregulated
contaminant monitoring data
3 611.510
D. Waterborne disease outbreak 1
E. Other waterborne emergency
1 N/A
F. Other situations as
determined by the Agency by
an SEP issued pursuant to
Section 611.110
1, 2, 3
Appendix G--Endnotes
1. Violations and other situations not listed in this table (e.g., reporting violations and failure
to prepare Consumer Confidence Reports) do not require notice, unless otherwise determined
by the Agency by an SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110. The Agency may, by an SEP
issued pursuant to Section 611.110, further require a more stringent public notice tier (e.g.,
Tier 1 instead of Tier 2 or Tier 2 instead of Tier 3) for specific violations and situations listed
in this Appendix, as authorized under Sections 611.902(a) and 611.903(a).
2. Definition of the abbreviations used: “MCL” means maximum contaminant level,
“MRDL” means maximum residual disinfectant level, and “TT” means treatment technique.
3. The term “violations of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR)” is used
here to include violations of MCL, MRDL, treatment technique, monitoring, and testing
procedure requirements.
4. Failure to test for fecal coliform or E. coli is a Tier 1 violation if testing is not done after
any repeat sample tests positive for coliform. All other total coliform monitoring and testing
procedure violations are Tier 3 violations.
5. A supplier that violates the turbidity MCL of 5 NTU based on an average of measurements
over two consecutive days must consult with the Agency within 24 hours after learning of the
violation. Based on this consultation, the Agency may subsequently decide to issue an SEP
pursuant to Section 611.110 that elevates the violation to a Tier 1 violation. If a supplier is
unable to make contact with the Agency in the 24-hour period, the violation is automatically
elevated to a Tier 1 violation.
6. A supplier with a treatment technique violation involving a single exceedence of a maximum
turbidity limit under the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), or the Interim Enhanced
Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), or the Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule are required to consult with the Agency within 24 hours after learning of the
violation. Based on this consultation, the Agency may subsequently decide to issue an SEP
pursuant to Section 611.110 that elevates the violation to a Tier 1 violation. If a supplier is
unable to make contact with the Agency in the 24-hour period, the violation is automatically
elevated to a Tier 1 violation.
7. Most of the requirements of the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (63 Fed.
Reg. 69477 (December 16, 1998)) (Sections 611.740-611.741, 611.743-611.744) become
effective January 1, 2002 for a Subpart B supplier (surface water systems and groundwater
systems under the direct influence of surface water) that serves at least 10,000 persons.
However, Section 611.742 is currently effective. The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR)
remains in effect for a supplier serving at least 10,000 persons even after 2002; the Interim
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule adds additional requirements and does not in many
cases supercede the SWTR.
8. The arsenic MCL citations are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the citations are
Sections 611.330(b) and 611.612(c).
9. The arsenic Tier 3 violation MCL citations are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the
citations are Sections 611.100, 611.101, and 611.612.
10. Failure to take a confirmation sample within 24 hours for nitrate or nitrite after an initial
sample exceeds the MCL is a Tier 1 violation. Other monitoring violations for nitrate are Tier
11. The uranium MCL Tier 2 violation citations are effective December 8, 2003 for a CWS
12. The uranium Tier 3 violation citations are effective December 8, 2000 for a CWS
13. A Subpart B community or non-transient non-community system supplier that serves
10,000 persons or more must comply with new DBP MCLs, disinfectant MRDLs, and related
monitoring requirements beginning January 1, 2002. All other community and non-transient
non-community systems must meet the MCLs and MRDLs beginning January 1, 2004. A
Subpart B transient non-community system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons that uses
chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the chlorine dioxide MRDL
beginning January 1, 2002. A Subpart B transient non-community system supplier that serves
fewer than 10,000 persons, which uses only groundwater not under the direct influence of
surface water, and which uses chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with
the chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.
14. Section 611.310 will no longer apply after January 1, 2004.
15. Failure to monitor for chlorine dioxide at the entrance to the distribution system the day
after exceeding the MRDL at the entrance to the distribution system is a Tier 2 violation.
16. If any daily sample taken at the entrance to the distribution system exceeds the MRDL for
chlorine dioxide and one or more samples taken in the distribution system the next day exceed
the MRDL, Tier 1 notification is required. A failure to take the required samples in the
distribution system after the MRDL is exceeded at the entry point also triggers Tier 1
17. Some water suppliers must monitor for certain unregulated contaminants listed in Section
18. This citation refers to sections 1415 and 1416 of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
sections 1415 and 1416 require that “a schedule prescribed . . . for a public water system
granted relief equivalent to a SDWA section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption must
require compliance by the system . . ..”
19. In addition to sections 1415 and 1416 of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR
142.307 specifies the items and schedule milestones that must be included in relief equivalent
to a SDWA section 1415 small system variance. In granting any form of relief from an
NPDWR, the Board will consider all applicable federal requirements for and limitations on the
State’s ability to grant relief consistent with federal law.
20. Other waterborne emergencies require a Tier 1 public notice under Section 611.902(a) for
situations that do not meet the definition of a waterborne disease outbreak given in Section
611.101, but which still have the potential to have serious adverse effects on health as a result
of short-term exposure. These could include outbreaks not related to treatment deficiencies, as
well as situations that have the potential to cause outbreaks, such as failures or significant
interruption in water treatment processes, natural disasters that disrupt the water supply or
distribution system, chemical spills, or unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the
source water.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix A to Subpart Q to 40 CFR 141 (2000) (2001), as
amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14, 2002).
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
Section 611.Appendix H Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
Contaminant MCLG
2 mg/L
Standard health effects language
for public notification
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR):
A. Microbiological Contaminants
1a. Total coliform
See footnote
Coliforms are bacteria that are
naturally present in the
environment and are used as an
indicator that other, potentially-
harmful, bacteria may be present.
Coliforms were found in more
samples than allowed and this was
a warning of potential problems.
1b. Fecal coliform/E. coli
Fecal coliforms and E. coli are
bacteria whose presence indicates
that the water may be
contaminated with human or
animal wastes. Microbes in these
wastes can cause short-term
effects, such as diarrhea, cramps,
nausea, headaches, or other
symptoms. They may pose a
special health risk for infants,
young children, some of the
elderly, and people with severely
compromised immune systems.
2a. Turbidity (MCL)
4 None
Turbidity has no health effects.
However, turbidity can interfere
with disinfection and provide a
medium for microbial growth.
Turbidity may indicate the
presence of disease-causing
organisms. These organisms
include bacteria, viruses, and
parasites that can cause symptoms
such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea,
and associated headaches.
2b. Turbidity (SWTR TT)
Turbidity has no health effects.
6 turbidity can interfere
with disinfection and provide a
medium for microbial growth.
Turbidity may indicate the
presence of disease-causing
organisms. These organisms
include bacteria, viruses, and
parasites that can cause symptoms
such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea
and associated headaches.
2c. Turbidity (IESWTR TT
Turbidity has no health effects.
8 turbidity can interfere
with disinfection and provide a
medium for microbial growth.
Turbidity may indicate the
presence of disease-causing
organisms. These organisms
include bacteria, viruses, and
parasites that can cause symptoms
such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea
and associated headaches.
B. Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
(IESWTR) violations, Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT1ESWTR),
and Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR) violations:
3. Giardia lamblia
Zero TT
Inadequately treated water may
contain disease-causing organisms.
These organisms include bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, diarrhea, and associated
4. Viruses
Inadequately treated water may
contain disease-causing organisms.
These organisms include bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, diarrhea, and associated
5. Heterotrophic plate
count (HPC) bacteria
Inadequately treated water may
contain disease-causing organisms.
These organisms include bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, diarrhea, and associated
6. Legionella
Inadequately treated water may
contain disease-causing organisms.
These organisms include bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, diarrhea, and associated
7. Cryptosporidium
Inadequately treated water may
contain disease-causing organisms.
These organisms include bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, diarrhea, and associated
C. Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs)
8. Antimony
Some people who drink water
containing antimony well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience increases in blood
cholesterol and decreases in blood
9. Arsenic
Some people who drink water
containing arsenic in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience skin damage or
problems with their circulatory
system, and may have an increased
risk of getting cancer.
10. Asbestos (10 μm)
Some people who drink water
containing asbestos in excess of the
MCL over many years may have
an increased risk of developing
benign intestinal polyps.
11. Barium
Some people who drink water
containing barium in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience an increase in their
blood pressure.
12. Beryllium
Some people who drink water
containing beryllium well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
develop intestinal lesions.
13. Cadmium
Some people who drink water
containing cadmium in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience kidney damage.
14. Chromium (total)
Some people who use water
containing chromium well in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience allergic
15. Cyanide
Some people who drink water
containing cyanide well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience nerve damage or
problems with their thyroid.
16. Fluoride
Some people who drink water
containing fluoride in excess of the
MCL over many years could get
bone disease, including pain and
tenderness of the bones. Fluoride
in drinking water at half the MCL
or more may cause mottling of
children’s teeth, usually in
children less than nine years old.
Mottling, also known as dental
fluorosis, may include brown
staining and/or pitting of the teeth,
and occurs only in developing
teeth before they erupt from the
17. Mercury (inorganic) 0.002 0.002
Some people who drink water
containing inorganic mercury well
in excess of the MCL over many
years could experience kidney
18. Nitrate
Infants below the age of six
months who drink water
containing nitrate in excess of the
MCL could become seriously ill
and, if untreated, may die.
Symptoms include shortness of
breath and blue baby syndrome.
19. Nitrite
Infants below the age of six
months who drink water
containing nitrite in excess of the
MCL could become seriously ill
and, if untreated, may die.
Symptoms include shortness of
breath and blue baby syndrome.
20. Total Nitrate and
Infants below the age of six
months who drink water
containing nitrate and nitrite in
excess of the MCL could become
seriously ill and, if untreated, may
die. Symptoms include shortness
of breath and blue baby syndrome.
21. Selenium
Selenium is an essential nutrient.
However, some people who drink
water containing selenium in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience hair or
fingernail losses, numbness in
fingers or toes, or problems with
their circulation.
22. Thallium
Some people who drink water
containing thallium in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience hair loss, changes in
their blood, or problems with their
kidneys, intestines, or liver.
D. Lead and Copper Rule
23. Lead
Infants and children who drink
water containing lead in excess of
the action level could experience
delays in their physical or mental
development. Children could show
slight deficits in attention span and
learning abilities. Adults who
drink this water over many years
could develop kidney problems or
high blood pressure.
24. Copper
Copper is an essential nutrient, but
some people who drink water
containing copper in excess of the
action level over a relatively short
amount of time could experience
gastrointestinal distress. Some
people who drink water containing
copper in excess of the action level
over many years could suffer liver
or kidney damage. People with
Wilson’s Disease should consult
their personal doctor.
E. Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
25. 2,4-D
Some people who drink water
containing the weed killer 2,4-D
well in excess of the MCL over
many years could experience
problems with their kidneys, liver,
or adrenal glands.
26. 2,4,5-TP (silvex)
Some people who drink water
containing silvex in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience liver problems.
27. Alachlor
Some people who drink water
containing alachlor in excess of the
MCL over many years could have
problems with their eyes, liver,
kidneys, or spleen, or experience
anemia, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
28. Atrazine
Some people who drink water
containing atrazine well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
cardiovascular system or
reproductive difficulties.
29. Benzo(a)pyrene
Zero 0.0002
Some people who drink water
containing benzo(a)pyrene in
excess of the MCL over many
years may experience reproductive
difficulties and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
30. Carbofuran
Some people who drink water
containing carbofuran in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
blood, or nervous or reproductive
31. Chlordane
Some people who drink water
containing chlordane in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
liver or nervous system, and may
have an increased risk of getting
32. Dalapon
Some people who drink water
containing dalapon well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience minor kidney changes.
33. Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0.4
0.4 Some people who drink water
containing di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate
well in excess of the MCL over
many years could experience
general toxic effects or
reproductive difficulties.
34. Di(2-ethylhexyl)-
Zero 0.006
Some people who drink water
containing di(2-ethylhexyl)-
phthalate in excess of the MCL
over many years may have
problems with their liver, or
experience reproductive
difficulties, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
35. Dibromochloropropane
Zero 0.0002
Some people who drink water
containing DBCP in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience reproductive difficulties
and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
36. Dinoseb
Some people who drink water
containing dinoseb well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience reproductive
37. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-
3 x 10
Some people who drink water
containing dioxin in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience reproductive difficulties
and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
38. Diquat
Some people who drink water
containing diquat in excess of the
MCL over many years could get
39. Endothall
Some people who drink water
containing endothall in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
stomach or intestines.
40. Endrin
Some people who drink water
containing endrin in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience liver problems.
41. Ethylene dibromide
Some people who drink water
containing ethylene dibromide in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver, stomach,
reproductive system, or kidneys,
and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
42. Glyphosate
Some people who drink water
containing glyphosate in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
kidneys or reproductive
43. Heptachlor
Some people who drink water
containing heptachlor in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience liver damage and may
have an increased risk of getting
44. Heptachlor epoxide
Some people who drink water
containing heptachlor epoxide in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience liver
damage, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
45. Hexachlorobenzene
Some people who drink water
containing hexachlorobenzene in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver or kidneys, or
adverse reproductive effects, and
may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
0.05 0.05
Some people who drink water
hexachlorocyclopentadiene well in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their kidneys or stomach.
47. Lindane
Some people who drink water
containing lindane in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
kidneys or liver.
48. Methoxychlor
Some people who drink water
containing methoxychlor in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience reproductive
49. Oxamyl (Vydate)
Some people who drink water
containing oxamyl in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience slight nervous system
50. Pentachlorophenol
Some people who drink water
containing pentachlorophenol in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver or kidneys, and
may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
51. Picloram
Some people who drink water
containing picloram in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
52. Polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs)
Zero 0.0005
Some people who drink water
containing PCBs in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience changes in their skin,
problems with their thymus gland,
immune deficiencies, or
reproductive or nervous system
difficulties, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
53. Simazine
Some people who drink water
containing simazine in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
54. Toxaphene
Some people who drink water
containing toxaphene in excess of
the MCL over many years could
have problems with their kidneys,
liver, or thyroid, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
F. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
55. Benzene
Some people who drink water
containing benzene in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience anemia or a decrease in
blood platelets, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
56. Carbon tetrachloride
Some people who drink water
containing carbon tetrachloride in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
57. Chlorobenzene
0.1 0.1
Some people who drink water
containing chlorobenzene in excess
of the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
liver or kidneys.
58. o-Dichlorobenzene
Some people who drink water
containing o-dichlorobenzene well
in excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver, kidneys, or
circulatory systems.
59. p-Dichlorobenzene
Some people who drink water
containing p-dichlorobenzene in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience anemia,
damage to their liver, kidneys, or
spleen, or changes in their blood.
60. 1,2-Dichloroethane
Some people who drink water
containing 1,2-dichloroethane in
excess of the MCL over many
years may have an increased risk
of getting cancer.
61. 1,1-Dichloroethylene
Some people who drink water
containing 1,1-dichloroethylene in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver.
62. cis-1,2-
0.07 0.07
Some people who drink water
containing cis-1,2-dichloroethylene
in excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver.
63. trans-1,2-
0.1 0.1
Some people who drink water
containing trans-1,2-
dichloroethylene well in excess of
the MCL over many years could
experience problems with their
64. Dichloromethane
Some people who drink water
containing dichloromethane in
excess of the MCL over many
years could have liver problems
and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
65. 1,2-Dichloropropane
Some people who drink water
containing 1,2-dichloropropane in
excess of the MCL over many
years may have an increased risk
of getting cancer.
66. Ethylbenzene
Some people who drink water
containing ethylbenzene well in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver or kidneys.
67. Styrene
Some people who drink water
containing styrene well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
have problems with their liver,
kidneys, or circulatory system.
68. Tetrachloroethylene
Some people who drink water
containing tetrachloroethylene in
excess of the MCL over many
years could have problems with
their liver, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
69. Toluene
Some people who drink water
containing toluene well in excess
of the MCL over many years could
have problems with their nervous
system, kidneys, or liver.
70. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Some people who drink water
containing 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene
well in excess of the MCL over
many years could experience
changes in their adrenal glands.
71. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Some people who drink water
containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver, nervous system,
or circulatory system.
72. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Some people who drink water
containing 1,1,2-trichloroethane
well in excess of the MCL over
many years could have problems
with their liver, kidneys, or
immune systems.
73. Trichloroethylene
Some people who drink water
containing trichloroethylene in
excess of the MCL over many
years could experience problems
with their liver and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
74. Vinyl chloride
Some people who drink water
containing vinyl chloride in excess
of the MCL over many years may
have an increased risk of getting
75. Xylenes (total)
Some people who drink water
containing xylenes in excess of the
MCL over many years could
experience damage to their
nervous system.
G. Radioactive Contaminants
76. Beta/photon emitters
4 mrem/yr
15 Certain minerals are radioactive
and may emit forms of radiation
known as photons and beta
radiation. Some people who drink
water containing beta and photon
emitters in excess of the MCL
over many years may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
77. Alpha emitters
15 pCi/L
Certain minerals are radioactive
and may emit a form of radiation
known as alpha radiation. Some
people who drink water containing
alpha emitters in excess of the
MCL over many years may have
an increased risk of getting cancer.
78. Combined radium (226
& 228)
5 pCi/L
Some people who drink water
containing radium 226 or 228 in
excess of the MCL over many
years may have an increased risk
of getting cancer.
79. Uranium
17 Zero
Some people who drink water
containing uranium in excess of
the MCL over many years may
have an increased risk of getting
cancer and kidney toxicity.
H. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Byproduct Precursors, and Disinfectant Residuals:
Where disinfection is used in the treatment of drinking water, disinfectants combine with
organic and inorganic matter present in water to form chemicals called disinfection
byproducts (DBPs). USEPA sets standards for controlling the levels of disinfectants and
DBPs in drinking water, including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAA5)
80. Total trihalomethanes
N/A 0.10/0.080
Some people who drink water
containing trihalomethanes in
excess of the MCL over many
years may experience problems
with their liver, kidneys, or central
nervous system, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
81. Haloacetic Acids
N/A 0.060
Some people who drink water
containing haloacetic acids in
excess of the MCL over many
years may have an increased risk
of getting cancer.
82. Bromate
Some people who drink water
containing bromate in excess of the
MCL over many years may have
an increased risk of getting cancer.
83. Chlorite
Some infants and young children
who drink water containing
chlorite in excess of the MCL
could experience nervous system
effects. Similar effects may occur
in fetuses of pregnant women who
drink water containing chlorite in
excess of the MCL. Some people
may experience anemia.
84. Chlorine
4.0 (MRDL)
Some people who use water
containing chlorine well in excess
of the MRDL could experience
irritating effects to their eyes and
nose. Some people who drink
water containing chlorine well in
excess of the MRDL could
experience stomach discomfort.
85. Chloramines
4.0 (MRDL) Some people who use water
containing chloramines well in
excess of the MRDL could
experience irritating effects to their
eyes and nose. Some people who
drink water containing chloramines
well in excess of the MRDL could
experience stomach discomfort or
85a. Chlorine dioxide,
where any two consecutive
daily samples taken at the
entrance to the distribution
system are above the
0.8 (MRDL) Some infants and young children
who drink water containing
chlorine dioxide in excess of the
MRDL could experience nervous
system effects. Similar effects
may occur in fetuses of pregnant
women who drink water
containing chlorine dioxide in
excess of the MRDL. Some people
may experience anemia.
Add for public notification only:
The chlorine dioxide violations
reported today are the result of
exceedences at the treatment
facility only, not within the
distribution system that delivers
water to consumers. Continued
compliance with chlorine dioxide
levels within the distribution
system minimizes the potential risk
of these violations to consumers.
86a. Chlorine dioxide,
where one or more
distribution system samples
are above the MRDL
0.8 (MRDL) Some infants and young children
who drink water containing
chlorine dioxide in excess of the
MRDL could experience nervous
system effects. Similar effects may
occur in fetuses of pregnant
women who drink water
containing chlorine dioxide in
excess of the MRDL. Some people
may experience anemia.
Add for public notification only:
The chlorine dioxide violations
reported today include exceedences
of the USEPA standard within the
distribution system that delivers
water to consumers. Violations of
the chlorine dioxide standard
within the distribution system may
harm human health based on short-
term exposures. Certain groups,
including fetuses, infants, and
young children, may be especially
susceptible to nervous system
effects from excessive chlorine
dioxide exposure.
87. Control of DBP
precursors (TOC)
Total organic carbon (TOC) has no
health effects. However, total
organic carbon provides a medium
for the formation of disinfection
byproducts. These byproducts
include trihalomethanes (THMs)
and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
Drinking water containing these
byproducts in excess of the MCL
may lead to adverse health effects,
liver or kidney problems, or
nervous system effects, and may
lead to an increased risk of getting
I. Other Treatment Techniques:
88. Acrylamide
Some people who drink water
containing high levels of
acrylamide over a long period of
time could have problems with
their nervous system or blood, and
may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
89. Epichlorohydrin
Some people who drink water
containing high levels of
epichlorohydrin over a long period
of time could experience stomach
problems, and may have an
increased risk of getting cancer.
Appendix H--Endnotes
1. “MCLG” means maximum contaminant level goal.
2. “MCL” means maximum contaminant level.
3. For a water supplier analyzing at least 40 samples per month, no more than 5.0 percent of
the monthly samples may be positive for total coliforms. For a supplier analyzing fewer than
40 samples per month, no more than one sample per month may be positive for total coliforms.
4. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the 1998 Interim
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the 2002 Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule. The MCL for the monthly turbidity average is 1 NTU; the MCL for the 2-
day average is 5 NTU for a supplier that is required to filter but has not yet installed filtration
(Section 611.320).
5. “NTU” means nephelometric turbidity unit.
6. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the 1998
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), and the 2002 Long Term 1
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. A supplier subject to the Surface Water Treatment
Rule (both filtered and unfiltered) may not exceed 5 NTU. In addition, in filtered systems, 95
percent of samples each month must not exceed 0.5 NTU in systems using conventional or
direct filtration and must not exceed 1 NTU in systems using slow sand or diatomaceous earth
filtration or other filtration technologies approved by the Agency.
7. “TT” means treatment technique.
8. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the 1998
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), and the 2002 Long Term 1
Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. For a supplier subject to the IESWTR (systems
serving at least 10,000 people, using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence
of surface water), that use conventional filtration or direct filtration, after January 1, 2002, the
turbidity level of a system’s combined filter effluent may not exceed 0.3 NTU in at least 95
percent of monthly measurements, and the turbidity level of a system’s combined filter effluent
must not exceed 1 NTU at any time. A supplier subject to the IESWTR using technologies
other than conventional, direct, slow sand, or diatomaceous earth filtration must meet turbidity
limits set by the Agency. For a supplier subject to the LT1ESWTR (a supplier that serves
fewer than 10,000 people, using surface water or ground water under the direct influence of
surface water) that uses conventional filtration or direct filtration, after January 14, 2005, the
turbidity level of the supplier’s combined filter effluent may not exceed 0.3 NTU in at least 95
percent of monthly measurements, and the turbidity level of the supplier’s combined filter
effluent must not exceed 1 NTU at any time. A supplier subject to the LT1ESWTR using
technologies other than conventional, direct, slow sand, or diatomaceous earth filtration must
meet turbidity limits set by the Agency.
9. The bacteria detected by heterotrophic plate count (HPC) are not necessarily harmful. HPC
is simply an alternative method of determining disinfectant residual levels. The number of
such bacteria is an indicator of whether there is enough disinfectant in the distribution system.
10. SWTR, and IESWTR, and LT1ESWTR treatment technique violations that involve
turbidity exceedences may use the health effects language for turbidity instead.
11. These arsenic values are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the MCL is 0.05 mg/L
and there is no MCLG.
12. Millions of fibers per liter.
13. Action Level = 0.015 mg/L.
14. Action Level = 1.3 mg/L.
15. Millirems per year.
16. Picocuries per liter.
17. The uranium MCL is effective December 8, 2003 for all community water systems.
18. A surface water system supplier or a groundwater system supplier under the direct
influence of surface water is regulated under Subpart B of this Part. A Supbart B community
water system supplier or a non-transient non-community system supplier that serves 10,000 or
more persons must comply with DBP MCLs and disinfectant maximum residual disinfectant
levels (MRDLs) beginning January 1, 2002. All other community and non-transient non-
community system suppliers must meet the MCLs and MRDLs beginning January 1, 2004.
Subpart B transient non-community system suppliers serving 10,000 or more persons and using
chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the chlorine dioxide MRDL
beginning January 1, 2002. Subpart B transient non-community system suppliers serving
fewer than 10,000 persons and systems using only groundwater not under the direct influence
of surface water and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the
chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.
19. The MCL of 0.10 mg/L for TTHMs is in effect until January 1, 2002 for a Subpart B
community water system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons. This MCL is in effect until
January 1, 2004 for community water systems with a population of 10,000 or more using only
groundwater not under the direct influence of surface water. After these deadlines, the MCL
will be 0.080 mg/L. On January 1, 2004, a supplier serving fewer than 10,000 will have to
comply with the new MCL as well.
20. The MCL for total trihalomethanes is the sum of the concentrations of the individual
21. The MCL for haloacetic acids is the sum of the concentrations of the individual haloacetic
22. “MRDLG” means maximum residual disinfectant level goal.
23. “MRDL” means maximum residual disinfectant level.
BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix B to Subpart Q to 40 CFR 141 (2000), as amended at
65 Fed. Reg. 76751 (December 7, 2000), effective December 8, 2003, and at 66 Fed. Reg.
6976 (January 22, 2001).
BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix B to Subpart Q to 40 CFR 141 (2000), as amended at
66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001) (2001), as amended at 67 Fed. Reg. 1812 (January 14,
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the
above opinion and order was adopted on September 5, 2002, by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board