April 16, 1987
    PCB 87—9
    This matter comes before the Board on the January 26, 1987
    petition for variance filed by the Village of Plainfield
    (Village). The Village seeks a five year variance from 35 Ill.
    Adm, Code 602,105(a), Standards for Issuance, and from 35 Ill,
    Adm. Code 602.105(b), Restricted Status, but only to the extent
    those rules involve 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.301(a) (combined
    radium—226 and radium—228 concentration) and 604.301(b) (gross
    alpha particle activity) On March 11, 1987, the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed its Recommendation
    in support of grant of variances Hearing was waived and none has
    been held,
    The Village of Plainfield, located in Will County, provides
    drinking water from its wells for a population of 1300
    residential and 200 industrial and commercial utility customers
    representing some 4,000 residents and some 200 industries, The
    water supply system includes two deep wells, pump and
    distribution facilities, The Village by ordinance imposes a user
    By letter dated October 4, 1985, the Village was first
    advised by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (hereafter flAgencyu) that the 5.0 pCi/l maximum allowable
    concentration of combined radium—226 and radium—228 was
    exceeded, The Agency analyses indicated a combined radium
    concentration of 9~8pCi/l. By letter dated May 20, 1986, the
    Agency notified Petitioner that Petitioner was going to be placed
    on Restricted Status,
    By letter dated May 5, 1986, the Village was first advised
    by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (hereafter
    “Agency”) that the 15 pCi/i maximum allowable concentration of
    gross alpha particle activity was exceeded. The Agency analyses
    indicated a gross alpha particle activity of 19 pCi/i. By letter

    dated May 20, 1986, the Agency notified Petitioner that
    Petitioner was going to be placed on Restricted Status.
    Since receiving the Agency’s report, the Village conducted
    its own analyses of its water in its water supply system and its
    water distribution system. These analyses of the Village’s water
    samples show the following results in pico curies per liter;
    6 OF
    9—86 1400 Division St. Distribution 8,2 ±2,4 pCi/l Gross Alpha
    Well #4
    9.8 ~ 2.6 pCi/l Gross Alpha
    Well #3
    7.3 ±2~2pCi/l Gross Alpha
    RAW OR
    86 1400 Division St. Distribution 6.6±0.2 3.3±1.0 9,9±1.2pC
    Well #4
    7.7±0,2 3.5±1.0 11,2±1.2 pC
    Well #3
    8.0±0.2 4.2±1.1 12,2±1,3 pC
    By letter of October 23, 1986, the Agency reported to the
    Village that another analysis it had performed indicated a
    combined radium level of 12,8 pCi/i, with the radium—226 level at
    8,1 pCi/i and the radium—228 level at 4.7 pCi/l,
    The Village has identified two po-ssible compliance
    options. One such option would involve searching for alternative
    sources of water, such as the construction of shallow wells, The
    Village notes that it currently has no shallow wells which can be
    used for blending purposes, and asserts without elaboration that
    interconnections with other systems to obtain low radium water
    would be “excessively costly” due to the distance from existing
    water lines to other water supply systems. The Village has not
    as yet begun investigating the particulars of this option, and so
    has no estimate of the potential costs or time required for
    Another option would involve construction of treatment
    facilities to properly treat all water supplied by the wells,
    Again, as the Village has not begun its investigation of the
    particulars of this option, it has presented no estimate of the
    potential costs or time required for implementation,
    The Village notes that the two primary treatment methods
    used for radium removal, lime or lime—soda softening and ion
    exchange softening, each produce large quantities of sludge in
    which the removed radium is concentrated, which can create
    disposal and handling problems. Additionally, if an ion exchange
    softener is regenerated with salt, the sodium content of the

    finished water is increased, creating health risks for those with
    hypertension or heart problems.
    The Village notes with interest, therefore, news reports of
    research which is currently being conducted concerning radium
    removal by means of absorption using a resin product which would
    absorb radium isotopes (Petition, Exh 4—5), The Agency has
    elaborated on these reports in its Recommendation:
    To provide help for small communities, a long—term,
    USEPA--funded project has been undertaken to
    evaluate the single contaminant removal processes
    (activated alumina and ion exchange) versus the
    desalting processes (electro—dialysis with reversal
    and reverse osmosis). To accomplish this project,
    contaminated water sources in a series of small
    U.S. communities are being studied with the use of
    a mobil drinking water treatment research facility.
    The objectives of the pilot—scale studies conducted
    at the Mobile Drinking Water Treatment Research
    Facility in Lemont and the bench—scale research
    undertaken at the University of Houston include the
    1. To evaluate RO (reverse osmosis), IX (ion
    exchange), EDR (electro—dialysis with
    reversal) and specific adsorbents for the
    treatment of Lemont and similar small—
    community water supplies for the removal of
    radium, and to a lesser extent barium,
    2. To obtain valid design and cost information
    for the scale—up of these processes.
    3. To develop recommended means for the most
    economical operation of each of these
    processes, i.e. to establish: pretreatment
    requirements for all processes, bypass water
    allowances for all processes, types of
    adsorbents including Isoclear beads, acid—
    regenerated filter sand (Valentine’s method)
    and Dow radium selective adsorbent, type of
    resins, optimum detention times and capacity
    changes during cyclic operation, regenerant
    dosage, concentration and flow direction
    (cocurrent or countercurrent) and types of
    membranes including polyamide, thin film
    composite, and cellulos triacetate.
    4. To evaluate radium removal efficiency of
    point—of—use treatment systems consisting of

    cellulose acetate and thin—film composite RO
    make a techno—economic comparison of RO,
    IX, EDR and specific adsorbents for central
    This study began in January, 1987 and will end in
    mid—March, 1988, according to Dr. Dennis Clifford
    Prof. Eng., Associate Professor and Director,
    Environmental Engineering Program of the Department
    of Civil Engineering, The University of Houston—
    University Park, ~iouston,TX 77004.
    A second study may be done by Iso—Clear Systems
    Corporation of Yorkville, Illinois which says it
    has developed a product for the efficient removal
    of Radium from drinking water. The material is
    used in packed vertical columns, through which the
    drinking water is passed. As the water passes
    through the column, radium is adsorbed into the
    resin and retained.
    Iso—Clear is currently
    negotiating with the State of Illinois to establish
    design parameters for full—scale usage. A mobile
    trailer mounted pilot plan is proposed which would
    allow testing water from various municipalities.
    The Agency has been informed it would take about
    six months to complete the study but the starting
    date is uncertain as it is dependent on the company
    getting a state grant for the study.
    After the studies are completed, USEPA approval is
    likely required. (35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.202(b)).
    The Village asserts that denial of variance during tne
    period in which it is exploring compliance options would impose
    an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship. The village notes that
    the investigation of the resin absorption method will take
    several months, and that in the interim the Village does not wish
    to have proceeded with more expensive alternatives which may not
    completely solve its radioactivity problem. The only hard
    economic data which the Village has presented concerns its
    ability to pay Lor improvements, including bonding authority, the
    Village states that its 1985 assessed valuation is $31,517,555,
    that the statutory debt limit of assessed evaulation (8.625 of
    assessed valuation is $2,718,389, and the Village’s legal debt
    margin (1985—86 FY Audit) is $2,638,280. No data is given
    concerning the level of current water use charges, or other
    projects which would place demands on the Village’s bonding

    The Village notes that because it is on restricted status,
    that the Agency cannot lawfully issue permits for water main
    extensions. The Village asserts that there is a great need for
    the expansion of the water distribution system in order to serve
    the domestic and fire protection requirements of the local
    population. The Village states that its current system is in
    need of new mains to “loop” the existing mains to increase fire
    flow, The Village additionally states that it anticipates future
    water service demand from and need for water main extensions to
    land which is currently vacant, The Village has provided no
    further details concerning the above stated assertions,
    The Village has made no formal assessment of the effect of
    this variance on the environment, although it refers the Board
    and Agency to the testimony and exhibits presented by Richard E
    Toohey, Ph.D. and James Stebbings, Ph.D. both of the Argonne
    National Laboratory, on July 30 and August 2, 1985 in R85—i4,
    Proposed Amendments to Public Water Supply Regulations, 35 Ill,
    Adm. Code 602.105 and 602.106, However, it is the opinion of the
    Village that the granting of this variance for the limited time
    period of the requested variance will not cause any significant
    harm to the environment or to the people served by potential
    water main extensions that would be allowed if this variance is
    In its Recommendation, the Agency does not dispute any of
    the Village’s contentions. The Agency believes that while
    radiation at any level creates some risk, the risk associated
    with the level in the Village’s water is very low, The Agency
    further believes an incremental increase in the maximum allowable
    concentration (MAC) for radium even up to a maximum of four times
    the current 5 pCi/i should cause no significant health risk for
    the limited population served by new water main extensions for
    the time period of this recommended variance. The Agency notes
    that the MAC for combined radium is currently under review at the
    federal level, but also that the Agency does not expect any
    proposal to change the standard before 1987 or early 1988.
    The Agency’s conclusion is that:
    the hardship resulting from denial of the
    recommended variance from the effect of being on
    Restricted Status would outweigh the injury of the
    public from grant of that variance, In light of
    the cost to the Petitioner of treatment of its
    current water supply, the likelihood of no
    significant injury to the public from continuation
    of the present level of the contaminant in question
    in the Petitioner’s water for the limited time
    period of the variance, and the possibility of
    compliance with the MAC standard
    the Agency
    concludes that denial of a variance from the

    effects of Restricted Status would impose an
    arbitrary or unreasonable hardship upon Petitioner.
    The Agency observes that this grant of variance
    from restricted status affect only those users who
    consume water drum from any newly extended water
    lines. This variance should not affect the status
    of the rest of Petitioner’s population drawing
    water from existing water lines, except insofar as
    the variance by its conditions may hasten
    compliance. Grant of variance may also, in the
    interim, lessen exposure for that portion of the
    population which will be consuming more effectively
    blended water. In so saying, the Agency emphasizes
    that it continues to place a high priority on
    compliance with the radium standards,
    The Agency recommends a grant of variance with conditions
    for the full five year term requested by the Village. The Agency
    agrees with the Village that use of a promising treatment method
    should not be forciosed by requiring submittal of a compliance
    plan which does not consider the new methods due to lack of data
    whose development is ongoing. The Agency would therefore
    recommend that the petitioner be given 18 months in which to
    investigate compliance options and file a compliance plan, with
    the balance of the five year period to be devoted to
    implementation of the selected plan.
    Based on all of the facts and circumstances here presented,
    the Board finds that denial of variance would impose an arbitrary
    or unreasonable hardship.
    The Board does not, however, believe that the grant of a
    five year variance is appropriate in this case, and will instead
    grant a twenty—two month variance. The Board believes that the
    Village’s situation merits review before the end of five years.
    The Village has been aware since October, 1985 that the combined
    radium content of its water is nearly double the 5.0 pCi/i, and
    since May, 1986 that the gross alpha particle activity level
    exceeds the 15 pCi/l standard by nearly 5 pCi/i, However, this
    petition indicates that the only step the Village has taken
    toward compliance is testing to confirm the violation; moreover,
    the petition is largely devoid of facts to support conclusory
    assertions even as to economic hardship. While the Board might
    well deny this petition for insufficiency, the Board believes
    that the better course is to grant variance subject to conditions
    which require the Village secure professional assistance, to
    begin seriously investigating compliance costs and feasibility of
    options. In recognition of the fact that studies concerning the
    resin absorption method for radioactivity removal will not end
    for approximately one year, the Board will accept the Agency’s
    suggestion that the filing of a compliance plan not be required

    before the end of 18 months, and the Board will add four months
    to this period to provide for Board deliberation of any timely—
    filed petition for variance.
    However, while the Agency has suggested that reports
    concerning compliance activities be filed every six months, the
    Board will require that reports be filed every three months to
    insure the Village’s diligence. A twenty—two month variance will
    provide the Village 18 months in which to perform additional
    sampling and testing, to complete its studies, to choose and
    commence a compliance option; the four months added to this
    period provides for Board deliberation of any timely filed
    petition for extension of variance.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    1. Petitioner, the Village of Plainfield is hereby granted a
    variance from 35 Ill, Adm, Code 602.105(a) (Standards of
    Issuance) and 602.106(b) (Restricted Status) but only as they
    relate to the 5 pCi/i combined radium—226, radium—228
    standard of 35 Ill, Adm. Code 604,301(a), and the 15 pCi/i
    gross alpha particle activity standard of 35 Ill. Adm, Code
    604,301(b) subject to the following conditions:
    A) This variance expires on February 15, 1989, or at such
    earlier time as either analysis pursuant to 35 Ill, Adm.
    Code 6O5,105(a) shows that compliance with the
    radioactivity standards has been achieved or for failure
    by Petitioner to file a variance petition pursuant to
    paragraph 1 (I) of this Order;
    B) In consultation with the Agency, Petitioner shall
    continue its sampling program to determine as accurately
    as possible the level of radioactivity in its wells and
    finished water. i) As to sampling the finished water,
    until this variance expires, Petitioner shall collect
    quarterly samples of its water from its distribution
    system, shall composite and shall analyze them annually
    by a laboratory certified by the State of Illinois for
    radiological analysis so as to determine the
    concentration of radium—226 and radium—228, The results
    of the analyses shall be reported to the Water Quality
    Unit, Division of Public Water Supplies, 2200 Churchill
    Road, IEPA, Springfield, Illinois 62706, within 30 days
    of receipt of each analysis. At the option of
    Petitioner, the quarterly samples may be analyzed when
    collected. The running average of the most recent four
    quarterly sample results shall be reported to the above
    address within 30 days of receipt of the most recent
    77-17 1

    quarterly sample, ii) As to sampling the raw water in
    the wells, Petitioner shall follow the procedures
    outlined in subparagraph i) above, except that only four
    quarterly samples shall be collected and analyzed for
    each well,
    C) Within 3 months of the grant of the variance, the
    Petitioner shall secure professional assistance (either
    from present staff or an outside consultant) in
    investigating compliance options, including the
    possibility and feasibility of achieving compliance by
    blending water;
    D) Within 4 months of the grant of. the variance, evidence
    that such professional assistance has been secured shall
    be submitted to the Agency’s Division of Public Water
    Supplies, FOS, at 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield,
    Illinois 62706;
    E) Within 17 months of the grant of the variance, the
    Petitioner shall complete investigating compliance
    methods, including those treatment techniques described
    in the Manual of Treatment Techniques for Meeting the
    Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations, USEPA, May
    1977. EPA—600/8—77—005, and prepare a detailed
    Compliance Report showing how compliance shall be
    achieved with the shortest practicable time; but no
    later than five years from the date of this variance;
    F) This Compliance Report shall be submitted within 18
    months of the grant of this variance to IEPA, DPWS;
    G) Within three months thereafter Petitioner shall apply to
    IEPA, DPWS, Permit Section, for all permits necessary
    for construction of installations, changes or additions
    to the Petitioner’s public water supply needed for
    achieving compliance with the maximum allowable
    concentration for radium;
    H) If compliance has not been earlier achieved, and if
    Petitioner has not filed a variance petition on or
    before October 15, 1988, this variance shall terminate;
    I) Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm, Code 606.201, in its first set
    of water bills or within three months after the date of
    this Variance Order, whichever occurs first, and every
    three months thereafter, Petitioner will send to each
    user of its public water supply a written notice to the
    effect that Petitioner has been granted by the Pollution
    Control Board a variance from 35 Iii. Adrn. Code
    602.105(a) Standards of Issuance and 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    602.106(b) Restricted Status, as it relates to the
    combined radium standard;
    J) Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm, Code 606.201, in its first set
    of water bills or within three months after the date of
    this Order, whichever occurs first, and every three
    months thereafter, Petitioner will send to each user of
    its public water supply a written notice to the effect
    that Petitioner is not in compliance with the combined
    radium—226, radium—228 standard. The notice shall state
    the average combined radium in samples taken since the
    last notice period during which samples were taken;
    K) The Petitioner shall take all reasonable measures with
    its existing equipment to minimize the level of radium
    in its finished water;
    L) The Petitioner shall provide written progress reports to
    IEPA, DPWS, FOS every 3 months concerning steps taken to
    comply with paragraph B and F. Progress reports shall
    quote each of the above paragraphs and immediately below
    each paragraph state what steps have been taken to
    comply with each paragraph.
    2. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order, Petitioner
    shall execute and forward to Thomas Davis, Enforcement
    Programs, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200
    Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706, a certificate
    of Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms and
    conditions ~f the variance. This forty—five day period shall
    be held in abeyance during any period that this matter is
    being appealed, The form of Said Certification shall be as
    I (We), ________________________, having read the Order of
    the Illinois Pollution Control Board in PCB 87—9, dated April 16,
    1987, understand and accept the said Order, realizing that such
    acceptance renders all terms and conditions thereto binding and
    By: Authorized Agent
    77- 173

    J, D. Duinelle and B. Forcade dissented.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certiy that the above Opinion a~dOrder was
    adopted on the /c~1 day of
    1987 by
    Dorothy M. Günn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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