December 17, 1987
PCB 87—200
This matter comes before the Board upon a December 16, 1987
provisional variance recommendation filed by the Illinois Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency (Agency). The Agency recommends that
because of an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship the Jefferson
Smurfit Corporation (Smurfit) be granted a 5 day provisional
variance subject to certain conditions to allow the Army Corps of
Engineers to complete the relocation of Smurfit’s effluent line
as a part of the construction of new Lock and Dam No. 26.
Smurfit owns and operates a paperboard mill which manufac-
tures corrugated containers from recycled materials. The mill is
located on a 107—acre site in Alton, Illinois. The mill is near
the Mississippi River with its normal outfall (001) located at
about River Mile 201. The waste treatment facilities serving the
mill consist of a complete mix activated sludge system and
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is engaged in a construc-
tion project entitled “Alton Pump Station Relocation”, an
integral part of the Lock and Dam #26 construction. As part of
this project, the Corps must make further alterations on
Smurf it’s effluent line. The Corps originally believed that only
one alteration of the effluent line was needed; it is now appar-
ent that another alteration is necessary.
On October 9, 1986, the Board granted Smurfit a variance in
PCB 86—71 from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.141, Terms and Conditions of
NPDES Permits, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.120, Deoxygenating
Wastes. The variance was granted for “45 days or upon completion
of the Corp’s construction work, whichever occurs first”. The
variance was to commence on the date that the Petitioner’s dis-
charge was actually diverted. The construction work began
October 28, 1987 and lasted only about 8 hours, which gave the
Corps until December 13, 1987 to complete the work (45 days).
Smurfit stated “that due to inclement weather and also the
need to relocate two sections of line rather than one” the work
could not be completed by December 13, 1987.
Smurfit has stated that the total discharge time of effluent
into the ditch from the original section of relocated line was
less than eight hours. Smurfit also stated that the amount of
time needed to relocate the next section of line will “take an
equally short period of time providing that the weather
The Agency feels that the alternatives that Smurfit has
presented before the Board previously for the PCB 86—71 variance
still persist. However, because of an unreasonable and arbitrary
hardship that the options would put on Smurfit, the Agency
believes that Smurfit has chosen the best alternative of
temporary diversion of its final effluent.
The Agency believes that the environmental impact of this
variance extension will be minimal due to the short duration of
the time needed to relocate the effluent lines and the continued
high level of treatment provided during the construction work.
Smurfit has requested that the prior variance be extended 30
days in order to give time to complete the relocation work.
Smurfit has stated that the repair work will proceed as soon as
weather conditions are favorable.
There are no Federal regulations which would preclude the
granting of this variance.
The Agency believes that a 30 day extension is not neces-
sary. The Agency recommends that the requested relief be limited
to 5 days due to the short period of time needed to complete the
work. The Agency recommends that the Board grant the provisional
variance subject to the conditions incorporated into the Board’s
This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusions of law in this matter.
Jefferson Smurfit Corporation (Smurfit) is hereby granted a
provisional variance from 35 Ill. Mm. Code 304.141, Terms and
Conditions of NPDES Permits, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.120,
Deoxygenating Wastes, subject to the following conditions:
a) The variance shall be effective upon diversion of the
discharge from the effluent line to the drainage ditch and
continue until completion of the Corp’s construction work or for
5 days, whichever occurs first.
b) Since the exact date when the temporary change in the
location of the discharge will occur is uncertain, Smurfit shall
notify the Agency’s Collinsville Regional Office by telephone
(618/345—6220) at least 24 hours in advance of the time the
temporary change will occur. This notification shall be followed
by written notification addressed to:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Water Pollution Control
Compliance Assurance Section
2200 Churchill Road
Post Office Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794—9276
Attention: Gary Whiteside
c) Smurfit shall notify the Agency as to when the work is
completed as in (b) above.
d) Smurfit shall meet its NPDES effluent limits during the
term of the variance.
e) Smurfit shall continue to operate and maintain its
treatment works to produce as high a quality effluent as
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
adopted on the
day of
,,~4.i.&,’, 1987 by a vote
Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
8 4—68 1