September 17, 1987
    PCB 86—6
    This matter comes before the Board upon a January 6, 1986,
    joint petition of the City of Wood River (Wood River) and the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) for an
    exception to 35 IlL Adm.~ Code 3O6~3O5(a) and (b) of the Board’s
    combined sewer overflow (CSO) regulations based on minimal
    discharge impacts Hearing was held on June 12, 1986, at which
    exhibits and testimony were presented~ The Hearing Officer
    issued Orders on February 6 and July 16, 1987, requesting
    additional information to which Wood River and the Agency
    responded on April 9, and August 17, l987~
    Wood River contends that the existing overflows from its
    combined storm and sanitary sewer system have minimal impact on
    the water quality of the Mississippi River (the receiving stream)
    and do not restrict stream use, and that construction of CSO
    treatment facilities at an estimated cost of $6~Omillion would
    produce little benefits For the reasons described below, the
    Board finds that Petitioners have made the showing requisite for
    granting a temporary exceptions Relief will accordingly be
    granted, subject to conditions as stipulated to by Petitioners
    and time limitations deemed necessary by the BoarcL
    Wood River, population 12,446 is located on the Mississippi
    River about seven miles north of Interstate 270, Wood River is
    served by 36.5 miles of combined storm and sanitary sewers and
    6.5 miles of separate sanitary sewers. The combined sewer
    collection system outlets to the Mississippi River through a
    single 84—inch outfall sewer which has an estimated capacity of
    168.5 million gallons per day (MGD). Upstream of the outfall

    point, the outfall sewer is routed by gravity through a pumping
    station operated by the Wood River Drainage and Levee District.
    At high river stages, the gravity outlet is blocked by sluice
    gates, located in the pumping station, and the flow is pumped to
    the pumping station “head box” and then out through the
    pressurized 84—inch sewer into the river. The dry weather flow
    is treated by a primary plant constructed in 1962 with a design
    capacity of L73 MGD. The combined sewer overflow (CSO) is being
    discharged into the Mississippi River directly without treatment..
    A 72—inch diameter sewer belonging to the major local
    industry, Amoco Oil Company (Amoco) provides for the collection
    of industrial wastes, storm water, and combined sewer overflows
    originating within the Amoco property, The 72—inch sewer acts as
    a supply sewer to the pumping station which pumps the normal flow
    to the soon to be completed Wood River Regional Treatment
    Facility (discussed below) and also as an outlet sewer to direct
    storm water flows into large storage lagoons owned by Amoco. The
    lagoons have a storage capacity of 150 million gallons. The
    storm water is then drawn back through the 72—inch sewer and
    treated at the Regional facility. The joint petitioners contend
    that these lagoons are used also as a storage area for untreated
    dry weather flows from Amoco and partially treated flows from the
    other Regional plant users during plant shutdown or malfunction.
    In 1976, a State Step I grant was offered to Wood River to
    carry out a regional facilities plan study for the four
    communities of Wood River, Hartford, Roxana, and South Roxana.
    Wood River was designated the lead agency. As part of this
    study, an infiltration/inflow (I/I) analysis was conducted for
    Wood River’s combined sewer system. It found that there were no
    significant I/I problems, and the I/I report had been completed
    and approved by the Agency. It was concluded that the most cost
    effective water pollution control strategy for Wood River would
    be to adopt a regional waste disposal plan which would include
    the upgrading of the existing primary treatment system to a 2,46
    MGD secondary activated sludge plant. The new plant will provide
    treatment of the dry weather flows collected from Wood River,
    Hartford and South Roxana, and will consist of a 5.1 MGD design
    average flow second treatment plant with a peak flow of 9.8
    MGD. The new regional facility will not be large enough to treat
    all of the combined sewer overflow from Wood River, but will have
    facilities for the interception of up to 4.8 MGD, The Agency, as
    a condition of the joint petition, has required that Wood River
    (a) intercept and provide full treatment for this 4.8 MGD of
    combined sewer overflow and (b) provide for screening of
    overflows in the 84—inch sewer prior to discharge. The Agency
    notes that Wood River has met condition (a) above by constructing
    intercepting and treatment facilities at a cost of $390,000, 75
    of which was funded through an Agency grant. The Agency further
    notes that Wood River has proposed to meet condition (b) above by
    constructing a bar screen facility at the Wood River Drainage and

    Levee District pumping station at a cost of approximately
    The primary use of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of
    the 84—inch CSO discharge point is barge transportation.
    Immediately upstream and downstream of the discharge point are
    barge loading, unloading, and repair facilities. The general
    area is alleged to be a general mooring area, These docking
    facilities and the movement of tows generally preclude other uses
    of the River within the discharge area. Further downstream
    numerous communities utilize the River for their potable water
    supplies. The first intake of River water for public water
    supplies purposes, downstream of Wood River’s CSO discharge, is
    the Illinois American Water Company’s intake, approximately seven
    miles below Wood River.
    The impact of the overflows on the Mississippi River prior
    to completion of the new treatment facilities was analyzed in the
    “Combined Sewer Overflow Study for Wood River, Illinois, October,
    1981.” The study indicated that the Wood River CSO has a
    negligible effect on the water quality in the Mississippi River,
    both on a worst condition basis and on an average annual basis,
    due primarily to the diluting effect of the river on the
    pollutants discharged from the CSO. During the worst conditions
    event, consisting of a 1—year frequency storm water overflow
    coincident with a 7 day 10 year low flow in the river, the effect
    on the Mississippi River is an increase of 0.21 in water volume,
    an increase of 0.9 in total suspended solids, and an increase of
    3.5 in BOD. Using the average annual combined sewer overflow
    and the lowest recorded average annual river flow, (30,540 MGD in
    1940) the effect on the river over an entire year is a negligible
    increase in water volume, an increase of 0.007 in total
    suspended solids, and an increase of 0.026 in BOD. The first
    flush analysis indicates a first flush volume of 2.2 MG. For
    comparative purposes the entire first flush is only approximately
    0.016 of the one-day low flow volume of the river. The joint
    petitioners believe that the new treatment facilities will reduce
    these figures slightly, and that these effects probably could not
    be detected through field testing. The joint petitioners further
    assert that a visual inspection of the river bank in the area of
    the discharge point indicated that there was no effect on the
    river or the river bank. There were no visible signs of sludge
    deposits or floating debris, and no sewage related odors in the
    vicinity of the overflow.
    The combined sewer overflow study analyzed five alternative
    methods of interception and treatment of the combined sewer flows
    so as to comply with the Board’s CSO regulations. Alternative
    No. 1 constitutes the !Ino_actionU alternative. The estimated
    amount of BOD in the overflow is 242,100 pounds per year on an

    average annual basis. Alternative No. 2 would, upon completion
    of the new regional treatment facility, utilize the entire
    capacity of the new interceptor sewer and preliminary treatment
    structure rather than limit the flow in the interceptor to the
    present intercepting capacity of 2,5 MGD, Also, a manually
    cleaned bar screen would be added at the Levee District pumping
    station to remove trash and floatable material from the CSO.
    Alternative No. 3 would require the construction of facilities to
    convey and treat an additional 10 times the design dry weather
    flow beyond the 2.5 times dry weather flow being intercepted and
    given full treatment at the regional treatment facility,
    resulting in the interception and treatment of overflows of up to
    24 MGD. The projected cost for this alternative is $2,171,000.
    Alternative No, 4 would provide full compliance with Board
    regulations by utilizing all the improvements specified in
    Alternatives Nos. 2 and 3, but would also intercept, store, and
    treat the entire first flush. The projected cost for this
    alternative is $4,768,000, Lastly, Alternative No, 5 considered
    the total separation of Wood River’s sewer system to eliminate
    combined sewer overflows. It was determined that the $23,000,000
    project would be prohibitive from a cost standpoint. Apparently,
    the joint petitioners have opted to employ alternative No.. 2, as
    the Agency has required interception and treatment of the full
    4,8 MGD capacity for the combined sewer overflow and the
    installation of the bar screen. The total projected cost (in
    1981 dollars) for this alternative was $443,400. The $390,000
    already spent on the regional facility and the proposed $85,000
    for the bar screen result in a total expenditure of $475,000,
    Based on the 1981 CSO study, the Board concludes that the
    impact from the Wood River CSO is minimal. While the study
    indicated that there was a coloration difference at the outfall
    point, this difference can be attributed to the clearer color of
    the effluent from the treatment plant in relation to the much
    browner color of the silt carried by the Mississippi. The Board
    notes, however, that none of the alternatives considered the
    utilization of the Amoco 150 MG treatment lagoons. These large
    lagoons offer space in which to store first flush and an
    additional 10 times dry weather flow for future treatment.
    On July 16, 1987, the Board requested more information as to
    the ownership and usage of these large lagoons. The joint
    petitioners responded on August 17, 1987, with a copy of the 1982
    Operating Agreement, by and between Wood River and Amoco, which
    determines the rights and responsibilities of Wood River as to
    the storage lagoons and with estimated costs for the construction
    of attendant facilities. The joint petitioners reiterated that
    the lagoons function as a storage area for the 72—inch combined
    sewer, which is the outlet for surface drainage for the majority
    of the Amoco Refinery complex, and for untreated dry weather
    flows from Amoco and partially treated flows from other Regional
    plant users, In support of this position, the joint petitioners
    8 1—234

    pointed to paragraph 8 on pages 17, 18 and 19 of the Operating
    Agreement, which specifically addresses the storage lagoons.
    The Board recognizes that Wood River is presently precluded
    from employing the treatment lagoons in its CSO operations under
    the terms of the Operating Agreement. However, the Board is not
    inclined to assume that this Operating Agreement cannot be
    changed. Perhaps with further negotiation, Wood River may
    acquire access to the lagoons for CSO storage and treatment.
    The Board also recognizes that the cost of facilities to
    employ the lagoons, estimated by the joint petitioners to be
    $2,830,000 may be high. The Board notes that the joint
    petitioner’s August 17, 1987, response provides the only
    indication of what facilities would be required to implement the
    lagoons and at what cost. The Board does not understand why all
    of the facilities listed in the joint petitioner’s response are
    deemed necessary when it appears that some of the facilities are
    already in place, Because the joint petitioners have preferred
    to not consider this as an alternative, the record is
    insufficient for the Board to determine that the Amoco lagoons
    cannot be used to alleviate Wood River’s combined sewer overflow
    problems. Nor can the Board determine that the costs would be
    unreasonable. Thus, the Board is not persuaded to grant a
    permanent exception, resulting in the permanent discharge to
    untreated sewage into the Mississippi River, at this time.
    However, the Board will grant Wood River a temporary exception
    for five years, in which time Wood River is to seriously consider
    using the lagoons as an alternative and to devise a cost—
    effective method of implementation. If on September 30, 1991, it
    wishes to pursue the matter, Wood River may submit an amended
    petition for exception which details: (1) Wood River’s attempts
    to acquire usage of the lagoons; (2) if the lagoons cannot be
    employed, the specific reason(s) those attempts were
    unsuccessful; (3) if the lagoons can be employed, a plan for the
    implementation of the lagoons into the sewer system, with
    supporting economical and technical data; and (4) continued
    justification for the granting of exception (the Board notes that
    the record in this proceeding may be incorporated by reference
    into that docket).
    In examining the alternatives considered by the joint
    petitioners, the Board concludes that alternative Nos. 4—5 are
    not justified economically. While these alternatives may result
    in discharge that complies with applicable effluent standards, it
    would be unreasonable to impose the burden of the costs (No. 4
    $4,768,000, and No. 5
    $23,000,000) on a city the size of Wood
    River (pop. 12,446) in relation to the benefit realized in the
    receiving stream, The joint petitioners allege that Alternative
    No. 3 ($2,171,000) is also not justified economically.. The Board
    reserves judgment on the reasonableness of this amount until Wood
    River submits the amended petition described above. At that
    8 1—235

    time, the Board will know whether the lagoons can be used as an
    alternative and will know actual statistics with respect to the
    new regional facility’s operations (i.e., actual interception of
    Wood River’s combined sewer overflow rather than predicted
    amounts). The Board can make a more reasoned determination once
    it possesses such information, Alternative No~ 1, the “no—
    action” alternative is not justified in light of the Agency’s
    recommendation (Alternative No. 2), which the Agency believes
    will solve Wood River’s CSO problem at a savings of several
    million dollars, The Board concurs. Interception and treatment
    of up to 4.8 MGD of flow, in addition to screening of the
    overflows prior to discharge, will significantly reduce the
    impact on the Mississippi River, Further, the cost is
    In conclusion, the Board finds that the evidence in the
    record supports granting Wood River a temporary exception to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 306,305(a) and (b), subject to conditions. The
    Board notes that the impact of Wood River’s CSO discharge on the
    water quality of the Mississippi River will be minimal, In
    addition, the Board notes that the cost of alternative controls,
    such as they have been considered, are high.
    The City of Wood River is hereby granted a temporary
    exception from 35 Ill, Adm, Code 306.305(a) as such provision
    relates to first flush of storm flows and 306.305(b) for its
    combined sewer overflows into the Mississippi River, subject to
    the following conditions:
    1. This grant of temporary exception shall terminate on
    September 30, 1992.
    2. During this temporary exception period, Wood River
    shall, as a minimum:
    a) Intercept and provide full treatment for up to 4.8
    MGD flow in the 84—inch combined sewer;
    b) Provide for screening of the overflows in the 84—
    inch sewer prior to discharge;
    c) Demonstrate a good faith attempt to acquire the
    usage of the Amoco Lagoon for storage and
    treatment of excess flows and report on an annual
    basis such demonstrations to the Board and the
    d) Submit the reports described in Subsection (c) not
    later than 30 days after the end of a calendar

    3. This grant of exception does not preclude the Agency
    from exercising its authority to require as a permit
    condition a) a CSO monitoring program sufficient to
    assess compliance with this exception and any other
    Board regulations, including Section 306.305(c); and b)
    other controls if needed for compliance, including
    compliance with water quality standards.
    4. This grant of exception is not to be construed as
    affecting the enforceability of any provisions of this
    exception, other Board regulations or the Act.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the IJ4inois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify
    the above Opuini9j~andOrder was
    adopted on the
    day ~
    1987 by a vote
    Dorothy M. G44~in, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    8 1—237

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