October 15, 1987
    This matter comes before the Board on a Petition to Amend
    Regulations filed by the City of Tuscola (Tuscola) on October 31,
    1983. Specifically, it is seeking relief from the effluent
    limitations of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.120(c), Deoxygenating Wastes
    and Suspended Solids, and Section 304.123(c), Phosphorus.
    Section 304.120(c) would impose effluent limits of 10 milligrams
    per liter (mg/l) for five—day biochemical oxygen demand and 12
    mg/l for suspended solids (SS). Section 304.123(c) would impose
    an effluent limit of 1 mg/l for phosphorus. Instead, Tuscola
    25 mg/lto
    Tuscola,effluent islimitsrequestingof
    20 (mg/l)relief BODfrom5
    Section 304.105, Violation of Water Quality Standards, as it
    relates to Section 302.212(a),(b) and (c), Ammonia Nitrogen and
    Un—ionized Ammonia. Tuscola is requesting such relief so that it
    may upgrade its wastewater treatment facility to a lesser extent
    than what would be necessary in order to achieve compliance with
    the existing, general regulations.
    A hearing was held in this matter on February 3, 1984 in
    Tuscola; members of the public were present. The transcript
    generated by that hearing will be cited herein as “R’t. At that
    hearing, the Hearing Officer granted the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency~s (Agency) motion to incorporate the record in
    PCB 83—77, which was a variance proceeding concerning Tuscola’s
    wastewater treatment plant discharge. (R. 5).
    After hearing, great delay ensued in this proceeding due
    primarily to Tuscola’s own actions. On April 5, 1984, the Board
    granted Tuscola’s Motion to Stay Decision in this matter to allow
    Tuscola and the Agency to continue discussions directed at
    identifying and designing an affordable alternative treatment
    system. By its Order, the Board granted the stay until August 6,
    1984. The Board also directed Tuscola to file a progress report
    concerning these negotiations on or before that date. On August
    6, Tuscola did file a Progress Report which basically stated that
    the work on design reevaluation had not yet been completed.
    On February 1, 1985, the Hearing Officer issued a Report.
    Report, the Hearing Officer stated that counsel for
    82—3 29

    Tuscola had promised on January JO, to send the Hearing Officer a
    written report on the status of this proceedin~. The Report
    concluded by stating that no such report had yet been received by
    the Hearing Officer. On February 7, 1985, the Board issued an
    Order which in part stated:
    The Board had been aware of continuing
    negotiations between the City of Tuscola and
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    to develop a feasible plan both for a related
    variance case (PCB 84—146) and for this
    regulatory proceeding. However, the record
    in this matter is silent as to what has
    happened in the last six months.
    Unless the City of Tuscola files with the
    Clerk of the Board within twenty—one days a
    letter of intent to proceed promptly in this
    matter, this proceeding will be subject to
    In a letter to the Clerk of the Board dated February 28, 1985,
    Tuscola claimed that it intended to “proceed promptly with this
    matter”. Tuscola asserted that based on discussions with the
    Agency, it was “prepared to resume its site—specific rulemaking
    petition and proceed to final action with the Board”.
    By an Order of March 12, 1985, the Hearing Officer ordered
    that Tuscola submit a written account concerning its further
    meetings with the Agency as well as supply more information
    concerning waters which might be affected by Tuscola’s
    discharge. Also, it was ordered that Tuscola contact the Hearing
    Officer so that he could schedule another hearing within 30
    days. Tuscola responded tp the Hearing Officer by a letter dated
    April 11, 1985. The letter detailed reasons for a further delay:
    There exists a dispute between the city and
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    concerning what will be recommended to the
    Pollution Control Board. The Agency outlined
    various programs which the city could
    institute which would help the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency evaluate the
    site specific relief requested by the city.
    The city is now evaluating those programs.
    The city is now in the process of making a
    decision whether to continue to pursue this
    regulatory relief, ~nd will know within the
    next two weeks whether that will be done. At
    that point, the hearing officer will be
    contacted and a hearing will be set in
    accordance with the hearing officer’s wishes.
    8 2—3 30

    Over one month later, in a letter to the Hearing Officer,
    dated May 17, 1985, Tuscola asserted that “no further hearings
    would be necessary”. In a subsequent letter dated July 2, 1985,
    Tuscola requested that previous letters and filings, which
    detailed its discussions with the Agency, be made part of the
    record. Tuscola also stated:
    As we had previously reported, Tuscola and
    the IEPA have had discussions concerning the
    resolution of this matter. Those discussions
    have now terminated.
    Tuscola believes that it has decisively
    proven that it is entitled to the relief
    requested. Tuscola does not believe that any
    further substantive hearings are necessary
    and, therefore, requests that the Board
    decide this matter on the record before
    Consequently, 17 months after the hearing was held in this
    matter, Tuscola requested that the Board make a decision on its
    petition for site—specific relief.
    Additional delay then resulted due to the preparation of an
    Economic Impact Study by the Department of Energy and Natural
    Resources (DENR). By a letter dated September 3, 1985, DENR
    informed the Hearing Officer that DENR had determined that an
    Economic Impact Study (EcIS) was necessary for this proceeding.
    On April 20, 1987, 19 months later, DENR filed the ECIS for this
    proceeding. After further discussions between Tuscola, the
    Agency, and DENR, a hearing on the EcIS was held on July 29, 1987
    in Tuscola. The transcript generated by this EcIS hearing will
    be cited herein as “Ec.R.”.
    General Information
    In its Opinion and Order of January 24, 1985, which denied
    Tuscola a variance extension request under Docket PCB 84—146, the
    Board described Tuscola’s wastewater treatment facility.
    Tuscola is located in Douglas County,
    Illinois, and has a population of
    approximately 4,600. The EcIS states that
    Tuscola’s population is approximately
    4,300. Tuscola’s post—EcIS hearing comments
    Sets the population at 2,500. The City owns
    and operates two sewage treatment plants.
    The South Plant is 20 years old 1985 age
    and employs primary sedimentation and
    conventional activated sludge treatment. It
    is designed to handle approximately 0.56
    82—33 1

    million gallons per day (MGD) but receives
    only 0.2 MGD. This creates an organic
    underload resulting in poor settling of
    solids. Discharge from the South Plant is to
    Scattering Fork Creek, which feeds into the
    Embarras River. Downstream, water from the
    Embarras is pumped into a side channel
    reservoir by the City of Charleston.
    Charleston uses this reservoir as a public
    water supply and for recreational purposes.
    The North Plant was built in 1938 with a
    design capacity of 0.28 NIGD. It employs
    secondary treatment consisting of an Imhoff
    tank, trickling filter and sedimentatin tank
    with sludge drying beds. During excess wet
    weather flows, however, the Imhoff tank is
    overloaded, sludge solids cannot be properly
    handled and flow bypasses this plant.
    Discharge is to the Hayes Branch, to the
    Hackett Branch, to Scattering Fork Creek 3.2
    miles downstream from the South Plant
    outfall, and finally to the Embarras River.
    City of Tuscola v. Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency, 62 POB 411—12 (1985).
    At the EcIS hearing held in July of 1987, counsel for Tuscola
    stated that the two plants had not been altered since the
    February, 1984 hearing. (Ec.R. 60).
    As stated earlier, Tuscola is seeking site—specific relief
    so that it may upgrade its current wastewater treatment facility
    in a manner that is significantly less costly when compared with
    modifications that would be necessary to achieve compliance with
    currently applicable regulations. At hearing, held in February
    1984, Tuscola asserted that modifications to the wastewater
    treatment facility, which would result in the facility’s
    compliance with current regulations, would cost $6.1 million. (R.
    6). The EcIS sets a present capital cost for the full compliance
    conventional treatment alternative at $6,620,800. (EcIS, p.
    vi). This alternative has been called Strategy 1 by the EcIS.
    Instead of utilizing the full compliance alternative,
    Tuscola has proposed a less costly treatment alternative in
    connection with its requested site—specific relief. This
    alternative pursued by Tuscola was labeled Strategy 4 by the
    EcIS. For clarity, the Board will also refer to this treatment
    alternative as Strategy 4.
    Tuscola stated at hearing that Strategy 4 would cost
    approximately $2.7 million. (R. 7). The EcIS estimates the
    capital cost for Strategy 4 at $3,392,600. (ECIS, p. vi).

    Strategy 4 calls for the abandonment of the North plant. The
    EcIS details further the proposed modifications which constitute
    Strategy 4:
    1. Construction of a pump station at the
    north plant to pump wastewater through a
    force main to the south plant.
    2. Installation of a new pump station at the
    south plant to handle the increased dry
    weather and wet weather flows.
    3. Construction of a storm water first flush
    basin and circular clarifier with a
    chlorinated overflow to Scattering Fork
    4. Addition of an activated sludge tank, a
    secondary clarifier and aerobic digesters.
    5. Construction of sludge drying beds.
    Addition of wet sludge handling
    facilities and land application equipment.
    7. Addition of chlorination facilities.
    8. Interconnecting piping and miscellaneous
    9. Standby generator.
    (EcIS, p. 15)
    Strategy 4 is similar in many respects to the full compliance
    alternative of Strategy 1 except that Strategy 4 does not contain
    the following treatment components: tertiary filters (for DOD
    and SS control); nitrification tankage, blowers and appurtenances
    (for ammonia nitrogen control); and chemical addition and
    expanded sludge handling facilities (for phosphorus control).
    (EcIS, p. 15).
    Technically Feasible and Economically Reasonable Alternatives
    Generally, the Board grants site—specific relief from the
    requirements of general regulations only upon a showing that it
    is not technically feasible or economically reasonable to comply
    with the general regulations. A recent Appellate Court decision
    has upheld this standard.
    In Central Illinois Light Company v. Illinois Pollution
    Control Board, No. 3—86—0841 (3d Dist. July 24, 1987), the Third
    District affirmed the Board’s denial of a site—specific

    rulemaking proposal of Central Illinois Light Company (CILCO).
    CILCO argued on appeal that the Board did not properly apply the
    statutory criteria in its evaluation of the record. The Third
    District rejected this position and stated:
    After a thorough review of the evidence
    presented at the hearing in this case, we
    conclude the Board’s determination that CILCO
    failed to demonstrate compliance is
    technically infeasible and economically
    unreasonable are amply supported by the
    record. As the Board pointed out in denying
    a motion by CILCO for a rehearing, these
    feasibility and economic reasonableness alone
    are sufficient to support the decision of the
    (Id. slip op. at 10).
    The Board notes that CILCO has filed a Petition for Leave to
    Appeal the Third District’s decision with the Supreme Court of
    Illinois. That petition is currently pending under Supreme Court
    Docket No. 65777.
    In order to evaluate the merits of Tuscola site—specific
    proposal, the Board will examine whether there are any wastewater
    treatment alternatives which would provide compliance with the
    existing regulatory requirements and at the same time be
    technically feasible and economically reasonable for Tuscola.
    The first step in that examination is to identify treatment
    alternatives which would enable Tuscola to comply with current
    regulations. The EcIS evaluates in detail seven treatment
    alternatives of which three are purported to afford compliance
    with existing regulatory requirements.
    The first alternative is the full compliance alternative
    described by Tuscola as costing over $6 million, referred to as
    Strategy 1. As stated earlier, the modifications included under
    Strategy 1 are essentially the same as those under Strategy 4,
    Tuscola’s proposal, except that Strategy 1 provides for further
    controls to reduce BOD, TSS, ammonia nitrogen, and phosphorus.
    Under Strategy 1, BOD and SS effluent levels would be reduced by
    high rate tertiary filters. Strategy 1 would also employ a
    single stage nitrification process which would “reduce both
    carbonaceous and nitrogenous oxygen demand in a single stage of
    aeration, clarification, and sludge return”. This strategy would
    remove phosphorus “by adding chemicals to form insoluble
    phosphates which would precipitate in the primary or final
    clarifiers.” Sodium aluminate is the chemical that would be used
    to precipitate out the phosphorus. (EcIS, p. 11—12).

    The EcIS states that Strategy 3. has a capital cost of
    $6,620,800 and an annual operating cost of $196,700.
    The EcIS has also identified two other treatment
    alternatives which would provide full compliance with existing
    regulations. Each alternative is a variation of “land treatment”
    technology. Essentially, “land treatment” entails the treatment
    of wastewater in an aerated lagoon with the resulting nutrient—
    rich effluent applied to crops or grass. Consequently, no
    effluent would be discharged to the waters of the State. The two
    additional compliance alternatives were identified by the EcIS as
    Strategies 2A and 2B. Strategy 2A would involve the irrigation
    of 230 acres of corn and interseeded rye at a hydraulic rate of
    35 inches/year. Given the times of the year available for
    irrigation, this amounts to an average application of 1 inch per
    week. Strategy 2B is designed to provide for the irrigation of
    90 acres of perennial grasses at a hydraulic rate of 90 inches
    per year. This rate of application equates to 2.6 inches per
    week. (EcIS, p. 19).
    At the EcIS hearing, John Sheaffer, Ph.D. described in
    detail the treatment process of the wastewater prior to land
    The land treatment system that we use for
    comparative purposes is) the deep aerated
    lagoon, what we do is make sure that the base
    of the lagoon is at least two feet above
    seasonal high ground water tab.e, which means
    we build it up if we need to. •We want at
    least 15 feet of working depth in it. The
    wastes are injected through a comminutor or
    grinder pump and put in at the bottom of a
    filled lagoon.
    So, there’s 15 feet of
    aerated water always between your nose and
    any untreated waste. So, we avoid any
    exposure to the atmosphere of untreated
    waste. The air is injected at the bottom of
    the lagoon through static tube aerators,
    which I describe them as like a stovepipe
    with three pinwheels in, you know, each free—
    moving, and one moves to counter one another
    so we get a good distribution of the air.
    The air is put in at the bottom. These are
    resting on the bottom above the space we
    provided for the sludge storage. In this
    design, we provided 36 days of treatment. In
    other words, the wastes undergo 36 days of
    aerated treatment.
    ...T)he wastes stay in that aerated
    treatment cell for 36 days, arid then they are
    taken during the growing season from that

    treatment cell through a chlorine contact
    tank and then out into the irrigation
    system. In the non—growing season or a
    period of unusually wet weather, they go into
    the winter storage, which when this report
    was done we estimated 120 days of winter
    ...The aerated treatment) cells are
    engineered out of compacted clay liners to
    prevent any leakage, and we call for
    monitoring wells upgrading and downgrading so
    that one can demonstrate the effectiveness of
    the system.
    (Ec.R. 73—75)
    With regard to the biological aspects of treatment, Sheaffer
    I)t’s the same biological processes in any
    treatment plan sic) except we’re riot trying
    to accumulate biomass like in an activated
    sludge. We’re not bringing bacteria back to
    increase the biomass. What we are doing is
    just providing a long period of time. So,
    we’ve substituted time for sludge
    accumulation in a treatment process, and by
    going with engineered deep treatment cells,
    you can provide time.
    (Ec.R. 75).
    The deep aerated treatment cells are designed to accumulate
    a 20 year accumulation of sludge. As a result, sludge does not
    have to be handled at any time during the first 20 years of
    operation. (Ec.R. 60).
    Sheaffer also testified about the quality of the effluent
    that is applied to the land. With regard to BOD5 and suspended
    solid concentrations, the effluent would have concentrations
    lower than 10 rng/l BOD5 and 12 mg/i SS, which is the standard
    that would apply if the effluent was discharged to waters of the
    State. Also, due to the relatively long treatment period most of
    the ammonia nitrogen will have been converted to nitrate
    nitrogen. (Ec.R. 76). According to Sheaffer, a land treatment
    facility at the Hamilton Lakes hotel and office complex, near
    O’Hare airport, irrigates grass with an effluent containing the
    following concentrations: BOlD5 of 3 mg/i; suspended solids of 5
    mg/i; and fecal colliforrn of zero counts. The Hamilton Lakes
    facility has a year round capacity of 250,000 gallons per day.
    The capacity of a land treatment facility required for Tuscola
    would be 600,000 gallons per day. (Ec. R. 62—63).

    The issue concerning viral transmission via the treated
    effluent, was also addressed at the EcIS hearing. Stephen John
    stated that as the treated effluent percolated through the soil,
    viruses would be effectively removed.
    In a soil characteristic of this part of
    Illinois Tuscola area)
    there would be
    complete removal of bacteria and viruses in
    relatively short distances; I think distances
    on the order of five to ten feet of movement
    through the soil which provide complete
    removal of both bacteria and viruses.
    (Ec.R. 79)
    On this same issue, the EcIS also quotes an authority as stating:
    The land treatment system removes viruses to
    a higher degree than conventional treatment
    and disinfection systems.
    processes with longer detention times, such
    as in ponds and storage lagoons, have better
    removals than conventional activated sludge
    (EcIS, p. 45).
    The EcIS then relates this finding to Tuscola’s situation
    As applied to Tuscola, these conclusions
    indicate that the land treatment strategies
    would impose somewhat lower health risks than
    the conventional treatment strategies on
    downstream swimmers or users of Charleston
    city water or other potable water supplies
    drawn from the receiving waters.
    difference in health impacts has not been
    quantified or monetized.
    (EcIS, p. 45—46).
    Also, Sheaffer testified that the operation of the aerated
    treatment cells as well as winter storage areas would not cause
    an odor problem. (E.R. 66, 76).
    The EcIS presents cost estimates for the two land treatment
    alternatives. One set of capital cost estimates does not include
    any costs to purchase the land that will be irrigated by the
    treated effluent. This is in response to the assumption that it
    would not be necessary for Tuscola to purchase the land. Rather,
    it is thought that Tuscola could negotiate an arrangement with
    current owners to accept the effluent for irrigation. (EcIS, p.
    22). The EcIS also presents capital cost estimates which include

    the acquisition cost of land to be irrigated. This additional
    cost assumes a purchase price of $3,000 per acre. (EcIS, p.
    56). To account for transaction costs due to negotiating an
    agreement with current landowners, a higher percentage
    contingency was included in the annual operating costs for the
    land treatment alternatives than that what was included in the
    conventional technology alternative operating estimates. (EcIS,
    p. 23).. The EcIS presents cost estimates for the land treatment
    as follows:
    Without Land Purchase
    With Land Purchase
    Strategy 2A Strategy 2B
    Strategy 2A
    Capi tal
    (EcIS, p. vi)
    (EcIS, p. 56)
    There is nothing in the record to suggest that the
    conventional treatment alternative for full compliance, Strategy
    1, is technically infeasible. Similarly, the land treatment
    alternatives of Strategy 2A and 2B, are technically feasible.
    At the EcIS hearing, Sheaffer stated that the land treatment
    system at the Hamilton Lakes complex has been operating since
    December, 1980. (Ec.R. 63). He also stated that a land treatment
    system which will have a capacity of 595,000 gallons per day
    (Tuscola would require 600,000 gallons per day) is currently
    being constructed in Lake County. (Ec. R. 62, 64). Sheaffer also
    stated that there are approximately 25 private land treatment
    facilities currently under construction in Illinois. (Ec.R.
    71). Stephen John testified that there are two municipal slow
    rate land treatment systems in the state, at Camp Point and
    Pleasant Hills. (Ec.R. 64). In response to questions whether a
    land treatment facility could be funded in part by the United
    States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) as a
    demonstration project, John stated:
    M)y understanding is that the Federal
    Government at this point would not be
    interested in funding demonstration projects
    because throughout the country it’s land
    treatment a thoroughly proven technology.
    It doesn’t happen to be very common in
    Illinois, but it’s
    you know, it’s widely
    used throughout the country, and I think the
    Federal Government
    USEPA would generally
    82—3 38

    feel that there’s no need for a demonstration
    to prove that it’s an appropriate technology.
    (Ec.R. 69).
    The authors of the EcIS generally conclude that Tuscola
    would be a good location for land treatment due to the type of
    soil found in the area. (Ec.R. 80—82). The authors also assert
    that a land treatment is a flexible type of treatment method
    which could be easily expanded as the population of Tuscola
    expands. (Ec.R. 83—85).
    Although land treatment is not currently in widespread use
    throughout the state, the record indicates that the land
    treatment alternatives of Strategy 2A and 2B are technically
    feasible methods of wastewater treatment for Tuscola.
    Next, the Board needs to determine whether the costs for
    these technically feasible, full compliance alternatives are
    economically reasonable.
    According to the EcIS, the present rates paid by Tuscola
    residents for sewage services are lower than rates charged by
    most other small communities in east—central Illinois. (Ec.R. 62,
    EcIS, p. 58). At the same time, Tuscola has the highest median
    household income, when compared to the same communities. (EcIS,
    p. 58).
    The authors of the EelS calculated the user charge per 1,000
    gallons which would result from implementing each treatment
    alternative without the aid of a grant. The user charge for each
    technically feasible, full compliance alternative is presented
    below. Also, the user charge for Tuscola’s proposed treatment
    alternative is shown.
    User Charge Per 1000 gallon
    Strategy 1: Full compliance
    Conventional Treatment
    Strategy 2A: Full compliance
    Land Treatment of 230 acres
    (Without Land Purchase)
    (With Land Purchase)
    Strategy 2B: Full compliance
    Land Treatment of 90 acres
    (Without Land Purchase)
    (With Land Purchase)

    Strategy 4: Tuscola’s Treatment
    Proposal With Site—Specific Relief
    (EelS, p. 54).
    Tuscola’s present sewer rate is $1.74 per 1,000 gallons. (EcIS,
    p. 58).
    If Tuscola would employ a land treatment system, it could
    comply with current regulations as well as provide wastewater
    treatment at a user cost that is less than or equal to the user
    cost which would result from Tuscola’s proposed treatment
    alternative. The economic impact resulting from *Tuseola’s
    treatment proposal, which is dependent upon
    a grant of
    regulatory relief, would be basically equivalent to the economic
    impact of complying with current regulations.
    Tuscola proposes to upgrade its wastewater treatment
    facility at a cost of over $3.3 million. This modification, for
    all of its cost, will still not bring Tuscola’s wastewater
    discharge into compliance with current regulatory requirements.
    As a result, Tuscola is seeking to amend the State’s regulations
    so that it will not be subject to the currently applicable
    standards. However, the record demonstrates that by using land
    treatment Tuscola can comply with current regulations at no more
    cost than the proposed modifications.
    Given the information in the record, the Board concludes
    that compliance with current regulations is technically feasible
    and economically reasonable for Tuscola.
    Phosphorus Control
    Testimony received at the February 3, 1984 hearing primarily
    dealt with the issue of whether Tuscola should be granted relief
    from the effluent limitation for phosphorus as required by 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 304.123(c). Section 304.123(c) imposes an
    effluent limitation of 1 mg/i of phosphorus. Specifically, the
    testimony centered around Tuscola’s phosphorus discharge as it
    impacts the side channel reservoir, which is approximately 50
    stream miles downstream from Tuscola’s discharge.
    The Agency and Tuscola each presented an expert witness;
    these expert witnesses generally had opposing views. Allison
    Brigham, an employee of the Natural History Survey (Survey)
    testified on behalf of Tuscola. She testified as to the wo~rkthe
    Survey did under contract to Clark Dietz. (R. 45). At hearing,
    she stated:
    I)t would be very difficult to detect any
    measurable difference in phosphorus
    concentration in the side channel reservoir

    as a result of reduc~ng phosphorus
    concentrations in the Tuscola effluent.
    The phosphorus contributions to the upper
    Embarras watershed are very complex, and they
    include point source discharges, but that is
    less than fifteen percent of the total
    phosphorus load to what was existing in Lake
    Charleston, and certainly those conditions
    haven’t changed too dramatically since the
    data were collected in 1973.
    (R. 17).
    Brigham stated that data indicates that Tuscola’s discharge
    amounts to three to nine percent of the water pumped into the
    side river channel reservoir during the time of low flow of the
    Embarras (R. 35—36). She also asserted that “a considerable
    amount of assimilation or uptake or cycling of the phosphorus can
    occur within fifty stream miles.” (R. 18). She testified that a
    study conducted by Clark Dietz shows that “phosphorus
    concentrations declined even within two hundred yards of the
    Tuscola) outfall... two and a half to twelve—fold, and
    significant further decreases occurred just within Scattering
    Fork....” (R. 19).
    Donna Sefton, an Agency employee, testified on behalf of the
    Agency. Sefton stated that according to a 1973 United States
    Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S.EPA) National
    Eutrophication Survey, Tuscola’s phosphorus contribution to Lake
    Charleston amounts to 42.5 of the phosphorus contribution from
    all point sources. Sefton asserted that an updated calculation
    finds Tuscola with a 53 contribution of the total point source
    discharges (R. 67). Sefton further testifies:
    “when Charleston pumps into the side
    channel reservoir from the Embarras River in
    the summertime that we have documented that
    algal blooms occur after that, and that in
    the summertime non—point source contributions
    are at their lowest level and that point
    sources would tend to make up more of the
    percentage of the phosphorus loading in the
    Embarras River at that time, and that Tuscola
    is the largest of those point sources.
    (R. 72—73).
    Sefton also stated that during the summer months point sources
    contribute 35 percent of the total phosphorus loading in the
    Embarras. (R. 80). According to Sefton, this conclusion is based
    on the underlying assumption, determined from limnological
    literature, that all of the phosphorus from point sources in a
    82— 341

    watershed will eventually contribute to the eutrophication of a
    downstream lake. (FL 83). Sefton concludes that if Tuscola
    controlled phosphorus to an effluent concentration of 1 mg/l, the
    currently applicable standard, the side channel reservoir would
    experience less algal growth. Similarly, she also claims the
    City of Charleston would not have to use as much copper sulphate
    in the reservoir; copper sulfate is a chemical used to control
    algae. (R. 88).
    At the EelS hearing, the Agency stated that its position
    with regard to phosphorus has changed since the 1984 hearing.
    The Agency has currently proposed a rule, docketed as R87—6,
    which would amend Section 304.123. According to the Agency, if
    the R87—6 proposal was adopted by the Board, Tuscola would be
    exempted from the requirements of Section 304.123 because of its
    distance from the side channel reservoir. At the EelS hearing,
    counsel for the Agency stated, “But I would state that it would
    be the Agency’s position that Tuscola should not be subjected to
    the phosphorus requirement since it would qualify for an
    exemption under a new proposal”. (R. 59). However, the Agency,
    in its post—Eels hearing comments seems to take a somewhat
    different position on this issue. The comments state, “Although
    the City Tuscola in the present proceeding has not adequately
    justified relief as to phosphorus, the City would eventually
    benefit from the Agency’s proposal in PCB R87—6”. The comments
    conclude with the recommendation that Tuscola’s proposal be
    denied. (P.C. #2, p. 6).
    Tuscola argues in its comments that the Agency only opposed
    the proposal due to the alleged effects upon the side channel
    reservoir from phosphorus. Tuscola views the R87—6 proposal as
    evidence that the Agency is no longer concerned about this
    possible impact. As a result, Tuscola concludes, “Thus, the only
    parameter of concern to the Agency in this proceeding is no
    longer of concern to them”. (P.C. #1, p. 4).
    The Board will grant Tuscola relief to the extent that it
    will not be subject to the 1 mg/i effluent standard for
    phosphorus as prescribed by Section 304.123(c). In reaching this
    conclusion, the Board has considered the conflicting testimony in
    the record and taken into account the distance of Tuscola from
    Charleston and the fact that the reservoir in question is not a
    main stream reservoir.
    However, Tuscola is denied the remainder of the relief that
    it has requested, since it is technically feasible and
    economically reasonable for it to comply with current
    The Board hereby proposes to adopt the following amendment
    arid instructs the Clerk of the Board to cause its publication for
    First Notice in the Illinois Register.

    PART 304
    Section 304.215 City of Tuscola Wastewater Treatment Facility
    The requirements of Section 304.123(c) shall not apply to the
    discharges from the City of Tuscola’s wastewater treatment
    facility into Scattering Fork Creek, Douglas County, Illinois.
    (Source: Amended at
    Ill. Reg. ____________________________
    effective _________________________________________
    J.D. Dumelle concurred. B. Forcade dissented.
    I, Dorothy M. Gum, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the /.A~ day of
    1987, by a vote
    Dorothy M’~, Gunn,’ Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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