October 1, 1987
PCB 87—145
This provisional variance request comes before the Board
upon a September 30, 1987, Recommendation of the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (Agency). The Agency recommends
that because of an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship, Oaklane
Acres Subdivision (Oaklane) be granted a provisional variance
subject to certain conditions to allow Oaklane to exceed 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 304.120 as it relates to BOD and TSS while replacement
work on its lagoon’s aeration system is completed.
Oaklane owns and operates a 0.0045 MGD DAF wastewater
treatment facility consisting of a three stage aerated lagoon
with post chlorination. Effluent is discharged to Ackerman
Creek, tributary to Farm Creek which is a tributary of the
Illinois River.
Oaklane is presently required by its NPDES Permit No.
#1L0022152 to meet effluent limitations of 10 mg/l BOD and 12
mg/i TSS. Oaklane is required by its NPDES Permit to submit
DMR’s quarterly.
Oaklane has discovered that the aerators in the lagoon are
clogged and in need of replacement in order to provide proper
aeration in the lagoon. Oaklane has stated that the lagoon will
need to be drained from the present depth of 10 feet to a level
of 2 feet in order to replace the existing clogged tube aeration
system with static tube, non—clogging aerators.
Oaklane’s petition for variance requested relief for
effluent limitations of 250 mg/l BOD and 300 mg/i TSS. The
Agency noted that a Mr. Hermann, P.E., of Clark Engineers M~,
Inc., representing Oaklane called via telephone to clarify that
the 250/300 figures referred to quantity, whereas Oaklane
intended to request effluent concentrations of 50 rng/l for both
BOD and TSS. The Agency stated that the concentration limits of
50 mg/l for both BOD and TSS is more appropriate.
Oaklane is requesting variance for 5 days in duration to
give enough time to replace the aeration system. Oaklane asserts
that the environmental impact of lowering the lagoon would be
minimal. The Agency agreed due to the short duration of the
variance. In fact the alternative, no action, would cause
effluent quality to worsen and then cause more serious
environmental imPact.
The Agency agrees with Oaklane that refusal to grant the
requested variance would place an arbitrary and unreasonable
hardsnip on Oaklane since the lagoon must be lowered in order
repair the aeration system. The Agency stated it was unaware of
any alternatives that are economically feasible. The Agency
further stated that no federal regulations preclude the granting
of the variance. The Agency recommended tnat tne Board grant the
provisional variance subject to the conditions incorporated into
the Board’s order.
Pursuant to Section 35(b) of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act, the Board hereby grants the provisional variance
as recommended.
This Opinion constitutes the Board’s finding of fact anã
conclusions of law in this matter.
Oaklane Acres Subdivision is hereby granted a provisional
variance from 35 111. Adm. Code 304.120 as it relates to SOD and
TSS, subject to the following conditions:
1) This provisional variance shall commence upon
initiation of lowering of lagoon and continue for a
period of 5 days.
2) Caklane shall notify Ken Newman of the Agency’s Peoria
Regional office vial telephone at 309/693—5463 when
lowering of the lagoon Is begun and when it is returned
to service. ~ritten confirmation of each notification
shall be sent within 5 days to:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
5415 North University
Peoria, IL 61614
Attention: Ken Newman
3) During this provisional variance the effluent shall be
limited to 50 mg/l SOD and 50 mg/l TSS as 30 day
4) During this provisional variance, Cakiane shall operate
its wastewater treatment facility so as to produce the
best effluent practicable.
5) There shall be no discharge of bottom deposits. Any
bottom deposits removed shall be disposed of after
appropriate permits are obtained from the Agency.
6) within 10 days of the date of this Order, Petitioner
shall execute and submit a Certificate of Acceptance
and Agreement to the following address:
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of hater Pollution Control
Compliance Assurance Section
2200 Churchill Road
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794—9276
Attention: James Frost
I, (we) Oaklane Acres Subdivision, hereby accept and agree
to be bound by all terms and conditions of the Order of the
Pollution Control Board in PCB 87—145, October 1, 1987.
By: Authorized Agent
8 2—119
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
adopted on the
day of
1987 by a vote
Dorothy M. ~‘Gunn,Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board