February 25, 1988
    (Beliwood Plant),
    PCB 87—187
    MR. GUY
    OPINIO~ ~ ORD’~ROF TH~ BOkRD (by R. C. Flernal):
    This matter comes before the Board upon a Petition for
    Variance filed November 30, 198~ by Cellu—Craft ~4idweet, Inc.
    (“Cellu—Craft”) on behalf of its plant located in Bellwood,
    Illinois. Cellu—CraEt requests variance unti.1 ~pril 15, 1988
    from the requirements of 35 Iii. Adm. Code 215, Subpart P, for
    flexographic pri.nting operations in ozone non—attainment areas.
    On January 15, 1988 the Illinois Environmental Protection
    (“agency”) filed a recommendation that the requeste3 relief be
    granted, subject to conditions. Hearing was held January 28,
    1988 in Chicago.
    Cellu—Craft operates a flexoiraohic printing and laminating
    facility located at 5303 St. Charles Road, Bellwood, Cook County,
    Illinois, where it produces oackaging material, mainly for the
    food industry. During the production of the packaging materials
    volatile organic materials (“VOM’1) are released to t~e
    atmosphere. The aggregate uncontrolled emissions of VOM at the
    Bellwood facility exceed 100 tons per year.
    Prior to November 9, 1987 Cellu—Craft was exempt from the
    requirements of Sub~artP pursuant to the 1000 ton per year
    aggregate uncontrolled emissions exemption then found at
    215.402. However, in response to proposed U.S. Environmental
    Protection ~gency disapproval of 215.402, the Board on October
    19, 19)7 amended Subpart P to, inter alia, lower the exemotion
    applicable to Cellu—Craft and similarly located facilities to 100
    tons per year. The amendments, which became effective November
    86—38 1

    9, 1987, further require compliance with the emissions
    limitations of Subpart P by December 31, 1997. Because it was
    unable to achieve compliance within the available timeframe,
    Cellu—Craft has requested the instant relief.
    Nothwithstanding the recentness of the applicability of
    Subpart P regulations to Cellu—Craft ani nothwithstanding its
    prior compliant status, Cellu—Craft has been investigating
    various methods of reducing emissions for several years,
    including substitution of inks (Agency Rec. at 4). Additionally,
    as early as September 1986 Cellu—Craft completed an engineering
    study prepartory to addition of add—on controls and in January,
    1987 prepared soecifications for adding a catalytic
    afterburner. However, during a mid—1987 retrofit of its
    emissions recirculation system, consistent with t1ie installation
    of a catalytic afterburner system, certain problems were
    identified with the earlier soecified afterburner. ~ particular
    problem was deactivation of the precious metal catalyst due to
    chlorine in the airstrearn (R. at 18). Accor9ingly, Cellu—Craft
    decided to purchase a combination thermal/catalytic oxidizer,
    which was done in November 1987; the Agency has issued the
    appropriate construction permit (R. at 8). Cellu—Craft
    anticinates that installation of the oxidizer will take place in
    March 1988, and that the oxidizer will be operational after April
    15, 1988.
    The Agency believes that the add—on equloment which Cellu—
    Craft intends to install will readily meet the required reduction
    in VOM emissions (~gencyRec. at 7).
    In addressing the matter of hardship, the Agency notes:
    The Agency believes that compliance with the VOM
    emission limitation of Section 215.401 by December 31,
    1987 will create an unreasonable hardship for Cellu—
    Craft. Although it began its compliance efforts in
    June of 1985
    long before Section 215.245 became
    unforeseen events beyond Cellu—Craft’s
    caused Ceilu—Craft’s compliance date to be
    delayed by 3 1/2 months. Because Cellu—Craft cannot
    realistically install and operate V3~1c~ntro1
    equipment by December 31, 1987, its only compliance
    alternative is to shut down its orinting operations.
    It is likely that a shut down of the flexographic
    presses would cause a shut down of the entire plant
    and a temporary loss of 115 jobs. (Agency Rec. at 9)

    Although Cellu—Craft’s facility is located in an ozone non—
    attainment area, Cellu—Oraft shoul~ have its add—on control
    equipment in operation at the onset of the 1988 ozone season.
    Thus, any imoact of excess emissions during the term of the
    requested variance should be mitigated.
    Based on the recorl before it, the Board finds that, abs~nt
    the requested relief, Cellu—Craft would incur an arbitrary or
    unreasonable harlshio not justified by the environmental
    impact. For these reasons the Board will grant the requested
    relief, subiect to conditions.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    Cellu—Craft Midwest, Inc., is hereby granted variance for
    its Bellwood, Illinois, facility from the requirements of 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 215 for flexograohic printing operations in ozone non—
    attainment areas subject to the following conditions:
    1) Variance shall begin January 1, 1988 and extend through
    April 15, 1988.
    2) During the term of this variance Cellu—Craft shall
    submit monthly written reports to the Agency detailing
    all progress made in achieving compliance with 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 215, Subpart P, at its plant located at 5303
    St. Charles Road, Bellwoo3, Illinois. The first monthly
    report will be due thirty (30) days from the date of the
    Board order granting the variance. These monthly
    reports shall include monthly VOM emission data from
    each printing oress. The first monthly reoort shall
    also include copies of material data sheets showing the
    composition (in terms of percentage of solid, solvent
    and water) of all inks and coatings used during the
    flexograohic printing orocesses. All of the above
    information shall be submitted to the Agency at the
    following address:
    1. Manager, Permit Section
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    1340 N. Ninth Street
    Springfield, Illinois 62702

    2. Manager, Field Operations Section
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    First Avenue
    Suite 600
    Maywood, Illinois 60153
    2. Petitioner shall abide by all conditions of Permit No.
    85110048, issued December 22, 1986.
    Within 45 days of the date of this Order, Petitioner shall
    execute aid forward to Mr. Joseoh B. Po’dlewski, Jr., Enforcement
    Attorney, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 1701 S. First
    Avenue, Suite 630, Maywood, Illinois 63153, a Certification of
    Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms and conditions
    of this variance. The 43—day period shall be held in abeyance
    during any period that this matter is being appealed. Failure to
    execute and forward the Certificate within 45 days renders this
    variance void and of no force and effect as a shield against
    enforcement of rules from which variance was granted. The form
    of said Certification shall be as follows:
    I (We),
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 87—187, dated
    February 25, 1988.
    Authorized Agent
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1985 ch. 1111/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    8 6—384

    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the aboye Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1988, by a
    vote of
    7—c .
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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