March 24, 1988
    AC 88—9
    (87—EU 9)
    This matter comes before the Board upon a February 9, 1988
    filing of an Administrative Citation pursuant to Section 31.1 of
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (Act) by the Tazewell
    County Health Department. A copy of that Administrative Citation
    is attached hereto. Service of the Administrative Citation was
    made upon Steve Zimmerman on February 8, 1988. The Tazewell
    County Health Department alleges that Steve Zimmerman has
    violated Sections 2l(p)(5) and 2l(p)(ll) of the Act. The
    statutory penalty established for each of these violations is
    $500.00 pursuant to Section 42(b)(4) of the Act.
    Steve Zimmerman has not filed a Petition for Review with the
    Clerk of the Board within 35 days of the date of service as
    allowed by Section 3l.l(d)(2) of the Act. Therefore, pursuant to
    Section 31.1(d)(l), the Board finds that Steve Zimmerman has
    violated each and every provision alleged in the Administrative
    Citation. Since there are two (2) such violations, the total
    penalty to be imposed is set at $1,000.00.
    It is hereby ordered that, unless the penalty has already
    been paid, within 30 days of the date of this Order Steve
    Zimmerman shall, by certified check or money order payable to the
    Tazewell County Health Department, pay a penalty in the amount of
    $1,000.00, which is to be sent to:
    Gordon Poquette
    Tazewell County Health Department
    R.R. #1
    Tremont, Illinois 61568

    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Boarcj, hereby certfy that the above Order was adopted on the
    1988, by a vote of______________
    Dorothy M. Gánn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    FEB 9~1
    State’s Attorney’s FIle No. 87—EU 9
    Docket No. ~
    This Administrative Citation is issued pursuant to the authority
    vested in the Illinois Envirunmencal Protection Agency by Public Act
    84—1320 (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1986, Supp., ch. 111~,par. 1031.), and delegated
    to Tazewell County pursuant to Ill. Rev. Stat. 1986, Supp., ch. 111~,para.
    1. That Respondent, Steve Zimmerman, the present operator of a
    facility located in the County of Tazewell, State of Illinois.
    2. That said facility is operated as a sanitary landfill, operating
    under Illinois Environmental L~rotection Agency Operating Permit No. 70—45,
    and designated with site Code No. 1798050001. Said facility is commonly
    known to the Agency as Pekin Metro Landfill.
    3. That Respondents have operated said facility at all times
    pertinent hereto.
    4. That on 12/29/87, Ralph Jones, of the County of Tazewell,
    inspected the above—described landfill facility. A copy of ihe Inspection
    Report setting forth the results of such inspection is attached hereto and
    made a part hereof.
    87—24 7

    On the basis of direct observation of Pekin Metro Landfill, the County
    of Tazewell has determined that Respondent was conducting a sanitary
    landfill operation at the above—described facility, which is required to
    have a permit pursuant to Ill. Rev. Stat. 1985, ch. 111~,para. 1021(d), in
    a manner which resulted In the following conditions:
    5) Uncovered refuse remaining from previous operating day.
    11) Failure to submit financial assurance documents.
    Pursuant to Public Act 84—1320 (lii. Rev. Stat. 1986, Supp., ch. 111~,
    para. 1042(b)(4), Respondent herein is subject to a civil penalty of Five
    Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each violation specified above in Paragraph
    Cue (1), for a total of $1,000.00. Additionally, should you elect to
    petition the Illinois Pollution Control Board under the review process
    described hereinbelow, and if there is a finding of the violations alleged
    herein, after an adjudicatory hearing, you shall be assessed the associated
    hearing Costs incurred by the Illinois Pollution Control Board, In addition
    to the Five Hundred dollar ($500.00) statutory penalty for each finding of
    If you acknowledge the violations cited hereinabove, the civil penalty
    specified above shall be due and payable no later than March 5, 1988. If
    you do not petition the Illinois Pollution Control Board for review of this
    Administrataive Citation within thirty—five (35) days of service hereof or
    if you elect to contest this Administrative Citation, any judgment rendered
    against you shall specify the due date of the statutory civil penalty and
    any costs assessed against you.

    When payment is uiade~your check should be made payable to Tazeweil
    County Health Department and mailed to Gordon Poquette at the Tazewell
    County Health Department, RR ill., Tremont, Illinois 61568.
    if any civil penalty, by reason of acknowledgment, default or finding
    after adjudicatory hearing, is not paid when due, the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency shall take Into consideration such failure
    to pay during any permit review process upon your application for a new
    permit or for renewal of an existing permit. Furthermore, if payment is
    not received when due, the Tazewell County State’s Attorney may initiate
    proceedings in Circuit Court to collect said civil penalty. ln addition to
    the previously assessed ci.vil penalty and hearing costs of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board, If any; the State’s Attorney will seek to recover
    their costs of litigation.
    Stewart Uwholtz, Assistant State’s Attorney
    Ralph Jones, Environmental Health Specialist
    Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
    day of~-~
    g1~1~ ,
    Notary Public
    87—24 9

    You have the right to contest this Administrative Citation. See
    Public Act 84—1320 (ill. Rev. Stat. 1986, Supp., ch. 1l1~,para. 1031.1).
    If you elect to contest this Administrative Citation, you must file a
    Petition for Review with the Clerk of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board.
    A copy of the Petition for Review should
    filed with the Tazewell County
    State’s Attorney, attention Stewart Umholtz at the Tazewell County Court
    House, Pekin, Illinois 61554. Such Petition for Review must be filed
    within thirty—five (35) days of the date of service of this Administrative
    Citation, or a default judgment shall be entered by the Pollution Control
    Board. The Petition for Review may be filed with the Clerk of the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board at the State of Illinois Center, 100 West Randolph,
    Suite 11—500, Chicago, ILlinois 60601; and, a copy of said Petition for
    Review filed with the State’s Attorney at the Tazewell County Court Rouse,
    Pekin, Illinois.
    Pekin Metro Landfill
    87—2 50

    State’s Attorney’s File No. 87—EU 9
    Affiant, Ralph Jones, being first duly sworn, voluntarily deposes
    states as follows:
    1. Affiant is a field inspector employed by the County of Tazewell
    and has been so employed at all times pertinent hereto.
    2. On December 29, 1987, between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., Affiant
    conducted an inspection of the sanitary landfill in Tazewell County,
    illinois, known as Pekin Metro Landfill, Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency Site No. 1798050001, operating under IEPA PermIt No. 70—45.
    3. Affiant inspected said Pekin Metro Landfill site by an on—site
    inspection which included walking the site and interviewing personnel.
    4. Before and after said inspection of said landfill site, Affiant
    reviewed Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permits issued to the
    subject site and investigated into whether or not required documents were
    timely filed on behalf of the subject site.
    5. As a result of the activities referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4
    above, Affiant completed the Inspection Report Form attached hereto and
    87—25 1

    made a part hereof, which, to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief,
    is an accurate representation of Affiant’s observations and factual
    conclusions with respect to Pekin Metro Landfill.
    Ralph Jones, Environmental Health Specialist

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