April 27, 1989
    PCB 88—180
    ORDER OF T1~1E BOARD (by M. Nardulli):
    This matter comes before the Board upon a petition for
    modification filed by the petitioner, City of Ottawa, (“Ottawa”)
    on April 10, 1989. Ottawa’s petition seeks modification of the
    Board’s March 9, 1989 Opinion and Order granting Ottawa a
    variance until March 5, 1991 from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.105(a),
    “Standards for Issuance” and from 35 Ill. kdm. Code 602.106(b),
    “Restricted Status”, as they relate to the combined radium—226
    and radium—228 (“combined radium”) standard of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”)
    filed its response to the petition for modification on April 14,
    1989. On April 21, 1989, the Agency filed a clarification to its
    response to petition for modification.
    Ottawa requests that the Board revise paragraph E of its
    March 9, 1989 Order to allow Ottawa to complete improvements to
    its public water supply system in a two—step program, with step
    one including construction of a new deep water well (proposed
    Well 12) and step two involving investigative and remedial work
    on Wells 8 and 10. Ottawa also states in its petition for
    modification that “completion of the proposed Well 12 and
    rehabilitation of Well 8 will enable the petitioner to meet the
    radium standards by March 5, 1990.” (Pet. Modif. at 3).
    In the Agency’s response to Ottawa’s petition, it stated
    that it had no objection to Ottawa’s requested revision. In its
    clarification the Ag~ncy further stated that regardless of
    Ottawa’s two—step program, construction of Well 12 and remedial
    work on Well
    8 shall be completed by March
    5, 1990
    and that
    Agency does not agree
    with Ottawa’s concept of
    dates” contained in its petition for modification. (Agency
    clarif. at 1).
    The Board will grant Ottawa’s petition for modification and

    issue an Order to allow Ottawa to proceed in a two—step program
    in accordance with the dates outlined in the Agency’s
    clarification. This modification does not change the length of
    Ottawa’s variance, but allows Ottawa to proceed in two steps
    within the time limits of the original variance. In the
    interests of having the Board’s Order as modified today set forth
    in a single document, the Board rescinds its prior Order of March
    9, 1989 in its entirety. The following constitutes the Board’s
    Order in this case.
    1. Petitioner, the City of Ottawa, is hereby granted a
    variance from 35 Ill.. Adm. Code 602.105(a) Standards of Issuance
    and from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.106(b) Restricted Status but only
    as they relate to the combined radium—226 and radiurn—228 standard
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.301(a), subject to the following
    (A) This variance expires on March 5,
    1991 or when anaylsis pursuant to 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 605.104(a) shows
    compliance with the combined radium
    standard, whichever occurs first.
    (B) In consultation with the Agency,
    Ottawa shall continue its sampling
    program to determine as accurately
    as possible the level of
    radioactivity in its wells and
    finished water. Until this variance
    expires, Ottawa shall sample its
    water from its distribution
    at locations approved by the
    Agency. Ottawa shall composite the
    quarterly samples for each location
    separately and shall analyze them
    annually by a laboratory certified
    by the State of Illinois for
    radiological analysis so as to
    determine the concentration of the
    contaminant in question. The
    results of the analyses shall be
    reported to the Compliance Assurance
    Section, Division of Public Water
    Supplies, 2200 Churchill Road, IEPA,
    within 30 days of receipt of each
    analysis. At the option of Ottawa,
    the quarterly samples may be
    analyzed when collected. The running
    average of the most recent four
    quarterly sample results shall be

    reported to the above address within
    30 days of receipt of the most
    recent quarterly sample.
    (C) By May 5, 1989, unless there has
    been a written extension by the
    Agency, Ottawa shall apply to IEPA,
    DPWS, Permit Section, for all
    permits necessary to construct the
    new deep’ water well as described in
    Petitioner’s Amendment to Petition
    for Variance.
    (D) By November 5, 1989, Ottawa shall
    apply to IEPA, DPWS, Permit Section
    for all permits necessary for
    construction of all other
    installations, changes or additions
    to Ottawa’s public water supply
    needed for achieving compliance with
    the maximum allowable concentration
    for the combined radium standard.
    (E) Within 3 months after each
    construction permit is issued by
    IEPA, DPWS, Ottawa shall advertise
    for bids, to be submitted within 60
    days, from contractors to do the
    necessary work described in the
    construction permit. Ottawa shall
    accept appropriate bids within a
    reasonable time. Ottawa shall
    notify IEPA, DPWS, within 30 days,
    of each of the follo~iing actions:
    1) advertisements
    for bids, 2) names
    of successful bidders, and 3)
    whether Ottawa accepted the bids.
    (F) Construction allowed on said
    construction permits for the new
    deep water well shall being within a
    reasonable time of bids being
    accepted, but in any case,
    construction of the new deep water
    well shall begin by July 5, 1989 and
    shall be completed no later than
    March 5, 1990.
    (C) ConsLruction
    on said
    construction permits for well 8
    shall begin within a reasonable time
    of bids being accepted, but in any
    case construction of all other
    installations, changes or additions

    necessary to achieve compliance with
    the maximum allowable concentration
    for combined radium shall begin no
    later than January 5, 1990 and shall
    be completed by March 5, 1990.
    (Fl) Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    606.201, in its first set of water
    bills or within three months after
    the date of this Order, whichever
    occurs first, and every three months
    thereafter, Ottawa shall send to
    each user of its public water supply
    a written notice to the effect that
    Ottawa has been granted a variance
    from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.105(a)
    Standards of Issuance and 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 602.106(b) Restricted
    (I) Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    606.201, in its first set of water
    bills or by June 5, 1989, whichever
    occurs first, and every three months
    thereafter, Ottawa will send to each
    user of its public water supply a
    written notice to the effect that
    Ottawa is not in compliance with the
    combined radium standard. The
    notice shall state the average
    content of radium in samples taken
    since the last notice period during
    which samples are taken.
    (J) Until full compliance is reached,
    Ottawa shall take all reasonable
    measures with its existing equipment
    to minimize the level of contaminant
    in question in its finished drinking
    water, including primary reliance on
    Well No. 11 so as to minimize radium
    levels in the water.
    (K) Ottawa shall provide written
    progress reports to IEPA, DPWS, FOS
    by May 5, 1989 and every two months
    thereafter concerning steps taken to
    comply with the requirements
    of this
    Progress ueports
    of said paragraphs and
    immediately below each paragraph
    state what steps have been taken to
    comply with each paragraph.

    2. Within 45 days of the date of this Order, Ottawa shall
    execute and forward to Bobella Glatz, Enforcement Programs,
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road,
    Springfield, Illinois 62794—9276, a Certificate of Acceptance and
    Agreement to be bound to all terms and conditions of this
    variance. This forty—five (45) day period shall be held in
    abeyance for any period this matter is being appealed. If the
    petitioner fails to execute and forward the agreement within a
    forty—five (45) day period, the variance shall be void. The form
    of certification shall be as follows:
    I, We,
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 88—180, April 27,
    Authorized Agent
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1987 ch. 1111/2, par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    J.D. Dunielle and B. Forcade dissented.
    I, Dorothy M Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Order was adopted on the
    day of ________________________, 1989, by a vote of
    Dorothy M. Gj.l’nn, Clerk,
    Illinois PqXlution Control Board
    98—2 63

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