March 24, 1988
    PCB 87—189
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by Michael Nardulli):
    This matter comes before the Board upon a November 30, 1987
    Petition for variance filed on behalf of Printpack, Inc.
    (hereinafter “Printpack”). Printpack requests variance from the
    revised flexographic and rotogravure printing rule, 35 Iii. Adm.
    Code 215.245, which requires that sources of volatile organic
    r~atter (hereinafter “VOM1’) emissions be in compliance by December
    31, 1987. The requested period for variance is until March 31,
    Public hearing was held on January 21, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. in
    the Council Conference Room, 150 Dexter Avenue, Elgin,
    Illinois. The Hearing Officer was Mr. Richard Sikes. On January
    29, 1988, the Petitioner submitted its brief to the Board, and on
    February 3, 1988 the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (hereinafter ~Agency”) submitted its brief to the Board. The
    Agency also submitted its variance recommendation on January 15,
    1988, to grant, subject to conditions prior to the public hearing
    on the matter. The Statutory Decision Deadline for the request
    for variance is March 29, 1988.
    Based on the record, the Board finds that Printpack’s
    request for variance should be granted, subject to the conditions
    recommended by the Agency. The granting of the variance will
    allow Printpack to avoid an arbitrary or unreasonable hardship
    that would not be justJfied by the environmental impact.

    Printpack is a flexible packaging converter located in
    Elgin, Kane County, Illinois. Printing at the facility is
    performed on three presses: one four—color flexographic press,
    one six—color flexographic press and one eight—color packaging
    rotogravure press. The solvent fraction of the inks used in the
    presses include materials classified as VON under the Illinois
    Pollution Control Board’s Air Pollution Control Regulations (35
    Ill. Adm. Code 211.122). Presently, VON emissions from Printpack
    are uncontrolled and vent through stacks, roof ventilation, doors
    and windows directly to the atmosphere. Printpack estimates that
    total VOM emissions attributable to its printing operation were
    485 tons in 1987.
    VON emissions from flexographic and rotogravure printing
    operations in Illinois are regulated under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215,
    Subpart P. Section 215.401 imposes VON emissions limitation on
    rotogravure and flexographic printing operations; however, until
    recently facilities such as Printpack, which emitted less than
    one—thousand (1000) tons of VOM yearly from rotogravure and
    flexographic printing operations, were exempt from these
    limitations (35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.402). Because Printpack could
    not comply with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.401 by
    December 31, 1987, it filed the instant petition for variance
    with the Board on November 30, 1987. In this petition, Printpack
    seeks relief from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.245 until March 31, 1989,
    to enable it to install VON control equipment on its flexographic
    and rotogravure presses. Printpack believes that the proposed
    controls will satisfy the requirements of Section 215.401 and
    result in compliance with that rule at the end of the variance
    period. Printpack’s filing of a variance petition within twenty
    of the effective date of Section 215.245
    stays the
    enforcement of that rule as to Petitioner
    dur ing the pendency of
    this variance proceeding.
    Ill. Rev. Stat. ch. llli/2,
    l038(b)(l985); 35111. Adm. Code 104.102.
    After a review of the commercially available control
    technologies applicable to their industry and plant, Printpack
    has decided to control the VON emissions from its printing
    operation through thermal/catalytic incineration. It has ordered
    a 30,000 SCFM catalytic incinerator with a guaranteed 95
    destruction efficiency. The system should be able to produce an
    overall reduction of 60 on the flexographic presses and 65 on
    the rotogravure press, as required by Section 215.401(d) (2) and
    (3). The incinerator is scheduled for delivery by September of
    1988, installation by November of 1988, start up by December,
    1988 and continuous operation on January 3, 1989. Printpack
    plans to demonstrate compliance, through written reports, by
    March 31, 1989. Although a significant VON emissions reduction
    will only be realized at the end of the proposed variance period,

    Printpack will endeavor to minimize its fugitive VON emissions
    during the variance. Deck covers will he used on all print
    stations. Lids will be used on all solvent waste storage drums.
    Kits will be covered and solvent dispensing canisters will be
    closed except when in use.
    Absent a grant of variance, the Agency can not issue 1988
    operating permits to Printpack. Absent operating permits,
    Printpack could not legally conduct its current operations. On
    this basis, there would be unquestionable hardship associated
    with denial of the requested variance.
    Contrasting with the hardship is the issue of environmental
    impact. The materials emitted from Printpack’s operations do
    have a slight solvent odor, although no odor complaints have been
    recorded. Additionally, Kane County and the nearby Chicagoland
    area have been designated as areas for which ambient air quality
    standards for ozone have not been attained. The ozone monitor
    located closest to the Printpack facility is at Larsen Junior
    High School in Elgin, approximately two miles southeast of the
    plant. In 1986 and 1987, no ozone exceedances were detected at
    this monitor. However, there were multiple exceedances of the
    ozone AAQS in the Chicago metropolitan area (Air Quality Control
    Region) in 1987. As a major hydrocarbon source in an ozone non—
    attainment area, Printpack contributes to an unquantified degree,
    to the “frequent, pervasive and substantial” violations of the
    ozone AAQS in northern Illinois. Granting of the requested
    variance therefore will adversely impact the air quality of Kane
    County, and surrounding regions. However, Printpack’s compliance
    program, if successful, will significantly reduce the amount of
    VON emitted by this facility.
    In its variance recommendation of January 13, 1988, the
    Agency agrees that the Petitioner’s compliance plan is a workable
    plan and that the failure to grant a variance would result in an
    arbitrary or unreasonable hardship. The Agency also states that
    it has reviewed the petition for variance, the applicable air
    quality standards, the most recent Illinois Annual Air Quality
    Report and all other information which would normally be
    necessary to obtain approval of a revision to the SIP by tJSEPA,
    and they believe that if the Board grants the variance as
    requested, it will be approved as a SIP revision should 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 215.245 be approved as part of the Illinois SIP. For
    the aforementioned reasons, the Agency recommended that the
    variance be granted subject to the conditions incorporated into
    this Order.

    The Board notes that the environmental
    impact is relatively
    small and the time over which
    Printpack would be
    out of
    compliance, by the terms of the variance, would be relatively
    short. On this basis, the Board must conclude that the hardship
    associated with a denial of the variance, would be arbitrary or
    unreasonable. The Board will grant the requested variance,
    subject to conditions intended to insure that Printpack
    expeditiously comes into compliance.
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings, of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    Petitioner, Printpack Packaging Corporation, is hereby
    granted variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.245 subject to the
    following conditions:
    1) The variance expires on March 31, 1989.
    2) During the term of this variance, Printpack shall
    submit quarterly written reports to the Agency
    detailing all progress made in achieving compliance
    with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215, Subpart P at its plant
    located at 1400 Abbott Drive, Elgin. The first
    quarterly report will be due thirty (30) days from
    the date of the Board order granting the variance.
    These quarterly reports shall include monthly VOM
    emission data from each printing press. The first
    quarterly report shall also include copies of
    material data sheets showing the composition (in
    terms of percentage of solid, solvent and water) of
    all inks and coatings used during the flexographic
    and rotogravure printing processes. All of the
    above information shall be submitted to the Agency
    at the following address:
    A. Manager, Permit Section
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    1340 N. Ninth Street
    Springfield, Illinois 62702, and
    B. Manager, Field Operations Section
    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    1701 S. First Avenue
    Suite 600
    Maywood, Illinois 60153

    3. No later than ninsty (90) days prior to initiation
    of construction of a VON control system, Printpack
    shall submit an application for a construction
    permit for that system in accordance with 35 Ill.
    Adrn. Code 201.152. Construction shall not begin
    until a construction permit is issued. Operation of
    the emission control system is not allowed until an
    operating permit is issued by the Agency, pursuant
    to Section 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.143.
    4. Printpack shall give thirty (30) days notice prior
    to the expected date of any stack test, to the
    Agency’s regional office and Emission Source
    Specialist at the address provided in Condition
    2.8. The
    Agency’s Emission Source Specialist shall
    be further notified a minimum of five (5) working
    days of the exact date, time and place of these
    tests, to enable the Agency to witness these tests.
    5. During the period of this variance VON emissions
    from flexographic and rotogravure printing
    operations shall not increase more than 20 above
    projected 1987 levels.
    6. Within forty five (45) days after date of the Board
    Order, the Petitioner shall execute
    arid send to:
    Mr. Joseph R. Podlewski, Jr.
    Enforcement Attorney
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    1701 S. First Avenue
    Suite 600
    Maywood, IL 60153
    A certification of its acceptance of this variance
    by which it agrees to be bound by its terms and
    conditions This forty—five (45) day period shall be
    held in abeyance for any period during which this
    matter is being appealed. If the Petitioner fails
    to execute and forward the agreement within a forty—
    five (45) day period, the variance shall be void.
    The form of the Certification shall be as follows:

    Printpack, Inc. hereby accepts and agrees to be bound by all
    terms and conditions of the Order of the Pollution Control Board
    in PCB 87—189 dated
    By: Authorized Agent
    Ti tie
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1985 ch. 1111/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion
    ~id Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1988, by a vote of
    Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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