April 7, 1988
    PCB 88-64
    This provisional variance request comes before the Board
    upon an April 6, 1988 Recommendation of the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency). The Agency recommends
    that because of an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship, the
    Petitioner, Village of Pecatonica, be granted a provisional
    variance, subject to certain conditions, from “its effluent
    limits’t for the time that its secondary treatment process will be
    out of service while repairs are made to the secondary clarifier
    sludge collector mechanism.
    Petitioner owns and operates wastewater treatment facilities
    consisting of comminutor, raw sewage pumping, an aerated grit
    chamber, a circular package type contact stabilization activated
    sludge unit with integral secondary clarifier and aerobic
    digester, tertiary lagoon, chlorination and flow measurement.
    These facilities are designed for an average flow of 0.50 MGD
    with effluent discharge to the Pecatonica River.
    Petitioner is presently required by NPDES permit No.
    IL003O57l to meet effluent limits of 30 mg/l for both BOD and TSS
    as monthly average from its wastewater treatment facilities.
    Petitioner has indicated that the sludge collector mechanism
    in the bottom of the secondary clarifier has broken down which
    has reduced the ability to return sludge to the contact
    stabilization process or to waste excess sludge to the aerobic
    digester. Petitioner desires to repair the sludge collector
    mechanism and return the secondary treatment processes to normal
    operation. Petitioner has indicated that in order to repair the
    sludge collection mechanism in the secondary clarifier, the
    secondary clarifier will need to be drained. In order to drain
    the secondary clarifier the entire secondary treatment process
    and the aerobic digester will need to be taken out of service
    since the contact, reaeration, and aerobic digestion compartments
    will need to be drained to an approximate water depth of 5 feet
    in order to maintain the structural integrity of the steel

    partition between these compartments and the secondary clarifier
    Petitioner has indicated that clear water from the secondary
    treatment and digestion units will be drained to the tertiary
    lagoon. Sludge in excess of that deemed necessary for seed to
    reestablish the contact stabilization process when the secondary
    treatment units are returned to service will be applied to
    While the secondary treatment process is out of service,
    Petitioner plans to treat the raw sewage via the aerated grit
    chamber, chlorination prior to the tertiary lagoon, the tertiary
    lagoon, and chlorination prior to discharge to the Pecatonica
    Petitioner requested the provisional variance for a period
    of 30 days in order to repair the sludge collection mechanism and
    return the secondary treatment process to normal stable
    operation. According to the Agency, subsequent information from
    Petitioner indicates that removal from service and draining of
    the package unit is anticipated to begin on April 7, 1988.
    Petitioner’s exceptations are that the nature of the needed
    repair is some welding or repair/replacement of readily available
    parts. Petitioner plans to inspect the entire sludge collection
    mechanism while the facility is dewatered and anticipates
    returning the secondary process to service within 3 to 5 days.
    Petitioner has not requested any specific effluent limits
    for its discharge while the secondary treatment process is out of
    service. However, the Agency feels that since Petitioner will be
    providing some treatment via the aerated grit chamber,
    chlorination, and the tertiary lagoon, and considering the short
    period of time that the secondary treatment is anticipated to be
    out of service, that 60 mg/l for both BOD5 and TSS is reasonable.
    Although Petitioner has not discussed alternatives to the
    planned course of action nor the arbitrary and unreasonable
    hardship involved per
    the Agency considers Petitioner’s
    course of action to be the most desirable and feasible one
    possible due to the anticipated short period of time that the
    secondary treatment process will be out of service and the
    provisions Petitioner is making to provide partial treatment
    during this time.
    Furthermore, the Agency considers that denial of
    Petitioner’s request will create an arbitrary and unreasonable
    hardship upon Petitioner due to the fact that Petitioner has only
    one set of secondary treatment units, the expediency with which
    Petitioner desires to correct the problem, and the anticipated
    short duration that the secondary treatment units will be out of

    The Agency expects the environmental impact of granting
    Petitioner’s request to be minimal for the following reasons: a)
    wastewater will receive partial treatment prior to discharge, b)
    any elevated concentration of BOD5 and TSS discharged will be of
    short duration,
    during the requested period of the variance
    flows in the receiving stream can be expected to be greater than
    normal due to spring rains thus giving greater dilution
    capability (based upon the average discharge of the Pecatonica
    River upstream at Freeport and the average discharge from
    Petitioner’s facilities over the past year the dilution ratio is
    approximately 1720:1).
    There are no downstream public water supplies which would be
    adversely impacted by the granting of this variance.
    There are no federal regulations which would preclude the
    granting of this variance at this time for the period requested.
    Pursuant to Section 35(b) of the Environmental Protection
    Act, the Board hereby grants the provisional variance as
    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The Village of Pecatonica, Petitioner, is hereby granted a
    provisional variance, subject to the following conditions:
    a) This provisional variance shall commence
    when Petitioner removes the secondary
    treatment process from service and begins
    dewatering it; and shall continue for a
    period of 30 days or until the secondary
    treatment process is returned to service
    and is producing a normal stable
    effluent, whichever occurs first.
    b) During this provisional variance the
    effluent from Petitioner’s treatment
    andfacilityTSS asshall30 daybe
    to 60 mg/l BOD5
    c) Petitioner shall notify Dennis Connor of
    the Agency’s Rockford Regional Office via
    telephone at 815/987—7755 when bypassing
    of the clarifier is begun and when it is
    returned to service. Written
    confirmations of each notification shall
    88—8 5

    be sent within 5 days to the following
    Illinois Environmental Protection
    4302 North Main Street
    Rockford, Illinois 61103
    Attn: Dennis Connor
    Illinois Environmental Protection
    Compliance Assurance Section
    2200 Churchill Road
    P.O. Box 19276
    Springfield, IL 62794—9276
    d) During this provisional variance
    Petitioner shall operate its wastewater
    treatment facility so as to produce the
    best effluent practicable. Additionally,
    Petitioner shall perform the necessary
    repair work on the clarifier as
    expeditiously as possible so as to
    minimize the period of time that it is
    out of service.
    Within 10 days of the date of the Board’s
    Order, Petitioner shall execute a
    Certificate of Acceptance and Agreement
    which shall be sent to the Springfield
    address indicated above.
    This variance shall be void if Petitioner
    fails to execute and forward the certificate
    within the ten day period. The ten day period
    shall be held in abeyance during any period
    that this matter is being appealed.
    The form
    of said Certificate shall be as follows:

    I, (We), the Village of Pecatonica, having read the Order of
    the Illinois Pollution Control Board, in PCB 88—64, dated April
    7, 1988, understand and accept the said Order, realizing that
    such acceptance renders all terms and conditions thereto binding
    and enforceable.
    By: Authorized Agent
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1875 ch. ll~L/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rule of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify Ehat the above Opinio and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of ________________________, 1988,
    7_-o .
    Dorothy M. G nn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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