October 5, 2000
) | ||
(January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000) | ) (Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking - | |
) | Public Water Supplies) | |
Proposed Rule. Proposal for Public Comment.
Under Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 17.5 (1998)), the Board proposes amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in substance” to drinking water regulations that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) adopted to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (1998)). The nominal timeframe of this docket includes federal SDWA amendments that USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000.
Sections 7.2 and 17.5 provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a) (1998)). Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (1998)) do not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal SDWA regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
This opinion supports an order that the Board also adopts today. The Board will cause the proposed amendments to be published in the Illinois Register and will hold the docket open to receive public comments for 45 days after the date of publication.
The following briefly summarizes the federal actions considered in this rulemaking.
Docket R01-7: January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000, SDWA Amendments
USEPA amended the federal SDWA regulations on eight occasions during the period January 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000. Each is summarized below:
65 Fed. Reg. 1950 (January 12, 2000)
USEPA made a number of minor amendments to the lead and copper rule in order to facilitate implementation of the rule.
65 Fed. Reg. 11372 (March 2, 2000)
USEPA amended its September 17, 1999 (64 Fed. Reg. 50556) unregulated contaminants monitoring rule.
65 Fed. Reg. 20304 (April 14, 2000)
USEPA adopted amendments to the December 16, 1998 interim enhanced surface water treatment rule (64 Fed. Reg. 69478) and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfectant byproducts rule (64 Fed. Reg. 69390).
65 Fed. Reg. 25982 (May 4, 2000)
USEPA adopted amendments to the public notification rules, which prescribe the form, manner, content, and frequency of public notice under the drinking water rules. The amendments implement the community-right-to-know provisions of the SDWA Amendments of 1996.
65 Fed. Reg. 34404 (May 30, 2000)
USEPA removed the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of zero for chloroform in drinking water. This was in response to the vacatur in Chlorine Chemistry Council and Chemical Manufacturers Association v. EPA, slip op., No. 98-1627 (D.D.C. March 31, 2000). | ||
65 Fed. Reg. 37052 (June 13, 2000)
USEPA withdrew its April 14, 2000 direct final rule relating to the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfectant byproducts rule in response to adverse public comments.
65 Fed. Reg. 38629 (June 21, 2000)
USEPA corrected its May 4, 2000 public notification rule.
65 Fed. Reg. 40520 (June 30, 2000)
USEPA corrected its May 4, 2000 public notification rule.
Later SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments of Interest
The Board engages in ongoing monitoring of federal actions. As of the date of this opinion and accompanying order, we have not identified any USEPA actions since June 30, 2000, that further amend the SDWA rules. When the Board observes an action outside the nominal timeframe of a docket that would require expedited consideration in the pending docket, the Board will expedite consideration of those amendments. Federal actions that could warrant expedited consideration include those that directly affect the amendments involved in this docket, those for which compelling reasons would warrant consideration as soon as possible, and those for which the Board has received a request for expedited consideration. If the Board identifies any federal actions that fulfill these criteria prior to final action on the present amendments, it may include those amendments in the present update docket R01-7.
SDWA (Drinking Water) Amendments on Which No Board Action Will Be Necessary
Among the various federal SDWA amendments examined by the Board and listed above, there are some on which no Board action will be necessary in the present update docket R01-7. The reasons why no Board action will be necessary vary from one federal action to another. The Board lists these four federal actions among those considered in this docket for the benefit of the regulated community, but we do not further discuss them in this opinion.
1. | No Board action will be necessary on the federal action of March 2, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 11372). The federal action amended the September 17, 1999 (64 Fed. Reg. 50556) unregulated contaminants monitoring rule. In the prior update docket SDWA Update, USEPA Amendments (July 1, 1999, through December 31, 1999) (July 22, 2000), R00-12, the Board determined that it was not necessary to incorporate the unregulated contaminants monitoring rule into the Illinois drinking water regulations. |
2. | Similarly, no Board action will be necessary on the federal action of April 14, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 20304). These amendments to the December 16, 1998 interim enhanced surface water treatment rule (64 Fed. Reg. 69478) and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfectant byproducts rule (64 Fed. Reg. 69390) were a direct final rule. On June 13, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 37052; see below), USEPA withdrew these amendments in response to adverse public comments. |
3. | No action will be necessary as to the federal cleanup amendments of May 30, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 34404). The USEPA removal of the MCLG for chloroform in response to the decision in Chlorine Chemistry Council and Chemical Manufacturers Association v. EPA, slip op., No. 98-1627 (D.D.C. March 31, 2000), did not affect any rule with a counterpart in the Illinois regulations. The MCLGs are outside the Board’s SDWA identical-in-substance mandate, so no Board actions will be needed to incorporate these amendments into the Illinois rules. |
4. | The federal action of June 13, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 37052), was the withdrawal of the amendments of April 14, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 20304; see above) to the interim enhanced surface water treatment rule and the Stage 1 disinfectants and disinfectant byproducts rule. |
Summary Listing of the Federal Actions Forming the Basis of the Board’s Actions in this Docket
Based on the foregoing, the federal actions that form the basis for Board action in this update docket are as follows, in chronological order:
65 Fed. Reg. 1950 (January 12, 2000) |
Amendments to the lead and copper rule intended to facilitate implementation. |
65 Fed. Reg. 25982 (May 4, 2000) |
Amendments to the public notification rules intended to implement the community-right-to-know provisions. |
65 Fed. Reg. 38629 (June 21, 2000) |
Corrections to the May 4, 2000 public notification rule. |
65 Fed. Reg. 40520 (June 30, 2000) |
Corrections to the May 4, 2000 public notification rule. |
The Board will receive public comments on this proposal for a period of 45 days following its publication in the Illinois Register. After that time, the Board will immediately consider adoption of the amendments, making any necessary changes made evident through the public comments. The Board will file any adopted rules with the Secretary of State immediately after adoption.
The following discussion begins with a description of the types of deviations the Board makes from the literal text of federal regulations in adopting identical-in-substance rules. It is followed by a discussion of the amendments and actions undertaken in direct response to the federal actions involved in this proceeding. This first series of discussions is organized by federal subject matter, generally appearing in chronological order of the relevant Federal Register notices involved. Finally, this discussion closes with a description of the amendments and actions that are not directly derived from the federal actions.
General Revisions and Deviations from the Federal Text
In incorporating the federal rules into the Illinois system, some deviation from the federal text is unavoidable. This deviation arises primarily through differences between the federal and state regulatory structure and systems. Some deviation also arises through errors in and problems with the federal text itself. The Board conforms the federal text to the Illinois rules and regulatory scheme and corrects errors that we see in the text as we engage in these routine update rulemakings.
In addition to the amendments derived from federal amendments, the Board often finds it necessary to alter the text of various passages of the existing rules as provisions are opened for update in response to USEPA actions. This involves correcting deficiencies, clarifying provisions, and making other changes that are necessary to establish a clear set of rules that closely parallel the corresponding federal requirements within the codification scheme of the Illinois Administrative Code.
The Board updates the citations to the Code of Federal Regulations to the most recent version available. As of the date of this opinion, the most recent version of the Code of Federal Regulations available to the Board is the July 1, 1999 version. Thus, we have updated all citations to the 1999 version, adding references to later amendments using their appropriate Federal Register citation, where necessary.
The Board substituted “or” for “/” in most instances where this appeared in the federal base text, using “and” where more appropriate. The Board further used this opportunity to make a number of corrections to punctuation, grammar, spelling, and cross-reference format throughout the opened text. We changed “who” to “that” and “he” or “she” to “it,” where the person to which the regulation referred was not necessarily a natural person, or to “he or she,” where a natural person was evident; changed “which” to “that” for restrictive relative clauses; substituted “must” for “shall”; capitalized the section headings and corrected their format where necessary; and corrected punctuation within sentences.
In addition, the federal rules have been edited to establish a uniform usage throughout the Board’s regulations. For example, with respect to “shall,” “will,” and “may,” “must” is used when an action is required by the rule, without regard to whether the action is required of the subject of the sentence or not. “Shall” is no longer, since it is not used in everyday language. Thus, where a federal rule uses “shall,” the Board substitutes “must.” This is a break from our former practice where “shall” was used when the subject of a sentence has a duty to do something. “Will” is used when the Board obliges itself to do something. “May” is used when choice of a provision is optional. “Or” is used rather than “and/or,” and denotes “one or both.” “Either . . . or” denotes “one but not both.” “And” denotes “both.”
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) has requested that the Board refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in the same manner throughout all of our bodies of regulations—i.e., air, water, drinking water, RCRA Subtitle D (municipal solid waste landfill), RCRA Subtitle C (hazardous waste), underground injection control (UIC), etc. The Board has decided to refer to the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “USEPA.” We will continue this conversion in future rulemakings as additional sections become open to amendment. We will further convert “EPA” used in federal text to “USEPA,” where USEPA is clearly intended.
The Board has assembled tables to aid in the location of these alterations and to briefly outline their intended purpose. The tables set forth the miscellaneous deviations from the federal text and corrections to the pre-amended base text of the rules in detail. The tables are set forth and explained beginning at page 13. There is no further discussion of most of the deviations and revisions elsewhere in this opinion.
Discussion of Particular Federal Actions
Lead and Copper Amendments—Sections 611.126 and Subpart G
On January 12, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 1950), USEPA adopted amendments to the June 7, 1991 (56 Fed. Reg. 26460) lead and copper rule. The Board adopted the lead and copper rule in Safe Drinking Water Act Update, Phase IIB and Lead and Copper Rules (June 1, 1991, through December 31, 1991) (May 5, 1993), R92-3. USEPA adopted a number of corrections to the lead and copper rule on June 30, 1994 (59 Fed. Reg. 33860) , which the Board subsequently incorporated into the Illinois regulations in Safe Drinking Water Act Update, Lead and Copper Rules Corrections (January 1 through June 30, 1994) Safe Drinking Water Act Update, Phase II, IIB & V Corrections & Analytical Methods Amendments (July 1 through December 31, 1994) (June 15, 1995), R94-23/R95-3 (consolidated). USEPA stated that the January 12, 2000 corrections are intended to eliminate unnecessary provisions, streamline and reduce the reporting requirements, and facilitate consistent implementation of the rule. USEPA stated that the amendments do not affect the lead and copper action levels or the basic regulatory requirements.
The Board has incorporated the federal amendments into the Illinois drinking water regulations with minimal deviation from the literal text of the federal amendments. In the course of incorporating the federal amendments into the Illinois rules, the Board has found it necessary to undertake some minor deviations due to problems with the literal text of the federal rules. Persons interested in the substance of the underlying federal action should refer to the notice that appeared in the January 19, 2000 issue of the Federal Register. Table 1, which begins on page 13 of this opinion, outlines the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules that the Board found necessary to incorporate the amendments. The Board will offer no explanation of most of those deviations beyond that set forth in the table. We do, however, explain a couple of the more significant deviations in this discussion.
One deviation relates to the federal definition of “lead free.” The federal rules, at 40 C.F.R. 141.86(g)(1)(i)(B) (corresponding with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii)), define “lead free” as it relates to plumbing fixtures and fittings. The federal rules define as “lead free” those fixtures and fittings that “meet the specifications of any standard established pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 300g-6(e) (SDWA section 1417(e)).” Section 1417(e) mandates that USEPA provide information to “qualified third-party certifiers in the development of standards and testing protocols” for the fixtures and fittings. The Board cannot incorporate such an open-ended definition into the Illinois Administrative Code. Rather, under Section 5-75 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, the Board must reference a particular standard and a particular version of that standard. (415 ILCS 100/5-75 (1998).)
In the earlier update docket, SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998, through June 30, 1998) (February 4, 1999), R99-6, the Board amended 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.126(d) (corresponding with 40 C.F.R. 141.43(d)) to correspond with required federal amendments to Section 1417(d) of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g-6(d) (1998)) relating to the definition of “lead free” fixtures and fittings. Those federal amendments also defined “lead free” in t erms of standards adopted under Section 1417(e) of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g-6(e) (1998)). The Board noted that USEPA had asserted in the Federal Register, at 62 Fed. Reg. 44684 (August 22, 1997) that National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61, Section 9 was a standard adopted under Section 1417(e) of SDWA, and we incorporated the NSF standard by reference in place of the impermissible “any standard” language.
Confronting this same USEPA open-ended incorporation of “any standard” into the federal rules, the Board resolves the issues that it raises by the same means that we used in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998, through June 30, 1998) (February 4, 1999), R99-6. We substitute a reference to NSF Standard 61 in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii) for the federal reference to “any standard” at corresponding 141.86(g)(1)(i)(B). The Board added a Board note at Section 611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii) for the convenience of the regulated community that briefly states the corresponding federal “any standard” language and explains the substitution. We also revisited the definition of “lead free” at Section 611.126 and added parallel explanatory language at that location. The Board has no other alternatives for incorporating the substance of the federal rules and drafting amendments that are no less stringent than the federal rules in fulfillment of our mandate under Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and 17.5 (1998)).
Another series of issues raised by the amendments to the federal lead and copper rule relate to flexibility that USEPA has instilled in various segments of the rules. In various segments of the federal rules, USEPA provides that the State can either tighten or relax the general requirements. Examples of such provisions are summarily tabulated as follows:
Federal Provision |
State Provision |
General Subject |
40 C.F.R. 141.84(d)(1)(ii) |
Section 611.354(d)(1)(B) |
Providing less than 45 day notice of lead service line replacement |
40 C.F.R. 141.84(d)(2) |
Section 611.354(d)(2) |
Providing notice by an alternative means |
40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Section 611.354(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Omission of lead service line information from notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.86(b)(5)(i) & (b)(5)(iii) |
Section 611.356(b)(5)(A) & (b)(5)(C) |
Substitute first-draw samples |
40 C.F.R. 141.86(c)(2) |
Section 611.356(c)(2) |
Sampling location for reduced monitoring |
40 C.F.R. 141.86(d)(4)(ii)-(d)(4)(iv) |
Section 611.356(d)(4)(B)-(d)(4)(D) |
Reduced monitoring |
40 C.F.R. 141.86(d)(4)(vi) & (d)(4)(vii) |
Section 611.356(d)(4)(F) & (d)(4)(G) |
Return to standard monitoring |
40 C.F.R. 141.86(g)(3) |
Section 611.356(g)(3) |
Reduced monitoring |
40 C.F.R. 141.88(a)(1)(iv) |
Section 611.358(a)(1)(D) |
Composite sampling |
40 C.F.R. 141.88(e)(1)(ii) & (e)(2)(ii) |
Section 611.358(e)(1)(B) & (e)(2)(B) |
Reduced monitoring |
40 C.F.R. 141.90(e)(4) |
Section 611.360(e)(4) |
Reduced reporting frequency |
40 C.F.R. 141.90(f)(2) |
Section 611.360(f)(2) |
Waiver of reporting due to prior submission |
In each instance of such regulatory flexibility built into the federal regulations, the Board has used the mechanism of the special exemption permit (SEP) under Section 611.110 to allow the Agency to permit (or deny) the grant of flexibility or imposition of a more restrictive requirement. After examination of each instance of this use of the SEP, the Board believes that the regulatory context provides sufficient standards for an Agency decision and for Board review of any Agency decision.
Other issues were raised by certain dates incorporated by USEPA into its rules. In various segments of the rules, USEPA imposes requirements based on dates that are already past. These dates appear at each of the following segments of the federal rules: 40 C.F.R. 141.81(b)(3)(ii), 141.84(a)(1), 141.86(g)(7) and (g)(7)(B), and 141.90(a)(2)(i) and (a)(4). Where federal rules set forth past dates that could be read as past-effective dates, the Board generally omits them. The problem with the dates in the current federal amendments is that these dates dictate the current or future applicability of segments of the rules. Thus, it is likely that omission of the dates could impermissibly render the Illinois regulations less stringent than the corresponding federal rules. For this reason, the Board left the past dates in corresponding Sections 611.351(b)(3)(B), 611.354(a)(1), 611.356(g)(7) and (g)(7)(B), and 611.360(a)(2)(A) and (a)(4). At each subsection of the Illinois rules, we inserted a Board note that explains the retention of the past date from the federal rules.
The final three deviations from the text of the federal amendments that are warranting specific note relate to non-substantive aspects of the federal rules that the Board has retained for the purposes of parity with the federal rules and to fully inform the regulated public. At Section 611.352(g)(1), the Board retained language from corresponding 40 C.F.R. 141.52(g)(1) relating to federal approval of an alternative State formula for calculation. We perceive this language as non-substantive because it has no direct impact on the regulated community, so the Board added a brief introductory statement and inserted the federal language into a Board note. Similarly, 40 C.F.R. 141.90(a)(3) encourages prior notification to the State, but does not require it. The Board added introductory language at corresponding Section 611.60(a)(3) clearly stating that USEPA encourages the prior notice, but that it is not required. Finally, USEPA removed 40 C.F.R. 141.90(c)(1)(iii) and marked it as “reserved.” In order to maintain structural parity with the federal rules, the Board added a statement at corresponding Section 611.360(c)(1)(C) explaining the federal action and that we inserted a statement to maintain structural consistency between the State and federal rules. Without such consistency, locating parallel segments of text and maintaining the accuracy of cross-references within the text can become very difficult for the Board, USEPA, and the regulated community.
The Board requests public comment on our incorporation of the January 12, 2000 federal amendments to the lead and copper rule into the Illinois drinking water regulations. In particular, we request specific comment on our substitution of the NSF standard for the federal “any standard” language, the use of the SEP to implement regulatory flexibility, our retention of past dates in the regulatory text, and on the three non-substantive deviations from the federal text that are discussed in the above paragraph.
Amendments to the Public Notification Rules—Sections 611.261; 611.300; 611.606; 611.646; 611.648; 611.745; Subparts T, U, and V; and Appendices F, G, H, and I
On May 4, 2000 ( 65 Fed. Reg. 25982 ), USEPA amended its public notification rules to fulfill the requirements of the 1996 SDWA amendments. The public notification rules outline when and how a public water supply owner or operator must publish notice to the public of various occurrences. Public notice is required in the event of a violation of a National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR), when the supplier obtains relief equivalent to a federal variance or exemption from a NPDWR, or in other instances that could pose a threat to human health. USEPA also revised the August 19, 1998 (63 Fed. Reg. 44511) consumer confidence report (CCR) rules. The Board originally adopted the CCR rules in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998, through December 31, 1998) (July 22, 1999), R99-12. USEPA corrected its May 4, 2000 amendments on June 21, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 38629) and June 30, 2000 (65 Fed. Reg. 40520).
The Board has incorporated the May 4, 2000 federal amendments and June 21 and 30, 2000 corrections into the Illinois drinking water regulations with minimal deviation from the literal text of the federal amendments. In the course of incorporating the federal amendments into the Illinois rules, the Board has found it necessary to undertake some minor deviations due to problems with the literal text of the federal rules. Persons interested in the substance of the underlying federal action should refer to the notices that appeared in the May 4 and June 21 and 30, 2000 issues of the Federal Register. Table 1, which begins on page 13 of this opinion, outlines the deviations from the literal text of the federal rules that the Board found necessary to incorporate the amendments. The Board will offer no explanation of most of those deviations beyond that set forth in the table. On the other hand, some of the issues raised warrant specific discussion. Those discussions follow.
One significant issue raised by the federal notice amendments relates to the effective date. The amended applicability statement of the existing public notice rules at 40 C.F.R. 141.32 provides that the existing rules apply until the new requirements of 40 C.F.R. Subpart Q become effective. Amended 40 C.F.R. 141.32 and added 40 C.F.R. 141.201 state that Subpart Q is effective October 31, 2000 in states in which USEPA directly implements the SDWA program. In states, like Illinois, that are federally-authorized to implement the SDWA program (i.e., in authorized states), the new federal Subpart Q requirements go into effect on May 6, 2002, or on the date that the State adopts the requirements, whichever is earlier. This essentially means that the Board can determine the effective date for the new public notice rules; the Board may either allow the rules to become effective upon adoption (most likely in early January 2001) or provide for a delayed effective date (as late as May 6, 2002).
The Board has chosen to make the new public notice requirements become effective upon adoption, when they are filed with the Secretary of State. This has entailed the outright repeal of Sections 611.832, 611.851 through 611.856, and existing Appendix A to Part 611, which are derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.32, although Appendix A has been replaced with a new Appendix A based on a newly-added federal provision. The Board chose this approach because we perceive the new public notice requirements as affording a bit more flexibility to the Agency and the regulated community. If public comments indicate that this assessment is incorrect, and a delayed effective date is requested, the Board could adopt a final version of these amendments that uses a sunset provision in Sections 611.832, 611.851 through 611.856, and existing Appendix A to Part 611 and a delayed effective date in Section 611.901 (to correspond with that in 40 C.F.R. 141.201.
The federal regulations repeatedly refer to maximum contaminant level goals (MCLGs) and maximum residual disinfectant level goals (MRDLGs). These are the federally-derived goals for the maximum amount of a contaminant allowable in drinking water; they are not mandatory NPDWRs within the scope of the Board’s identical-in-substance mandate. Thus, the Board has not generally included segments of the federal rules that relate to MCLGs or MRDLGs. In these amendments, however, the Board has retained provisions relating to MCLGs and MRDLGs. At Section 611.883(c)(1)(A) and (c)(3)(C) (corresponding with 40 C.F.R. 141.153(c)(1)(i) and (c)(3)(iii)), the rules prescribe mandatory definition language for these terms for the purposes of public notice. At Appendices A, H, and I to Part 611 (corresponding with Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 141, Subpart O and Appendices B and C to 40 C.F.R. 141, Subpart Q), the MCLGs and MRDLGs are set forth and defined, but in a way that makes them appear similarly integral to the public notice requirements. The Board is reluctant to incorporate any non-mandatory federal provisions into the Illinois rules, unless those federal provisions are indirectly necessary for maintaining federal authorization of the Illinois SDWA program. In this instance, these non-mandatory federal provisions appear necessary to fully incorporate the federal public notice requirements.
The new federal notice rules include references to variances and exemptions in several locations (at 40 C.F.R. 141.201(a)(2), 141.203(a)(3), 141.204(a)(3) and (b)(1), 141.205(b) and (d)(1), 141.206(a) and (b), and Appendix A to 40 C.F.R. 141, Subpart Q). Public notice is required when relief is granted from the NPDWRs. Section 1415 of SDWA (42 U.S.C. 300g-4) allows grants of “variances,” and Section 1416 (42 U.S.C. 300g-5) allows grants of “exemptions.” A federal “variance” is not directly equivalent to a variance granted by the Board pursuant to Sections 35 through 38 of the Act. Thus, the Board began to refer to relief from a NPDWR as “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance” (or “relief equivalent to a variance”) or “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1416 exemption” (or “relief equivalent to an exemption”) in SDWA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998, through December 31, 1998) (July 22, 1999), R99-12. For this reason, the Board has added the “relief equivalent to” language in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.901(a)(2), 611.903(a)(3), 611.904(a)(3) and (b)(1), 611.905(b) and (d)(1), 611.906(a) and (b), and Appendix G to Part 611. An alternative might have been to substitute “variance, adjusted standard, or site-specific rule” for “variance or exemption” where it appears in the federal rules, but the Board believes that consistent usage within Part 611 is preferable, and Sections 611.111 and 611.112 adequately define what is “relief equivalent to” the relief provided by SDWA.
As with the federal lead and copper rule, USEPA has instilled regulatory flexibility in various segments of the public notice rules. In various segments of the federal rules, USEPA provides that the State can either tighten or relax the generally-applicable requirements. Examples of such provisions are summarily tabulated as follows:
Federal Provision |
State Provision |
General Subject |
40 C.F.R. 141.201(a)(3)(v) |
Section 611.901(a)(3)(E) |
Requiring public notice in other situations where necessary |
40 C.F.R. 141.201(c)(2) |
Section 611.901(c)(2) |
Allowing limited distribution of notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.202(a)(8) |
Section 611.902(a)(8) |
Requiring public notice in other situations where necessary |
40 C.F.R. 141.202(c)(4) |
Section 611.902(c)(4) |
Allowing use of alternative means of distribution |
40 C.F.R. 141.203(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Section 611.903(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Requiring use of a different tier designation for notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.203(b)(1) |
Section 611.903(b)(1) |
Allowing more time for notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.203(c)(1) & (c)(2) |
Section 611.903(c)(1) & (c)(2) |
Allowing alternative method for notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.204(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Section 611.904(a)(1) & (a)(2) |
Requiring use of a different tier designation for notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.204(c)(1) |
Section 611.904(c)(1) |
Allowing alternative method for notice |
40 C.F.R. 141.205(c)(2)(i) |
Section 611.905(c)(2)(A) |
Requiring notice in a language other than English |
In each instance of such regulatory flexibility built into the federal regulations, the Board has used the mechanism of the special exemption permit (SEP) under Section 611.110 to allow the Agency to permit (or deny) the grant of flexibility or the imposition of a more restrictive requirement. We believe that this regulatory flexibility is an element of the federal scheme that USEPA would require in the Illinois SDWA program. After examination of each instance of this use of the SEP, the Board believes that the regulatory context provides sufficient standards for an Agency decision and for Board review of any Agency decision.
A set of minor deviations from the text of the federal amendments warranting specific note are entirely non-substantive in nature. The Board has found it necessary to reformat Appendix 40 C.F.R. 141, Subpart O when incorporating it into Appendix A to Part 611. It is very difficult to incorporate appendices and tables into the Illinois Administrative Code that are presented in the “landscape” mode on the page. The federal table of Appendix A would have required this if kept in the table format. The Board has opted to present the information in the “portrait” mode on the page by reworking it into a paragraph format. The Board also found it necessary to codify the mandatory lead health effects information of 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(2) applicable to non-transient non-community water system suppliers (NTNCWSs) as Appendix F to Part 611, rather than as a segment of Section 611.355(a). This follows our having previously included the required health effects information for community water systems, from 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1), as Appendix E in Safe Drinking Water Act Update, Lead and Copper Rules Corrections (January 1 through June 30, 1994) Safe Drinking Water Act Update, Phase II, IIB & V Corrections & Analytical Methods Amendments (July 1 through December 31, 1994) (June 15, 1995), R94-23/R95-3 (Consolidated).
The Board added a Board note to Appendix F explaining that the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is the entity that actually regulates NTNCWSs, but the IDPH incorporates the Board rules by reference for the purposes of its own standards. The Board routinely incorporates rules applicable to NTNCWSs for this purpose. USEPA removed 40 C.F.R. 141.24(h)(11) and marked it as “reserved.” As discussed above as to the USEPA removal of 40 C.F.R. 141.90(c)(1)(iii) as part of its lead and copper rule amendments, the Board added a statement at corresponding Section 611.648(k) explaining the federal action and that we inserted a statement to maintain structural consistency between the State and federal rules in order to maintain structural parity with the federal rules. As mentioned in the segment of this discussion relating to the lead and copper rule, this facilitates future use and maintenance of the Illinois rules.
The Board requests public comment on our incorporation of the May 4, 2000 federal public notice amendments and the June 21 and 30, 2000 corrections to those amendments. We specifically request comment on the aspects of the amendments included in this discussion: 1) the immediate repeal of the existing public notice rules and effectiveness of the new rules, rather than using a delayed date; 2) the inclusion of the aspects of the public notice rules that relate to MCLGs and MRDLGs; 3) the use of “relief equivalent to a variance or exemption” instead of converting the language to “a variance, an adjusted standard, or a site-specific rule”; 4) the use of the SEP as a mechanism for regulatory flexibility; 5) the restructuring of Appendix A; 6) the addition of Appendix F; 7) the addition of the Board note to Appendix F; and 8) the response to the removal of 40 C.F.R. 141.90(c)(1)(iii).
Agency or Board Action
Section 7.2(a)(5) of the Act requires the Board to specify portions of the program USEPA over which will retain decision making authority. Based on the general division of functions within the Act and other Illinois statutes, the Board is also to specify which State agency is to make decisions.
In situations in which the Board has determined that USEPA will retain decision-making authority, the Board has replaced “Regional Administrator” with USEPA, so as to avoid specifying which office within USEPA is to make a decision.
In some identical-in-substance rules, certain decisions pertaining to a permit application are not appropriate for the Agency to consider. In determining the general division of authority between the Agency and the Board, the following factors should be considered:
1. | Whether the person making the decision is applying a Board regulation, or taking action contrary to (“waiving”) a Board regulation. It generally takes some form of Board action to “waive” a Board regulation. |
2. | Whether there is a clear standard for action such that the Board can give meaningful review to an Agency decision. |
3. | Whether the action would result in exemption from the permit requirement itself. If so, Board action is generally required. |
4. | Whether the decision amounts to “determining, defining or implementing environmental control standards” within the meaning of Section 5(b) of the Act. If so, it must be made by the Board. |
There are four common classes of Board decisions: variance, adjusted standard, site-specific rulemaking, and enforcement. The first three are methods by which a regulation can be temporarily postponed (variance) or adjusted to meet specific situations (adjusted standard or site-specific rulemaking). There often are differences in the nomenclature for these decisions between the USEPA and Board regulations.
Discussion of Miscellaneous Housekeeping Amendments
The tables below list numerous corrections and amendments that are not based on current federal amendments. The first table (beginning immediately below) includes deviations made in this Proposal for Public Comment from the verbatim text of the federal amendments. The second table (beginning below at page 39) contains corrections and clarifications that the Board made in the base text involved in this proposal. The amendments listed in this second table are not directly derived from the current federal amendments. Some of the entries in these tables are discussed further in appropriate segments of the general discussion beginning at page 4 of this opinion.
Table 1:
Deviations from the Text of the Federal Amendments
Illinois Section |
40 C.F.R. Section |
Revision(s) |
611 Table of Contents, heading of Section 611.908 |
141 Table of Contents |
Changed “SCML for fluoride” to “fluoride secondary standard” |
611 Table of Contents, heading of Section 611.909 |
141 Table of Contents |
Deleted abbreviation “NCWS” |
611 Table of Contents, heading of Section 611.910 |
141 Table of Contents |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; changed to indefinite article “a” |
611 Table of Contents, heading of Appendix F |
141.85(a)(2) |
Added a separate appendix for text moved from a federal section into a separate appendix |
611.126(b)(3) |
141.43(d)(3) |
Added “that are” for enhanced clarity |
611.300(d)(3) |
141.11(d)(2) |
Changed to the defined abbreviation “NCWS”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.351(b) |
141.81(b) |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “determines” to “determines are” |
611.351(b)(2) |
141.81(a)(2) |
Changed to singular “a water supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier”; added “that is”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “continue” to “must continue” for enhanced clarity; |
611.351(b)(3)(A) |
141.81(b)(3)(i) |
Used lower-case “method detection limit”; parenthetically added the standardized abbreviation “MDL”; used the standardized abbreviation “PQL” |
611.351(b)(3)(B) |
141.81(b)(3)(ii) |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.351(b)(3)(B) Board note |
141.81(b)(3)(ii) |
Added an explanation of the past date in the text and its retention |
611.351(b)(3)(C) |
141.81(b)(3)(iii) |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); changed “State may” to “Agency must”; changed “the State deems appropriate” to “if the Agency determines that the additional monitoring is necessary and appropriate”; changed “systems maintain” to singular “the system maintains”; changed “the” to “its” |
611.351(b)(3)(D) |
141.81(b)(3)(iv) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical |
611.351(b)(3)(E) |
141.81(b)(3)(iv) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “large system” to “large system supplier”; changed “medium-size systems” to singular “a medium-size system supplier” |
611.352(g) |
141.82(g) |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); changed “as follows” to “as provided in subsections . . .”; changed “States may” to “the Agency must . . . that it determines are” |
611.352(g)(1) |
141.82(g)(1) |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “they” to “the samples” |
611.352(g)(1) Board note |
141.82(g)(1) |
Placed language relating to federal approval of an alternative formula in an explanatory Board note; changed “EPA” to “USEPA”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(g)(2) |
141.82(g)(2) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(g)(3) |
141.82(g)(3) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.354(b)(3) |
141.84(b) |
Changed “portion(s)” to “portions”; added “of the system” for enhanced clarity; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.354(d) |
141.84(d) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (six times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed the ending punctuation to a colon |
611.354(d)(1) |
141.84(d)(1) |
Added “notice prior to . . . work” to allow subdivision into subsections |
611.354(d)(1)(A) |
141.84(d)(1) |
Changed “commencing with” to “commencing”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “resident(s)” to “residents” |
611.354(d)(1)(B) |
141.84(d)(1) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added the parenthetical “by issuing . . . SEP”; changed “system” to “supplier”; added “it determines that” |
611.354(d)(1)(C) |
141.84(d)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “resident(s)” to “residents” (twice); changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “prescribed under” to “prescribed by” |
611.354(d)(1)(D) |
141.84(d)(1) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.354(d)(2) |
141.84(d)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . .”; changed “line” to “service line” |
611.354(e)(2) |
141.84(e)(2) |
Corrected the cross-reference to “subsection (e)(1)” |
611.355(a)(1) |
141.85(a)(1) |
Changed “suppliers” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” (twice); added “Appendix E” to accommodate rendering of 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1) as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.Appendix E”; deleted extended volume information to use the standard citation format to 40 C.F.R. 141.85, adding the date |
611.355(a)(1) Board note |
141.85(a)(1) |
Added the note explaining the retention of the Code of Federal Regulations citation |
611.355(a)(2) |
141.85(a)(2) |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed “following text” to “ text set forth . . .” to accommodate rendering of 40 C.F.R. 141.85(a)(1) as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 611.Appendix F; changed “lay people” to “lay persons” |
611.355(c)(2) |
141.85(c)(2) |
Removed unnecessary commas after “611.356” and “(c)(8)”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive clause; |
611.355(c)(2)(A) |
141.85(c)(2)(i) |
Used the defined abbreviation “CWS”; added “supplier”; removed an unnecessary comma after “level”; added “a CWS supplier”; removed an unnecessary comma after “system”; added a comma after “Section” to offset a parenthetical; changed “water systems” to singular “ a water supplier” changed “shall” to “must” |
611.355(c)(4)(B) |
141.85(c)(4)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”, added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” offset by commas |
611.355(c)(7) |
141.85(c)(7) |
Changed to defined abbreviation “CWS”; added “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; deleted unnecessary words “in writing . . . approval)”; changed “paragraph (a)(2)” to “Appendix F of this Part”; changed “paragraph (a)(1)” to “Appendix E of this Part” |
611.355(c)(7)(A) |
141.85(c)(7)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.355(c)(7)(B) |
141.85(c)(7)(ii) |
Added a comma to offset an independent clause; added “it” to create an independent clause for enhanced clarity |
611.355(c)(8) |
141.85(c)(8) |
Added introductory language to justify the subsection |
611.355(c)(8)(A) |
141.85(c)(8)(i) |
Changed to the defined abbreviation “CWS”; added “supplier”; changed “paragraph (a)(1)” to “Appendix E of this Part”; changed to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “their” to “its” |
611.355(c)(8)(A)(i) |
141.85(c)(8)(i)(A) |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.355(c)(8)(A)(ii) |
141.85(c)(8)(i)(B) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “and/or” to “or” |
611.355(c)(8)(B) |
141.85(c)(8)(ii) |
Changed to the defined abbreviation “CWS”; added “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(b)(2)(C) |
141.86(b)(2) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(2)(D) |
141.86(b)(2) |
Subdivided the subsection; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.356(b)(2)(E)(ii) |
141.86(b)(2) |
Changed “EPA” to “USEPA” |
611.356(b)(5) |
141.86(b)(5) |
Subdivided the subsection; added introductory language to justify the subsection |
611.356(b)(5)(A) |
141.86(b)(5) |
Subdivided the subsection; changed to defined abbreviation “NTNCWS”; added “supplier” (twice); changed to defined abbreviation “CWS”; changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(b)(5)(B) |
141.86(b)(5) |
Subdivided the subsection; changed “such systems” to “a supplier approved . . . samples” |
611.356(b)(5)(C) |
141.86(b)(5) |
Subdivided the subsection; changed “the State has discretion to waive” to “the Agency may grant a SEP that waives”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(c)(2) |
141.86(c)(2) |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “States” to “the Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” offset by commas |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) |
141.86(d)(4)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “in the form of a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(ii) |
141.86(d)(4)(iii) |
Changed “State shall” to “Agency must”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(d)(4)(C)(ii) |
141.86(d)(4)(iii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added “in the form of a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(d)(4)(D)(i) |
141.86(d)(4)(iv)(A) |
Changed “State may, at its discretion approve” to “Agency may grant . . . that approves”; changed “shall” to “must”; used the defined abbreviation “NTNCWS”; added “supplier”; changed “the State shall” to “the Agency must” |
611.356(d)(4)(D)(ii) |
141.86(d)(4)(iv)(B) |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); removed unnecessary commas after “annually” and “Section”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause (three times); changed to singular “receives” (three times); changed “State” to “Agency” (three times); changed “their” to “its” (five times); changed “triennially” to “once every three years” (twice); changed to singular “has”; removed unnecessary comma after “September”; changed “under” to “as provided in”; deleted unnecessary comma after “Section”; changed “small systems with waivers . . . have” to “a small system supplier with a waiver . . . has”; deleted unnecessary comma after “Section”; changed “which” to “that” for a subsequent relative clause; changed to singular “receives”; changed “9-year period” to the defined “nine-year compliance cycle (as . . . 611.101)” |
611.356(d)(4)(E) |
141.86(d)(4)(v) |
Changed to written “six”; changed “which” to “that” |
611.356(d)(4)(F)(i) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(A) |
Changed “and/or” to “or”; changed “triennial monitoring” to “monitoring every three years” |
611.356(d)(4)(F)(ii) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(4)(G) |
141.86(d)(4)(vii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency”, added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(d)(4)(H) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B) |
Restructured material to restrict the subsections to four indent levels; added introductory statement |
611.356(d)(4)(H)(i) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B)(1) |
Restructured; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(d)(4)(H)(ii) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B)(2) |
Restructured; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “triennial monitoring” to “monitoring . . . once every three years” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(d)(4)(H)(iii) |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B)(3) |
Restructured; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “triennial monitoring” to “monitoring . . . once every three years” (twice) |
611.356(d)(4)(H) Board Note |
141.86(d)(4)(vi)(B) |
Added an explanation of the restructuring of the federal provision |
611.356(f)(1) |
141.86(f)(1) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must”; removed potentially confusing “at least” from before “if “; added “it determines that”; changed “is met” to “exists” |
611.356(f)(1)(A) |
141.86(f)(1)(i) |
Changed ending punctuation to a semicolon |
611.356(f)(1)(B) |
141.86(f)(1)(ii) |
Deleted the unnecessary words “determines that”; changed ending punctuation to a semicolon |
611.356(f)(1)(C) |
141.86(f)(1)(iii) |
Changed ending punctuation to a semicolon, adding the conjunction “or” |
611.356(f)(2) |
141.86(f)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(f)(3) |
141.86(f)(3) |
Changed “States” to “the Agency” |
611.356(f)(4) |
141.86(f)(4) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.356(g) |
141.86(g) |
Changed “small systems” to “small system suppliers”; changed “small system” to “small system supplier” (twice); changed “State” to “Agency”; deleted “if State regulations permit” from before “any” |
611.356(g)(1) |
141.86(g)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “and/or” to “or” |
611.356(g)(1)(A) |
141.86(g)(1)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii) |
141.86(g)(1)(i)(B) |
Changed “any standard established . . .” to “NSF Standard 61 . . .” |
611.356(g)(1)(A)(ii) Board note |
141.86(g)(1)(i)(B) |
Added Board note to explain the substitution of the standard for the federal text, citing the Federal Register notice |
611.356(g)(1)(B) |
141.86(g)(1)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(g)(2) |
141.86(g)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed to written “six”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed the ending punctuation of a colon |
611.356(g)(2)(A) |
141.86(g)(2)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(g)(2)(B) |
141.86(g)(2)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(g)(3) |
141.86(g)(2)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency” (three times); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.356(g)(4) |
141.86(g)(4) |
Changed “systems” to “suppliers” |
611.356(g)(4)(A) |
141.86(g)(4)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(g)(4)(B) |
141.86(g)(4)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.356(g)(4)(C) |
141.86(g)(4)(iii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “State” to “Agency” (twice); changed “system’s” to “supplier’s”; changed “and/or” to “or”; changed “round(s)” to “rounds” |
611.356(g)(4)(D) |
141.86(g)(4)(iv) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(g)(5) |
141.86(g)(5) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.356(g)(5)(A) |
141.86(g)(5)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(g)(5)(B) |
141.86(g)(5)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(g)(5)(C) |
141.86(g)(5)(iii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.356(g)(6) |
141.86(g)(6) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.356(g)(6)(A) |
141.86(g)(6)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “and/or” to “or” |
611.356(g)(6)(B) |
141.86(g)(6)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.356(g)(7) |
141.86(g)(7) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(g)(7) Board note |
141.86(g)(7) |
Added an explanation of retention of a past date |
611.356(g)(7)(A) |
141.86(g)(7)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(g)(7)(B) |
141.86(g)(7)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
611.356(g)(7)(B) Board note |
141.86(g)(7)(ii) |
Added an explanation of retention of a past date |
611.357(c)(3) |
141.87(c)(3) |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.357(d)(2) |
141.87(d) |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.357(d)(3) |
141.87(d) |
Placed this provision as a separate subsection; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.357(e)(2)(B) |
1411.8(e)(2)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; added “the following”; added the ending colon; subdivided the text into three subsections |
611.357(e)(2)(B)(i) |
141.87(e)(2)(ii) |
Added subsection number |
611.357(e)(2)(B)(ii) |
141.87(e)(2)(ii) |
Added subsection number |
611.357(e)(2)(B)(iii) |
141.87(e)(2)(ii)(C) |
Added subsection number; changed “ State ” to “Agency” |
611.357(e)(3) |
141.87(e)(3) |
Changed “ shall ” to “must” |
611.357(e)(4) |
141.87(e)(4) |
Changed “ shall ” to “must”; changed “and/or” to “or”; changed “triennial monitoring” to “monitoring once every three years” |
611.358(a)(1)(A) |
141.88(a)(1)(i) |
Changed “groundwater systems” to “a groundwater supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(a)(1)(B) |
141.88(a)(1)(ii) |
Changed “surface water systems” to “a surface water supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(a)(1)(C) |
141.88(a)(1)(iii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.358(a)(1)(D) |
141.88(a)(1)(iv) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “then either” to “then the supplier . . . following” |
611.358(a)(1)(D)(i) |
141.88(a)(1)(iv)(A) |
Changed to active voice “the supplier must . . . sample” |
611.358(a)(1)(D)(ii) |
141.88(a)(1)(iv)(B) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(e)(1) |
141.88(e)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(e)(1)(A) |
141.88(e)(1)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(e)(1)(B) |
141.88(e)(1)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.358(e)(2) |
141.88(e)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.358(e)(2)(A) |
141.88(e)(2)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “in” to “under” |
611.358(e)(2)(B) |
141.88(e)(2)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; added parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.359(a)(2)(C) |
141.89(a)(2)(iii) |
added parenthetical offset by commas “as defined . . . 611.350(a)” |
611.360(a)(1)(B) |
141.90(a)(1)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(a)(1)(D) |
141.90(a)(1)(iv) |
Changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(a)(1)(H) |
141.90(a)(1)(viii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma before “unless” to offset a parenthetical; changed “State” to “Agency”; added parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.360(a)(2) |
141.90(a)(2) |
Changed to defined abbreviations “NTNCWS supplier” and “CWS supplier”; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “must either” to “must do either of the following” |
611.360(a)(2)(A) |
141.90(a)(2)(i) |
Changed “State” to “Agency” (three times); changed “identifying” to “that identifies”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(a)(2)(A) Board note |
141.90(a)(2)(i) |
Added an explanation of retention of a past date |
611.360(a)(2)(B) |
141.90(a)(2)(ii) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(a)(3) |
141.90(a)(3) |
Changed “State” to “Agency” (four times); changed “system” to “supplier” (three times); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “water systems are encouraged” to “USEPA has stated that it encourages” |
611.360(a)(4) |
141.90(a)(4) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(a)(4)(A) |
141.90(a)(4)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(a)(4)(B) |
141.90(a)(4)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(a)(4)(C) |
141.90(a)(4)(iii) |
Changed “and/or” to “or” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(a)(4)(D) |
141.90(a)(4)(iv) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(a)(4)(D) Board note |
141.90(a)(4)(iv) |
Added an explanation of retention of a past date |
611.360(a)(5) |
141.90(a)(5) |
Changed to the defined abbreviation “GWS”; added “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(e)(4) |
141.90(e)(4) |
Changed “ system ” to “supplier” (twice); changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” (four times); changed “States” to “the Agency”; added as a parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “systems shall” to “a supplier must” |
611.360(f)(1) |
141.90(f)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “shall” to “must”; changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(f)(1)(A) |
141.90(f)(1)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(f)(1)(B) |
141.90(f)(1)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.360(f)(2) |
141.90(f)(2) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”, added as a parenthetical offset by commas “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.360(h) |
141.90(h) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”, changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.360(h)(1) |
141.90(h)(1) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”, changed “system” to “supplier” (twice) |
611.360(h)(2) |
141.90(h)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”, changed “State” to “Agency” |
611.360(h)(2)(A) |
141.90(h)(2)(i) |
Changed “and/or” to “or” |
611.360(h)(3) |
141.90(h)(3) |
Changed “State” to “Agency”, changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.745(c) |
141.175(c) |
Added text to the subsection to allow it to stand alone and to maintain structural consistency with the federal rules |
611.745(c)(1) |
141.175(c)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.745(c)(2) |
141.175(c)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.883(d)(1)(A) |
141.153(d)(1)(i) |
Changed to the defined abbreviation “MRDL” |
611.901 preamble |
141.201 |
Replaced the recitation of various effective dates with a statement that the new standards replace former standards |
611.901(a) |
141.201(a) |
Changed the opening words from a question to a statement; changed to the defined abbreviations “NTNCWS,” “transient non-CWS,” “CWS,” “MCL,” and “MRDL”; changed all to the singular, adding indefinite article “a”; changed “and” to “or” in listing of violations; changed to singular “procedure” |
611.901(a)(1) |
141.201(a) table 1(1) |
Presented the federally-tabulated information in standard subsection format |
611.901(a)(1)(A) |
141.201(a) table 1(1)(i) |
Added the indefinite article “a”; used the defined abbreviations “MCL” and “MRDL” |
611.901(a)(1)(B) |
141.201(a) table 1(1)(ii) |
Added the indefinite article “a”; used the term “treatment technique” without the abbreviation |
611.901(a)(1)(C) |
141.201(a) table 1(1)(iii) |
Added the indefinite article “a”; changed “drinking water regulations” to “this Part” |
611.901(a)(1)(D) |
141.201(a) table 1(1)(iv) |
Added the indefinite article “a”; changed “drinking water regulations” to “this Part” |
611.901(a)(2) |
141.201(a) table 1(2) |
Presented the federally-tabulated information in standard subsection format; added “relief equivalent to” |
611.901(a)(2)(A) |
141.201(a) table 1(2)(i) |
Changed “variance and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a SDWA Section 1416 exemption”; added parenthetical references to Sections 611.111 and 611.112 offset by commas |
611.901(a)(2)(B) |
141.201(a) table 1(2)(ii) |
Added the indefinite article “a”; changed “variance and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a SDWA Section 1416 exemption”; added parenthetical references to Sections 611.111 and 611.112 offset by commas |
611.901(a)(3) |
141.201(a) table 1(3) |
Presented the federally-tabulated information in standard subsection format |
611.901(a)(3)(A) |
141.201(a) table 1(3)(i) |
Added the definite article “the” |
611.901(a)(3)(B) |
141.201(a) table 1(3)(ii) |
Added the indefinite article “an”; changed to the singular defined abbreviation “a non-CWS”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “Section” |
611.901(a)(3)(C) |
141.201(a) table 1(3)(iii) |
Added the indefinite article “an”; changed “secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL) for fluoride” to “secondary fluoride standard of Section 611.858” |
611.901(a)(3)(D) |
141.201(a) table 1(3)(iv) |
Added the definite article “the” |
611.901(a)(3)(E) |
141.201(a) table 1(3)(v) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.901(b) |
141.201(b) |
Changed the opening words from a question to a statement; added the definite article “the”; added “of this Subpart V” for enhanced clarity; changed “table 1” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “table 2” to “this subsection (b)” |
611.901(b)(1) |
141.201(b) table 2(1) |
Changed the em dash to a colon |
611.901(b)(2) |
141.201(b) table 2(2) |
Changed the em dash to a colon |
611.901(b)(3) |
141.201(b) table 2(3) |
Changed the em dash to a colon |
611.901(c) |
141.201(c) |
Changed the opening from a question to a statement |
611.901(c)(1) |
141.201(c)(1) |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed to singular “a PWS supplier . . . sells . . . provides . . . another PWS supplier (i.e., to a consecutive system) is . . .”; changed “consecutive system” to “consecutive system supplier” |
611.901(c)(2) |
141.201(c)(2) |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.901(c)(3) |
141.201(c)(3) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.901 Board note |
141.201 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.902(a) |
141.202(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed the table into standard subsection format |
611.902(a)(1) |
141.202(a)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(a)(2) |
141.202(a)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “system’s” to “supplier’s” |
611.902(a)(3) |
141.202(a)(1) |
Changed “non-community water systems” to singular “a non-CWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.902(a)(4) |
141.202(a)(4) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(a)(5) |
141.202(a)(5) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(a)(6) |
141.202(a)(6) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(a)(8) |
141.202(a)(8) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.902(b) |
141.202(b) |
Changed opening language from questions to statements; changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier” |
611.902(b)(1) |
141.202(b)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(b)(2) |
141.202(b)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier” |
611.902(b)(3) |
141.202(b)(3) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.902(c) |
141.202(c) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “water systems are” to singular “a water supplier is” |
611.902(c)(2) |
141.202(c)(2) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(c)(3) |
141.202(c)(3) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.902(c)(4) |
141.202(c)(4) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.902 Board note |
141.202 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.903(a) |
141.203(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed the table into standard subsection format |
611.903(a)(1) |
141.203(a)(1) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.903(a)(2) |
141.203(a)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.903(a)(3) |
141.203(a)(3) |
Changed “variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a SDWA Section 1416 exemption” |
611.903(b) |
141.203(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement |
611.903(b)(1) |
141.203(b)(1) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “primacy agency” to singular “Agency” (three times); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.903(b)(2) |
141.203(b)(2) |
Changed “public water system” to singular “PWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to singular “Agency” (three times); changed “allow through its rules or policies” to “allow”; changed “primacy agency determinations” to singular “an Agency determination” |
611.903(b)(3) |
141.203(b)(3) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to singular “Agency” (twice); changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); added “the following” |
611.903(c) |
141.203(c) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier” |
611.903(c)(1) |
141.203(c)(1) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.903(c)(1)(A) |
141.203(c)(1)(i) |
Changed “public water system” to singular “PWS supplier” |
611.903(c)(1)(B) |
141.203(c)(1)(ii) |
Changed “system” to singular “supplier” (twice) |
611.903(c)(2) |
141.203(c)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “non-community water systems” to singular “a non-CWS supplier”; added “the following” |
611.903(c)(2)(A) |
141.203(c)(2)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.903(c)(2)(B) |
141.203(c)(2)(ii) |
Added “the following” |
611.903 Board note |
141.203 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.904(a) |
141.204(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed the table into standard subsection format |
611.904(a)(1) |
141.204(a)(1) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.904(a)(2) |
141.204(a)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.904(a)(3) |
141.204(a)(3) |
Changed “a variance granted under Section 1415 or an exemption granted under Section 1416” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance granted under Section 611.111 or relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1416 exemption granted under Section 611.112” |
611.904(a)(5) |
141.204(a)(5) |
Changed “fluoride secondary maximum contaminant level (SMCL)” to “secondary standard for fluoride” |
611.904(b) |
141.204(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement |
611.904(b)(1) |
141.204(b)(1) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “PWS supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” (twice); changed “variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or Section 1416 exemption” (three times) |
611.904(b)(2) |
141.204(b)(2) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “PWS supplier” |
611.904(c) |
141.204(c) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier” |
611.904(c)(1) |
141.204(c)(1) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “community water systems” to singular “a CWS supplier” |
611.904(c)(1)(A) |
141.204(c)(1)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; added “the following” |
611.904(c)(1)(B) |
141.204(c)(1)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; added “the following”; changed to lower case “publication” |
611.904(c)(2) |
141.204(c)(2) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “non-community water systems” to singular “a non-CWS supplier”; added “the following” |
611.904(c)(2)(A) |
141.204(c)(2)(i) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.904(c)(2)(B) |
141.204(c)(2)(ii) |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; added “the following”; changed to lower case “publication” |
611.904(d) |
141.204(d) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “community water systems” to singular “a CWS supplier”; added “the following is true” |
611.904(d)(1) |
141.204(d)(1) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.904 Board note |
141.204 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.905(a) |
141.205(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed to singular “violation”; used the defined abbreviation “NPDWR”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier” |
611.905(a)(1) |
141.205(a)(1) |
Changed “contaminant(s)” to “contaminants”; changed “level(s)” to “levels” |
611.905(a)(7) |
141.205(a)(7) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.905(a)(8) |
141.205(a)(8) |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.905(b) |
141.205(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(b)(1) |
141.205(b)(1) |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance, under Section 611.111, or a Section 1416 exemption, under Section 611.112”; added “the following” |
611.905(b)(1)(A) |
141.205(b)(1)(i) |
Changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(b)(1)(B) |
141.205(b)(1)(ii) |
Changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(b)(1)(C) |
141.205(b)(1)(iii) |
Added “that” for a restrictive realtive clause; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(b)(1)(D) |
141.205(b)(1)(iv) |
Changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(b)(2) |
141.205(b)(2) |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.905(c) |
141.205(c) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement |
611.905(c)(1) |
141.205(c)(1) |
Added “must comply with the following” |
611.905(c)(1)(A) |
141.205(c)(1)(i) |
Added “it” to make a complete sentence |
611.905(c)(1)(B) |
141.205(c)(1)(ii) |
Added “it” to make a complete sentence |
611.905(c)(1)(C) |
141.205(c)(1)(iii) |
Added “it” to make a complete sentence |
611.905(c)(1)(D) |
141.205(c)(1)(iv) |
Added “it” to make a complete sentence |
611.905(c)(2)(A) |
141.205(c)(2)(i) |
Changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; added by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “language(s)” to “languages”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.905(c)(2)(B) |
141.205(c)(2)(ii) |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.905(d) |
141.205(d) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; added “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “public water systems” to singular “a PWS supplier” (twice); changed “are required to” to “must”; changed “their” to “its” (twice); changed “are” to “is” |
611.905(d)(1) |
141.205(d)(1) |
Changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” (twice); changed “public water systems” to singular “PWS supplier” |
611.905(d)(2) |
141.205(d)(2) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “PWS supplier”; changed “their” to “its” |
611.905(d)(2) required statement language |
141.205(d)(2) |
Changed “contaminant(s)” to “contaminants” |
611.905(d)(3) |
141.205(d)(3) |
Changed “public water systems” to singular “PWS supplier”; moved “the following language”; changed “their” to “its” |
611.905 Board note |
141.205 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.906(a) |
141.206(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “community water systems” to singular “a CWS supplier”; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.906(b) |
141.206(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “non-community water systems” to singular “a non-CWS supplier”; changed “a variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption”; changed “a variance, exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.906 Board note |
141.206 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.907(a) |
141.207(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “community water system” to “CWS supplier”; changed “non-transient, non-community water system” to “NTNCWS supplier”; added “for unregulated contaminants”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.907(b) |
141.207(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement |
611.907 Board note |
141.207 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.908 heading |
141.208 |
Changed “SCML for fluoride” to “fluoride secondary standard” |
611.908(a) |
141.208(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “community water systems that exceed” to singular “a CWS supplier that exceeds”; changed “secondary maximum contaminant level (SCML)” to “secondary standard”; added a comma before “as specified” to offset a parenthetical; changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier”’ changed “SCML” to “fluoride secondary standard”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.908(b) |
141.208(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “611.904(c) and (d)(1) and (d)(3)” to “611.904(c), (d)(1), and (d)(3)” |
611.908(c) |
141.208(c) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement |
611.908(c) required statement language |
141.208(c) |
Changed “mg/l” to defined “mg/L” (twice); changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA” |
611.908 Board note |
141.208 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.909 heading |
141.209 |
Deleted abbreviation “NCWS” |
611.909(a) |
141.209(a) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “non-community water system” to “non-CWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.909(b) |
141.209(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “non-community water systems” to singular “a non-CWS supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.909 Board note |
141.209 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.910 heading |
141.210 |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency”; changed to indefinite article “a” |
611.910(a) |
141.209(a) |
Deleted opening question; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” (twice); changed “give” to “issue”; changed “public water system” to “PWS supplier” |
611.910(b) |
141.210(b) |
Changed opening language from a question to a statement; changed “public water system” to “a PWS supplier” (twice); changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.910 Board note |
141.210 |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.Appendix A |
Appendix A to Subpart O of Part 141 |
Reformatted the seven-column table into a indented paragraph format; replaced blank cells in the table with em dashes “--” (19 times); added a missing closing period at the end of the health effects language (twice); added a zero before the decimal point where missing (63 times); used lower-case “runoff” (five times); used lower-case “erosion” (seven times); used lower-case “discharge” (ten times); used lower-case “leaching” (four times); used lower-case “water”; used lower-case “an”; added column headings in abbreviations table |
611.Appendix A Board note |
Appendix A to Subpart O of Part 141 |
Changed the Code of Federal Regulations reference to the new source, with the appropriate Federal Register citation where is was added |
611.Appendix E (4)(B)(v) |
141.85(a)(1)(iv)(B)(5) |
Added “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “which” to “that” for a restrictive relative clause; changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
611.Appendix E Board note |
141.85(a)(1) |
Updated the citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was amended |
611.Appendix F |
141.85(a)(2) |
Added a heading in this appendix created to hold the federal notice language; renumbered the subsections to correspond with the numbering of Appendix E |
611.Appendix F (1) |
141.85(a)(2)(i) |
Changed “EPA” to “USEPA” (twice) |
611.Appendix F (2) |
141.85(a)(2)(ii) |
Added a comma to offset the final element of a series after “red blood cells” |
611.Appendix F (4)(B) |
141.85(a)(2)(iv)(B) |
Removed an unnecessary comma |
611.Appendix F (4)(D) |
141.85(a)(2)(iv)(B) |
Added “the following” |
611.Appendix F Board note |
141.85(a)(2) |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added; added an explanation of how non-community water systems are regulated by the IDPH but that the Board incorporates all segments of the federal regulations |
611.Appendix G |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Replaced the footnote marking to the Section heading with opening language directing attention to the first note at the end of the table |
611.Appendix G (III) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “variances and exemptions” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.Appendix G (III)(A) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.Appendix G (III)(B) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “variance or exemption” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.Appendix G (IV)(B) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “primacy agency” to “the Agency” |
611.Appendix G (IV)(F) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “primacy agency” to “the Agency”; added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” |
611.Appendix G, note 1 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “primacy agency” to “the Agency” (twice); added “by a SEP . . . 611.110” (twice); changed “also” to “further” |
611.Appendix G, note 2 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added introductory words “definition of the abbreviations used” with a colon; added quotation marks to the defined term; replaced an em dash with “means” (three times); added the conjunction “and” to offset the final element of a series |
611.Appendix G, note 3 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; used lower-case “violations” |
611.Appendix G, note 4 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “tier 3” to “tier 3 violations” |
611.Appendix G, note 5 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “systems that violate” to singular “a supplier that violates”; changed “primacy agency” to “the Agency” (three times); changed “elevate” to “by a SEP . . . that elevates”; changed “tier 1” to “a tier 1 violation” (twice) |
611.Appendix G, note 6 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed to singular “a violation”; changed “primacy agency” to “the Agency” (three times); changed “elevate” to “by a SEP . . . that elevates”; changed “tier 1” to “a tier 1 violation” (twice) |
611.Appendix G, note 7 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “Subpart H systems” to singular “a Subpart B supplier”; changed “serving” to “that serves”; replaced effective date language with “is currently effective”; added the parenthetical abbreviation “SWTR” |
611.Appendix G, note 9 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “Subpart H community and transient non-community systems” to singular “a Subpart B community or transient non-community system supplier”; changed “serving ³ 10,000” to “that serves 10,000 persons or more”; changed “Subpart H transient non-community systems” to singular “a Subpart B transient non-community system supplier” (twice); changed “using” to singular “that uses”; added a comma after “surface water” to offset the final element of a series |
611.Appendix G, note 12 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added the indefinite article “a” before “failure” |
611.Appendix G, note 13 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “systems” to “suppliers” |
611.Appendix G, note 14 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added “federal”; changed “variance [or exemption]” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption” |
611.Appendix G, note 15 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added “federal”; changed “variance for small systems” to “relief equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 small system variance”; added an explanation of the limitation on the Board’s authority to grant relief from a federally-derived standard |
611.Appendix G, note 16 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Changed “that” to “which” for a subsequent restrictive relative clause |
611.Appendix G Board note |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix A |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.Appendix H (1a) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Used standard font for note “3” |
611.Appendix H (58) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Corrected the spelling of “o-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H (59) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Corrected the spelling of “p-dichlorobenzene” |
611.Appendix H (62) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Corrected the spelling of “cis-1,2-dichloroethylene” |
611.Appendix H (63) |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Corrected the spelling of “trans-1,2-dichloroethylene” |
611.Appendix H, note 1 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 2 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 3 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “water systems” to singular “a water supplier” (twice) |
611.Appendix H, note 4 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “water systems that are” to singular “a water supplier that is” |
611.Appendix H, note 5 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 6 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “water systems” to singular “a supplier”; changed “primacy agency” to “Agency" |
611.Appendix H, note 7 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 8 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “water systems” to singular “a supplier” (twice); changed “primacy agency” to “Agency" |
611.Appendix H, note 11 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “millions fibers” to “millions of fibers” |
611.Appendix H, note 12 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 13 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 14 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 15 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 16 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “surface water systems and ground water systems” to singular “a surface water system supplier or a groundwater system supplier”; changed “Subpart H community and non-transient non community systems serving ³ 10,000” to “a Supbart B community water system supplier or a non-transient non-community system supplier that serves 10,000 or more persons"; changed “systems” to “system suppliers” (three times) |
611.Appendix H, note 17 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Changed “Subpart H community water systems” to singular “a Subpart B community water system supplier”; added “persons”; changed “all systems” to “a supplier” |
611.Appendix H, note 20 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H, note 21 |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added quotation marks to the defined term; changed an em-dash with “means”; added a closing period |
611.Appendix H Board note |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix B |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.Appendix I Board note |
141, Subpart Q, Appendix C |
Added citation of the federal Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, including the Federal Register where it was added |
611.Table G note 6 |
141.87, table |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period; Changed “ground water systems” to “a groundwater system supplier” |
611.Table G note 7 |
141.87, table |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period; Changed “water systems” to “a water supplier”; changed to written “three” |
611.Table G note 8 |
141.87, table |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period; Changed “water systems” to “a water supplier” (twice); changed to written “three” (twice); changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
Table 2:
Board Housekeeping Amendments
Section |
Source |
Revision(s) |
611 Table of Contents |
Board |
Removed “public notification” from the heading for Subpart T |
611 Table of Contents, heading of Appendix E |
Board |
Added “for community Water Systems” |
611.126(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (b)” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.126 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference; added a reference to the Federal Register notice where USEPA designated the standard |
611.131 preamble |
Board |
Added “federal” and the appropriate reference to the United States Code |
611.131(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.131(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following is true” |
611.131(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Added “federal” and the appropriate reference to the United States Code |
611.131(c) Board note |
Board |
Corrected “pre - 1986” to “pre-1986” |
611.131(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.131(e)(1) |
Board |
Added “that the” for enhanced clarity |
611.131(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “that the” for enhanced clarity; added “the following” |
611.131(e)(2)(D) |
Board |
Added “federal” for enhanced clarity |
611.131(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “that the” for enhanced clarity; added “federal” and the appropriate reference to the United States Code |
611.131(e)(4) |
Board |
Added “that the” for enhanced clarity |
611.131(e)(5) |
Board |
Added “that the” for enhanced clarity |
611.131(f)(2)(C) Board note |
Board |
Added the date to the Code of Federal Regulations citation |
611.131(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following means” |
611.131(g)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed the cross-reference to “Appendix I” |
611.131(g)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.131(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added the appropriate reference to the United States Code |
611.131 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.261 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times); changed to written “six” |
611.261(a) |
Board |
Changed to written “ten” |
611.261(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “less” to more appropriate “fewer” (twice) |
611.261(a)(5) |
Board |
Changed “less” to more appropriate “fewer” |
611.261(a)(6) |
Board |
Changed “less” to more appropriate “fewer” (twice) |
611.261(a)(7) |
Board |
Changed “date(s)” to “dates” (twice); changed “measurement(s)” to “measurements”; changed “occurrence(s)” to “occurrences” |
611.261(a)(9) |
Board |
Changed to written “ten” |
611.261(b) |
Board |
Changed to written “ten” |
611.261(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “RDC(s)” to “RDCs”; changed “time(s)” to “times”; changed “value(s)” to “values” |
611.261(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “measurement(s)” to “measurements” |
611.261(b)(5) |
Board |
Changed “measurement(s)” to “measurements” |
611.261(b)(8)(F) |
Board |
Removed unnecessary conjunction “and” and comma |
611.261(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.261(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.261(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.261(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall inform” to “must consult with” |
611.261(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed to written “four” |
611.261 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.262 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; removed the past effective date language “beginning . . . whichever is later” |
611.262(a) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.262(b) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.262(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “Section 611.240 et seq.” to “Sections 611.240 through 611.242” |
611.262(b)(3)(F) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed the equation to the standard equation format; changed “subsection (b)(3)(A)” to “subsection (b)(3)(A) of this Section”; changed ending punctuation to semicolons (four times); changed “subsection (b)(3)(B)” to “subsection (b)(3)(B) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)(3)(C)” to “subsection (b)(3)(C) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)(3)(D)” to “subsection (b)(3)(D) of this Section”; changed to lower-case “and,” removed an unnecessary comma after the conjunction; changed “subsection (b)(3)(E)” to “subsection (b)(3)(E) of this Section” |
611.262(b)(3)(g) |
Board |
Changed “(b)(3)(A) through (F)” to “(b)(3)(A) through (b)(3)(F) of this Section”; changed “system” to “supplier” |
611.262(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “system” to “supplier”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.262(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “system shall” to “supplier must” |
611.262(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “system shall” to “supplier must”; changed “system also shall” to “supplier also must”; changed to written “four” |
611.262 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.300(a) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.300(a) Board Note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.300(b) Board Note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.300(c) |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.300(d)(1) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection number |
611.300(d)(2) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection number |
611.300(d)(3) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection number |
611.300(d)(4) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection number |
611.300(d)(5) |
Board |
Corrected the subsection number |
611.300(d) Board Note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.300(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.300(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “less” to more appropriate “fewer” (twice) |
611.300(e) Board Note |
Board |
Changed “this is” to “the requirements of subsection (e) of this Section are” |
611.351(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (d) below” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)(3) below” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section” |
611.351(a)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (d) below” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)(3) below” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section” |
611.351(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
611.351(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.351(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.351(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.351(b)(2)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.351(b)(3) |
Board |
Parenthetically added the standardized abbreviation “PQL” |
611.351(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e) below” to “subsection (e) of this Section”; changed “subsection (b)(1) above” to “subsection (b)(1) of this Section” |
611.351(d) |
Board |
Changed “ subsections (b)(2) an d (b)(3) above” to “subsections (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(1) Board note |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; added the date to the Code of Federal Regulations citation |
611.351(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(d)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.351(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(2) above” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e)(4) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (e)(2) above” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “six”; changed “subsection (e)(3) above” to “subsection (e)(3) of this Section” |
611.351(e)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351(e)(7) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “six”; changed “subsection (e)(6) above” to “subsection (e)(6) of this Section” |
611.351(e)(8) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.351 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.352 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c)(1) below” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
611.352(b) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.352(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(c)(1)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(1)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(1)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(E) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(F) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(G) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(H) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(3)(I) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(c)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “ subsections (c)(1) through ( c)(5) above” to “subsections (c)(1) through (c)(5) of this Section” |
611.352(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “treatment(s)” to “treatments”; changed “ subsection (c)(1) above” to “subsection (c)(1) of this Section” |
611.352(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (d)(1) above” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section” |
611.352(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
611.352(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
611.352(f)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
611.352(f)(1)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(f)(1)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(f)(1)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(f)(1)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(f)(1)(E) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (f)(1) above” to “subsection (f)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.352(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “ subsection (f) above” to “subsection (f) of this Section” |
611.352(h)(4) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (h)(1) above” to “subsection (h)(1) of this Section” |
611.352(i) |
Board |
Changed “ subsections (d), (f), or (h) above” to “subsections (d), (f), or (h) of this Section”; added “the following is true” |
611.352(i)(1) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(i)(2) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352(i)(3) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.352 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.354(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.354(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “seven” |
611.354(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.354(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.354(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.354(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (f)(1) above” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section”; changed to written “six”; changed “ subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.354(f)(1)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.354(f)(1)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.354(f)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.354(g) |
Board |
Changed “ subsections (a) through (d) above” to “subsections (a) through (d) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.354 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.355 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsections (a) and ( b) below” to “subsections (a) and (b) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.355(a)(1) |
Board |
Added the defined abbreviation “CWS”; changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “Section 611.Appendix E” to “Appendix E of this Part” (twice); changed “laypersons” to “lay persons” |
611.355(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.355(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “language(s)” to “languages” |
611.355(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added a comma after “days” to offset a parenthetical |
611.355(c)(2)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “ subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(2)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “ subsection (a)(1) above” to “subsection (a)(1) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(2)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “ subsections (a)(2) and (a)(4) above” to “subsections (a)(2) and (a)(4) of Appendix E of this Part” |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “program(s)” to “programs” |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(iv) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(v) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(vi) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(C)(vii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(2)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “ subsection (b) above” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(D) above” to “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(D) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(3)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(C) above” to “subsections (c)(2)(A) through (c)(2)(C) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(3)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “subsection (c)(2)(D) above” to “subsection (c)(2)(D) of this Section”; changed to written “six” |
611.355(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Section 611.Appendix E(1), (2), and (4)” to “Appendix E or F of this Part” |
611.355(c)(4)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.355(c)(5) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c)(4) above” to “subsection (c)(4) of this Section” |
611.355(c)(6) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.355(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.355 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.356(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(1) below” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) below” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.356(a)(1)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(1)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (a) below” to “subsection (a) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “department(s)” to “departments” |
611.356(a)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(2)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(2)(B)(iv) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(A)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(A) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(B) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(3)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(C) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(3)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(D)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(D)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(a)(3)(D) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(3)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(3)(E) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(i) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(ii) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iii) Board note |
Board |
Deleted “fewer than . . . residences, and” not present in the federal text |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iii) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iv) |
Board |
Added “CWS” for clarity; changed “shall” to “must”; deleted unnecessary comma after “has”; deleted “the supplier shall” |
611.356(a)(4)(A)(iv) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; divided the subsection, adding a closing period |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(i) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Divided the subsection from subsection (a)(4)(B)(i), adding the opening “if” |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(ii) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Renumbered the subsection; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(4)(B)(iii) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(a)(4)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(4)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(a)(4)(C)(iii) Board note |
Board |
Added citation to the federal source of this provision |
611.356(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(2)(E) |
Board |
Renumbered the subsection |
611.356(b)(2)(F) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (b)(2)(D) above” to “subsection (b)(2)(D) of this Section” |
611.356(b)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(b)(3)(B)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(b)(3)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(b)(3)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.356(b)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “sample(s)” to “samples” |
611.356(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Section 611.Table D” to “Table D of this Part”; changed “subsection (d) below” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
611.356(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (d)(4) below” to “subsection (d)(4) of this Section” (twice); changed “Section 611.Table D” to “Table D of this Part” |
611.356(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Section 611.Table E” to “Table E of this Part” |
611.356(d)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following is true” |
611.356(d)(1)(B)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (d)(2) below” to “subsection (d)(2) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(1)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “subsection (d)(4) below” to “subsection (d)(4) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356(d)(4)(A) |
Board |
Changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “the Agency shall . . . allow any supplier to” to “any supplier” |
611.356(d)(4)(B)(iii) |
Board |
Deleted former subsection (d)(4)(B)(iii) and renumbered former subsection (d)(4)(B)(iv); changed “shall” to “must”; deleted the parenthetical “by a SEP . . . 611.110”; changed “subsection (d)(4)(B)(i) determination above” to “determination under subsection (d)(4)(B)(i) of this Section |
611.356(d)(4)(C)(iii) |
Board |
Deleted the parenthetical “by a SEP . . .”; changed “shall” to “must”; added “under subsection (d)(4)(C)(ii) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(4)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(4)(F)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (d)(3) above” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.356(d)(4)(F)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (d)(3) above” to “subsection (d)(3) of this Section”; added “must”; changed “subsection (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.356(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.356 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.357 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Section 611.Table G” to “Table G of this Part” |
611.357(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.357(a)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “point(s)” to “points” |
611.357(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsections (b) through (e) below” to “subsections (b) through (e) of this Section”; changed “Section 611.Table E” to “Table E of this Part” |
611.357(a)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (b) below” to “subsection (b) of this Section” |
611.357(a)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsections (c) through (e) below” to “subsections (c) through (e) of this Section” |
611.357(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (b)(3) below” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section” |
611.357(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (b)(3) below” to “subsection (b)(3) of this Section” |
611.357(b)(3)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(b)(3)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(b)(3)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(b)(3)(E) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(b)(3)(F) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(b)(3)(G) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (c)(3) and (c)(4) below” to “subsections (c)(4) and (c)(5) of this Section” |
611.357(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsections (c)(3) and (c)(4) below ” to “subsections (c)(4) and (c)(5) of this Section” |
611.357(c)(4) |
Board |
Renumbered the subsection to accommodate the addition of new subsection (c)(3) |
611.357(c)(4)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(4)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(4)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(4)(E) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(5) |
Board |
Renumbered the subsection to accommodate the addition of new subsection (c)(3) |
611.357(c)(5)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(c)(5)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word in the subsection |
611.357(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subse ction (c) above” to “subsection (c) of this Section” |
611.357(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.357(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ subsecti on (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section”; changed “point(s)” to “points”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (c)(4) above” to “subsection (c)(4) of this Section”; changed “Section 611.Table E” to “Table E of this Part” |
611.357(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed the subsection language “stages of reductions” to “staged reductions in monitoring frequency” |
611.357(e)(2)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “ subsec tion (e)(1) above” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section” |
611.357(e)(2)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “ subsec tion (e)(2)(A)(i) above” to “subsection (e)(2)(A)(i) of this Section”; changed “ subsec tion (e)(1) above” to “subsection (e)(1) of this Section” |
611.357(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.357 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.358(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(a)(2)(A) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(a)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(a)(2)(B)(i) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(a)(2)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsection (d)(1)(A) or (d)(1 )(B) below” to “subsection (d)(1)(A) or (d)(1)(B) of this Section” |
611.358(d)(1)(A)(i) |
Board |
Changed “ sub section (d)(1) above” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(d)(1)(A)(ii) |
Board |
Changed “ sub section (d)(1) above” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(d)(1)(B) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.358(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “ sub section (d)(1)(A) or (d)(1)(B) above” to “subsection (d)(1)(A) or (d)(1)(B) of this Section” |
611.358(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “ sub section (d)(1) above” to “subsection (d)(1) of this Section” |
611.358 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.359 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.359(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
611.359(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.359 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.360 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(a) |
Board |
Added a comma to offset the final element of a series |
611.360(a)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “ten”; changed to written “three” |
611.360(a)(1)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(a)(1)(C) |
Board |
Inserted explanatory language where USEPA removed a provision, in order to maintain structural consistency |
611.360(a)(1)(D) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(a)(1)(E) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(a)(1)(F) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(a)(1)(G) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “point(s)” to “points” |
611.360(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “ten” |
611.360(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(c)(1) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(c)(2) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(c)(3) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(c)(4) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(d)(1) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(d)(2) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(e)(1)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(e)(1)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(e)(1)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed to written “seven” |
611.360(e)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “has either” to “has done either of the following” |
611.360(e)(2)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed to written “seven” |
611.360(e)(2)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection; changed “line(s)” to “lines” |
611.360(e)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection ( e)(2)(B) above” to “subsection (e)(2)(B) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “seven”; changed “ subsection ( a) above” to “subsection (a) of this Section” |
611.360(e)(3) |
Board |
Changed “ subsect ion (e)(2) above” to “subsection (e)(2) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.360(e)(3)(A) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(e)(3)(B) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(e)(3)(C) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.360(g) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “period(s)” to “periods” |
611.360 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.606(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.606(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.606(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.606 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.648(a) preamble |
Board |
Added “the following . . . meanings” |
611.648(a) “detection limit” |
Board |
Changed “ subse ction (r) below” to “subsection (r) of this Section” |
611.648(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subse ction (q) below” to “subsection (q) of this Section” |
611.648(c)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(c)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(c)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(c)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(c) Board note |
Board |
Changed “ subsect ions (b) and (c) above” to “subsections (b) and (c) of this Section”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.648(d) |
Board |
Changed ending punctuation to a period |
611.648(d)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(d)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(d)(3) |
Board |
Changed “less” to “fewer”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(e) |
Board |
Changed “ subsectio n (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section” (twice); changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “ subsectio n (d) above” to “subsection (d) of this Section” |
611.648(g) |
Board |
Added “the following must occur” |
611.648(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(g)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(g)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); added a missing period after “based”; changed “ sub section (g)(1) above” to “subsection (g)(1) of this Section” |
611.648(g)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “quarter(s)” to “quarters” |
611.648(g)(4) |
Board |
Changed “ subsections (e) a nd (f) above” to “subsections (e) and (f) of this Section” |
611.648(g)(5)(A) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (g) (5)(B) below” to “subsection (g)(5)(B) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(g)(5)(B)(i) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.648(g)(5)(B)(ii) |
Board |
Capitalized the first word of the subsection |
611.648(h)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ subsectio n (k) below” to “subsection (k) of this Section”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(h)(2)(C) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(h)(2)(D) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “subsection (h)(1) above” to “subsection (h)(1) of this Section” |
611.648(h)(2)(E) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(i)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(i)(2) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection ( k) below” to “subsection (k) of this Section” |
611.648(i)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(k) |
Board |
Inserted explanatory language where USEPA removed a provision, in order to maintain structural consistency |
611.648(l) |
Board |
Changed “provision” to “subsection (l)”; updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.648(m)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(m)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(n)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(n)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “subsection (n)(1) above” to “subsection (n)(1) of this Section” |
611.648(o) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(q) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.648(s)(2) |
Board |
Changed “must” to “must do the following” |
611.648(s)(2)(B) |
Board |
Changed “ subsection (s)(2)( A) above” to “subsection (s)(2)(A) of this Section”; “subsection (s)(2)(C) below” to “subsection (s)(2)(C) of this Section” |
611.648 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.745 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice) |
611.745(a) |
Board |
Added commas to offset a parenthetical “as required . . . 611.743”; added “the following” |
611.745(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (three times) |
611.745(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “date(s)” to “dates” |
611.745(b)(2) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “date(s)” to “dates” |
611.745(b)(3) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “date(s)” to “dates” |
611.745(b)(4) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” (twice); changed “date(s)” to “dates” |
611.745 Board note |
Board |
Added the Code of Federal Regulations reference, with the appropriate Federal Register citation |
Subpart T heading |
Board |
Removed “public notification” |
611.840(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.840(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.840(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.840 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.860 preamble |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.860(a) |
Board |
Changed to written “five” and “ten” |
611.860(b) |
Board |
Changed to written “three” |
611.860(c) |
Board |
Changed “U.S. EPA” to “USEPA”; changed to written “ten” |
611.860(d) |
Board |
Changed to written “five” |
611.860(e) |
Board |
Changed “primacy agency” to “Agency” |
611.860 Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference, adding the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.881(d) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.881 Board note |
Board |
Added the Code of Federal Regulations reference, with the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.883(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.883(b) |
Board |
Changed ending punctuation to a period |
611.883(b)(1) |
Board |
Changed “source(s)” to “sources”; added “the following” |
611.883(b)(1)(A) |
Board |
Removed a colon; placed the example clause “e.g., . . . groundwater” in parentheses |
611.883(c)(1)(A) Board note |
Board |
Added an explanation of the retention of the definition of “MCLG” |
611.883(c)(2) Board note |
Board |
Placed the required definition language “variances, . . . certain conditions” in quotation marks |
611.883(c)(3)(C) Board note |
Board |
Added an explanation of the retention of the definition of “MRDLG” |
611.883(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(d)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following requirements also apply” |
611.883(d)(3)(A) |
Board |
Changed “table(s)” to “tables” |
611.883(d)(4) |
Board |
Changed “table(s)” to “tables”; added “the following” |
611.883(d)(4)(D)(i) |
Board |
Changed to lower case “the” |
611.883(d)(4)(D) Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations reference |
611.883(d)(4)(E) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(d)(4)(E)(i) |
Board |
Changed to lower case “the” |
611.883(d)(4)(E)(ii) |
Board |
Changed to lower case “the” |
611.883(d)(4)(E)(iii) |
Board |
Changed to lower case “the” (twice) |
611.883(d)(4)(F) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(d)(4)(G) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(d)(4)(H) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(d)(4)(I) |
Board |
Changed “source(s)” to “sources” |
611.883(d)(6) |
Board |
Changed “table(s)” to “tables”; added “the following”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.883(d)(7) |
Board |
Changed “table(s)” to “tables” |
611.883(e)(1) |
Board |
Changed “ Subpart L” to “Subpart L of this Part”; added “the following” |
611.883(e)(2) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(e)(3) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(f)(4) |
Board |
Changed “611.Appendix A of this Part” to “611.Appendix A of this Part” |
611.883(g) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(h) |
Board |
Changed the ending punctuation to a period |
611.883(h)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.883(h)(3) |
Board |
Changed “language(s)” to “languages” |
611.883 Board note |
Board |
Added the Code of Federal Regulations reference, with the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.884(b) |
Board |
Added “must do the following” |
611.884(b)(1) |
Board |
Added “the CWS”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.884(b)(2) |
Board |
Added “the CWS may” |
611.884(c) |
Board |
Added “must do the following” |
611.884(c)(1) |
Board |
Added “the CWS”; changed “shall” to “must” |
611.884(c)(2) |
Board |
Added “the CWS may” |
611.884(d) |
Board |
Changed to written “five percent” and “ten percent”; added “must do the following” |
611.884(d)(1) |
Board |
Added “the CWS”; changed “shall” to “must”; changed to written “two” |
611.884(d)(2) |
Board |
Added “the CWS” |
611.884(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; changed “Appendix H(73)” to “Appendix A of this Part” |
611.884 Board note |
Board |
Added the Code of Federal Regulations reference, with the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.885(a) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885(b) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “the following” |
611.885(c) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885(d) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885(e) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885(f) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885(g)(1) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must”; added “do the following” |
611.885(g)(1)(A) |
Board |
Added “the CWS must” |
611.885(g)(1)(B) |
Board |
Added “the CWS must” |
611.885(g)(1)(C) |
Board |
Added “the CWS must” |
611.885(h) |
Board |
Changed “shall” to “must” |
611.885 Board note |
Board |
Added the Code of Federal Regulations reference, with the appropriate Federal Register citation |
611.Appendix E heading |
Board |
Added “for community water systems” to reflect the scope of the provision |
611.Appendix E (1) |
Board |
Changed “EPA” to “USEPA” (twice) |
611.Appendix E (2) |
Board |
Added a comma to offset the final element of a series after “red blood cells” |
611.Appendix E (4)(D) |
Board |
Added “the following” |
611.Table G “initial monitoring” |
Board |
Deleted the closing period for consistency; changed “point(s)” to “points”; added the definite article “the”; changed to written “six” |
611.Table G “after the Agency specifies . . . corrosion control” |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “specifies . . . corrosion control”; changed to written “six”; deleted the entry in the first column of the second segment; added “is”; changed “point(s)” to “points”; added the definite article “the” |
611.Table G “after installation of corrosion control” |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “installation of corrosion control”; changed to written “six”; deleted the entry in the first column of the second segment; added “is”; changed “point(s)” to “points”; added the definite article “the” |
611.Table G “after the Agency specifies . . . corrosion control” |
Board |
Changed “state” to “the Agency”; changed to lower-case “specifies . . . corrosion control”; changed to written “six”; deleted the entry in the first column of the second segment; added “is”; changed “point(s)” to “points”; added the definite article “the” |
611.Table G “reduced monitoring” |
Board |
Changed to lower-case “monitoring”; changed to written “six”; deleted the entry in the first column of the second segment; added “is”; changed “point(s)” to “points”; added the definite article “the” |
611.Table G note 1 |
Board |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period |
611.Table G note 2 |
Board |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period |
611.Table G note 3 |
Board |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period |
611.Table G note 4 |
Board |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period |
611.Table G note 5 |
Board |
Changed the note number to standard font, adding a period |
611.Table G Board note |
Board |
Updated the Code of Federal Regulations source of this provision, adding “the table to” |
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, do hereby certify that the above opinion was adopted on the 5th day of October 2000 by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board