July 13, 1988
    PCB 85-224
    This matter comes before the Board on a December 31, 1985
    joint petition filed by the Aurora Sanitary District (“ASD”) and
    the City of Aurora (“City”) (hereinafter collectively referred to
    as “Aurora”) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    (“Agency”) for exception to 35 Ill. Mm. Code 306.305 (a) and (b)
    to relieve Aurora from the requirement to construct and operate
    certain combined sewer overflow (“CSO”) transport and treatment
    facil ities.
    Hearing was held at the Aurora City Hall on March 6, 1986.
    On June 6, 1986 Petitioners filed a Proposed Order (“Proposed
    Order”). On June 20, 1986 the petition was remanded to the
    Petitioners by Board Order. On March 27, 1987 Petitioners filed
    an Amended Joint Petition (“Amended Pet.”). On July 1, 1988
    Petitioners filed a Second Amended Joint Petition (“2nd Amended
    Pet.”). No additional hearing has been held.
    For the reasons described below, the Board finds that
    Petitioners have made the showings requisite for granting the
    relief requested. The relief will accordingly be granted,
    subject to conditions as stipulated to by Petitioners and
    consistent with the Board’s rules and regulations.
    The Board’s CSO regulations are contained in 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code Subtitle C, Chapter I, Part 306. They were amended in R81—
    17, 51 PCB 383, March 24, 1983. Sections pertinent to the
    instant matter are Sections 306.305 and 306.361(a). Section
    306.305 provides as follows:
    All combined sewer overflows and treatment plant
    bypasses shall be given sufficient treatment to
    prevent pollution, or the violation of applicable
    water standards unless an exception has been granted
    by the Board pursuant to Subpart D.

    Sufficient treatment shall consist of the following:
    a) All dry weather flows, and the first flush of
    storm flows as determined by the Agency, shall
    meet the applicable effluent standards; and
    b) Additional flows, as determined by the Agency but
    not less than ten times average dry weather flow
    for the design year, shall receive a minimum of
    primary treatment and disinfection with adequate
    retention time; and
    c) Flows in excess of those described in subsection
    (b) shall be treated, in whole or in part, to the
    extent necessary to prevent accumulations of
    sludge deposits, floating debris and solids in
    accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.203, and to
    prevent depression of oxygen levels; or
    d) Compliance with a treatment program authorized by
    the Board in an exception granted pursuant to
    Subpart D.
    Subpart D allows the discharger to file a petition for an
    exception either singly, or jointly with the Agency as Aurora has
    done. A joint petition may seek an exception based on minimal
    discharge impact as provided in Section 306.361(a):
    An exception justification based upon minimal
    discharge impact shall include, as a minimum, an
    evaluation of receiving stream ratios, known stream
    uses, accessibility to stream and side land use
    activities (residential, commercial, agricultural,
    industrial, recreational), frequency and extent of
    overflow events, inspections of unnatural bottom
    deposits, odors, unnatural floating material or
    color, stream morphology and results of limited
    stream chemical analyses.
    Pursuant to 306.361(a) Aurora and the Agency assert that
    overflows from its combined storm and sanitary sewer system have
    minimal impact on the water quality of, and do not restrict the
    use of, the Fox River and Indian Creek (the receiving streams).
    Petitioners have presented several documents in support of
    their petition. Included among these is a two—volume combined
    sewer overflow study undertaken by Walter E. Deuchler Associates,
    Inc. This document was attached to the Petition and Amended
    Petition as Attachment A; it was also admitted as hearing exhibit
    9 1—04

    1. Among other matters, the study contains analysis of impact of
    the existing CSOs on the Fox River and the reduction of flow and
    pollutant loads that can be expected from implementation of
    several CSO options.
    In response to concerns as expressed by the Board in its
    June 20, 1986 Order, Petitioners commissioned and submitted a
    study: “An Assessment of Indian Creek Bottom Sediments in the
    Vicinity of Combined Sewer Overflow 25 in Aurora, Illinois”,
    Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 412, January 1987.
    This report is Appendix G to the Amended Petition of March 27,
    On January 28, 1988 Aurora completed a study, as an
    amendment to its Municipal Compliance Plan, which provides an
    update on relief sewer projects undertaken as part of the overall
    CSO program. This report was submitted to the Board along with
    the 2nd Amended Pet as Exhibit I.
    The ASD provides wastewater treatment for Aurora, North
    Aurora, Montgomery, Boulder Hill, and part of Oswego. Its
    facility plan area encompasses portions of DuPage, Kane, Kendall,
    and Will Counties. The population currently served by the ASD is
    approximately 120,000, with a projected population for the year
    2003 of 193,000 (R. at 12).
    The ASD’S only treatment plant is located west of the Fox
    River and south of Montgomery, Illinois. The plant provides
    preliminary treatment, primary clarification, biological
    oxidation and nitrification, tertiary sand filtration, and
    chlorine disinfection. It has a design average flow capacity of
    32 mgd, with a design maximum flow capacity of 68 mgd (R. at
    12). Discharge is to the Fox River.
    The City of Aurora has both combined and separate sanitary
    sewer systems, while the remainder of the service area has
    separate sanitary and storm sewers. The City’s combined sewers
    serve approximately 4,360 acres (6.9 sq. mi.) of the
    approximately 50 square miles served by the ASD (R. at 52, 89).
    No new combined sewers have been constructed since 1937 pursuant
    to a city ordinance (R. at 52).
    The system has fourteen CSO overflow points (Amended Pet. at
    3). Thirteen are located within the City and one is located at
    the ASD plant. All of the discharges are directly to the Fox
    River, with the exception of one City point which discharges to
    Indian Creek. The overflows occur primarily at diversion
    structures which serve to limit wet weather flow to the treatment
    plant. Four of the City overflow points are considered major by
    9 1—05

    the Petitioners because they collectively receive flow from more
    than two thirds of the land areas within the City served by
    combined sewers. These four points, plus the ADS treatment plant
    overflow, account for 79 of the total overflow volume. The
    remaining nine City overflow points are considered minor by the
    Petitioners in that they collectively receive flow from less than
    1/3 of the acreage served by the combined sewers and account for
    only 21 of overflows (Id. at 3—4). The major City overflow
    points are numbered 1, 4, 8, and 25; 1, 4, and 8 are located at
    the Fox River at Rathbone Avenue, Hazel Avenue, and Benton
    Street, respectively; CSO 25 is tributary to Indian Creek.
    Aurora has investigated options by which it might moot the
    need for the relief requested, or, in the alternative, minimize
    the impact of its CSOs. Six options were considered, including:
    (1) complete elimination of all combined sewers, (2) construction
    of facilities necessary to achieve compliance under Section
    306.305, and (3) four options
    identified in the record as
    Alternatives A, B, C, and D
    which provide for progressively
    greater reduction in the impact of existing CSOs.
    Elimination of all exjsting combined sewers is estimated to
    cost at least $160 million (Amended Pet. at 14).
    Full compliance with Section 306.305 could be achieved by
    providing the necessary treatment to combined sewer discharges.
    The required facilities would include large storage basins at
    four locations and several relief sewers to assure hydraulic
    capacity for all first flush flow. Additionally, three treatment
    facilities with a combined capacity of 51 mgd would be required
    at the ASD plant to provide treatment for flows up to 10 x
    average dry weather flow. The total cost of these facilities is
    approximately $99 million (Amended Pet. at 14).
    Petitioners contend that neither the complete CSO
    elimination option nor the 306.305 compliance option is cost
    effective (Amended Pet. at 4), and, moreover, that neither would
    materially improve the water quality or enhance any beneficial
    uses of the Fox River (R. at 15). Accordingly, Petitioners have
    turned to the options which would at least reduce CSO impact.
    Petitioners have opted to pursue and present to the Board
    Alternative D, which provides the greatest impact reduction among
    the four alternatives. Alternative D is designed to assure:
    Control option cost figures cited herein are in 1986 dollars.

    1) Complete treatment of peak dry weather flow;
    2) Complete treatment of up to 2.5 x average dry
    weather flow;
    3) Complete treatment of 57 of first flush; and
    4) Complete or primary treatment of 65 of flows in
    excess of 2.5 x average dry weather flow.
    Amended Pet. at 5
    Alternative D would conservatively2 also cause a 58.9 reduction
    in CSO flows and a reduction in pollutant loads ranging from
    50.1 for suspended solids to 77.5 for phosphate (Id. at 6).
    At $22.25 million, Alternative D is the most costly of the
    four impact—reduction options (Amended Pet. at 13—18). Among the
    activities to be undertaken are sewer separations, addition and
    replacement of sewer pipes, modification of siphon and weir
    structures, re—routing of combined sewer flows, implementation of
    inflow/infiltration reduction strategies, and elimination of one
    CSO. Aurora has stipulated to carrying out these improvements,
    and Petitioners request (Proposed Order at 1—2) that they be
    listed in the Board’s Order.
    Aurora additionally stipulates to a schedule for completion
    of the improvements (Amended Pet., Appen. G, as modified in 2nd
    Amended Pet.), and Petitioners request that this schedule also be
    incorporated into the Board’s Order. However, the Board notes
    that both the internal and final completion dates for all but two
    of the many individual projects within the program are now
    past. Presumably, therefore, all but two of the projects are now
    complete. For this reason the Board will condition the grant of
    relief only upon the agreed—upon final dates.
    Section 306.361(a) requires that Petitioners seeking a CSO
    exception on the basis of minimal discharge impact, as is the
    case here, make a number of showings. Pursuant thereto,
    Petitioners provide the following information and observations:
    2 Calculation of CSO impacts under Alternative D was made prior
    to certain additional improvements made to the Alternative D
    program at the Agency’s suggestion. The precise impact of these
    additional improvements has not been determined, and is therefore
    not reflected in the Alternative D impact figures (Amended Pet.
    at 5, 7).
    9 1—07

    Receiving Stream Ratios
    The average discharge of the Fox River at Aurora is
    approximately 1,810 cubic feet per second (“cfs”). The average
    CSO flow rate from all City and ASD overflow points is 3.9 cfs,
    or 0.20 of the average river discharge. Petitioners also
    contend that pollution loading of the CSOs is small relative to
    the load of the Fox River. In support thereof, Petitioners
    present the following data:
    Prior to Alt. D
    Alt. D
    (tons/yr) Percent (Percent)
    From these data Petitioners concluded that “it is thus
    apparent that the extremely low ratios of CSO flow and pollutant
    loads to Fox River flow and pollutant loads assure that the City
    and ASD CSOs have no significant impact on Fox River water
    quality” (Amended Pet, at 7).
    Indian Creek is an intermittent stream with a ten—year,
    seven—day low flow of zero (Amended Pet. at 7).
    Known Stream Uses
    Petitioners report that a 1981 Northeastern Illinois
    Planning Commission study listed the following uses for the Fox
    River in Kane County:
    (i) fishing;
    (ii) canoeing;
    (iii) other types of pleasure boating;
    (iv) picnicking, fishing, hiking, etc., in public parks
    along the shore;
    (v) agricultural drainage;
    (vi) “urban drainage” from commercial and residential land
    along the river;
    (vii) receiving effluents from several wastewater treatment
    plants and overflow diversion structures.
    Petitioners additionally point out that the Fox River in the
    CSO study area is abutted for the most part by commercial and
    residential properties (Amended Pet. at 8). They also note that
    “Indian Creek is basically an urban drainage channel” for its
    lower 3 to 4 miles, although in its upper reaches it receives
    runoff from farmlands (Id.).
    9 1—08

    Accessibility to Stream Side Land Use Activities
    Regarding accessibility to stream—side land, Petitioners
    The combined sewer portion of the ASD service
    area consists almost exclusively of residential and
    commercial establishments. Agricultural land and
    open space account for but a small fraction of
    acreage abutting the river in the ASD service area.
    Some light manufacturing plants and warehouses abut
    the river in the southwest portion of the combined
    sewer area. (Appendix A at p. 2—5). Exhibit 4 to
    the CSO study details the riparian land use in the
    CSO area. Generally, the river is not readily
    accessible to the general public, with the exception
    of boaters who use two designated “boat access areas”
    in the City of Aurora.
    Indian Creek is, for the most part, within the
    Burlington Northern Railroad right of way and the
    activities along the stretch both immediately
    upstream and downstream of OVF. No. 25 can be
    characterized as industrial.
    Amended Pet. at 8—9.
    Frequency and Extent of Overflow Events
    The CSO study (Ex. 1) estimates that 1,187 overflow events
    per year, with a total yearly flow of 914 million gallons,
    occurred prior to implementation of Alternative D. Of these, 663
    events and 568 million gallons were attributable to the major
    overflow points 1, 4, 8, and 25. Full implementation of
    Alternative D is expected to reduce yearly overflow events to 658
    and total overflow volume to 375 million gallons, reductions of
    44.5 and 59.0, respectively (Amended Pet. at 9; see also
    footnote 2).
    Inspections of Outfalls (Bottom Deposits, Odors, etc.)
    Regarding inspections of unnatural bottom deposits,
    Petitioners note:
    In June, 1983, the Fox River was examined for
    sludge deposits, sewer—related odors, sediment in
    quiet portions of the river, and sewer—related impact
    on vegetation. The purpose of the inspections was to
    determine if CSO5 significantly contributed to sludge
    deposits or adverse environmental impacts.

    The CSO study details inspection locations,
    methods and results. (Appendix A at pp. 3—5 to 3—
    11). To summarize, approximately 30 locations in the
    river, including points upstream and downstream of
    all CSO points, were examined for sediment depth,
    color, texture and odor. At the same time depth of
    water, the size of the stream—bed area examined, and
    the amount and nature of floating debris, if any,
    were noted. The inspections revealed that, with the
    exception of the shoreline areas, most of the river
    bottom is rock or gravel with no sludge deposits.
    However, some sludge deposits were noted in low
    velocity areas
    i.e., near shorelines and
    downstream of islands. Sewage—related odors were
    detectable at a few small and localized areas near
    CSO outfalls. Although a relatively large area of
    sludge deposits was noted ~pstream of all CSO points,
    no comparable deposits were found downstream of the
    overflow points. The study concludes that there is
    no correlation between the overflow points and sludge
    deposits in the Fox River in the Aurora CSO areas.
    (Appendix A at p. 3—11).
    In addition to inspecting the river, the
    contractor reviewed a 1978 NIPC study of sediment
    oxygen demand in the Fox River. The study showed
    varying sediment oxygen demands at five different
    locations in the river. However, no relation between
    sediment oxygen demand and CSO5 could be detected.
    In fact, of the five sampling points, the highest
    sediment oxygen demand was found upstream of all of
    the overflow points. (Appendix A at pp. 2—5 to 2—8).
    The Agency survey (Appendix D at p. 4) shows
    black septic sludge at the site of overflow No. 25.
    Further investigations reveal that the most severe
    incidence of bottom deposits is limited to 500 or 600
    feet downstream of the overflow.
    As noted above, sewage—related odors were
    detected in localized areas near a few CSO
    outfalls. (Appendix A at 3—11). Odors are moderate
    to severe near Overflow No. 25, but they can be
    detected for some distance downstream (+500 ft.,) and
    intermittently throughout Indian Creek.
    No unnatural colors were noted in the course of
    the river inspection. Floating debris was found in
    several locations, but all floating materials noted
    were unrelated to sewer overflows
    the specific
    items noted were tree branches, drums, tires,
    cardboard boxes and pipes. (Appendix A at pp. 3—6 to
    9 1—10

    Rags, tissue paper, etc. were observed in brush
    and log jams immediately below OVF No. 25 up to a
    distance of approximately 200 feet downstream.
    Amended Pet. at 9—11
    Pursuant to concerns raised at hearing and to the Board’s
    Order of June 20, 1986 Petitioners have caused further
    investigation of CSO impacts on Indian Creek. In particular, a
    study was undertaken by the Illinois State Water Survey and
    reached the following conclusions (Amended. Pet., Appendix G at
    a) Indian Creek below overflow 25 exhibits some
    benthic sediment degradation. However, this
    degradation is relatively minor and is in line
    with that of other streams receiving intermittent
    combined sewage overflows or a steady flow of
    well—treated effluent.
    b) Benthos and phytoplankton productivity is low
    both upstream and downstream of the outfall.
    The stream supports lush and extensive periphyton
    growth. Sediment oxygen demand is contributed by
    bottom—dwelling diatoms, iron bacteria
    respiration, and ammonia oxidation. The latter
    accounts for almost two—thirds of the sediment
    oxygen demand in the outfall area, but none of
    the sediment oxygen demand at a station above the
    d) Gross visual and aesthetic pollution due to
    discharges from overflow 25 was not evident.
    e) A reduction in the frequency and quantity of the
    CSO probably would enhance downstream conditions.
    Petitioners further note that the sediment oxygen demands of
    Indian Creek are comparable to those of the Fox River (Amended
    Pet. at 19), and that the impacts of overflow 25 appear to be
    localized to the first 600 feet downstream of the outfall (Id.).
    Stream Morphology
    The condition of the Fox River through Aurora has been
    described in a Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission 1981
    stream use inventory as “natural” with scarce aquatic vegetation
    and “fair to good” aesthetic appeal (Amended Pet. at 11). The
    streamside vegetation was noted to be “mature forest/brush”
    (Id.). Petitioners further note that the river is locally free

    of log jams and other accumulations of vegetative debris and that
    the river substrate is rock or gravel; some channelization has
    occurred in the highly—developed areas (Id. at 11—12).
    Indian Creek has a relatively steep gradient and flows in a
    series of riffles and pools (Amended Pet. at 12).
    Stream Chemical Analyses
    Aurora undertook a sampling of CSO water quality and
    instream water quality during two storm events in 1981 (See Ex. 1
    at 3—1 to 3—4 and Appendix B; Exhibit 10; Exhibit 11). From
    these data Petitioners conclude that “there appears to be little
    if any correlation between the combined sewer overflows and Fox
    River water quality during and after rainfalls” (Amended Pet. at
    13). No chemical analyses were conducted on Indian Creek because
    the Petitioners “assumed that during the time overflow is active,
    the creek would reflect basically degraded conditions” (Id.).
    The Board determines that Petitioners have shown pursuant to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.361(a) that exception to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    306.305(a), as it relates to first flush of storm flows, and to
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.305(b) would produce minimal impact on the
    receiving stream. Accordingly, the Board will grant the
    exception. The Board further will accept the conditions as
    agreed to by Petitioners in their June 6, 1986 Proposed Order as
    modified in the Amended Petition of March 27, 1987 and Second
    Amended Petition of July 1, 1988.
    Aurora Sanitary District and the City of Aurora are hereby
    granted an exception from combined sewer overflow regulations 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 306.305 (a) as it relates to first flush storm
    flows, and to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.305 (b), subject to the
    following conditions:
    1. The City and District shall implement the following
    system improvements:
    a. Provide an additional 15” diameter connecting pipe
    at overflow No. 1 located at Rathbone Avenue.
    b. Modify the existing west siphon chamber at Hurd’s
    Island to facilitate maintenance, and provide a
    manhole at the bend in the interceptor just north of
    the railroad bridge.

    c. Remove siphon over Western United Gas and Electric
    Co. discharge tunnels and replace it with a 54”
    diameter connecting pipe.
    d. Re—route Basins 8 and 33 to the wastewater treatment
    plant through the Waubonsie Interceptor.
    e. Implement and maintain programmed maintenance on
    critical areas comprised of overflows 1, 4 and all
    the siphons.
    f. Sewer separation upstream of overflow numbers 4, 8,
    22 and 25 to reduce runoff into the combined
    system. Additionally implement inflow—infiltration
    reduction strategies in basins 24, 25, 26, 28, 29,
    30 and 36.
    g. Eliminate overflow number 6 diverting all flows from
    tributary sub—basins into the Hazel Avenue
    h. Raise weirs 6” on overflows 5, 22, and 23 to
    eliminate bypassing during small storms.
    i. Perform sewer separation in a 60 acre tract
    associated with the Transportation center project.
    2. Improvements identified in paragraph 1 above shall be
    completed by July 31, 1988, with the exception of:
    a. 30—inch storm sewer along Plum Street in basins 24
    and 25, which shall be completed by November 1,
    b. Removing of storm inlets along Lake Street in Basin
    29, which shall be completed by November 1, 1988.
    3. The Aurora Sanitary District Treatment facility shall be
    operated in accordance with the following provisions:
    a. All flows received at the treatment plant must be
    screened and metered.
    b. All flows up to 74 million gallons per day (“MGD”)
    must receive a minimum of primary clarification
    prior to and during any occurrence of bypassing.
    c. All flows up to 68 MGD must receive full treatment
    prior to and during any occurrence of bypassing
    ahead of or following primary treatment units.

    4. Aurora Sanitary District and the City of Aurora shall
    conduct performance evaluation and reporting of the
    improvements specified in this Order in accordance with
    the Plan of Study appended to and which is hereby made a
    part of this Order.
    5. This grant of exception does not preclude the Agency
    from exercising its authority to require as a permit
    condition a CSO monitoring program sufficient to assess
    compliance with this exception and any other Board
    regulations and other controls, if needed, for
    compliance, including compliance with water quality
    6. This grant of exception is not to be construed as
    affecting the enforceability of any provisions of this
    exception, other Board regulations, or the Environmental
    Protection Act.
    IT IS
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion and Order was
    adopted on the
    day of
    1988, by a
    vote of
    Illinois ‘~ol1utionControl Board

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