October 20, 1988
35 ILL. ADM. CODE 101,
102, 106, and 107
INTERIM ORDER OF THE BOARD (By 3. Theodore Meyer):
This matter is before the Board on its own motion. Because
of the public interest in this procedural rules revision, coupled
with the tight time frames for action, the Board feels that it
would be useful to set forth a tentative schedule for further
Board action on this docket.
The last merit hearing in this matter will be held tomorrow,
October 21, 1988, in Chicago. The first notice comment period
closes on Monday, November 7, 1988. The Board anticipates taking
action on a second notice opinion and order at its November 17,
1988 meeting. This document will respond to comments received at
the two hearings and in written form during the first notice
period, and will articulate the Board’s positions on the issues
raised during first notice. The second notice opinion and order
will be held from submission to the Joint Committee on
Administrative Rules (JCAR) in order to allow interested persons
to comment on the opinion and order. All comments must be
received at the Board’s Chicago office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday,
December 5, 1988. The Board realizes that the Thanksgiving
holiday falls in this comment period, thus shortening the time to
comment. However, given the short time periods for adoption of
these rules, the December 5, 1988 deadline will be strictly
enforced. After consideration of comments received during this
period, the Board anticipates adopting a second notice opinion
and order on or before December 15, 1988. The second notice will
then be submitted to JCAR. The Board will move to final adoption
of the rules approximately January 30, after expiration of the
45—day second notice period, unless earlier adoption is possible
as a result of early JCAR action.
In sum, the Board foresees the following schedule:
October 21
Final merit hearing
November 7
Close of first notice comment
November 17
Board adoption of a “tentative”
second notice opinion and order
(not submitted to JC~R)
December 5
Comments on the November 17
opinion and order due in Board’s
Chicago office at 4:30 p.m.
December 15
Board adoption of “final” second
(on or before)
notice opinion and order, with
immediate submission of second
notice to JCAR
January 30
Board adoption of final rules
By setting forth this projected schedule, the Board believes that
all interested persons may anticipate when deadlines for action
will fall, and be able to plan accordingly.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above Interim Order was adopted on
day of
1988, by a vote of 7—ô
Dorothy M.,4unn, Clerk
Illinois ~4llution Control Board