July 13, 1989
PCB 88—172
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by M. Nardulli):
On May 25, 1989, the Board issued an order in the above—
captioned matter to allow for a written question and answer
period. The Association of Concerned Environmentalists was to
submit any questions it had for the Allied—Signal, Inc.
(“Allied”) witnesses who were present at the hearing of April 20,
1989 by June 5, 1989. In response, Allied was required to answer
these questions by June 19, 1989. Having reviewed the questions
and answers, and having received no comments or objections to the
procedures employed or the actions in response to the order, the
Board concludes that Allied’s witnesses will not be required for
further examination at future hearings. The Board hereby orders
that another hearing be set in this matter for the purpose of
accepting any follow—up testimony. Allied is not required to
recall any of the witnesses it had testify at the hearing of
April 20, 1989.
Hearing must be scheduled within 14 days of the date of this
Order and completed within 60 days of the date of this Order.
The hearing officer shall inform the Clerk of the Board of the
time and location of the hearing at least 40 days in advance of
hearing so that public notice of hearing may be published. After
hearing, the hearing officer shall submit an exhibit list and all
actual exhibits to the Board within 5 days of the nearing. Any
briefing schedule shall provide for final filings as
expeditiously as possible and in no event later than 70 days from
the date of this Order.
If after appropriate consultation with the parties, the
pafties fail to provide an acceptable hearing date or if after an
attempt the hearing officer is unable to consult with the
parties, the hearing officer shall unilaterally set a hearing
date in conformance with the schedule above. This schedule
only provide the Board a very short time period to deliberate and
reach a decision before the due date. The hearing officer and
the parties are encouraged to expedite this proceeding as much as
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Within 10 days of accepting this case, the Hearing Officer
shall enter a Hearing Officer Scheduling Order governing
completion of the record. That Order shall set a date certain
for each aspect of the case including: briefing schedule,
hearing date(s), completion of discovery (if necessary) and pre—
hearing conference (if necessary). The Hearing Officer
Scheduling Order may be modified by entry of a complete new
scheduling order conforming with the time requirements below.
The hearing officer may extend this schedule only on a
waiver of the decision deadline by the petitioner and only for
the equivalent or fewer number of days that the decision deadline
is waived. Such waivers must be provided in writing to the Clerk
of the Board. Any waiver must be an “open waiver” ora waiver of
decision until a date certain. Any waiver shall extend the time
deadline of Section 104.180 regarding filing the Agency
recommendation by the equivalent number of days, but in any
circumstance the recommendation must be filed at least 20 days
before the hearing.
Because of requirements regarding the publication of notice
of hearing, no scheduled hearing may be cancelled unless the
petitioner provides an open waiver or a waiver to a date at least
75 days beyond the date of the motion to cancel hearing. This
should allow ample time for the Board to republish notice of
hearing and receive transcripts from the hearing before the due
date. Any order by the hearing officer granting cancellation of
hearing shall include a complete new scheduling order with a new
hearing date at least 40 days in the future and at least 30 days
prior to the new due date and the Clerk of the Board shall be
promptly informed of the new schedule.
Because this proceeding is the type for which the Illinois
Environmental Protection Act sets a very short statutory deadline
for decisionmaking, absent a waiver, the Board will grant
extensions or modifications only in unusual circumstances. Any
such motion must set forth an alternative schedule for notice,
hearing, and final submissions, as well as the deadline for
decision, including response time to such a motion. However, no
such motion shall negate the obligation of the hearing officer to
set a date pursuant to the fourth paragraph of this Order, and to
adhere to that Order until modified.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certif
above Order was adopted on
the J~-~dayof ~ tha~tI~
1989, by a vote
of 7—o
lution Control Board
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