November 15, 1989
DISSENTING OPINION (by Mr. J.D. Dumelle and Mr. M.L. Nardulli):
We dissent from the Board’s Second Notice Opinion and Order
dated November 15, 1989 in this docket. We are concerned that the
end result of this rulemaking will be a rule that operates
differently from that intended not only by Section 22.9 of the
Environmental Protection Act but also by Section 5.01 of the
Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, and rules and regulations
adopted thereunder.
Specifically, our concern relates to proposed Subpart C,
“Criteria and Data Requirements,” which governs criteria and data
requirements used to predict the degree of hazard pursuant to
Section 808.245. Section 808.302, entitled “Data Base,” governs
that “which may be employed to assess the physical, chemical and
toxicological properties of waste constituents.” Subsection (b)
states that:
t~he data base shall consist of data from any
source which the Agency determines is
reasonably reliable as a basis for decision.
Reasonable reliability of a source shall be
assessed by reference to factors including,
but not limited to ,its scientific validity,
the consistency with which the source reflects
directly observable data, including monitoring
data, and the consistency of results of
repeated applications of data and formulae.
Such data sources include, but are not limited
to the following:
1) Data from standard reference
2) Data published or incorporated by
reference by a federal regulation or
by a regulation adopted by an agency
of the State of Illinois;
3) Data included in the application
under consideration and in written
communications between the applicant
and the Agency or their
representatives, with respect to the
4) Data previously used by the Agency
in other wastestream categorization
determinations; and
5) Data from Agency inspection,
permitting and enforcement files
relating to the generator or the
wastestream, excluding complaint
forms except where the complainant
will be available voluntarily for
deposition and examination under
oath at any hearing on appeal
pursuant to Subpart G.
As stated in subsection (a), this data base will be used to
determine the physical, chemical and toxicological properties of
the waste constituents in question. In this regard, what
information exists in this data base will in large measure
determine the values to be applied in the calculation set forth in
Appendix B for determining the toxicity hazard. As a result, the
information in the data base will in large part determine what
toxicity score a given wastestream will have. Because of the
fundamental role that this data base plays in the classification
process, we believe it essential that the data base contents
themselves be adopted under the APA rulemaking procedures, i.e.,
notice and comment, and be set forth in the rule so that those who
are subject to them have advance notice.
Thus, we do not believe that such an important determination
as to what will be included in the data base should be left to
what the Agency believes is “reasonably reliable as a basis for
decision.” This language permits the Agency too much leeway in
making its determioations and does not nive adequate notice to
regulated community as to how the rule works. Further, even
though Section 808.302(b) sets out what “reasonable reliability”
shall include, the Agency is not limited to those sources.
Finally, we are troubled by the inclusion of subsection (b) (4) ;
data previously used by the Agency in other determinations. This
information may not always be available to the regulated community
such that it can perform its own independent assessment under the
rule. Also, it seems to us, if these data were previously used,
it must have come in under one of the other listed sources; thus,
subsection (b) (4) may well be redundant.
For these reasons, we dissent.
~ ~
‘Já~ob D. Dumelle
Michael L. N rdutli
Board Member
lr)5 3Sfl
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above Dissenting Opinion was filed
on the
day of
~2. ~
Gunn, Clerk,
Illinoi~Po1lution Control Board