October 18, 1989
    PCB 87—136
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by 3. Theodore Meyer):
    This matter is before the Board on a September 18, 1989
    petition for extension and modification of variance, f_led by
    Roadmaster Corporation. On September 28, 1989, the Board issued
    an order construing the petition for variance as a motion for
    modification. Roadmaster seeks an extension of the variance
    granted by the Board on September 8, 1988. That variance, which
    expired on September 30, 1989, allowed Roadmaster an exemption
    from 35 Iii. Adm. Code 215.204(j)(3) for volatile organic
    material (VOM) emissions from its flowcoaters. Roadmaster has
    also filed for a site—specific rule change for these two
    flowcoaters in R88—19. On July 13, 1989, the Board proposed for
    first notice the site—specific relief sought by Roadrnaster in
    R88—19, with certain conditions. Roadma~ternow seeks an
    extension of its variance pending the completion of the
    The Agency has not formally responded to Roadmaster’s
    motion, but has indicated that it neither supports or opposes the
    Because Roadmaster’s site-specific rule is in the rulemaking
    process, the Board will grant Roadmaster’s motion for extension
    of the variance granted on September 8, 1988. The variance
    extension is for one year or until the completion of the
    rulemaking, whichever occurs first. The variance will be subject
    to the same conditions as were previously imposed. The Board
    notes that it has retained all conditions in the following order,
    it assumes that the conditions which are now out-of-date have
    been fulfilled.
    Petitioner, Roadmaster Corporation, is hereby granted
    variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.204(j) until October 18,
    1990, or until completion of the rulemaking process in R88—19,

    whichever occurs first. The variance is subject to the following
    1. Roadmaster Corporation’s Olney Plant
    shall not omit volatile organic material
    from its white flow coat application line
    greater than the present 3.9 pounds per
    gallon of coating. The black flow coat
    application line shall not emit volatile
    organic matter greater than the present
    4.8 pounds per gallon.
    2. Roadmaster will conduct, or authorize, a
    study to examine the possibility of using
    internal offset to reach compliance.
    This study shall be concluded by May 31,
    1989 and the results shall be reported
    Air Pollution Control Division
    Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, IL 62794
    3. Roadmaster shall continue to search for
    compliance coatings and shall submit
    quarterly progress reports during the
    variance period, detailing its progress
    in coming into compliance, to the Agency
    at the address in condition (2) above.
    4. If at any time during this variance
    period, Roadmaster is informed by paint
    manufacturers that a coating material for
    the white flowcoater cannot be
    formulated, Roadmaster be required to
    proceed with an alternate compliance
    strategy during the term of the variance
    and be required to initiate the strategy
    by June 30, 1989.
    5. Within 45 days of the date of this Order,
    Petitioner shall execute and forward to
    the Agency at the address in condition
    (2) above, a Certification of Acceptance
    and Agreement to be bound to all terms
    and conditions of this variance. The 45—
    day period shall be held in abeyance
    during any period that this matter is
    being appealed. If the Petitioner fails
    to execute and forward this agreement

    within 45 days, the variance shall be
    void. The form of said Certification
    shall be as follows:
    I, We),
    having read the Order of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, in
    PCB 87—136, dated October 18, 1989, understand and accept the
    said order, realizing that such acceptance renders all terms and
    conditions thereto binding and enforceable.
    By: Authorized Agent
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1985 ch. ll1~par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    3. D. Dumelle concurred.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the~above Order was adopted on
    day of
    1989, by a vote
    /7g. ~
    Dorothy M. ~inn, Clerk
    Illinois Pc~1lutionControl Board

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