September 13, 1989
COMPANY (Hoopeston Plant),
PCB 89—83
On May 12, 1989, American National Can Company, Hoopeston
Plant (“ANC”) filed a petition for variance from 35 Iii. Adm.
Code 2l5.204(b)(6) as it relates to a new 307 diameter gang end
press from June 1, 1989 until November 1, 1989. On July 10,
1989, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“Agency”)
filed a recommendation that variance, “be granted on terms
consistent with the forthcoming decision of the Board in American
National Can v. IEPA, PCB 89-68.” (Rec., p. 1.) A hearing was
held on July 19, 1989. No testimony was offered at the
hearing. No briefs were filed.
ANC operates a facility located in Hoopeston, Vermilion
County, Illinois which manufactures metallic can bodies and can
ends used primarily in the food industry. The facility employs
155 people. During the manufacturing process, end-sealing
compounds are applied to can ends. End—sealing compounds contain
volatile organic material (VOM), the emissions of which are
regulated by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 2l5.204(b)(6). The new 307
diameter gang end press will produce can ends to which the end-
sealing compound is applied.
The application of end—sealing compounds has been the
subject of a variance from the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
215 since February 5, 1981, when the Board granted an initial
variance to ANC’s predecessor, American Can Company, from former
Rules 104(c), 205(rn)(l)(B) and 205(n)(l) of Chapter 2, codified
as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.243, 215, Appendix C, and 215.204(b),
respectively, until October 1, 1984. PCB 80—213. As set out in
the Board’s February 5, 1981 Opinion and Order in PCB 80—213,
American Can intended to achieve compliar)ce through reformulation
to low—solvent coatings, application of the offset provisions of
former Rules 204 and 205 and transfer to other states some
processes which were not amenable to reformulation. PCB 80—213,
p. 2. On January 24, 1985, the Board granted the Hoopeston Plant
a variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.Appendix C, 215.202 and
215.204(b)(5) and (6), subject to conditions, until December 31,
1987. (PCB 84—106.) The Hoopeston facility was unable to
completely comply with the applicable emission limitation for
end—sealing compounds by the expiration of the variance on
December 31, 1987. Accordingly, ANC filed for an extension of
variance on May 19, 1987, with the First Amended Petition being
filed on July 27, 1987, and a Second Amended Petition being filed
on November 6, 1987. (PCB 87—67.) On February 25, 1988, the
Board granted ANC’s variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 215.204(b)(6)
from January 1, 1988, to December 31, 1988, subject to
conditions. ANC’s compliance plan in support of its variance
request was two—fold. ANC would achieve compliance with Section
2l5.204(b)(6) either by the utilization of compliant end—sealing
compounds, or in the event that compliant end—sealing compounds
could not be utilized, by the installation of VOM control
On December 14, 1988, ANC submitted an Alternative Control
Strategy (ACS) permit application to the Agency in accordance
with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 202 for its end—sealing operation at the
Hoopeston facility. Revisions to this application were submitted
on February 10, 1989, and March 20, 1989. On April 5, 1989, the
Agency denied ANC’s ACS permit application on the basis that
environmental equivalence was not established pursuant to 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 202.306. This decision was appealed to the Board on
April 18, 1989. (PCB 89—68.)
The 307 diameter gang end press, which is the subject of
this variance petition, replaces the 211 diameter gang end press
which was included in ANC’s variance petition in PCB 88—203.
(Pet., par. 8.) According to ANC’s permit application, the
estimated annual VOM emissions from the 307 diameter press are
48.3 tons, as compared to 40.1 tons per year from the 211
diameter press. The Agency has calculated the allowable
emissions from the 307 diameter press to be 28.4 tons per year.
The emissions at issue are volatile organic compounds, which
contribute to the formation of ozone. High levels of ozone can
have adverse health effects on the elderly, on school children
and persons with respiratory and cardiac problems. However, the
Agency believes that the variance sought by ANC for its 307
diameter gang end press will not adversely affect air quality,
particularly since the emissions from ANC’s single—and—double die
presses are already controlled. ANC’s plant is located in
Hoopeston, Vermilion County, which is an attainment area for
ozone, a criteria pollutant for which there are identical state
and federal air quality standards (0.12 ppm 235 ug/mi). (Rec.,
pp. 6-7.)
In its petition for variance ANC states that denial of its
variance recommendation would constitute an arbitrary and
unreasonable hardship in that it will be in compliance with
Section 215.204(b)(6) at the end of the variance period (November
1, 1989) and business conditions are such that the 307 diameter
gang end press must be installed and operated as soon as
possible. Pet., par. 9. The Agency believes that it would be an
unreasonable and arbitrary hardship to deny ANC a• variance
consistent with the Board’s opinion in PCB 89—68.
Based on the facts presented, the Board concludes that it
would constitute an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship to
require immediate compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 2l5.204(b)(6)
by ANC’s 307 diameter gang end press. The Board will therefore
grant the requested variance. Since the Agency has not requested
any reporting requirements or interim emission limitations, the
Board will not impose any.
This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
conclusions of law on this matter.
The Board hereby grants American National Can, Hoopeston
Plant, a variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Cod 2l5.204(b)(6) for its 307
diameter gang end press. This variance shall commence on June 1,
1989 and expire on November 1, 1989.
Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
Stat. 1985, ch. 111—1/2, par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certi.fy that the above~Opinionand Order was
adopted on the /~~day of
1989, by a
vote of 7—ti)
I 11 i no
ution Control Board
103—4 1