October 11, 1990
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by R.C. Flemal):
This matter comes before the Board on the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency’s (“Agency”) motion for
corrective rulemaking filed September 6, 1990. The Agency
asserts that certain portions of the rulemaking are deficient in
that they are not federally approvable. The Agency requests that
the Board, upon its own initiative, correct these alleged
deficiencies by instituting a regular rulemaking proceeding. The
Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group filed its Response and
Objection to the Agency’s motion on September 20, 1990.
Most of the issues put forth in this motion for corrective
rulemaking have been considered at length by this Board during
the course of the RACT proceedings and indeed, many were
addressed in our denial of the Agency’s Motion for
Reconsideration on July 3, 1990. The reasons given for our
denial then apply equally well now. The Board also points out
that the time for reconsideration of this matter ran out long
ago. In the meantime, the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) promulgated Federal revisions to the VOC RACT
rules for the Chicago area and took final rulemaking action on
revisions to the Illinois Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP),
notice of which was published in the Federal Register on June 29,
1990. (55 Fed. Reg. 26814 (1990)). This rulemaking has now been
appealed to the United States District Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit by numerous parties in a consolidated proceeding.
Moreover, the USEPA, in its letter of August 17, 1990 to the
Agency’s Manager of the Division of Air Pollution Control, stated
that a detailed review of the SIP Revision (R89—16) was in
progress. Upon completion of the review, the USEPA proposed to
disapprove the rules outlined by the Agency in the current
motion, “as well as any other rules found not approvable later.”
(See Attachment 4 to Agency Motion for Reconsideration) (emphasis
added). At this time it is not known whether additional
provisions will be disapproved.
The Board agrees that it is desirable to have federally
approvable regulations in place at the state level. These
regulations must, however, comport with State law as well. The
Board cannot know, however, what the final resolution of the VOC
RACT appeals, and hence the Federal revisions to the SIP, will
be. No briefs have been filed by appellants; the administrative
record was due to be filed with the court on October 9, 1990.
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Because these pending appeals may alter what is considered
federally approvable, and because the USEPA, by its own
admission, has not completed its review of our SIP Revision,
judicial and administrative economy would not be served by
proceeding with a State rulemaking at this time. Therefore, the
Agency’s request that the Board institute a rulemaking on its own
initiative is denied.
As a final note, the Board continues to agree that a
clerical error between the definition of “VONC” and “VOC” has
taken place. As we stated in our Order of July 3, 1990, this
unfortunate error will be corrected in the appropriate rulemaking
docket at the earliest possible convenience. Due to the above,
the Agency’s motion is denied in part and granted in part.
I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the bo Order was adopted on the
//~Z~ day of
1990 by a vote
Dorothy M. c3x~n, Clerk
Illinois Po~ution Control Board