April 26, 1990
    PCB 90-83
    (Provisional Variance)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by J. Marlin):
    This matter comes before the Board on receipt of an Agency
    Recommendation dated April 25, 1990. The recommendation refers
    to an April 11, 1990 request from Petitioner, Ensign—Bickford
    Company for a 45—day provisional variance from Board regulations
    relating to open burning, as set forth in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 237,
    for the period from May 1, 1990 to June 14, 1990.
    Upon receipt of the request the Agency issued its
    recommendation, concluding that the failure to grant the
    requested 45—day provisional variance would impose an arbitrary
    or unreasonable hardship on Petitioner.
    The Ensign—Bickford Company operates a manufacturing facility
    in Wolf Lake, in Union County. At this facility are two wooden
    structures contaminated with explosive wastes. Ensign—Bickford
    presently disposes of its explosive wastes by open burning under
    the variance granted by the Board in PCB 88-156 and PCB 88—168
    (consolidated). Ensign—Bickford plans an expansion of these
    facilities with new, modern buildings and proposes to burn two
    existing structures to reduce potential hazards to the
    environment from their continued existence. These structures are
    the “Break—out” and “Balloon” buildings. The “Break-out”
    building is a single—story structure l6~ feet wide and 49 feet
    long, with a shingle roof. The “Balloon” building is a single—
    story structure 22 feet wide and 44 feet long, with t.:o 12 foot
    by 21 foot annexes and a tar—paper roof. Ensign—Bickford’s
    comp1ian~e plan consists of removing the roofing material prior
    to burning, removal and open burning of waste materials pursuant
    to its effective variances, then burning the buildings pursuant
    to this provisional variance.
    The Agency recommends that the Board grant the requested
    provisional variance with certain conditions. The Agency cites
    that the Board has not yet granted Ensign—Bickford provisional
    variance relief during 1990. The Agency points out that the
    burning will have “some environmental impact to an unquantified
    degree,” but that this should not cause a violation of the
    1 1O—42~

    National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
    In light of the Agency Recommendation, the Board hereby
    grants a provisional variance from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 237 from May
    1, 1990 to June 14, 1990, with the following conditions:
    1. That Ensign—Bickford remove the roofing materials from
    the “Break—out” and “Balloon” buildings prior to burning
    the structures;
    2. That Ensign—Bickford remove all explosive waste
    materials from the “Break-out” and “Balloon” buildings
    prior to burning the structures;
    3 That Ensign—Bickford shall not burn both the “Break—cut”
    and “Balloon” buildings in the same day;
    4. That Ensign—Bickford shall only burn the “Break—Out” and
    “Balloon” buildings on calm, clear days when the wind
    speed does not exceed 10 miles per hour;
    5. That Ensign-Bickford. shall promptly clear the site of
    resultant ash after it has burned each of the “Break-
    out” and “Balloon” buildings;
    6. That Ensign—Bickford shall have fire prevention plans
    and equipment ready and in place at the facility when it
    burns the “Break—Out” and “Balloon” buildings, as
    described in its April 11, 1990 variance request to the
    Agency; and
    7. That Ensign—Bickford shall notify the Agency, the local
    fire department, and the county forestry service of the
    exact date and time when the proposed burning will
    occur, at least 72 hours in advance of when it is
    intended to occur.
    Board Member J. Dumelle dissents.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above Order was adopted on the
    ~__day of__________________
    1990, by a vote of
    ,// ‘,•
    Dorothy M./Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pbllution Control Board

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