February 25, 1993
PCB 92—23
(Permit Appeal)
OF THE BOARD (by J. Anderson):
On February 16, 1993, The Grigoleit Company (Grigoleit)
filed a joint status report in response to the Board’s January
21, 1993 order and a motion to continue. In its January 21, 1993
order, the Board directed the parties to file status reports with
the Board by February 16, 1993. On February 18, 1993, Grigoleit
provided a waiver of the decision deadline through June 30, 1992.
In its motion, Grigoleit requests the Board to continue this
matter and require the parties to file a status report on or
before March 16, 1993. In support of its request, Grigoleit
states that it and the Agency have been engaged in settlement
negotiations which would, if successful, culminate in the
settlement of this case as well as the following three cases:
PCB 90-135, The Griaoleit ComDanv y. Illinois Environmental
Protection Aaency PCB 91-157, People of the State of Illinois v.
The GricToleit Company and PCB 92-110, In the Matter of Trade
Secret Claim by The Grigoleit Company.
Grigoleit adds that it submitted a written draft settlement
proposal to the State on December 6, 1992. On January 6, 1993,
the State provided its written response to the proposal. On
January 6, 1993, Grigoleit and the State met to discuss the
State’s response. On February 2, 1993, Grigoleit submitted a
written answer to the State’s written response. The State has
informed Grigoleit that it will provide its written reply on or
before February 19, 1993. Grigoleit and the State have
tentatively agreed to meet on February 25, 1993, to conduct
negotiations. Finally, Grigoleit asserts that the Agency has no
objection and has authorized Grigoleit to file the status report
as a joint response and motion.
We again point out that the Board, in its October 29, 1992
and January 21, 1993 orders, reminded the parties that they were
obligated, via a September 21, 1992 Board order, to contact the
hearing officer if they wished to hold another hearing in this
matter. The Board stated that it intended to make a final
determination in this matter by the decision deadline (i.e., at
that time, December 11, 1992) if there was no second hearing and
if no waiver was forthcoming. Although the decision deadline is
now June 30, 1993, the Board again cautions the parties that the
timing of settlement negotiations or the desire for another
hearing must take into account the Board’s intent to make a
timely determination in this matter.
In light of the above filings and Grigoleit’s waiver of the
decision deadline, the Board grants Grigoleit’s motion to
continue. The parties are directed to file status reports in
this matter. Such status reports are to be received by the Board
no later than March 16, 1993.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Board, hereby certify that the above order was adopted on the
day of
1993, by a vote of
Dorothy M.M~nn, Clerk
Illinois P~orlutionControl Board