January 9, 1992
PCB 91—138
(Underground Storage Tank
Reimbursement Determination)
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by R. C. Flemal):
On November 25, 1991, the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency (“Agency”) filed a Motion for Summary Judgement. On
December 10, 1991, the Board received a Cross—Motion for Summary
Judgement filed by Kronon Motor Sales, Inc. (“Kronon”). The Agency
filed a response to the cross motion which the Board received on
December 20, 1991. On December 31, 1991, Kronon filed a “Reply to
Respondent’s Objection to Cross—Motion for Summary Judgement”.
Section 101.241(c) of the Board’s procedural rules provides that
the moving person shall not have a right to reply except as
permitted by the Board or the hearing officer to prevent material
prejudice. Kronon has not sought leave of the Board to file its
reply,’ therefore, the reply will not be considered. The sole issue
before the Board in this appeal of the Agency’s determination for
reimbursement is whether or not Kronon is eligible to receive
reimbursement for costs for remedial action incurred prior to
notification by Kronon of the Emergency Service and Disaster Agency
(“ESDA”). Both parties seek summary judgement in their favor on
that issue.
The Board has recently held that costs which are incurred
prior to ESDA notification are not reimbursable. (North Suburban
Development Corporation v. IEPA, PCB 91-109, December 19, 1991).
In North Suburban, the Board thoroughly discussed the arguments
put forth by the parties regarding the interpretation of Section
22.18b(d) (4) (D) of the Environmental Protection Act (“Act”) and of
Section 731.150 of the Board’s rules. Kronon has not presented any
new arguments regarding the interpretation of the Act and the
Board’s rules. The only new argument presented by Kronon is the
applicability of Section 731.150 to the facts surrounding Kronon’s
removal of the tanks.
Kronon maintains that Section 731.150 applies only to
underground storage tank systems which are in operation and since
Kronon’s tanks were not in operation, Section 731.161 should apply
to Kronon. The Board finds this argument unpersuasive. As the
Agency points out in its response, the express language of Section
731.150 is applicable to “UST sites”. The Board is persuaded
that the presence of underground storage tanks on property does
constitute “UST sitels)”. Regardless of which notification
requirement Kronon is subject to, costs incurred prior to
notification of ESDA are not reimbursable. Therefore, the Board
grants the Agency’s Motion for Summary Judgement and denies
Kronon’s Cross—Motion for Summary Judgement. The Agency’s denial
of reimbursement for costs incurred prior to ESDA notification is
affirmed. This docket is hereby closed.
J. Anderson and M. Nardulli dissented.
Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
Stat. 1989, ch. ill 1/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme Court
of Illinois establish filing requirements.
I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Qontrol
Board, do hereby certi~ that the above Order was adopted op the
day of
1992, by a vote of ~
lution Control Board