Nay 21,
    (by M.
    This matter is before the Board pursuant to Section 6.2 of
    the Environmental Protection Act (Act).
    Rev. Stat.
    111 1/2, par. 1006.2.)
    Section 6.2 of the Act requires the
    Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources
    (DENR) to
    conduct a study of underground injection of hazardous wastes and
    whether underground injection is an appropriate method of
    Section 6.2 of the Act directs DENR to. report the
    results of the study to the General Assembly and the Board no
    later than July
    On October 4,
    DENR submitted its
    report to the Board.
    The Act directs the Board to hold public
    hearings within 90 days of the filing of the study.
    On May 17,
    1990 a hearing was held in Springfield, Illinois and on June
    1990 a hearing was held in Chicago,
    The Act also
    directs the Board to publish its findings and conclusions on the
    areas covered by DENR’s study and the testimony received
    hearing and to specifically determine whether any Board
    regulations should be modified or eliminated.’
    Underground injection is the controlled placement of fluids
    into selected, deeply buried geologic formations through
    specially designed and monitored wells.
    (DENR Study at ES-i.)
    Nine Class
    I wells,
    or deep wells, are operated at seven Illinois
    industrial sites.
    I wells are wells into which
    hazardous and nonhazardous industrial and municipal wastes are
    injected below Underground Sources of Drinking Water
    The Unites states Environmental Protection Agency
    delegated authority to Illinois in 1984 to implement the federal
    Underground Injection control
    Pursuant to
    Sections 7.2 and 13(c)
    of the Act, the Board has adopted rules
    that are identical—in-substance to the federal regulations.
    (R89—2; R89—11; R90—14; R9l—4
    (dismissed 2—28—91); R91—16
    (dismissed 12-6—91).)
    DENR’s study “focused on the geological,
    technical and environmental feasibility of deep well injection,
    the adequacy of current regulations and regulatory practices,
    ultimate fate of the injected waste in the disposal system and
    The Board expresses its appreciation to Anand Rao of
    the Board’s Scientific and Technical Section for his
    assistance in this proceeding.
    I 33—579

    the comparative risks, benefits and costs of deep well injection
    and alternative disposal options.”
    After reviewing:
    UIC regulations and regulatory practices;
    (2) geologic and
    hydrogeologic conditions critical to deep well injection and
    hydrogeologic principles governing fluid flow in geologic
    (3) test results obtained during well construction and
    (in-well) monitoring data;
    information and experience acquired during more than 20 years of
    disposal practice, DENR supports the continued “practice of deep
    well injection under very strict compliance with the UIC
    at 8-1.)
    DENR’s study finds that “tjhe
    current regulations——designed specifically to protect underground
    sources of drinking water and the near—surface environment——are
    adequate in basic concept and scope but deficient to varying
    at 8—1-8—2.)
    DENR recommends
    19 changes in
    regulations and regulatory practices.
    at 8—5-8—6.)
    Three public comments were received after the final hearing.
    DENR filed a comment responding to the Illinois Environmental
    Regulatory Group’s
    position that modifications to the
    existing regulations are unnecessary.
    DENR’s public
    comment reviewed each recommendation made in the study in an
    attempt to determine if the recommendations were still valid in
    light of changes to the UIC regulation which occurred after the
    study was completed and in light of proposed federal regulations.
    IERG filed a public comment summarizing its position stated at
    hearing that some of the recommendations in DENR’s study are no
    longer valid in light of changes to the existing regulations
    adopted after the DENR study was completed.
    states that the recent changes in the UIC regulations address
    DENR’s concerns and urges the Board not to take any further
    action to amend its UIC regulations.
    Allied Signal,
    also submitted a public comment stating that many of the
    changes suggested by the DENR study have already been implemented
    or are mooted by current regulations.
    At the first hearing2, the question was posed to DENR as to
    whether its study reflected USEPA’s 1988 amendments to the UIC
    (Tr.i at 53.)
    At the second hearing DENR responded
    that the study included information through June of 1987 and,
    therefore, does not reflect-the Board’s identical—in—substance
    adoption of the federal regulations on January 25,
    (Tr.2 at 65-66;
    see also,
    DENR Study Acknowledgments.)
    Both IERG
    and Allied Signal testified that ihe regulations have changed
    “Tr.l” refers to the May 17,
    1990 hearing and “Tr.2”
    refers to the June 5,
    1990 hearing.

    significantly since the study was completed and that some of the
    conclusions may not be valid in light of subsequently adopted
    modifications to the UIC regulations which could not have been
    considered at the time the study was prepared.
    (Tr.2 at 79-82,
    As noted above,
    DENR’s public comment addresses the
    regulations adopted on January 25,
    (R89-2) and their effect
    on the study’s recommendations.
    The Board notes that
    in reviewing DENR’s study to determine if any regulatory changes
    are needed, the Board has also considered UIC identical—in-
    substance regulations adopted on May 24,
    (R89—li) and May
    so that the review is as up to date as
    As a preliminary matter, the Board also notes that all Board
    UIC regulations have been adopted pursuant to Sections 7.2 and
    of the Act which require that the Board adopt regulations
    which are “identical—in—substance” to the federal regulations
    promulgated by USEPA.
    (Ill. Rev.
    ch ill 1/2, pars.
    Hence, any modification or deletion of any UIC
    regulation carries with it the risk that the regulations would no
    longer be “identical-in-substance” to the federal regulations
    thereby jeopardizing federal authorization.3
    The remainder of this opinion reviews DENR’s recommendations
    in light of regulations adopted subsequent to the completion of
    the study.
    (See R89—2; R89-11; R90—14.)
    The Board concludes
    that many of DENR’s concerns have been addressed by these recent
    amendments to the Board’s regulations.
    some changes may
    be needed to address the remaining concerns expressed by DENR’s
    For example, the recent regulatory changes do not address
    the underground injection of radioactive wastes.
    (DENR Study at
    Delete 35 Ill. Adm. Code 704.193(b) (3).
    (DENR Study at 8-5.)
    Section 704.193(b) (3)
    The Agency may require as a permit condition that
    injection pressure be so limited that pressure in the
    injection zone does not exceed hydrostatic pressure at
    the site of any improperly completed or abandoned well
    within the area of review.
    This pressure limitation
    shall satisfy the corrective action requirement.
    Alternatively, such injection pressure limitation can
    be part of a compliance schedule and last until all
    other required corrective action has been taken.
    Of course, the Board can adopt UIC regulations which
    are more stringent than their federal counterpart and
    still be consistent with the mandate to adopt
    regulations “identical—in—substance”.
    3 ~—58I

    DENR’s public comment states that the above recommendation is
    still valid in light of the changes to the Board’s UIC
    (P.C. #1 at 1.)
    DENR’s study states that injection
    cannot be practiced under this permit condition because injection
    of any significant quantity of waste into an injection zone
    instantaneously causes a pressure front to move rapidly in a
    radial direction from the well toward the margins of the area of
    (DENR Study at 8-5.)
    According to DENR,
    the only
    appropriate corrective action that may be undertaken to deal with
    improperly sealed, completed or abandoned wells that penetrate
    the disposal zone in the area of review is to perform the proper
    sealing, completion or abandonment procedures set out at 35
    Adm. Code 704.193(a).
    Section 704.193(a) provides that the Agency may limit
    injection pressure consistent with the corrective action
    requirement only if
    it finds that the plan for preventing
    movement of fluid into an USDW, submitted in accordance with 35
    Adm. Code 704.193(a),
    is inadequate.
    If injection pressure
    cannot be limited in accordance with Section 704.193(b) (3)
    less than the hydrostatic pressure at any improperly completed or
    abandoned well based on the site specific operative conditions,
    the owner or operator can demonstrate compliance with the
    corrective action requirements of Section 704.193(a)
    implementing other measures such as sealing of abandoned or
    improperly sealed or completed wells.
    In view of the optional
    nature of the requirement, there appears to be no need to
    eliminate 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 704.193(b) (3).
    Recommendation 2.
    Request the Board to conduct a study
    evaluating the UIC regulations from the viewpoint of the Agency
    and establish a mechanism to ensure that the Agency reviews
    proposed/needed changes, deletions and additions to the
    (DENR Study at 8-5.)
    The intent of this
    recommendation is to require the Board to continue to
    periodically review the UIC regulations.
    #1 at 1.)
    DENR’s concerns regarding periodic review of the UIC
    regulations are addressed by the current UIC program because the
    state regulations are evaluated on an annual basis by USEPA.
    Pursuant to this review, USEPA also provides
    recommendations for improving the management of the UIC program.
    additional evaluation of Illinois’ UIC program
    does not appear necessary.
    More narrowly define the term
    “radioactive waste”
    in Sections 730.105(d)
    and 730.105(e) (11) to
    specify clearly what levels or li~mitsof radioactivity are
    intended and determine what levels of radioactivity in process
    wastestreams constitute a hazardous waste.
    (DENR Study at 1—6,
    DENR states that changes in regulations since the study
    was prepared do not negate the need for clarification.
    (P.C. #1
    I ~3J

    at 2.)
    According to DENR,
    •a determination is needed as to what
    minimum level of radioactivity makes a waste a defined
    “radioactive waste.”
    (DENR Study at 1-6; P.C.
    #1 at 2.)
    Radioactive wastes have not been,
    and currently are not,
    injected into Class
    I wells in Illinois.
    (DENR Study at 1-6.)
    However, the current regulations allow the injection of
    radioactive wastes that are not classified as hazardous waste4
    into Class V wells
    shallow injection wells
    (Tr.2 at 106)).
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code 730.105(e) (ll.)~ “The term ‘radioactive
    waste’ as used in the definition of Class V wells
    is assumed to
    represent low—level radioactive wastes, but no intensity levels
    are identified.”
    (DENR Study at 1-6.)
    DENR’s concerns regarding radioactive waste injection are
    valid given that the current regulations do not specify:
    construction, operation or monitoring requirements for Class V
    wells into which such wastes may be injected; and
    (2) any upper
    limits on the concentration of radioactive constituents that may
    be injected.
    The Board’s review of the record leads it to
    conclude that the regulations may need to be modified to specify
    the concentration levels of radioactive material that would be
    acceptable for injection into Class V wells and prescribing
    construction, operation and monitoring requirements for such
    Radioactivity is not a hazardous characteristic under
    However, any waste containing a RCRA hazardous
    waste as defined in Part 721 and a radioactive waste
    is not
    a “source, special nuclear or byproduct
    material” as defined by the Atomic Energy Act is
    considered as a radioactive mixed waste and is subject
    to RCRA regulations regardless of further
    subclassification of the radioactive waste constituent
    as high—level,
    low-level etc.
    While the definition of Class IV wells includes those
    wells receiving radioactive wastes
    (35 Ill.
    adm. Code
    730.105(d)), Class IV wells are banned in Illinois
    (DENR Study at 1-6).
    “Radioactive waste” is defined at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    730.103 as any waste which contains radioactive
    material concentrations which exceed those listed in 10
    CFR 20 Appendix B,
    Table II, Column 2,
    incorporated by
    reference at 35 Ill. Ad~n. Code 720.111.
    concentration levels in 10 CFR 20 have been proscribed
    by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as the
    concentration limits of radioactive constituents in
    effluents that are discharged into municipal sewers.

    Recommendation 4.
    Restrict injection of low—level
    radioactive wastes to Class
    I wells only,
    specifying the
    radiation intensity level, and regulate under Class I
    (DENR Study at 1-6—1-7, 8—5.)
    Similar to the above
    recommendation, DENR states that clarification is still needed.
    (P.C. #1 at 2.)
    DENR’s concerns regarding the injection of radioactive
    wastes may be addressed either as suggeste~1above under
    Recommendation 3, or by modifying the regulations to restrict the
    injection of all radioactive wastes to Class
    I hazardous waste
    Recommendation 5.
    Require applicants for Class
    I well
    permits to submit a “well completion report” for evaluation by
    the Agency before injection is allowed to begin.
    (DENR Study at
    In its public comment updating the study’s
    recommendations, DENR states that the recommendation has been
    implemented by the Agency such that no changes to the Board’s
    regulations are needed.
    1 at 2.)
    Applicants are currently required to submit a well
    completion report for Agency review.
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    According to the permit condition requirements of
    Section 704.181,
    a new well may not commence injection until
    construction is complete and a notice of completion has been
    submitted for the Agency’s review.
    Therefore, no regulatory
    changes are needed.
    Recommendation 6.
    Require that the area of review be
    enlarged for some proposed well sites at which it can be
    demonstrated that the larger area may be necessary to protect
    (DENR Study at 1-7,
    DENR states in its
    updated comment that “our
    recommendation was that the
    regulations be changed to require a 2.
    5 mile radius minimum area
    of review.
    This had already become the practice of IEPA for most
    I wells.”
    31 at 2.)
    DENR recognizes that current
    regulations for Class
    I hazardous wells now require a minimum
    area of review of
    2 miles.
    (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 730.163.)
    Therefore, DENR recommends that a provision be added that would
    allow the Agency to require a larger area. of review where non-
    uniform geologic conditions may significantly alter radial flow
    of the injected waste.
    (P.C. #1 at 2.)
    Section 704.191 governing permit requirements provides that
    the Agency may impose additional conditions if necessary to
    prevent the migration of fluids into USDW.
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Hence, under existing ~regulationsthe Agency may
    prescribe a larger area of review where site—specific geologic
    conditions may alter radial flow and affect USDW.
    the Board finds that no regulatory changes are needed.

    Recommendation 7.
    Require a comprehensive inorganic and
    organic chemical analysis of the injected wastes at the time of
    permitting and whenever the composition of the wastestream
    changes, and annually thereafter.
    (DENR Study at 8-5—8—6.)
    states that since the completion of its study, the Board
    regulations have been modified to require complete physical and
    chemical characterization of the waste to be injected.
    at 2.)
    However, DENR recommends the inclusion of a requirement
    that specifies a minimum frequency of analysis of the injected
    DENR suggests that an updated analysis be
    performed at least annually and every time the wastestream is
    modified substantially.
    at 2-3.)
    Sections 730.113
    I nonhazardous waste wells), 730.133
    (Class III mineral extraction wells)
    and 730.168
    nonhazardous wells) set forth requirements for the chemical
    analysis of injected wastes.7
    These regulations require a
    detailed characterization of the injection fluids and specify the
    frequency of analysis.
    Although the current regulations do not
    set forth a minimum frequency of analysis, they do prescribe a
    performance standard that requires the selection of a frequency
    of analysis that will yield representative data of the waste
    Additionally, the regulations require the
    Agency to consider
    such analytical information in authorizing
    injection wells.
    Therefore, the existing regulations adequately
    address DENR’s concerns such that no changes are needed.
    Recommendation 8.
    Require consideration of spill
    containment at the welihead and any adjacent well components
    covered by UIC permits in areas where moderate—permeability and
    high-permeability deposits overlie shallow aquifers or are
    adjacent to public water supplies.
    (DENR Study at 8-6.)
    comments that there have been some Class
    I well spills related to
    malfunctioning that indicate the storage capacity to contain
    waste materials may need to be increased.
    (P.C. #1 at 3.)
    recommends that the regulations be modified to require spill
    containment capacity for malfunctioning of the well itself
    covers spill containment for malfunctioning of the generating
    facility and pipelines to the well).
    The study notes that most above—ground spillage of hazardous
    wastes is covered under the Board’s RCRA regulations.
    Study at 3—23.)
    leakage from the actual wellhead due to
    repairs or backflow are not covered by such regulations.
    Although DENR states that there have been some spills related to
    Monitoring requirement& for Class V wells are not
    in Board regulations, the Department of Mines
    and Minerals adopts standards for Class II wells and,
    as noted previously,
    Class IV wells are banned
    I 33—585

    malfunctioning of Class
    I wells, the study does not document the
    size of such spills or their impact on groundwater.
    The study
    does state that wellhead spillage or leakage
    is not expected to
    be large
    in volume or frequent in occurrence.
    the Board cannot conclude that spill containment for Class
    wells is necessary without additional information regarding
    wellhead spillage or leakage.
    Recommendation 9.
    Limit acid
    (HC1) waste concentration
    injected into carbonate disposal zones to a maximum absolute
    concentration, not a maximum average concentration,
    or neutralize
    the acid in the wastestream prior to injection to render it
    chemically inert.
    The Board’s current regulations require an
    injected waste’s pH to be above
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    DENR comments that while this limit is
    acceptable for injection into silica rock formation,
    a stricter
    limit is needed for carbonate disposal zones to ensure that
    excess gas is not formed.
    (DENR Study at 8—6; P.C. #1 at 3.)
    DENR admits in its study that existing information relating
    to chemical interactions of injected waste components with
    various types of formation fluids and formations is not adequate
    and that further research is needed to determine the pH limits
    that would provide protection against excess gas formation.
    (DENR Study at 4-3; P.C.
    #1 at 3.)
    Therefore, until further
    research in the area of injected waste formation interactions
    reveals optimal pH ranges for injecting wastes into carbonate
    formations, the Board finds that a regulatory change specifying
    additional pH limitations is not warranted.
    The Board notes,
    that the existing operating requirements in Section
    730.167(e) require owners and operators of Class
    I hazardous
    waste wells injecting wastes having the potential to react with
    -the injection formation and generate gases to limit pH or acidIty
    of the injected wastes.
    Recommendation 10.
    Require that all injection pressures and
    the pressure exerted by fluids in the well not exceed design
    specifications for well testing,
    stimulation and
    repair operations.
    (DENR Study at 8-6.)
    DENR states in its
    updated comments that existing regulations allow high injection
    pressure levels during well stimulation
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    or mechanical integrity testing that may compromise the
    integrity of the well.
    DENR also notes that in practice, the
    Agency does not allow the use of excessive pressures.
    at 3—4.)
    Sections 730.113,
    730.133 and 730.167 applicable to Class
    nonhazardous wells,
    III wells and Class
    I hazardous wells
    respectively allow the injection pressure to exceed a maximum
    level only during well stimulation.
    Since the Agency has made it
    a practice to not allow excessive pressures to be used during
    well stimulation by hydraulic fracturing,
    the exception to the
    I 33—586

    injection pressure requirement in the above—cited sections may be
    deleted to address the Ooncerns expressed by DENR.
    Recommendation 11.
    Maintain an adequate pressure
    differential between the annulus and tubing under all possible
    operational conditions.
    (DENR Study at 1-5,
    DENR notes
    its comments that this recommendation is similar to
    recommendation 10 and that the regulations do not specify the
    differential that must be maintained between the annulus and
    tubing during operating conditions to maintain the integrity of
    The annulus pressure will usually be maintained,
    practice, at a higher level than the tubing pressure to prevent
    the movement of injected wastes into the surrounding formations
    and to monitor the performance of the well.
    (DENR Study at 1-5.)
    Section 730.167(c)
    requires the annulus pressure to be maintained
    at a higher level than the tubing pressure.
    (35 Ill. Adm. Code
    However, the regulations do not prescribe such a
    requirement for Class
    I nonhazardous wells or Class III wells,
    nor do the regulations specify any minimum differential that must
    be maintained between the annulus pressure and tubing pressure.
    The pressure differential plays an important role in assessment
    of well performance and integrity.
    regulatory change
    may be warranted to specify a minimum pressure differential
    between the annulus pressure and tubing pressure.
    At a minimum,
    a requirement similar to Section 730.167(c) requiring the annulus
    pressure be maintained at a higher level that tubing pressure
    should be included for both Class
    I nonhazardous wells and Class
    III wells to ensure the integrity of the well.
    Recommendation 12.
    Require mechanical integrity testing to
    be conducted more frequently than every five years on wells more
    than 15 years old.
    (DENR Study at 1-5,
    DENR’s updated
    comments note that Section 703.113(b) (3) requires mechanical
    testing at least every
    5 years.
    DENR maintains that more
    frequent testing is needed for older wells.
    (P.C. #1 at 4.)
    Mechanical testing is performed to ensure that:
    are no significant leaks in the casing
    tubing and packer; and
    there is no significant fluid movement into USDW.
    730.113 and 730.133 require Class
    I nonhazardous wells and Class
    III wells to be tested for mechanical integrity at least once
    every five years.
    (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 730.113, 730.133.)
    large volumes of fluids are injected into these wells, the well
    casing and tubing will be subject to operating pressures in the
    range of 50 to 400 psi over long periods of time having a
    significant impact on the injectibn system, particularly as the
    system ages.
    to ensure the protection of USDW, the
    Board finds that DENR’s concerns regarding more frequent testing
    of older wells
    (i.e., wells that have been in service for more

    than 15 years) has merit and that an appropriate interval would
    be in the range of one to two years.
    Recommendation 13.
    Require all new Class
    I wells
    Illinois to use packer well design rather than a packerless well
    design, except for certain narrowly defined geologic, operational
    and waste type conditions.
    (DENR Study at 6-4-6-7,
    DENR recognizes in its updated comments that this
    recommendation has been implemented at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 730.112.
    no regulatory changes are needed.
    Recommendation 14.
    Use batch mode injection to generate a
    more uniform wastestream where contributing streams vary
    significantly in chemical character and volume.
    (DENR Study at
    DENR states in its comments that the Agency has accepted on-
    site batch mode injection to generate a more uniform wastestreams
    and that no regulatory changes are needed.
    (P.C. #1 at 4.)
    However, to ensure consistent enforcement,
    it may be desirable to
    include such a requirement as part of the Board regulations.
    Recommendation 15.
    Draft regulatory practices to
    specifically cover the commercial operation of Class
    I wells,
    including mandatory compatibility testing of all wastes prior to
    injection and adequate recording of all wastes injected.
    Study at 8-6.)
    DENR notes in its comments that there are
    currently no commercial wells
    in Illinois.
    #1 at 4.)
    However, DENR maintains that regulations be developed to cover
    the special problems commercial wells can pose.
    In particular,
    DENR recommends regulations governing procedures or
    implementation practices for batch mode operations, analysis of
    the waste,
    injection practices,
    injection zone testing and
    treatability and compatibility of the wastes.
    (P.C. #1 at 4-5.)
    The Board believes that existing regulations for Class
    wells cover most of the items specified by DENR as additional
    (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 730.)
    if a commercial
    well operation is proposed needing special requirements,. these
    needs may be addressed through the use of permit conditions.
    Therefore, no regulatory changes are needed.
    Recommendation 16.
    Limit injection parameters for wells
    utilizing geologic formations in which the natural hydrostatic
    head is either above that of the overlying USDW or above the land
    (DENR Study at 6—7—6—9,
    DENR comments that this concern has been addressed by
    Section 730.112.
    (35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 730.112.)
    regulatory changes are needed.
    I 33—588

    Recommendation 17.
    Require new Class
    I well applicants to
    include plans for appropriate tests and data collection, to
    conduct modeling of pressure distribution and solute transport of
    injected wastes.
    (DENR Study at 8-6.)
    DENR’s updated comments
    note that current regulations for Class
    I hazardous wells cover
    data collection and monitoring requirements.
    #1 at 5.)
    However, regarding Class
    I nonhazardous wells, DENR concurs with
    the Agency’s testimony recommending that the Class I hazardous
    well requirements be extended to cover Class
    I nonhazardous
    #1 at 5; Tr.2 at 75.)
    The Agency testified that certain modifications relating to
    the disparity between construction, operation and monitoring
    requirements for Class
    I hazardous and nonhazardous wells are
    (Tr.2 at 74.)
    According to the Agency, under the
    pressure of injection,
    the movement of nonhazardous—waste fluids
    can have as significant effect on underground sources of drinking
    water as fluids containing hazardous wastes.
    2 at 75.)
    Therefore, the Agency recommends .that the stricter rules for
    I hazardous waste wells be applied to Class
    I nonhazardous
    waste wells to ensure the protection of USDW.
    (Tr.2 at 75.)
    Board finds that the record indicates that this recommendation
    has merit and that regulatory changes in this regard may be
    Recommendation 18.
    Recommend the following procedures for
    selecting a disposal option for industrial waste;
    (1) make a
    comprehensive identification/evaluation of all significant risks;
    (2) establish guidelines for acceptable risk; and
    (3) determine
    the costs/benefits and environmental impacts associated with each
    disposal option or level of pretreatment.
    (DENR Study at 8-6.)
    DENR’s updated comments state that these concerns are
    addressed by USEPA’s proposed regulations.
    #1 at 5.)
    Since DENR filed its comments, the Board has adopted the federal
    regulations identical-in-substance.
    Recommendation 19.
    Recommend that consideration be given to
    requiring monitoring outside the well ~
    beyond well casing
    and borehole) because making this type of monitoring mandatory
    would increase public confidence in deep well injection.
    Study at 8-6.)
    DENR admits
    in its comments that more study is needed to
    determine exactly what type of monitoring would be appropriate.
    Therefore, no regulatory changes are suggested at this time.
    In addition to the above recommendations regarding
    regulatory changes, DENR’s study also recommends certain changes
    geared toward improving management of the UIC program.
    Study at 8-7.)
    While these recommendations do not relate to
    changes in any Board regulations,
    the Board will summarize the
    I 33—589

    The recommendations include:
    (1) provide
    opportunities for regulatory and scientific advisory personnel
    associated with the UIC program to maintain contacts with UIC
    staff in other states and with federal agencies;
    retain a UIC
    program manager with a broad technical background in deep well
    injection technology to enable this person to manage technical
    aspects of the program effectively and coordinate staff efforts;
    enter analytical results from monthly monitoring reports
    into a computerized central database.
    Regarding the first recommendation, the Agency testified
    that this goal
    is being met and that there is a high degree of
    contact between the Agency and USEPA and other agencies.
    at 71.)
    DENR recognizes in its updated comments that
    this suggested has been implemented.
    #1 at 6.)
    As to the
    second recommendation, the Agency testified that given the small
    number of underground wells in Illinois, designation of a manager
    having responsibility solely for the UIC program and expenditure
    of funds for such a position is not warranted.
    (Tr.2 at 72.)
    DENR responds in its comments that it was not suggesting a full
    time assignment to this position, but only that the Agency needs
    technical expertise in underground injection to carry out is UIC
    (P.C. #1 at 6.)
    Regarding the third recommendation,
    DENR comments that it has set up a database for the Agency which
    needs to be fully utilized by Agency personnel and that the state
    should provide the needed personnel for this function.
    (P.C. #1
    at 6.)
    Lastly,. DENR’s study sets forth six recommendations for
    (DENR Study at. 8-7.)
    These recommendations do not
    fall within the purview of changes to Board regulations.
    However, as noted above in the discussion of proposed regulatory
    changes, DENR has admitted the need for more research.
    states that there is a need to study:
    (1) chemical interactions
    of industrial waste components with various formation fluids and
    formation rocks under in situ disposal conditions;
    permeability changes in the rocks of the disposal and confining
    zones resulting from various chemical reactions:
    (3) developing
    methods and equipment for sampling and testing formation fluids
    under subsurface temperature and pressure conditions;
    (4) the
    nature of fluid and solute transport to quantify the magnitude
    and character of fluid movement in confining beds;
    a monitoring strategy for Class
    I injection operations that
    includes determining the position of monitoring sites in the
    disposal system, parameters to be tested and frequency of
    (6) developing a methodology to improve monitoring
    of waste movement and behavior in the subsurface
    in order to
    collect data required for testing~mnode1sof subsurface disposal
    systems and verifying results from model studies.
    (DENR Study at

    Regarding DENR’s research recommendations, the Board notes
    that such information is certainly desirable to the extent that
    this information is related to the areas noted above where the
    Board has found that regulatory changes may be warranted.
    In summary, the Board finds that many of the recommendations
    set forth
    in DENR’s study have been mooted by the subsequent
    identical-in-substance adoption of federal regulations by the
    However, the Board does find that certain concerns
    expressed by DENR may warrant regulatory changes.
    Board invites a regulatory proposal consistent with the findings
    set forth above.
    For the reasons given above, the Board finds that many
    regulatory changes suggested by DENR’s study have become mooted
    by the passage of subsequent Board regulations governing UIC.
    However, some regulatory changes may be warranted.
    This docket
    is hereby closed and any regulatory proposal submitted consistent
    with this opinion will receive a new docket number.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn,
    Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above opinion and order was
    adopted on the~/-’~-day of
    1992 by a vote of
    Control Board

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