September 23, 1993
    (MILE 291): 35 ILL. ADM. CODE 303.400
    Proposed Rule.
    First Notice.
    This matter comes before the Board on filing of a regulatory
    petition by the U.S. Army Engineer District, Rock Island
    (Department of the Army). Petitioner requests adoption of a
    regulation that would allow for disposal of dredged material
    along the bankline of the Illinois River\Waterway1 at locations
    between the La Grange Lock and Dam located at river mile 80.2 to
    the Lockport Lock located at river mile 291.0.
    The Board’s responsibility in this matter arises from the
    Illinois Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/1 et
    seq.). The Board is charged therein to “determine, define and
    implement the environmental control standards applicable in the
    State of Illinois’~2. More generally, the Board’s rulemaking
    charge is based on the system of checks and balances integral to
    Illinois environmental governance: the Board bears responsibility
    for the rulemaking and principal adjudicatory functions, whereas
    the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) is
    responsible for carrying out the principal administrative duties.
    The latter’s duties include administering any regulation that may
    result from today’s action.
    By today’s action the Board adopts the Department of the
    Army’s proposal for first notice, pursuant to the Illinois
    Administrative Procedure Act. A 45-day public comment period
    will commence upon publication of the instant proposal in the
    Illinois Register.
    Persons interested in providing additional
    The “Illinois Waterway” is defined statutorily in the
    Illinois Waterway Act at 615 ILCS 10/1 as a waterway from
    Lockport to a point on the Illinois River near Utica. The focus
    of today’s proposal includes this waterway and the Illinois
    Act at Section 5(b).

    comment on this proposal should submit such response in writing
    to the Clerk of the Board prior to the expiration of this 45-day
    period. The Board will determine, based upon review of these
    comments, whether the instant proposal will proceed.
    The Department of the Army’s petition was filed on September
    3, 1992. On September 17, 1992 the Board issued an order
    accepting the petition. The Board at the same time noted that
    because the proposal addresses potential actions in several
    counties, two public hearings would be needed pursuant to Section
    28 of the Act.
    On January 21, 1993 the Metropolitan Water Reclamation
    District of Greater Chicago filed a public comment in which it
    recommended adoption of the proposed regulations. On June 4,
    1993 the Agency filed a response to the petition3. The Agency
    recommended adoption of the proposal with some generally non—
    substantive modifications.
    Public hearings were held before Hearing Officer Michelle C.
    Dresdow on June 22, 1993 in Peoria, Illinois, and on June 23,
    1993 in Morris, Illinois4. Members of the public attended the
    hearings and participated in questioning of the proponents at the
    Morris hearing.
    On June 30, 1993 the hearing officer issued an order setting
    the post—hearing comment period. In the same order the hearing
    officer set out for comment possible language for the proposed
    In mid-July 1993 both the Department of the Army and the
    Agency filed motions to extend the close of the post—hearing
    comment period. Both observed that key personnel were then
    engaged full—time in flood emergency work. By order of July 26,
    1993 the hearing officer set the post-hearing comment period to
    close on August 30, 1993.
    ~ The Agency’s response was submitted as one of the
    documents within the Agency’s pre—hearing submission package.
    The response was officially entered into the record at hearing as
    Exhibit L.
    Transcripts of the two hearings are cited to herein as
    “Tn.” and “Tr2.”, respectively. Presubmitted written testimony
    of witnesses for the Department of the Army was entered into the
    record as if read and assigned exhibit numbers as follows: Billy
    H. Johnson, Exhibit F; Richard Baker, Exhibit G; Clinton A.
    Beckert, Exhibit H; David W. Moore, Exhibit I; and James A.
    Stiman, Exhibit J.

    On July 21, 1993 the Department of the Army filed
    corrections to the transcripts of the two hearings. The hearing
    officer by order of August 2, 1993 directed that the corrections
    be entered into the record.
    On August 30, 1993 the Department of the Army filed its
    post—hearing public comment (PC #2). On September 13, 1993 the
    Agency and the Department of the Army filed a joint public
    comment (PC #3) including a stipulation regarding language for
    the proposal rule; the comment was accompanied by a motion to
    file instanter, which is hereby granted. On September 20, 1993
    the Agency and the Department of the Army filed a correction to
    the stipulation (PC #4).
    The Illinois River/Waterway is subject to sedimentation as
    the consequence of normal fluvial processes. This sedimentation
    does on occasion and at local sites threaten navigation by
    causing the channel to become narrow or shallow.
    The Department of the Army is charged by Congress with
    maintaining a nine-foot navigation channel on the Illinois
    River/Waterway. Among other matters, maintenance involves
    dredging of accumulated sediment as necessary to restore the
    channel to proper navigational dimensions.
    The Department of the Army explains its dredging program as
    While occasional emergency dredging operations may
    result from grounding of a barge and consequential
    channel closures, usually the need to dredge a
    particular area is identified by survey crews which
    perform soundings throughout the navigation season.
    Based upon results of the soundings, dredging sites are
    prioritized and scheduled typically days to weeks in
    advance. Because tens of thousands of cubic yards of
    river bottom material must be moved at most dredge
    sites, the only technique which is effective and
    economical is hydraulic dredging. Hydraulic dredges
    consist of a floating plant having a cutter head which
    is lowered to the bottom of the river and digs into the
    sediment. A large pump producing a suction on one side
    and pressure on the other draws a mixture of sediment
    and water to the surface and transports it via a
    pipeline to the disposal site, up to a mile away. The
    slurry which is formed during the dredging process
    consists of 10-20 solid material and 80 to 90
    entrained river water. Thus, for every cubic yard of
    bottom material moved, 5-10 cubic yards of slurry is
    created. (Petition, p. 3-4.)

    Each dredging operation is assessed prior to its initiation.
    The assessment process includes sampling and surveying of the
    proposed dredge materials and proposed disposal site by the
    Department of the Army.
    Additionally, an environmental assessment of each
    dredging/disposal operation is made by an On Site Inspection Team
    (OSIT) consisting of personnel from both state and federal
    agencies5. The OSIT reviews each proposed site in the field and
    makes recommendations, including recommendations for placement of
    the dredged material so as to minimize any impacts on backwaters,
    wetlands, and other sensitive habitats. (Exh. A at 3—1; Exh. G.
    at 15.) The Department of the Army must notify the OSIT of any
    departures that it makes from the OSIT recommendation. The OSIT
    also holds a post-disposal inspection of each year’s dredged
    material placement sites. (Exh. A at 3-2.)
    The Department of the Army has been conducting bankline
    disposal on the Illinois river system pursuant to a series of
    variances granted by the Board, the most recent of which was
    granted in PCB 92—107 on October 1, 19926. This current
    variance will, by its terms, remain in effect until superseded by
    today’s regulations or until October 1, 1995.
    As conditions to the grant of the several variances the
    Department of the Army has been required to gather and analyze
    data regarding environmental impact of its bankline disposal
    practices. These data form part of the support for today’s
    The dredging operations of the Department of the Army are
    also governed by a variety of federal and state regulations and
    policies. (See Exh. A at 2-3 to 2—9 for a comprehensive list.)
    Among the more important of these is the National Environmental
    Policy Act of 1969, the Corps of Engineers Dredging Regulation
    (see Exh. D, 33 CRF Parts 335-338.), and the federal Clean Water
    ~ The state agencies are the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency, Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois
    Department of Conservation, and Illinois Department of
    Transportation, Division of Waterways. The federal agencies, in
    addition to the Department of the Army, are the U.S. Fish and
    Wildlife Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    (Petition at 7; Exh. A. at 3-1; Exh. G at 15.)
    6 Department of the Army v. Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (Oct. 1, 1992), PCB 92—107, 136 PCB 233. Prior
    variances were granted in Army v. IEPA (May 21, 1992), PCB 91-
    113, 133 PCB 475; Army v. IEPA (Sept. 17, 1987), PCB 87—38, 81
    PCB 257; Army v. IEPA (Oct. 25, 1984), PCB 84-86, 60 PCB 365; and
    Army v. IEPA (July 26, 1983), PCB 83-25, 53 PCB 81.

    Today’s proposed regulation is directed solely to the
    disposal of sediment generated by the Department of the Army
    during maintenance dredging on the Illinois Waterway/River
    between river miles 80.2 and 291. Moreover, today’s regulation
    is directed solely to disposal of that sediment via bankline
    deposition; no other form of disposal, such as upland deposition
    or open-water disposal, is included.
    Under the terms of the proposed regulation bankline disposal
    is permissible only if the Department of the Army holds a 401
    water quality certification from the State and the disposed
    sediment is dominated by sand or there is a demonstration by use
    of the SSTFATE (suspended sediment transport fate) model that no
    water quality standards will be violated outside of an area of
    allowed mixing. Specifically, bankline disposal is permissible
    only if:
    1) less than 10 of representative samples from a
    proposed dredge cut are composed of fine—grained
    material7, or
    2) the SSTFATE model indicates that applicable water
    quality standards will be met at the perimeter of
    a temporary area of allowed dilution having an
    area of no more than 48,000 feet.
    As a further term of today’s proposed rules, when and where
    bankline disposal is permissible, the Department of the Army
    would not be subject to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.105 as a result of
    bankline disposal. Section 304.105 is a provision of the Board’s
    effluent regulations8 that in pertinent part establishes that
    “no effluent shall, alone or in combination with other sources,
    cause a violation of any applicable water quality standard”. The
    “applicable water quality standards” are identified as those that
    occur at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.203, Offensive Conditions; 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 302.206, Dissolved Oxygen; 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208,
    Numeric Standards for Chemical Constituents, only to the extent
    that it concerns the standards for total lead, total zinc, total
    copper, and total mercury; and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.212, Ammonia
    Nitrogen and Un-ionized Ammonia.
    A sample is fine-grained if more than 20 of the sample
    passes a number 230 sieve. A number 230 sieve will retain material
    greater than 62 microns in nominal dimension and pass material
    smaller than 62 microns. 62 microns is the division between silt—
    and clay-sized particles.
    8 ~ Ill. Adm. Code Part 304.

    The form in which the provisions of today’s proposal are
    presented is basically that which developed at hearing (Tr2. at
    5-12) as set forth in the hearing officer’s order of June 30,
    1993 and as stipulated to by the Agency and the Department of the
    Army in public comments #3 and #4. Today’s versions does contain
    some adjustments, as discussed below.
    Water Quality Considerations. Bankline disposal consists of
    placement of dredge slurry along the riverbank, with part of the
    material being placed on the bank above the waterline and the
    remainder of the material placed in the adjacent water. (Exh. G
    at 10.) During and following disposal some of the water
    entrained in the slurry re-enters and becomes part of the river
    flow. The entrained water carries with it some suspended and
    dissolved solids that are potential pollutants of the river, and
    thus have water quality consequences.
    There are no current Illinois water quality regulations that
    specially apply to bankline disposal of dredged sediment.
    However, bankline disposal, like activities in general that may
    impact water quality, is subject to the prohibition against
    causing water quality violations found at Section 304.105 of the
    Act. Thus, a person conducting bankline disposal is potentially
    liable for water quality violations associated with return of the
    entrained water.
    Both the Department of the Army and the Agency conclude that
    impact on water quality of bankline disposal is minimal. This
    conclusion is based on the limited area over which bankline
    disposal has impact, the limited numbers of parameters which are
    potentially involved, and the ability to successfully predict,
    and hence minimize, the circumstances where the impact would be
    The Agency also observes that there are mitigating factors
    including (a) no new pollutants are introduced into the river,
    (b) the discharges are of short duration and thus there are no
    chronic toxicity effects to consider, and (c) the present
    dredging procedures have been utilized for many years without
    obvious adverse impacts (i.e., fish kills). (Exh. L at ¶8.)
    Sediments that are subject to dredging are dominantly within
    the sand and silt size-range. Pursuant to conditions attached to
    the previous grants of variance, the Department of the Army has
    since 1983 conducted a systematic determination of sediment
    particle sizes from locations along the river where dredging has
    been required. The principal measurement has been the percentage

    of the sample that passes a number 230 sieve9, and thereby are
    clay-sized particles. In the most recently reported tabulation
    of 1,118 total samples, 75 percent contained less than 20 percent
    clay, 20 percent contained between 20 and 80 percent clay, and 5
    percent contained 80 percent or more clay. (Trl. at 36.)
    Most of the sand—sized particles remain at the point of
    bankline deposition or travel only relatively short distances.
    Thus, these contribute to suspended sediment problems over only a
    limited area.
    450 of the samples subjected to particle—size analysis have
    also had elutriate testing performed on them. Constituents
    tested have included arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper,
    lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, ammonia, oil and grease,
    biochemical oxygen demand, and polychlorinated biphenyls. (Exh.
    H at 4.) Only ammonia and zinc elutriate concentrations have
    been above stream water quality standards. This was the case in
    approximately 50 of the ammonia elutriate samples and 3 of the
    zinc elutriate samples.
    at 7.)
    The ability to predict water quality consequences is
    dependent upon use of the SSTFATE model. This model has been
    developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways
    Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and specially
    modified to address bankline disposal on the Illinois River.
    (Exh. F at 7.)
    The SSTFATE model has also been calibrated and verified for
    conditions on the Illinois River. Calibration was based on a
    preliminary dye study (Exh. C-l), which allowed determination
    that the majority of sediment was transported as a density flow
    near the bottom of the river well away from shore (Tn. at 23),
    and data gathered during dredging at Quiver Island (river mile
    121). The model has subsequently been verified with data
    gathered during dredging at three separate river sites’°.
    Calibration is based on the assumption that 100 of the
    sediment deposited at the bankline re—enters the water. (Tn. at
    28-30.) This is a conservative assumption in that it tends to
    cause overestimation of the actual water quality impacts. The
    choice of Quiver Island as a calibration site is also a
    conservative selection in that the Quiver Island sediments are
    finer—grained than normal (Tn. at 23, 34) and of poorer chemical
    quality than normal (Trl. at 38-39).
    ~ See footnote 7.
    10 At Deer Park Light at river mile 228 (Exhibit C), and at
    Quiver Island at river mile 120.0 and Pekin Bend at river mile
    150.5 (Tr2. at 13-14; Supplement to Data Exhibit C—2).

    The SSTFATE model predicts not only suspended sediment
    concentration, but also chemical concentrations. Of interest in
    the instant matter are six chemical parameters: dissolved oxygen,
    ammonia, and four metals. The parameters have been selected as
    being those for which the water quality standards are most likely
    to be locally exceeded due to bankline deposition, as based on
    the experience of both the Agency and the Department of the Army
    (Trl. at 43), including experience gained from elutniate testing.
    A dissolved oxygen problem is most likely to be caused by high
    oxygen demands associated with pore—waters and organic fractions
    of the dredged sediments. An ammonia problem is also most likely
    to be related to pore-water and onganic fraction conditions. The
    four metals are metals whose concentration typically correlates
    strongly with suspended sediment concentration, and for which
    there is an historical record of elevated concentrations in
    dredge slurries. (Trl. at 43-46.)
    For each of the six chemical parameters there is typically a
    strong correlation between fineness of sediment particle size and
    concentration in associated waters11. (Exh. H. at 8.)
    Moreover, since fine-sized materials experience the most broad
    dispersion, the prospect of both high and broadly distributed
    water quality exceedences increases in proportion to the percent
    of fine-grained material in the dredging slurry.
    That ammonia is likely to be the most troublesome of the
    chemical constituents is confirmed by general experience with
    Illinois River sediments and by the Department of the Army’s
    elutniate analyses; the Department of the Army has also conducted
    bioassays on elutniates and sediments (Exh. C-3 and I) that
    affirm the ammonia toxicity of some undiluted samples. However,
    field and modeling results also show that ammonia concentrations
    fall rapidly upon mixing with river waters (see, e.g., Exh. C-2
    and Supplemental data to C-2). Thus, ammonia toxicity, if it
    occurs at all, is likely to be confined to a small zone of
    mixing; by the nature of the dredging disposal operation itself,
    the toxicity would also not be expected to be persistent. The
    absence of known examples of aquatic kill-offs during the long
    history of bankline disposal on the Illinois Riven lends
    credibility to the conclusion that bankline disposal does not
    cause significant toxic aquatic effects in spite of the ammonia
    analyses record.
    Nevertheless, the Department of the Army and the Agency
    agree, and the Board concurs, that bankline disposal of fine—
    ~ Since the four metals at issue are all measured as
    “totals” (i.e., total iron, total lead, total zinc, and total
    mercury), significant portions of the reported concentrations may
    be in the form of very—fine particulate matter rather than being
    in solution. This fact in part underlies the grain-
    size/concentration correlation.

    grained material should take place only if there is a prior
    SSTFATE model demonstration that the water quality standards will
    not be exceeded beyond the bounds of the zone of allowed mixing.
    In balance, the Board believes that limiting bankline
    disposal to coarser sediments, unless there is an affirmative
    demonstration of minimal water quality impact via the SSTFATE
    model, further serves the public interest by providing reasonable
    assurance that only relatively clean sediments are bankline
    The Board has also addressed the issue of environmental
    impact of bankline disposal in each of the previous variance
    proceedings12. There the Board has consistently found that the
    anticipated adverse environmental consequences are outweighed by
    the arbitrary and unreasonable hardship that would be imposed
    upon the Department of the Army and commerce if dredging and
    hence navigation were significantly impeded. Although the
    standard of review is different in the instant regulatory
    proceeding than it is in a variance proceeding, the Board again
    in this proceeding concludes that the balance between minimal
    environmental impact and large potential economic losses favors
    granting of the requested relief.
    Economic Considerations. Annual commodity shipments on the
    Illinois Waterway exceed 41 million tons, with a total value of
    approximately $4.5 billion. (Petition at 10.) Major commodities
    shipped are grain, coal, petroleum, chemicals, iron, and steel.
    Failure of navigation on the Illinois Waterway would
    accordingly have large economic consequences.
    Bankline disposal is not the only method by which dredged
    sediment may be disposed, but it is the only economical method in
    many circumstances. Sites for confined disposal, whether upland
    or bottomland, are generally not available, and where available
    may be prohibitively expensive. It is estimated that
    construction of ten confined disposal sites would cost more than
    $18 million. (Petition at 11.) Moreover, it is difficult to
    anticipate where dredging might be needed, and accordingly where
    confined disposal sites would need to be placed. As the
    Department of the Army observes:
    The historical dredging records do not lend themselves
    to predicting dredging sites with sufficient accuracy
    to justify the expenditure of many millions of dollars
    for confined disposal facilities that might get little
    or no use. (Trl. at 14.)
    12 See footnote 6.

    The Agency’s analysis also causes it to conclude that
    “bankline disposal of dredged material is the only economically
    reasonable method of maintaining the channel” (Exh. L at ¶1).
    Because today’s proposal would give authorization to
    bankline dispose only “clean” sediments, the Department of the
    Army would have to continue to make other disposal arrangements
    for sediments that do not pass the cleanliness tests.
    Historically the Department of the Army has encountered
    insufficiently clean sediments in the Cal-Sag Canal on the
    Illinois Waterway, and accordingly has prepared an upland
    confined disposal facility to accommodate them. (Exh. G. at 12.)
    Should other low-quality sediments be encountered at places
    within the Illinois River system, the sediments will have to be
    similarly handled.
    Miscellaneous Benefits. Bankline disposal has some economic
    and environmental benefits aside from those associated with the
    dredging itself. Among these is beach nourishment. The
    Department of the Army observes:
    At certain locations some of the disposal materials are
    very beneficial for public recreation, as the Illinois
    Waterway) system creates little or no natural beaches
    suitable for recreation. Also, some of the material is
    used to reduce shoreline erosion and to protect or
    improve flood control levees. There is some quantity
    of material placed on the bankline that has little or
    no beneficial use. (Exh. G at 10.)
    401 Certification. The Department of the Army is required
    pursuant to Section 401 of the federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.
    §1341 (1988)) to obtain periodic certification from the Agency
    that its dredging operations are being conducted in accordance
    with state water quality laws. The Department of the Army
    provides the Agency with annual reports of its dredging program,
    including all required water quality analyses. It is upon the
    basis of these reports that the Agency bases its certification.
    (Tn. at 50—55.)
    Both the Department of the Army and the Agency have
    requested that the requirement for 401 certification be written
    into the instant proposed regulation. This action would make an
    affirmative declaration in Illinois law of the certification
    required under federal law.
    As originally proposed by the Department of the Army and the
    Agency, the Board would have ordered, as a “stand alone”
    condition, that the Department of the Army get 401 certification.
    However, in that the enforcement of the 401 certification
    per se
    is not within the Board’s jurisdiction, there
    arguably would be no consequence for failure to comply with the
    Board-ordered condition. To avoid this outcome, the Board today

    places the 401 certification requirement within subsection (a).
    This placement has the consequence of the disallowance of
    bankline disposal in the absence of the certification.
    “J~rea of Allowed Dilution”. Today’s proposed subsection
    (a) (2) follows the Agency’s suggested convention of using the
    term “area of allowed dilution” to characterize what the
    Department of the Army identified as a “mixing zone” in its
    original proposal. As the Agency notes, a mixing zone under
    Illinois regulations is a specific term of art associated with
    the NPDES permitting process’3 no NPDES permit is associated
    with the bankline disposal process at issue in the instant
    action. Moreover, there are a number of significant differences
    between the area sought by the Department of the Army and a
    mixing zone (i.e., transient nature of disposal site, association
    of mixing zones with treatment requirements, etc.
    see Agency
    response, Exh. L at §7) such that use of an alternate term is
    necessary so as not to obscure the distinctions.
    Prior to and at hearing the Department of the Army proposed
    that the area of allowed dilution be defined as a rectangle
    having fixed sides not to exceed 800 feet by 60 feet. However,
    in PC #2 the Department of the Army asked the Board to replace
    the fixed-sided area of allowed dilution with one having only the
    area fixed. The Department of the Army notes:
    Such a change in the specific dimensions will allow for
    unique situations where the parameters might be exceeded
    either as to length on width but still be well under the
    48,000 square footage equaled in our proposed rule. The
    reason for this proposed change is that subsequent model
    nuns have shown that under certain, albeit unlikely
    hydrologic and channel morphometry, the suggested dimensions
    could be approached. In such a case either of the
    originally requested dimensions could be exceeded while the
    overall size of the zone would remain quite small. For
    example, a simulation run might show a mixing area of only
    300 feet in length, but 65 feet in width. (PC #2 at 1.)
    The Department of the Army accordingly requests that the area of
    allowed mixing be defined in the rule solely by its maximum area
    of 48,000 feet, which is the area of a 800 x 60 foot rectangle.
    The Agency recommends acceptance of the Department of the Army’s
    request (PC #3), and the Board today accepts the recommendation.
    Placement of the Rule. Today’s rule is proposed for
    placement in a new section within 35 Ill. Adm. Code.Part 303,
    Subpart C: Specific Use Designations.
    ~ See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.102(d) specifically, and all of
    Section 302.102 more generally.

    ORD ER
    The Board hereby proposes for first notice the following
    amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle C: Water Pollution,
    Chapter I, Pollution Control Board, Part 303. The Clerk of the
    Board is directed to file these proposed rules with the Secretary
    of State.
    PART 303
    Section 303.400
    Bankline Disposal along the Illinois
    a) The U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, may
    bankline dispose of sediment generated during maintenance
    dredging operations on the Illinois Waterway/River between
    river miles 80.2 and 291 if:
    1) Less than 10 of representative samples from a
    proposed dredge cut are composed of fine—grained
    material, where a material is fine—grained if more
    than 20 of the sample passes a #230 sieve; on
    2) The SSTFATE model indicates that applicable water
    quality standards will be met at the perimeter of
    a temporary area of allowed dilution having a
    surface area no larger than 48,000 square feet,
    and not exceeding either 1,000 feet in length or
    150 feet in width; and
    3) The U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers,
    holds a Water Quality Certification for its dredging
    operations from the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency pursuant to Section 401 of the federal Clean
    Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1341 (1988).
    b) When the provisions of subsection a) are met, Section 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 304.105 (prohibition against causing a
    violation of any applicable water quality standard), shall
    not apply to bankline disposal by the U.S. Department of the
    Army, Corps of Engineers, but only as 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    304.105 pertains to the offensive conditions standard of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 302.203, the dissolved oxygen standard of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 302.206, the total lead and total zinc
    standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208, and the ammonia

    nitrogen and un—ionized ammonia nitrogen standards of 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 302.212.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the aboye o~j.nionand order was
    adopted on the
    _~ 5 ~-~-
    day of
    ~ L’
    1993 by a vote
    of ~‘—C
    Donothy N. Gur~n, Clerk
    Illinois Po~.kutionControl Board

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