January 6, 1994
PCB 93—264
(UST Fund)
ORDER OF THE BOARD (by R. C. Fleinal):
On December 30, 1993, the Board received this petition for
review of an Agency Underground Storage Tank (UST) Fund
determination. The Board notes, however, that the envelope in
which the petition was received bears a December 1, 1993
postmark. Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.102(d), the
petitioner must also provide proof of mailing, such as an
affidavit, as outlined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101.143.
The Board finds the petition deficient. Although petitioner
has attached an invoice voucher, and an “Attachment A” to that
voucher, the Board is accustomed to reviewing an Agency letter
setting forth its decision, not simply a voucher. Petitioner is
directed to provide any additional correspondence received from
the Agency, setting forth the challenged decision. (If petitioner
already has submitted all correspondence, the amended petition
should so state.)
Additionally, the Board questions whether this appeal is
timely. The second page of the Agency’s “Attachment A” states
that an appeal may be brought within “35 calendar days from the
date the Comptroller mails the accompanying check to file a
petition for a hearing with the Board”, and cites Section
105.102 (a) (2) of the Board’s procedural rules. However, that
section provides that an appeal shall be filed “within 35 days of
the date of mailing of the Agency’s final decision”. (35 Ill.
Adni. Code l05..l02(a)(2).) Petitioner shall address the issue of
whether this appeal is timely pursuant to the Environmental
Protection Act and the Board’s rules. The Agency is also
directed to address that issue.
More specifically, it is unclear from i~ematerials
submitted to the Board as to what the exact date is of the Agency
determination which Nu—Tecsys seeks to appeal. Petitioner has
submitted an Agency invoice voucher which bears, on line 4, a
typed voucher date of 10/14/93. On line 8 appears an invoice
date which is handwritten and not completely legible which could
be 10/17/93 or 11/17/93. The dates contained in item 26 are also
handwritten and not entirely legible. Attachment A to the
Invoice, which refers to the 35 day appeal period provision
contained in Section 22.l8(b)(g) of the Act,1 does not appear to
be dated.
Petitioner shall provide its response within 30 days of the
date of this order. Failure to do so will subject this petition
to dismissal. Petitioner’s response will be construed as an
amended petition, and the decision deadline will be calculated
from the date of filing of that amended petition. The Agency’s
response to the issue of timeliness is due within 45 days of the
date of this order.
I, Dorothy N. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
Bo~, hereby cei7~i~ythatthe above order was adopted on the
Z1L- day of
1994, by a vote of
Dorothy N. Gun Clerk
Illinois Pol t on Control Board
The Board notes that P. A. 88—496 repealed Section 22.18b
of the Act. The provision is now located at Section 57.8(i) of the