December 1, 1994
    PCB 94—192
    (UST Fund)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by G. T. Girard):
    matter is before the Board on a motion for summary
    judgement filed by the respondent, the Office of State Fire
    Marshal (OSFN), on October 25, 1994. On November 17, 1994, the
    petitioner, Christ Episcopal Church (CEC), filed a response. For
    the reasons set forth below the Board grants the motion for
    summary judgement.
    The petitioner filed this appeal seeking review of the
    determination of the OSFM that petitioner was ineligible for
    reimbursement from the underground storage tank fund.
    Specifically, the denial of eligibility related to a 1,000 gallon
    tank which had contained heating oil. OSFM stated that the tank
    was ineligible for reimbursement because it was not registerable
    as the tank was “not in operation at any time since 1-1-74 (430
    ILCS 15.4)” and that there bad been “no confirmed release
    reported”. (R. at 35—38.)
    The OSFM argues that this appeal should be dismissed as the
    petitioner is in effect seeking a review of the OSFM
    determination that the tank is not registerable and such a review
    is inappropriate to this proceeding. (Hot. at 3.)’ The OSFM
    states that on March 4, 1994, the OSFM issued an administrative
    order to CEC which stated that the tank was “not or no longer
    registrable” because the tank was taken out of service before
    January 1, 1974. (Hot. at 2; R. at 17-18.) Within that
    administrative order CEC was provided 10 days to appeal the
    OSFN’s decision.
    CEC did not appeal that decision;
    however, CEC did file a request for reimbursement on May 16, 1994
    The petition will be cited as “Pet. at
    the record
    will be cited as “R. at
    motion for summary judgement will be
    cited as “Mot. at
    the memorandum of law in support of that
    motion will be cited as “OSFM mem. at
    the petitioner’s
    response will be cited as “Res. at
    and the petitioner’s
    memorandum of law in support of the response will be cited as
    “CEC mem. at

    which was denied on June 6, 1994. (Not. at 2; R. at 27-30; 35-
    CEC does not deny that it received the notification that the
    tank was not registerable and in fact includes a copy with its
    Exhibit E.) Further, CEC states in its
    memorandum in support of its response that “Petitioner argues
    that the tank was appropriately registered in June of 1992.”
    (CEC. mem. at 4—5.)
    The Board has held that the decision to register a tank is
    that of the OSFM and that the Board will not review such a
    decision when eligibility is denied on that basis. (Lindsey-
    Klein Chevrolet—Olds. Inc. v. Office of State Fire Marshal, PCB
    (August 11, 1994).) In this case, the OSFM
    notified the petitioner that the tank was not registerable and
    stated on the notification that an appeal must be filed within
    ten days. CEC choose not to appeal the OSFN determination.
    Therefore, the OSFI4 decision that the tank is not registerable is
    a final decision which the Board will not review.
    The Board finds that the OSFN properly denied petitioner’s
    eligibility to seek reimbursement from the underground storage
    tank fund based on the fact that the tank was not registerable.
    The Board further finds that there are no material issues of fact
    remaining in this matter and summary judgement in favor of the
    Office of State Fire Marshal is granted. The OSFH decision is
    hereby affirmed and this docket is closed.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby cer ify that the above order was adopted on the
    /A~ day of
    1994, by a vote of
    Dorothy M./~unn, Clerk
    Illinois P~1LlutionControl Board

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