March 16, 1995
    PCB 94—380
    On December 13, 1994, The Southland Corporation (Southland)
    filed a petition for variances seeking relief from 35 Iii. Adm.
    Code 218.586 of the Board’s air regulations relating to Stage II
    gasoline vapor recovery. The petitioner is requesting these
    variances for two facilities: the petitioner’s retail gasoline
    dispensary at 799 West Northwest Highway in Palatine, Illinois
    (Palatine facility); and the petitioner’s retail gasoline
    dispensary at 500 Skokie Boulevard, Wilmette, Illinois (Wilmette
    facility). On January 17, 1995, the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (Agency) filed a recommendation that the Board
    grant the requested variances with conditions. On January 11,
    1995, a hearing was held in Chicago, Illinois before Board
    hearing officer June Edvenson. No members of the public were
    present at the hearing.
    The Board’s responsibility in this matter arises from the
    Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/1 et seq. (1992).)
    The Board is charged in the Act with the responsibility of
    granting variance from Board regulations whenever it is found
    that compliance with the regulations would impose an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship upon the petitioner. (415 ILCS 5/35(a).)
    The Agency is required to appear in hearings on variance
    petitions. (415 ILCS 5/4(f).) The Agency is also charged, among
    other matters, with the responsibility of investigating each
    variance petition and making a recommendation to the Board as to
    the disposition of the petition. (415 ILCS 5/37(a).)
    As presented below, the Board finds that petitioner has met
    its burden of demonstrating that immediate compliance with the
    Act or Board regulations at issue would result in an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship upon petitioner. Accordingly, the
    variances will be granted with conditions as requested by the

    The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 required that owners or
    operators of gasoline dispensing facilities located in moderate
    or above nonattainment areas install and operate gasoline vehicle
    refueling vapor recovery systems (Stage II systems). (Pet. at
    2.)’ The Board adopted regulations on August 13, 1992, which
    required installation of Stage II systems.
    In the Matter
    of: Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Rules Amendments to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 215, 218. and 219, R91—30, 135 PCB 415 (August 13,
    Section 218.586 requires the installation of Stage II
    systems for “any gasoline dispensing operation which dispenses an
    average monthly volume of more than 10,000 gallons of motor
    vehicle fuel per month”. (35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586(b).)
    Operations subject to the requirements of Section 218.586 shall
    demonstrate compliance according to the schedule set forth in
    Section 218.586(d). Section 218.586(d) (3) provides:
    Operations that commenced construction before November
    1, 1990, and dispense an average monthly volume of less
    than 100,000 gallons of motor fuel per month must
    comply by November 1, 1994.
    Southland operates 29 gasoline dispensing facilities in
    Illinois under the name of Citgo Quik Mart and 7-Eleven Stores
    (Pet. at 3; Tr. at 10.) Before November 1, 1994, Southland had
    completed Stage II equipment installations at 25 facilities.
    (Tr. at 11.) Of the four remaining facilities, Southland was
    granted provisional variances from the Stage II installation
    requirements for stores in Glenview and Northbrook, Illinois, and
    subsequently has completed installation of Stage II equipment.
    (Tr. at 11.) The Palatine and Wilmette facilities at issue are
    the only Southland facilities which still require installation of
    Stage II equipment. (Tr. at 11.)
    Palatine Facility
    Southland’s Palatine facility dispenses an average of 91,534
    gallons of fuel per month and is subject to the November 1, 1994,
    deadline for installing Stage II equipment (Pet. at 5) found in
    Board regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586(b)). Southland
    estimates that uncontrolled emission from the facility would be
    The petition will be cited as “Pet. at
    the Agency’s
    recommendation will be cited as “Rec. at
    and the hearing
    transcript will be cited as “Tr. at

    approximately 1,071 pounds of volatile organic material (VOM) per
    month (Pet. at 5), which represents .0019 percent of total VOM
    emissions per day in the Chicago area. (Rec. at 3.) The
    Palatine facility is operated by twelve full and part time
    employees in a mixed residential and commercial area. (Pet. at
    4.) Southland originally requested a variance until May 1, 1995,
    from the Board’s Stage II vapor recovery regulations for the
    Palatine facility. (Pet. at 8; Rec. at 2.)
    Southland asserts that a substantial effort was made to meet
    the November 1, 1994, deadline for installing Stage II equipment
    at the Palatine facility. (Pet. at 5.) All necessary permits to
    complete below ground work were applied for well in advance of
    the deadline and state permits were granted in September 1994.
    (Pet. at 5) The local permit from the city of Palatine was
    applied for at the beginning of August 1994. (Tr. at 22.)
    Southland has not yet received a permit for the work from the
    local municipality of Palatine. (Tr. at 12.) The city of
    Palatine has required installation of a new sidewalk by Southland
    on the boundaries of the Palatine facility which is on a corner
    lot. (Pet. at 5.) sidewalk must be installed before the
    local permit for the underground pollution control work will be
    issued. (Pet. at 5; Pr. at 12, 13.) After discussions with the
    city of Palatine, Southland has contracted to construct the
    sidewalk. (Tr. at 13—15.) The contracts for the State II work
    have already been executed and the equipment for the project has
    been paid for and delivered. (Pet. at 6.) However, the
    uncertainties of winter weather and frozen ground conditions may
    delay the installation. (Pet. at 6; Tr. at 15.)
    The Agency agrees that immediate compliance with Section
    218.586 for the Palatine facility imposes an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship on Southland. (Rec. at 3-4.) The Agency
    agrees that the arbitrary and unreasonable hardship exists “until
    such time as weather conditions improve to the point to allow the
    installations to commence”. (Rec. at 4.) However, the Agency is
    only willing to recommend that this variance be granted with the
    condition that the relief granted by this variance will not
    extend into the 1995 ozone season. (Rec. at 3; Tr. at 8.) At
    hearing, Southland agreed to the Agency’s condition that Stage II
    equipment be installed at the Palatine facility by March 31,
    1995, or else fuel sales would cease at the Palatine facility
    until installation is complete. (Tr. at 21.)
    Wilmette Facility
    Southland’s Wilmette facility dispenses an average of 89,383
    gallons of fuel per month and is subject to the November 1, 1994,
    deadline for installing Stage II equipment (Pet. at 5) found in
    Board regulations (35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586(b)). Southland
    estimates that uncontrolled emission from the facility would be
    approximately 1,046 pounds of VOM per month (Pet. at 5), which

    represents .0012 percent of total VOM emissions per day for the
    Chicago area. (Rec. at 3.) The Wilmette facility is operated by
    twelve full and part time employees in a residential area. (Pet.
    at 4.) Southland originally requested a variance until May 1,
    1995, for the Wilniette facility from the Board’s Stage II vapor
    recovery regulations. (Pet. at 8; Rec. at 2.)
    Southland maintains that a substantial effort was made to
    meet the November 1, 1994, deadline for installing Stage II
    equipment at the Wilmette facility. (Pet. at 5.) Southland has
    applied for state and local construction permits to install the
    Stage II equipment at the Wilmette facility, and only the state
    permit has been received. (Pet. at 5; Tr. at 16.) Southland
    applied to the city of Wilmette for the construction permit to
    install Stage II equipment on September 1, 1994. (Tr. at 26.)
    over the objection of Southland, the city of Wilmette continued
    the hearing on Southland’s request for a construction permit
    until the January 1995 Wilmette Village Board meeting. (Pet. at
    5; Tr. at 16—18.) The contracts for installing Stage II
    equipment at the Wilmette facility have already been executed and
    the equipment for the project has been paid for and delivered.
    (Pet. at 6.) However, the uncertainties of winter weather and
    frozen ground conditions may delay the installation. (Pet. at 6;
    Tr. at 15.)
    The Agency agrees that immediate compliance with Section
    218.586 for the Wilmette facility imposes an arbitrary or
    unreasonable hardship on Southland. (Rec. at 4.) The Agency
    agrees that the arbitrary and unreasonable hardship exists “until
    such time as weather conditions improve to the point to allow the
    installation to commence”. (Rec. at 4.) However, the Agency is
    only willing to recommend that this variance be granted with the
    conditions that the relief granted by this variance will not
    extend into the 1995 ozone season. (Rec. at 3; Tr. at 8.) At
    hearing, Southland agreed to the Agency’s condition that Stage II
    equipment be installed at the Wilmette facility by March 31,
    1995, or else fuel sales would cease at the Wilmette facility
    until installation is complete. (Tr. at 21.)
    Southland and the Agency have estimated that emissions from
    the Palatine and Wilniette facilities would represent
    approximately .0019 percent and .0012 percent, respectively, of
    total daily VOM emissions in the Chicago area. (Pet. at 7; Rec.
    at 3.) Southland states that the increased VOM emission
    resulting from the proposed variances would have a negligible
    impact on the Chicago areas ozone nonattainment status. (Pet. at
    7.) The Agency states that while emissions from these two
    facilities are not significant when compared to the total Chicago
    area VON emissions; “the ozone problem in Chicago is largely
    attributable to numerous smaller sources that, when aggregated,

    add up to significant emissions”. (Rec. at 3.) Therefore, the
    Agency is recommending that the variance be granted with the
    condition that the variance not extend into to the 1995 ozone
    season. (Rec. at 3.) At hearing, Southland agreed with the
    Agency’s condition that Stage II work at the Palatine and
    Wilinette facilities be completed by March 31, 1995. (Tr. at 21.)
    If Stage II vapor recovery equipment is not installed and
    operational by March 31, 1995, the facility will cease gasoline
    dispensing operations until such time as Stage II equipment is
    installed and operational. (Rec. at 5; Tr. at 21.)
    Petitioner states that the requested relief is consistent
    with the Clean Air Act. (Pet. at 7.) The Agency states that
    “allowing the conditional relief presented by the Agency in this
    Recommendation is not inconsistent with the CAA because there
    will be no VON emissions during the ozone season”. (Rec. at 4.)
    In determining whether any variance is to be granted, the
    Act requires the Board to determine whether a petitioner has
    presented adequate proof that immediate compliance with the Board
    regulations at issue would impose an arbitrary and unreasonable
    hardship upon the petitioner. (415 ILCS 5/35(a) (1992).)
    Furthermore, the burden is on the petitioner to show that its
    claimed hardship outweighs the public interest in attaining
    compliance with regulations designed to protect the public.
    (Willowbrook Motel v. IPCB (1985), 135 Ill.App.3d 343, 481 N.E.2d
    1032.) Only with such a showing can the claimed hardship rise to
    the level of arbitrary or unreasonable hardship.
    Based upon the record before it and upon review of the
    hardship Southland would encounter, and the environmental impact
    that would result from grant of variance, the Board finds that
    Southland has presented adequate proof that immediate compliance
    with the regulations at issue would result in an arbitrary and
    unreasonable hardship for each of the two facilities (Palatine
    and Wilmette).
    The term of the variance will differ slightly for the two
    facilities. The Board will grant the variance for the Palatine
    facility to commence on December 16, 1994. The Board granted
    Southland a 45—day provisional variance for the Palatine facility
    in Southland Corporation v. IEPA, PCB 94—337 (PCB 94-337,
    December 1, 1994) which commenced November 1, 1994, and expired
    December 15, 1994. The Board will grant the variance for the
    Wilmette facility to commence on November 1, 1994. The Board
    notes that it is well established practice that the term of a
    variance begins on the date the Board renders its decision,
    unless unusual or extraordinary circumstances are shown. (See

    DM1. Inc.
    IEPA, PCB 90—227, 128 PCB 245—249, December 19,
    1991.) In view of the facts of this case including the Agency’s
    knowledge that the respective local governments have been slow in
    issuing the required construction permits (Tr. at 32), and the
    Agency’s recommendation of no significant environmental impact,
    the Board finds that the instant circumstances warrant the short
    retroactive start of the two variances. However, the Board will
    only grant the relief until March 31, 1995, as recommended by the
    Agency. The Board is convinced that the Stage II system should
    be in place prior to the beginning of the 1995 ozone season and
    Southland indicated at hearing that it agreed to the Agency’s
    recommendation that the variance be granted only until March 31,
    1995. (Tr. at 21.)
    The requested variance accordingly will be granted, subject
    to conditions consistent with this opinion.
    This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    The Board hereby grants the petitioner, The Southland
    Corporation, variances from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.586, Gasoline
    Dispensing Operating-Motor Vehicle Fueling Operations, for the
    Palatine and Wilmette facilities, subject to the following
    1. The variance for the Palatine facility is for a period
    of three—and—a—half months commencing December 16,
    1994, and expiring March 31, 1995;
    2. The variance for the Wilinette facility is for a period
    of five months commencing November 1, 1994, and
    expiring March 31, 1995;
    3. If Stage II gasoline vapor recovery equipment is not
    installed and operating by March 31, 1995, the facility
    will cease gasoline dispensing operations until such
    time as the Stage II equipment is installed and
    4. Petitioner shall notify the Agency upon installation of
    any Stage II equipment within 14 days after its
    installation. Notification shall include the address
    of the facility. Such notice shall be sent to:

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    Attn: Mr. Terry Sweitzer
    Bureau of Air
    P.O. Box 19276
    Springfield, Il 62795—9276
    If the petitioner chooses to accept this variance subject to the
    above order, within forty—five days of the grant of the variance,
    the petitioner must execute and forward the attached certificate
    of acceptance and agreement to:
    Bonnie R. Sawyer
    Division of Legal Counsel
    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
    P. 0. Box 19276
    2200 Churchill Road
    Springfield, IL 62794—9276
    Once executed and received, that certificate of acceptance
    and agreement shall bind the petitioner to all terms and
    conditions of the granted variance. The 45-day period shall be
    held in abeyance during any period that this matter is appealed.
    Failure to execute and forward the certificate within 45—days
    renders this variance void. The form of certificate is as
    I (we),
    accept and agree to be bound by all terms and conditions of the
    Order of the Pollution Control Board in PCB 94-380, March 16,
    Authorized Agent

    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act, Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1989, ch. 111 1/2 par. 1041, provides for appeal of final
    Orders of the Board within 35 days. The Rules of the Supreme
    Court of Illinois establish filing requirements.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the above opinion and order was
    adopted on the /~-c- day of
    1995, by a
    vote of 7—o
    Dorothy N. ~(inn, Clerk
    Illinois P~lution Control Board

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