January 11, 1995
    PCB 94—289
    (UST Fund)
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by C. A. Manning):
    On October 11, 1994, Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated
    (Montgomery Ward) filed by personal delivery a petition for
    review of an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency)
    final reimbursement determination from the Underground Storage
    Fund (UST). The Board on October 20, 1994 dismissed this
    matter for lack of jurisdiction, finding that Montgomery Ward
    failed to appeal the Agency determination within the 35-day
    statutory period to appeal pursuant to Section 40 of the
    Environmental Protection Act (Act). (415 ILCS 5/40 (1992).) On
    November 9, 1994 Montgomery Ward filed a motion for
    reconsideration of that order.
    Montgomery Ward argued in its motion that in addition to the
    language in the state voucher, which is the Agency’s final
    determination on a UST Fund reimbursement, that states “(f)or the
    purposes of appeal, this voucher constitutes the Agency’s final
    decision as of the date the check was issued by the Comptroller”,
    “Attachment A” to the state voucher contains the following
    The attached invoice constitutes the Agency’s final
    decision on your leaking underground storage tank bill.
    You may appeal this decision to the Illinois Pollution
    Control Board (Board) pursuant to Section 22.18(b) (g)
    and Section 40 of the Illinois Environmental Protection
    Act. You have 35 Calendar days from the date the
    Comptroller mails the accompanying check to file a
    petition for a hearing with the Board ((35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 105.102 (a) (2)).
    Montgomery Ward contends that it contacted the Warrant
    Distribution Section of the Comptroller’s office and ascertained
    that the check was mailed on September 6, 1994. Montgomery Ward
    argues that, following the Board’s procedural rules the 35-day
    period began on September 7, 1994 and ended on October 12, 1994

    thus making Montgomery Ward’s appeal timely.
    The Agency filed a response to Montgomery Ward’s motion for
    reconsideration on November 23, 1994. The Agency response
    reiterated the Board’s procedural rules on the computation of
    time and argues that the appeal is untimely. The Agency also
    points to previous Board decisions where the Board calculated the
    35-day period for time to appeal from the date of issuance of the
    Comptroller’s check. However, the Agency does not respond to the
    conflicting statements made in its final determination letter.
    However, Montgomery Ward failed to supply the Board with an
    affidavit attesting to the facts alleged, i.e., that the
    Comptroller mailed the check on September 6, 1994. Therefore,
    instead of ruling on the motion, the Board directed Montgomery
    Ward to file the appropriate affidavit within 21 days from the
    date of the December 1, 1994 order together with a waiver of the
    decision deadline or alternatively a 120—day extension of such
    deadline. On December 19, 19994 Montgomery Ward filed the
    supporting affidavit and a 120-day extension of the decision
    deadline. For the reasons stated below we grant Montgomery
    Ward’s motion for reconsideration and set this matter for
    The Board’s procedural rule at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    105.102(a) (2) concerning permit appeals provides that such a
    petition for hearing shall be filed with the Board “within 35
    the Agency’sthat
    the date of issuance of the Comptroller’s check. (David Geuther
    and Fehr—Graham & Associates v. Illinois Environmental Protection
    Aciency, (February 3, 1994), PCB 93-232 and PCB 94—53 cons.)
    However, the Board has also determined that petitioner may
    demonstrate that the “date of mailing” actually occurred after
    the date of the Comptroller’s check. (City of Elgin v. Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency, (February 3, 1994) PCB 93-246.)
    In Geuther, the Board noted reservations that the Agency’s
    obligation to make a final determination, which cannot be
    amended, is extended while the invoice voucher is awaiting
    payment by the Comptroller. (David Geuther and Fehr-Graham &
    Associates v. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, (February
    3, 1994), PCB 93—232 and PCB 94-53 cons.) We are equally
    concerned that the petitioner’s statutory appeal period may be
    1Section 22.18b(g) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/22.18b(g) (1992))
    provides that appeals of Agency reimbursement decisions are
    governed by Section 40 of the Act. (415 ILCS 5/40 (1992))
    Section 40 of the Act sets forth the procedure by which a permit
    applicant may appeal to the Board the Agency’s determination of
    the applicant’s permit.

    shortened as the result of the Comptroller’s office delaying the
    mailing of the check after its issuance date. Therefore, the
    issuance date of the Comptroller’s check is the “date of mailing”
    for the purposes of calculating the 35—day statutory period,
    unless petitioner demonstrates otherwise as Montgomery Ward has
    Thus, the Agency’s final determination was made on September
    6, 1994, the date the Comptroller’s office mailed the final
    decision. The Board’s procedural rule at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    101.109 states:
    Computation of any period of time prescribed by this
    Chapter or the Act shall begin with the first calendar
    day following the day on which the act, event or
    development occurs and shall run until the end of the
    last day, or the next business day if the last day is a
    Saturday, Sunday or national or state legal holiday.
    Therefore, the 35-day period for Montgomery to file an appeal
    with the Board began on September 7, 1994 and ended on October
    11, 1994. Montgomery filed by personal service on October 11,
    1994, thus making this appeal timely. The Board accordingly
    vacates its order of October 20, 1994.
    This matter is accepted for hearing. The hearing must be
    scheduled and completed in a timely manner, consistent with Board
    practices and the applicable statutory decision deadline, or the
    decision deadline as extended by a waiver. (Petitioner may file
    a waiver of the statutory decision deadline pursuant to 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 101.105). The hearing officer shall assign a hearing
    officer to conduct hearings. The Clerk of the Board shall
    promptly issue appropriate directions to the assigned hearing
    officer consistent with this order.
    The assigned hearing officer shall inform the Clerk of the
    Board of the time and location of the hearing at least 40 days in
    advance of hearing so that public notice of hearing may be
    published. After hearing, the hearing officer shall submit an
    exhibit list, a statement regarding credibility of witnesses and
    all actual exhibits to the Board within five days of the hearing.
    Any briefing schedule shall provide for final filings as
    expeditiously as possible and, in time—limited cases, no later
    than 30 days prior to the decision due date, which is the final
    regularly scheduled Board meeting date on or before the statutory
    or deferred decision deadline. In this case, the statutory
    decision deadline is July 14,
    2We note that petitioners filed an extension of the decision
    deadline in this case when it filed its affidavit in support of

    If after appropriate consultation with the parties, the
    parties fail to provide an acceptable hearing date or if after an
    attempt the hearing officer is unable to consult with the
    parties, the hearing officer shall unilaterally set a hearing
    date in conformance with the schedule above. The hearing officer
    and the parties are encouraged to expedite this proceeding as
    much as possible. The Board notes that Board rules (35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 105.102) require the Agency to file the entire Agency record
    of the permit application within 14 days of notice of the
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby cer fy that the above order was adopted on the
    //t~day of
    1995, by a vote of
    Dorothy M./9~1nn, Clerk
    Illinois P~1lution Control Board
    its motion for reconsideration. Montgomery Ward provided the
    Board with a 120-day extension of the decision deadline, which
    was March 16, 1995, now making the decision deadline July 14,
    1995. The decision due date for this case will be the regularly
    scheduled Board meeting preceding July 14, 1995.

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