August 2, 1971
    PCB 71—98
    Mr. Paul Johnson, Standard Brands, Inc.
    on behalf of the petitioner
    Mr. Delbert D, Haschemeyer
    on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency
    OPINION OF THE BOARD (by Mr. Dumelle)
    Standard Brands, Inc. (Standard) filed a petition for variance
    on May 5, 1971 seeking to be exempt from the operation of certain
    water pollution regulations relating to the discharge of material
    containing excessive amounts of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and
    other contaminants. Specifically the petitioner asked for an exten-
    sion of the November 1972 deadline by which the treatment facilities
    at its plant in Pekin, Illinois were due to be operat~ngand further
    asked that the prohibitions of Section 12(a) of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Act) and Sections 103(c), 103(d), 1.08 (10) and 1.08
    (11) of the Illinois Sanitary Water Board Rules and Regulations
    SWB-8 (SWB~8) and superceding regulations be inapplicable until the
    proposed treatment facilities are completed. The Environmental Pro-
    tection Agency (EPA) countered Standard~’s petition with a recommenda-
    tion filed on June 22, 1971. The EPA asked that the petition be
    denied and, in the alternative, if the request for variance was granted
    that the following conditions be made part of the grant~ (1) payment
    of a money penalty, (2) immediate commencement of installation of
    adequate treatment facilities, (3) posting of a performance bond,
    (4) submittal of monthly progress reports, and (5) limitation of the
    variance grant to one year.
    We grant the requested variance for one year, until August 1,
    1972, subject to conditions outlined in this opinion and specified in
    the Board~s Order of this date.
    Standard is a corporation engaged in food processing operations
    on an international scale with plants in the U.S., Canada, Europe
    and Latin America. Total worldwide sales in 1970 were approximately

    $1,120,000,000 (EPA Ex.l). Standard~s
    plant at Pekin produces
    baker~syeast, malt and grain extracts, and other products used in
    the baking industry. The company has five similar plants throughout
    the United States in its Fleischmann Manufacturing Division (R.16,
    18, 23) At Pekin the approximate annual consumption of raw materials
    is 33,000 tons of molasses,
    2—3,000 tons each of ammonia, corn, and
    barley and 600 tons of malt sprouts (petition,
    sec. II). The Pekin
    complex is located in an unincorporated portion of Tazewell
    approximately 1/4 mile south of the Pekin city limits on the east
    bank of the Illinois River. In the general
    area of petitionerts
    operations are a power
    plant and The Quaker Oats and American Distil-
    ling Company plants. Residences are located approximately 1/2 mile
    to the southeast.
    Standard~s aqueous waste can be divided into four categories,
    (1) concentrated process waste, (2) dilute process waste,
    (3) cooling
    water and (4) sanitary waste. The plant~s concentrated wastes are
    presently treated prior to discharge into the Illinois River by treat-
    ment facilities installed in 1940 consisting of anaerobic digesters
    designed to reduce the ROD content of the treated waste by 85. The
    wastes are primarily carbohydrates and protein materials, residual
    molasses wastes, in an average daily flow of 3,500,000 gallons, In
    1969 Standard commenced a program to upgrade its treatment facilities.
    The upgrading program was approved by the Illinois Sanitary Water
    Board, one of this Board~spredecessors, in 1969 with a schedule
    calling for completion of pilot plant studies by March of 1970, sub-
    mission of plans and specifications by December, 1970 and completion
    of construction by December of 1971. Standard is presently prepared
    to comply with the Decefnber 1971 completion deadline., It has com-
    pleted construction on the first phase of the 1969 program which
    consisted of upgrading the ROD removal capacity of the existing digesters.
    Thus, late in 1970 the company was proceeding with its plans to install
    a lagoon treatment system when it became aware of proposed new regula-
    tions which could not be met with the lagoon method of treatment (R,35).
    Very soon after learning of the new regulations Standard decided to
    install an evaporation treatment system similar to installations planned
    under construction at Standard plants in Peekskill, New York, and
    Sumner, Washington (R.25-26), The
    scheduled completion date of the
    evaporation treatment facilities is November 1972 at which time full
    compliance with both the existing and currently proposed standard will
    be achieved. The evaporation treatment system is estimated
    to cost
    $3,000,000 while $850,000 is the estimated cost for the lagoon system
    (R,68—69). A useful by-product, molasses residium, is expected from
    the evaporator system which the company can sell for a return of $60,000
    to $90,000 annually (R.34). Beyond that annual operating costs of
    the evaporation system are estimated to be at least $10,000 more than
    the amount returned on product recovered (R.l34). The system will also
    provide for water re—use and thus save well water for the company (R,38).
    Mr. Leonard Lipton, Division Engineer for Standard testified that
    the effluent from the anaerobic digesters presently in use had a BOD
    concentration of about 1800 ppm (R.ll7-ll8). Curiously in its original

    petition the company had reported an average BOD
    level of 510 ppm
    and suspended solids content of 600 ppm associated with a daily
    effluent of 3,500,000 gallons (Petition, sec. III). Samples taken by
    the EPA at the digester discharge line showed BOD concentrations of
    1161 mg/i on May 26, 1971, approximately 3 weeks after the company
    filed their petition, and 936 mg/i on June 15, 1971. Suspended solids
    concentrations on the above two dates were 1110 mg/i and 610 mg/i
    respectively (EPA Ex.6, Ex.7, R.i88 et seq.). Further with regard to
    the effluent sample taken on May 26, Mr. Thomas Rinkasch, a sanitarian
    with the EPA, testified as to its character stating that it was a
    very dark brown color and h~d“somewhat of a hydrogen sulfide odor”
    (R,188). Mr. Rinkasch described the above as a normal discharge
    from the company’s operations (R.l90).
    Mr. Calvin Badding, also a sanitarian with the EPA, visited the
    plant on August 6, 1970 in response to a complaint and observed a
    “reddish brown liquid” having a “very sweet, rotten” odor being dis-
    charged from the plant into a ditch (R.l78). Mr. Badding returned
    to the plant on August 7, August 10 and September 1, 1970 as well as
    other times later in the year. The sample which Mr. Badding obtained
    from the drain ditch on September 1, 1970 had a BOD concentration of
    732 mg/i and suspended solids of 255 mg/i (EPA Ex,5, R.l80).
    The dilute process wastes have also been found to be in viola-
    tion of the existing and proposed regulations. The dilute wastes
    consist of tank washings, floor washings and other such intermittent
    non—process sources. In the proposed treatment program the sources
    will be collected and treated separately from the concentrated wastes
    treated by the evaporation system. Samples of the dilute waste
    stream taken on June 15, 1971, before and after rectification of
    some plant malfunction, show BOD concentrations of 232 and 144 mg/i
    and suspended solids concentrations of 104 and 16 mg/i (EPA Ex.7b,7g,
    The dilute process waste stream accounts for about 30 of
    the BOD load with the bulk of the pollutionai load (70) being the
    concentrated process waste (R.109).
    The effluent standard in the present regulation is 30 mg/i for
    BOD and 35 mg/i for suspended solids. The proposed standard limits
    BOD to 20 mg/i and suspended solids to 25 mg/i. Surely, of greater
    significance in this case is the fact that the proposed new standards
    spell out the philosophy that dilution is not the soiutio~xto pollu-
    effluentthe fromproposeda wastestandardtreatmentprovides:~-plant,1
    or from any individual waste source, is not accept~bie
    as a method of treatment of wastes in order to meet the
    standards set forth in this part. Rather, it shall be
    the obligation of any person discharging contaminants
    of any kind to the waters of the state to provide the
    1 Revision of July 12, 1971 to Paragraph 1 of Proposed Effluent
    Standards, R70-8
    2— 177

    the best degree of treatment of wastes consistent with
    technological feasibility, economic reasonableness
    and sound engineering judgment. In making determina-
    as to what kind of treatment is the “best degree
    of treatment” within the meaning of this paragraph, any
    person shall consider the following:
    1) what degree of waste reduction can be achieved
    by process change, improved housekeeping, and
    recovery of individual waste components
    reuse; and
    2) whether individual process waste water streams
    should be segregated or combined.
    In any case, measurement of contaminant concentrations to
    determine compliance with the effluent criteria shall be
    made at the point immediately following the final treat-
    ment process and before mixture with other waters, unless
    another point is designated by the agency in any individual
    permit, after consideration of the elements contained in
    this paragraph.
    The hardship in this case, compliance with the present approved
    schedule for facilities with the likely result of inadequate facilities,
    is a peculiar one which we have not had occasion to deal with in any
    previous case. Proceeding with the present plan of improved biolo-
    gical treatment will result in a system incapable of meeting the
    proposed new standards. Changing horses at this point in the stream
    will enable Standard to proceed with a system which will meet the
    probable new standards. The most desirable course wo’uld appear to
    be to allow the company to proceed with the superior method of treat-
    ment but to ensure that it does so with the maximum feasible safe-
    guards to abate pollution in the interim engineering and construction
    period. Standard sought this variance to allow it to cease work on
    a waste treatment system which will be obsolete the moment it is
    completed and design and install a substantially more expensive treat~
    ment process which will fully meet the more rigid proposed effiuent
    standards. The company stated in its petition that “if (the variance
    is not granted in substantially the form submitted and if the proposed
    regulations are adopted, there appears to be no alternative other than
    closing the operations at Pekin thereby eliminating approximately
    230 positions with an annual payroll in excess of $2.2 million..”
    (Petition, sec.VI). The company, however, modified this harsh con-
    clusion at the hearing to the effect that the continuation of the
    Pekin operation would have to be reevaluated should the requested
    variance be denied (R.57-58)
    Any person concerned about the total environment whether as
    a member of a public service board or agency or as an interested
    citizen cannot but but be impressed with the proposed evaporator

    waste treatment system. The proposed methodology manifests a concern
    for the total environment that too often is paid only lip service.
    By removing the molasses solids with the evaporation system, the
    company is not only eliminating a waste product it is creating a
    useful, salable by-product. Additionally it is reclaiming and re-
    using a quantity of water which it would normally remove from the
    ground supply in the area. Last but certainly far from least it will
    be eliminating an odor problem about which the company appears to
    be relatively unconcerned. Presumably, the plant’s waste streams,
    installation of the treatment systems and compliance with
    this State’s effluent regulations, will not be odor-bearing.
    To the extent
    we are favorably impressed with
    treatment system we
    equally distressed with the history
    of procrastination in this case. The Sanitary Water Board first
    advised Standard that their waste treatment facilities were inadequate
    way back in 1963 (R.l67). By any measure this company has taken far
    too long to clean up its mess. Yet the record shows that these
    years of delay have been officially sanctioned. It is our purpose
    at this point to emphatically state that the protracted period of
    delay in this case is
    at an end.
    We grant a variance in this case, limited in duration to one
    year and subject to several conditions. The first limitation we
    will place on this grant is a periodic reporting requirement. Pro-
    gress reports are to be submitted quarterly. Periodic progress reports
    are necessary as a means of checking compliance with program schedules,
    The reports should detail progress to date and fully document and
    explain significant deviations from the program as originally planned.
    The first report shall cover the period from the present through
    September 30, 1971. Standard should submit such reports to the
    Environmental Protection Agency and the Board a reasonable time after
    the expiration of the calendar quarter but in no case shall this period
    extend beyond three weeks. We do not wish to be in the position, a
    year from now, of discovering for the first time that there have
    been further delays. For the same reason, we shall insist not only
    that the company aim toward ultimate compliance by November 1972
    but that it meet several interim deadlines, in accord with its
    petition and proof at the hearing, in order to give us intermediate
    checkpoints against which to measure progress. As regards the
    installation of the evaporation system we shall require tha~the
    engineering phase be complete by September 30, 1971, that bidding be
    complete by April 30, 1972, and that major equipment delivery be
    complete by June 30, 1972. As regards the dilute process waste we
    shall require Standard to report to the Board and the Environmental
    Protection Agency within 60 days complete schedule details of its
    plans for dealing
    with this 30 component of
    the plant’s polluting

    Since this is a
    case in which the hardship is temporary and
    the reason for the variance is the need for time in which to install
    treatment facilities, the Act
    36(a)) requires the posting of
    security to assure that the company meets the dates it has set. We
    have required security in comparable past cases (See Ozark—Mahoning
    v. EPA, PCB 70-19), and statutory bond requirements are in fact
    quite common and accepted in other fields. The purpose of the bond
    requirement is to provide an additional incentive to the
    hoider to meet his deadlines, by imposing the threat
    of forfeiture
    if he does not. The amount must be high enough to make it more
    unattractive to default than to spend the money for control facilities.
    In this case we shall require the posting of a security in the amount
    of $3,000,000; the approximate cost of the treatment facilities. One
    third of the amount is to be forfeited in the event of default of
    any one of the interim deadlines of September 30, 1971, April 30, 1972
    and June 30, 1972.
    As a Board we are uninformed of the particular temporary treat-
    ment expedients which would be apt in this situation. Chemical
    additives, process changes or the installation of devices such as
    temporary oxygen aerators may be employed to alleviate the pollutional
    conditions until the proposed system is completed. As a further
    condition of this variance we will require Standard to make a report
    within 60 days as to the feasibility of temporary measures which
    can be used at the plant. Should the company either through its
    own resources or its consultants find that one or more temporary
    measures are feasible and reasonable its report should include a
    schedule for using temporary facilities.
    Apart from the need for treatment of the plant’s wastes because
    of their magnitude we are cognizant of another pa~ticular pollution
    burden put on the Illinois River, A recent study ~ of the LaGrange
    pool, an area of the river downstream from Pekin, indicated the
    existence of a severe oxygen sag in the poo1 manifested by a pattern
    of observed values of dissolved oxygen of less than 2 mg/i. A graph
    in the report depicts dissolved oxygen concentrations as a function
    of time-of—travel in days starting at Peoria Lock and Dam,3~ From
    an initial concentration of 4 mg/i the dissolved oxygen concentrations
    plunge to less than 2 for the first day and remain depressed below
    2 for the ensuing 5 days. It is obvious that the full impact of
    Standard’s pollution load will be felt in the pool. The wat~er
    quality standard for dissolved oxygen is at least 4 mg/i at all times
    for this section of the Illinois River, By this reference we are not
    attempting to directly correlate Standard~s discharges with the
    condition nor are we meaning to implicate ROD as the major contributor
    to the stressful condition. We are merely pointing to the fact that
    the Illinois River in the LaGrange pool is greatly overloaded with
    23 Butts, T,A., Schnepper, D.H,, and Evans, R.L,
    Dissolved Oxygen Resources
    and Waste Assimilative Capacity
    of the LaGrange Pool, Illinois River, Illinois State Water
    Survey Division (1970).
    33 Id.p.3

    pollutants and merits particular attention with regard to oxygen
    consuming wastes.
    The Act states that any variance granted under the Act is
    to one year and
    may be extended only if satisfactory~
    progress has been shown. We grant this variance to terminate on
    August 1, 1972.. Should the petitioner need a further exemption from
    prosecution beyond that date it should take the precaution of
    filing a further petition some 90 days before the date of termina-
    tion of the instant grant.
    In granting this variance we must note that it is applicable
    to waterborne contaminants only. The company has not asked for and
    we are
    granting a freedom from prosecution relating to complaints
    about airborne odor. In a previous case involving the Pekin plant
    we had occasion
    discuss one of Standard’s odor problems (See
    Standard Brands, Inc. v. EPA, PCB 71-3).
    reiterate here a
    implicit in that previous case. If
    it is feasible to
    something to counteract the presence of odor in the
    company should do something about
    it without waiting for the incentive
    of an enforcement action.
    This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusion of law.
    2 —

    The Board having considered the petition, recommendation,
    transcript and exhibits in this proceeding hereby grants a variance
    to Standard Brands, Inc. subject to the following conditions:
    1. Variance from the Environmental Protection Act and regulations
    relating to effluent quality as regards BOD and suspended
    solids is granted until August 1, 1972 during which time
    Standard shall be proceeding with its program to abate water
    pollution at its Pekin plant. An~ further variance shall be
    petitioned for at least 90 days prior to August 1, 1972.
    2. Standard shall meet the following schedule deadlines as
    regards the installation of its pxoposed evaporator system:
    (a) September 30, 1971
    complete engineering
    (b) April 30, 1972
    complete bidding
    (c) June 30, 1972
    complete major equipment delivery
    3. Standard shall subm~tto the Board and the Environmental Pro-
    tection Agency within 60 days a complete schedule relating to
    the abatement of the pollution caused by Standard’s dilute
    process wastes.
    4. Standard shall submit to the Environmental Protection Agency
    and the Board quarterly reports on the progress of their
    program to bring all plant effluents into compliance with the
    regulations. The first report shall cover the period from the
    present through September 30, 1971 with each subsequent report
    covering the calendar quarter. The reports shall be submitted
    in a reasonable time, not to exceed 3weeks, after the last
    date reported on,
    5. Standard shall post with the Environmental Protection Agency on
    or before September 1, 1971, and in such form as the Agency
    may find satisfactory, a bond or other adequate security in
    the total amount of $3,000,000, which sum shall be forfeited pro
    rata, one third of the total amount for each default, to the
    State of Illinois in the event that the interim deadlines
    of September 30, 1971, April 30, 1972, and June 30, 1972 are
    6. Standard shall submit to the Board and the
    Protection Agency within 60 days a report on
    the feasibility
    of temporary treatment facilities or pollution abatement by
    process changes
    other expedients.
    some form of pollution
    abatement is found to be feasible in the interim pending
    completion of the proposed facilities Standard’s report shall
    include a schedule for implementing such a temporary abatement
    2 —

    7. Failure to adhere to any of the conditions of this variance
    shall be grounds for revocation of the variance.
    I, Regina E. Ryan, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control
    Board, hereby certify that the
    Board adopted the above Opinion
    and Order on this 2nd day of August, 1971.
    Reg’n E. Ry
    n, Cle
    Ill nois Pollution C~ntrol Board
    2— 183

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