August 30, 1971
Robert IL
PCB 71—80
Environmental Protection Agency
Dissenting Opinion (by Mr~ Aldrich):
I disagree with the majority opinion which denies petitioner a var-
iance to connect a single family residence to the sewer lines of the
North Shore Sanitary District,
Petitioner wishes to build a home for his family on a lot purchased
in April of 1970, Before accepting title to the property he was
assured by the local Director of Building and Zoning that the lot
was served by sewers and ready for building~ This was approximately
one year before the Board entered its Order banning additional sewer
connections, Mr. Monye~cwas unable to build his home during the
following year because mortgage money could not be obtained, When
money became available he was unable to proceed immediately because
of the pressures of his work.
Petitioner estimates that if construdhion were delayed two years, he
would suffer a loss of $15,673, In previous cases we have held that
a financial loss alone, in the absence of improvements to the property,
is not sufficient basis for granting a variance (see’Charles and Frances
Hughes v, EPA, PCB 71-151), However)in the instant case, petitioner~s
reliance on his ability to connect his future home to existing sewer
lines was, in my judgment, reasonable, Mr. Monyek could not anticipate
the Board~s Order banning new sewer~conne@,tions, Under these circum-
stances his delay in constructing a~home until a favorable financial
climate existed was justifiable,
Granting the variance would result in some additional wastes being
added to the Clavey Road treatment facility~ However, as petitioner
points out, such additions would not commence for several months,
when construction of his home has been completed, I ~do not feel the
potential harm to the environment in this case is sufficient to
justify denying petitioner~s request, ~n my judgment the hardship
imposed on Mr, Monyek by denial of the variance is unreasonable. I
would therefore grant the petition.
I, Regina E, Ryan, Clerk of the Board, certify that Dr. Samuel R.
Aldrich submitted the above Dissenting Opinion on this 30th, day
of August, 1971.