June 28, 1971
Order of the Board (by Mr. Currie):
This petition requests a variance fromtthe toard’s order of
March 31, 1971 in the case of League of Women Voters v, North Shore
Sanitary District, #7O~7, which forbade new sewer connections
or increased sewer discharges in portions of Lake County until
adequate treatment facilities are constructed to deal with the added
wastes. We grant the petition for reasons given by the Agency
in its recommendation.
The petitioner was refused a building permit to add two bedrooms,
two bathrooms, and a family room to the ground floor of an existing
residence in Highland Pafk, The need ~for the addition is the illness
of the petitioner~s children, which will make stair climbing
impossible. As the Agency says, “the Haight residence is already
connected to the NSSD system and thus would not constitute a
new source of waste. Nor is this a case of allowing an existing
source to increase the quantity or concentration of its waste.
As the petition subcinctly points out, ~the planned addition to
our home places no additional burden to the Sanitary District. We will
~still number five bddies living at 267 Sumac Road.
. .
The present case
~shouldbe~di StTh~ifs lie d BrBm th±iance petitions dontemplating a change
in th us of an Oxisting connection, where the change would increase
the number of people using the facilit~esor result rn a different type
of sewage being added to the system.” How we woufld re5olve such a case we
do not today decide.
As the Agency points out, this reuuest i.s not in conflict
with the objectives of the. Board~s order, Moreover, the hardship
if the variance were denieiwould be great indeed, The variance~is
granted. We regret that it has taken us so long to decide the case.
I, Regina E. Ryan, Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, certify
that the Board adopted the above opi.n~,nn an~ order this
day of June, 1971