3. Statewide NOx Budget
    4. Scope and Affected Facilities
      1. _
        1. _
          1. _
    5. Comments on Product Shifting
    6. Comments on Enforcement
    7. Clean Air Action Corporation Comments
    8. PART 211
    11. ORDER

February 15, 2001
(Rulemaking – Air)
Proposed Rule. Second Notice.
Today the Board adopts for second notice two sets of rules that will add two new
subparts to Part 217: Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, of the Board’s air regulations. Subpart U
will implement Sections 9.9(b), (c), (d)(2), and (d)(4) of the Environmental Protection Act
(Act) (415 ILCS 5/9.9(b), (c), (d)(2), and (d)(4) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.))
by capping the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO
) during the ozone control period (May 1
through September 30 of each year beginning in 2004
1) and implementing the federal NO
trading program for specified NO
electrical generating units (EGUs). The existing units
subject to this rulemaking are specifically listed on Appendix E, and are often referred to as
large non-EGUs.
Subpart X will implement Section 9.9(d) of the Act by providing a method for the
generation of additional NO
allowances for use by units subject to the requirements of
Subparts U or W. These allowances will be generated by voluntary reductions at sources other
than large EGUs and large non-EGUs. Also adopted for second notice are two conforming
amendments to Part 211: Definitions and General Provisions. The individual rules are
discussed later in this opinion, along with a discussion of the purpose and applicability of these
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) requires 22 States,
including Illinois, and the District of Columbia to submit State Implementation Plan (SIP)
revisions to prohibit specified amounts of emissions of NO
for the purpose of reducing NO
and ozone transport across state boundaries in the eastern half of the United States. The
Illinois General Assembly has found that an emissions trading program is a cost-effective
means of reducing NO
emissions (415 ILCS 5/9.9(a)(3) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999
Pursuant to a court order, the ozone control period for the 2004 season begins on May 31, 2004.
See Michigan v. EPA, 213 F.3d 663 (D.C. Cir., 2000).

Supp.), and directed the Board to adopt regulations implementing such a program (415 ILCS
5/9.9(b) and (d) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.)). The Board’s action today is in
response to that directive.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) filed this rulemaking proposal
with the Board on October 16, 2000. The Board adopted the rules as proposed by the Agency
for first notice on October 19, 2000. See Proposed New 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217.Subpart U,
Control And Trading Program For Specified NO
Generating Units, Subpart X,
Voluntary NO
Emissions Reduction Program, and Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211
(October 19, 2000), R01-17. The Secretary of State published the first notice rules in the
Illinois Register
on November 13, 2000 (45 Ill. Reg. 16,452, 16,467).
The Board held public hearings in this matter in Chicago, Illinois, on November 29,
2000, and December 20, 2000, before Board Hearing Officer Bobb Beauchamp and Board
Member Marili McFawn.
2 The hearings were scheduled and conducted in accordance with
Section 28.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.5 (1998)). Section 28.5 provides for “fast-track”
adoption of certain regulations necessary for compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments
of 1990 (CAAA) (42 U.S.C. § 7401
et seq
. (1990)).
Agency attorneys Robert Sharpe and Alec Messina presented Laurel Kroack, Deputy
Chief of the Bureau of Air, as a witness at hearing (Exhs. 3 and 3A, Tr.1. at 12-41, Tr.2 at
56-63), and introduced the written testimony of two other staff members: Dennis Lawler,
Manager of the Division of Air Pollution Control (Exh. 2); and Richard Forbes, Manager of
the Ozone Regulatory Unit and Air Quality Planning Section (Exh. 1). Also present from the
Agency to answer questions were: Christopher Romaine, Manager of the Utilities Unit,
Permitting; Berkley Moore and Yoginder Mahajan of the Air Quality Planning Unit; and
Robert Hutton of the Source Monitoring Unit. (Tr.1 at 10-41).
Several members of the regulated community also presented testimony at the hearings:
Sidney M. Marder on behalf of the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group (IERG) (Exh. 4,
Tr.2 at 10-41); Lyle Wachtel on behalf of the University of Illinois (the University) (Exh. 5,
Tr.2 at 41-49); and Richard Zavoda on behalf of LTV Steel (Exh. 6; Tr.2 at 49-56).
Section 27(b) of the Act requires the Board to request that the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA) conduct a study of the economic impact of any
proposed rules, and to conduct at least one public hearing on the economic impact of those
proposed rules (415 ILCS 5/27(b) (1998)). The Board requested DCCA conduct such a study
in an October 26, 2000 letter. At the December 20, 2000 hearing the Board Hearing Officer
stated that the Board would rely on a March 10, 2000 DCCA letter stating that DCCA would
not conduct economic impact studies on rules pending before the Board. Tr.2 at 10. The
The transcripts of the hearing will be cited as “Tr.1 at ___” and “Tr.2 at ___.” The exhibits will
be referred to as “Exh. ___ at __.”

Board Hearing Officer asked for, but did not receive, any comments on the economic impact
of these rules.
The record in this matter closed on January 9, 2001, as required by Section 28.5(l) of
the Act (415 ILCS 5/28.5(l) (1998)). The Board received four timely filed public comments:
the Agency (PC 1), LTV Steel Company (PC 2), the University of Illinois (PC 3), and Clean
Air Action (PC 4). On January 10, 2001, the Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group (PC 5)
and Archer Daniels Midland Company (PC 6) filed public comments.
In this second notice opinion and order, the Board incorporates several clarifying
changes requested by the Agency. One significant change is the deletion of proposed Section
217.460(c), which incorrectly stated that the Agency would adjust the Subpart U NO
x Trading
Budget by adding allowances generated in accordance with Subpart X. Er. at 11.
This opinion
and order also includes the
conditional addition of LTV Steel’s Boiler No. 4 to Appendix E and
changes made to Subpart X concerning the sources eligible to participate.
Ozone Transport
The State of Illinois has the primary responsibility under the CAAA for ensuring that
all National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are met in the State. This includes the
NAAQS for ozone (42 U.S.C. § 7407(a) (1990)). USEPA recognized that states affected by
interstate ozone transport have experienced difficulty in developing the necessary technical
information and control measures necessary to achieve the large level of reductions required to
meet the ozone NAAQS. See “Ozone Attainment Demonstrations” (Nichols Memo)
(March 2, 1995). Interstate ozone transport is the process by which ozone precursors such as
move from upwind to downwind areas. Exh. 2 at 3, 62 Fed. Reg. 1420 (Jan. 10, 1997).
The Agency actively participated in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG).
Exh. 2 at 4, Exh. 3 at 2-3. OTAG conducted supporting modeling analyses to determine the
magnitude and direction of ozone transport in the eastern half of the United States. OTAG
made recommendations to USEPA concerning the regional emissions reductions necessary to
reduce transported ozone in July 1997. Exh. 2 at 4, Exh. 3 at 3. Based in part on OTAG’s
recommendations, on October 27, 1998, the USEPA issued a document titled “Finding of
Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment
Group Regions for Purpose of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone” (NO
SIP Call).
63 Fed. Reg. 57,356 (1998).
SIP Call
The Agency’s Errata Sheet and Motion to Amend, filed with the Board on December 19,
2000, will be referred to as “Er. at __.”

In the NO
SIP Call, USEPA determined that sources and emitting activities in 23
jurisdictions emit NO
in amounts that “significantly contribute” to the nonattainment or
interfere with the maintenance of the 1-hour ozone NAAQS in one or more downwind areas.
63 Fed. Reg. 57,356. USEPA requires the identified upwind jurisdictions to submit revised
SIP revisions that will reduce those amounts of NO
emissions. Exh. 3 at 1-3.
The NO
SIP Call suggested, but did not require, that states adopt a “cap and trade”
strategy for the control of NO
emissions. 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57,456. If a state elects to
adopt such a program, the NO
SIP Call provided a model rule that states could adopt by
reference. 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57,458. The model rule set a regional cap on NO
emissions, and then divided that cap among each state’s budget. Each state is free to determine
the size of its trading budget, and individual source allocations, so long as the trading budget and
emissions from all other sources do not exceed the budget set by the NOx SIP Call. 63 Fed. Reg.
57,356, 57,467.
Alternatively, states could develop their own regulations in accordance with the model
rule. 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57,458. For states electing to develop a state program, the NO
SIP Call warned that such a state rule “should not deviate from the model rule except in the
areas of applicability, NO
allowance allocation methodology, and early reduction credit
[ERC] methodology.”
The NO
SIP Call stated that state modification of the allocation methodologies and
ERC methodologies would not “impact a State’s eligibility for streamlined approval of its SIP
with respect to the NO
Budget Trading Program.” 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57,458 (1998).
However, any state program:
must include an applicability section that at least covers the core sources defined
in the model rule, but States may allow additional stationary sources to
participate in the trading program. These sources must be able to monitor and
report emissions in accordance with the model rule . . . .
The model trading program proposed by the NO
SIP Call suggested that state
programs apply to a core group of large sources. That group includes any fossil fuel-fired
stationary boiler, combustion turbine, and combined cycle system that: 1) serves an electrical
generator of capacity greater than 25 megawatts (MWe); and 2) does not serve a generator but
has a heat input capacity greater than 250 million British thermal units per hour (mmbtu/hr).
63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57,460 (1998). Subpart W regulates EGUs that fall into the first and
second categories. Subpart U regulates only those non-EGUs that fall into the second
category, and are excluded from Subpart W.
The NO
SIP Call also requires use of the monitoring methodologies found at
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has remanded for further consideration those
portions of the NOx SIP Call pertaining to portions of Missouri and Georgia, and reversed the
inclusion of Wisconsin. See Michigan v. EPA, 213 F.3d 663 (D.C. Cir. 2000).

40 C.F.R. Part 75 (Part 75). Both Subparts U and W incorporate by reference the
requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 96, which includes the monitoring requirements of Part 75.
Compliance with these requirements is a prerequisite
to participation in the federal NOx trading
Statewide NO
In the NO
SIP Call, USEPA used 1995 data to establish an emission inventory and
then applied a growth factor to arrive at a 2007 base year emission inventory. Exh. 1 at 3.
USEPA then projected the amount of NO
reductions that could be achieved using highly cost-
effective control measures applied to specific source categories. Exh. 3 at 3. Subtracting
these projected inventory reductions from the 2007 base year emission inventory yields the
2007 controlled emission inventory. Tr.1 at 97
USEPA set a budget of 270,560 tons of NO
per ozone control season for all sources in Illinois.
., Exh. 3 at 3, 65 Fed. Reg. 11,222
The statewide budget covers emissions from all sources: area (such as household
paints); mobile (such as cars, trucks, planes, and off-road vehicles); and point sources (such as
EGUs and non-EGUs). Tr.1 at 97-99. USEPA separated the budget into trading and non-
trading portions.
. The non-trading portion (234,977 tons of NO
) includes mostly area and
mobile sources where reductions are being addressed mainly through federal programs.
The trading portion (35,583 tons of NO
) includes point sources subject to the requirements of
Subparts U or W.
. The NO
SIP Call included specific line items for various emission
source categories in each statewide budget. The control period budget for non-EGUs subject
to the NO
Trading Program is 4,882 tons of NO
. Exh. 1 at 3. 65 Fed. Reg. 11,222
(March 2, 2000).
The Agency determined that Illinois cannot meet its NO
budget unless it controls
emissions from four major stationary source categories: (1) large EGUs (serving a generator
greater than 25 MWe); (2) large non-EGUs (units with a maximum heat input greater than 250
mmbtu/hr); (3) large cement kilns; and (4) large internal stationary combustion engines. Exh.
2 at 5.
Nitrogen Oxides Trading System
The Illinois General Assembly in 1999 adopted new Section 9.9 of the Act titled
“Nitrogen oxides trading system”
5 (415 ILCS 5/9.9 (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.)). In
Section 9.9 the General Assembly finds “[t]hat reducing emissions of NO
in the State helps
the State to meet the national ambient air quality standard for ozone . . .” (415 ILCS
5/9.9(a)(2) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.)) and “[t]hat emissions trading is a cost
effective means of obtaining reductions of NO
emissions” (415 ILCS 5/9.9(a)(3) (1998 State
Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.)). Further, Section 9.9 directs that “the Board shall adopt regulations
to implement an interstate NO
trading program . . . as provided for in 40 CFR Part 96 . . . .”
On August 19, 1999, Governor Ryan signed Section 9.9 into law as Pub. Act 91-0631.

415 ILCS 5/9.9(b) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.). Part 96 is the portion of the NO
SIP Call that contains the federal NO
emissions trading program.
Section 9.9(d) directs the Board to address specific issues in adopting regulations to
implement the NO
Trading Program. Section 9.9(d) mandates that the Board:
1. assure that the economic impact and technical feasibility of NO
emissions reductions under the NO
Trading Program are considered
relative to the traditional regulatory control requirements in the State for
EGUs and non-EGUs;
2. provide that emission units, as defined in Section 39.5(1) of this Act,
may opt into the NO
Trading Program;
3. provide for voluntary reductions of NO
emissions from emission units,
as defined in Section 39.5(1) of this Act, not otherwise included under
paragraph (c) or (d)(2) of this Section to provide additional allowances to
EGUs and non-EGUs to be allocated by the Agency. The regulations
shall further provide that such voluntary reductions are verifiable,
quantifiable, permanent, and federally enforceable;
4. provide that the Agency allocate to non-EGUs allowances that are
designated in the rule, unless the Agency has been directed to transfer
the allocations to another unit subject to the requirements of the NO
Trading Program, and that upon shutdown of a non-EGU, the unit may
transfer or sell the NO
allowances that are allocated to such unit; and
5. provide that the Agency shall set aside annually a number of allowances,
not to exceed 5% of the total EGU trading budget, to be made available
to new EGUs.
A. Those EGUs that commence commercial operation, as defined in
40 CFR Section 96.2, at a time that is more than half way
through the control period in 2002 shall return to the Agency any
allowances that were issued to it by the Agency and were not
used for compliance in 2003.
B. The Agency may charge EGUs that commence commercial operation, as
defined in 40 CFR Section 96.2, on or after January 1, 2003, for the
allowances it issues to them. 415 ILCS 5/9.9(d) (1998 State Bar Edition,
1999 Supp.).
The Board has reviewed today’s rules, and finds that they comply with the requirements
of Section 9.9(d). Specifically, Subpart U satisfies the mandates of Sections 9.9(d)(2) and (4),

and incorporates a new source set aside for large non-EGUs similar to the requirements in
Section 9.9(d)(5). Subpart X provides the voluntary reduction program required by Section
Board Actions
The Board has recently adopted final rules implementing Sections 9.9(b), (d)(2), and
(d)(5) of the Act. Those rules apply to large EGUs, units that primarily generate electricity for
sale. See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217.Subpart W, The NO
Trading Program for Electrical
Generating Units, and Amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211 And 217 (December 21, 2000),
R01-9. The Board has also adopted for second notice rules that implement Section 9.9(b) of
the Act, which will reduce NO
emissions from large cement kilns. See Proposed New 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 217.Subpart T, Cement Kilns, and Amendment to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 211 and 217
(December 21, 2001), R01-11. The Agency will submit proposed rules addressing large
internal combustion engines once USEPA completes its court ordered remand of that portion of
the NO
SIP Call. See Michigan v. EPA, 213 F.3d 663 (D.C. Cir. 2000), Tr.1 at 39-40.
Together, the rules found in Subparts U and W make up Illinois’ NO
Program. Each portion of the NO
Trading Program shares several traits with the other. Both
subparts: allow for smaller units to opt-into the NO
Trading Program; allow units that emit
less than 25 ton of NO
per ozone control season to opt-out of the NO
Trading Program; and
have similar procedural requirements and incorporations by reference. Tr.1 at 14. These
similar elements enable sources subject to the requirements of either Subparts U or W to
participate in the federal NO
x trading program. Allowances allocated under either program are
tradable with all other units in the federal NOx trading program, including units from other states.
In submitting the NO
x Trading Program as two separate rulemakings, the Agency
accommodated two different sets of NOx emitting sources. The traditional EGUs, those that
generate electricity for commercial sale, consented to an “updating allocation system.” Tr.1 at
19. Under Subpart W, the allowances available for allocation are gradually reduced, beginning
in the fourth year of the program, and the number of allowances allocated is not fixed.
See 35
Ill. Adm. Code 217.764. The non-EGUs objected to this allocation method. Tr.1 at 19.
Units subject to the requirements of Subpart U “needed to be able to rely on having allowances
because they weren’t going to be in the business of trading in the market [or] revising the
boilers to use low NO
burners . . . .”
During negotiations with the Agency, the EGUs consented to the non-EGU position, so
long as the non-EGUs would not be permitted to receive allocations from the EGU portion of
the NO
x emission budget. Tr.1 at 19-20. Subpart U incorporates the large non-EGUs into the
NOx Trading Program, but insures that no unit receiving fixed allowances pursuant to Subpart U
will also receive allowances pursuant to Subpart W. Subpart W specifically excluded from the
requirements of Subpart W those units receiving allocations under Subpart U in Appendix D.
See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Appendix D.

The Board recognizes that controls on large non-EGUs are necessary for Illinois to
meet the requirements of the NO
SIP Call. Non-EGUs are process steam stationary boilers,
combustion turbines, or combined cycle systems that do not primarily generate electricity for
sale, and are thus not subject to the requirements of Subpart W. USEPA established a budget
of 4,882 tons of NO
per ozone control period for large non-EGUs in Illinois.
Subparts U and W compose Illinois’ portion of the federal NO
x trading program. Both
programs cap the total number of allowances the Agency may allocate, and describe how the
Agency will allocate those capped allowances. Participation in the federal NOx trading program
allows units subject to the requirements of either Subparts U or W to purchase NO
allowances from any program under the federal NO
trading program.
The NO
x Trading Program does not cap the emissions of NOx from any particular source
at a fixed level. Rather, the
x Trading Program caps the number of allowances allocated by
the Agency during each ozone control period.
Beginning in the ozone control period for 2004,
all units subject to Subparts U or W must hold NOx emission allowances at least equal to that
unit’s actual NO
emissions for that ozone control period. Those allowances can come from
several sources: allowances allocated from the NO
budgets established in Subparts U or W;
purchased from those units that receive allocations under either Subparts U or W; transferred
from units not subject to Subparts U or W, under the provisions of Subpart X; or purchased
from any other unit participating in the federal NO
trading program. Allowances may be
banked, or held over from control period to control period, for the life of the program.
At first notice, the sections making up Subpart U were in the 217.6xx range. After
adopting the first notice opinion and order, a Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
comment stated that the proposed rules would not conform to the Secretary of State’s
codification scheme, because existing Subpart V, which will be listed after proposed
Subpart U, is already numbered in the 217.5xx range. This second notice order and opinion
re-numbers Subpart U to the 217.4xx range to eliminate this discrepancy.
Scope and Affected Facilities
The NO
Trading Program is a statewide program. The NO
SIP Call requires
“regional-scale reductions in NO
emissions, and, thereby, reduced transported NO
ozone.” 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356, 57, 359 (1998). Subpart U must apply to all large non-EGUs
throughout the state to satisfy this requirement. Appendix E lists the 42 existing non-EGUs
that meet the definition of a large non-EGU in Illinois. Exh. 1 at 3-4.
Implementation Date
The trading portion of Subpart U will control emissions of NO
from large non-EGUs
during the ozone control period beginning in 2004. However, pursuant to Section 217.454(e),

the requirements of Subpart U will only become effective during the first ozone control period
after the year in which: (1) all other states located in USEPA Region 5, or contiguous to
Illinois, and subject to the NO
SIP Call, have adopted regulations to implement the
requirements of the NO
SIP Call; and (2) USEPA has approved such regulations as part of
each state’s State Implementation Plan. Should either condition not be met by the 2004 ozone
control period, the implementation date for this program must be deferred accordingly.
Section 217.454 describes those units subject to the requirements of Subpart U. The
definition is rather complex. First, the unit must be a fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler,
combustion turbine, or combined cycle system, with a maximum design heat input greater than
250 mmbtu/hr. Second, the unit must be listed on Appendix E. A unit can still be subject to
the requirements of Subpart U if it is not a unit listed on Appendix E, as long as one of the
following is true. One, the unit never serves a generator producing electricity for sale. Or
two: the unit serves a generator producing electricity for sale, but such generator has a
nameplate capacity of 25 MWe or less and has the potential to use no more than 50% of the
potential electrical output capacity of the unit; the unit is part of any source listed on proposed
Appendix E; the unit is subject to Subpart W that elects to permanently become subject to
Subpart U. Units that meet these conditions are “budget units” subject to Subpart U.
Section 217.454(c) allows any unit subject to Subpart U to elect low-emitter status by
obtaining a permit with federally enforceable conditions. At first notice, this section also listed
the regulations applicable to units electing low-emitter status. At the request of the Agency, at
second notice those conditions are relocated to Section 217.472 to clarify the rule. For a
discussion of those requirements, see pages 13-14 of this opinion.
Compliance Requirements
Section 217.456 contains the requirements with which the non-EGUs subject to Subpart
U must comply. Subsection (a) incorporates generally the federal requirements of the model
trading program in 40 C.F.R. Part 96. Subsection (c) specifically incorporates the federal
monitoring requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part 96, Subpart H. Subsection (e) provides the
recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
Pursuant to Section 217.456(b), the owner or operator of a unit subject to the
requirements of Subpart U must apply for a budget permit. Section 217.458 contains the
specific procedure for applying for a budget permit. For example, Section 217.458 fixes the
deadlines by which budget units must be apply for permits. Section 217.458 also explains the
duties of owners or operators to apply and reapply for a budget permit, as well as the
information required in the application.
Section 217.456(d) establishes November 30 of each year as the allowance transfer
deadline. By this date, units subject to Subpart U must hold allowances at least equal to that

unit’s total NO
emissions for the ozone control period. Each ton of NO
emitted in excess of
that unit’s allowances constitutes a separate violation of Subpart U and the Act.
Trading Program
Section 217.460 establishes the actual NO
trading budget for units subject to the
requirements of Subpart U. Subsection (a) sets the initial budget at 4,882 tons of NO
ozone control season. Appendix E describes how the budget will initially be allocated.
Column four of Appendix E lists the maximum number of allowances each unit may receive
from the Agency in any ozone control period. Column five of Appendix E lists the number of
allowances each unit will be allocated by the Agency. The difference between Columns four
and five reflects the 3% set-aside for new sources.
Sections 217.460(b), (c), and (d) require the Agency to adjust the budget by either:
adding allowances for units opting into the program; removing allowances for units opting into
the low-emitter status option; or reflecting independent actions of the USEPA. Pursuant to
Section 217.460(d), if USEPA adjusts the base Subpart U NO
x Trading Budget, the Agency
will adjust the Subpart U NOx trading budget pro-rata. Pursuant to Section 217.460(e), if
USEPA adjusts the Subpart U NOx Trading Budget as to any individual budget unit, the Agency
will only adjust the individual allowance allocation for that unit. A
ny adjustments to Appendix
E by the Agency to match the adjustments of USEPA must comply with the requirements of
the Administrative Procedure Act (5 ILCS 100/1-1 et seq. (1998)).
LTV Steel
During the hearings, LTV Steel testified that a boiler at its Chicago Coke Plant was
inadvertently not included on Appendix E, even though the unit has been a permitted source
since 1975. Tr.2 at 50-53, PC 2. The Agency agreed with LTV Steel, stating that the
“boiler in question was not included in the statewide budget determined by USEPA and was,
therefore, inadvertently omitted from Appendix E.” PC 1 at 6. To correct this, LTV Steel
urged the Board to amend Appendix E to include this boiler, and allocate 131 allowances in
Appendix E.
6 PC 2 at 2. LTV Steel suggested that each of the allocations could include a
footnote, which would read “[p]ursuant to Section 217.660(f), the Budget Allocation for LTV
Steel Company is subject to approval and adjustment by the USEPA.”
The Agency agreed that LTV Steel’s boiler should be included in Appendix E, but
disagreed that the number of allowances allocated should be specified. PC 1 at 6. The Agency
stated that “the inclusion of any number prior to approval by USEPA could cause additional
problems with regard to approval of this rule as part of the State’s SIP.”
. The Agency
suggested adding LTV Steel’s boiler to Appendix E, with asterisks in Columns four and five.
PC 1 at Attachment A. Below the listing for LTV Steel would read the following: “Pursuant
This allocation reflects the 3% set-aside for new sources, and would be listed in Column five of
Appendix E. LTV Steel suggests listing 135 allowances in Column four of Appendix E. PC 2 at

to Section 217.660(f), Column 4 and Column 5 will be adjusted as such time as USEPA makes
an allocation for LTV Steel’s Boiler No. 4B.”
. Sections 217.460, at subsections (d) and
(e), respectively, allows the Agency to adjust the Subpart U NO
Trading Budget to match
adjustments made by USEPA, either pro-rata or on an individual basis.
The Board agrees with the Agency that including a number for LTV Steel’s allocations
is premature. The Subpart U NO
x Trading Budget is derived from USEPA’s findings in the
NOx SIP Call.
If the Board unilaterally adjusted the Subpart U NO
Trading Budget as LTV
Steel suggests, the Subpart U NO
x Trading Budget would deviate from the federal NOx trading
budget. This deviation
could jeopardize federal approval of these rules.
Furthermore, the Board cannot predict whether this change would amend the base
Subpart U NO
x Trading Budget, or the individual budget unit allowance allocations. This
decision is solely within the purview of USEPA.
The provisions of Section 217.460 allow
USEPA and the Agency to adjust the Subpart U NO
Trading Budget to include LTV Steel’s
boiler, if such an addition is appropriate.
This second notice order adds to Appendix E a conditional listing for LTV Steel’s
Boiler No. 4, as proposed by the Agency.
University of Illinois
During the hearings, the University testified that its Abbott Power Plant should not be
listed on Appendix E. Tr.2 at 41-43, PC 3. The University stated that the plant’s boiler #7
has a nameplate capacity of 265 mmbtu/hr. Tr.2 at 43. After the hearing, the University
submitted documents stating that, due to operational and fuel use changes, the boiler’s actual
heat input is lower than 250 mmbtu/hr. PC 3 at 1-2.
In response to the Agency’s questions, the University estimated that the practical heat
input capacity of the boiler was approximately 240 mmbtu/hr. Tr.2 at 43. This statement was
supported with design calculations using the heat content of available coal to show that the
boiler was never designed originally for more than 244 mmbtu/hr. PC 3 at 1. The University
stated that it had not re-rated the nameplate capacity of the boiler to reflect these changes
because it was a “burden that we to this point have never seen reason to do. Now, we have a
reason to do that and I would submit that we would be willing to do in this instance.” Tr.2 at
44. The University estimated that it would require less than a year to re-rate the boiler.
The University described the process during the hearings:
we could go through one of our normal maintenance periods where we would
clean the boiler up because of the coal use and get it in our best operating
scenario and then we could go ahead and run it up as high as we could—or at
The comments from LTV Steel and the Agency refer to Section 217.660(f). This second notice
changes the Section numbers of Subpart U from 217.6xx, to 217.4xx. For example, Section
217.660 is now Section 217.460.

least if you wanted a number to just get below the 250, we would take that
number and make that our official limit if you wanted to. Tr.2 at 46.
The University also stated that there would be no significant cost if this process occurred
during a normal maintenance period. Tr.2 at 46.
The Board cannot remove the University’s Abbott Power Plant from Appendix E at this
time. The boiler’s current nameplate capacity of 265 mmbtu/hr subjects it to the requirements
of Subpart U. Unless the University re-rates the boiler, by definition it must continue to be
subject to the requirements of Subpart U. The Board cannot act based on events that may
occur in the future. If the University re-rates its boiler below 250 mmbtu/hr, it will no longer
be subject to the requirements of Subpart U.
Just as the Board cannot predict whether USEPA would amend the base Subpart U NO
Trading Budget or the individual budget unit allowance allocations in LTV Steel’s case, we
cannot predict what impact removing the University’s boiler from Appendix E would have.
Section 217.460 allows for revisions to the NO
budget set by USEPA. After the University
re-rates its boiler, both USEPA and the Agency may remove this source from the list of non-
EGUs subject to Subpart U on Appendix E and adjust the NO
x Trading Budget.
The University also suggested in its public comment that that allowances allocated to
the University’s boiler could accommodate “another entity requesting additions to the
inventory . . . .” PC 3 at 3. This is apparently in reference to LTV Steel’s request to add a
unit to Appendix E. As stated above, the NO
emission budget is derived from the federal
x emission budget found in the NOx SIP Call.
The Board can not unilaterally adjust the NO
emission budget absent a matching adjustment from USEPA.
Obtaining Allocations
Section 217.462 allows the non-EGUs listed on Appendix E to permanently transfer all
or part of the allocation listed in Column five of Appendix E to a budget unit subject to the
requirements of either Subparts U or W. Column five of Appendix E lists the allowance
allocation for each unit, less the 3% new source set-aside. Budget units may not transfer any
part of the new source set-aside allocation. Section 217.464 provides the methodology to
calculate the allowances available for allocation to a new source from the new source set-aside.
The Agency will allocate all allowances pursuant to Sections 217.466 and 217.468. Once
allocated, allowances exist for the life of the program.
Section 217.468 defines new units as those that commenced commercial operation on or
after January 1, 2000. Only these units may purchase allowances from the new source set-
aside and only for a maximum of three consecutive years. After that the unit becomes an
existing unit. The Agency will charge the average price at which NO
allowances were traded
in the interstate NO
trading program for the preceding control period. Fees collected by the
Agency for the sale of these allowances will be distributed pro-rata to budget units allocated
allowances pursuant to Appendix E, less the Agency’s administrative costs. Any unused

portion of the new source set-aside will be allocated pro-rata to the owner or operator of the
budget units listed on Appendix E. Column four of Appendix lists the maximum number of
allowances the Agency may allocate to any individual unit.
The Agency proposed 3% for the new source set-aside based on the inventory of
sources showing very few new units coming into the program. Tr.2 at 76-77. The Agency
stated that “we looked at our inventory of sources and agreed that there weren’t a lot of new
non-EGUs coming into the program submitting applications, but again, we wanted to have a
new source set aside in the event it was actually needed and so we picked the lower 3%
number” as the set-aside.
. Further, the Agency stated “there are few units that are
receiving more than those number of allowances, but many fall within that range.” Tr.2 at 77.
Early Reduction Credits
Section 217.470 allows budget units to request ERCs if they reduce their NO
emissions 30% or more below the actual NO
emissions rate for the ozone control period in
which ERCs are requested. Account representatives may request ERCs for reductions in the
2001 or 2002 ozone control period, and the 2003 ozone control period if approved by USEPA.
ERCs may be used in the 2004 ozone control period, or later periods if approved by USEPA.
While the entire compliance supplement pool available for ERCs is 17,688 allowances,
Section 217.470(f)(1) reserves no more than 2,427 allowances for non-EGUs. No more than
half of these allowances may be allocated for reductions made in each of the 2001 and 2002
ozone control periods, with the remainder allocated for reductions made in the 2003 ozone
control period, if approved by USEPA.
Low-Emitter Status
Units electing low-emitter status are only subject to the requirements of Section
217.472. To elect low-emitter status, the unit must obtain a federally enforceable permit that
restricts the unit’s fuel use and operating hours, limits the unit’s potential NO
emissions, and
contains specific monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
If a unit listed on Appendix E elects low-emitter status, the Agency will reduce the
Subpart U NO
budget by the number of allowances equal to the amount of NO
emissions in
the unit’s federally enforceable permit, pursuant to Section 217.460(c). The unit may offset its
permitted emissions by obtaining allowances issued for voluntary NO
reductions that meet the
requirements of Subpart X. In that case, the Agency will not reduce the Subpart U NO
budget by the allowances obtained in accordance with Subpart X.
Opt-in Units

Section 9.9(d)(2) of the Act requires the Board to provide a means for emission units to
opt into the NO
Trading Program (415 ILCS 5/9.9(d)(2) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999
Supp.)). Sections 217.474, 217.476, 217.478, 217.480, and 217.482 implement this directive.
Section 217.474 defines which units may opt-in to the NO
Trading Program, and
provides the requirements opt-in units must meet. To be eligible, a unit must first be an
operating fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler, combustion turbine, combined cycle system,
cement kiln or stationary internal combustion engine. The unit may then qualify if it: is not a
budget EGU under Subpart W; vents all of its emissions to a stack; has documented heat input
for more than 876 hours in the six months immediately preceding the unit’s submission of a
budget permit application; is not covered by the retired unit exemption of 40 C.F.R. 96.5; and
is not covered by the low-emitter exemption of Sections 217.454(c) and 217.472.
Opt-in units must have an account representative. The account representative must
apply for a budget permit that meets the requirements of Section 217.458, and also contains
provisions for a change in the regulatory status of the unit to an opt-in budget unit under
Section 217.454. The account representative must also submit a monitoring plan for the unit in
accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 96, Subpart H.
Section 217.476 describes the process by which the Agency will issue or deny a budget
permit to an opt-in unit. In addition to the requirements of Section 217.458, the Agency will
also determine the sufficiency of the unit’s monitoring plan. If the Agency determines that the
unit’s monitoring plan is sufficient, the unit must then monitor and report the NO
rate and the heat input of the unit in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 96, Subpart H, for one
full ozone control period. The information gathered during this time will be used to determine
the unit’s baseline heat rate and baseline NO
emission rate.
Section 217.478 provides the procedures an opt-in budget unit must follow to withdraw
from the NO
Trading Program. Opt-in budget units may only withdraw outside of the ozone
control period,
. between September 30 and May 1, and must submit a withdrawal request
within 90 days of the effective date of the withdrawal. The opt-in budget unit must also submit
an annual compliance certification report in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 96.30, and empty and
close-out the unit’s opt-in budget compliance account. USEPA will then establish and transfer
to a new general account any remaining allowances.
If all of the above requirements are met, the Agency will withdraw the opt-in unit’s
budget permit. Once an opt-in unit withdraws from the NO
Trading Program, the account
representative may not submit another application for a budget permit under Section
217.474(d) until four years after the date the opt-in unit’s budget permit was withdrawn.
Section 217.480 requires owners or operators of opt-in units to notify the Agency and
USEPA in writing when the opt-in unit becomes an opt-in budget unit. Sections 217.480(c),
(d), and (e) describe the procedures USEPA will take to deduct allowances from the opt-in
budget unit’s compliance account.

Section 217.482 provides the allocation procedures for opt-in budget units. The
Agency will allocate allowances in an amount equal to the opt-in budget unit’s heat input,
determined in accordance with Section 217.482(b), multiplied by the lessor of the opt-in budget
unit’s baseline NO
emission rate or the lowest NO
emissions limitation under State or federal
This new Subpart X provides a voluntary emission reduction program to supplement the
allowances available to emission units subject to Subparts U or W. This program is
required under Section 9.9(d) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/9.9(d) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition,
1999 Supp.)). That Section provides in pertinent part that the Board shall:
(3) provide for voluntary reductions of NO
emissions from emission units
. . . to provide additional allowances to EGUs and non-EGUs to be
allocated by the Agency. The regulations shall further provide that such
voluntary reductions are verifiable, quantifiable, permanent, and
federally enforceable. 415 ILCS 5/9.9(d)(3) (1998) (1998 State Bar
Edition, 1999 Supp.)).
In support of this voluntary program, the Agency has stated its belief that the last
provision of Section 9.9(d)(3) of the Act the General Assembly included to insure that this
supplemental program must “comport with the limitations and framework of the SIP Call and
the general requirements for approval of a SIP revision.” Exh. 3 at 16. The Agency
explained that all these elements, “verifiable, quantifiable, and federally enforceable,” are
necessary to meet both these objectives.
. Therefore, the Agency emphasized that the
provisions in Subpart X are intended to satisfy these requirements. Exh. 3 at 16-17.
How to Participate in Subpart X
Subpart X does not directly respond to the NO
SIP Call. Subpart X does implement
Section 9.9(d)(3) of the Act (415 ILCS 5/9.9(d)(3) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999
Supp.)). The intent behind Subpart X is to “transfer NO
reductions from the non-trading
portion of the state budget to the trading portion.” Tr.1 at 24.
The program will be effective upon final adoption by the Board. Because this is a
voluntary program, there is no implementation date requirement. However, Section
217.815(a) states that the first ozone control period in which NO
emission reductions may be
credited is 2003. Section 217.840(c)(3) states that allowances shall be issued by the May 1
after the control period in which the NO
emission reduction has occurred.

Subpart X creates a voluntary program that allows owners or operators of stationary
sources to generate additional NO
allowances for use by units subject to Subparts U or W.
Units must first meet the eligibility requirements of Section 217.805.
8 If the unit: discharges
through a stack; is fossil fuel-fired; is not subject to the requirements of either Subparts T, U,
V, or W; is not a retired unit; and is not a stationary internal combustion engine that emits
more than one ton of NO
per day during the ozone control period, the owner or operator of
that unit may submit a proposal to the Agency. Tr.1 at 25-26; Exh. 3 at 17.
Units electing to participate in the Subpart X voluntary NO
emissions reduction
program must comply with the requirements of Section 217.810. Exh. 3 at 18. The owner or
operator must submit a proposal that meets the requirement of Section 217.835, submit a
baseline determination in accordance with Section 217.820, and monitor and report emissions
in accordance with Sections 217.850 and 217.855.
Section 217.835 describes the information that must be submitted in a NO
reduction proposal. The proposal must identify all emission units at the source, whether each
unit is subject to Subparts T, U, V, W, or X, and the baseline emissions of each unit subject to
the NO
emission cap. The proposal must also identify the NO
emission reduction unit, how
the reductions will be obtained, the amount of the reductions, all other emission units at the
source that will be subject to a NO
emission cap, and the emission units to which the
allowances will be allocated. Tr.1 at 26-27.
In addition, the owner or operator must request an emission cap on other NO
emissions at the source. The NO
emission cap is intended to prevent production shifting,
where a source could “shut down one [unit] and ratchet up the production of a boiler right next
to it, which really wouldn’t reduce NO
emissions in the air shed.” Tr.1 at 27. The NO
emissions cap must include all other NO
emission units at the source that are not subject to
Subparts U or W and are the same type of emission unit as the emission reduction unit. The
example provided in Section 217.810(a)(2) is that if the emission reduction unit is a boiler,
combined cycle system or turbine, then the NO
emission cap must include all boilers,
combined cycle systems or turbines at the source that are not subject to Subparts U or W.
Section 217.835 provides a method by which like-kind emission units may be exempted from
the NO
emission cap.
The owner or operator must demonstrate how the NO
emission cap included in the
emission proposal will be determined. Section 217.815 provides three methods: use of
emission reduction technology; a permanent shutdown of the unit after January 1, 1995;
or a reduction in the rate or hours of operation. This demonstration must be performed
pursuant to Section 217.845. Exh. 3 at 20.
The Board has incorporated a change suggested by members of the regulated community to
remove one of the eligibility requirements included at first notice. The Agency’s proposal
limited eligibility to participate in Subpart X to units that commenced operation prior to
January 1, 1995.

Sections 217.820 and 217.825 describe how a unit’s baseline and creditable NO
emissions will be determined. A unit’s NO
x emissions baseline is
determined by multiplying
the unit’s actual 1995 calendar year emissions by 5/12ths. Section 217.820 also provides
alternative methods for determining this emissions baseline if the actual 1995 emissions were
not reported. To the extent that the unit reduces its emissions below this number, Section
217.825 provides that the Agency will allocate 80% of any actual NO
emission reductions to
the specified Subpart U or W unit. The Agency will retire the remaining 20% for air quality.
Finally, each emission reduction unit at the source must comply, to the extent
practicable, with the monitoring requirements of Section 217.850. Section 217.850 requires
the use of a continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), or an alternative system
approved by the agency and included in the source’s federally enforceable permit. Section
217.855 lists the reporting requirements for the information gathered using CEMS, or other
Agency approved method.
Once the Agency has received the source’s complete NO
emission reduction proposal,
and any emissions data required to verify that the reductions have occurred, Section 217.840
provides that the Agency has 90 days to notify the owner or operator in writing of its decision.
The owner or operator of the source may extend this deadline in writing.
The NO
emission reduction proposal will only be effective after the owner or operator
of the emission reduction unit has obtained or modified a permit with federally enforceable
conditions. Exh. 3 at 20. The owner or operator must obtain a permit that contains as
federally enforceable conditions the commitments in the NO
emission reduction proposal and
the NO
emission cap. The permit or permit modifications must be obtained no later than the
date on which the NO
emission reductions will commence.
Section 217.865 provides consequences for owners or operators of emission reduction
units for which NO
emission reductions have been recognized under Subpart X, but then have
actual NO
emissions in excess of the emission reduction limit in any ozone control period for
which NO
allowances have been issued. Such sources must purchase and surrender to the
Agency NO
allowances equal to two to four times the excess NO
emissions, depending on
the number of control periods in which such violations occur. The Agency will retire all
surrendered allowances for air quality.
The participants seek changes to four provisions of the proposed rules. Over
the course of the hearings and public comment period, the principle participants asking
questions and testifying on these issues were the Illinois Environmental Regulatory
Group (IERG) and Archer Daniel Midland (ADM). The first contested provision was
the provision at Section 217.805 of Subpart X limiting eligibility to pre-1995 units.
The second contested rule was the amount of actual NO
emission reductions achieved
that should be creditable. Section 217.825 provides that 80% is creditable for

allowances, and the remaining 20% is retired for air quality. Third, ADM argues for
no NO
emission cap at Section 217.835, and IERG and the Agency disagree about the
regulatory language necessary to address product shifting under Section 217.835.
Fourth, ADM argues for no penalty under Section 271.865 when actual emissions
exceed the voluntarily reduced emission limit. Finally, CAAC’s request for energy
reduction credits is considered by the Board. Each issue is discussed separately below.
Comments on Pre-1995 Unit Eligibility Requirement
Several participants disagreed with the third eligibility condition proposed at first
notice, that the unit must have been permitted to operate prior to January 1, 1995, to
participate under Subpart X. First notice proposed Section 217.805(c). The Agency support
for this requirement is recited first, to put into context the positions of IERG and ADM. The
Agency’s response to those comments then follows.
At the first hearing, the Agency explained that the units permitted after January 1,
1995, (hereinafter referred to as “post-1995 units”) were excluded because 1995 was the base
year used by the USEPA to set the statewide budget for the NO
SIP Call. Tr.1 at 29. All
sources existing at that time were identified.
. In setting the baseline, some growth was
allowed, as well as accounting for future shut downs.
. The Agency firmly believed that in
tying an emission unit to that inventory, the State would have a better chance that Subpart X
would be approved. Tr.1 at 29-30.
In its prefiled testimony, the Agency explained that the pre-1995 units were included in
the State’s NO
budget because the Subpart X program will provide for a budget shift from the
uncontrolled portion of the statewide NO
budget to the trading budget for controlled sources.
Exh. 3 at 17. The Agency concluded “ . . to make the case for that budget shifting to
occur, . . . limiting Subpart X to units that commenced operation before January 1, 1995, and
therefore were included in setting the statewide NO
budget, is critical.”
When questioned, the Agency agreed that its concern was whether the post–1995 unit
emissions were not included in the 1995 baseline and therefore not eligible for shifting into the
trading budget. Tr.1 at 43. After further questioning, the Agency added that since Subpart X
units are not subject to the more stringent monitoring requirements applicable to Subpart U or
W sources under the NO
SIP Call, the Agency does not believe that the post-1995 units could
quantify mass NO
emissions as well.
The Agency concluded that this limitation on
eligibility serves as a “sort of safety element or measure of approvability for the proposal.”
Tr.1 at 43-44.

IERG argues that the post-1995 units should be eligible under Subpart X. Exh. 4 at 4-
7. IERG’s position is that Subpart X should provide as many additional allowances as possible
since the pool of allowances is always shrinking, and as post-1995 units grow older they are
viable candidates for future allowances. Exh. 4 at 5. If excluded, IERG believes that these
older, less efficient units will continue in operation because they would not be available as a
source of allocations for new, more efficient units.
During the hearings, IERG stated that the question about whether post-1995 units can
be included should be focused on whether emissions from such units could be verified,
quantified, federally enforced, and constitute real emission reductions. Exh. 4 at 5; Tr.2 at 16.
IERG stated that it believed such emissions could meet these requirements, and that there is no
reason to exclude them. Tr.2 at 16-17. IERG argues that if the emission source can
demonstrate that an actual ton of NO
is reduced or removed, it should be transferable.
The Agency disagrees, and firmly believes that the post-1995 units must be required to
use Part 96 monitoring to establish its actual emissions if the program is to be approved. As
proposed, these post-1995 units could opt-in to the Subpart U trading program. However, they
would be required to perform Part 96 monitoring. IERG argues that Part 96 monitoring is too
expensive and complicated for these small sources to undertake. Exh. 4 at 6-7. IERG believes
that the alternative monitoring available to pre-1995 units would be also acceptable to USEPA
for the post-1995 sources since USEPA allows alternatives in other air programs such as Title
V permitting and the ERMS program. Tr.2 at 18. Finally, IERG sees no environmental
consequence if post-1995 sources are eligible to provide allowances under Subpart X. Exh. 4
at 5-7.
In its public comment, IERG addressed the Agency’s concern that including the post-
1995 units would jeopardize federal approval of the rules. PC 5 at 6-10. IERG
acknowledged that this is an important concern, but does not believe that the Agency has
justified it. IERG believes that this is a provision about which the State has flexibility,
especially since Subpart X is a supplemental program to the model trading program under Part
96. Furthermore, IERG argues that federal approval should not be prejudged, and that there
is sufficient time for the State to seek federal approval and revise Subpart X accordingly if
that approval is denied or conditional. PC 5 at 8-10.
ADM stated that the Agency’s justification for limiting participation in Subpart X to
pre-1995 units is to preserve the growth allowance factored into the budget. PC 6 at 3. ADM
pointed out that the growth projection relied on by the Agency for ADM predicted negative
growth, while in fact ADM’s NO
emissions have grown close to 33% since 1995.
also expressed concern that the cost of NO
allowances would pose a problem. ADM stated

“the price of a NO
allowance has reached an all time high of $1,725/ton from a low of
Agency Responses
In addition to the rationale summarized above, the Agency offered additional testimony
at the second hearing why it opposes including post-1995 units in Subpart X. Tr.2 at 84. The
Agency’s rationale is two-fold. First, the State is asking the USEPA to approve a budget shift
from the non-trading portion of the statewide budget to the trading portion.
Second, the post-1995 unit will not have a baseline in the inventory. Establishing a
baseline for pre-1995 units requires using actual emissions in the annual emissions report or
performing Part 60 monitoring. The Agency stated that establishing a baseline for post-1995
units is much harder without the 1995 inventory number. The Agency adds that even if Part
75 monitoring were allowed for post-1995 units to establish a baseline, it does not believe
USEPA would approve the program. Tr.2 at 83-85. The Agency added that the USEPA’s
“number one” criticism of Subpart X is the lack of Part 75 monitoring. Tr.2 at 88.
The Agency also commented on the growth factor and double counting. The Agency
explained that the budget already has a growth factor built into the inventory. Therefore,
sources permitted after 1995 are already included in the statewide budget, and to include them
by allowing reduced emissions or shutdowns to become allowances would be double counting.
Tr.2 at 86.
The position presented by IERG and ADM expresses a concern with the finite number
of allowances available under the NO
Trading Program. Both participants suggest that an
expansion of the eligibility requirements of Subpart X will help alleviate the financial pressure
on units subject to the requirements of Subparts U or W. Yet both acknowledge that such an
expansion may impede USEPA’s final approval of these rules. Nevertheless, IERG
specifically challenges the Agency’s belief that emission reductions sources that commenced
operation after January 1, 1995, could not satisfy the federal standards required for
participation in the federal NO
trading program. IERG and ADM urge the Board to eliminate
the requirement that the source commence operations before January 1, 1995 to be eligible
under Subpart X.
The Agency argues that units that commenced operation after January 1, 1995, the time
period used by USEPA to determine the NO
emission budgets, lack a baseline determination
equivalent to the determination the pre-1995 units received from USEPA when it established
the baseline. This would make any NO
emission reductions from these sources difficult to
verify, quantify, or be federally enforceable. The Agency argues that only Part 96 monitoring
can cure this omission.

The Board has examined the Agency’s position and concludes that it is primarily based
upon the Agency’s belief that USEPA will not approve this supplemental program if post-1995
units are eligible. Whereas, the position advanced by IERG and the record support several
reasons for allowing these sources the same alternative methods provided for pre-1995 units if
their 1995 actual emissions are not available to establish a baseline for determining emission
First, the record indicates that this voluntary program applies to a small group of small
sources since most of the large sources are subject to Subparts U or W. Second, the NO
Call allows this type of flexibility in supplemental programs such as this. Third, the major
impediment to the post-1995 units participating in any part of the NO
Trading Program, under
either Subpart U as an opt-in unit or under Subpart X, is the requirement to perform Part 96
monitoring to establish actual emissions. Furthermore, IERG has explained that Part 96
monitoring is too expensive for these units to use, especially since most will enter the
voluntary program to generate emission reduction allowances when shutting down. IERG has
pointed out that other USEPA programs have allowed alternatives to Part 96 monitoring.
Ultimately, the Board finds that the real issue is whether the voluntary reductions from
these units are verifiable, quantifiable, permanent, and federally enforceable as required at
Section 9.9(d)(3) of the Act. We believe that these potential emission reductions are verifiable
and quantifiable using the same alternative methods for determining actual emissions as those
available to the pre-1995 units under the proposed rules. We find that these reductions can be
made permanent in the same method as others in this voluntary program.
The Board has weighed the desirability of expanding the universe of sources that can
contribute allowances from the non-trading budget to the trading budget and the possible
problem because these units were not in the 1995 baseline inventory. The distinction between
these units and those accounted for in the 1995 inventory is not sufficient to exclude these units
from Subpart X. Their emissions and their shutdowns were anticipated in the State’s budget as
part of the growth factor applied to that inventory. Therefore, allowing them as emissions
reductions sources does not amount to double counting. Furthermore, including the post-1995
units as well as the pre-1995 units in this voluntary program should have no negative impact on
the State’s environment. Also, the voluntary emission reductions these units afford are
verifiable, quantifiable, permanent and federally enforceable, and the mandate of Section
9.9(d)(3) of the Act is satisfied.
Finally, we find that the USEPA should approve the eligibility of post-1995 units since
the State is to be afforded flexibility in this supplemental program
If the USEPA further
conditions or does not approve this program because these units are eligible, as the Agency
believes is likely, the remainder of the NO
Trading Program found in Subparts U and W can
still be approved since Subpart X is a supplemental program, not one required under the NO
SIP Call. And finally, as IERG points out, should USEPA disapprove or conditionally
approve Subpart X, the Board can consider revising this supplemental program as necessary to
gain the USEPA’s approval.

Accordingly, the Board has deleted the eligibility requirement from Section 217.805(c)
as proposed at First Notice; post-1995 units are now eligible to participate in Subpart X.
Conforming changes are made to clarify the methods available to determine these units’
emissions baselines at Section 217.820. Finally, Section 217.825 is also modified to allow
post-1995 units to receive the same 80% credit for reductions achieved under this program.
Comments on Creditable NO
Emissions Reductions
Section 217.825 provides that 80% of the actual NO
emissions reductions achieved
under Subpart X are creditable. The remaining 20% will be retired for the benefit of air
During the hearings, IERG stated that “it appears that the Agency’s rationale for this
provision hinges on the lack of Part 75 monitoring requirements under Subpart X.” Tr.2 at
17. IERG specifically suggested that the 80%/20% split was “even less credible” in the case
of units which shut down pursuant to Section 217.815(a)(2). Tr.2 at 18. In those cases, IERG
stated that monitoring is not an issue, as the only fact to dispute is what is the unit’s baseline.
In response to IERG’s position, the Agency stated that 20% “is not a number that is
either grossly high or overstated.” PC 1 at 4. The Agency further stated that USEPA
“envisioned that the statewide budget would fluctuate . . . The Agency therefore felt that some
percentage had to be retired for air quality to offset the loss of reductions that the statewide
budget anticipates.”
. The Agency also stated that “USEPA in setting the statewide budgets
. . . clearly envisioned that older less efficient units would be replaced with larger, more
efficient units. PC 1 at 5. Finally, the Agency warned that these rules are part of a complex,
federal regional program intending to address ozone transport in 23 jurisdictions. A ton
reduction in Illinois must equal a ton reduction in the other 22 jurisdictions for the program to
be effective.
The Board appreciates IERG’s comments, and understands that the burden imposed on
regulated units will be difficult given the finite number of allowances available. However, we
believe that the rules as adopted for second notice today present a balanced approach that
allows the generation of new NO
allowances without compromising the compatibility of the
Trading Program with the federal NO
trading program. Ultimately, Illinois must
demonstrate every three years that it has not exceeded its statewide NO
x emission budget. The
20% retirement factor provides a safety net to account for errors in the growth factor, and ensure
that Illinois will not exceed its statewide NOx emission budget.

ADM stated that, in order for a unit to achieve actual NO
emission reductions, a
source could potentially spend up to $260,000 on new control technology and monitoring
equipment, plus the cost of an emission cap, and that these high costs will make it “difficult to
justify utilizing Subpart X even if 100% reduction credit is awarded.” PC 6 at 3.
Subpart X is a voluntary program. Only those sources that decide that reductions made
pursuant to Subpart X that are technically feasible and economically reasonable will be
implemented. If sources such as ADM feel that the cost of implementing such reductions is
too high, they are under no requirement to take such action.
Comments on Product Shifting
Section 217.835 describes the information that must be submitted in a NO
reduction proposal, and also the procedures for withdrawing a NO
emission reduction
proposal. Section 217.835(a)(5) provides that an owner or operator seeking to have all like-
kind or same-type units excluded from a NO
emission cap must include in its NO
reduction proposal an explanation of how the source will assure that production shifting will
not occur.
The Agency stated during the hearings that it suggested this language in its proposal
because “we realized that . . . we could not envision every scenario that might occur in the
future, and we didn’t want to have a blanket prohibition that didn’t allow us to examine unique
factors.” Tr.1 at 48. Essentially, this provision allows the Agency to evaluate “on a case-by-
case basis . . . the circumstances of a particular project to see how broad a cap needs to be to
assure that we are getting real reductions . . . .” Tr.1 at 49.
IERG initially stated that it could accept the language as written. Tr.2 at 19.
However, its concern was that the language be interpreted “in accordance with what we
believe the negotiations were all about.”
. IERG submitted several case examples, and
proposed language to add to Section 217.835. Exh. 4 at 9-12. During the hearings, IERG
Production shifting occurs, in our opinion, when NO
emissions which resulted
from a unit used to produce a product or service are reduced or terminated and
transferred to a Subpart U or W unit and then the emissions from a new unit or
increased emissions from an existing unit are used to make the same product or
provide the same service, take it away and put it right back in. That has to be
prevented. Tr.2 at 21.

The Agency does not disagree with IERG, but found that IERG’s suggested language
does not provide more certainty to this issue. PC 1 at 5. During the hearings, the Agency
stated “figuring out exactly when the production shifting would occur wouldn’t necessarily be
made any easier if you have [IRGS’s] constraining definition to work with.” Tr.2 at 101.
IERG’s examples certainly shed light on the possible realm of facts that could appear
before the Agency under this section, but are not exhaustive. They emphasize the need for the
Agency to make these decisions on a case-by case basis. The language adopted for second
notice allows the Agency to do so.
In a corollary public comment, ADM stated that the NO
emission cap is “unnecessary
and in most cases . . . prohibitive.” PC 6 at 3. ADM’s comment provides an example of how
a source complying with the NO
emission cap provision would in fact lose the equivalent of
“nearly two boilers’ output.”
. The provisions of Subpart X, especially Section 217.835,
allows an owner or operator to demonstrate why a particular unit or units should not be subject
to the NO
emissions cap, are flexible enough to overcome ADM’s concerns.
Comments on Enforcement
Section 217.865 provides consequences for owners or operators of emission reduction
units for which NO
emission reductions have been recognized under Subpart X, but then have
actual NO
emissions in excess of the emission reduction limit in any ozone control period for
which NO
allowances have been issued. Such sources must purchase and surrender to the
Agency NO
allowances equal to two to four times the excess NO
emissions, depending on
the number of control periods in which such violations occur. The Agency will retire all
surrendered allowances for air quality.
ADM stated that these penalties are not required, and will provide a “severe
disincentive to the utilization of undemonstrated or experimental control technology and
discourage sources from utilizing Subpart X . . . .” PC 6 at 3. ADM felt that it is a sufficient
incentive that sources that fail to achieve the NO
emissions reductions would “simply be
credited with fewer allowances for the following season.” PC 6 at 4.
The Board recognizes that some sources may be made cautious by the enforcement
provisions of Section 217.865. However, this section is necessary to ensure that a source
opting to participate in Subpart X is reasonably certain that the emission reduction unit will
actually achieve the NO
emission reductions it receives credit for.
Clean Air Action Corporation Comments
CAAC suggested that mobile and area source sectors be allowed to participate in the
Subpart X voluntary NO
emissions reduction program. PC 4. CAAC stated that programs

such as vehicle inspection and maintenance programs, or a reformulated gasoline program,
could provide significant NO
reductions from highway vehicle. PC 4 at 4. CAAC also
proposed that states could require emission decreases from sources that USEPA exempted from
the budget calculations, due to a lack of information to determine potential controls and
emission reductions. PC 4 at 4.
As stated above, the NO
SIP Call places strict limitations on the universe of units that
might participate in the federal NO
trading program. Before the Board could allow the
additional source sectors CAAC suggests participate in this program, we would need to be
assured that such source sectors were able to monitor and report emissions in accordance with
the model rule.
CAAC also suggested that the rule could allocate a portion of the trading budget to
sources that implement energy efficiency and renewable projects, such as replacing older
turbines with more efficient models, or hydroelectric, solar, wind, or geothermal generation.
PC 4 at 3-4.
A similar suggestion was made during the Subpart W rulemaking. There, the Board
The Board believes that measures to increase energy efficiency are admirable
and needed. Similarly, the Board believes that reliable, cost-effective renewable
energy needs to be aggressively developed. However, the Board is not
convinced that the set-aside provision is an appropriate or productive method to
achieve these ends, particularly in light of the limited number of emission
allowances available in Illinois. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217.Subpart W, The NO
Trading Program for Electrical Generating Units, and Amendments to 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 211 and 217 (December 21, 2000), R01-9, at 11.
The Board’s position on this subject remains applies in this case. While desirable to
encourage energy efficiency as a means of reducing pollution, allocations are not available
from the NO
budget for such projects. Perhaps the limited, fixed nature of that budget
severely limiting the available allowances for new electrical generation will provide incentive
for the electrical generation companies and energy consumers in Illinois to undertake the types
of programs suggested by CAAC.
PART 211
Today’s rules add a definition of the “NO
Trading Program” at Section 211.4067.
This definition simply states that the NO
Trading Program includes the requirements of
Subparts U and W, and the provisions of the federal NO
trading program found at 40 C.F.R.
Part 96.
At first notice, the rules also included an expanded definition of the term “source” at
Section 211.6130. At the request of the Agency, this second notice opinion and order amends

that proposed definition. Today’s changes amend the definition of source so that it is identical
to the definition of “source” found in Section 39.5 of the Act (415 ILCS 5/39.5) (1998)).
Section 27(a) of the Act requires that in promulgating regulations, the Board “shall take
into account . . . the technical feasibility and economic reasonableness of measuring or
reducing the particular type of pollution.” 415 ILCS 5/27(a) (1998). The Board first notes
that the program established by proposed Subpart X is a voluntary program, and thus the
presumption is that NO
reductions will only be undertaken to the extent that the source
believes that such reductions are technically feasible and economically reasonable.
In the NO
SIP Call and supporting documents, USEPA determined that the control
techniques required for non-EGUs to comply with the NO
budgets are technically feasible and
economically reasonable.
9 The Agency also investigated the available control techniques and
their cost. Exh. 1 at 4-8, see “Technical Support Document for Controlling NO
from Non-Electrical Generating Units,” AQPSTR 00-4, September 2000. Agency technical
staff agrees with USEPA’s assessment.
The Agency based its analysis of the cost impact of complying with the proposed rules
on USEPA’s Alternative Control Techniques document (ACT). Exh. 1 at 6, see footnote 7.
The Agency estimates that the cost effectiveness of controls for units subject to the
requirements of Subpart U will vary from $150--$7,450 per ton of NO
x removed. Exh. 1 at 6.
However, this estimate does not include the impact of emission trading.
USEPA and the
Agency estimate that the average cost effectiveness of units subject to the requirements of
Subpart U with trading is $1,583 (1999 dollars) per ton of NOx removed. Exh. 1 at 6-8.
The NOx SIP Call requires that Illinois submit a SIP revision to control the emission of
the NOx during the ozone control period. Sections 9.9(b), (c), and (d) of the Act (415 ILCS
5/9.9(b), (c), and (d) (1998) (1998 State Bar Edition, 1999 Supp.)), require the Board to adopt
the NO
emissions trading program to comply with this federal mandate. With today’s
See 63 Fed. Reg. 57,356 (Oct. 27, 1998). See generally Alternative Control Techniques
Document--NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional Boilers, EPA-453/R-94-
022, March 1994, USEPA, OAQPS, research Triangle Park, NC 27711; Alternative Control
Techniques Document--NOx Emissions from Stationary Gas Turbines, EPA-43/R-91-007,
January 1993, USEPA, OAQPS, Research Triangle park, NC 27711; Regulatory Impact
Analysis for NOx SIP Call, FIP and Section 126 Petitions, Volume 1: Costs and Economic
Impacts, EPA-452/R-98-003, September 1998, USEPA, Office of Air and Radiation,
Washington, D.C. 20460; and “Technical Amendment to the Finding of Significant Contribution
and Rulemaking for Certain States for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone,” 65
Fed. Reg. 11,222 (March 2, 2000).

proposal, the Board seeks to find an equitable and economic method of satisfying these
The Board acknowledges and appreciates the extensive effort undertaken by both the
Agency and members of the regulated community during this rulemaking. The Board believes
that these rules find an appropriate balance among the various interests, and for this reason we
today adopt the Agency’s proposal, with minor modification, for second notice. In addition to
clarification changes, two substantive changes are made. First, LTV Steel’s Boiler No. 4 is
added to Appendix E, with the allocation of its allowances and unit designation reserved until
determined by USEPA and the Agency. Second, under Subpart X, units permitted after
January 1, 1995 are eligible to participate in that voluntary reduction program.
The Board hereby proposes for second notice the following amendments to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 217. The Clerk of the Board is directed to file these proposed rules with the Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules.
PART 211
211.101 Incorporations by Reference
211.102 Abbreviations and Conversion Factors
211.121 Other Definitions
211.122 Definitions (Repealed)
211.130 Accelacota
211.150 Accumulator
211.170 Acid Gases
211.210 Actual Heat Input
211.230 Adhesive

211.240 Adhesion Promoter
211.250 Aeration
211.270 Aerosol Can Filling Line
211.290 Afterburner
211.310 Air Contaminant
211.330 Air Dried Coatings
211.350 Air Oxidation Process
211.370 Air Pollutant
211.390 Air Pollution
211.410 Air Pollution Control Equipment
211.430 Air Suspension Coater/Dryer
211.450 Airless Spray
211.470 Air Assisted Airless Spray
211.474 Alcohol
211.484 Animal
211.485 Animal Pathological Waste
211.490 Annual Grain Through-Put
211.495 Anti-Glare/Safety Coating
211.510 Application Area
211.530 Architectural Coating
211.550 As Applied
211.560 As-Applied Fountain Solution
211.570 Asphalt
211.590 Asphalt Prime Coat
211.610 Automobile
211.630 Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Assembly Source or Automobile or
Light-Duty Truck Manufacturing Plant
211.650 Automobile or Light-Duty Truck Refinishing
211.660 Automotive/Transportation Plastic Parts
211.670 Baked Coatings
211.680 Bakery Oven
211.685 Basecoat/Clearcoat System
211.690 Batch Loading
211.695 Batch Operation
211.696 Batch Process Train
211.710 Bead-Dipping
211.730 Binders
211.750 British Thermal Unit
211.770 Brush or Wipe Coating
211.790 Bulk Gasoline Plant
211.810 Bulk Gasoline Terminal
211.820 Business Machine Plastic Parts
211.830 Can
211.850 Can Coating

211.870 Can Coating Line
211.890 Capture
211.910 Capture Device
211.930 Capture Efficiency
211.950 Capture System
211.970 Certified Investigation
211.980 Chemical Manufacturing Process Unit
211.990 Choke Loading
211.1010 Clean Air Act
211.1050 Cleaning and Separating Operation
211.1070 Cleaning Materials
211.1090 Clear Coating
211.1110 Clear Topcoat
211.1130 Closed Purge System
211.1150 Closed Vent System
211.1170 Coal Refuse
211.1190 Coating
211.1210 Coating Applicator
211.1230 Coating Line
211.1250 Coating Plant
211.1270 Coil Coating
211.1290 Coil Coating Line
211.1310 Cold Cleaning
211.1330 Complete Combustion
211.1350 Component
211.1370 Concrete Curing Compounds
211.1390 Concentrated Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process
211.1410 Condensate
211.1430 Condensible PM-10
211.1465 Continuous Automatic Stoking
211.1467 Continuous Coater
211.1470 Continuous Process
211.1490 Control Device
211.1510 Control Device Efficiency
211.1520 Conventional Air Spray
211.1530 Conventional Soybean Crushing Source
211.1550 Conveyorized Degreasing
211.1570 Crude Oil
211.1590 Crude Oil Gathering
211.1610 Crushing
211.1630 Custody Transfer
211.1650 Cutback Asphalt
211.1670 Daily-Weighted Average VOM Content
211.1690 Day

211.1710 Degreaser
211.1730 Delivery Vessel
211.1750 Dip Coating
211.1770 Distillate Fuel Oil
211.1780 Distillation Unit
211.1790 Drum
211.1810 Dry Cleaning Operation or Dry Cleaning Facility
211.1830 Dump-Pit Area
211.1850 Effective Grate Area
211.1870 Effluent Water Separator
211.1875 Elastomeric Materials
211.1880 Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency (EMI/RFI) Shielding
211.1885 Electronic Component
211.1890 Electrostatic Bell or Disc Spray
211.1900 Electrostatic Prep Coat
211.1910 Electrostatic Spray
211.1920 Emergency or Standby Unit
211.1930 Emission Rate
211.1950 Emission Unit
211.1970 Enamel
211.1990 Enclose
211.2010 End Sealing Compound Coat
211.2030 Enhanced Under-the-Cup Fill
211.2050 Ethanol Blend Gasoline
211.2070 Excess Air
211.2090 Excessive Release
211.2110 Existing Grain-Drying Operation (Repealed)
211.2130 Existing Grain-Handling Operation (Repealed)
211.2150 Exterior Base Coat
211.2170 Exterior End Coat
211.2190 External Floating Roof
211.2210 Extreme Performance Coating
211.2230 Fabric Coating
211.2250 Fabric Coating Line
211.2270 Federally Enforceable Limitations and Conditions
211.2285 Feed Mill
211.2290 Fermentation Time
211.2300 Fill
211.2310 Final Repair Coat
211.2330 Firebox
211.2350 Fixed-Roof Tank
211.2360 Flexible Coating
211.2365 Flexible Operating Unit

211.2370 Flexographic Printing
211.2390 Flexographic Printing Line
211.2410 Floating Roof
211.2430 Fountain Solution
211.2450 Freeboard Height
211.2470 Fuel Combustion Emission Unit or Fuel Combustion Emission Source
211.2490 Fugitive Particulate Matter
211.2510 Full Operating Flowrate
211.2530 Gas Service
211.2550 Gas/Gas Method
211.2570 Gasoline
211.2590 Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Gasoline Dispensing Facility
211.2610 Gel Coat
211.2630 Gloss Reducers
211.2650 Grain
211.2670 Grain-Drying Operation
211.2690 Grain-Handling and Conditioning Operation
211.2710 Grain-Handling Operation
211.2730 Green-Tire Spraying
211.2750 Green Tires
211.2770 Gross Heating Value
211.2790 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
211.2810 Heated Airless Spray
211.2830 Heatset
211.2850 Heatset Web Offset Lithographic Printing Line
211.2870 Heavy Liquid
211.2890 Heavy Metals
211.2910 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products
211.2930 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products Coating
211.2950 Heavy Off-Highway Vehicle Products Coating Line
211.2970 High Temperature Aluminum Coating
211.2990 High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) Spray
211.3010 Hood
211.3030 Hot Well
211.3050 Housekeeping Practices
211.3070 Incinerator
211.3090 Indirect Heat Transfer
211.3110 Ink
211.3130 In-Process Tank
211.3150 In-Situ Sampling Systems
211.3170 Interior Body Spray Coat
211.3190 Internal-Floating Roof
211.3210 Internal Transferring Area
211.3230 Lacquers

211.3250 Large Appliance
211.3270 Large Appliance Coating
211.3290 Large Appliance Coating Line
211.3310 Light Liquid
211.3330 Light-Duty Truck
211.3350 Light Oil
211.3370 Liquid/Gas Method
211.3390 Liquid-Mounted Seal
211.3410 Liquid Service
211.3430 Liquids Dripping
211.3450 Lithographic Printing Line
211.3470 Load-Out Area
211.3480 Loading Event
211.3490 Low Solvent Coating
211.3500 Lubricating Oil
211.3510 Magnet Wire
211.3530 Magnet Wire Coating
211.3550 Magnet Wire Coating Line
211.3570 Major Dump Pit
211.3590 Major Metropolitan Area (MMA)
211.3610 Major Population Area (MPA)
211.3620 Manually Operated Equipment
211.3630 Manufacturing Process
211.3650 Marine Terminal
211.3660 Marine Vessel
211.3670 Material Recovery Section
211.3690 Maximum Theoretical Emissions
211.3695 Maximum True Vapor Pressure
211.3710 Metal Furniture
211.3730 Metal Furniture Coating
211.3750 Metal Furniture Coating Line
211.3770 Metallic Shoe-Type Seal
211.3790 Miscellaneous Fabricated Product Manufacturing Process
211.3810 Miscellaneous Formulation Manufacturing Process
211.3830 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products
211.3850 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coating
211.3870 Miscellaneous Metal Parts or Products Coating Line
211.3890 Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process
211.3910 Mixing Operation
211.3915 Mobile Equipment
211.3930 Monitor
211.3950 Monomer
211.3960 Motor Vehicles
211.3965 Motor Vehicle Refinishing

211.3970 Multiple Package Coating
211.3990 New Grain-Drying Operation (Repealed)
211.4010 New Grain-Handling Operation (Repealed)
211.4030 No Detectable Volatile Organic Material Emissions
211.4050 Non-Contact Process Water Cooling Tower
211.4055 Non-Flexible Coating
211.4065 Non-Heatset
211.4067 NOx Trading Program
211.4070 Offset
211.4090 One Hundred Percent Acid
211.4110 One-Turn Storage Space
211.4130 Opacity
211.4150 Opaque Stains
211.4170 Open Top Vapor Degreasing
211.4190 Open-Ended Valve
211.4210 Operator of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Operator of a Gasoline
Dispensing Facility
211.4230 Organic Compound
211.4250 Organic Material and Organic Materials
211.4260 Organic Solvent
211.4270 Organic Vapor
211.4290 Oven
211.4310 Overall Control
211.4330 Overvarnish
211.4350 Owner of a Gasoline Dispensing Operation or Owner of a Gasoline
Dispensing Facility
211.4370 Owner or Operator
211.4390 Packaging Rotogravure Printing
211.4410 Packaging Rotogravure Printing Line
211.4430 Pail
211.4450 Paint Manufacturing Source or Paint Manufacturing Plant
211.4470 Paper Coating
211.4490 Paper Coating Line
211.4510 Particulate Matter
211.4530 Parts Per Million (Volume) or PPM (Vol)
211.4550 Person
211.4590 Petroleum
211.4610 Petroleum Liquid
211.4630 Petroleum Refinery
211.4650 Pharmaceutical
211.4670 Pharmaceutical Coating Operation
211.4690 Photochemically Reactive Material
211.4710 Pigmented Coatings
211.4730 Plant

211.4740 Plastic Part
211.4750 Plasticizers
211.4770 PM-10
211.4790 Pneumatic Rubber Tire Manufacture
211.4810 Polybasic Organic Acid Partial Oxidation Manufacturing Process
211.4830 Polyester Resin Material(s)
211.4850 Polyester Resin Products Manufacturing Process
211.4870 Polystyrene Plant
211.4890 Polystyrene Resin
211.4910 Portable Grain-Handling Equipment
211.4930 Portland Cement Manufacturing Process Emission Source
211.4950 Portland Cement Process or Portland Cement Manufacturing Plant
211.4970 Potential to Emit
211.4990 Power Driven Fastener Coating
211.5010 Precoat
211.5030 Pressure Release
211.5050 Pressure Tank
211.5060 Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valve
211.5061 Pretreatment Wash Primer
211.5065 Primary Product
211.5070 Prime Coat
211.5080 Primer Sealer
211.5090 Primer Surfacer Coat
211.5110 Primer Surfacer Operation
211.5130 Primers
211.5150 Printing
211.5170 Printing Line
211.5185 Process Emission Source
211.5190 Process Emission Unit
211.5210 Process Unit
211.5230 Process Unit Shutdown
211.5245 Process Vent
211.5250 Process Weight Rate
211.5270 Production Equipment Exhaust System
211.5310 Publication Rotogravure Printing Line
211.5330 Purged Process Fluid
211.5340 Rated Heat Input Capacity
211.5350 Reactor
211.5370 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT)
211.5390 Reclamation System
211.5410 Refiner
211.5430 Refinery Fuel Gas
211.5450 Refinery Fuel Gas System
211.5470 Refinery Unit or Refinery Process Unit

211.5480 Reflective Argent Coating
211.5490 Refrigerated Condenser
211.5500 Regulated Air Pollutant
211.5510 Reid Vapor Pressure
211.5530 Repair
211.5550 Repair Coat
211.5570 Repaired
211.5590 Residual Fuel Oil
211.5600 Resist Coat
211.5610 Restricted Area
211.5630 Retail Outlet
211.5650 Ringelmann Chart
211.5670 Roadway
211.5690 Roll Coater
211.5710 Roll Coating
211.5730 Roll Printer
211.5750 Roll Printing
211.5770 Rotogravure Printing
211.5790 Rotogravure Printing Line
211.5810 Safety Relief Valve
211.5830 Sandblasting
211.5850 Sanding Sealers
211.5870 Screening
211.5890 Sealer
211.5910 Semi-Transparent Stains
211.5930 Sensor
211.5950 Set of Safety Relief Valves
211.5970 Sheet Basecoat
211.5980 Sheet-Fed
211.5990 Shotblasting
211.6010 Side-Seam Spray Coat
211.6025 Single Unit Operation
211.6030 Smoke
211.6050 Smokeless Flare
211.6060 Soft Coat
211.6070 Solvent
211.6090 Solvent Cleaning
211.6110 Solvent Recovery System
211.6130 Source
211.6140 Specialty Coatings
211.6145 Specialty Coatings for Motor Vehicles
211.6150 Specialty High Gloss Catalyzed Coating
211.6170 Specialty Leather
211.6190 Specialty Soybean Crushing Source

211.6210 Splash Loading
211.6230 Stack
211.6250 Stain Coating
211.6270 Standard Conditions
211.6290 Standard Cubic Foot (scf)
211.6310 Start-Up
211.6330 Stationary Emission Source
211.6350 Stationary Emission Unit
211.6355 Stationary Gas Turbine
211.6360 Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine
211.6370 Stationary Source
211.6390 Stationary Storage Tank
211.6400 Stencil Coat
211.6410 Storage Tank or Storage Vessel
211.6420 Strippable Spray Booth Coating
211.6430 Styrene Devolatilizer Unit
211.6450 Styrene Recovery Unit
211.6470 Submerged Loading Pipe
211.6490 Substrate
211.6510 Sulfuric Acid Mist
211.6530 Surface Condenser
211.6540 Surface Preparation Materials
211.6550 Synthetic Organic Chemical or Polymer Manufacturing Plant
211.6570 Tablet Coating Operation
211.6580 Texture Coat
211.6590 Thirty-Day Rolling Average
211.6610 Three-Piece Can
211.6620 Three or Four Stage Coating System
211.6630 Through-the-Valve Fill
211.6650 Tooling Resin
211.6670 Topcoat
211.6690 Topcoat Operation
211.6695 Topcoat System
211.6710 Touch-Up
211.6720 Touch-Up Coating
211.6730 Transfer Efficiency
211.6750 Tread End Cementing
211.6770 True Vapor Pressure
211.6790 Turnaround
211.6810 Two-Piece Can
211.6830 Under-the-Cup Fill
211.6850 Undertread Cementing
211.6860 Uniform Finish Blender
211.6870 Unregulated Safety Relief Valve

211.6880 Vacuum Metallizing
211.6890 Vacuum Producing System
211.6910 Vacuum Service
211.6930 Valves Not Externally Regulated
211.6950 Vapor Balance System
211.6970 Vapor Collection System
211.6990 Vapor Control System
211.7010 Vapor-Mounted Primary Seal
211.7030 Vapor Recovery System
211.7050 Vapor-Suppressed Polyester Resin
211.7070 Vinyl Coating
211.7090 Vinyl Coating Line
211.7110 Volatile Organic Liquid (VOL)
211.7130 Volatile Organic Material Content (VOMC)
211.7150 Volatile Organic Material (VOM) or Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)
211.7170 Volatile Petroleum Liquid
211.7190 Wash Coat
211.7200 Washoff Operations
211.7210 Wastewater (Oil/Water) Separator
211.7230 Weak Nitric Acid Manufacturing Process
211.7250 Web
211.7270 Wholesale Purchase – Consumer
211.7290 Wood Furniture
211.7310 Wood Furniture Coating
211.7330 Wood Furniture Coating Line
211.7350 Woodworking
211.7400 Yeast Percentage
Appendix A Rule into Section Table
Appendix B Section into Rule Table
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 9, 9.1, 9.9 and 10 and authorized by Sections 27 and
28.5 of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/9, 9.1, 9.9, 10, 27 and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted as Chapter 2: Air Pollution, Rule 201: Definitions, R71-23, 4 PCB 191,
filed and effective April 14, 1972; amended in R74-2 and R75-5, 32 PCB 295, at 3 Ill. Reg. 5,
p. 777, effective February 3, 1979; amended in R78-3 and 4, 35 PCB 75 and 243, at 3 Ill.
Reg. 30, p. 124, effective July 28, 1979; amended in R80-5, at 7 Ill. Reg. 1244, effective
January 21, 1983; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 13590; amended in R82-1 (Docket A) at 10 Ill. Reg.
12624, effective July 7, 1986; amended in R85-21(A) at 11 Ill. Reg. 11747, effective June 29,
1987; amended in R86-34 at 11 Ill. Reg. 12267, effective July 10, 1987; amended in R86-39 at
11 Ill. Reg. 20804, effective December 14, 1987; amended in R82-14 and R86-37 at 12 Ill.
Reg. 787, effective December 24, 1987; amended in R86-18 at 12 Ill. Reg. 7284, effective
April 8, 1988; amended in R86-10 at 12 Ill. Reg. 7621, effective April 11, 1988; amended in

R88-23 at 13 Ill. Reg. 10862, effective June 27, 1989; amended in R89-8 at 13 Ill. Reg.
17457, effective January 1, 1990; amended in R89-16(A) at 14 Ill. Reg. 9141, effective May
23, 1990; amended in R88-30(B) at 15 Ill. Reg. 5223, effective March 28, 1991; amended in
R88-14 at 15 Ill. Reg. 7901, effective May 14, 1991; amended in R91-10 at 15 Ill. Reg.
15564, effective October 11, 1991; amended in R91-6 at 15 Ill. Reg. 15673, effective October
14, 1991; amended in R91-22 at 16 Ill. Reg. 7656, effective May 1, 1992; amended in R91-24
at 16 Ill. Reg. 13526, effective August 24, 1992; amended in R93-9 at 17 Ill. Reg. 16504,
effective September 27, 1993; amended in R93-11 at 17 Ill. Reg. 21471, effective December
7, 1993; amended in R93-14 at 18 Ill. Reg. 1253, effective January 18, 1994; amended in
R94-12 at 18 Ill. Reg. 14962, effective September 21, 1994; amended in R94-14 at 18 Ill.
Reg. 15744, effective October 17, 1994; amended in R94-15 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16379, effective
October 25, 1994; amended in R94-16 at 18 Ill. Reg. 16929, effective November 15, 1994;
amended in R94-21, R94-31 and R94-32 at 19 Ill. Reg. 6823, effective May 9, 1995; amended
in R94-33 at 19 Ill. Reg. 7344, effective May 22, 1995; amended in R95-2 at 19 Ill. Reg.
11066, effective July 12, 1995; amended in R95-16 at 19 Ill. Reg. 15176, effective October
19, 1995; amended in R96-5 at 20 Ill. Reg. 7590, effective May 22, 1996; amended in R96-16
at 21 Ill. Reg. 2641, effective February 7, 1997; amended in R97-17 at 21 Ill. Reg. 6489,
effective May 16, 1997; amended in R97-24 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7695, effective June 9, 1997;
amended in R96-17 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7856, effective June 17, 1997; amended in R97-31 at 22 Ill.
Reg. 3497, effective February 2, 1998; amended in R98-17 at 22 Ill. Reg.11405, effective
June 22, 1998; amended in R01-9 at 25 Ill. Reg. 128, effective December 26, 2000; and
amended in R01-17 at 25 Ill. Reg. , effective .
BOARD NOTE: This Part implements the Illinois Environmental Protection Act as of July 1,
Section 211.4067 NOx Trading Program
For the purposes of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Subparts U and W, the NOx Trading Program
shall mean the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 217, Subparts U and W, and those
provisions of the federal NOx Trading Program, 40 CFR 96, incorporated by reference therein.
(Source: Added at 25 Ill. Reg.________________, effective_________________)
Section 211.6130 Source
"Source" means any stationary source (or any group of stationary sources) that are located on
one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and that are under common control of the same
person (or persons under common control) belonging and that belongs to a single major
industrial grouping. For the purposes of defining "source," a stationary source or group of
stationary sources shall be considered part of a single industrial grouping if all of the pollutant
emitting activities at such source or group of sources located on contiguous or adjacent

property properties and under common control belong to the same Major Group (i.e., all have
the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987
(incorporated by reference in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 218.112 and 219.112),or such pollutant
emitting activities at a stationary source (or group of sources) located on contiguous or adjacent
properties and under common control constitute a support facility as defined in Section 39.5 of
the Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5/39.5. The determination as to whether any
group of stationary sources are located on adjacent or contiguous properties, and/or under
common control, and/or whether the pollutant emitting activities at such group of stationary
sources constitute a support facility shall be made on a case by case basis.
(Source: Added at 25 Ill. Reg._______________, effective_________________)
PART 217
217.100 Scope and Organization
217.101 Measurement Methods
217.102 Abbreviations and Units
217.103 Definitions
217.104 Incorporations by Reference
217.121 New Emission Sources
217.141 Existing Emission Sources in Major Metropolitan Areas
217.301 Industrial Processes

217.381 Nitric Acid Manufacturing Processes
217.450 Purpose
217.452 Severability
217.454 Applicability
217.456 Compliance Requirements
217.458 Permitting Requirements
217.460 Subpart U NOx Trading Budget
217.462 Methodology for Obtaining NOx Allocations
217.464 Methodology for Determining Required NOx Allocations
217.466 NOx Allocations for Subpart U Units
217.468 New Source Set-Aside for "New" Budget Units
217.470 Early Reduction Credits for Budget Units
217.472 Low-Emitter Requirements
217.474 Opt-in Units
217.476 Opt-in Process
217.478 Opt-in Budget Units: Withdrawal from the NOx Trading Program
217.480 Opt-in Budget Units: Change in Regulatory Status
217.482 Allowance Allocations to Opt-in Budget Units
217.521 Lake of Egypt Power Plant
217.750 Purpose
217.752 Severability
217.754 Applicability
217.756 Compliance Requirements
217.758 Permitting Requirements
217.760 NOx Trading Budget
217.762 Methodology for Calculating NOx Allocations for Budget Electrical Generating
Units (EGUs)
217.764 NOx Allocations for Budget EGUs
217.768 New Source Set-Asides for “New” Budget EGUs
217.770 Early Reduction Credits for Budget EGUs
217.774 Opt-In Units
217.776 Opt-In Process
217.778 Budget Opt-In Units: Withdrawal from NOx Trading Program
217.780 Opt-In Units: Change in Regulatory Status

217.782 Allowance Allocations to Budget Opt-In Units
217.800 Purpose
217.805 Emission Unit Eligibility
217.810 Participation Requirements
217.815 Methods to Obtain NOx Emission Reductions
217.820 Baseline Emissions Determination
217 825 Calculation of Creditable NOx Emission Reductions
217.830 Limitations on NOx Emission Reductions
217.835 NOx Emission Reductions Proposal
217.840 Agency Action
217.845 Emissions Determination Methods
217.850 Emissions Monitoring
217.855 Reporting
217.860 Recordkeeping
217.865 Enforcement
APPENDIX A Rule into Section Table
APPENDIX B Section into Rule Table
APPENDIX C Compliance Dates
APPENDIX D Non-Electrical Generating Units
APPENDIX E Large Non-Electrical Generating Units
APPENDIX F Allowances for Electrical Generating Units
AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 9.9 and 10 and authorized by Section 27 of the
Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/9.9, 10 and 27.]
SOURCE: Adopted as Chapter 2: Air Pollution, Rule 207: Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, R71-
23, 4 PCB 191, April 13, 1972, filed and effective April 14, 1972; amended at 2 Ill. Reg. 17,
p. 101, effective April 13, 1978; codified at 7 Ill. Reg. 13609; amended in R01-9, at
Ill. Reg. 128, effective December 26, 2000; and amended at R 01-17, at 25 Ill. Reg.
, effective____________.
Section 217.450 Purpose
The purpose of this Subpart is to cap the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) during the ozone
control period from units subject to the provisions of this Subpart (budget units) by
determining source allocations and by implementing the federal NOx Trading Program, 40
CFR 96, consistent with the provisions of this Subpart.

(Source: Added at ________ Ill. Reg._____________, effective________________)
Section 217.452 Severability
If any Section, subsection or clause of this Subpart is found invalid, such finding shall not
affect the validity of this Subpart as a whole or any Section, sentence or clause not found
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._______________, effective________________)
Section 217.454 Applicability
a) This Subpart applies to any fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler, combustion
turbine, or combined cycle system, with a maximum design heat input greater
than 250 mmbtu/hr and that is:
1) A unit listed on Appendix E of this Subpart, irrespective of any
subsequent changes in ownership, unit designation, or name of the unit,
2) A unit not listed on Appendix E of this Subpart that:
A) At no time serves a generator producing electricity for sale;
B) At any time serves a generator producing electricity for sale, if
such generator has a nameplate capacity of 25 MWe or less and
has the potential to use no more than 50% of the potential
electrical output capacity of the unit. Fifty percent (50%) of a
unit’s potential electrical output capacity shall be determined by
multiplying the unit’s maximum design heat input by 0.0488
MWe/mmbtu. If the size of the generator is smaller than this
calculated number, the unit is subject to the provisions of this
Subpart, but if the size of the generator is greater than this
calculated number, the unit is subject to the provisions of Subpart
W of this Part;
C) Is part of any source, as that term is defined in 35 Ill. Adm. Code
Section 211.6130, listed on Appendix E of this Part; or
D) Is a unit subject to Subpart W of this Part (excluding any unit
listed on Appendix F to this Part, regardless of any change in
ownership or any change of operator), and the owner or operator
makes a permanent election, at the time of applying for a budget

permit pursuant to this Part, to subject the unit to the
requirements of this Subpart rather than Subpart W of this Part.
Any unit for which such an election is made will not receive an
allocation from either of the Subpart W or Subpart U NOx
Trading Budget.
b) Those units that meet the above criteria and are subject to the NOx Trading
Program emissions limitations contained in this Subpart are budget units.
c) Low-emitter status: Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Section, the owner
or operator of a budget unit subject to the requirements of subsection (a) of this
Section may elect low-emitter status by obtaining a permit with federally
enforceable conditions that meet the requirements of Section 217.472(a).
Starting with the effective date of such permit, the unit shall be subject only to
the requirements of Section 217.472.
d) The owner or operator of any budget unit not listed in Appendix E of this Part
but subject to this Subpart shall not receive an allocation of NOx allowances
from the Subpart W NOx Trading Budget or from the Subpart U NOx Trading
Budget, except for any allowance from the new source set aside in accordance
with Section 217.468 of this Subpart. Such unit must acquire NOx allowances in
an amount not less than the NOx emissions from such budget unit during the
control period (rounded to the nearest whole ton) in accordance with the federal
NOx Trading Program, Subpart X of this Part or pursuant to a permanent
transfer of NOx allocations pursuant to Section 217.462(b) of this Subpart.
e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Subpart, a source and units at the
source subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this Section will become
subject to this Subpart on THE FIRST DAY OF THE CONTROL SEASON
(63 Fed. Reg. 57355 (October 27, 1998)) THAT ARE LOCATED IN USEPA
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective__________________)
Section 217.456 Compliance Requirements

All budget units subject to the requirements of this Subpart must comply with the following:
a) The requirements of this Subpart and 40 CFR 96, excluding 40 CFR 96.4(b),
96.55(c), and excluding 40 CFR 96, subparts C, E, and I, as incorporated by
reference in Section 217.104 of this Part. To the extent that this Subpart
contains provisions which are inconsistent with any provisions of 40 CFR 96,
the owner or operator of budget units subject to this Subpart shall comply with
the provisions of this Subpart in lieu of those provisions which were
incorporated by reference.
b) Budget permit requirements:
1) The owner or operator of each source with one or more budget units at
the source subject to this Subpart must submit a complete permit
application for a budget permit in accordance with the provisions of
Section 217.458(a)(4), (a)(5) or (a)(6), as applicable, to be issued by the
Agency with federally enforceable conditions covering the NOx Trading
Program (“budget permit”), and that complies with the requirements of
Section 217.458 of this Subpart.
2) The owner or operator of one or more budget units subject to this
Subpart must operate each such budget unit in compliance with such
budget permit or complete budget permit application, as applicable.
3) The owner or operator of one or more budget units subject to this
Subpart, at the time of filing an application for a permit under this
Section, must submit a complete application for either a permit
incorporating a source-wide overdraft account (as such term is defined in
40 CFR 96.2), or a permit incorporating unit specific compliance
accounts for each budget unit at the source subject to this Subpart. Such
election shall be at the sole discretion of the owner or operator of the
source and the Agency shall incorporate such election into a permit
issued to the source pursuant to this Subpart.
c) Monitoring requirements:
1) For budget units subject to the requirements of this Subpart, and which
commence operation on and after January 1, 2000, the owner or operator
of each such budget unit at the source must comply with the monitoring
requirements of 40 CFR 96, subpart H. The account representative of
each such budget unit at the source shall comply with those sections of
the monitoring requirements of 40 CFR 96, subpart H, applicable to an
account representative.

2) The compliance of each budget unit subject to the requirements of
subsection (c)(1) or subsection (c)(3)(A) of this Section with the control
period NOx emissions limitation under subsection (d) of this Section shall
be determined by the emissions measurements recorded and reported in
accordance with 40 CFR 96, subpart H.
3) For budget units which commenced operation prior to January 1, 2000:
A) The owner or operator of each such budget unit at the source
must comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 96, subpart H; or
B) If the monitoring requirements of 40 CFR 96, subpart H, are
demonstrated by the source to be technically infeasible as applied
to a budget unit subject to the requirements of this Subpart, the
owner or operator of such budget unit may monitor by an
alternative monitoring procedure for the budget unit approved by
the Agency and the Administrator of USEPA pursuant to the
provisions of 40 CFR 75, subpart E. Such alternative monitoring
procedures must be contained as federally enforceable conditions
in the unit’s permit.
4) The compliance of each budget unit subject to the requirements of
subsection (c)(3)(B) of this Section shall be determined by the emissions
measurements recorded and reported in accordance with the federally
enforceable conditions in the budget unit’s permit addressing monitoring
as required by subsection (c)(3)(B) of this Section.
d) Allowance requirements:
1) As of November 30 of each year, the allowance transfer deadline, the
account representative of each source subject to the requirements of this
Subpart must hold allowances available for compliance deductions under
40 CFR 96.54 for each budget unit at the source subject to this Subpart
in the budget unit’s compliance accounts, or the source's overdraft
account. The number of allowances held in these accounts shall not be
less than the total NOx emissions for the control period (rounded to the
nearest whole ton), as determined in accordance with Section 217.456(c)
of this Subpart, plus any number of allowances necessary to account for
actual utilization (e.g., for testing, start-up, malfunction, and shut down)
under 40 CFR 96.42(e) for all budget units at the source subject to this
Subpart. Compliance with this provision shall be demonstrated if, as of
the allowance transfer deadline, the sum of the allowances available for
compliance deductions for all budget units at the source subject to this
Subpart is equal to or greater than the total NOx emissions (rounded to

the nearest whole ton) from all budget units at the source subject to this
2) Allowances shall be held in, deducted from, or transferred among
allowance accounts in accordance with this Subpart and 40 CFR 96,
subparts F and G.
3) Each ton of NOx emitted by a source with one or more budget units
subject to this Subpart in any control period in excess of the NOx
allowances held by the owner or operator for each budget unit at the
source subject to this Subpart for each control period shall constitute a
separate violation of this Subpart and the Act.
4) In order to comply with the requirements of subsection (d)(1) of this
Section, an allowance may not be utilized for a control period in a year
prior to the year for which the allowance was allocated.
5) An allowance allocated by the Agency or USEPA under the NOx Trading
Program is a limited authorization to emit one ton of NOx. No provision
of the NOx Trading Program, any permit issued or permit application
submitted pursuant to this Subpart, or an exemption under 40 CFR 96.5
and no provision of law shall be construed to limit the authority of the
United States or the State to terminate or limit this authorization.
6) An allowance allocated by the Agency or USEPA under the NOx Trading
Program or pursuant to this Subpart does not constitute a property right.
7) Upon recordation by USEPA under 40 CFR 96, subpart F or G, every
allocation, transfer, or deduction of an allowance to or from a budget
unit's compliance account or to or from the source's general or overdraft
account where the budget unit is located is deemed to amend
automatically and become a part of any budget permit of the budget unit.
This automatic amendment of the budget permit shall occur by operation
of law and will not require any further review.
e) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements:
1) Unless otherwise provided, the owner or operator of a source subject to
the requirements of this Subpart must keep at the source each of the
documents listed in subsections (e)(1)(A) through (e)(1)(D) of this
Section for a period of five years from the date the document is created.
This period may be extended for cause at any time prior to the end of
five years in writing by the Agency or USEPA.

A) The account certificate of representation for the account
representative for the source and each budget unit at the source
subject to the requirements of this Subpart and all documents that
demonstrate the truth of the statements in the account certificate
of representation, in accordance with 40 CFR 96.13, provided
that the certificate and such supporting documents must be
retained on site at the source beyond such five year period until
such documents are superseded because of the submission of a
new account certificate of representation changing the account
B) All emissions monitoring information, in accordance with Section
217.456(c), provided that to the extent that 40 CFR 96, subpart
H, provides for a three-year period for recordkeeping, the three-
year period shall apply.
C) Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other
submissions and all records made or required under this Subpart
or the NOx Trading Program or documents necessary to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Subpart or
the NOx Trading Program.
D) Copies of all documents used to complete a budget permit
application and any other submission under this Subpart or under
the NOx Trading Program.
2) The account representative of a source and each budget unit at the source
subject to the requirements of this Subpart must submit to the Agency
and USEPA the reports and compliance certifications required under this
Subpart and the NOx Trading Program, including those under 40 CFR
96, subparts D and H.
f) Liability:
1) No revision of a budget permit shall excuse any violation of the
requirements of the NOx Trading Program or this Subpart that occurs
prior to the date that the revision under such budget permit takes effect.
2) Each budget source and each budget unit at the source shall meet the
requirements of the NOx Trading Program.
3) Any provision of this Subpart or the NOx Trading Program that applies
to a source subject to the requirements of this Subpart (including a
provision applicable to the account representative of the source) shall

also apply to the owner and operator of such source and to the owner and
operator of the budget units subject to the requirements of this Subpart at
the source.
4) Any provision of this Subpart or the NOx Trading Program that applies
to a budget unit subject to the requirements of this Subpart (including a
provision applicable to the account representative of such budget unit)
shall also apply to the owner and operator of such budget unit. Except
with regard to the requirements applicable to budget units with a
common stack under 40 CFR 96, subpart H, the owner and operator and
the account representative of one budget unit shall not be liable for any
violation by any other budget unit of which they are not an owner or
operator or the account representative and that is located at a source of
which they are not an owner or operator or the account representative.
5) Excess emissions requirements: The account representative of a source
that has excess emissions in any control period shall surrender the
allowances as required for deduction under 40 CFR 96.54(d)(1).
6) The owner or operator of a budget EGU that has excess emissions in any
control period shall pay any fine, penalty, or assessment or comply with
any other remedy imposed under 40 CFR 96.54(d)(3) and the Act.
g) Effect on other authorities: No provision of this Subpart, the NOx Trading
Program, a budget permit application, a budget permit, or a retired budget unit
exemption under 40 CFR 96.5 shall be construed as exempting or excluding the
owner or operator and, to the extent applicable, the account representative of a
source or budget unit from compliance with any other regulations promulgated
under the CAA, the Act, an approved State implementation plan, or a federally
enforceable permit.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective___________________)
Section 217.458 Permitting Requirements
a) Budget permit requirements:
1) The owner or operator of each source with one or more budget units
subject to this Subpart is required to timely submit, in accordance with
subsection (a)(4), (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this Section, as applicable, a
complete permit application addressing all requirements of this Subpart
applicable to such budget units.

2) Each budget permit (including a draft or proposed budget permit, if
applicable) shall contain federally enforceable conditions addressing all
applicable requirements of the NOx Trading Program and requirements
of this Subpart and shall be a complete and segregable portion of the
source’s entire permit.
3) No budget permit will be issued, and no NOx allowance account will be
established for any budget unit subject to this Subpart, until the Agency
and USEPA have received a complete account certificate of
representation under 40 CFR 96, subpart B, for an account
representative of the source and each budget unit at the source subject to
this Subpart.
4) For any budget unit subject to this Subpart that commenced operation
before November 1, 2003, and for which a CAAPP permit is not
required pursuant to Section 39.5 of the Act, the owner or operator of
such budget unit must submit a budget permit application meeting the
requirements of this Subpart on or before November 1, 2003.
5) For any budget unit subject to this Subpart that commenced operation
before August 1, 2003, and for which a CAAPP permit is required
pursuant to Section 39.5 of the Act, the owner or operator of such
budget unit must submit a budget permit application meeting the
requirements of this Subpart on or before August 1, 2003.
6) For any budget unit subject to this Subpart that is subject to Section 39.5
of the Act and that commences operation on or after August 1, 2003, and
for any budget unit subject to this Subpart and not subject to Section 39.5
of the Act that commences operation on or after November 1, 2003, the
owner or operator of such budget units must submit applications for
construction and operating permits pursuant to the requirements of
Sections 39 and 39.5 of the Act and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201 and such
applications must specify that they are applying for budget permits, and
must address the budget permit application requirements of this Subpart.
b) Budget permit applications:
1) Duty to apply: The owner or operator of any source with one or more
budget units subject to this Subpart must submit to the Agency one or
more complete budget permit applications under subsection (c) of this
Section for such budget units by the applicable deadline in subsection
(a)(4), (a)(5), or (a)(6) of this Section. The owner or operator of any
source with such budget units must reapply for a budget permit as

required by this Subpart, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201 and Sections 39 and
39.5 of the Act.
2) Information requirements for budget permit applications: A complete
budget permit application must include the following elements
concerning the budget units for which the application is submitted:
A) Identification of the source, including plant name. The ORIS
(Office of Regulatory Information Systems) or facility code
assigned to the source by the Energy Information Administration
must also be included, if applicable;
B) Identification of each fossil fuel-fired combustion turbine,
stationary boiler or combined cycle system budget unit at the
source. An explanation why each budget unit is subject to the
requirements of Section 217.454 of this Subpart; and
C) The compliance requirements of Section 217.456 of this Subpart.
3) Federally Enforceable Status of Budget Permit. An application for a
budget permit shall be treated as a modification of the source's existing
federally enforceable permit, if such permit has been issued for the
source, and shall be subject to the same procedural requirements as the
original application. When the Agency issues a budget permit, it shall be
incorporated into and become a segreagable part of the source's existing
federally enforceable permit.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective___________________)
Section 217.460 Subpart U NOx Trading Budget
a) The initial NOx allowances available for allocation for each control period (the
Subpart U NOx Trading Budget) for budget units subject to the provisions of this
Subpart shall be 4,882 tons per control period, subject to adjustment in
accordance with subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this Section, and subject to the
new source set aside for budget units subject to this Subpart, as set forth in
Sections 217.462 and 217.464 of this Subpart. The Subpart U NOx Trading
Budget shall be initially allocated as set forth in Appendix E of this Part.
b) The Agency may adjust the Subpart U NOx Trading Budget available for
allocations in subsection (a) of this Section by adding allowances for budget
units subject to this Subpart opting to become subject to this Subpart pursuant to
the requirements for opt-in units in Sections 217.474 and 217.476 of this

c) The Agency shall adjust the Subpart U NOx Trading Budget available for
allocations in subsection (a) of this Section to remove allowances from units
opting to become exempt pursuant to the requirements for low-emitters in
Sections 217.454(c) and 217.472 of this Subpart.
d) Except as set forth in subsection (e) of this Section, if USEPA adjusts the base
Subpart U NOx Trading Budget of 4,882 allowances, the Agency will adjust the
Subpart U NOx Trading Budget pro-rata.
e) If USEPA adjusts the Subpart U NOx Trading Budget as to any individual
budget unit, the Subpart U NOx Trading Budget shall not be adjusted pro-rata,
and only the allowance allocation for that budget unit will be adjusted.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._______________, effective_________________)
Section 217.462 Methodology for Obtaining NOx Allocations
a) Appendix E of this Part identifies the sources with existing budget units subject
to this subpart and the number of NOx allowance allocations that each such
budget unit is eligible to receive each control period, subject to adjustment in
accordance with Section 217.460 of this subpart and for transfers made in
accordance with subsection (b) of this section. Each named budget unit’s
allocation will be adjusted proportionally based on the adjusted Subpart U NOx
Trading Budget as provided by Section 217.460 of this Subpart.
b) The owner or operator of budget units subject to this Subpart may permanently
transfer all or part of their allocation of allowances pursuant to column 5 of
Appendix E of this part, subject to adjustment in accordance with this Subpart,
to another budget unit subject to this Subpart, or to a budget unit subject to
Subpart W of this Part. Such transfer will be effective by submitting a written
request to the Agency that is signed by the account representative for the
transferring budget unit and containing the account number for the recipient
budget unit. The owner or operator of budget units subject to this Subpart may
not permanently transfer all or part of the new source set aside indicated as the
difference between column 4 and column 5 of Appendix E of this Part.
c) Subject to adjustment in accordance with this Subpart, or revocation or revision
of the federal NOx Trading Program or this Subpart, allocations pursuant to
Appendix E of this Part exist for the life of the program, including all or a
portion of any allocation transferred to another budget unit pursuant to the
provisions of this Subpart.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective_________________)

Section 217.464 Methodology for Determining NOx Allowances From the New Source
Set Aside
a) The methodology for calculating the allowances available to be allocated to new
budget units subject to this Subpart from the new source set aside is based on
the more stringent emission rate of 0.15 lbs/mmbtu or the permitted NOx
emission rate, but not less than 0.055 lbs/mmbtu.
b) The general equation for determining allowances is:
Where HI = heat input (in mmbtu/control period) as determined in
accordance with subsection (c) of this Section.
Where ER = The NOx emission rate in lbs/mmbtu as determined in
accordance with subsection (a) of this Section.
Where A = allowances of NOx/control period.
c) The projected heat input shall be determined as set forth below, divided by 2000
1) For “new” budget units subject to this Subpart that have seasonal heat
input from at least three control periods prior to the allocation year, the
average of the budget unit's two highest seasonal heat inputs from the
control periods one to three years prior to the allocation year;
2) For “new” budget units subject to this Subpart that have seasonal heat
input from only two control periods prior to the allocation year, the
average of the budget unit's seasonal heat inputs from the control periods
one and two years prior to the allocation year;
3) For “new” budget units subject to this Subpart that have seasonal heat
input from only the control period prior to the allocation year, the heat
input from that control period; or
4) For “new” budget units subject to this Subpart that have not operated for
at least 77 days of the control period prior to the allocation year, the
budget unit's maximum design heat input for the control period as
designated in the construction permit.

(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective_________________)
Section 217.466 NOx Allocations Procedure for Subpart U Budget Units
For each control period, the Agency will allocate the total number of NOx allowances in the
Subpart U NOx Trading Budget apportioned to budget units under Section 217.460 of this
Subpart, subject to adjustment as provided in this Subpart. These allocations will be issued as
provided in subsections (a) through (b) of this Section, as follows:
a) The Agency will allocate to each budget unit that is listed in Appendix E of this
Part the number of allowances listed in Column 5 of Appendix E of this Part for
that budget unit for each three year period of the program. The Agency will
report these allocations to USEPA by March 1 of 2004, and triennially
b) The Agency will allocate allowances from the new source set-aside to "new"
budget units as set forth in Section 217.468 of this Subpart.
c) The Agency will report allocations from the new source set-aside to USEPA by
April 1 of each year for the following year.
d) To the extent that allowances remain in the new source set-aside after any
allocation pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section, the Agency shall allocate
any such remaining allowances pro-rata to the owner or operator of the budget
units listed on Appendix E of this Part to the extent a whole allowance may be
allocated to any such owner or operator. The Agency will make such allocation
by April 15 of each year. If there are insufficient allowances to allocate a whole
allowance to any such owner or operator of a budget unit listed on Appendix E
of this Part, such allowances shall be retained by the Agency in the new source
set-aside. Any such allowances retained in the new source set-aside shall be
accumulated in the new source set-aside and may either:
1) Be available for allocation to new budget units for future control periods,
subject to the provisions of Section 217.468 of this Subpart; or
2) If, after any annual allocation to new budget units, there are sufficient
allowances accumulated in the new source set-aside to allocate one or
more whole allowances to the owner or operator of existing budget units
listed on Appendix E of this Part on a pro-rata basis, such accumulated
whole allowances shall be allocated pro-rata to such owner or operators.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective__________________)
Section 217.468 New Source Set-Aside for “New” Budget Units

a) For the 2004, 2005 and 2006 control periods, a "new" budget unit is one that
commenced commercial operation on or after January 1, 2000. For the 2007
and later control periods, a "new" budget unit is one that commenced
commercial operation no more than three (3) control periods prior to the year
the allocation is requested pursuant to this Section. Those units that commenced
commercial operation on or after January 1, 2000, but before May 31, 2004,
become "existing" budget units on October 1, 2004. Those units that
commenced commercial operation on or after May 31, 2004, become "existing"
budget units the end of the third control period after they commenced
commercial operation.
b) “New” budget units must have an allowance for every ton of NOx emitted
during the control period as provided in Section 217.456(d) of this Subpart.
c) The Agency will establish a new source set-aside for each control period from
which "new" budget units may purchase NOx allowances. Each new source set-
aside will be allocated allowances equal to three percent (3%) of each source's
initial total Subpart U NOx Trading Budget allocation as reflected in Column 5
of Appendix E of this Part, which is 146 allowances, for each control period.
The allocation for the new source set aside from each source shall be based on
three percent of the source's initial allocation, without regard to subsequent
adjustment to any such source's current allocation, including permanent transfer
of allowances to another source or revision of the Subpart U NOx Trading
Budget by USEPA.
d) A “new” budget unit may request to purchase from the Agency a number of
allowances that is not more than the number of allowances for which it is
eligible, as determined in Section 217.464 of this Subpart, and subject to the
provisions of this Section.
e) The account representative of a “new” budget unit under subsection (a) of this
Section may purchase allowances from the new source set-aside by submitting to
the Agency a request, in writing or in a format specified by the Agency, to be
allocated allowances for the current control period from the new source set-
aside. The allocation request for each applicable control period must be
submitted after the date on which the Agency issues a construction permit to the
"new" budget unit and before February 1 of the control period for which the
allocation is requested.
f) The Agency will notify the account representative by March 1 of the applicable
year of the number of allowances that are eligible for purchase for the “new”
budget unit pursuant to the requirements of this Section. If the Agency does not
receive payment by March 15 of the applicable year, the account representative

will forfeit his/her eligibility to purchase the allowances offered. The Agency
will make available for purchase those forfeited allowances on a pro-rata basis
to “new” budget units requesting allocations pursuant to this Section, up to the
number of allowances requested by each account representative. Such
additional allocations are subject to the purchase requirements of subsection (g)
of this Section.
g) The price of allowances from the new source set-aside shall be:
1) For 2004 only, the price shall be the average price at which NOx
allowances were traded in 2003 in the Ozone Transport Region; and
2) For all years other than 2004, the average price at which NOx allowances
were traded in the interstate NOx Trading Program for the preceding
control period.
h) The fees collected by the Agency from the sale of allowances will be distributed
pro-rata to budget units receiving allowances pursuant to Appendix E of this
Part on the basis of allocated allowances, subject to Agency administrative costs
assessed pursuant to Section 9.9 of the Act.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._______________, effective_________________)
Section 217.470 Early Reduction Credits (ERCs) for Budget Units
If a budget unit reduces its NOx emission rate as required by the applicable provisions of
subsection (c) of this Section in the 2001 or 2002, control period, or if approved by USEPA,
the 2003 control period, for use in 2004 control period, or later control periods authorized by
USEPA, the account representative may request early reduction credits (ERCs) for such
reductions, and the Agency will allocate ERCs to the budget unit in accordance with the
a) Each budget unit for which the account representative requests any ERCs under
subsection (d) of this Section must monitor NOx emissions in accordance with 40
CFR 96, subpart H, as incorporated by reference in Section 217.104 of this
Part, starting with the control period prior to the control period for which ERCs
will first be requested and for each control period for which ERCs will be
requested. For example, if ERCs are requested for reduction made in the 2001
control period, the budget unit must have implemented the applicable monitoring
for the 2000 control period. The budget unit’s monitoring system availability
must be at least 90 percent during the control period prior to the control period
in which the NOx emissions reduction is made and the budget unit must be in
compliance with any applicable State or federal emissions or emissions-related

b) The NOx emission rate and heat input under subsections (c) through (e) of this
Section shall be determined in accordance with 40 CFR 96, subpart H.
c) Each budget unit for which ERCs are requested under subsection (d) of this
Section must have reduced its NOx emission rate for each control period for
which ERCs are requested by 30% or more below the actual NOx emissions rate
(lbs/mmbtu) for the first control period in which ERC’s are requested.
d) The account representative of a budget unit that meets the requirements of
subsections (a) through (c) of this Section may submit to the Agency a request
for ERCs for the budget unit based on NOx emission rate reductions made by
the budget unit in control periods 2001, 2002 and 2003.
1) The number of ERCs that may be requested for any applicable control
period shall be an amount equal to the budget unit’s heat input for such
control period multiplied by the difference between the budget unit's
NOx emission rate (meeting the requirements of subsection (c) of this
Section for such the applicable control period) and the budget unit's
actual NOx emission rate for the applicable control period, divided by
2000 lbs/ton, and rounded to the nearest ton;
2) Upon request of the account representative, the ERC allowance
allocation for a particular budget unit may be deposited in the source’s
overdraft account rather than in the budget unit’s compliance account;
3) The early reduction request must be submitted by November 1 for
reductions made in the previous control period, in a format specified by
the Agency.
e) In the event that the May 31, 2004 date for implementing the NOx SIP Call is
delayed, the early reduction request must be submitted in accordance with any
rulemaking or guidance by USEPA on the distribution of the Compliance
Supplement Pool under the NOx SIP Call, 63 Fed. Reg.57356 (October 27,
f) The Agency will allocate ERCs to the budget units meeting the requirements of
subsections (a) through (c) of this Section and covered by ERC requests meeting
the requirements of subsection (d) of this Section in accordance with the
following procedures:
1) The Agency shall allocate no more than 2,427 ERCs over three years, as

A) Not more than one-half of the total ERC allowances for
reductions made in the control period in 2001;
B) Not less than one-half of the total ERC allowances for reductions
made in the control period in 2002; and
C) If approved by USEPA, any ERC allowances not allocated
pursuant to subsections (f)(1)(A) or (B) of this Section, for
reductions made in the control period in 2003.
2) If the number of ERC allowances requested for a reduction achieved in
any control period is less than or equal to the number of ERC allowances
designated for that control period in subsection (f)(1) of this Section, the
Agency will allocate one allowance for each accepted ERC request; and
3) If the number of ERC allowances requested for a reduction achieved in
any control period is greater than the number of ERC allowances
designated for that control period in subsection (f)(1) of this Section, the
Agency will allocate allowances for accepted requests on a pro-rata
g) By April 1, the Agency will notify the account representative submitting an
ERC request for the subsequent control period of the number of ERC
allowances that will be allocated to each budget unit for that control period.
h) By May 1, 2004, the Agency will submit to USEPA the ERC allocations made
by the Agency under this Section. USEPA will record such allocations to the
extent that they are consistent with the requirements of this Section.
i) ERC allowances recorded under subsection (h) of this Section may be deducted
under 40 CFR 96.54, as incorporated by reference in Section 217.104 of this
Part, for the control period in 2004 or such control periods as may be specified
by USEPA. Notwithstanding 40 CFR 96.55(a), USEPA will deduct as retired
any ERC allowances that are not deducted for compliance in accordance with 40
CFR 96.54 for the control period in 2004 or such control periods as may be
specified by USEPA.
j) ERC allowances are treated as banked allowances in 2004 for the purposes of 40
CFR 96.55(a) and (b).
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.472 Low-emitter Requirements

Starting with the effective date of the permit referred to in Section 217.454(c), the budget unit
electing low-emitter status shall be subject only to the requirements of this Section.
a) For each control period the owner or operator elects low emitter status, the
federally enforceable permit conditions must:
1) Restrict the unit to burning only natural gas, fuel oil, or natural gas and
fuel oil;
2) Limit the unit's potential NOx mass emissions for the control period to 25
tons or less;
3) Restrict the unit's operating hours to the number calculated by dividing 25
tons of potential NOx mass emissions by the unit's maximum potential
hourly NOx mass emissions;
4) Require that the unit's potential NOx mass emissions shall be calculated by
using the monitoring provisions of 40 CFR part 75, or if the unit does not
rely on these monitoring provisions, as follows:
A) Select the applicable default NOx emission rate:
0.7 lbs/mmbtu for combustion turbines burning natural gas
exclusively during the control period; 1.2 lbs/mmbtu for
combustion turbines burning any fuel oil during the control period;
1.5 lbs/mmbtu for boilers burning natural gas exclusively during
the control period; or 2 lbs/mmbtu for boilers burning any fuel oil
during the control period.
B) Multiply the default NOx emission rate under subsection (a)(4)(A)
of this Section by the unit's maximum rated hourly heat input
which is the higher of the manufacturer’s maximum rated hourly
heat input or the highest observed hourly heat input. The owner or
operator of the unit may request in the permit application required
by this subsection that the Agency use a lower value for the unit's
maximum rated hourly heat input. The Agency may approve such
lower value if the owner or operator demonstrates that the
maximum hourly heat input specified by the manufacturer or the
highest observed hourly heat input, or both, are not representative.
The owner or operator must demonstrate that such lower value is
representative of the unit's current capabilities because
modifications have been made to the unit that permanently limit
the unit’s capacity.
5) Require that for five years at the source that includes the unit, records
demonstrating that the operating hours restriction, the fuel use restriction

and the other requirements of the permit related to these restrictions were
met; and
6) Require that the owner or operator of the unit report to the Agency for
each control period the unit's hours of operation (treating any partial hour
of operation as a whole hour of operation), heat input and fuel use by type.
This report shall be submitted by November 1 of each year the unit elects
low-emitter status.
b) The Agency will notify the USEPA in writing of each unit electing low-emitter
status pursuant to the requirements of subsection (a) of this Section and when any
of the following occurs:
1) The permit with federally enforceable conditions that includes the
restrictions in subsection (a) of this Section is issued by the Agency;
2) Such permit is revised to remove any such restriction;
3) Such permit includes any such restriction that is no longer applicable; or
4) The unit does not comply with any such restriction.
c) The unit shall become subject to the requirements of this Subpart if, for any
control period under this Section, the fuel use restriction or the operating hours
restriction under subsection (a) of this Section is removed from the unit's permit
or otherwise is no longer applicable, or the unit does not comply with the fuel use
restriction or the operating hours restriction under subsection (a) of this Section.
Such unit shall be treated as commencing operation on September 30 of the
control period for which the fuel use restriction or the operating hours restriction
is no longer applicable or during which the unit does not comply with the fuel use
restriction or the operating hours restriction.
d) The owner or operator of a unit to which the Agency has ever allocated
allowances under Appendix E of this Part may elect low-emitter status. In that
case, the Agency will reduce the Subpart U NOx budget by the number of
allowances equal to the amount of NOx emissions the unit is permitted to emit
during the control period, pursuant to a federally enforceable condition in the
unit’s permit. The owner or operator of a unit electing low-emitter status may
demonstrate that it holds sufficient allowances to cover the unit’s NOx emissions
by offsetting the emissions from such unit, not to exceed its permitted emission
limit as included in its federally enforceable permit, with allowances issued for
voluntary NOx reductions meeting the requirements of Subpart X of this Part.
The Agency will not reduce the Subpart U NOx budget by the allowances issued
for NOx reductions obtained in accordance with Subpart X of this Part.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_________________)

Section 217.474 Opt-in Units
a) Any operating fossil fuel-fired stationary boiler, combustion turbine, combined
cycle system, cement kiln or stationary internal combustion engine in the State
may qualify under this Subpart to become a opt-in budget unit if it:
1) Is not a budget EGU under Subpart W of this Part;
2) Vents all of its emissions to a stack;
3) Has documented heat input for more than 876 hours in the six months
immediately preceding the submission of an application for an initial
budget permit under subsection (d) of this Section;
4) Is not covered by a retired unit exemption under 40 CFR 96.5; and
5) Is not covered by the low-emitter exemption under Section 217.454(c) of
this Subpart.
b) Except as otherwise provided in this Subpart, an opt-in budget unit shall be
treated as a budget unit for purposes of applying this Subpart and 40 CFR 96.
c) Authorized Account Representative:
1) If an opt-in unit is located at the same source as one or more budget
units, it shall have the same account representative as those budget units.
2) If the opt-in unit is not located at the same source as one or more budget
units, the owner or operator of the opt-in unit shall submit a complete
account certificate of representation under 40 CFR 96.13.
d) To apply for a budget permit, the account representative of a unit meeting the
qualifications of subsection (a) of this Section must, except as provided under
Section 217.478(f) of this Subpart, submit to the Agency:
1) A budget permit application for the unit that:
A) Meets the requirements under Section 217.458 of this Subpart;
B) Contains provisions for a change in the regulatory status of the
unit to an opt-in budget unit under Section 217.454 of this

Subpart pursuant to the provisions of Section 217.480(b) of this
2) A monitoring plan for the unit in accordance with 40 CFR 96, subpart
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective________________)
Section 217.476 Opt-In Process
The Agency will issue or deny a budget permit for an opt-in unit in accordance with Section
217.458 of this Subpart and the following:
a) The Agency will determine, on an interim basis, the sufficiency of the
monitoring plan accompanying the initial application for a budget permit for an
opt-in unit. A monitoring plan is sufficient, for purposes of interim review, if
the plan contains information demonstrating that the NOx emission rate and heat
input of the unit are monitored and reported in accordance with 40 CFR 96,
subpart H. A determination of sufficiency shall not be construed as acceptance
or approval of that unit's monitoring plan.
b) If the Agency determines that the unit's monitoring plan is sufficient under
subsection (a) of this Section and after completion of the monitoring system
certification under 40 CFR 96, subpart H, the NOx emission rate and the heat
input of the unit shall be monitored and reported in accordance with 40 CFR 96,
subpart H, for one full control period during which the monitoring system
availability is not less than 90 percent and during which the unit is in full
compliance with any applicable State or federal emissions or emissions-related
c) Based on the information monitored and reported under subsection (b) of this
Section, the unit's baseline heat rate shall be calculated as the unit's total heat
input (in mmbtu) for the control period, and the unit's baseline NOx emission
rate shall be calculated as the unit's total NOx emissions (in lbs) for the control
period divided by the unit's baseline heat rate.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective______________)
Section 217.478 Opt-in Budget Units: Withdrawal from NOx Trading Program
a) Requesting withdrawal: To withdraw from the NOx Trading Program, the
account representative of an opt-in budget unit shall submit to the Agency a
request to withdraw from the NOx Trading Program and to withdraw the budget
permit effective as of a specified date between (and not including) September 30

and before May 1. The submission shall be made no later than 90 days prior to
the requested effective date of withdrawal.
b) Conditions for withdrawal: Before an opt-in budget unit may withdraw from the
NOx Trading Program and the budget permit may be withdrawn under this
Section, the following conditions must be met:
1) For the control period immediately before the withdrawal is to be
effective, the account representative must submit to the Agency an
annual compliance certification report in accordance with 40 CFR 96.30.
2) If the opt-in budget unit has excess emissions for the control period
immediately before the withdrawal is to be effective, USEPA has
deducted from the opt-in budget unit's compliance account, or the
overdraft account of the NOx budget source where the opt-in budget unit
is located, the number of allowances required in accordance with 40
CFR 96.54(d) for the control period.
3) After the requirements for withdrawal under subsections (b)(1) and (2) of
this Section are met, USEPA will deduct from the opt-in unit's
compliance account, or the overdraft account of the budget source where
the opt-in budget unit is located, allowances equal in number to any
allowances allocated to that unit under Section 217.782 of this Subpart
for the control period for which the withdrawal is to be effective and
earlier control periods. USEPA will close the opt-in budget unit's
compliance account and will establish, and transfer any remaining
allowances to, a new general account for the owners and operators of the
opt-in unit. The account representative for the opt-in budget unit shall
become the account representative for the general account.
c) An opt-in budget unit that withdraws from the Subpart U NOx Trading Program
shall comply with all requirements under the NOx Trading Program concerning
all years for which such opt-in budget unit was an opt-in budget unit, even if
such requirements arise or must be complied with after the withdrawal takes
d) Notification:
1) After the requirements for withdrawal under subsections (a) and (b) of
this Section are met (including deduction of the full amount of
allowances required), the Agency will revise the budget permit indicating
a specified effective date for the withdrawal that is after the requirements
in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section have been met and that is prior
to May 1 or after September 30.

2) If the requirements for withdrawal under subsections (a) and (b) of this
Section are not met, the Agency will issue a notification to the owner or
operator and the account representative of the opt-in budget unit that the
opt-in unit's request to withdraw its budget permit is denied. If the opt-
in budget unit's request to withdraw is denied, the opt-in budget unit
shall remain subject to the requirements for a opt-in budget unit.
e) Reapplication upon failure to meet conditions of withdrawal: If the Agency
denies the opt-in budget unit's request to withdraw, the account representative of
the opt-in budget unit may submit another request to withdraw in accordance
with subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
f) Ability to return to the NOx Trading Program: Once an opt-in unit withdraws
from the NOx Trading Program and its budget permit is withdraw under this
Section, the account representative may not submit another application for a
budget permit under Section 217.474(d) of this Subpart for the unit prior to the
date that is four years after the date on which the budget permit with opt-in
conditions is withdrawn.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective__________________)
Section 217.480 Opt-in Units: Change in Regulatory Status
a) Notification: When an opt-in unit becomes an opt-in budget unit under Section
217.454(d) of this Subpart, the owner or operator shall notify the Agency and
USEPA in writing of such change in the opt-in unit's regulatory status within 30
days of such change.
b) Any permit application that provides for a change in the regulatory status of a
unit to an opt-in budget unit pursuant to Section 217.474(d)(1)(B) of this Subpart
and included in a budget permit, is effective on the date on which such opt-in
unit becomes an opt-in budget unit under Section 217.454 of this Subpart.
c) USEPA's action:
1) USEPA will deduct from the compliance account for the opt-in budget
unit under this Section, or the overdraft account of the budget source
where the opt-in budget unit is located, allowances equal in number to
and allocated for the same or a prior control period as:
A) Any allowances allocated to the budget unit (as an opt-in unit)
under Section 217.482 of this Subpart for any control period after

the last control period during which the unit's budget permit was
effective; and
B) If the effective date of any budget permit under subsection (b) of
this Section is during a control period, the allowances allocated to
the opt-in budget unit (as an opt-in unit) under Section 217.482 of
this Subpart for the control period multiplied by the ratio of the
number of days in the control period, starting with the effective
date of the budget permit under subsection (b) of this Section,
divided by the total number of days in the control period.
2) The account representative shall ensure that the compliance account of
the opt-in budget unit under subsection (b) of this Section, or the
overdraft account of the budget source where the opt-in budget unit is
located, contains the allowances necessary for completion of the
deduction under subsection (c)(1) of this Section. If the compliance
account or overdraft account does not contain sufficient allowances,
USEPA will deduct the required number of allowances, regardless of the
control period for which they were allocated, whenever allowances are
recorded in either account.
3) For every control period during which any budget permit under
subsection (b) of this Section is effective, the opt-in budget unit under
subsection (b) of this Section will be treated, solely for purposes of
allowance allocations under Section 217.466 or 217.468 of this Subpart,
as a unit that commenced operation on the effective date of the budget
permit under subsection (b) of this Section and will be allocated
allowances in accordance with Section 217.466 or 217.468 of this
4) Notwithstanding subsection (c)(2) of this Section, if the effective date of
any budget permit under subsection (b) of this Section is during a control
period, the following number of allowances will be allocated to the opt-
in budget unit for the control period: the number of allowances
otherwise allocated to the opt-in budget unit under Section 217.466 or
217.468 of this Subpart for the control period multiplied by the ratio of
the number of days in the control period, starting with the effective date
of the budget permit under subsection (b) of this Section, divided by the
total number of days in the control period.
d) When the owner or operator of an opt-in unit does not renew the budget permit
for the opt-in budget unit issued pursuant to Section 217.474(d), USEPA will
deduct from the opt-in budget unit's compliance account, or the overdraft
account of the budget source where the opt-in budget unit is located, allowances

equal in number to and allocated for the same or a prior control period as any
allowances allocated to the opt-in budget unit under Section 217.482 of this
Subpart for any control period after the last control period for which the budget
permit is effective. The account representative shall ensure that the opt-in
budget unit's compliance account or the overdraft account of the budget source
where the opt-in budget unit is located contains the allowances necessary for
completion of such deduction. If the compliance account or overdraft account
does not contain sufficient allowances, USEPA will deduct the required number
of allowances, regardless of the control period for which they were allocated,
whenever allowances are recorded in either account.
e) After the deduction under subsection (d) of this Section is completed, USEPA
will close the opt-in unit's compliance account. If any allowances remain in the
compliance account after completion of such deduction and any deduction under
40 CFR 96.54, USEPA will close the opt-in unit's compliance account and will
establish, and transfer any remaining allowances to, a new general account for
the owner or operator of the opt-in unit. The account representative for the opt-
in unit shall become the account representative for the general account.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.482 Allowance Allocations to Opt-in Budget Units
a) Allowance allocations:
1) By the December 31 immediately before the first control period for
which the budget permit is effective, the Agency will allocate allowances
to the opt-in budget unit and submit to USEPA the allocation for the
control period in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section.
2) By no later than the December 31 after the first control period for which
the budget permit is in effect and December 31 of each year thereafter,
the Agency will allocate allowances to the opt-in budget unit and submit
to USEPA allocations for the next control period, in accordance with
subsection (b) of this Section.
b) For the first control period, and for each subsequent control period for which
the opt-in budget unit has a budget permit, the opt-in budget unit will be
allocated allowances in accordance with the following procedures:
1) The heat input (in mmbtu) used for calculating allowance allocations will
be the lesser of:

A) The opt-in unit's baseline heat input determined pursuant to
Section 217.476(c) of this Subpart; or
B) The opt-in unit's heat input, for the control period in the year
prior to the year of the first control period for which the
allocations are being calculated, as determined in accordance with
40 CFR 96, subpart H.
2) The Agency will allocate allowances to the opt-in budget unit in an
amount equaling the heat input (in mmbtu) determined under subsection
(b)(1) of this Section multiplied by the lesser of:
A) The unit's baseline NOx emission rate (in lbs/mmbtu) determined
pursuant to Section 217.476(c) of this Subpart; or
B) The lowest NOx emissions limitation (calculated in lbs/mmbtu)
under State or federal law that is applicable to the budget opt-in
unit for the year of the control period for which the allocations
are being calculated, regardless of the averaging period to which
the emissions limitation applies.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective________________)
Section 217.800 Purpose
The purpose of this Subpart is to implement Section 9.9(d)(3) of the Act by providing a method
by which additional NOx allowances may be generated for use by emission units subject to the
requirements of Subparts U or W of this Part. [415 ILCS 5/9.9(d)(3)]
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective________________)
Section 217.805 Emission Unit Eligibility
Any owner or operator of a stationary source may submit a proposal, as provided in Section
217.835 of this Subpart, for voluntarily reducing NOx emissions during the control period, if
each emission unit from which NOx reductions at the source will be obtained meets the
following criteria:
a) Discharges through a stack;
b) Is fossil fuel-fired;

c) Is not subject to the requirements of either Subparts T, U, V or W of this Part;
d) Is not a retired unit pursuant to 40 CFR 96.5;
e) Has not elected to become an opt-in unit pursuant to Section 217.754 or Section
217.774 of this Part; and
f) Is not a stationary internal combustion engine that emits more than one tone of
NOx per day during the ozone control period.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.810 Participation Requirements
a) Any owner or operator of a source ("emission reduction source") with one or
more emission units meeting the requirements of Section 217.805 of this
Subpart and seeking to make quantifiable, verifiable and federally enforceable
voluntary reductions of NOx emissions during the control period from one or
more emission units ("emission reduction units") must comply with the
following requirements:
1) Submit a NOx emission reduction proposal that meets the requirements of
Section 217.835 of this Subpart;
2) Request an emission cap on NOx emissions from all NOx emission units
at the emission reduction source that are not otherwise subject to
Subparts U or W of this Part, and that are the same type of emission unit
as the emission reduction unit (e.g., if the emission reduction unit is a
boiler, combined cycle system or turbine, then the emission cap must
include all boilers, combined cycle systems or turbines that are not
otherwise subject to Subparts U or W of this Part, or if the emission unit
is a cement kiln, then the emission cap must include all cement kilns),
provided, however, the owner or operator of the source may submit a
demonstration in accordance with Section 217.835 of this Subpart that
any like-kind emission unit or units should not be included in the NOx
emission cap;
3) Demonstrate how the NOx emission cap required by subsection (a)(2) of
this Section is to be determined, in accordance with Sections 217.820
and 217.845 of this Subpart, which cap reflects the NOx emission
reduction specified in the proposal;
4) Permit requirements:

A) Obtain a permit, or an amendment to an existing permit, for the
source, with federally enforceable conditions containing the
commitments in the NOx emission reduction proposal and the
emissions cap by the later of May 1, 2003, or the date on which
the reduction in NOx emissions will commence and operate the
source in compliance with such permit; or
B) For each emission unit that will be generating voluntary NOx
emissions by ceasing operation, withdrawing the applicable
permit, or requesting a revision to the permit to reflect the shut
down of the emission reduction unit, by the later of May 1, 2003,
or the date specified in the NOx reduction proposal.
5) Submit an emissions baseline determination for each unit subject to the
NOx emission cap in accordance with the requirements of Section
217.820 of this Subpart.
6) Monitoring requirements:
A) To the extent applicable, each emission reduction unit at the
source shall comply with the monitoring requirements of Section
217.850 of this Subpart.
B) The emissions measurements recorded and reported in accordance
with Sections 217.850 and 217.855 of this Subpart shall be used
to determine compliance by the emission reduction unit with the
emissions limitation set forth in the NOx emission reduction
proposal and the federally enforceable permit conditions required
pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this Section.
C) The emissions measurements recorded and reported in accordance
with Sections 217.850 and 217.855 of this Subpart shall be used
to determine compliance by the emission reduction source with
the emissions cap set forth in the NOx emission reduction
proposal and the federally enforceable permit condition required
pursuant to Section 217.850(a)(3) of this Subpart.
b) The owner or operator of the emission reduction source is required to submit an
annual certification to the Agency that the source has complied with the cap on
NOx emissions for the source and that the NOx emission reductions specified in
the approved proposal were made pursuant to the requirements of Section
217.850 of this Subpart.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_________________)

Section 217.815 NOx Emission Reductions and the Subpart X NOx Trading Budget
a) NOx emission reductions may be recognized under this Subpart if they are
quantifiable, verifiable, and federally enforceable, and meet one or more of the
following criteria:
1) Due to the use of any NOx emission reduction technology (e.g.,
combustion or post combustion control technology or fuel switching) at
the emission reduction unit pursuant to federally enforceable conditions
in the permit for the unit addressing such control technology or fuel
switching, NOx emissions from the emission reduction unit for any
control period beginning in 2003 are or will be lower than such unit's
emissions baseline. The amount of actual NOx emission reductions shall
be determined in accordance with Section 217.820 of this Subpart, and
the amount of creditable NOx emission reductions shall be determined in
accordance with Section 217.825 of this Subpart;
2) The emission reduction unit is permanently shut down after January 1,
1995, and the owner or operator requests a revision to the relevant
operating permit to reflect the shut down of the emission reduction unit.
The amount of actual NOx emission reductions shall be determined in
accordance with Section 217.820 of this Subpart, and the amount of
creditable NOx emission reductions shall be determined in accordance
with Section 217.825 of this Subpart;
3) During any control period beginning in 2003, the emission reduction
unit's control period NOx emission rate or hours of operation is reduced
pursuant to federally enforceable conditions in a permit for such unit,
resulting in an actual reduction in NOx emissions from such unit’s
emissions baseline. The amount of actual NOx emission reductions shall
be determined in accordance with Section 217.820 of this Subpart, and
the amount of creditable NOx emission reductions shall be determined in
accordance with Section 217.825 of this Subpart.
b) USEPA shall adjust the State’s trading portion of the statewide NOx budget, as
established in the so-called NOx SIP Call, 63 Fed. Re. 57356 (October 27,
1998), and create allowances for the creditable portion, as set forth in Section
217.825 of this Subpart, of verifiable, quantifiable and federally enforceable
NOx emission reductions meeting the requirements of this Subpart (the Subpart
X NOx Trading Budget), and allowances from the Subpart X NOx Trading
Budget shall be allocated to recipient emission units in accordance with this

c) The Agency shall submit an allocation to USEPA for the creditable portion of
verifiable, quantifiable, and federally enforceable NOx emission reductions
meeting the requirements of this Subpart, which allocation may be used for the
purposes of demonstrating compliance with the requirements of Subparts U and
W of this Part.
d) If USEPA adjusts or fails to adjust the Subpart X NOx Trading Budget as to any
individual emission reduction unit, the Subpart X NOx Trading Budget shall not
be adjusted pro-rata, and only the allowance allocation for that emission
reduction unit will be adjusted.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_______________)
Section 217.820 Baseline Emissions Determination
a) An emission unit's emissions baseline shall be determined as follows:
1) By multiplying the unit's actual emissions during the 1995 calendar year,
as reported in the annual emission report submitted in accordance with
35 Ill. Adm. Code 254, by 5/12ths; or
2) If the NOx emissions from the unit were not included in the emission
reduction source's 1995 annual emissions report submitted to the Agency
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 254, by determining the base case amount
included for such unit in the NOx SIP Call inventory, as specified in the
"Technical Support Document for Illinois' Statewide NOx Budget, " (63
Fed. Reg. 17349 (Nov. 7, 1997)); or
b) If the NOx baseline emissions for the 1995 control period cannot be determined
by the either of the methods listed in subsection (a)(1) or (2) of this Section,
such actual NOx baseline emissions shall be determined based on the average
emission rate multiplied by the average number of hours of operation from two
of the three control periods, as selected by the emission reduction source, prior
to the year the emission reduction proposal is effective. The unit's emission rate
and hours of operation will be determined based on the unit's reported NOx
emission rate and hours of operation in the most recent annual emission reports
for such unit submitted in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 254.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.825 Calculation of Creditable NOx Emission Reductions
For actual NO
emission reductions achieved pursuant to Section 217.815(a) of this Subpart,
the gross amount of control period actual NOx emission reductions shall be determined

pursuant to Section 217.820 of this Subpart. Eighty percent (80%) of the actual NOx
emission reductions achieved pursuant to Section 217.815(a) shall be creditable. Twenty
percent (20%) of the actual NOx emission reductions shall be retired for the benefit of air
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.830 Limitations of NOx Emissions Reductions
a) Each NOx allowance issued for NOx emission reductions meeting the
requirements of this Subpart is a limited authorization to emit one ton of NOx in
accordance with the federal NOx Trading Program as set forth in Subparts U or
W of this Part, as applicable. No provision of the federal NOx Trading
Program, the emission reduction proposal, the permit application, the permit, or
of law shall be construed to limit the authority of the United States or the State
to terminate or limit such authorization.
b) Any NOx allowance issued in accordance with this Subpart does not constitute a
property right.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.____________, effective________________)
Section 217.835 NOx Emission Reduction Proposal
a) A NOx emission reduction proposal shall include the following:
1) Information identifying each emission unit at the source that emits NOx,
whether the unit is subject to Subpart T, U, V ,W or X of this Part, and
the baseline emissions for each emission unit subject to the NOx emission
cap as determined in accordance with Section 217.820 of this Subpart;
2) Information identifying each emission reduction unit from which the NOx
emission reductions have been or will be achieved;
3) An explanation of the method used to achieve the NOx emission
4) The amount of the NOx emission reductions, including supporting
calculations and documentation, such as fuel usage information;
5) The emission units subject to the NOx emission cap in accordance with
Section 217.810(a) of this Subpart, and if all like-kind or same-type
emission units are not proposed to be included within the NOx emission
cap, an explanation of how the owner or operator of the emission

reduction source will ensure that production shifting will not occur, such
that the emission reduction source will achieve real, verifiable, and
quantifiable NOx emission reductions;
6) The control period NOx emission cap to be achieved by the emission
reduction source, including both the baseline emissions for each recipient
unit subject to the NOx emission cap and the NOx emission reductions
from the emission reduction unit(s) included in the proposal;
7) The name and address of the owner or operator of each emission unit to
which the NOx allowances will be allocated, the Subpart of this Part (i.e,
Subpart U or W) to which each unit is subject, including the name,
telephone number, and account number of the account representative for
each such unit; and
8) Certification by the owner or operator of each unit that is the subject of
each proposed emission reduction proposal of his/her acceptance of the
terms of the proposal and certification that the emission reductions
specified in the proposal have been or will be achieved.
b) The owner or operator of a source submitting an emission reduction proposal
must notify the Agency in writing within 30 days of any event or circumstance
that makes NOx emission reduction proposal incorrect or incomplete.
c) The owner or operator of a source with an approved emission reduction
proposal may request to withdraw its emission reduction proposal, and cease to
create NOx allowances under this Subpart, as follows:
1) Requesting withdrawal: To withdraw from participation under this
Subpart, the owner or operator of an emission reduction unit shall submit
to the Agency a written request to withdraw from participation and to
withdraw or revise the applicable permit effective as of a specified date
between (and not including) September 30 and before May 1. The
submission shall be made no later than 90 days prior to the requested
effective date of withdrawal.
2) Conditions for withdrawal: Before an emission reduction source may
withdraw its approved emission reduction proposal, and the federally
enforceable permit may be withdrawn under this Section, the owner or
operator must submit to the Agency an annual compliance certification
report in accordance with Section 217.855 of this Subpart for the control
period immediately before the withdrawal is to be effective.

3) An emission reduction source that withdraws from the this Subpart shall
comply with all requirements under its approved emission reduction
proposal and federally enforceable permit conditions addressing such
proposal concerning all years for which the emission reduction source
was in the program, even if such requirements arise or must be complied
with after the withdrawal takes effect.
4) Notification:
A) After the requirements for withdrawal under subsections (a) and
(b) of this Section are met, the Agency will revise the permit
indicating a specified effective date for the withdrawal that is
after the requirements in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section
have been met and that is prior to May 1 or after September 30.
B) If the requirements for withdrawal under subsections (a) and (b)
of this Section are not met, the Agency will issue a notification to
the owner or operator of the emission reduction source that the
request to withdraw its permit is denied. If the request to
withdraw is denied, the source shall remain subject to the
requirements of its approved emission reduction proposal and
federally enforceable permit conditions addressing the proposal
and the requirements of this Subpart.
5) Reapplication upon failure to meet conditions of withdrawal: If the
Agency denies the request of the owner or operator of the emission
reduction source's request to withdraw, the owner or operator of the
source may submit another request to withdraw in accordance with
subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
6) Upon successful withdrawal from the program, the emission reduction
source shall no longer be subject to the provisions of this Subpart.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.______________, effective________________)
Section 217.840 Agency Action
a) The Agency shall notify the owner or operator submitting a NOx emission
reduction proposal in writing of its decision with respect to the proposal within
90 days after receipt of such proposal and, if applicable, of NOx emissions data
to verify that the specified reductions have occurred. The owner or operator of
the emission reduction source may extend the deadline for Agency action in
writing. If the Agency disapproves or conditionally approves a proposal, this
written notice shall include a statement of the specific reasons for the

disapproval or conditional approval of the proposal. The following shall be
considered a final Agency action for the purposes of appeal: if the Agency fails
to take action within such 90 day period, subject to any extension, or if the
Agency disapproves a proposal. If the Agency conditionally approves a
proposal, the owner or operator of the emission reduction source has 30 days to
submit a modified proposal addressing the specific items listed by the Agency.
If the owner and operator of the emission reduction source does not submit a
modified emission reduction proposal within such 30 day period, the conditional
approval shall be deemed to be a disapproval, and shall be deemed to be a final
action for purposes of appeal.
b) The NOx emissions reduction proposal will not be effective until:
1) After the owner or operator of the emission reduction source has
obtained or modified a permit with federally enforceable conditions
addressing the requirements of this Subpart; or
2) If NOx emission reductions are being obtained by the shut down of an
emission reduction unit, the owner or operator of the emission reduction
unit has either:
A) Obtained or modified a permit with federally enforceable
conditions addressing the requirements of this Subpart; or
B) Withdrawn the applicable permit and the Agency has:
i) Provided USEPA with a copy of the proposal and notice
of the Agency’s proposed approval of the emission
reduction proposal, and USEPA has not disapproved such
ii) Published notice and offered an opportunity to comment,
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 252, on such permit
withdrawal, its proposed approval of the emission
reduction proposal for the shut down of the emission
reduction unit and the creditable NOx emission reductions
that will be created by the shut down.
c) If the Agency approves the proposal, and subject to the provisions of subsection
(b) of this Section, the Agency shall submit an allocation to USEPA for the
creditable reductions created pursuant to the requirements of this Subpart subject
to the following:

1) Any allowances generated pursuant to this Subpart shall be issued to the
recipient emission unit identified in the proposal, for each control period
in which the NOx emissions reductions are verified, and the requirements
of this Subpart continue to be met;
2) The owner or operator of the emission reduction source has, by
November 1st following the control period that the emission reduction
unit has reduced NOx emissions, verified the NOx emission reductions in
accordance with Section 217.845 of this Subpart, and obtained a permit
containing federally enforceable conditions addressing the requirements
of this Subpart;
3) The allowances shall be issued by May 1 after the control period in
which the reduction has occurred, for use in any future control period.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg.___________, effective__________________)
Section 217.845 Emissions Determination Methods
The owner or operator of an emission reduction source must demonstrate that it has obtained
the NOx emission reductions, and has not exceeded its NOx emission cap, as specified in its
approved NOx emission reduction proposal, as follows:
a) If the NOx emission reductions are generated pursuant to Section 217. 815(a)(1)
of this Subpart, the NOx emission rate for each emission reduction unit shall be
determined as follows:
1) Through the use of continuous emissions monitoring in accordance with
Section 217.850 of this Subpart; or
2) Through the use of any test methods and procedures provided in 40 CFR
60 and approved by the Agency, or any other method approved by the
Agency when included as federally enforceable conditions in a permit
issued or revised pursuant to this Subpart.
b) If the NOx emission reductions are generated pursuant to Section 217.815(a)(3)
of this Subpart, submit an initial compliance demonstration plan to the Agency
120 days prior to the control period date that the emission reduction unit will
commence NOx emission reductions in compliance with an approved emissions
reduction proposal. Such demonstration shall be based on the actual NOx
emission rate measured in accordance with Section 217.850 of this Subpart.
c) If the emission reduction unit's compliance with the NOx emission reduction
proposal is determined in accordance with subsection (a)(2) of this Section,

conducting an initial test 90 days prior to the date the specified emission
reductions will be obtained, or within 45 days of the Agency's request for NOx
emission reductions already obtained, and notifying the Agency in writing of
any test performed to comply with the requirements of this Subpart at least 30
days prior to the test. The Agency may at any time require annual control
period testing of any emission unit at the NOx emission reduction source, and
may require such testing as part of its approval of a NOx emission reduction
d) By November 1
st following each control period in which NOx emission
reductions are generated, the owner or operator of an emission reduction source
1) Submit a compliance certification, including supporting data, that the
NOx emission cap, as specified in its approved NOx emission reduction
proposal, has not been exceeded; and
2) Monitor and report the NOx emissions during each control period from
all NOx emission units at the source subject to the NOx emission cap in
accordance with Sections 217.850 and 217.855 of this Subpart.
e) The owner or operator of an emission reduction source shall, 120 days prior to
the date that the emission reduction source will commence NOx emission
reductions in compliance with an approved emissions reduction proposal, submit
to the Agency a performance evaluation for each CEMS using the applicable
performance specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, as incorporated by
reference in Section 217.104 of this Part.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_________________)
Section 217.850 Emissions Monitoring
a) The owner or operator of an emission reduction source shall install, calibrate,
maintain, and operate during the control period on each NOx emission unit at the
source subject to the NOx emission cap a continuous emission monitoring system
(CEMS), or an alternative approved by the Agency and included in a federally
enforceable permit condition, for measuring NOx emissions to the atmosphere.
b) The CEMS shall be operated and data recorded during all periods of operation
of the emission unit at the source during the control period, except for periods
of CEMS breakdowns and repairs as provided in subsection (e) of this Section.
c) CEMS quality assurance data must be recorded during calibration checks and
zero and span adjustments.

d) The 1-hour average NOx emissions measured by the CEMS shall be:
1) Expressed in lbs/hr or in lbs/mmbtu and heat input;
2) Calculated using the data points required under 40 CFR 60.13, as
incorporated by reference in Section 217.104 of this Subpart; and
3) Calculated using at least two data points separated by a minimum of 15
minutes (where the unit operates for more than one quadrant of an hour)
if data are unavailable as a result of the performance of calibration,
quality assurance, or preventive maintenance activities.
e) The procedures under 40 CFR 60.13, as incorporated by reference in Section
217.104 of this Subpart, shall be followed for installation, evaluation, and
operation of each CEMS.
f) For monitoring systems measuring NOx in lbs/hr, if NOx emission data are not
obtained because of CEMS breakdown, repairs, calibration checks, or zero and
span adjustments, NOx emission data shall be obtained by using the data
substitution procedures contained in 40 CFR 75, subpart D, incorporated by
reference in Section 217.104 of this Part.
g) For monitoring systems measuring NOx in lbs/mmbtu, if NOx emission data are
not obtained because of CEMS breakdown, repairs, calibration checks, or zero
and span adjustments, NOx emission data shall be obtained by using the rolling
hourly average of emission data recorded for the previous 30 day period of
operation if the data capture for such period is 95% or greater and the period of
missing data is equal to or less than 24 consecutive hours. If the data capture
for such previous 30 day period is less than 95% or the period of missing data is
greater than 24 consecutive hours, the data shall be obtained by using the
highest hourly average recorded during the previous 30 days of operation.
h) The CEMS shall be subject to the quality assurance procedures and
requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, incorporated by reference in Section
217.104 of this Part.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective_______________)
Section 217.855 Reporting
a) By November 1
st of each year beginning in 2003, or the year of the first control
period for which NOx emission reductions were generated in accordance with
this Subpart, an owner or operator of an emission reduction source must, as a

seasonal component of the annual emission report for the source pursuant to 35
Ill. Adm. Code 254, report to the Agency the total control period NOx emissions
of each NOx emission unit at the source subject to the NOx emission.
b) Within 30 days of receipt of such data or evaluation, the owner or operator of
each emission reduction source shall submit to the Agency the performance test
data from the initial performance test for each emission reduction unit and the
performance evaluation for each CEMS using the applicable performance
specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, as incorporated by reference in
Section 217.104 of this Part.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective________________)
Section 217.860 Recordkeeping
a) The owner or operator of an emission reduction source shall keep and maintain
the following records for each NOx emission unit at the source subject to the
NOx emission cap:
1) Daily, monthly, and control period operating hours;
2) Type and quantity of each fuel used daily during the control period;
3) Control period capacity factor of individual fuels fired and all fuels fired;
4) Monitoring records; and
5) To the extent applicable, the performance test data from the initial
performance test for each emission reduction unit and the performance
evaluation for each CEMS using the applicable performance
specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, as incorporated by reference
in Section 217.104 of this Part.
b) The owner or operator of an emission reduction source shall maintain records of
the following information for each operating day for each NOx emission unit
subject to the NOx emission cap:
1) Calendar date;
2) The average hourly NOx mass emission rate expressed as
3) The control period total NOx mass emissions to date;

4) Identification of times when emission data have been
excluded from the calculation of NOx mass emissions, the
reasons for excluding the data, and any corrective actions
5) Identification of the times when the pollutant
concentration exceeded full span of the CEMS;
6) Description of any modifications to the CEMS that could
affect the ability of the CEMS to comply with the
Performance Specifications in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B;
7) Results of daily CEMS drift tests and quarterly accuracy
assessments as required under 40 CFR 60, Appendix F.
c) The owner or operator of any NOx emission reduction source subject to the
continuous monitoring requirements for NOx under this Subpart, shall submit a
compliance certification containing the information recorded under subsection
(b) of this Section. All compliance certification reports shall be postmarked by
November 1
st or the next business day if November 1
st falls on a Saturday or
Sunday, of each control period in which NOx emission reductions are generated.
d) Maintenance of records: Unless otherwise provided, the owner or operator of a
NOx emission reduction source shall keep on site at the source, each of the
following documents for a period of five (5) years from the date the document is
created. This period may be extended for cause, at any time prior to the end of
five (5) years, in writing by the Agency.
1) The emission reduction proposal and all documents that demonstrate the
accuracy of the statements in the proposal for each year the emission
reduction source generates NOx reductions under this Subpart and for
five (5) years thereafter.
2) All emissions monitoring information required pursuant to this Subpart;
provided that to the extent that 40 CFR 60 provides for a 3-year period
for recordkeeping, the 3-year period shall apply.
3) Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other submissions
and all records made or required under this Subpart.

4) Copies of all documents used to complete any permit application and
supporting documents and any other submission to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of this Subpart.
(Source: Added at ______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective________________)
Section 217.865 Enforcement
a) Excess Emissions Requirements: The owner or operator of an emission
reduction source for which NOx reductions have been recognized pursuant to
this Section and that has excess NOx emissions in any control period for which
NOx allowances have been issued must:
1) For the first control period during which the emission reduction source
has excess NOx emissions, purchase NOx allowances in an amount equal
to two (2) times the excess NOx emissions in accordance with the federal
NOx Trading Program and surrender the allowances to the Agency by
December 31 following the control period in which the emission
reduction source had excess emissions;
2) For the second control period during which the emission reduction
source has excess NOx emissions, purchase allowances in an amount
equal to three (3) times the excess NOx emissions in accordance with the
federal NOx Trading Program and surrender the allowances to the
Agency by December 31 following the control period in which the
emission reduction source had excess emissions;
3) If the emission reduction source has excess NOx emissions for three
control periods, purchase allowances in an amount equal to four (4)
times the excess NOx emissions pursuant to the federal NOx Trading
Program and surrender the allowances to the Agency by December 31
following the control period in which the emission reduction source had
excess emissions, and the NOx emission reduction proposal shall be
automatically revoked. The emission reduction source will thereafter not
be able to generate NOx emission reductions for which NOx allowances
may be issued under this Subpart.
b) All allowances surrendered to the Agency pursuant to subsections (a)(1) through
(a)(3) of this Section shall be retired to benefit air quality.
c) Nothing in this Subpart limits the authority of the state or the federal
government to seek penalties and injunctive relief for any violation of this
Subpart or any permit condition. Nothing in this Subpart limits the right of the
state or the federal government or any person to directly enforce against actions

or omissions which constitute violations of permits required by the Act or
regulations promulgated thereunder or the CAA or applicable federal
environmental laws and regulations.
(Source: Added at _______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective________________)

Section 217.Appendix E Large Non-Electrical Generating Units
ID # /
2 3 4 5
115015ABX 85070061299 COAL-FIRED
176 171
115015ABX 85070061299 COAL-FIRED
175 170
115015ABX 73020084129 BOILER #25 125 121
476 462
115015AAE 85060030081 COAL-FIRED
238 231
115015AAE 85060030081 COAL-FIRED
261 253
115015AAE 85060030081 COAL-FIRED
267 259
115015AAE 85060030082 COAL-FIRED
276 268
115015AAE 85060030082 COAL-FIRED
275 267
115015AAE 85060030082 COAL-FIRED
311 302
115015AAE 85060030083 GAS-FIRED
19 18
115015AAE 85060030083 GAS-FIRED
19 18
PLANT (Total Allocation)
1,666 1,616

031012ABI 91020069160 GAS-FIRED
55 53
031012ABI 73020146041 BOILER # 1
210 204
031012ABI 73020146042 BOILER # 2
210 203
031012ABI 73020146043 GAS FIRED
81 79
031012ABI 73020147045 BOILER # 3
211 205
031012ABI 73020147046 GAS FIRED
81 79
(Total Allocation)
848 823
097811AAC 78080071011 BOILER # 5 26 25
097811AAC 78080071011 BOILER # 6 26 25
GREAT LAKES NTC (Total Allocation) 52 50
119010AAL 72120426001 BLR 7-COAL
39 38
39 38
033808AAB 72111291055 BOILER #3
53 51
033808AAB 72111291056 BOILER #4 REF
53 52
(Total Allocation)
106 103

197800AAA 72110567002 AUX BOILER-
101 98
197800AAA 86010009043 STATIONARY
85 82
EXXON MOBIL (Total Allocation) 186 180
179060ACR 73020087019 BOILER C -
377 366
WILLIAMS (Total Allocation) 377 366
063800AAC 72100016013 BOILER # 1 40 39
063800AAC 72100016013 BOILER # 2 40 39
063800AAC 72100016014 #3 GAS FIRED
40 39
063800AAC 72100016016 #5 GAS FIRED
40 39
063800AAC 72100016017 #6 BOILER 40 38
EQUISTAR (Total Allocation) 200 194
041804AAB 72121207108 BOILER NO 1 121 118
041804AAB 72121207109 BOILER NO 2 121 118
041804AAB 72121207110 BOILER NO 3 121 117
041804AAB 72121207111 BOILER NO 4 120 116
041804AAB 72121207112 BOILER NO 5 0 0
EQUISTAR (Total Allocation) 483 469
119090AAA 72110633080 BOILER NO 15 40 38
119090AAA 72110633081 BOILER NO 16 40 39
119090AAA 72110633082 BOILER NO 17 80 78
TOSCO (Total Allocation) 160 155

031600ALZ 82010044013 NO. 6 BOILER,#5
90 88
031600ALZ 82010044014 NO 1 BLR NG 90 87
U S STEEL - SOUTH WORKS (Total Allocation) 180 175
019010ADA 82090027006 BOILER #7 86 83
86 83
197090AAI 72110253037 BOILER 43-B-1 23 22
23 22
301600AMC [UNIT
LTV STEEL COMPANY (Total Allocation) * *
* Pursuant to Section 217.460(f), Column 2, Column 4 and Column 5 will be adjusted at
such time as USEPA makes an allocation for LTV Steel’s Boiler No. 4B.
GRAND TOTAL 4,882 4,736
(Source: Added at ______ Ill. Reg._____________, effective________________)
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
the above opinion and order was adopted on the 15th day of February 2001 by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board

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