1. icipal Utilities

333 Lincoln Highway
P.O. Box 456
Rochelle, IL 61 068-0456
Office: (815) 562-41 55
Fax: (815) 562-5861
Illinois Pollution Control Board
Attention: Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
James R. Thompson Center
Pollution Control
100 West Randolph Street, Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Re: Docket R02-11
Dear Sirs:
The City of Rochelle supports Mr. Al Keller’s testimony to recognize Carbonaceous
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) for effluent limits of NPDES permits issued in
the State ofIllinois.
The article, “Chemical method for nitrification control”, Journal of Water Pollution
Control, Volume
Number 4, April 1973, states that nitrification control should be
adopted as a routine practice in the measurement ofthe BOO for all wastewaters. The
work for this article was supported by an EPA grant. Depending upon the source
material, the five-day time period for the BOD test was chosen either because it was
developed in England, and it takes at most five days to reach the sea, or because
nitrification does not occur until five days after the start of the BOO test. POTW’s that
are required to nitrify do have adequate numbers for nitrifying organisms resulting in the
measurement of the nitrogenous and carbonaceous demand in the five-day BOD test for
effluent waters.
The City of Rochelle has had an effluent ammonia limit since 1983, and was granted a
permit modification in March 1987 that changed the BOD discharge limit of 10 mg/L to a
CBOD limit of lomg/L, monthly average. The revision was granted after submittal of
one-year’s data showing comparisonof BOD and CBOD values ofthe discharge.
Kathy Cooper
Superintendent Water/Water Reclamation
cc: KenAlberts, Director ofUtilities
March 4, 2002
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