January 24, 2002
) ) ) ) ) ) |
R01-14 (Rulemaking – Public Water Supply) |
Adopted Rule. Final Order.
OPINION AND ORDER OF THE BOARD (by N.J. Melas, C.A. Manning, R.C. Flemal)
By today’s order, the Board is amending the Board’s groundwater quality regulations to include methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620. Specifically, the amendments include a preventative response level in addition to Class I and Class II groundwater standards for MTBE. The amendments would also clarify sampling procedures for certain existing drinking water supply wells.
The amendments adopted today are substantially similar to the proposal filed with the Board by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) on September 1, 2000.
Two public hearings were held in this matter before Board Hearing Officer Joel Sternstein, Board Members, and Board staff. The first hearing was held on March 1, 2001, in Springfield, and the second hearing was held on April 5, 2001, in Chicago. The Board received three public comments in this proceeding.
The Board then adopted the proposed amendments to Part 620 for first notice. See Proposed MTBE and Compliance Determination Amendments to Groundwater Quality Standards: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620, R01-14 (Sept. 6, 2001). On September 21, 2001, the Secretary of State published the proposed amendments in the Illinois Register at 25 Ill. Reg. 11973. The Board subsequently adopted its second-notice opinion and order and sent the proposed amendments to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for its consideration. See Proposed MTBE and Compliance Determination Amendments to Groundwater Quality Standards: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620 , R01-14 (Dec. 6, 2001). On January 9, 2002, JCAR voted a certificate of no objection.
The Board will provide a brief summary of MTBE’s properties, the Agency’s proposal, and the Board’s rationale behind its decision. The Board will also provide a summary of the amendments regarding sampling procedures for certain existing drinking water supply wells. For a more detailed discussion of the amendments, please refer to the Board’s first-notice and second-notice opinions and orders in this matter.
MTBE Properties
MTBE is a type of organic chemical known as an ether that has been widely used as an octane-enhancing additive to gasoline. Tr.1 at 12-13; Exh. 1 at 4; Stat. of Reas. at exh. 4 - pp. 1, 5. 1 MTBE is very soluble in water, and, as a result, is readily transported by groundwater away from a spill or leak such as from an Underground Storage Tank. Tr.1 at 13-15; Exh. 1 at 5-6; Stat. of Reas. at 2-3. Some people can taste or smell MTBE in drinking water at concentrations as low as 20 to 40 parts per billion (ppb). Tr.1 at 12, 51-52; Exh. 1 at 4; Exh. 13 at iii; Stat. of Reas. at exh. 4 – p. 2. Since 1994, 26 community water supplies (CWS) in Illinois have exhibited MTBE contamination in finished drinking water sampling results. Tr.1 at 11-12, 46; Exh. 1 at 1-3; Stat. of Reas. at 5.
The MTBE groundwater standards are also a basis for amendments to Part 742 of the Board’s regulations that are being promulgated today. See Proposed Amendments to Tiered Approach to Correction Action Objectives (TACO) (MTBE): 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742, R00-19(C) (Jan. 24, 2002).
The Agency’s Proposal
The Agency proposed the addition of an MTBE Class I Potable Resource Groundwater standard and an MTBE Class II General Resource Groundwater standard. The Agency proposed a standard of 70 ppb for both classes. 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.410, 620.420. In addition, the Agency proposed a preventive response level for MTBE of 20 ppb. See 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.310.
Richard P. Cobb, P.G., of the Agency testified that the Class I standard of 70 ppb is based on a draft Agency health advisory (advisory) developed pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.605, and a review of other states’ regulations. Mr. Cobb stated that the Class II standard is based on the capability of treatment technology to achieve the Class I standard. He noted that the Class II standard is also proposed at 70 ppb since treatment of MTBE is very difficult once it has dissolved into groundwater. Mr. Cobb also stated that the preventive response level for MTBE is based on its taste and odor threshold. Tr.1 at 23; Exh. 1 at 12; Stat. of Reas. at 6-7.
Rationale Behind the Board’s Decision
The Board’s fundamental decision at first notice was whether to propose a standard based on non-carcinogenic or carcinogenic effects of MTBE. The Agency’s proposal typifies a standard based on non-carcinogenic effects. The Agency chose not to use a carcinogenic endpoint as the basis for its proposal in part because it defers to the USEPA regarding the carcinogenic properties of MTBE, and partly because it has been faced with the need to make decisions in the absence of a USEPA position. Agency toxicologist Dr. Thomas C. Hornshaw noted that the Agency needed to come up with regulatory values because there had been detections of MTBE at CWS’s across Illinois. Tr.1 at 42. The Board agreed with the Agency that Illinois does not have the luxury of waiting for a directive from USEPA when 26 CWS’s have already shown signs of MTBE contamination.
California has already set an MTBE standard based on carcinogenic effects, and the Agency noted that the California toxicologists’ approach was “consistent with the guidelines published by USEPA for cancer risk assessment.” PC 2 at 6.
The Board found that both the Agency’s proposal and the California standard have been well-researched and carefully analyzed. However, the Board found that it would be more prudent to follow the Agency’s proposal that is based on the non-carcinogenic effects of MTBE. USEPA has not yet identified MTBE as a carcinogen. The Board is using a similar rationale for determining groundwater standards in this docket as it is for determining cleanup standards in the R00-19(C) TACO MTBE docket.
The Board may propose revisions to these MTBE groundwater quality standards if MTBE is found to be a carcinogen.
For the sake of consistency with respect to regulatory compliance, the Board adopts the definition of carcinogen at Part 742 of the Board’s regulations and at Section 58.2 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) replace the existing definition at Part 620 of the Board’s regulations.
The Board finds that the Agency properly proposed a level of 20 ppb MTBE as a trigger for preventative response activities at Section 620.310 of the Board’s regulations. We agree with the Agency that the taste and odor threshold should serve as a basis for the 20 ppb trigger.
Protection for Drinking Water Supply Wells
The amendments also add criteria to further clarify conditions for drinking water supply wells that can be used to collect representative groundwater samples. The amendments allow a licensed professional engineer or a licensed professional geologist to use adjacent geological information and well construction information common to sand point wells. Stat. of Reas. at 7.
The genesis behind the amendments at Section 602.505 is the appellate court case People v. Stonehedge, Inc., 288 Ill. App. 3d 318, 680 N.E.2d 497 (2d Dist. 1997). The appellate court did not allow the use of samples from drinking water supply wells for compliance determinations even though, the Agency claims, the drinking water wells were representative of the geology of the area. The amendments in this matter expand the list of drinking water supply wells that can be used for compliance determinations.
The Board adopts an MTBE standard of 70 ppb (0.07mg/L) for Class I and Class II groundwater and a preventative response level of 20 ppb (0.02 mg/L) in Illinois. The Board also changes the definition of “carcinogen” in Part 620 of the Board’s regulations to match the definition of “carcinogen” at Part 742 of the Board’s regulations.
The Board also adopts the Agency’s amendments to the regulations regarding wells used in compliance determinations. The Board replaces the Agency’s proposed definitions for “licensed professional engineer” and “licensed professional geologist” with the definitions of these terms that are already found respectively in the Act and the Professional Geologist Licensing Act.
The Board is also including nonsubstantive changes that the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules recommended during the first-notice period. No changes were proposed during the second-notice period.
The Board adopts the following amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620. The Clerk of the Board is directed to cause publication in the Illinois Register of the following amendments to the Board’s groundwater quality regulations at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.
PART 620
620.105 |
Purpose |
620.110 |
Definitions |
620.115 |
Prohibition |
620.125 |
Incorporations by Reference |
620.130 |
Exemption from General Use Standards and Public and Food Processing Water Supply Standards |
620.135 |
Exclusion for Underground Waters |
620.201 |
Groundwater Designations |
620.210 |
Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater |
620.220 |
Class II: General Resource Groundwater |
620.230 |
Class III: Special Resource Groundwater |
620.240 |
Class IV: Other Groundwater |
620.250 |
Groundwater Management Zone |
620.260 |
Reclassification of Groundwater by Adjusted Standard |
620.301 |
General Prohibition Against Use Impairment of Resource Groundwater |
620.302 |
Applicability of Preventive Notification and Preventive Response Activities |
620.305 |
Preventive Notification Procedures |
620.310 |
Preventive Response Activities |
620.401 |
Applicability |
620.405 |
General Prohibitions Against Violations of Groundwater Quality Standards |
620.410 |
Groundwater Quality Standards for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater |
620.420 |
Groundwater Quality Standards for Class II: General Resource Groundwater |
620.430 |
Groundwater Quality Standards for Class III: Special Resource Groundwater |
620.440 |
Groundwater Quality Standards for Class IV: Other Groundwater |
620.450 |
Alternative Groundwater Quality Standards |
620.505 |
Compliance Determination |
620.510 |
Monitoring and Analytical Requirements |
620.601 |
Purpose of a Health Advisory |
620.605 |
Issuance of a Health Advisory |
620.610 |
Publishing Health Advisories |
620.615 |
Additional Health Advice for Mixtures of Similar-Acting Substances |
Appendix A |
Procedures for Determining Human Threshold Toxicant Advisory Concentration for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater |
Appendix B |
Procedures for Determining Hazard Indices for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater for Mixtures of Similar-Acting Substances |
Appendix C |
Guidelines for Determining When Dose Addition of Similar-Acting Substances in Class I: Potable Resource Groundwaters is Appropriate |
Appendix D |
Confirmation of an Adequate Corrective Action Pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.250(a)(2) |
AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Section 8 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act [415 ILCS 55/8] and authorized by Section 27 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/27].
SOURCE: Adopted in R89-14(B) at 15 Ill. Reg. 17614, effective November 25, 1991; amended in R89-14(C) at 16 Ill. Reg. 14667, effective September 11, 1992; amended at 18 Ill. Reg. 14084, effective August 24, 1994; amended in R96-10 at 21 Ill. Reg. 6518, effective May 8, 1997; amended in R97-11 at 21 Ill. Reg. 7869, effective July 1, 1997; amended in R01-14 at 26 Ill. Reg. ________, effective __________.
Section 620.110 Definitions
The definitions of the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5] and the Groundwater Protection Act [415 ILCS 55] apply to this Part. The following definitions also apply to this Part.
"Act" means the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5]. |
"Agency" means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. |
"BETX" means the sum of the concentrations of benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, and xylenes. |
"Board" means the Illinois Pollution Control Board. |
"Corrective action process" means those procedures and practices that may be imposed by a regulatory agency when a determination has been made that contamination of groundwater has taken place, and are necessary to address a potential or existing violation of the standards set forth in Subpart D. |
"Cumulative impact area" means the area, including the coal mine area permitted under the Surface Coal Mining Land Conservation and |
"Department" means the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
"Detection" means the identification of a contaminant in a sample at a value equal to or greater than the: |
"Method Detection Limit" or "MDL" |
"Method Quantitation Limit" or "MQL" |
"Hydrologic balance" means the relationship between the quality and quantity of water inflow to, water outflow from, and water storage in a hydrologic unit such as a drainage basin, aquifer, soil zone, lake, or reservoir. It encompasses the dynamic relationships among precipitation, runoff, evaporation, and changes in ground and surface water storage. |
"IGPA" means the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act. [415 ILCS 55] |
"LOAEL" or "Lowest observable adverse effect level" means the lowest tested concentration of a chemical or substance that |
“Licensed Professional Engineer” or “LPE” means a person, corporation, or partnership licensed under the laws of the State of Illinois to practice professional engineering. [415 ILCS 5/57.2] |
“Licensed Professional Geologist” or “LPG” means an individual who is licensed under the Professional Geologist Licensing Act to engage in the practice of professional geology in Illinois. (Professional Geologist Licensing Act [225 ILCS 745/15]) |
"NOAEL" or "No observable adverse effect level" means the highest tested concentration of a chemical or substance that |
"Off-site" means not on-site. |
"On-site" means on the same or geographically contiguous property that |
"Operator" means the person responsible for the operation of a site, facility or unit. "Owner" means the person who owns a site, facility or unit or part of a site, facility or unit, or who owns the land on which the site, facility or unit is located. |
"Potential primary source" means any unit at a facility or site not currently subject to a removal or remedial action which: |
is utilized for the treatment, storage, or disposal of any hazardous or special waste not generated at the site; or |
is utilized for the disposal of municipal waste not generated at the site, other than landscape waste and construction and demolition debris; or |
is utilized for the landfilling, land treating, surface impounding or piling of any hazardous or special waste that is generated on the site or at other sites owned, controlled or operated by the same person; or |
stores or accumulates at any time more than 75,000 pounds above ground, or more than 7,500 pounds below ground, of any hazardous substances. [415 ILCS 5/3.59] |
"Potential secondary source" means any unit at a facility or a site not currently subject to a removal or remedial action, other than a potential primary source, which: |
is utilized for the landfilling, land treating, or surface impounding of waste that is generated on the site or at other sites owned, controlled or operated by the same person, other than livestock and landscape waste, and construction and demolition debris; or |
stores or accumulates at any time more than 25,000 but not more than 75,000 pounds above ground, or more than 2,500 but not more than 7,500 pounds below ground, of any hazardous substance; or |
stores or accumulates at any time more than 25,000 gallons above ground, or more than 500 gallons below ground, of petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance; or |
stores or accumulates pesticides, fertilizers, or road oils for purposes of commercial application or for distribution to retail sales outlets; or |
stores or accumulates at any time more than 50,000 pounds of any de-icing agent; or |
is utilized for handling livestock waste or for treating domestic wastewaters other than private sewage disposal systems as defined in the Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act [225 ILCS 225]. [415 ILCS 5/3.60] |
"Practical Quantitation Limit" or "PQL" means the lowest concentration or level that can be reliably measured within specified limits of precision and accuracy during routine laboratory operating conditions in accordance with "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods", EPA Publication No. SW-846, incorporated by reference at Section 620.125. |
"Previously mined area" means land disturbed or affected by coal mining operations prior to February 1, 1983. |
"Property class" means the class assigned by a tax assessor to real property for purposes of real estate taxes. |
"Regulated entity" means a facility or unit regulated for groundwater protection by any |
"Regulatory agency" means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Public Health, Department of Agriculture, |
"Spring" means a natural surface discharge of an aquifer from rock or soil. |
"Threshold dose" means the lowest dose of a chemical at which a specified measurable effect is observed and below which it is not observed. |
"Treatment" means the technology, treatment techniques, or other procedures for compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code |
"USEPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency. |
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _______________)
Section 620.310 Preventive Response Activities
a) | The following preventive assessment must be undertaken: |
1) | If a preventive notification under Section 620.305(c) is provided by a community water supply: |
A) | The Agency shall notify the owner or operator of any identified potential primary source, potential secondary source, potential route, or community water supply well that is located within 2,500 feet of the wellhead. |
B) | The owner or operator notified under subsection (a)(1)(A) shall, within 30 days after |
C) | If the Agency receives analytical results under subsection (a)(1)(B) that show a contaminant identified under Section 620.305(a) has been detected, the Agency shall: |
i) | Conduct a well site survey pursuant to 415 ILCS 5/17.1(d) |
ii) | Identify those sites or activities that |
2) | If a preventive notification is provided under Section 620.305(c) by a non-community water supply or for multiple private water supply wells, the Department of Public Health shall conduct a sanitary survey within 1,000 feet of the wellhead of a non-community water supply or within 500 feet of the wellheads for multiple private water supply wells. |
3) | If a preventive notification under Section 620.305(b) is provided by the owner or operator of a regulated entity and the applicable standard in Subpart D has not been exceeded: |
A) | The appropriate regulatory agency shall determine if any of the following occurs for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater: |
i) | The levels set forth below are exceeded or are changed for pH: |
Constituent |
Criteria (mg/L) |
para-Dichlorobenzene |
0.005 |
ortho-Dichlorobenzene |
0.01 |
Ethylbenzene |
0.03 |
Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether |
0.02 |
Phenols |
0.001 |
Styrene |
0.01 |
Toluene |
0.04 |
Xylenes |
0.02 |
ii) | A statistically significant increase occurs above background (as determined pursuant to other regulatory procedures (e.g., 35 Ill. Adm. Code 616, 724, 725 or 811)) for arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, lead, |
iii) | For a chemical constituent of gasoline, diesel fuel, or heating fuel, the |
Constituent |
Criterion (mg/L) |
0.095 |
iv) | For pH, a statistically significant change occurs from background. |
(Board NoteBOARD NOTE: Constituents that are carcinogens have not been listed in subsection (a)(3)(A) because the standard is set at the PQL and any exceedence thereof is a violation subject to corrective action.)
B) | The appropriate agency shall determine if, for Class III: Special Resource Groundwater, the levels as determined by the Board are exceeded. |
C) | The appropriate regulatory agency shall consider whether the owner or operator reasonably demonstrates that: |
i) | The contamination is a result of contaminants remaining in groundwater from a prior release for which appropriate action was taken in accordance with laws and regulations in existence at the time of the release; |
ii) | The source of contamination is not due to the on-site release of contaminants; or |
iii) | The detection resulted from error in sampling, analysis, or evaluation. |
D) | The appropriate regulatory agency shall consider actions necessary to minimize the degree and extent of contamination. |
b) | The appropriate regulatory agency shall determine whether a preventive response must be undertaken based on relevant factors including, but not limited to, the considerations in subsection (a)(3). |
c) | After completion of preventive response pursuant to authority of an appropriate regulatory agency, the concentration of a contaminant listed in subsection (a)(3)(A) in groundwater may exceed 50 percent of the applicable numerical standard in Subpart D only if the following conditions are met: |
1) | The exceedence has been minimized to the extent practicable; |
2) | Beneficial use, as appropriate for the class of groundwater, has been assured; and |
3) | Any threat to public health or the environment has been minimized. |
d) | Nothing in this Section shall in any way limit the authority of the State or of the United States to require or perform any corrective action process. |
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _______________)
Section 620.410 | Groundwater Quality Standards for Class I: Potable Resource Groundwater |
a) | Inorganic Chemical Constituents |
Except due to natural causes or as provided in Section 620.450, concentrations of the following chemical constituents must not be exceeded in Class I groundwater: | |
Constituent |
Units |
Standard |
Antimony |
mg/L |
0.006 |
Arsenic |
mg/L |
0.05 |
Barium |
mg/L |
2.0 |
Beryllium |
mg/L |
0.004 |
Boron |
mg/L |
2.0 |
Cadmium |
mg/L |
0.005 |
Chloride |
mg/L |
200.0 |
Chromium |
mg/L |
0.1 |
Cobalt |
mg/L |
1.0 |
Copper |
mg/L |
0.65 |
Cyanide |
mg/L |
0.2 |
Fluoride |
mg/L |
4.0 |
Iron |
mg/L |
5.0 |
Lead |
mg/L |
0.0075 |
mg/L |
0.15 |
Mercury |
mg/L |
0.002 |
Nickel |
mg/L |
0.1 |
Nitrate as N |
mg/L |
10.0 |
Radium-226 |
pCi/l |
20.0 |
Radium-228 |
pCi/l |
20.0 |
Selenium |
mg/L |
0.05 |
Silver |
mg/L |
0.05 |
Sulfate |
mg/L |
400.0 |
Thallium |
mg/L |
0.002 |
Total Dissolved |
Solids (TDS) |
mg/L |
1,200 |
Zinc |
mg/L |
5.0 |
b) | Organic Chemical Constituents |
Except due to natural causes or as provided in Section 620.450 or subsection (c), concentrations of the following organic chemical constituents shall not be exceeded in Class I groundwater: | |
Constituent |
Standard (mg/L) |
Alachlor* |
0.002 |
Aldicarb |
0.003 |
Atrazine |
0.003 |
Benzene* |
0.005 |
Benzo(a)pyrene* |
0.0002 |
Carbofuran |
0.04 |
Carbon Tetrachloride* |
0.005 |
Chlordane* |
0.002 |
Dalapon |
0.2 |
Dichloromethane* |
0.005 |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate* |
0.006 |
Dinoseb |
0.007 |
Endothall |
0.1 |
Endrin |
0.002 |
Ethylene Dibromide* |
0.00005 |
Heptachlor* |
0.0004 |
Heptachlor Epoxide* |
0.0002 |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
0.05 |
Lindane (Gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane) |
0.0002 |
2,4-D |
0.07 |
ortho-Dichlorobenzene |
0.6 |
para-Dichlorobenzene |
0.075 |
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane* |
0.0002 |
1,2-Dichloroethane* |
0.005 |
1,1-Dichloroethylene |
0.007 |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.07 |
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.1 |
1,2-Dichloropropane* |
0.005 |
Ethylbenzene |
0.7 |
Methoxychlor |
0.04 |
Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether |
0.07 |
Monochlorobenzene |
0.1 |
Pentachlorophenol* |
0.001 |
Phenols |
0.1 |
Picloram |
0.5 |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls( |
0.0005 |
Simazine |
0.004 |
Styrene |
0.1 |
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) |
0.05 |
Tetrachloroethylene* |
0.005 |
Toluene |
1.0 |
Toxaphene* |
0.003 |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane |
0.2 |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane |
0.005 |
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene |
0.07 |
Trichloroethylene* |
0.005 |
Vinyl Chloride* |
0.002 |
Xylenes |
10.0 |
*Denotes a carcinogen. |
c) | Complex Organic Chemical Mixtures |
Concentrations of the following chemical | |
Constituent |
Standard (mg/L) |
Benzene* |
0.005 |
11.705 |
*Denotes a carcinogen. |
d) | pH |
Except due to natural causes, a pH range of 6.5 - 9.0 units must not be exceeded in Class I groundwater. | |
e) | Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity |
1) | Except due to natural causes, the average annual concentration of beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radionuclides shall not exceed a dose equivalent to the total body organ greater than 4 mrem/year in Class I groundwater. If two or more radionuclides are present, the sum of their dose equivalent to the total body, or to any internal organ shall not exceed 4 mrem/year in Class I groundwater except due to natural causes. |
2) | Except for the radionuclides listed in subsection (e)(3), the concentration of man-made radionuclides causing 4 mrem total body or organ dose equivalent must be calculated on the basis of a 2 liter per day drinking water intake using the 168-hour data in accordance with the procedure set forth in NCRP Report Number 22, incorporated by reference at |
3) | Except due to natural causes, the average annual concentration assumed to produce a total body or organ dose of 4 mrem/year of the following chemical constituents shall not be exceeded in Class I groundwater: |
Critical |
Standard |
Constituent |
Organ |
( |
Tritium |
Total body |
20,000.0 |
Strontium-90 |
Bone marrow |
8.0 |
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _______________)
Section 620.420 | Groundwater Quality Standards for Class II: General Resource Groundwater |
a) | Inorganic Chemical Constituents |
1) | Except due to natural causes or as provided in Section 620.450 or subsection (a)(3) or (d) of this Section, concentrations of the following chemical constituents must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater: |
Constituent |
Standard (mg/L) |
Antimony |
0.024 |
Arsenic |
0.2 |
Barium |
2.0 |
Beryllium |
0.5 |
Cadmium |
0.05 |
Chromium |
1.0 |
Cobalt |
1.0 |
Cyanide |
0.6 |
Fluoride |
4.0 |
Lead |
0.1 |
Mercury |
0.01 |
Nitrate as N |
100.0 |
Thallium |
0.02 |
2) | Except as provided in Section 620.450 or subsection (a)(3) or (d) of this Section, concentrations of the following chemical constituents must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater: |
Constituent |
Standard (mg/L) |
Boron |
2.0 |
Chloride |
200.0 |
Copper |
0.65 |
Iron |
5.0 |
Manganese |
10.0 |
Nickel |
2.0 |
Selenium |
0.05 |
Total Dissolved Solids |
(TDS) |
1,200.0 |
Sulfate |
400.0 |
Zinc |
10.0 |
3) | The standard for any inorganic chemical constituent listed in subsection (a)(2) of this Section, for barium, or for pH does not apply to groundwater within fill material or within the upper 10 feet of parent material under such fill material on a site not within the rural property class for which: |
A) | Prior to November 25, 1991 |
B) | On November 25, 1991 |
4) | For purposes of subsection (a)(3) of this Section, the term "fill material" means clean earthen materials, slag, ash, clean demolition debris, or other similar materials. |
b) | Organic Chemical Constituents |
1) | Except due to natural causes or as provided in Section 620.450 or subsection (b)(2) or (d) of this Section, concentrations of the following organic chemical constituents must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater: |
Constituent |
Standard (mg/L) |
Alachlor* |
0.010 |
Aldicarb |
0.015 |
Atrazine |
0.015 |
Benzene* |
0.025 |
Benzo(a)pyrene* |
0.002 |
Carbofuran |
0.2 |
Carbon Tetrachloride* |
0.025 |
Chlordane* |
0.01 |
Dalapon |
2.0 |
Dichloromethane* |
0.05 |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate* |
0.06 |
Dinoseb |
0.07 |
Endothall |
0.1 |
Endrin |
0.01 |
Ethylene Dibromide* |
0.0005 |
Heptachlor* |
0.002 |
Heptachlor Epoxide* |
0.001 |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
0.5 |
Lindane (Gamma-Hexachloro |
cyclohexane) |
0.001 |
2,4-D |
0.35 |
Ortho-Dichlorobenze |
1.5 |
Para-Dichlorobenzene |
0.375 |
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane* |
0.002 |
1,2-Dichloroethane* |
0.025 |
1,1-Dichloroethylene |
0.035 |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.2 |
Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.5 |
1,2-Dichloropropane* |
0.025 |
Ethylbenzene |
1.0 |
Methoxychlor |
0.2 |
Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) |
0.07 |
Monochlorobenzene |
0.5 |
Pentachlorophenol* |
0.005 |
Phenols |
0.1 |
Picloram |
5.0 |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( |
(as decachloro-biphenyl)* |
0.0025 |
Simazine |
0.04 |
Styrene |
0.5 |
2,4,5-TP |
0.25 |
Tetrachloroethylene* |
0.025 |
Toluene |
2.5 |
Toxaphene* |
0.015 |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane |
1.0 |
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene |
0.7 |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane |
0.05 |
Trichloroethylene* |
0.025 |
Vinyl Chloride* |
0.01 |
Xylenes |
10.0 |
*Denotes a carcinogen. |
2) | The standards for pesticide chemical constituents listed in subsection (b)(1) of this Section do not apply to groundwater within 10 feet of the land surface, provided that the concentrations of such constituents result from the application of pesticides in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (7 |
c) | Complex Organic Chemical Mixtures |
Concentrations of the following organic chemical constituents of gasoline, diesel fuel, or heating fuel must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater:
Constituent |
Standard |
Benzene* |
0.025 |
13.525 |
*Denotes a carcinogen. |
d) | pH |
Except due to natural causes, a pH range of 6.5 - 9.0 units must not be exceeded in Class II groundwater that is within 5 feet of the land surface. | |
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. _____, effective _______________)
Section 620.505 | Compliance Determination | ||||||||||||
a) | Compliance with standards at a site is to be determined as follows: | ||||||||||||
1) | For a structure (e.g., buildings), at the closest practical distance beyond the outermost edge for the structure. | ||||||||||||
2) | For groundwater that underlies a potential primary or secondary source, the outermost edge as specified in Section 620.240(e)(1). | ||||||||||||
3) | For groundwater that underlies a coal mine refuse disposal area, a coal combustion waste disposal area, or an impoundment that contains sludge, slurry, or precipitated process material at a coal preparation plant, the outermost edge as specified in Section 620.240(f)(1) or location of monitoring wells in existence as of the effective date of this Part on a permitted site. | ||||||||||||
4) | For a groundwater management zone, as specified in a corrective action process. | ||||||||||||
5) | For groundwater | ||||||||||||
A) | For a potable water supply well if geologic log(s) exist for this well or geologic logs in the immediate 1,000-foot area of this well are representative of the hydrogeologic materials encountered by this well as determined by a licensed professional geologist or a | ||||||||||
B) | For a potable water supply well other than a community water supply well, a construction report has been filed with the Department of Public Health for such potable well, or such well has been located and constructed (or reconstructed) to meet the Illinois Water Well Construction Code [415 ILCS 30] and 77 Ill. Adm. Code 920. | |||||||||
C) | For a potable water supply well that was constructed prior to August 20, 1965, the enactment of the Illinois Water Well Construction Code [415 ILCS 30 | ||||||||||
i) | Construction must be done in a manner that will enable the collection of groundwater samples that represent in situ groundwater conditions; | ||||||||||||
ii) | Casings and screens must be made from durable material resistant to expected chemical or physical degradation that do not interfere with the quality of groundwater samples being collected; and | ||||||||||||
iii) | The annular space opposite the screened section of the well (i.e., the space between the bore hole and well screen) must be filled with gravel or sand if necessary to collect groundwater samples. The annular space above and below the well screen must be sealed to prevent migration of water from adjacent formations and the surface to the sampled depth. | |||||||||||
D) | For a community water supply well, such well has been permitted by the Agency, or has been constructed in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 602.115. | ||||||||||||
E) | For a water well other than a potable water supply well (e.g., a livestock watering well or an irrigation well), a construction report has been filed with the Department of Public Health or the | ||||||||||||
F) | For a monitoring well, such well meets the following requirements: | |||||||||||
i) | Construction must be done in a manner that will enable the collection of groundwater samples; | ||||||||||||
ii) | Casings and screens must be made from durable material resistant to expected chemical or physical degradation that do not interfere with the quality of groundwater samples being collected; and | ||||||||||||
iii) | The annular space opposite the screened section of the well (i.e., the space between the bore hole and well screen) must be filled with gravel or sand if necessary to collect groundwater samples. The annular space above and below the well screen must be sealed to prevent migration of water from adjacent formations and the surface to the sampled depth. | ||||||||||||
6) |
A) | For a water well: | ||||||||||||
i) | Less than 15 feet in total depth from the land surface, | ||
ii) | bored or dug, | |||||||||||
iii) | constructed of permeable materials (e.g., cement, tile, stone or brick), and | ||||||||||
iv) | 36 inches or more in diameter. | ||||||||||
B) | For a water well with water quality problems due to damaged well construction materials or poorly-designed well construction; | ||||||||||||
C) | For a water well in a basement or pit; or | |||||||||||||
D) | For | |||||||||||||
b) | For a spring, compliance with this Subpart shall be determined at the point of emergence. | |
(Source: Amended at 26 Ill. Reg. ____, effective _____________)
This opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and conclusions of law in this matter.
I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board adopted the above opinion and order on January 24, 2002, by a vote of 7-0.
Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board