April 3, 1980
    (Meredosia Power Station)
    PCB 80-25
    This matter comes before the Board upon a variance petition
    filed February 1, 1980 by Central Illinois Public Service Company
    (CIPS). The petition re~uest~~~for the Meredosia power station a
    variance from the effluent standards for copper (total)
    (total) and iron (dissolved) of Rule 408(a) of Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution for discharges of boiler and air heater rinse water
    into the ash pond. The petition also requests a variance from
    the Rule 408(a) effluent standard for total suspended solids (TSS)
    for cooling tower blowdown and cooling tower emergency overflow.
    On March 3, 1980 the Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) re-
    commended that the variance he granted with conditions. No hearing
    was held and no public comment has been received. Many of the facts
    in this case are similar to those in PCB 80-16. The
    of this date in that case is incorporated by reference.
    The Meredosia power station is a 588 megawatt fossil fueled
    electric power plant which is situated in Morgan County. Boilers
    5 and 6 are scheduled for cleaning during Intervals from February
    24 through September 13, 1980. Boiler 5 will require about 35,000
    gallons (133,000 1) of EDTA solution and Boiler 6 about 36,000
    gallons (137,000 1)
    Around 105,000 gallons (397,000 1) of rinse
    water will be required for each. CIPS estimates that 1500 pounds
    (675 kg) of iron and 300 to 500 pounds (135 to 225 kg) of copper
    will be removed from each boiler (Pet. 3). The Agency estimates
    that approximately 2000 pounds (900 kg) of iron and 200 pounds
    (90 kg) of copper will be removed from each boiler (Rec, 3).
    Under the requested variance boiler cleaning and air heater
    rinse waters will be discharged into an ash pond which discharges
    to the Illinois River. On October 23, 1979 the Agency issued to

    CIPS NPDES Permit IL 0000116 for the Meredosia power station.
    CIPS’ appeal of permit conditions is before the Board in PCB 79-
    The Board finds that requiring immediate pretreatment of
    rinse waters would impose an arbitrary and unreasonable hardship
    on CIPS for reasons similar to those outlined in the Board~sOpinion
    of this date in PCB 80-16. The variance will be granted with con-
    CIPS also requests a variance for the 15 mg/i effluent stan-
    dard for TSS contained In Rule 408(a) of Chapter 3. The variance
    is requested only for cooling water blowdown and emergency overflow
    discharges to the Illinois River from Unit No. 4. CIPS has three
    coal-fIred units which draw cooling water from and discharge di-
    rectly to the river. These are not involved in the TSS variance.
    Unit No. 4 is an oil-fired boiler which has a closed-loop system
    utilizing a cooling tower. The TSS concentration would increase
    in a no—discharge system as a result of evaporation in the tower.
    To avoid this about ten percent of the cooling water is discharged
    and replaced with fresh river water on each cycle through the
    cooling system. Emergency overflows of the same water also occur.
    Together these will be referred to as “blowdown.”
    In PCB 79-248 CIPs seeks a finding that the TSS in the blow—
    down is background drawn from the river and subject to the excep-
    tion of Rule 401(b) of Chapter 3. CIPS has little data on this
    discharge since the previous NPDES permit did not require its mon-
    itoring and since the oil—fired unit Is seldom operated (Pet. 4, 8).
    It has a predicted blowdown rate of 1787 gallons per minute (gpm)
    (7000 1/mm) and a maximum of 3469 gpm (13,000 1/mm)
    of emergency overflows. December 1979 grab samples averaged 65 mg/i,
    The Agency recommends that the variance be conditioned on a study
    of discharge and background TSS levels (Bec. 4, 5).
    CIPS currently proposes to route the blowdown to the ash
    pond for sedimentation prior to discharge, if compliance with the
    15 mg/l standard is to be required. This would cost about $300,000
    and would involve piping changes which would take at least several
    months to complete. The Board has not at this time considered
    whether this is an acceptable control scheme.
    The Board finds that requiring immediate treatment of blowdown
    to meet the Rule 408(a) standard of 15 mg/i TSS would impose an
    arbitrary and unreasonable hardship. The Agency recommends that
    this variance extend through December 31, 1980.

    This Opinion constitutes the Board’s findings of fact and
    conclusions of law in this matter.
    Petitioner Central Illinois Public Service Company is granted
    for its Meredosia power station a variance for the effluent stan-
    dards for copper (total), iron (total) and iron (dissolved) and
    total suspended solids (TSS) of Rule 408(a) of Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution, subject to the following conditions:
    1. The variance for copper (total), iron (total) and iron
    (dissolved) will expire September 13, 1980 and will
    cover only holler cleaning rinse water and air heater
    wash discharges into the ash pond.
    2. The variance for TSS will expire December 31, 1980 and
    will cover only cooling tower blowdown and emergency
    overflows from Unit 4.
    3. Petitioner shall not discharge EDTA boiler chemical
    cleaning solution into the ash pond.
    4. PetitIoner shall conduct a study to determine treatment
    capabilities of the ash pond. The study shall include
    as a minimum data on pH of the ash pond, the constitu-
    ents in the metal cleaning waste rinses, the concentra-
    tion of the constituents and the volume of the metal
    cleaning waste rinses discharged to the ash pond. A
    summary of results shall be sent to the Agency by
    November 29, 1980.
    5. Petitioner shall conduct a study of background TSS con-
    centration and Unit 4 discharges TSS concentrations.
    This study shall be submitted to the Agency prior to
    December 31, 1980.
    6. The Agency, pursuant to Rule 914 of Chapter 3: Water
    Pollution shall modify the NPT)ES Permit IL 0000116 con-
    sistent with the conditions set forth in this Order.
    7. Within forty—five days of the date of this Order, Peti-
    tioner shall execute and forward to the Illinois Environ-
    mental Protection Agency, Variance Section, 2200 Churchill

    Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706, a Certificate of
    Acceptance and Agreement to be bound to all terms and
    conditions of this variance. This forty-five day period
    shall he held in abeyance for any period this matter is
    being aptealed. The form of the Certificate shall be
    as follows:
    I, (We),
    read and fully understanding
    hereby accept that Order and
    of its terms and conditions.
    the Order in PCB 80—25,
    agree to be bound by all
    I, Christan L. Moffett,
    Control Board, her~y certify
    a~optedon the
    day of
    Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
    the aho e Opinion and Order were
    1980 by a vote of
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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