July 10, 1980
PCB 80—44
This Opinion supports the Board Order entered herein on
June 12, 1980.
On March 17, 1980 the Village of Riverton (Village) filed
this petition for variance from Rule 962(a) of Chapter 3: Water
Pollution of the Board’s regulations. Hearing was waived in this
matter. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) has
recommended grant of the proposed variance.
The subject of this variance petition is a proposed
300—foot, 8—inch sewer with two service extensions and two
manholes which will extend northward of the intersection of
Spaulding and 5th Streets in the Village of Riverton, Illinois.
The sewerage system to which this proposed sewer extension would
be connected is presently on restricted status. Although the
Village is aware that the Agency could not permit connection of
the proposed extension to a system placed under restricted
status, it nevertheless wishes to build the sewer at this time so
that it might subsequently construct an overlying roadway.
The Village applied to the Agency for a construct-only
permit. The Agency denied the construct-only permit application
pursuant to the Agency’s WPC-5 Guidelines. The Agency envisions,
quite logically, that a construct—only permit should be issued
only in the event that the facility to be constructed would
shortly be in a position to be hooked on to the system, i.e.,
that the restricted status will have been lifted.
The situation presented by this petition is somewhat unique.
The Village has no intention of attempting to hook its proposed
sewer extension to the existing system at this time. It merely
wishes to save the cost of tearing up and replacing a roadway which
would be necessary should they construct the sewer extension at some
time after the restricted status has been lifted. Essentially all
the Village wants to do is lay down, but not connect, some sewer
pipe. Unfortunately, neither the restricted status regulations
Agency’s rules clearly address such a situation. There
some disagreement between the Agency and the Board as to
exactly what relief Riverton has requested or, indeed, needs.
The Board is of the opinion that this petition is more in the
nature of a permit denial review, but in order to calm this
tempest in a teapot the Board shall construe the petition as a
petition for variance and will waive any procedural defects that
may he involved.
Since it is obvious that no environmental harm can accrue
from an unconnected section of sewer, and since the Village has
shown that construction of the sewer is a reasonable and
cost—saving procedure, the Board will grant the requested
variance. To alleviate one of the problems that the Agency
anticipated when it developed the WPC-5 Guidelines, the problem
of illicit “midnight connections”, the Board will condition the
variance upon an agreement by the Village and its officers that
they will certify to the Agency in writing whether any sewage
whatsoever has been discharged into the sewer, such certification
to be made at six—month intervals.
This Opinion constitutes the findings of fact and
conclusions of law of the Board in this matter.
I, Christan L. Moffett, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution
Control Board, hereby certify that the above Opinion w~sadopted
on the
day of
1980 by a vote of
Illinois Pollution Control Board