Board R~EaCE IV
Gloria Helke
~ -
L’ ~~ (000
18 North County ~
Waukegan, !IIin~6Q~)85~4356
Phone 847 360
Note: Copy of attachments, Lake County Unified
Development Ordinance and book of Zoning
Emaii planning@coiake.il.us
Maps are in the Clerk’s file.
September 21, 2000
Ms. Dorothy Gunn, Clerk
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 West Randolph St.
Chicago, IL 60601
Re: In the Matter of: Natural Gas Fired Peak Load Electrical Power Generating Facilities
(Peaker Plants) ROl- 10
Dear Ms. Gunn:
At the IPCB hearing on “peaker” plants recently held in DuPage County, I understand
that Dr. Flemal asked for a copy of the Lake County Zoning Ordinance addressing these
issues. It is enclosed.
In Lake County, the peaker plants are permitted only in the limited industrial and
intensive industrial zoning categories, and then only with a conditional use permit. The
overall standards for approval of CUPs include (UDO page 3-23):
“Conditional use permits may be approved only if the County Board finds that all of the
following criteria are met:
A. the use in
proposed location will be consistent with the stated purpose and intent
of Sec. 1.5;
B. the proposed use in its proposed location complies with all applicable standards of
this Ordinance, including any applicable Use
Standards of Sec. 6.2; and
C. the proposed use in its
location will not have a substantial adverse impact
on any of the following, either as they exist at the time of application or as they
may be developed in the future due to implementation of the Comprehensive Plan:
1. adjacent property,
2. the character of the neighborhood,
natural resources,
4. infrastructure,
5. public sites, or
6. any other matters affecting the public health, safety, or general welfare.
Additionally, separate conditions apply to permits for electrical generation plants, as
follows (UDO page 6-13):
“The following standards shall apply to all private electrical generation facilities with
power generation potential of 30 megawatts or more:
A. Petitioner shall submit a Site Plan prepared and certified by a registered surveyor
licensed in the State of Illinois that complies with the site plan review submission
requirements of this Ordinance.
B. The facility’s operation area shall be located at least 1,000 feet from all parcel
boundary lines that adjoin any zoning district other than Limited Industrial (LI)
or Intensive Industrial (II). The term “operational area” shall mean all electrical
generation equipment, cooling equipment, exhaust or venting equipment, and
any structures housing such equipment.
C. Fencing shall be provided around the boundary of the property to prevent
unauthorized access.
D. All current, state and federal permits, waivers of permits, licenses, and
certificates of insurance shall be on file with the Lake County Department of
Planning, Building and Development throughout the life of the conditional use.
E. All equipment on the subject property shall operate in accordance with the
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Class ~C”nighttime noise regulations
(Title 35, Subtitle H, Chapter 1 of the Illinois Administrative Code) throughout
life of the Conditional Use Permit, as measured at the boundaries of the
nearest property zoned for residential purposes.
The Conditional Use Permit shall establish reasonable standards to prevent
contamination of water resources due to spillage or leakage of chemicals, fuels
and other products that are stored on-site. The Conditional Use Permit process
shall also consider the possibility of accidental explosion in establishing such
G. Any increase in the schedule, intensity or energy output of operations, as
established under the original Conditional Use Permit, shall require an
amendment to the Conditional Use Permit.
H. If all operations at the facility cease fur a period of 24 consecutive months,
removal of all equipment, structures, foundations, tanks, towers, and fences
shall be completed within the next 12 calendar months; the site shall be
returned to its previous landscape by that time. A bond or letter of credit in the
amount of 150 of an independent engineer’s estimate of site clean-up
(removal of structures, foundations, tanks, towers, and fences) shall be
submitted to the Lake County Department of Planning, Building and
Development prior to the issuance ofa Building Permit.
I. AU electrical generation plants shall employ Best Available Control
Technology, as specified by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.”
The process for issuing Conditional Use Permits allows the County Board to
attach other conditions to the permit (operating hours, lighting, etc.) at its
discretion. Point D above is intended to require the company to present the
IEPA air permit with the application to the County- for the CUP.
Thank you for your interest in this matter. I’m available at your convenience for
Bob Mosteller
Deputy Director
c. Amy Jackson, Hearing officer
600 S. Second St.
Suite 402
Springfield, IL
Gloria Helke
Sandy Cole
Susan Zingle