1. Re: Public Comment re RO1-13
      2. Dear Ms. Gunn:

C 1 IE
NOV21 2000
Pollution Cob
trol Board
Ms. Dorothy Gunn
Clerk ofthe Board
Illinois Pollution Control Board
100 W. Randolph St.
Suite 11-500
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Re: Public Comment re RO1-13
Dear Ms. Gunn:
It is my strong belief that the Illinois Pollution Control Board needs to adopt strong rules to
prevent degradation ofIllinois, rivers, lakes and streams. As stated in Section 1 ofthe Clean
Water Act the objective of the Act “is to restore and
the chemical, physical and
biological integrity ofthe Nation’s waters.” While much more progress is needed, a lot has been
done over the past 26 years to restore the nation’s polluted waters. Relatively little has been done
to maintain the integrity of our cleaner waters. New or increased pollution should not be allowed
in any water.
Also, new or increased pollution should not be allowed in any Illinois water unless it has been
shown that it is absolutely necessary. This means that all reasonable alternatives to allowing the
new pollution should be considered careftilly.
Finally, some Illinois waters should be protected from all new pollution entirely. Citizens and
citizen groups should be allowed to petition to have waters designated as Outstanding Resource
Waters and protected from pollution. Such petitions should not be tied up in a lot ofunnecessary
red tape and citizens should not be expected to show the economic impacts of the designation.
Developers and other businesses can be counted on to complain ifthey think an Outstanding
Resource Water designation will cost them money.
Rebecca A. Hefler
105-A North Sixth Street
Oregon, IL 61061

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