    OF iWNoIs
    November 28, 2000
    Ms. Dorothy Gunn
    Clerk of the Board
    Illinois Pollution Control Board
    W. Randolph St.
    Suite 11-500
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    Public Comment re R01-13
    Dear Ms. Gunn:
    The Illinois Pollution Control Board should adopt strong rules to prevent degradation of
    Illinois’ rivers, lakes andstreams.
    New or increased pollution should not be allowed in any water
    unless it has been shown that it
    will not hurt aquatic life.
    Also, new or increased pollution should not be allowed in any Illinois water unless it has
    been shown that
    it is really necessary to better the lives of our citizens.
    This means that all
    reasonable alternatives to allowing the new pollution should be considered carefully.
    Additionally, some Illinois waters should be protected from all new pollution entirely.
    Citizens and citizen groups should be allowed to petition to havewaters designated as Outstanding
    Resource Waters and protected from pollution.
    Such petitions should not be tied up in a lot of
    unnecessary red tape and citizens should not be expected to show the economic impacts ofthe
    Developers andother businesses can be counted on to complain ifthey think an
    Outstanding Resource Water designation will cost them money. Let it be their responsibility to
    show what benefits they bring by impacting
    any waters in this state.
    As avolunteer for Citizens for Conservation andan Associate Board Member of the North
    Soiland Water Conservation District, I work with many who gallantly try and work
    with the weak laws protecting our planet’s water. It is a struggle to protect the waters of my
    community against the unchecked sprawl allowed. Economics is not what we should base our
    protection on. The big picture needs to be the vision to strengthen our protection laws.
    The educational programs I voluntarily run for
    and 8~”
    graders help to create new
    conscientious stewards. Please strengthen protection of the waters until they grow up to right
    wrongs. It is my hope this generation will look beyond the dollar andrecognize the
    footprints they leave.

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