October 4, 2001
    (January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001; ) (Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking -
    Arsenic Rule) ) Public Water Supply)
    Proposed Rule. Proposal for Public Comment.
    ORDER OF THE BOARD (by R.C. Flemal):
    Under Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/7.2
    and 17.5 (2000)), the Board proposes amendments to the Illinois regulations that are “identical in
    substance” to drinking water regulations that the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    (USEPA) adopted to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c), 1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal
    Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (42 U.S.C. §§ 300g-1(a), 300g-3(c), 300g-6(a), and 300j-4(a)
    (1994)). The nominal timeframe of this docket includes federal SDWA amendments that
    USEPA adopted in the period January 1, 2000 through June 30, 2000.
    Sections 7.2 and 17.5 provide for quick adoption of regulations that are identical in
    substance to federal regulations that USEPA adopts to implement Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
    1417(a), and 1445(a) of the federal SDWA. Section 17.5 also provides that Title VII of the Act
    and Section 5 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 ILCS 100/5-35 and 5-40 (2000)) do
    not apply to the Board’s adoption of identical-in-substance regulations. The federal SDWA
    regulations are found at 40 C.F.R. 141 through 143.
    This order is supported by an opinion that the Board also adopts today. The Board will
    cause the proposed amendments to be published in the
    Illinois Register
    and will hold the docket
    open to receive public comments for 45 days after the date of publication.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, certify that the Board
    adopted the above order on October 4, 2001, by a vote of 7-0.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    PART 611
    611.100 Purpose, Scope and Applicability
    611.101 Definitions
    611.102 Incorporations by Reference
    611.103 Severability
    611.107 Agency Inspection of PWS Facilities
    611.108 Delegation to Local Government
    611.109 Enforcement
    611.110 Special Exception Permits
    611.111 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(a) Variances
    611.112 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1416 Exemptions
    611.113 Alternative Treatment Techniques
    611.114 Siting requirements
    611.115 Source Water Quantity
    611.120 Effective dates
    611.121 Maximum Contaminant Levels and Finished Water Quality
    611.125 Fluoridation Requirement
    611.126 Prohibition on Use of Lead
    611.130 Special Requirements for Certain Variances and Adjusted Standards
    611.131 Relief Equivalent to SDWA Section 1415(e) Small System Variance
    611.160 Composite Correction Program
    611.201 Requiring a Demonstration
    611.202 Procedures for Agency Determinations
    611.211 Filtration Required
    611.212 Groundwater under Direct Influence of Surface Water
    611.213 No Method of HPC Analysis
    611.220 General Requirements
    611.230 Filtration Effective Dates
    611.231 Source Water Quality Conditions
    611.232 Site-specific Conditions
    611.233 Treatment Technique Violations
    611.240 Disinfection
    611.241 Unfiltered PWSs
    611.242 Filtered PWSs
    611.250 Filtration

    611.261 Unfiltered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
    611.262 Filtered PWSs: Reporting and Recordkeeping
    611.271 Protection during Repair Work
    611.272 Disinfection following Repair
    611.276 Recycle Provisions
    611.280 Point-of-Entry Devices
    611.290 Use of Point-of-Use Devices or Bottled Water
    611.295 General Requirements
    611.296 Acrylamide and Epichlorohydrin
    611.297 Corrosion Control
    611.300 Old MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
    611.301 Revised MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
    611.310 Old Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Organic Chemicals
    611.311 Revised MCLs for Organic Contaminants
    611.312 Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
    611.313 Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDLs)
    611.320 Turbidity
    611.325 Microbiological Contaminants
    611.330 Maximum Contaminant Levels for Radionuclides
    611.331 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity
    611.350 General Requirements
    611.351 Applicability of Corrosion Control
    611.352 Corrosion Control Treatment
    611.353 Source Water Treatment
    611.354 Lead Service Line Replacement
    611.355 Public Education and Supplemental Monitoring
    611.356 Tap Water Monitoring for Lead and Copper
    611.357 Monitoring for Water Quality Parameters
    611.358 Monitoring for Lead and Copper in Source Water
    611.359 Analytical Methods
    611.360 Reporting
    611.361 Recordkeeping

    611.380 General Requirements
    611.381 Analytical Requirements
    611.382 Monitoring Requirements
    611.383 Compliance Requirements
    611.384 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    611.385 Treatment Technique for Control of Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Precursors
    611.480 Alternative Analytical Techniques
    611.490 Certified Laboratories
    611.491 Laboratory Testing Equipment
    611.500 Consecutive PWSs
    611.510 Special Monitoring for Unregulated Contaminants
    611.521 Routine Coliform Monitoring
    611.522 Repeat Coliform Monitoring
    611.523 Invalidation of Total Coliform Samples
    611.524 Sanitary Surveys
    611.525 Fecal Coliform and E. Coli Testing
    611.526 Analytical Methodology
    611.527 Response to Violation
    611.531 Analytical Requirements
    611.532 Unfiltered PWSs
    611.533 Filtered PWSs
    611.560 Turbidity
    611.591 Violation of State MCL
    611.592 Frequency of State Monitoring
    611.600 Applicability
    611.601 Monitoring Frequency
    611.602 Asbestos Monitoring Frequency

    611.603 Inorganic Monitoring Frequency
    611.604 Nitrate Monitoring
    611.605 Nitrite Monitoring
    611.606 Confirmation Samples
    611.607 More Frequent Monitoring and Confirmation Sampling
    611.608 Additional Optional Monitoring
    611.609 Determining Compliance
    611.610 Inorganic Monitoring Times
    611.611 Inorganic Analysis
    611.612 Monitoring Requirements for Old Inorganic MCLs
    611.630 Special Monitoring for Sodium
    611.631 Special Monitoring for Inorganic Chemicals
    611.640 Definitions
    611.641 Old MCLs
    611.645 Analytical Methods for Organic Chemical Contaminants
    611.646 Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V Volatile Organic Contaminants
    611.647 Sampling for Phase I Volatile Organic Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.648 Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V Synthetic Organic Contaminants
    611.650 Monitoring for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.657 Analytical Methods for 36 Contaminants (Repealed)
    611.658 Special Monitoring for Organic Chemicals
    611.680 Sampling, Analytical and other Requirements
    611.683 Reduced Monitoring Frequency
    611.684 Averaging
    611.685 Analytical Methods
    611.686 Modification to System
    611.687 Sampling for THM Potential
    611.688 Applicability Dates
    611.720 Analytical Methods
    611.731 Gross Alpha
    611.732 Beta Particle and Photon Radioactivity
    611.733 General Monitoring and Compliance Requirements
    611.740 General Requirements

    611.741 Standards for Avoiding Filtration
    611.742 Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking
    611.743 Filtration
    611.744 Filtration Sampling Requirements
    611.745 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    611.830 Applicability
    611.831 Monthly Operating Report
    611.832 Notice by Agency (Repealed)
    611.833 Cross Connection Reporting
    611.840 Reporting
    611.851 Reporting MCL, MRDL, and other Violations (Repealed)
    611.852 Reporting other Violations (Repealed)
    611.853 Notice to New Billing Units (Repealed)
    611.854 General Content of Public Notice (Repealed)
    611.855 Mandatory Health Effects Language (Repealed)
    611.856 Fluoride Notice (Repealed)
    611.858 Fluoride Secondary Standard (Repealed)
    611.860 Record Maintenance
    611.870 List of 36 Contaminants
    611.881 Purpose and Applicability of this Subpart
    611.882 Compliance Dates
    611.883 Content of the Reports
    611.884 Required Additional Health Information
    611.885 Report Delivery and Recordkeeping
    611.901 General Public Notification Requirements
    611.902 Tier 1 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.903 Tier 2 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.904 Tier 3 Public Notice--Form, Manner, and Frequency of Notice
    611.905 Content of the Public Notice
    611.906 Notice to New Billing Units or New Customers
    611.907 Special Notice of the Availability of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
    611.908 Special Notice for Exceedence of the Fluoride Secondary Standard
    611.909 Special Notice for Nitrate Exceedences above the MCL by a Non-Community
    Water System
    611.910 Notice by the Agency on Behalf of a PWS

    611.Appendix A Regulated Contaminants
    611.Appendix B Percent Inactivation of G. Lamblia Cysts
    611.Appendix C Common Names of Organic Chemicals
    611.Appendix D Defined Substrate Method for the Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliforms
    and Eschericia Coli from Drinking Water
    611.Appendix E Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Community Water
    611.Appendix F Mandatory Lead Public Education Information for Non-Transient Non-
    Community Water Systems
    611.Appendix G NPDWR Violations and Situations Requiring Public Notice
    611.Appendix H Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
    611.Appendix I Acronyms Used in Public Notification Regulation
    611.Table A Total Coliform Monitoring Frequency
    611.Table B Fecal or Total Coliform Density Measurements
    611.Table C Frequency of RDC Measurement
    611.Table D Number of Lead and Copper Monitoring Sites
    611.Table E Lead and Copper Monitoring Start Dates
    611.Table F Number of Water Quality Parameter Sampling Sites
    611.Table G Summary of Section 611.357 Monitoring Requirements for Water Quality
    611.Table Z Federal Effective Dates
    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 7.2, 17, and 17.5 and authorized by Section 27 of the
    Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/7.2, 17, 17.5, and 27].
    SOURCE: Adopted in R88-26 at 14 Ill. Reg. 16517, effective September 20, 1990; amended in
    R90-21 at 14 Ill. Reg. 20448, effective December 11, 1990; amended in R90-13 at 15 Ill. Reg. 1562,
    effective January 22, 1991; amended in R91-3 at 16 Ill. Reg. 19010, effective December 1, 1992;
    amended in R92-3 at 17 Ill. Reg. 7796, effective May 18, 1993; amended in R93-1 at 17 Ill. Reg.
    12650, effective July 23, 1993; amended in R94-4 at 18 Ill. Reg. 12291, effective July 28, 1994;
    amended in R94-23 at 19 Ill. Reg. 8613, effective June 20, 1995; amended in R95-17 at 20 Ill. Reg.
    14493, effective October 22, 1996; amended in R98-2 at 22 Ill. Reg. 5020, effective March 5,
    1998; amended in R99-6 at 23 Ill. Reg. 2756, effective February 17, 1999; amended in R99-12 at 23
    Ill. Reg. 10348, effective August 11, 1999; amended in R00-8 at 23 Ill. Reg. 14715, effective
    December 8, 1999; amended in R00-10 at 24 Ill. Reg. 14226 effective September 11, 2000;
    amended in R01-7 at 25 Ill. Reg. 1329, effective January 11, 2001; amended in R01-20 at 25 Ill.
    Reg. ________, effective ______________________; amended in R02-5 at 25 Ill. Reg.
    ________, effective ______________________.
    Section 611.101 Definitions
    As used in this Part, the term:

    “Act” means the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5].
    “Agency” means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
    BOARD NOTE: The Department of Public Health (“Public Health”) regulates non-
    community water supplies (“non-CWSs,”, including non-transient, non-community
    water supplies (“NTNCWSs”) and transient non-community water supplies
    (“transient non-CWSs”)). For the purposes of regulation of supplies by Public
    Health by reference to this Part, “Agency” shall will mean Public Health.
    “Ai” means “inactivation ratio.”.
    “Approved source of bottled water,”, for the purposes of Section 611.130(e)(4),
    means a source of water and the water therefrom, whether it be from a spring,
    artesian well, drilled well, municipal water supply, or any other source, that has been
    inspected and the water sampled, analyzed, and found to be a safe and sanitary
    quality according to applicable laws and regulations of State and local government
    agencies having jurisdiction, as evidenced by the presence in the plant of current
    certificates or notations of approval from each government agency or agencies
    having jurisdiction over the source, the water it bottles, and the distribution of the
    water in commerce.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 142.62(g)(2) and 21 CFR 129.3(a) (1998)
    (2000). The Board cannot compile an exhaustive listing of all federal, state, and
    local laws to which bottled water and bottling water may be subjected. However, the
    statutes and regulations of which the Board is aware are the following: the Illinois
    Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act [410 ILCS 620], the Bottled Water Act [815 ILCS
    310], the DPH Water Well Construction Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 920), the DPH
    Water Well Pump Installation Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 925), the federal bottled
    water quality standards (21 CFR 103.35), the federal drinking water processing and
    bottling standards (21 CFR 129), the federal Good Manufacturing Practices for
    human foods (21 CFR 110), the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 USC
    1451 et seq.), and the federal Fair Packaging and Labeling regulations (21 CFR 201).
    “Best available technology” or “BAT” means the best technology, treatment
    techniques or other means that USEPA has found are available for the contaminant
    in question. BAT is specified in Subpart F of this Part.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Board” means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    “CAS No.” means “Chemical Abstracts Services Number.”.
    “CT” or “CT
    calc” is the product of “residual disinfectant concentration” (RDC or C) in
    mg/L determined before or at the first customer, and the corresponding “disinfectant
    contact time” (T) in minutes. If a supplier applies disinfectants at more than one
    point prior to the first customer, it shall must determine the CT of each disinfectant

    sequence before or at the first customer to determine the total percent inactivation or
    “total inactivation ratio.”. In determining the total inactivation ratio, the supplier
    shall must determine the RDC of each disinfection sequence and corresponding
    contact time before any subsequent disinfection application point(s) points. (See
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    99.9” is the CT value required for 99.9 percent (3-log) inactivation of Giardia
    lamblia cysts. CT
    99.9 for a variety of disinfectants and conditions appear in Tables
    1.1-1.6, 2.1 and 3.1 of Section 611.Appendix B. (See “Inactivation Ratio.”.)
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from the definition of “CT” in 40 CFR 141.2 (1998)
    “Coagulation” means a process using coagulant chemicals and mixing by which
    colloidal and suspended materials are destabilized and agglomerated into flocs.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Community Water System water system” or “CWS” means a public water system
    (PWS) that serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or
    regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998). This definition differs slightly
    from that of Section 3.05 of the Act.
    “Compliance cycle” means the nine-year calendar year cycle during which public
    water systems (PWSs) must monitor. Each compliance cycle consists of three three-
    year compliance periods. The first calendar cycle begins January 1, 1993, and ends
    December 31, 2001; the second begins January 1, 2002, and ends December 31,
    2010; the third begins January 1, 2011, and ends December 31, 2019.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Compliance period” means a three-year calendar year period within a compliance
    cycle. Each compliance cycle has three three-year compliance periods. Within the
    first compliance cycle, the first compliance period runs from January 1, 1993, to
    December 31, 1995; the second from January 1, 1996, to December 31, 1998; the
    third from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2001.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Comprehensive performance evaluation” or “CPE” is a thorough review and
    analysis of a treatment plant’s performance-based capabilities and associated
    administrative, operation, and maintenance practices. It is conducted to identify
    factors that may be adversely impacting a plant’s capability to achieve
    compliance and emphasizes approaches that can be implemented without
    significant capital improvements.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Confluent growth” means a continuous bacterial growth covering the entire

    filtration area of a membrane filter or a portion thereof, in which bacterial colonies
    are not discrete.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Contaminant” means any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance or
    matter in water.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Conventional filtration treatment” means a series of processes including
    coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration resulting in substantial
    particulate removal.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Diatomaceous earth filtration” means a process resulting in substantial particulate
    removal in which:
    A precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support
    membrane (septum); and
    While the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum,
    additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed
    water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Direct filtration” means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration but
    excluding sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Disinfectant” means any oxidant, including but not limited to chlorine, chlorine
    dioxide, chloramines, and ozone added to water in any part of the treatment or
    distribution process, that is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Disinfectant contact time” or “T” means the time in minutes that it takes for water
    to move from the point of disinfectant application or the previous point of RDC
    measurement to a point before or at the point where RDC is measured.
    Where only one RDC is measured, T is the time in minutes that it takes for
    water to move from the point of disinfectant application to a point before or
    at the point where RDC is measured.
    Where more than one RDC is measured, T is:
    For the first measurement of RDC, the time in minutes that it takes
    for water to move from the first or only point of disinfectant
    application to a point before or at the point where the first RDC is

    measured, and
    For subsequent measurements of RDC, the time in minutes that it
    takes for water to move from the previous RDC measurement point
    to the RDC measurement point for which the particular T is being
    T in pipelines must be calculated based on “plug flow” by dividing the
    internal volume of the pipe by the maximum hourly flow rate through that
    T within mixing basins and storage reservoirs must be determined by tracer
    studies or an equivalent demonstration.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Disinfection” means a process that inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by
    chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Disinfection Byproduct byproduct” or “DBP” means a chemical byproduct that
    forms when disinfectants used for microbial control react with naturally occurring
    compounds already present in source water. DBPs include, but are not limited to,
    bromodichloromethane, bromoform, chloroform, dichloroacetic acid, bromate,
    chlorite, dibromochloromethane, and certain haloacetic acids.
    “Disinfection profile” is a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through
    the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is
    contained in Section 611.742.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Distribution system” includes all points downstream of an “entry point” to the point
    of consumer ownership.
    “Domestic or other non-distribution system plumbing problem” means a coliform
    contamination problem in a PWS with more than one service connection that is
    limited to the specific service connection from which the coliform-positive sample
    was taken.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Dose equivalent” means the product of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation
    and such factors as account for differences in biological effectiveness due to the type
    of radiation and its distribution in the body as specified by the International
    Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU).
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Enhanced coagulation” means the addition of sufficient coagulant for improved

    removal of disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors by conventional filtration
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Enhanced softening” means the improved removal of disinfection byproduct
    (DBP) precursors by precipitative softening.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Entry point” means a point just downstream of the final treatment operation, but
    upstream of the first user and upstream of any mixing with other water. If raw water
    is used without treatment, the “entry point” is the raw water source. If a PWS
    receives treated water from another PWS, the “entry point” is a point just
    downstream of the other PWS, but upstream of the first user on the receiving PWS,
    and upstream of any mixing with other water.
    “Filter profile” is a graphical representation of individual filter performance,
    based on continuous turbidity measurements or total particle counts versus time
    for an entire filter run, from startup to backwash inclusively, that includes an
    assessment of filter performance while another filter is being backwashed.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Filtration” means a process for removing particulate matter from water by passage
    through porous media.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Flocculation” means a process to enhance agglomeration or collection of smaller
    floc particles into larger, more easily settleable particles through gentle stirring by
    hydraulic or mechanical means.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “GAC10” means granular activated carbon (GAC) filter beds with an empty-bed
    contact time of 10 minutes based on average daily flow and a carbon reactivation
    frequency of every 180 days.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “GC” means “gas chromatography” or “gas-liquid phase chromatography.”.
    “GC/MS” means gas chromatography (GC) followed by mass spectrometry (MS).
    “Gross alpha particle activity” means the total radioactivity due to alpha particle
    emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Gross beta particle activity” means the total radioactivity due to beta particle
    emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).

    “Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water” means any water beneath
    the surface of the ground with significant occurrence of insects or other
    macroorganisms, algae, or large-diameter pathogens, such as Giardia lamblia or
    (for Subpart B systems serving at least 10,000 persons only) Cryptosporidium, or
    significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics, such as turbidity,
    temperature, conductivity, or pH, which that closely correlate to climatological or
    surface water conditions. “Groundwater under the direct influence of surface
    water” is as determined in Section 611.212.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “GWS” means “groundwater system,”, a public water supply (PWS) that uses only
    groundwater sources.
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) & 141.24(f)(2) note (1998)
    “Haloacetic acids (five)” or “HAA5” means the sum of the concentrations in
    milligrams per liter (mg/L) of five haloacetic acid compounds (monochloroacetic
    acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid, and
    dibromoacetic acid), rounded to two significant figures after addition.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Halogen” means one of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine or iodine.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “HPC” means “heterotrophic plate count,”, measured as specified in Section
    “Inactivation Ratio ratio” (Ai) means:
    Ai = CT
    The sum of the inactivation ratios, or “total inactivation ratio” (B) is
    calculated by adding together the inactivation ratio for each disinfection
    B = ?(Ai)
    A total inactivation ratio equal to or greater than 1.0 is assumed to provide a
    3-log inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from the definition of “CT” in 40 CFR 141.2 (1998)
    “Initial compliance period” means the three-year compliance period that begins
    January 1, 1993, except for the MCLs for dichloromethane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene,
    1,1,2-trichloroethane, benzo[a]pyrene, dalapon, di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, di(2-ethyl-

    hexyl)phthalate, dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, hexachlorobenzene,
    hexachlorocyclopentadiene, oxamyl, picloram, simazine, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, antimony,
    beryllium, cyanide, nickel, and thallium as they apply to suppliers whose supplies
    have fewer than 150 service connections, for which it means the three-year
    compliance period that begins on January 1, 1996.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Inorganic contaminants” or “IOCs” refers to that group of contaminants
    designated as such in United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
    regulatory discussions and guidance documents. IOCs include antimony,
    asbestos, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, mercury, nickel,
    nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and thallium.
    BOARD NOTE: The IOCs are derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4) (1998) (2000).
    “L” means “liter.”.
    “Legionella” means a genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type of
    pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Man-made beta particle and photon emitters” means all radionuclides emitting beta
    particles or photons listed in “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum
    Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational
    Exposure,” NCRP Report Number 22, incorporated by reference in Section 611.102,
    except the daughter products of thorium-232, uranium-235 and uranium-238.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Maximum contaminant level” (or “MCL”) means the maximum permissible level
    of a contaminant in water that is delivered to any user of a public water system. (See
    Section 611.121.)
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Maximum contaminant level goal” (or “MCLG”) means the maximum level of a
    contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on
    the health of persons would occur, and which allows an adequate margin of
    safety. MCLGs are nonenforceable health goals.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998). The Board has not
    routinely adopted the regulations relating to the federal MCLGs because they are
    outside the scope of the Board’s identical-in-substance mandate under Section
    17.5 of the Act.
    “Maximum residual disinfectant level” or “MRDL” means the maximum
    permissible level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be
    exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse
    health effects. MRDLs are enforceable in the same manner as are MCLs. (See
    Section 611.313 and Section 611.383.)

    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Maximum residual disinfectant level goal” or “MRDLG” means the maximum
    level of a disinfectant added for water treatment at which no known or anticipated
    adverse effect on the health of persons would occur, and which allows an
    adequate margin of safety. MRDLGs are nonenforceable health goals and do not
    reflect the benefit of the addition of the chemical for control of waterborne
    microbial contaminants.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Maximum total trihalomethane potential” or “MTP” means the maximum
    concentration of total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) produced in a given water
    containing a disinfectant residual after 7 days at a temperature of 25
    C or above.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “MFL” means millions of fibers per liter larger than 10 micrometers.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4)(i) (1998) (2000).
    “mg” means milligrams (1/1000 of a gram).
    “mg/L” means milligrams per liter.
    “Mixed system” means a PWS that uses both groundwater and surface water
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) and 141.24(f)(2) note (1998)
    “MUG” means 4-methyl-umbelliferyl-beta-d-glucuronide.
    “Near the first service connection” means at one of the 20 percent of all service
    connections in the entire system that are nearest the public water system (PWS)
    treatment facility, as measured by water transport time within the distribution system.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “nm” means nanometer (1/1,000,000,000 of a meter).
    “Non-community water system” or “NCWS” or “non-CWS” means a public water
    system (PWS) that is not a community water system (CWS). A non-community
    water system is either a “transient non-community water system (TWS)” or a
    “non-transient non-community water system (NTNCWS).”
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Non-transient non-community water system” or “NTNCWS” means a public water
    system (PWS) that is not a community water system (CWS) and that regularly serves
    at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).

    “NPDWR” means “national primary drinking water regulation.”.
    “NTU” means “nephelometric turbidity units.”.
    “Old MCL” means one of the inorganic maximum contaminant levels (MCLs),
    codified at Section 611.300, or organic MCLs, codified at Section 611.310, including
    any marked as “additional state requirements.”
    BOARD NOTE: Old MCLs are those derived prior to the implementation of the
    USEPA “Phase II” regulations. The Section 611.640 definition of this term, which
    applies only to Subpart O of this Part, differs from this definition in that the
    definition does not include the Section 611.300 inorganic MCLs.
    “P-A Coliform Test” means “Presence-Absence Coliform Test.”.
    “Paired sample” means two samples of water for Total Organic Carbon (TOC).
    One sample is of raw water taken prior to any treatment. The other sample is taken
    after the point of combined filter effluent and is representative of the treated water.
    These samples are taken at the same time. (See Section 611.382.)
    “Performance evaluation sample” means a reference sample provided to a laboratory
    for the purpose of demonstrating that the laboratory can successfully analyze the
    sample within limits of performance specified by the Agency; or, for bacteriological
    laboratories, Public Health; or, for radiological laboratories, the Illinois Department
    of Nuclear Safety. The true value of the concentration of the reference material is
    unknown to the laboratory at the time of the analysis.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Person” means an individual, corporation, company, association, partnership, State,
    unit of local government, or federal agency.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Phase I” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
    regulations promulgated by USEPA on July 8, 1987, at 52 Fed. Reg. 25712.
    “Phase II” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
    regulations promulgated by USEPA on January 30, 1991, at 56 Fed. Reg. 3578.
    “Phase IIB” refers to that group of chemical contaminants and the accompanying
    regulations promulgated by USEPA on July 1, 1991, at 56 Fed. Reg. 30266.
    “Phase V” refers to that group of chemical contaminants promulgated by USEPA on
    July 17, 1992, at 57 Fed. Reg. 31776.
    “Picocurie” or “pCi” means the quantity of radioactive material producing 2.22
    nuclear transformations per minute.

    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Point of disinfectant application” is the point at which the disinfectant is applied and
    downstream of which water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Point-of-entry treatment device” or “POE” is a treatment device applied to the
    drinking water entering a house or building for the purpose of reducing contaminants
    in the drinking water distributed throughout the house or building.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Point-of-use treatment device” or “POU” is a treatment device applied to a single
    tap used for the purpose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Public Health” means the Illinois Department of Public Health.
    BOARD NOTE: The Department of Public Health (“Public Health”) regulates non-
    community water supplies (“non-CWSs,”, including non-transient, non-community
    water supplies (“NTNCWSs”) and transient non-community water supplies
    (“transient non-CWSs”)). For the purposes of regulation of supplies by Public
    Health by reference to this Part, “Agency” shall must mean Public Health.
    “Public water system” or “PWS” means a system for the provision to the public of
    water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if
    such system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves an average of
    at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. A PWS is either a
    community water system (CWS) or a non-community water system (non-CWS).
    Such term includes:
    Any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of
    the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such
    system; and
    Any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control that
    are used primarily in connection with such system.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998). Where used in Subpart F,
    “public water supply” means the same as “public water system.”
    “Radioactive contaminants” refers to that group of contaminants designated
    “radioactive contaminants” in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance
    documents. “Radioactive contaminants” include tritium, strontium-89, strontium-
    90, iodine-131, cesium-134, gross beta emitters, and other nuclides.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.25(c) Table B (1998) (2000). These
    radioactive contaminants must be reported in Consumer Confidence Reports
    under Subpart U when they are detected above the levels indicated in Section

    “Reliably and consistently” below a specified level for a contaminant means an
    Agency determination based on analytical results following the initial detection of a
    contaminant to determine the qualitative condition of water from an individual
    sampling point or source. The Agency shall must base this determination on the
    consistency of analytical results, the degree below the MCL, the susceptibility of
    source water to variation, and other vulnerability factors pertinent to the contaminant
    detected that may influence the quality of water.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(9), 141.24(f)(11)(ii), and
    141.24(f)(11)(iii) (1998) (2000).
    “Rem” means the unit of dose equivalent from ionizing radiation to the total body or
    any internal organ or organ system. A “millirem (mrem)” is 1/1000 of a rem.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Repeat compliance period” means a compliance period that begins after the initial
    compliance period.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Representative” means that a sample must reflect the quality of water that is
    delivered to consumers under conditions when all sources required to supply water
    under normal conditions are in use and all treatment is properly operating.
    “Residual disinfectant concentration” (“RDC” or “C” in CT calculations) means the
    concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of water.
    For purposes of the requirement of Section 611.241(d) of maintaining a detectable
    RDC in the distribution system, “RDC” means a residual of free or combined
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Safe Drinking Water Act” or “SDWA” means the Public Health Service Act, as
    amended by the Safe Drinking Water Act, Pub. L. 93-523, 42 USC 300f et seq.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Sanitary survey” means an onsite review of the water source, facilities, equipment,
    operation and maintenance of a public water system (PWS) for the purpose of
    evaluating the adequacy of such source, facilities, equipment, operation and
    maintenance for producing and distributing safe drinking water.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Sedimentation” means a process for removal of solids before filtration by gravity or
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “SEP” means special exception permit (Section 611.110).

    “Service connection,” as used in the definition of public water system, does not
    include a connection to a system that delivers water by a constructed conveyance
    other than a pipe if any of the following is true:
    The water is used exclusively for purposes other than residential use
    (consisting of drinking, bathing, and cooking, or other similar uses);
    The Agency determines by issuing a an SEP that alternative water for
    residential use or similar uses for drinking and cooking is provided to
    achieve the equivalent level of public health protection provided by the
    applicable national primary drinking water regulations; or
    The Agency determines by issuing a an SEP that the water provided for
    residential use or similar uses for drinking, cooking, and bathing is
    centrally treated or treated at the point of entry by the provider, a
    pass-through entity, or the user to achieve the equivalent level of
    protection provided by the applicable national primary drinking water
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998). See sections
    1401(4)(B)(i)(II) and (4)(B)(i)(III) of SDWA (42 USC 300f(4)(B)(i)(II) &
    (4)(B)(i)(III) (1996)).
    “Slow sand filtration” means a process involving passage of raw water through a bed
    of sand at low velocity (generally less than 0.4 meters per hour (m/h)) resulting in
    substantial particulate removal by physical and biological mechanisms.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “SOC” or “Synthetic organic chemical contaminant” refers to that group of
    contaminants designated as “SOCs,”, or “synthetic organic chemicals” or “synthetic
    organic contaminants,”, in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance documents.
    “SOCs” include alachlor, aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, aldicarb sulfoxide, atrazine,
    benzo[a]pyrene, carbofuran, chlordane, dalapon, dibromoethylene (ethylene
    dibromide or EDB), dibromochloropropane (DBCP), di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, di(2-
    ethylhexyl)phthalate, dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, heptachlor,
    heptachlor epoxide, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, lindane,
    methoxychlor, oxamyl, pentachlorophenol, picloram, simazine, toxaphene, poly-
    chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 2,4-D, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, and 2,4,5-TP.
    “Source” means a well, reservoir, or other source of raw water.
    “Special irrigation district” means an irrigation district in existence prior to May
    18, 1994 that provides primarily agricultural service through a piped water system
    with only incidental residential use or similar use, where the system or the
    residential users or similar users of the system comply with either of the following
    exclusion conditions:

    The Agency determines by issuing a an SEP that alternative water is
    provided for residential use or similar uses for drinking or cooking to
    achieve the equivalent level of public health protection provided by the
    applicable national primary drinking water regulations; or
    The Agency determines by issuing a an SEP that the water provided for
    residential use or similar uses for drinking, cooking, and bathing is
    centrally treated or treated at the point of entry by the provider, a pass-
    through entity, or the user to achieve the equivalent level of protection
    provided by the applicable national primary drinking water regulations.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998) (2000) and sections
    1401(4)(B)(i)(II) and (4)(B)(i)(III) of SDWA (42 USC 300f(4)(B)(i)(II) &
    (4)(B)(i)(III) (1996)).
    “Standard sample” means the aliquot of finished drinking water that is examined for
    the presence of coliform bacteria.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Subpart B system” means a public water system that uses surface water or
    groundwater under the direct influence of surface water as a source and which is
    subject to the requirements of Subpart B and the analytical and monitoring
    requirements of Sections 611.531, 611.532, 611.533, 611.Appendix B, and
    611.Appendix C of this Part.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Supplier of water” or “supplier” means any person who owns or operates a public
    water system (PWS). This term includes the “official custodian.”.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Surface water” means all water that is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “SUVA” means specific ultraviolet absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), which is an
    indicator of the humic content of water. It is a calculated parameter obtained by
    dividing a sample’s ultraviolet absorption at a wavelength of 254 nm (UV
    254) (in m
    ) by its concentration of dissolved organic carbon (in mg/L).
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “SWS” means “surface water system,”, a public water supply (PWS) that uses only
    surface water sources, including “groundwater under the direct influence of surface
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(b)(2) and 141.24(f)(2) note (1998)

    “System with a single service connection” means a system that supplies drinking
    water to consumers via a single service line.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Too numerous to count” means that the total number of bacterial colonies exceeds
    200 on a 47-mm diameter membrane filter used for coliform detection.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Total Organic Carbon organic carbon” (“TOC”) means total organic carbon (in
    mg/L) measured using heat, oxygen, ultraviolet irradiation, chemical oxidants, or
    combinations of these oxidants that convert organic carbon to carbon dioxide,
    rounded to two significant figures.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Total trihalomethanes” or “TTHM” means the sum of the concentration of
    trihalomethanes (THMs), in milligrams per liter (mg/L), rounded to two significant
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from See the definition of “total trihalomethanes” in 40
    CFR 141.2 (1998). (See the definition of THMs for a listing of the four compounds
    that USEPA considers TTHMs to comprise.)
    “Transient, non-community water system” or “transient non-CWS” means a non-
    CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of
    the year.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998). The federal regulations apply
    to all “public water systems,”, which are defined as all systems having at least 15
    service connections or regularly serving water to at least 25 persons. (See 42 USC
    300f(4).) The Act mandates that the Board and the Agency regulate “public water
    supplies,”, which it defines as having at least 15 service connections or regularly
    serving 25 persons daily at least 60 days per year. (See Section 3.28 of the Act [415
    ILCS 5/3.28].) The Department of Public Health regulates transient non-community
    water systems.
    “Treatment” means any process that changes the physical, chemical, microbiological,
    or radiological properties of water, is under the control of the supplier, and is not a
    “point of use” or “point of entry treatment device” as defined in this Section.
    “Treatment” includes, but is not limited to, aeration, coagulation, sedimentation,
    filtration, activated carbon treatment, disinfection, and fluoridation.
    “Trihalomethane” or “THM” means one of the family of organic compounds, named
    as derivatives of methane, in which three of the four hydrogen atoms in methane are
    each substituted by a halogen atom in the molecular structure. The THMs are the
    following compounds:
    Trichloromethane (chloroform),

    Bromodichloromethane, and
    Tribromomethane (bromoform)
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from the definitions of “total trihalomethanes” and
    “trihalomethanes” in 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “?g” means micrograms (1/1,000,000 of a gram).
    “USEPA” or “U.S. EPA” means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    “Uncovered finished water storage facility” is a tank, reservoir, or other facility
    that is open to the atmosphere and which is used to store water that will undergo
    no further treatment except residual disinfection.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Virus” means a virus of fecal origin that is infectious to humans by waterborne
    “VOC” or “volatile organic chemical contaminant” refers to that group of
    contaminants designated as “VOCs,”, “volatile organic chemicals,”, or “volatile
    organic contaminants,”, in USEPA regulatory discussions and guidance documents.
    “VOCs” include benzene, dichloromethane, tetrachloromethane (carbon tetra-
    chloride), trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl
    chloroform), 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,2-dichloroethane, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene,
    ethylbenzene, monochlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene, styrene, 1,2,4-trichloro-
    benzene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, trans-1,2-dichloro-
    ethylene, xylene, and 1,2-dichloropropane.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Waterborne disease outbreak” means the significant occurrence of acute infectious
    illness, epidemiologically associated with the ingestion of water from a public water
    system (PWS) that is deficient in treatment, as determined by the appropriate local or
    State agency.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (1998).
    “Wellhead Protection Program protection program” means the wellhead protection
    program for the State of Illinois, approved by USEPA under Section 1428 of the
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.71(b) (1998). The wellhead protection
    program includes the “groundwater protection needs assessment” under Section 17.1
    of the Act, and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 615 et seq.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.2 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January
    22, 2001).

    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.102 Incorporations by Reference
    a) Abbreviations and short-name listing of references. The following names and
    abbreviated names, presented in alphabetical order, are used in this Part to refer to
    materials incorporated by reference:
    “Amco-AEPA-1 Polymer” is available from Advanced Polymer Systems.
    “ASTM Method” means a method published by and available from the
    American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
    “Colisure Test” means “Colisure Presence/Absence Test for Detection and
    Identification of Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia Coli in Drinking
    Water,”, available from Millipore Corporation, Technical Services
    “Dioxin and Furan Method 1613” means “Tetra- through Octa-
    Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope-Dilution HRGC/HRMS,”,
    available from NTIS.
    “GLI Method 2” means GLI Method 2, “Turbidity,”, Nov. 2, 1992,
    available from Great Lakes Instruments, Inc.
    “Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection
    Requirements for Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources”,
    available from USEPA Science and Technology Branch.
    “HASL Procedure Manual” means HASL Procedure Manual, HASL 300,
    available from ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory.
    “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
    Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational
    Exposure”, NCRP Report Number 22, available from NCRP.
    “NCRP” means “National Council on Radiation Protection.”.
    “NTIS” means “National Technical Information Service.”.
    “New Jersey Radium Method” means “Determination of Radium 228 in
    Drinking Water,”, available from the New Jersey Department of
    Environmental Protection.
    “New York Radium Method” means “Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-

    228 (Ra-02),”, available from the New York Department of Public Health.
    “ONGP-MUG Test” (meaning “minimal medium ortho-nitrophenyl-beta-
    d-galactopyranoside-4-methyl-umbelliferyl-beta-d-glucuronide test”), also
    called the “Autoanalysis Colilert System,”, is Method 9223, available in
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,”, 18th
    ed., from American Public Health Association.
    “Palintest Method 1001” means “ Method Number 1001,” available from
    Palintest, Ltd. or the Hach Company.
    “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Aqueous
    Solutions”, available from NTIS.
    “Radiochemical Methods” means “Interim Radiochemical Methodology
    for Drinking Water,”, available from NTIS.
    “Standard Methods,”, means “Standard Methods for the Examination of
    Water and Wastewater,”, available from the American Public Health
    Association or the American Waterworks Association.
    “Technical Bulletin 601” means “Technical Bulletin 601, Standard
    Method of Testing for Nitrate in Drinking Water,”, July 1994, available
    from Analytical Technology, Inc.
    “Technicon Methods” means “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,”,
    available from Technicon Bran & Luebbe.
    “USDOE Manual” means “EML Procedures Manual,”, available from the
    United State Department of Energy.
    “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.1” means Method 100.1, “Analytical
    Method for Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water,”, September 1983,
    available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.2” means Method 100.2, “Determination
    of Asbestos Structures over 10-mm in Length in Drinking Water,”, June
    1994, available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Environmental Inorganics Methods” means “Methods for the
    Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples,”,
    August 1993, available from NTIS; “Methods for the Determination of
    Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples”, August 1993, for Method
    300.0; “Determination of Inorganic Anions in Drinking Water by Ion
    Chromatography, Revision 1.0”, 1997, for Method 300.1.

    “USEPA Environmental Metals Methods” means “Methods for the
    Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples,”, available from
    “USEPA Organic Methods” means “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water”, July 1991, for Methods 502.2,
    505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, and 531.1; “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement I”, July 1990, for
    Methods 506, 547, 550, 550.1, and 551; and “Methods for the
    Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement
    II”, August 1992, for Methods 515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, and 555,
    available from NTIS. Methods 504.1, 508.1, and 525.2 are available from
    EPA EMSL; “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds” in
    Drinking Water-Supplement II, August 1992, for Method 552.1; “Methods
    for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking
    Water-Supplement III”, August 1995, for Methods 502.2, 524.2, 551.1, and
    “USEPA Inorganic Methods” means “Methods for Chemical Analysis of
    Water and Wastes,” March 1983, available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Interim Radiochemical Methods” means “Interim Radiochemical
    Methodology for Drinking Water,”, EPA 600/4-75-008 (revised), March
    1976. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Organic Methods” means “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water,” July 1991, for Methods 502.2,
    505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, and 531.1; “Methods for the Determination of
    Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement I,” July 1990, for
    Methods 506, 547, 550, 550.1, and 551; and “Methods for the
    Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water--Supplement
    II,” August 1992, for Methods 515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, and 555,
    available from NTIS. Methods 504.1, 508.1, and 525.2 are available from
    EPA EMSL; “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds” in
    Drinking Water-Supplement II, August 1992, for Method 552.1; “Methods
    for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking
    Water-Supplement III,” August 1995, for Methods 502.2, 524.2, 551.1, and
    “USEPA Radioactivity Methods” means “Prescribed Procedures for
    Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking Water,”, EPA 600/4-80-032,
    August 1980. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Radiochemical Analyses” means “Radiochemical Analytical
    Procedures for Analysis of Environmental Samples,”, March 1979.
    Available from NTIS.

    “USEPA Radiochemistry Methods” means “Radiochemistry Procedures
    Manual,”, EPA 520/5-84-006, December 1987. Available from NTIS.
    “USEPA Technical Notes” means “Technical Notes on Drinking Water
    Methods,”, available from NTIS.
    “USGS Methods” means “Methods of Analysis by the U.S. Geological
    Survey National Water Quality Laboratory--Determination of Inorganic
    and Organic Constituents in Water and Fluvial Sediments,”, available
    from NTIS and USGS.
    “Waters Method B-1011” means “Waters Test Method for the
    Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in Water Using Single Column Ion
    Chromatography,”, available from Millipore Waters Corporation, Waters
    Chromatography Technical Services Division.
    b) The Board incorporates the following publications by reference:
    Access Analytical Systems, Inc.
    Advanced Polymer Systems, 3696 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA
    94063 415-366-2626:
    Amco-AEPA-1 Polymer. See 40 CFR 141.22(a) (1999). Also, as
    referenced in ASTM D1889.
    American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW,
    Washington, DC 20005 800-645-5476:
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,”, 17th Edition, 1989 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 17th ed.”).
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,”, 18th Edition, 1992, including “Supplement to the
    18th Edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
    and Wastewater,”, 1994 (collectively referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 18th ed.”). See the methods listed separately for the
    same references under American Waterworks Association.
    “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
    Wastewater,”, 19th Edition, 1995 (referred to as “Standard
    Methods, 19th ed.”).
    American Waterworks Association et al., 6666 West Quincy Ave.,

    Denver, CO 80235 303-794-7711:
    Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
    13th Edition, 1971 (referred to as “Standard Methods, 13th ed.”).
    Method 302, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta Radioactivity in
    Water (Total, Suspended and Dissolved).
    Method 303, Total Radioactive Strontium and Strontium 90
    in Water.
    Method 304, Radium in Water by Precipitation.
    Method 305, Radium 226 by Radon in Water (Soluble,
    Suspended and Total).
    Method 306, Tritium in Water.
    Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
    18th Edition, 1992 (referred to as “Standard Methods, 18th ed.”):
    Method 2130 B, Turbidity, Nephelometric Method.
    Method 2320 B, Alkalinity, Titration Method.
    Method 2510 B, Conductivity, Laboratory Method.
    Method 2550, Temperature, Laboratory and Field Methods.
    Method 3111 B, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Method.
    Method 3111 D, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame
    Method 3112 B, Metals by Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3113 B, Metals by Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3114 B, Metals by Hydride Generation/Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Manual Hydride

    Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3120 B, Metals by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy,
    Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method.
    Method 3500-Ca D, Calcium, EDTA Titrimetric Method.
    Method 3500-Mg E, Magnesium, EDTA Titrimetric
    Method 4110 B, Determination of Anions by Ion
    Chromatography, Ion Chromatography with Chemical
    Suppression of Eluent Conductivity.
    Method 4500-CN
    C, Cyanide, Total Cyanide after
    Method 4500-CN
    E, Cyanide, Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-CN
    F, Cyanide, Cyanide-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-CN
    G, Cyanide, Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination after Distillation.
    Method 4500-ClO
    2 C, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method I.
    Method 4500-F
    B, Fluoride, Preliminary Distillation Step.
    Method 4500-F
    C, Fluoride, Ion-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-F
    D, Fluoride, SPADNS Method.
    Method 4500-F
    E, Fluoride, Complexone Method.
    Method 4500-H
    B, pH Value, Electrometric Method.
    Method 4500-NO
    B, Nitrogen (Nitrite), Colorimetric
    Method 4500-NO
    D, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Nitrate Electrode
    Method 4500-NO
    E, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Cadmium

    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-NO
    F, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Automated
    Cadmium Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-O
    3 B, Ozone (Residual) (Proposed), Indigo
    Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-P E, Phosphorus, Ascorbic Acid Method.
    Method 4500-P F, Phosphorus, Automated Ascorbic Acid
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-Si D, Silica, Molybdosilicate Method.
    Method 4500-Si E, Silica, Heteropoly Blue Method.
    Method 4500-Si F, Silica, Automated Method for
    Molybdate-Reactive Silica.
    Method 4500-SO
    C, Sulfate, Gravimetric Method with
    Ignition of Residue.
    Method 4500-SO
    D, Sulfate, Gravimetric Method with
    Drying of Residue.
    Method 4500-SO
    F, Sulfate, Automated Methylthymol
    Blue Method.
    Method 6610, Carbamate Pesticide Method.
    Method 6651, Glyphosate Herbicide (Proposed).
    Method 7110 B, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Evaporation Method for
    Gross Alpha-Beta.
    Method 7110 C, Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity
    (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved), Coprecipitation Method
    for Gross Alpha Radioactivity in Drinking Water
    Method 7500-Cs B, Radioactive Cesium, Precipitation
    Method 7500-3H, B, Tritium, Liquid Scintillation

    Spectrometric Method.
    Method 7500-I B, Radioactive Iodine, Precipitation
    Method 7500-I C, Radioactive Iodine, Ion-Exchange
    Method 7500-I D, Radioactive Iodine, Distillation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra B, Radium, Precipitation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra C, Radium, Emanation Method.
    Method 7500-Ra D, Radium, Sequential Precipitation
    Method (Proposed).
    Method 7500-U B, Uranium, Radiochemical Method
    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method (Proposed).
    Method 9215 B, Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pour Plate
    Method 9221 A, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9221 B, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Standard Total
    Coliform Fermentation Technique.
    Method 9221 C, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Estimation of
    Bacterial Density.
    Method 9221 D, Multiple-Tube Fermentation Technique
    for Members of the Coliform Group, Presence-Absence (P-
    A) Coliform Test.
    Method 9222 A, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Introduction.
    Method 9222 B, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Standard Total Coliform Membrane
    Filter Procedure.

    Method 9222 C, Membrane Filter Technique for Members
    of the Coliform Group, Delayed-Incubation Total Coliform
    Method 9223, Chromogenic Substrate Coliform Test
    Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,
    19th Edition, 1995 (referred to as “Standard Methods, 19th ed.”):
    Method 2320 B, Alkalinity, Titration Method.
    Method 2510 B, Conductivity, Laboratory Method.
    Method 2550, Temperature, Laboratory and Field Methods.
    Method 3111 B, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Method.
    Method 3111 D, Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry, Direct Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame
    Method 3113 B, Metals by Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Electrothermal Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3114 B, Metals by Hydride Generation/Atomic
    Absorption Spectrometry, Manual Hydride
    Generation/Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method.
    Method 3120 B, Metals by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy,
    Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Method.
    Method 3500-Ca D, Calcium, EDTA Titrimetric Method.
    Method 3500-Mg E, Magnesium, EDTA Titrimetric
    Method 4110 B, Determination of Anions by Ion
    Chromatography, Ion Chromatography with Chemical
    Suppression of Eluent Conductivity.
    Method 4500-CN
    C, Cyanide, Total Cyanide after

    Method 4500-CN
    E, Cyanide, Colorimetric Method.
    Method 4500-CN
    F, Cyanide, Cyanide-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-CN
    G, Cyanide, Cyanides Amenable to
    Chlorination after Distillation.
    Method 4500-F
    B, Fluoride, Preliminary Distillation Step.
    Method 4500-F
    C, Fluoride, Ion-Selective Electrode
    Method 4500-F
    D, Fluoride, SPADNS Method.
    Method 4500-F
    E, Fluoride, Complexone Method.
    Method 4500-H
    B, pH Value, Electrometric Method.
    Method 4500-NO
    B, Nitrogen (Nitrite), Colorimetric
    Method 4500-NO
    D, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Nitrate Electrode
    Method 4500-NO
    E, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Cadmium
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-NO
    F, Nitrogen (Nitrate), Automated
    Cadmium Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-P E, Phosphorus, Ascorbic Acid Method.
    Method 4500-P F, Phosphorus, Automated Ascorbic Acid
    Reduction Method.
    Method 4500-Si D, Silica, Molybdosilicate Method.
    Method 4500-Si E, Silica, Heteropoly Blue Method.
    Method 4500-Si F, Silica, Automated Method for
    Molybdate-Reactive Silica.
    Method 7120-B, Gamma Spectrometric Method.

    Method 7500-U C, Uranium, Isotopic Method.
    Method 4500-Cl D, Chlorine (Residual), Amperometric
    Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl E, Chlorine (Residual), Low-Level
    Amperometric Titration Method.
    Method 4500-Cl F, Chlorine (Residual), DPD Ferrous
    Titrimetric Method.
    Method 4500-Cl G, Chlorine (Residual), DPD Colorimetric
    Method 4500-Cl H, Chlorine (Residual), Syringaldazine
    (FACTS) Method.
    Method 4500-Cl I, Chlorine (Residual), Iodometric
    Electrode Technique.
    Method 4500-ClO
    2 D, Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method.
    Method 4500-ClO
    2 E, Chlorine Dioxide, Amperometric
    Method II.
    Method 6251 B, Disinfection Byproducts: Haloacetic Acids
    and Trichlorophenol, Micro Liquid-Liquid Extraction Gas
    Chromatographic Method.
    Method 5910 B, UV Absorbing Organic Constituents,
    Ultraviolet Absorption Method.
    Supplement to the 19th Edition of Standard Methods for the
    Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health
    Association, 1996:
    Method 5310 B, TOC, Combustion-Infrared Method.
    Method 5310 C, TOC, Persulfate-Ultraviolet Oxidation
    Method 5310 D, TOC, Wet-Oxidation Method.
    Analytical Technology, Inc. (ATI Orion), 529 Main Street, Boston, MA

    Technical Bulletin 601, “Standard Method of Testing for Nitrate in
    Drinking Water,”, July, 1994, PN 221890-001 (referred to as
    “Technical Bulletin 601”).
    ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1976 Race Street,
    Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-299-5585 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
    Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 610-832-9585:
    ASTM Method D511-93 A and B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Calcium and Magnesium in Water,”, “Test Method A--
    Complexometric Titration” & “Test Method B--Atomic
    Absorption Spectrophotometric,”, approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D515-88 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Phosphorus in Water,”, “Test Method A--Colorimetric Ascorbic
    Acid Reduction,”, approved August 19, 1988.
    ASTM Method D859-88, “Standard Test Method for Silica in
    Water,”, approved August 19, 1988.
    ASTM Method D1067-92 B, “Standard Test Methods for Acidity
    or Alkalinity in Water,”, “Test Method B--Electrometric or Color-
    Change Titration,”, approved May 15, 1992.
    ASTM Method D1125-91 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity of Water,”, “Test Method
    A--Field and Routine Laboratory Measurement of Static (Non-
    Flowing) Samples,”, approved June 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D1179-93 B, “Standard Test Methods for Fluoride
    in Water,”, “Test Method B--Ion Selective Electrode,”, approved
    ASTM Method D1293-84, “Standard Test Methods for pH of
    Water,”, “Test Method A--Precise Laboratory Measurement” &
    “Test Method B--Routine or Continuous Measurement,”, approved
    October 26, 1984.
    ASTM Method D1688-90 A or C, “Standard Test Methods for
    Copper in Water,”, “Test Method A--Atomic Absorption, Direct”
    & “Test Method C--Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace,”,
    approved March 15, 1990.
    ASTM Method D2036-91 A or B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Cyanide in Water,”, “Test Method A--Total Cyanides after
    Distillation” & “Test Method B--Cyanides Amenable to

    Chlorination by Difference,”, approved September 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D2460-90, “Standard Test Method for
    Radionuclides of Radium in Water,”, approved 1990.
    ASTM Method D2907-91, “Standard Test Methods for
    Microquantities of Uranium in Water by Fluorometry,”, “Test
    Method A--Direct Fluorometric” & “Test Method B—Extraction,”,
    approved June 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D2972-93 B or C, “Standard Test Methods for
    Arsenic in Water,”, “Test Method B--Atomic Absorption, Hydride
    Generation” & “Test Method C--Atomic Absorption, Graphite
    Furnace,”, approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3223-91, “Standard Test Method for Total
    Mercury in Water,”, approved September 23, 1991.
    ASTM Method D3454-91, “Standard Test Method for Radium-226
    in Water,”, approved 1991.
    ASTM Method D3559-90 D, “Standard Test Methods for Lead in
    Water,”, “Test Method D--Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace,”,
    approved August 6, 1990.
    ASTM Method D3645-93 B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Beryllium in Water,”, “Method B--Atomic Absorption, Graphite
    Furnace,”, approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3649-91, “Standard Test Method for High-
    Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Water,”, approved 1991.
    ASTM Method D3697-92, “Standard Test Method for Antimony
    in Water,”, approved June 15, 1992.
    ASTM Method D3859-93 A, “Standard Test Methods for
    Selenium in Water,”, “Method A--Atomic Absorption, Hydride
    Method,”, approved 1993.
    ASTM Method D3867-90 A and B, “Standard Test Methods for
    Nitrite-Nitrate in Water,”, “Test Method A--Automated Cadmium
    Reduction” & “Test Method B--Manual Cadmium Reduction,”,
    approved January 10, 1990.
    ASTM Method D3972-90, “Standard Test Method for Isotopic
    Uranium in Water by Radiochemistry,”, approved 1990.

    ASTM Method D4107-91, “Standard Test Method for Tritium in
    Drinking Water,”, approved 1991.
    ASTM Method D4327-91, “Standard Test Method for Anions in
    Water by Ion Chromatography,”, approved October 15, 1991.
    ASTM Method D4785-88, “Standard Test Method for Low-Level
    Iodine-131 in Water,”, approved 1988.
    ASTM Method D5174-91, “Standard Test Method for Trace
    Uranium in Water by Pulsed-Laser Phosphorimetry,”, approved
    ASTM Method D 1253-86, “Standard Test Method for Residual
    Chlorine in Water,”, reapproved 1992.
    Bran & Luebbe, 1025 Busch Parkway, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089:
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,” Industrial Method #129-
    71W, December 1972 (referred to as “Technicon Methods:
    Method #129-71W”). See 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater,” #380-75WE, February 1976
    (referred to as “Technicon Methods: Method #380-75WE”). See
    40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11 (1999).
    ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory, New York, NY:
    HASL Procedure Manual, HASL 300, 1973. See 40 CFR
    141.25(b)(2) (1999).
    Great Lakes Instruments, Inc., 8855 North 55th Street, Milwaukee, WI
    GLI Method 2, “Turbidity,”, Nov. 2, 1992.
    The Hach Company, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539 800-227-4224:
    “Lead in Drinking Water by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping
    Voltammetry,” Method 1001, August 1999.
    Millipore Corporation, Technical Services Department, 80 Ashby Road,
    Milford, MA 01730 800-654-5476:

    Colisure Presence/Absence Test for Detection and Identification of
    Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia Coli in Drinking Water,
    February 28, 1994 (referred to as “Colisure Test”).
    Millipore Corporation, Waters Chromatography Division, 34 Maple St.,
    Milford, MA 01757 800-252-4752:
    Waters Test Method for the Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in
    Water Using Single Column Ion Chromatography, Method B-1011
    (referred to as “Waters Method B-1011”).
    NCRP. National Council on Radiation Protection, 7910 Woodmont Ave.,
    Bethesda, MD 301-657-2652:
    “Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
    Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for
    Occupational Exposure,”, NCRP Report Number 22, June 5, 1959.
    NSF. National Sanitation Foundation International, 3475 Plymouth Road,
    PO Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140, 734-769-8010:
    NSF Standard 61, section 9, November 1998.
    NTIS. National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of
    Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, 703- 487-
    4600 or 800-553-6847:
    “Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water,”, EPA
    600/4-75-008 (revised), March 1976 (referred to as “USEPA
    Interim Radiochemical Methods”). (Pages 1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 16, 24,
    29, 34)
    Method 100.1, “Analytical Method for Determination of Asbestos
    Fibers in Water,”, EPA-600/4-83-043, September1983, Doc. No.
    PB83-260471 (referred to as “USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.1”).
    Method 100.2, “Determination of Asbestos Structures over 10-mm
    in Length in Drinking Water,”, EPA-600/4-83-043, June 1994,
    Doc. No. PB94-201902 (referred to as “USEPA Asbestos
    “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,”, March
    1983, Doc. No. PB84-128677 (referred to as “USEPA Inorganic
    Methods”). (Methods 150.1, 150.2, and 245.2, which formerly
    appeared in this reference, are available from USEPA EMSL.)

    “Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in
    Environmental Samples,” August 1993, PB94-120821 (referred to
    as “USEPA Environmental Inroganic Methods”).
    “Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental
    Samples,”, June 1991, Doc. No. PB91-231498 and “Methods for
    the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples—
    Supplement I,” May 1994, PB95-125472 (referred to as “USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods”).
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water,”, December, 1988, revised July 1991, EPA-600/4-
    88/039 (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods
    502.2, 505, 507, 508, 508A, 515.1, and 531.1.)
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water--Supplement I,”, July 1990, EPA-600-4-90-020
    (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods 506,
    547, 550, 550.1, and 551.)
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Drinking Water--Supplement II,”, August 1992, EPA-600/R-92-
    129 (referred to as “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods
    515.2, 524.2, 548.1, 549.1, 552.1, and 555.)
    “Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in
    Drinking Water,”, EPA 600/4-80-032, August 1980 (referred to as
    “USEPA Radioactivity Methods”). (Methods 900, 901, 901.1, 902,
    903, 903.1, 904, 905, 906, 908, 908.1)
    “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Reactor
    Aqueous Solutions,”, H.L. Krieger and S. Gold, EPA-R4-73-014,
    May 1973, Doc. No. PB222-154/7BA.
    “Radiochemical Analytical Procedures for Analysis of
    Environmental Samples,”, March 1979, Doc. No. EMSL LV
    053917 (referred to as “USEPA Radiochemical Analyses”).
    (Pages 1, 19, 33, 65, 87, 92)
    “Radiochemistry Procedures Manual,”, EPA-520/5-84-006,
    December 1987, Doc. No. PB-84-215581 (referred to as “USEPA
    Radiochemistry Methods”). (Methods 00-01, 00-02, 00-07, H-02,
    Ra-03, Ra-04, Ra-05, Sr-04)
    “Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods,”, EPA-600/R-94-
    173, October 1994, Doc. No. PB-104766 (referred to as “USEPA

    Technical Notes”).
    BOARD NOTE: USEPA made the following assertion with
    regard to this reference at 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1) and 141.24(e) and
    (n)(11) (1995): “This document contains other analytical test
    procedures and approved analytical methods that remain available
    for compliance monitoring until July 1, 1996.”
    “Tetra- through Octa-Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans by Isotope
    Dilution HRGC/HRMS,”, October 1994, EPA-821-B-94-005
    (referred to as “Dioxin and Furan Method 1613”).
    New Jersey Department of Environment, Division of Environmental
    Quality, Bureau of Radiation and Inorganic Analytical Services, 9 Ewing
    Street, Trenton, NJ 08625:
    “Determination of Radium 228 in Drinking Water,”, August 1990.
    New York Department of Health, Radiological Sciences Institute, Center
    for Laboratories and Research, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12201:
    “Determination of Ra-226 and Ra-228 (Ra-02),”, January 1980,
    Revised June 1982.
    Palintest, Ltd., 21 Kenton Lands Road, P.O. Box 18395, Erlanger KY
    “Lead in Drinking Water by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping
    Voltammetry,” Method 1001, August 1999.
    Technicon Industrial Systems, Tarrytown, NY 10591:
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater”, Industrial Method #129-
    71W, December 1972 (referred to as “Technicon Methods:
    Method #129-71W”). See 40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11
    “Fluoride in Water and Wastewater”, #380-75WE, February 1976
    (referred to as “Technicon Methods: Method #380-75WE”). See
    40 CFR 141.23(k)(1), footnote 11 (1999).
    United States Department of Energy, available at the Environmental
    Measurements Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, 376 Hudson
    Street, New York, NY 10014-3621:
    “EML Procedures Manual,”, 27th Edition, Volume 1, 1990.

    United States Environmental Protection Agency, EMSL, Cincinnati, OH
    45268 513-569-7586:
    “Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water,”, EPA-
    600/4-75-008 (referred to as “Radiochemical Methods”).
    (Revised) March 1976.
    “Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in
    Finished Drinking Water and Raw Source Water” (referred to as
    “USEPA Organic Methods”). (For methods 504.1, 508.1, and
    525.2 only.) See NTIS.
    “Procedures for Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Reactor
    Aqueous Solutions.”. See NTIS.
    USEPA, Science and Technology Branch, Criteria and Standards
    Division, Office of Drinking Water, Washington, D.C. 20460:
    “Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and
    Disinfection Requirements for Public Water Systems using Surface
    Water Sources,”, October 1989.
    USGS. Books and Open-File Reports Section, United States Geological
    Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425 25286, Denver, CO 80225-0425:
    Methods available upon request by method number from “Methods
    of for Analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water
    Quality Laboratory--Determination of Inorganic and Organic
    Constituents in Water and Fluvial Sediments,”, Open File Report
    93-125, 1993, or Book 5, Chapter A-1, “Methods for
    Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial
    Sediments,”, 3rd ed., Open-File Report 85-495, 1989, as
    appropriate (referred to as “USGS Methods”).

    Methods available upon request by method number from “Methods
    for Determination of Radioactive Substances in Water and Fluvial
    Sediments,”, Chapter A5 in Book 5 of “Techniques of Water-
    Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey,”,
    Waters Corporation, Technical Services Division, 34 Maple St., Milford,
    MA 01757 800-252-4752:
    “Waters Test Method for Determination of Nitrite/Nitrate in Water
    Using Single Column Ion Chromatography,” Method B-1011,
    August 1987 (referred to as “Waters Method B-1011”).
    c) The Board incorporates the following federal regulations by reference:
    40 CFR 136, Appendix B and C (1999) (2000).
    d) This Part incorporates no later amendments or editions.

    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.130 Special Requirements for Certain Variances and Adjusted Standards
    a) Relief from the TTHM MCL.
    1) In granting any variance or adjusted standard to a supplier that is a CWS
    which adds a disinfectant at any part of treatment and which provides
    water to 10,000 or more persons on a regular basis from the maximum
    contaminant level for TTHM listed in Section 611.310(c), the Board will
    require application of the best available technology (BAT) identified at
    subsection (a)(4) of this Section for that constituent as a condition to the
    relief, unless the supplier has demonstrated through comprehensive
    engineering assessments that application of BAT is not technically
    appropriate and technically feasible for that system or that the application
    would only result in a marginal reduction in TTHM for that supplier.
    2) The Board will require the following as a condition for relief from the
    TTHM MCL where it does not require the application of BAT:
    A) That the supplier continue to investigate the following methods as
    an alternative means of significantly reducing the level of TTHM,
    according to a definite schedule:
    i) The introduction of off-line water storage for THM
    precursor reduction;
    ii) Aeration for TTHM reduction, where geography and
    climate allow;
    iii) The introduction of clarification, where not presently
    iv) The use of alternative sources of raw water; and
    v) The use of ozone as an alternative or supplemental
    disinfectant or oxidant, and
    B) That the supplier report results of that investigation to the Agency.
    3) The Agency must petition the Board to reconsider or modify a variance or
    adjusted standard, pursuant to Subpart I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, if it
    determines that an alternative method identified by the supplier pursuant
    to subsection (a)(2) of this Section is technically feasible and would result
    in a significant reduction in TTHM.

    4) Best available technology for TTHM reduction is as follows:
    A) The use of chloramines as an alternative or supplemental
    B) The use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative or supplemental
    disinfectant, or
    C) Improved existing clarification for THM precursor reduction.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (a) derived from 40 CFR 142.60 (2000).
    b) Relief from the fluoride MCL.
    1) In granting any variance or adjusted standard to a supplier that is a CWS
    from the maximum contaminant level for fluoride listed in Section
    611.301(b), the Board will require application of the best available
    technology (BAT) identified at subsection (b)(4) of this Section for that
    constituent as a condition to the relief, unless the supplier has
    demonstrated through comprehensive engineering assessments that
    application of BAT is not technically appropriate and technically feasible
    for that supplier.
    2) The Board will require the following as a condition for relief from the
    fluoride MCL where it does not require the application of BAT:
    A) That the supplier continue to investigate the following methods as
    an alternative means of significantly reducing the level of fluoride,
    according to a definite schedule:
    i) A modification of lime softening;
    ii) Alum coagulation;
    iii) Electrodialysis;
    iv) Anion exchange resins;
    v) Well field management;
    vi) The use of alternative sources of raw water; and
    vii) Regionalization, and
    B) That the supplier report results of that investigation to the Agency.

    3) The Agency must petition the Board to reconsider or modify a variance or
    adjusted standard, pursuant to Subpart I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, if it
    determines that an alternative method identified by the supplier pursuant
    to subsection (b)(2) of this Section is technically feasible and would result
    in a significant reduction in fluoride.
    4) Best available technology for fluoride reduction is as follows:
    A) Activated alumina absorption centrally applied, and
    B) Reverse osmosis centrally applied.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (b) derived from 40 CFR 142.61 (2000).
    c) Relief from an inorganic chemical contaminant, VOC, or SOC MCL.
    1) In granting to a supplier that is a CWS or NTNCWS any variance or
    adjusted standard from the maximum contaminant levels for any VOC or
    SOC, listed in Section 611.311(a) or (c), or for any inorganic chemical
    contaminant, listed in Section 611.301, the supplier must have first
    applied the best available technology (BAT) identified at Section
    611.311(b) (VOCs and SOCs) or Section 611.301(c) (inorganic chemical
    contaminants) for that constituent, unless the supplier has demonstrated
    through comprehensive engineering assessments that application of BAT
    would achieve only a minimal and insignificant reduction in the level of
    BOARD NOTE: USEPA lists BAT for each SOC and VOC at 40 CFR
    142.62(a) (2000), for the purposes of variances and exemptions (adjusted
    standards). That list is identical to the list at 40 CFR 141.61(b) (2000).
    2) The Board may require any of the following as a condition for relief from
    a MCL listed in Section 611.301 or 611.311:
    A) That the supplier continue to investigate alternative means of
    compliance according to a definite schedule, and
    B) That the supplier report results of that investigation to the Agency.
    3) The Agency must petition the Board to reconsider or modify a variance or
    adjusted standard, pursuant to Subpart I of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 101, if it
    determines that an alternative method identified by the supplier pursuant
    to subsection (c)(2) of this Section is technically feasible.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (c) derived from 40 CFR 142.62(a) through (e)

    (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001).
    d) Conditions requiring use of bottled water or point-of-use or point-of-entry
    devices. In granting any variance or adjusted standard from the maximum
    contaminant levels for organic and inorganic chemicals or an adjusted standard
    from the treatment technique for lead and copper, the Board may impose certain
    conditions requiring the use of bottled water, point-of-entry devices, or point-of-
    use devices to avoid an unreasonable risk to health, limited as provided in
    subsections (e) and (f) of this Section.
    1) Relief from an MCL. The Board may, when granting any variance or
    adjusted standard from the MCL requirements of Sections 611.301 and
    611.311, impose a condition that requires a supplier to use bottled water,
    point-of-use devices, point-of-entry devices or other means to avoid an
    unreasonable risk to health.
    2) Relief from corrosion control treatment. The Board may, when granting
    an adjusted standard from the corrosion control treatment requirements for
    lead and copper of Sections 611.351 and 611.352, impose a condition that
    requires a supplier to use bottled water and point-of-use devices or other
    means, but not point-of-entry devices, to avoid an unreasonable risk to
    3) Relief from source water treatment or service line replacement. The
    Board may, when granting an exemption from the source water treatment
    and lead service line replacement requirements for lead and copper under
    Sections 611.353 or 611.354, impose a condition that requires a supplier
    to use point-of-entry devices to avoid an unreasonable risk to health.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (d) derived from 40 CFR 142.62(f) (2000).
    e) Use of bottled water. Suppliers that propose to use or use bottled water as a
    condition for receiving a variance or an adjusted standard from the requirements
    of Section 611.301 or Section 611.311, or an adjusted standard from the
    requirements of Sections 611.351 through 611.354 must meet the requirements of
    either subsections (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(6) or (e)(4), (e)(5) and (e)(6) of
    this Section:
    1) The supplier must develop a monitoring program for Board approval that
    provides reasonable assurances that the bottled water meets all MCLs of
    Sections 611.301 and 611.311 and submit a description of this program as
    part of its petition. The proposed program must describe how the supplier
    will comply with each requirement of this subsection.
    2) The supplier must monitor representative samples of the bottled water for
    all contaminants regulated under Sections 611.301 and 611.311 during the

    first three-month period that it supplies the bottled water to the public, and
    annually thereafter.
    3) The supplier must annually provide the results of the monitoring program
    to the Agency.
    4) The supplier must receive a certification from the bottled water company
    as to each of the following:
    A) that the bottled water supplied has been taken from an approved
    source of bottled water, as such is defined in Section 611.101;
    B) that the approved source of bottled water has conducted
    monitoring in accordance with 21 CFR 129.80(g)(1) through (3);
    C) and that the bottled water does not exceed any MCLs or quality
    limits as set out in 21 CFR 103.35, 110, and 129.
    5) The supplier must provide the certification required by subsection (e)(4)
    of this Section to the Agency during the first quarter after it begins
    supplying bottled water and annually thereafter.
    6) The supplier must assure the provision of sufficient quantities of bottled
    water to every affected person supplied by the supplier via door-to-door
    bottled water delivery.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (e) derived from 40 CFR 142.62(g) (2000).
    f) Use of point-of-entry devices. Before the Board grants any PWS a variance or
    adjusted standard from any NPDWR that includes a condition requiring the use of
    a point-of-entry device, the supplier must demonstrate to the Board each of the
    1) That the supplier will operate and maintain the device;
    2) That the device provides health protection equivalent to that provided by
    central treatment;
    3) That the supplier will maintain the microbiological safety of the water at
    all times;
    4) That the supplier has established standards for performance, conducted a
    rigorous engineering design review, and field tested the device;
    5) That the operation and maintenance of the device will account for any
    potential for increased concentrations of heterotrophic bacteria resulting

    through the use of activated carbon, by backwashing, post-contactor
    disinfection, and heterotrophic plate count monitoring;
    6) That buildings connected to the supplier's distribution system have
    sufficient devices properly installed, maintained, and monitored to assure
    that all consumers are protected; and
    7) That the use of the device will not cause increased corrosion of lead and
    copper bearing materials located between the device and the tap that could
    increase contaminant levels at the tap.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (f) derived from 40 CFR 142.62(h) (2000).
    g) Relief from the maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides (effective
    December 8, 2003).
    1) Relief from the maximum contaminant levels for combined radium-226
    and radium-228, uranium, gross alpha particle activity (excluding Radon
    and Uranium), and beta particle and photon radioactivity.
    A) Section 611.330(g) sets forth what USEPA has identified as the
    best available technology (BAT), treatment techniques, or other
    means available for achieving compliance with the maximum
    contaminant levels for the radionuclides listed in Section
    611.330(b), (c), (d), and (e), for the purposes of issuing variances
    and exemptions.
    B) In addition to the technologies listed in Section 611.330(g),
    Section 611.330(h) sets forth what USEPA has identified as the
    BAT, treatment techniques, or other means available for achieving
    compliance with the maximum contaminant levels for the
    radionuclides listed in Section 611.330(b), (c), (d), and (e), for the
    purposes of issuing variances and exemptions to small drinking
    water systems, defined here as those serving 10,000 persons or
    fewer, as shown in the second table set forth at Section 611.330(h).
    2) The Board will require a CWS supplier to install and use any treatment
    technology identified in Section 611.330(g), or in the case of small water
    systems (those serving 10,000 persons or fewer), listed in Section
    611.330(h), as a condition for granting a variance, except as provided in
    subsection (a)(3) of this Section. If, after the system's installation of the
    treatment technology, the system cannot meet the MCL, that system will
    be eligible for a variance.
    3) If a CWS supplier can demonstrate through comprehensive engineering
    assessments, which may include pilot plant studies, that the treatment

    technologies identified in this Section would only achieve a de minimus
    reduction in the contaminant level, the Board may issue a schedule of
    compliance that requires the system being granted the variance to examine
    other treatment technologies as a condition of obtaining the variance.
    4) If the Agency determines that a treatment technology identified under
    subsection (a)(3) of this Section is technically feasible, it may request that
    the Board require the supplier to install and use that treatment technology
    in connection with a compliance schedule issued pursuant to Section 36 of
    the Act. The Agency's determination must be based upon studies by the
    system and other relevant information.
    5) The Board may require a community water system CWS to use bottled
    water, point-of-use devices, point-of-entry devices, or other means as a
    condition of granting relief equivalent to a federal Section 1415 variance
    or a Section 1416 exemption from the requirements of Section 611.330, to
    avoid an unreasonable risk to health.
    6) A CWS supplier that uses bottled water as a condition for receiving relief
    equivalent to a federal Section 1415 variance or a Section 1416 exemption
    from the requirements of Section 611.330 must meet the requirements
    specified in either subsections (e)(1) through (e)(3) or (e)(4) through
    (e)(6) of this Section.
    7) A CWS supplier that uses point-of-use or point-of-entry devices as a
    condition for obtaining relief equivalent to a federal Section 1415 variance
    or a Section 1416 exemption from the radionuclides NPDWRs must meet
    the conditions in subsections (g)(1) through (g)(6) of this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (g) derived from 40 CFR 142.65, as added at 65
    Fed. Reg. 76751 (December 7, 2000), effective December 8, 2003.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.232 Site-specific Conditions
    The Agency shall must consider the following site specific criteria in determining whether to
    require filtration pursuant to Section 611.211:
    a) Disinfection.
    1) The supplier shall must meet the requirements of Section 611.241(a) at
    least 11 of the 12 previous months that the system served water to the

    public, on an ongoing basis, unless the system fails to meet the
    requirements during 2 of the 12 previous months that the system served
    water to the public, and the Agency determines that at least one of these
    failures was caused by circumstances that were unusual and unpredictable.
    2) The supplier shall must meet the following requirements at the times
    specified for each:
    A) The requirements of Section 611.241(b)(1), at all times the system
    serves water to the public; and
    B) The requirements of Section 611.241(b)(2) at all times the system
    serves water to the public, unless the Agency determines that any
    such failure was caused by circumstances that were unusual and
    3) The supplier shall must meet the requirements of Section 611.241(c) at all
    times the system serves water to the public unless the Agency determines
    that any such failure was caused by circumstances that were unusual and
    4) The supplier shall must meet the requirements of Section 611.241(d) on an
    ongoing basis unless the Agency determines that failure to meet these
    requirements was not caused by a deficiency in treatment of the source
    b) Watershed control program. The supplier shall must maintain a watershed control
    program which that minimizes the potential for contamination by Giardia lamblia
    cysts and viruses in the source water.
    1) The Agency shall must determine whether the watershed control program
    is adequate to meet this goal. The Agency shall must determine the
    adequacy of a watershed control program based on:
    A) The comprehensiveness of the watershed review;
    B) The effectiveness of the system’s supplier’s program to monitor
    and control detrimental activities occurring in the watershed; and
    C) The extent to which the water system supplier has maximized land
    ownership or controlled the land use within the watershed. At a
    minimum, the watershed control program must:
    i) Characterize the watershed hydrology and land ownership;
    ii) Identify watershed characteristics and activities which that

    may have an adverse effect on source water quality; and
    iii) Monitor the occurrence of activities which that may have
    an adverse effect on source water quality.
    2) The supplier shall must demonstrate through ownership or written
    agreements with landowners within the watershed that it can control all
    human activities which that may have an adverse impact on the
    microbiological quality of the source water. The supplier shall must
    submit an annual report to the Agency that identifies any special concerns
    about the watershed and how they are being handled; describes activities
    in the watershed that affect water quality; and projects what adverse
    activities are expected to occur in the future and describes how the
    supplier expects to address them. For systems using a groundwater source
    under the direct influence of surface water, an approved wellhead
    protection program may be used, if appropriate, to meet these
    c) On-site inspection. The supplier shall must be subject to an annual on-site
    inspection to assess the watershed control program and disinfection treatment
    process. The Agency shall must conduct the inspection. A report of the on-site
    inspection summarizing all findings must be prepared every year. The on-site
    inspection must demonstrate that the watershed control program and disinfection
    treatment process are adequately designed and maintained. The on-site inspection
    must include:
    1) A review of the effectiveness of the watershed control program;
    2) A review of the physical condition of the source intake and how well it is
    3) A review of the system’s supplier’s equipment maintenance program to
    ensure there is low probability for failure of the disinfection process;
    4) An inspection of the disinfection equipment for physical deterioration;
    5) A review of operating procedures;
    6) A review of data records to ensure that all required tests are being
    conducted and recorded and disinfection is effectively practiced; and
    7) Identification of any improvements which that are needed in the
    equipment, system maintenance, and operation or data collection.
    d) Absence of waterborne disease outbreaks. The PWS must not have been
    identified as a source of a waterborne disease outbreak, or if it has been so

    identified, the system must have been modified sufficiently to prevent another
    such occurrence.
    e) Total coliform MCL. The supplier shall must comply with the MCL for total
    coliforms in Section 611.325 at least 11 months of the 12 previous months that
    the system served water to the public, on an ongoing basis, unless the Agency
    determines that failure to meet this requirement was not caused by a deficiency in
    treatment of the source water.
    f) TTHM MCL. The supplier shall must comply with the MCL for TTHM in
    Section 611.310. The PWS shall must comply with the requirements for
    trihalomethanes until December 31, 2001. After December 31, 2001, the system
    shall supplier must comply with the requirements for total trihalomethanes,
    haloacetic acids (five), bromate, chlorite, chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine
    dioxide in Subpart I of this Part.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.71(b) (1998) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg.
    3770 (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.250 Filtration
    A supplier that uses a surface water source or a groundwater source under the direct influence of
    surface water, and does not meet all of the criteria in Section 611.231 and 611.232 for avoiding
    filtration, shall must provide treatment consisting of both disinfection, as specified in Section
    611.242, and filtration treatment which that complies with the requirements of subsection (a),
    (b), (c), (d), or (e) by June 29, 1993, or within 18 months after the failure to meet any one of the
    criteria for avoiding filtration in Section 611.231 and 611.232, whichever is later. Failure to
    meet any requirement after the date specified in this introductory paragraph is a treatment
    technique violation.
    a) Conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration.
    1) For systems
    a system using conventional filtration or direct filtration, the
    turbidity level of representative samples of a the system’s filtered water
    must be less than or equal to 0.5 NTU in at least 95 percent of the
    measurements taken each month, except that, if the Agency determines, by
    special exception permit, that the system is capable of achieving at least
    99.9 percent removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts at some
    turbidity level higher than 0.5 NTU in at least 95 percent of the
    measurements taken each month, the Agency shall must substitute this
    higher turbidity limit for that system. However, in no case may the
    Agency approve a turbidity limit that allows more than 1 NTU in more
    than 5 percent of the samples taken each month.

    2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
    must at no time exceed 5 NTU.
    b) Slow sand filtration.
    1) For systems
    a system using slow sand filtration, the turbidity level of
    representative samples of a the system’s filtered water must be less than or
    equal to 1 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements taken each
    month, except that if the Agency determines, by special exception permit,
    that there is no significant interference with disinfection at a higher level,
    the Agency shall must substitute the higher turbidity limit for that system.
    2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
    must at no time exceed 5 NTU.
    c) Diatomaceous earth filtration.
    1) For systems
    a system using diatomaceous earth filtration, the turbidity
    level of representative samples of a the system’s filtered water must be
    less than or equal to 1 NTU in at least 95 percent of the measurements
    taken each month.
    2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water
    must at no time exceed NTU.
    d) Other filtration technologies. A supplier may use a filtration technology not listed
    in subsections (a) through (c) if it demonstrates, by special exception permit
    application, to the Agency, using pilot plant studies or other means, that the
    alternative filtration technology, in combination with disinfection treatment that
    meets the requirements of Section 611.242, consistently achieves 99.9 percent
    removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts and 99.99 percent removal or
    inactivation of viruses. For a system supplier that makes this demonstration, the
    requirements of subsection (b) apply. Beginning January 1, 2002, systems a
    supplier serving 10,000 or more persons shall must meet the requirements for
    other filtration technologies in Section 611.743(b).
    e) Turbidity is measured as specified in Sections 611.531(d) and 611.533(a).
    Beginning January 1, 2002, systems a supplier serving 10,000 or more persons
    shall must meet the turbidity requirements in Section 611.743(a).
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.73 (1998) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.276 Recycle Provisions
    a) Applicability. A Subpart B system supplier that employs conventional filtration
    or direct filtration treatment and which recycles spent filter backwash water,
    thickener supernatant, or liquids from dewatering processes must meet the
    requirements in subsections (b) through (d) of this Section.
    b) Reporting. A supplier must notify the Agency in writing by Decemeber 8, 2003,
    if the supplier recycles spent filter backwash water, thickener supernatant, or
    liquids from dewatering processes. This notification must include, at a minimum,
    the information specified in subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section.
    1) A plant schematic showing the origin of all flows that are recycled
    (including, but not limited to, spent filter backwash water, thickener
    supernatant, and liquids from dewatering processes), the hydraulic
    conveyance used to transport them, and the location where they are re-
    introduced back into the treatment plant.
    2) Typical recycle flow in gallons per minute (gpm), the highest observed
    plant flow experienced in the previous year (gpm), design flow for the
    treatment plant (gpm), and Agency-approved operating capacity for the
    plant where the Agency has made such a determination.
    c) Treatment technique requirement. Any supplier that recycles spent filter
    backwash water, thickener supernatant, or liquids from dewatering processes must
    return these flows through the processes of the supplier's existing conventional or
    direct filtration system, as defined in Section 611.101 or at an alternative location
    approved by a permit issued by the Agency by June 8, 2004. If capital
    improvements are required to modify the recycle location to meet this
    requirement, all capital improvements must be completed no later than June 8,
    d) Recordkeeping. The supplier must collect and retain on file recycle flow
    information specified in subsections (d)(1) through (d)(6) of this Section for
    review and evaluation by the Agency beginning June 8, 2004.
    1) A copy of the recycle notification and information submitted to the State
    under paragraph (b) of this section.
    2) A list of all recycle flows and the frequency with which they are returned.
    3) The average and maximum backwash flow rate through the filters and the
    average and maximum duration of the filter backwash process in minutes.

    4) The typical filter run length and a written summary of how filter run
    length is determined.
    5) The type of treatment provided for the recycle flow.
    6) Data on the physical dimensions of the equalization or treatment units,
    typical and maximum hydraulic loading rates, type of treatment chemicals
    used and average dose and frequency of use, and frequency at which
    solids are removed, if applicable.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.76, as added at 66 Fed. Reg. 31103 (June 8, 2001).
    (Source: Adended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.300 Old MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
    a) The old MCLs listed in subsection (b) of this Section for inorganic chemicals
    apply only to CWS suppliers. Compliance with old MCLs for inorganic
    chemicals is calculated pursuant to Section 611.612, except that analyses and
    determination of compliance with the 0.05 mg/L MCL for arsenic are to be
    performed pursuant to Section Sections 611.600 through 611.611.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.11(a) (1999) (2000), as amended at
    66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and
    66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001).
    b) The following are the old MCLs for inorganic chemicals:
    Contaminant Level, mg/L Additional State
    Requirement (*)
    Arsenic, until January 23,
    Iron 1.0 *
    Manganese 0.15 *
    Zinc 5. *
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.11(b) & (c) (1999) (2000), as
    amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March
    23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001). This provision, which
    corresponds with 40 CFR 141.11, was formerly the only listing of MCLs for
    inorganic parameters. However, USEPA added another listing of inorganic

    MCLs at 40 CFR 141.62 at 56 Fed. Reg. 3594 (Jan. 30, 1991), which corresponds
    with Section 611.301 This subsection (b) will become an additional State
    requirement after expiration of the old Arsenic MCL on the January 23, 2006
    effective date of the federal amendments that instituted a new MCL for Arsenic.
    c) This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 141.11(c) (1999) (2000), marked as
    reserved by USEPA. This statement maintains structural parity with the federal
    d) Nitrate.
    Non-CWSs may exceed the MCL for nitrate under the following circumstances:
    1) The nitrate level must not exceed 20 mg/L,
    2) The water must not be available to children under six months of age,
    3) The NCWS supplier is meeting the public notification requirements under
    Section 611.909, including continuous posting of the fact that the nitrate
    level exceeds 10 mg/L together with the potential health effects of
    4) The supplier will annually notify local public health authorities and the
    Department of Public Health of the nitrate levels that exceed 10 mg/L, and
    5) No adverse public health effects result.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.11(d) (1999), as amended at 65 Fed.
    Reg. 26022 (May 4, 2000) (2000). The Department of Public Health regulations
    may impose a nitrate limitation requirement. Those regulations are at 77 Ill.
    Adm. Code 900.50.
    e) The following supplementary condition applies to the MCLs listed in subsection
    (b) of this Section for iron and manganese:
    1) CWS suppliers that serve a population of 1000 or fewer, or 300 service
    connections or fewer, are exempt from the standards for iron and
    2) The Agency may, by special exception permit, allow iron and manganese
    in excess of the MCL if sequestration tried on an experimental basis
    proves to be effective. If sequestration is not effective, positive iron or
    manganese reduction treatment as applicable must be provided.
    Experimental use of a sequestering agent may be tried only if approved by
    special exception permit.

    BOARD NOTE: The requirements of subsection (e) of this Section are an
    additional State requirement.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.301 Revised MCLs for Inorganic Chemicals
    a) This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 141.62(a), reserved by USEPA. This
    statement maintains structural consistency with USEPA rules.
    b) The MCLs in the following table apply to CWSs. Except for fluoride, the MCLs
    also apply to NTNCWSs. The MCLs for nitrate, nitrite, and total nitrate and
    nitrite also apply to transient non-CWSs.
    Contaminant MCL Units
    Antimony 0.006 mg/L
    Arsenic (effective
    January 23, 2006)
    0.01 mg/L
    Asbestos 7 MFL
    Barium 2 mg/L
    Beryllium 0.004 mg/L
    Cadmium 0.005 mg/L
    Chromium 0.1 mg/L
    Cyanide (as free CN
    ) 0.2 mg/L
    Fluoride 4.0 mg/L
    Mercury 0.002 mg/L
    Nitrate (as N) 10. mg/L
    Nitrite (as N) 1. mg/L
    Total Nitrate and Nitrite 10. mg/L
    (as N)
    Selenium 0.05 mg/L
    Thallium 0.002 mg/L
    BOARD NOTE:See Section 611.300(d) for an elevated nitrate level for
    non-CWSs. USEPA removed and reserved the MCL for nickel on June
    29, 1995, at 60 Fed. Reg. 33932, as a result of a judicial order in Nickel
    Development Institute v. EPA, No. 92-1407, and Specialty Steel Industry
    of the U.S. v. Browner, No. 92-1410 (D.C. Cir. Feb. 23 & Mar. 6, 1995),
    while retaining the contaminant, analytical methodology, and detection
    limit listings for this contaminant.
    c) USEPA has identified the following as BAT for achieving compliance with the
    MCL for the inorganic contaminants identified in subsection (b) above of this
    Section, except for fluoride:
    Contaminant BAT(s)

    Antimony C/F
    Arsenic (
    BATs for
    . Pre-
    may be
    required to
    convert As
    to As
    O/F (To obtain high removals, the iron to arsenic ratio
    must be at least 20:1)
    Asbestos C/F
    Barium IX
    Beryllium AA
    Cadmium C/F
    Chromium C/F
    LIME, BAT for Cr(III) only
    Cyanide IX
    Mercury C/F, BAT only if influent Hg concentrations less than or
    equal to (?) 10 ?g/L
    LIME, BAT only if influent Hg concentrations ? 10
    RO, BAT only if influent Hg concentrations ? 10 ?g/L
    Nickel IX
    Nitrate IX
    Nitrite IX

    Selenium AAL
    C/F, BAT for Se(IV) only
    Thallium AAL
    AAL Activated alumina
    C/F Coagulation/filtration (not BAT for a system that has fewer
    than 500 service connections)
    DDF Direct and diatomite filtration
    GAC Granular activated carbon
    IX Ion exchange
    LIME Lime softening
    RO Reverse osmosis
    CC Corrosion control
    ED Electrodialysis
    2 Oxidation (chlorine)
    UV Ultraviolet irradiation
    O/F Oxidation/filtration
    d) At 40 CFR 141.62(d), as added at 66 Fed. Reg. 7064 (January 22, 2001), USEPA
    identified the following as the affordable technology, treatment technique, or
    other means available to systems serving 10,000 persons or fewer for achieving
    compliance with the maximum contaminant level for arsenic:
    Small System Compliance Technologies (SSCTs)
    for Arsenic
    Small system compliance technology Affordable for listed small system
    Activated Alumina (centralized) All size categories
    Activated Alumina (Point-of-Use)
    All size categories
    501-3,300, 3,301-10,000
    Coagulation-assisted Microfiltration 501-3,300, 3,301-10,000
    Electrodialysis reversal
    501-3,300, 3,301-10,000
    Enhanced coagulation/filtration All size categories
    Enhanced lime softening (pH> 10.5) All size categories
    Ion Exchange All size categories
    Lime Softening
    501-3,300, 3,301-10,000
    All size categories
    Reverse Osmosis (centralized)
    501-3,300, 3,301-10,000
    Reverse Osmosis (Point-of-Use)
    All size categories

    Section 1412(b)(4)(E)(ii) of the federal SDWA (42 USC 300g-1(b)(4)(E)(ii))
    specifies that SSCTs must be affordable and technically feasible for a small
    system supplier.
    SSCTs for As
    . Pre-oxidation may be required to convert As
    to As
    The federal SDWA specifies three categories of small system suppliers: (1)
    those serving 25 or more, but fewer than 501, (2) those serving more than 500,
    but fewer than 3,301, and (3) those serving more than 3,300, but fewer than
    When POU or POE devices are used for compliance, programs to ensure
    proper long-term operation, maintenance, and monitoring must be provided by
    the water supplier to ensure adequate performance.
    Unlikely to be installed solely for arsenic removal. May require pH
    adjustment to optimal range if high removals are needed.
    Technologies reject a large volume of water--may not be appropriate for areas
    where water quantity may be an issue.
    To obtain high removals, iron to arsenic ratio must be at least 20:1.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.62 (1995) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976
    (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22,
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.310 Old Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Organic Chemicals
    The following are the MCLs for organic chemicals. The MCLs for organic chemicals in this
    Section apply to all CWSs. Compliance with the MCLs in subsections (a) and (b) is calculated
    pursuant to Subpart O of this Part. Compliance with the MCL in subsection (c) is calculated
    pursuant to Subpart P of this Part.
    Contaminant Level mg/L Additional State
    Requirement (*)
    a) Chlorinated hydrocarbons
    Aldrin 0.001 *
    DDT 0.05 *
    Dieldrin 0.001 *
    Heptachlor 0.0001 *
    Heptachlor epoxide 0.0001 *
    BOARD NOTE: Originally derived from 40 CFR 141.12(a)(1994), USEPA
    removed the last entry in this subsection and marked it reserved at 57 Fed. Reg.
    31838 (July 17, 1992). USEPA added another listing of organic MCLs at 40 CFR
    141.61 (1994) (2000). Heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and 2,4-D appear in both
    this Section and in Section 611.311, with a different MCL in each Section. The

    heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and 2,4-D MCLs in this Section are Illinois
    limitations that are more stringent than the federal requirements. However,
    detection of these contaminants or violation of their federally-derived revised
    Section 611.311 MCLs imposes more stringent monitoring, reporting, and notice
    b) Chlorophenoxys
    2,4-D 0.01 *
    BOARD NOTE: Originally derived from 40 CFR 141.12(b) (1994) (2000),
    USEPA removed the last entry in this subsection and marked it reserved at 56
    Fed. Reg. 3578 (Jan. 30, 1991). See the preceding Board Note regarding the dual
    listing of MCLs for 2,4-D.
    c) TTHM 0.10 *
    1) The MCL of 0.10 mg/L for TTHM applies to a Subpart B community water
    system CWS supplier that serves 10,000 or more persons, until December
    31, 2001.
    2) The MCL of 0.10 mg/L for TTHM applies to community water systems a
    CWS supplier that use uses only groundwater not under the direct influence
    of surface water and serve 10,000 or more persons, until December 31,
    3) After December 31, 2003, the MCL for TTHM in this Section is no longer
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.12 (1999) (2000). This is an
    additional State requirement to the extent that it applies to supplies a supplier
    other than CWSs a CWS supplier that add adds a disinfectant at any part of
    treatment and which provide provides water to 10,000 or more persons. The new
    MCL for TTHM is listed in Section 611.312.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.312 Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for Disinfection Byproducts
    a) The maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are
    as follows:
    Disinfection byproduct MCL (mg/L)
    Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) 0.080
    Haloacetic acids (five) (HAA5) 0.060

    Bromate 0.010
    Chlorite 1.0
    b) Compliance dates.
    1) CWSs and NTNCWSs. A Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or
    more persons shall must comply with this Section beginning January 1,
    2002. A Subpart B system supplier serving fewer than 10,000 persons and
    systems or a supplier using only groundwater not under the direct influence
    of surface water shall must comply with this Section beginning January 1,
    2) A PWS that is installing GAC or membrane technology to comply with this
    Section may apply to the Board for an extension of up to 24 months past the
    dates in subsection (b)(1) of this Section, but not beyond December 31,
    2003. The Board shall must grant the extension, and shall must set a
    schedule for compliance and may specify any interim measures that the
    PWS must take. Failure to meet the schedule or interim treatment
    requirements constitutes a violation of an NPDWR.
    c) The following are identified as the best technology, treatment techniques, or other
    means available for achieving compliance with the maximum contaminant levels
    for disinfection byproducts (DBPs) identified in subsection (a) of this Section.
    Disinfection byproduct
    Best available technology
    TTHM Enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening or GAC10,
    with chlorine as the primary and residual disinfectant
    HAA5 Enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening or GAC10,
    with chlorine as the primary and residual disinfectant
    Bromate Control of ozone treatment process to reduce production
    of bromate
    Chlorite Control of treatment processes to reduce disinfectant
    demand and control of disinfection treatment processes to
    reduce disinfectant levels
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.64 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.313 Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDLs)
    a) Maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs) are as follows:

    Disinfectant residual MRDL (mg/L)
    Chlorine 4.0 (as Cl
    Chloramines 4.0 (as Cl
    Chlorine dioxide 0.8 (as ClO
    b) Compliance dates.
    1) CWSs and NTNCWSs. A Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or
    more persons shall must comply with this Section beginning January 1,
    2002. A Subpart B system supplier serving fewer than 10,000 persons and
    systems or a supplier using only groundwater not under the direct influence
    of surface water shall must comply with this Section beginning January 1,
    2) Transient NCWSs. A Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more
    persons and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant shall must
    comply with the chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2002. A
    Subpart B system supplier serving fewer than 10,000 persons and using
    chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant and systems or a supplier using
    only groundwater not under the direct influence of surface water and using
    chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant shall must comply with the
    chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.
    c) The following are identified as the best technology, treatment techniques, or other
    means available for achieving compliance with the maximum residual disinfectant
    levels identified in subsection (a) of this Section: control of treatment processes to
    reduce disinfectant demand and control of disinfection treatment processes to
    reduce disinfectant levels.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.65 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.380 General Requirements
    a) The requirements of this Subpart constitute NPDWRs.
    1) The regulations in this Subpart establish standards under which community
    water systems (CWSs) and non-transient, non-community water systems
    (NTNCWSs) a CWS supplier or a NTNCWS supplier that add adds a

    chemical disinfectant to the water in any part of the drinking water treatment
    process or which provide provides water that contains a chemical
    disinfectant must modify their its practices to meet MCLs and MRDLs in
    Sections 611.312 and 611.313, respectively, and must meet the treatment
    technique requirements for DBP precursors in Section 611.385.
    2) The regulations in this Subpart establish standards under which transient
    non-community water systems (transient non-CWSs) a transient non-CWS
    supplier that use uses chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must
    modify their its practices to meet the MRDL for chlorine dioxide in Section
    3) The Board has established MCLs for TTHM and HAA5 and treatment
    technique requirements for DBP precursors to limit the levels of known
    and unknown DBPs which that may have adverse health effects. These
    DBPs may include chloroform, bromodichloromethane,
    dibromochloromethane, bromoform, dichloroacetic acid, and
    trichloroaecetic acid.
    b) Compliance dates.
    1) CWSs and NTNCWSs. Unless otherwise noted, systems a supplier must
    comply with the requirements of this Subpart as follows. A Subpart B
    system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons shall must comply with this
    Subpart beginning January 1, 2002. A Subpart B system supplier serving
    fewer than 10,000 persons and systems or a supplier using only
    groundwater not under the direct influence of surface water must comply
    with this Subpart beginning January 1, 2004.
    2) Transient
    non-CWSs. A Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more
    persons and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant shall must
    comply with any requirements for chlorine dioxide in this Subpart beginning
    January 1, 2002. A Subpart B system supplier serving fewer than 10,000
    persons and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant and systems
    or a supplier using only groundwater not under the direct influence of
    surface water and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant shall
    must comply with any requirements for chlorine dioxide in this Subpart
    beginning January 1, 2004.
    c) Each CWS and or NTNCWS supplier regulated under subsection (a) of this Section
    must be operated by qualified personnel who meet the requirements specified in 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 680.
    d) Control of disinfectant residuals. Notwithstanding the MRDLs in Section 611.313,
    systems a supplier may increase residual disinfectant levels in the distribution
    system of chlorine or chloramines (but not chlorine dioxide) to a level and for a

    time necessary to protect public health, to address specific microbiological
    contamination problems caused by circumstances such as, but not limited to,
    distribution line breaks, storm run-off events, source water contamination events, or
    cross-connection events.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.130 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.381 Analytical Requirements
    a) Systems
    shall A supplier must use only the analytical method(s) methods specified
    in this Section to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Subpart.
    b) Disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
    1) Systems
    shall A supplier must measure disinfection byproducts (DBPs) by
    the methods (as modified by the footnotes) listed in the following table:
    Approved Methods for Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Compliance
    Byproduct Measured
    TTHM HAA5 Chlorite
    D & PID
    P&T/GC/MS 524.2
    6251 B
    SPE/GC/ECD 552.1
    c Titration
    2 E
    IC 300.0
    IC 300.1
    X indicates method is approved for measuring specified disinfection
    P&T = purge and trap; GC = gas chromatography; ElCD = electrolytic
    conductivity detector; PID = photoionization detector; MS = mass

    spectrometer; LLE = liquid/liquid extraction; ECD = electron capture
    detector; SPE = solid phase extractor; IC = ion chromatography.
    If TTHMs are the only analytes being measured in the sample, then a PID
    is not required.
    Amperometric titration may be used for routine daily monitoring of
    chlorite at the entrance to the distribution system, as prescribed in Section
    611.382(b)(2)(A)(i). Ion chromatography must be used for routine
    monthly monitoring of chlorite and additional monitoring of chlorite in the
    distribution system, as prescribed in Sections 611.382(b)(2)(A)(ii) and
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.131(b) (1998).
    EPA method Standard
    P&T/GC/ElCD &
    502.2 TTHM
    P&T/GC/MS 524.2 TTHM
    LLE/GC/ECD 551.1 TTHM
    LLE/GC/ECD 6251 B HAA5
    SPE/GC/ECD 552.1 HAA5
    LLE/GC/ECD 552.2 HAA5
    E Chlorite
    IC 300.0 Chlorite
    IC 300.1 Chlorite
    , Bromate
    The listed method is approved for measuring specified disinfection
    P&T = purge and trap; GC = gas chromatography; ElCD = electrolytic
    conductivity detector; PID = photoionization detector; MS = mass
    spectrometer; LLE = liquid/liquid extraction; ECD = electron capture
    detector; SPE = solid phase extractor; IC = ion chromatography.
    If TTHMs are the only analytes being measured in the sample, then a
    PID is not required.
    Amperometric titration may be used for routine daily monitoring of
    chlorite at the entrance to the distribution system, as prescribed in
    Section 611.382(b)(2)(A)(i). Ion chromatography must be used for
    routine monthly monitoring of chlorite and additional monitoring of
    chlorite in the distribution system, as prescribed in Sections
    611.382(b)(2)(A)(ii) and (b)(2)(B).
    2) Analysis under this Section for DBPs shall must be conducted by
    laboratories that have received certification by USEPA or the Agency
    except as specified under subsection (b)(3) of this Section. To receive
    certification to conduct analyses for the contaminants in Section 611.312,

    the laboratory must carry out annual analyses of performance evaluation
    (PE) samples approved by USEPA or the Agency. In these analyses of PE
    samples, the laboratory must achieve quantitative results within the
    acceptance limit on a minimum of 80% of the analytes included in each PE
    sample. The acceptance limit is defined as the 95% confidence interval
    calculated around the mean of the PE study data between a maximum and
    minimum acceptance limit of
    50% and
    15% of the study mean.
    3) A party approved by USEPA or the Agency must measure daily chlorite
    samples at the entrance to the distribution system.
    c) Disinfectant residuals.
    1) Systems
    shall A supplier must measure residual disinfectant concentrations
    for free chlorine, combined chlorine (chloramines), and chlorine dioxide by
    the methods (as modified by the footnotes) listed in the following table:
    Approved Methods for Disinfectant Residual Compliance Monitoring
    Residual Measured
    ic Titration
    4500-Cl D
    Low Level
    ic Titration
    4500-Cl E
    DPD Ferrous
    4500-Cl F
    4500-Cl G
    ne (FACTS)
    4500-Cl H
    4500-Cl I
    DPD 4500-ClO
    ic Method II
    X indicates method is approved for measuring specified disinfectant
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.131(c) (1998).

    Methodology Standard
    Residual Measured
    4500-Cl D D 1253-86 Free chlorine,
    Combined chlorine,
    Total chlorine
    Low Level
    4500-Cl E Total chlorine
    DPD Ferrous
    4500-Cl F Free chlorine,
    Combined chlorine,
    Total chlorine
    DPD Colorimetric 4500-Cl G Free chlorine,
    Combined chlorine,
    Total chlorine
    4500-Cl H Free chlorine
    4500-Cl I Total chlorine
    DPD 4500-ClO
    D Chlorine dioxide
    Method II
    E Chlorine dioxide
    The listed method is approved for measuring specified disinfectant
    2) If approved by the Agency, systems a supplier may also measure residual
    disinfectant concentrations for chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide
    by using DPD colorimetric test kits.
    3) A party approved by USEPA or the Agency shall must measure residual
    disinfectant concentration.
    d) Systems
    A supplier required to analyze parameters not included in subsections (b)
    and (c) of this Section shall must use the methods listed below. A party approved
    by USEPA or the Agency shall must measure these parameters.
    1) Alkalinity. All methods allowed in Section 611.611 (a) (21) for measuring
    2) Bromide. USEPA Method 300.0 or USEPA Method 300.1,
    3) Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Standard Method 5310 B (High-Temperature
    Combustion Method), Standard Method 5310 C (Persulfate-Ultraviolet or
    Heated-Persulfate Oxidation Method), or Standard Method 5310 D
    (Wet-Oxidation Method). TOC samples may not be filtered prior to

    analysis. TOC samples must either be analyzed or must be acidified to
    achieve pH less than 2.0 by minimal addition of phosphoric or sulfuric acid
    as soon as practical after sampling, not to exceed 24 hours. Acidified TOC
    samples must be analyzed within 28 days,
    4) Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance (SUVA). SUVA is equal to the UV
    absorption at 254nm (UV
    254) (measured in m-
    ) divided by the dissolved
    organic carbon (DOC) concentration (measured as mg/L). In order to
    determine SUVA, it is necessary to separately measure UV
    254 and DOC.
    When determining SUVA, systems a supplier must use the methods
    stipulated in subsection (d)(4)(A) of this Section to measure DOC and the
    method stipulated in subsection (d)(4)(B) of this Section to measure UV
    SUVA must be determined on water prior to the addition of
    disinfectants/oxidants by the system supplier. DOC and UV
    254 samples used
    to determine a SUVA value must be taken at the same time and at the same
    A) Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). Standard Method 5310 B (High-
    Temperature Combustion Method), Standard Method 5310 C
    (Persulfate-Ultraviolet or Heated-Persulfate Oxidation Method), or
    Standard Method 5310 D (Wet-Oxidation Method). Prior to
    analysis, DOC samples must be filtered through a 0.45
    pore-diameter filter. Water passed through the filter prior to
    filtration of the sample must serve as the filtered blank. This filtered
    blank must be analyzed using procedures identical to those used for
    analysis of the samples and must meet the following standards:
    DOC < 0.5 mg/L. DOC samples must be filtered through the 0.45
    m pore-diameter filter prior to acidification. DOC samples must
    either be analyzed or must be acidified to achieve pH less than 2.0
    by minimal addition of phosphoric or sulfuric acid as soon as
    practical after sampling, not to exceed 48 hours. Acidified DOC
    samples must be analyzed within 28 days, and
    B) Ultraviolet Absorption at 254 nm (UV
    254). Method 5910 B
    (Ultraviolet Absorption Method). UV absorption must be measured
    at 253.7 nm (may be rounded off to 254 nm). Prior to analysis,
    254 samples must be filtered through a 0.45
    m pore-diameter
    filter. The pH of UV
    254 samples may not be adjusted. Samples must
    be analyzed as soon as practical after sampling, not to exceed 48
    hours, and
    5) pH. All methods allowed in Section 611.611 (a) (17) for measuring pH.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.131 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).

    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.382 Monitoring Requirements
    a) General requirements.
    1) Systems
    shall A supplier must take all samples during normal operating
    2) Systems
    A supplier may consider multiple wells drawing water from a
    single aquifer as one treatment plant for determining the minimum number
    of TTHM and HAA5 samples required with Agency approval.
    3) Failure to monitor in accordance with the monitoring plan required under
    subsection (f) of this Section is a monitoring violation.
    4) Where compliance is based on a running annual average of monthly or
    quarterly samples or averages and the system’s supplier’s failure to monitor
    makes it impossible to determine compliance with MCLs or MRDLs, this
    failure to monitor will be treated as a violation for the entire period covered
    by the annual average.
    5) Systems
    shall A supplier must use only data collected under the provisions
    of this Subpart or under the Information Collection Rule (40 CFR 141
    Subpart M ) to qualify for reduced monitoring.
    b) Monitoring requirements for disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
    1) TTHMs and HAA5.
    A) Routine monitoring. Systems shall A supplier must monitor at the
    frequency indicated in the following table:
    Routine Monitoring Frequency for TTHM and HAA5
    Type of system Minimum monitoring
    Sample location in the
    distribution system
    Subpart B system serving
    10,000 or more persons.
    Four water samples per
    quarter per treatment plant.
    At least 25 percent of all
    samples collected each quarter
    at locations representing
    maximum residence time.
    Remaining samples taken at
    locations representative of at
    least average residence time in
    the distribution system and

    representing the entire
    distribution system, taking
    into account number of
    persons served, different
    sources of water, and different
    treatment methods.
    Subpart B system serving
    from 500 to 9,999 persons.
    One water sample per quarter
    per treatment plant.
    Locations representing
    maximum residence time.
    Subpart B system serving
    fewer than 500 persons.
    One sample per year per
    treatment plant during month
    of warmest water temperature.
    Locations representing
    maximum residence time.
    the sample (or average of
    annual samples, if more than
    one sample is taken) exceeds
    MCL, system must increase
    monitoring to one sample per
    treatment plant per quarter,
    taken at a point reflecting the
    maximum residence time in
    the distribution system, until
    system meets reduced
    monitoring standards in
    Section 611.382(b)(1)(D).
    System using only
    groundwater not under direct
    influence of surface water
    using chemical disinfectant
    and serving 10,000 or more
    One water sample per quarter
    per treatment plant
    Locations representing
    maximum residence time.
    System using only
    groundwater not under direct
    influence of surface water
    using chemical disinfectant
    and serving fewer than 10,000
    One sample per year per
    treatment plant
    during month
    of warmest water temperature.
    Locations representing
    maximum residence time.
    the sample (or average of
    annual samples, if more than
    one sample is taken) exceeds
    MCL, system must increase
    monitoring to one sample per
    treatment plant per quarter,
    taken at a point reflecting the
    maximum residence time in
    the distribution system, until
    system meets standards in
    Section 611.382(b)(1)(D) for
    reduced monitoring.

    If a system elects to sample more frequently than the minimum required, at least 25 percent of all
    samples collected each quarter (including those taken in excess of the required frequency) must be
    taken at locations that represent the maximum residence time of the water in the distribution
    system. The remaining samples must be taken at locations representative of at least average
    residence time in the distribution system.
    Multiple wells drawing water from a single aquifer may be considered one treatment plant for
    determining the minimum number of samples required with Agency approval.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.132(b) (1998) (2000).
    Routine Monitoring Frequency for TTHM and HAA5
    Type of supplier Minimum
    Sample location in
    the distribution
    Subpart B system
    supplier serving
    10,000 or more
    Four water samples
    per quarter per
    treatment plant.
    At least 25 percent
    of all samples
    collected each
    quarter at locations
    maximum residence
    time. Remaining
    samples taken at
    representative of at
    least average
    residence time in the
    distribution system
    and representing the
    entire distribution
    system, taking into
    account number of
    persons served,
    different sources of
    water, and different
    treatment methods.
    Subpart B system
    supplier serving
    from 500 to 9,999
    One water sample
    per quarter per
    treatment plant.
    maximum residence
    Subpart B system
    supplier serving
    fewer than 500
    One sample per year
    per treatment plant
    during month of
    warmest water
    maximum residence
    If the sample

    temperature. (or average of
    annual samples, if
    more than one
    sample is taken)
    exceeds the MCL,
    the supplier must
    increase monitoring
    to one sample per
    treatment plant per
    quarter, taken at a
    point reflecting the
    maximum residence
    time in the
    distribution system,
    until the supplier
    meets the standards
    in subsection
    (b)(1)(D) of this
    A supplier using
    only groundwater
    not under direct
    influence of surface
    water using
    disinfectant and
    serving 10,000 or
    more persons.
    One water sample
    per quarter per
    treatment plant
    maximum residence
    A supplier using
    only groundwater
    not under direct
    influence of surface
    water using
    disinfectant and
    serving fewer than
    10,000 persons.
    One sample per year
    per treatment plant
    during month of
    warmest water
    maximum residence
    If the sample
    (or average of
    annual samples, if
    more than one
    sample is taken)
    exceeds MCL, the
    supplier must
    increase monitoring
    to one sample per
    treatment plant per
    quarter, taken at a
    point reflecting the
    maximum residence

    time in the
    distribution system,
    until the supplier
    meets standards in
    subsection (b)(1)(D)
    of this Section.
    If a supplier elects to sample more frequently than the minimum
    required, at least 25 percent of all samples collected each quarter
    (including those taken in excess of the required frequency) must be
    taken at locations that represent the maximum residence time of the
    water in the distribution system. The remaining samples must be
    taken at locations representative of at least average residence time
    in the distribution system.
    Multiple wells drawing water from a single aquifer may be
    considered one treatment plant for determining the minimum
    number of samples required, with Agency approval.
    B) Systems
    A supplier may reduce monitoring, except as otherwise
    provided, in accordance with the following table:
    Reduced Monitoring Frequency for TTHM and HAA5
    If you are a . . . You may reduce monitoring if
    you have monitored at least
    one year and your . . .
    To this level
    Subpart B system serving
    10,000 or more persons which
    has a source water annual
    average TOC level, before any
    4.0 mg/L.
    TTHM annual average
    mg/L and HAA5 annual
    0.030 mg/L.
    One sample per treatment
    plant per quarter at
    distribution system location
    reflecting maximum residence
    Subpart B system serving
    from 500 to 9,999 persons
    which has a source water
    annual average TOC level,
    before any treatment,
    TTHM annual average
    mg/L and HAA5 annual
    0.030 mg/L.
    One sample per treatment
    plant per year at distribution
    system location reflecting
    maximum residence time
    during month of warmest
    water temperature. NOTE:
    Any Subpart B system serving
    fewer than 500 persons may
    not reduce its monitoring to
    less than one sample per
    treatment plant per year.
    System using only
    TTHM annual average
    One sample per treatment

    groundwater not under direct
    influence of surface water
    using chemical disinfectant
    and serving 10,000 or more
    mg/L and HAA5 annual
    0.030 mg/L.
    plant per year at distribution
    system location reflecting
    maximum residence time
    during month of warmest
    water temperature.
    System using only
    groundwater not under direct
    influence of surface water
    using chemical disinfectant
    and serving fewer than 10,000
    TTHM annual average
    mg/L and HAA5 annual
    0.030 mg/L for two
    consecutive years OR TTHM
    annual average
    0.020 mg/L
    and HAA5 annual average
    0.015 mg/L for one year.
    One sample per treatment
    plant per three year
    monitoring cycle at
    distribution system location
    reflecting maximum residence
    time during month of warmest
    water temperature, with the
    three-year cycle beginning on
    January 1 following quarter in
    which system qualifies for
    reduced monitoring.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 132(c) (1998) (2000).
    Reduced Monitoring Frequency for TTHM and HAA5
    If you are a . . . You may reduce
    monitoring if you
    have monitored at
    least one year and
    your . . .
    To this level
    Subpart B system
    supplier serving
    10,000 or more
    persons that has a
    source water annual
    average TOC level,
    before any
    TTHM annual
    mg/L and HAA5
    annual average
    0.030 mg/L.
    One sample per
    treatment plant per
    quarter at
    distribution system
    location reflecting
    maximum residence

    Subpart B system
    supplier serving
    from 500 to 9,999
    persons that has a
    source water annual
    average TOC level,
    before any
    TTHM annual
    mg/L and HAA5
    annual average
    0.030 mg/L.
    One sample per
    treatment plant per
    year at distribution
    system location
    reflecting maximum
    residence time
    during month of
    warmest water
    temperature. NOTE:
    Any Subpart B
    system supplier
    serving fewer than
    500 persons may not
    reduce its
    monitoring to less
    than one sample per
    treatment plant per
    A supplier using
    only groundwater
    not under direct
    influence of surface
    water using
    disinfectant and
    serving 10,000 or
    more persons.
    TTHM annual
    mg/L and HAA5
    annual average
    0.030 mg/L.
    One sample per
    treatment plant per
    year at distribution
    system location
    reflecting maximum
    residence time
    during month of
    warmest water
    A supplier using
    only groundwater
    not under direct
    influence of surface
    water using
    disinfectant and
    serving fewer than
    10,000 persons.
    TTHM annual
    mg/L and HAA5
    annual average
    0.030 mg/L for two
    consecutive years
    OR TTHM annual
    mg/L and HAA5
    annual average
    0.015 mg/L for one
    One sample per
    treatment plant per
    three year
    monitoring cycle at
    distribution system
    location reflecting
    maximum residence
    time during month
    of warmest water
    temperature, with
    the three-year cycle
    beginning on
    January 1 following
    quarter in which the
    supplier qualifies for
    reduced monitoring.
    C) Systems
    A supplier on a reduced monitoring schedule may remain

    on that reduced schedule as long as the average of all samples taken
    in the year (for systems which a supplier that must monitor
    quarterly) or the result of the sample (for systems which a supplier
    that must monitor no more frequently than annually) is no more than
    0.060 mg/L and 0.045 mg/L for TTHMs and HAA5, respectively.
    Systems A supplier that do not meet these levels shall must resume
    monitoring at the frequency identified in subsection (b)(1)(A) of this
    Section (minimum monitoring frequency column) in the quarter
    immediately following the quarter monitoring period in which the
    system supplier exceeds 0.060 mg/L for TTHMs and or 0.045 mg/L
    for TTHMs and HAA5, respectively. For systems a supplier using
    only groundwater not under the direct influence of surface water
    and serving fewer than 10,000 persons, if either the TTHM annual
    average is
    >0.080 mg/L or the HAA5 annual average is
    mg/L, the system supplier must go to increased monitoring
    identified in subsection (b)(1)(A) of this Section (sample location
    column) in the quarter immediately following the monitoring
    period in which the supplier exceeds 0.080 mg/L for TTHMs or
    0.060 mg/L for HAA5.
    D) Systems
    A supplier on increased monitoring may return to routine
    monitoring if, after at least one year of monitoring, the its TTHM
    annual average is
    0.060 mg/L and the its HAA5 annual
    average is
    0.045 mg/L.
    E) The Agency may return a system supplier to routine monitoring.
    2) Chlorite. Community and nontransient noncommunity water systems A
    CWS or NTNCWS supplier using chlorine dioxide, for disinfection or
    oxidation, shall must conduct monitoring for chlorite.
    A) Routine monitoring.
    i) Daily monitoring. Systems shall A supplier must take daily
    samples at the entrance to the distribution system. For any
    daily sample that exceeds the chlorite MCL, the system shall
    supplier must take additional samples in the distribution
    system the following day at the locations required by
    subsection (b)(2)(B) of this Section, in addition to the sample
    required at the entrance to the distribution system.
    ii) Monthly monitoring. Systems shall A supplier must take a
    three-sample set each month in the distribution system. The
    system supplier must take one sample at each of the
    following locations: near the first customer, at a location
    representative of average residence time, and at a location

    reflecting maximum residence time in the distribution
    system. Any additional routine sampling must be conducted
    in the same manner (as three-sample sets, at the specified
    locations). The system supplier may use the results of
    additional monitoring conducted under subsection (b)(2)(B)
    of this Section to meet the requirement for monitoring in this
    subsection (b)(2)(A)(ii).
    B) Additional monitoring. On each day following a routine sample
    monitoring result that exceeds the chlorite MCL at the entrance to
    the distribution system, the system shall supplier must take three
    chlorite distribution system samples at the following locations: as
    close to the first customer as possible, in a location representative of
    average residence time, and as close to the end of the distribution
    system as possible (reflecting maximum residence time in the
    distribution system).
    C) Reduced monitoring.
    i) Chlorite monitoring at the entrance to the distribution system
    required by subsection (b)(2)(A)(i) of this Section may not
    be reduced.
    ii) Chlorite monitoring in the distribution system required by
    subsection (b)(2)(A)(ii) of this Section may be reduced to
    one three-sample set per quarter after one year of monitoring
    where no individual chlorite sample taken in the distribution
    system under subsection (b)(2)(A)(ii) of this Section has
    exceeded the chlorite MCL and the system supplier has not
    been required to conduct monitoring under subsection
    (b)(2)(B) of this Section. The system supplier may remain
    on the reduced monitoring schedule until either any of the
    three individual chlorite samples taken quarterly in the
    distribution system under subsection (b)(2)(A)(ii) of this
    Section exceeds the chlorite MCL or the system supplier is
    required to conduct monitoring under subsection (b)(2)(B) of
    this Section, at which time the system shall supplier must
    revert to routine monitoring.
    3) Bromate.
    A) Routine monitoring. Community and nontransient noncommunity
    systems A CWS or NTNCWS supplier using ozone, for disinfection
    or oxidation, shall must take one sample per month for each
    treatment plant in the system using ozone. Systems shall A system
    must take samples monthly at the entrance to the distribution system

    while the ozonation system is operating under normal conditions.
    B) Reduced monitoring. Systems A supplier required to analyze for
    bromate may reduce monitoring from monthly to once per quarter, if
    the system supplier demonstrates that the average source water
    bromide concentration is less than 0.05 mg/L based upon
    representative monthly bromide measurements for one year. The
    system supplier may remain on reduced bromate monitoring until
    the running annual average source water bromide concentration,
    computed quarterly, is equal to or greater than 0.05 mg/L based
    upon representative monthly measurements. If the running annual
    average source water bromide concentration is equal to or greater
    than 0.05 mg/L, the system shall supplier must resume routine
    monitoring required by subsection (b)(3)(A) of this Section.
    c) Monitoring requirements for disinfectant residuals.
    1) Chlorine and chloramines.
    A) Routine monitoring. Community and nontransient noncommunity
    systems A CWS or NTNCWS supplier that use uses chlorine or
    chloramines shall must measure the residual disinfectant level in the
    distribution system at the same points point in the distribution
    system and at the same time as total coliforms are sampled, as
    specified in Section 611.521. A Subpart B system supplier may use
    the results of residual disinfectant concentration sampling conducted
    under Section 611.532 for unfiltered systems or Section 611.533 for
    systems that filter, in lieu of taking separate samples.
    B) Reduced monitoring. Monitoring may not be reduced.
    2) Chlorine dioxide.
    A) Routine monitoring. Community, nontransient noncommunity, and
    transient noncommunity water systems A CWS, an NTNCWS, or a
    transient non-CWS supplier that use uses chlorine dioxide for
    disinfection or oxidation shall must take daily samples at the
    entrance to the distribution system. For any daily sample that
    exceeds the MRDL, the system shall supplier must take samples in
    the distribution system the following day at the locations required by
    subsection (c)(2)(B) of this Section, in addition to the sample
    required at the entrance to the distribution system.
    B) Additional monitoring. On each day following a routine sample
    monitoring result that exceeds the MRDL, the system shall supplier
    must take three chlorine dioxide distribution system samples. If

    chlorine dioxide or chloramines are used to maintain a disinfectant
    residual in the distribution system, or if chlorine is used to maintain
    a disinfectant residual in the distribution system and there are no
    disinfection addition points after the entrance to the distribution
    system (i.e., no booster chlorination), the system shall supplier must
    take three samples as close to the first customer as possible, at
    intervals of at least six hours. If chlorine is used to maintain a
    disinfectant residual in the distribution system and there are one or
    more disinfection addition points after the entrance to the
    distribution system (i.e., booster chlorination), the system shall
    supplier must take one sample at each of the following locations: as
    close to the first customer as possible, in a location representative of
    average residence time, and as close to the end of the distribution
    system as possible (reflecting maximum residence time in the
    distribution system).
    C) Reduced monitoring. Monitoring may not be reduced.
    d) Monitoring requirements for disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors.
    1) Routine monitoring. A Subpart B system supplier that uses conventional
    filtration treatment (as defined in Section 611.101) shall must monitor each
    treatment plant for TOC not past the point of combined filter effluent
    turbidity monitoring and representative of the treated water. All systems A
    supplier required to monitor under this subsection (d)(1) shall must also
    monitor for TOC in the source water prior to any treatment at the same time
    as monitoring for TOC in the treated water. These samples (source water
    and treated water) are referred to as paired samples. At the same time as the
    source water sample is taken, all systems shall a system must monitor for
    alkalinity in the source water prior to any treatment. Systems A supplier
    must take one paired sample and one source water alkalinity sample per
    month per plant at a time representative of normal operating conditions and
    influent water quality.
    2) Reduced monitoring. A Subpart B system supplier with an average treated
    water TOC of less than 2.0 mg/L for two consecutive years, or less than 1.0
    mg/L for one year, may reduce monitoring for both TOC and alkalinity to
    one paired sample and one source water alkalinity sample per plant per
    quarter. The system shall supplier must revert to routine monitoring in the
    month following the quarter when the annual average treated water TOC
    2.0 mg/L.
    e) Bromide. Systems A supplier required to analyze for bromate may reduce bromate
    monitoring from monthly to once per quarter, if the system supplier demonstrates
    that the average source water bromide concentration is less than 0.05 mg/L based
    upon representative monthly measurements for one year. The system shall supplier

    must continue bromide monitoring to remain on reduced bromate monitoring.
    f) Monitoring plans. Each system supplier required to monitor under this Subpart
    shall must develop and implement a monitoring plan. The system shall supplier
    must maintain the plan and make it available for inspection by the Agency and the
    general public no later than 30 days following the applicable compliance dates in
    Section 611.380(b). A Subpart B system supplier serving more than 3,300 persons
    shall must submit a copy of the monitoring plan to the Agency no later than the date
    of the first report required under Section 611.384. After review, the Agency may
    require changes in any plan elements. The plan must include at least the following
    1) Specific locations and schedules for collecting samples for any parameters
    included in this Subpart I;
    2) How the system supplier will calculate compliance with MCLs, MRDLs,
    and treatment techniques; and
    3) If approved for monitoring as a consecutive system, or if providing water to
    a consecutive system, under the provisions of Section 611.500, the sampling
    plan must reflect the entire distribution system.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 C.F.R. 141.132 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.383 Compliance Requirements
    a) General requirements.
    1) Where compliance is based on a running annual average of monthly or
    quarterly samples or averages and the system supplier fails to monitor for
    TTHM, HAA5, or bromate, this failure to monitor will be treated as a
    monitoring violation for the entire period covered by the annual average.
    Where compliance is based on a running annual average of monthly or
    quarterly samples or averages and the system’s supplier’s failure to monitor
    makes it impossible to determine compliance with the MRDL for chlorine
    or chloramines, this failure to monitor will be treated as a monitoring
    violation for the entire period covered by the annual average.
    2) All samples taken and analyzed under the provisions of this Subpart must be
    included in determining compliance, even if that number is greater than the
    minimum required.
    3) If, during the first year of monitoring under Section 611.382, any individual

    quarter’s average will cause the running annual average of that system
    supplier to exceed the MCL, the system supplier is out of compliance at the
    end of that quarter.
    b) Disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
    1) TTHMs and HAA5.
    A) For systems
    a supplier monitoring quarterly, compliance with MCLs
    in Section 611.312 must be based on a running annual arithmetic
    average, computed quarterly, of quarterly arithmetic averages of all
    samples collected by the system supplier as prescribed by Section
    B) For systems
    a supplier monitoring less frequently than quarterly,
    systems demonstrate the supplier demonstrates MCL compliance if
    the average of samples taken that year under the provisions of
    Section 611.382(b)(1) does not exceed the MCLs in Section
    611.312. If the average of these samples exceed the MCL, the
    system supplier must increase monitoring to once per quarter per
    treatment plant, and such a system is not in violation of the MCL
    until it has completed one year of quarterly monitoring, unless the
    result of fewer than four quarters of monitoring will cause the
    running annual average to exceed the MCL, in which case the
    system supplier is in violation at the end of that quarter. Systems A
    supplier required to increase to quarterly monitoring must calculate
    compliance by including the sample that triggered the increased
    monitoring plus the following three quarters of monitoring.
    C) If the running annual arithmetic average of quarterly averages
    covering any consecutive four-quarter period exceeds the MCL,
    the system supplier is in violation of the MCL and must notify the
    public pursuant to Subpart V of this Part in addition to reporting to
    the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384.
    D) If a PWS fails to complete four consecutive quarter’s monitoring,
    compliance with the MCL for the last four-quarter compliance
    period must be based on an average of the available data.
    2) Bromate. Compliance must be based on a running annual arithmetic
    average, computed quarterly, of monthly samples (or, for months in which
    the system supplier takes more than one sample, the average of all samples
    taken during the month) collected by the system supplier, as prescribed by
    Section 611.382(b)(3). If the average of samples covering any consecutive
    four-quarter period exceeds the MCL, the system supplier is in violation of
    the MCL and must notify the public pursuant to Subpart V of this Part, in

    addition to reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384. If a PWS
    supplier fails to complete twelve consecutive months’ monitoring,
    compliance with the MCL for the last four-quarter compliance period must
    be based on an average of the available data.
    3) Chlorite. Compliance must be based on an arithmetic average of each three
    sample set taken in the distribution system as prescribed by Section
    611.382(b)(2)(A)(ii) and Section 611.382(b)(2)(B). If the arithmetic
    average of any three sample set exceeds the MCL, the system supplier is in
    violation of the MCL and must notify the public pursuant to Subpart V of
    this Part, in addition to reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384.
    c) Disinfectant residuals.
    1) Chlorine and chloramines.
    A) Compliance must be based on a running annual arithmetic average,
    computed quarterly, of monthly averages of all samples collected by
    the system supplier under Section 611.382(c)(1). If the average of
    quarterly averages covering any consecutive four-quarter period
    exceeds the MRDL, the system supplier is in violation of the MRDL
    and must notify the public pursuant to Subpart V of this Part, in
    addition to reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384.
    B) In cases where systems switch a supplier switches between the use
    of chlorine and chloramines for residual disinfection during the year,
    compliance must be determined by including together all monitoring
    results of both chlorine and chloramines in calculating compliance.
    Reports submitted pursuant to Section 611.384 must clearly indicate
    which residual disinfectant was analyzed for each sample.
    2) Chlorine dioxide.
    A) Acute violations. Compliance must be based on consecutive daily
    samples collected by the system supplier under Section
    611.382(c)(2). If any daily sample taken at the entrance to the
    distribution system exceeds the MRDL, and on the following day
    one (or more) of the three samples taken in the distribution system
    exceeds the MRDL, the system supplier is in violation of the MRDL
    and must take immediate corrective action to lower the level of
    chlorine dioxide below the MRDL and must notify the public
    pursuant to the procedures for acute health risks in Subpart V of this
    Part in addition to reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section
    611.384. Failure to take samples in the distribution system the day
    following an exceedence of the chlorine dioxide MRDL at the
    entrance to the distribution system will also be considered an MRDL

    violation and the system supplier must notify the public of the
    violation in accordance with the provisions for acute violations
    under Subpart V of this Part in addition to reporting to the Agency
    pursuant to Section 611.384.
    B) Nonacute violations. Compliance must be based on consecutive
    daily samples collected by the system supplier under Section
    611.382(c)(2). If any two consecutive daily samples taken at the
    entrance to the distribution system exceed the MRDL and all
    distribution system samples taken are below the MRDL, the system
    supplier is in violation of the MRDL and must take corrective action
    to lower the level of chlorine dioxide below the MRDL at the point
    of sampling and must notify the public pursuant to the procedures
    for nonacute health risks in Subpart V of this Part in addition to
    reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384. Failure to
    monitor at the entrance to the distribution system the day following
    an exceedence of the chlorine dioxide MRDL at the entrance to the
    distribution system is also an MRDL violation and the system
    supplier must notify the public of the violation in accordance with
    the provisions for nonacute violations under Subpart V of this Part in
    addition to reporting to the Agency pursuant to Section 611.384.
    d) Disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors. Compliance must be determined as
    specified by Section 611.385(c). Systems A supplier may begin monitoring to
    determine whether Step 1 TOC removals can be met twelve months prior to the
    compliance date for the system supplier. This monitoring is not required and failure
    to monitor during this period is not a violation. However, any system supplier that
    does not monitor during this period, and then determines in the first twelve months
    after the compliance date that it is not able to meet the Step 1 requirements in
    Section 611.141(b)(2) and must therefore apply for alternate minimum TOC
    removal (Step 2) requirements, is not eligible for retroactive approval of alternate
    minimum TOC removal (Step 2) requirements as allowed pursuant to Section
    611.385(b)(3) and is in violation of an NPDWR. Systems A supplier may apply for
    alternate minimum TOC removal (Step 2) requirements any time after the
    compliance date. For systems a supplier required to meet Step 1 TOC removals, if
    the value calculated under Section 611.385(c)(1)(D) is less than 1.00, the system
    supplier is in violation of the treatment technique requirements and must notify
    the public pursuant to Subpart V of this Part, in addition to reporting to the
    Agency pursuant to Section 611.384.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.133 (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022, May
    4, 2000 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770 (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.384 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    a) Systems
    A supplier required to sample quarterly or more frequently shall must
    report to the Agency within ten days after the end of each quarter in which samples
    were collected, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 611.840. Systems A
    supplier required to sample less frequently than quarterly shall must report to the
    Agency within ten days after the end of each monitoring period in which samples
    were collected.
    b) Disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Systems shall A supplier must report the
    information specified in the following table:
    If you are a supplier is a . . . You The supplier must report...
    1) System Supplier monitoring for
    TTHMs and HAA5 under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(b) on a
    quarterly or more frequent basis.
    1A) The number of samples taken during
    the last quarter.
    2B) The location, date, and result of each
    sample taken during the last quarter.
    3C) The arithmetic average of all
    samples taken in the last quarter.
    4D) The annual arithmetic average of the
    quarterly arithmetic averages of this
    Section for the last four quarters.
    5E) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(b)(1), the MCL was exceeded
    2) System Supplier monitoring for
    TTHMs and HAA5 under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(b) less
    frequently than quarterly (but at least
    1A) The number of samples taken during
    the last year.
    2B) The location, date, and result of each
    sample taken during the last monitoring
    3C) The arithmetic average of all
    samples taken over the last year.
    4D) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(b)(1), the MCL was exceeded
    3) System Supplier monitoring for
    TTHMs and HAA5 under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(b) less
    frequently than annually.
    1A) The location, date, and result of the
    last sample taken.
    2B) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(b)(1), the MCL was exceeded
    4) System Supplier monitoring for
    chlorite under the requirements of
    Section 611.382(b).
    1A) The number of entry point samples
    taken each month for the last three

    2B) The location, date, and result of each
    sample (both entry point and distribution
    system) taken during the last quarter.
    3C) For each month in the reporting
    period, the arithmetic average of all
    samples taken in the month.
    4D) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(b)(3), the MCL was exceeded
    violated, and in which month it was
    exceeded violated, and how many times
    it was violated in each month.
    5) System Supplier monitoring for
    bromate under the requirements of
    Section 611.382(b).
    1A) The number of samples taken during
    the last quarter.
    2B) The location, date, and result of each
    sample taken during the last quarter.
    3C) The arithmetic average of the
    monthly arithmetic averages of all
    samples taken in the last year.
    4D) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(b)(2), the MCL was exceeded
    The Agency may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the MCL
    was exceeded, in lieu of having the system supplier report that information.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.134(b) (1998).
    c) Disinfectants. Systems shall A supplier must report the information specified in the
    following table:
    If you are a supplier is a . . . You The supplier must report...
    1) System Supplier monitoring for
    chlorine or chloramines under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(c).
    1A) The number of samples taken during
    each month of the last quarter.
    2B) The monthly arithmetic average of
    all samples taken in each month for the
    last twelve months.
    3C) The arithmetic average of all
    monthly averages for the last twelve
    4D) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(c)(1), the MRDL was exceeded
    2) System Supplier monitoring for 1A) The dates, results, and locations of

    chlorine dioxide under the requirements
    of Section 611.382(c).
    samples taken during the last quarter.
    2B) Whether, based on Secton
    611.383(c)(2), the MRDL was exceeded
    3C) Whether the MRDL was exceeded
    in any two consecutive daily samples
    and whether the resulting violation was
    acute or nonacute.
    The Agency may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the
    MRDL was exceeded, in lieu of having the system supplier report that information.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.134(c) (1998).
    d) Disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors and enhanced coagulation or enhanced
    softening. Systems shall A supplier must report the information specified in the
    following table:
    If you are a supplier is a . . . You The supplier must report...
    1) System Supplier monitoring monthly
    or quarterly for TOC under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(d) and
    required to meet the enhanced
    coagulation or enhanced softening
    requirements in Section 611.385(b)(2) or
    1A) The number of paired (source water
    and treated water, prior to continuous
    disinfection) samples taken during the
    last quarter.
    2B) The location, date, and result of each
    paired sample and associated alkalinity
    taken during the last quarter.
    3C) For each month in the reporting
    period that paired samples were taken,
    the arithmetic average of the percent
    reduction of TOC for each paired sample
    and the required TOC percent removal.
    4D) Calculations for determining
    compliance with the TOC percent
    removal requirements, as provided in
    Section 611.385(c)(1).
    5E) Whether the system supplier is in
    compliance with the enhanced
    coagulation or enhanced softening
    percent removal requirements in Section
    611.385(b) for the last four quarters.
    2) System Supplier monitoring monthly
    or quarterly for TOC under the
    requirements of Section 611.382(d) and
    meeting one or more of the alternative
    compliance standards in Section
    1A) The alternative compliance criterion
    that the system supplier is using.
    2B) The number of paired samples taken
    during the last quarter.
    3C) The location, date, and result of each

    611.385(a)(2) or (3). paired sample and associated alkalinity
    taken during the last quarter.
    4D) The running annual arithmetic
    average based on monthly averages (or
    quarterly samples) of source water TOC
    for systems a supplier meeting a criterion
    in Section 611.385(a)(2)(A) or (a)(2)(C)
    or of treated water TOC for systems a
    supplier meeting the criterion in Section
    5E) The running annual arithmetic
    average based on monthly averages (or
    quarterly samples) of source water
    SUVA for systems a supplier meeting
    the criterion in Section 611.385(a)(2)(E)
    or of treated water SUVA for systems a
    supplier meeting the criterion in Section
    6F) The running annual average of
    source water alkalinity for systems a
    supplier meeting the criterion in Section
    611.385(a)(2)(C) and of treated water
    alkalinity for systems a supplier meeting
    the criterion in Section 611.385(a)(3)(A).
    7G) The running annual average for both
    TTHM and HAA5 for systems a supplier
    meeting the criterion in Section
    611.385(a)(2)(C) or (D).
    8H) The running annual average of the
    amount of magnesium hardness removal
    (as CaCO
    3 in mg/L) for systems a
    supplier meeting the criterion in Section
    9I) Whether the systems supplier is in
    compliance with the particular
    alternative compliance criterion in
    Section 611.385(a)(2) or (3).
    The Agency may choose to perform calculations and determine whether the
    treatment technique was met, in lieu of having the system supplier report that
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.134(d) (1998).
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.134 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).

    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.385 Treatment Technique for Control of Disinfection Byproduct (DBP)
    a) Applicability.
    1) A Subpart B system supplier using conventional filtration treatment (as
    defined in Section 611.101) shall must operate with enhanced coagulation
    or enhanced softening to achieve the TOC percent removal levels specified
    in subsection (b) of this Section unless the system supplier meets at least one
    of the alternative compliance standards listed in subsection (a)(2) or (a)(3)
    of this Section.
    2) Alternative compliance standards for enhanced coagulation and enhanced
    softening systems. A Subpart B system supplier using conventional
    filtration treatment may use the alternative compliance standards in
    subsections (a)(2)(A) through (a)(2)(F) of this Section to comply with this
    Section in lieu of complying with subsection (b). Systems a supplier shall
    must comply with monitoring requirements in Section 611.382(d) of this
    A) The system’s
    supplier’s source water TOC level, measured
    according to Section 611.381(d)(3), is less than 2.0 mg/L, calculated
    quarterly as a running annual average.
    B) The system’s
    supplier’s treated water TOC level, measured
    according to Section 611.381(d)(3), is less than 2.0 mg/L, calculated
    quarterly as a running annual average.
    C) The system’s
    supplier’s source water TOC level, measured as
    required by according to Section 611.381(d)(3), is less than 4.0
    mg/L, calculated quarterly as a running annual average; the source
    water alkalinity, measured according to Section 611.381(d)(1), is
    greater than 60 mg/L (as CaCO
    3), calculated quarterly as a running
    annual average; and either the TTHM and HAA5 running annual
    averages are no greater than 0.040 mg/L and 0.030 mg/L,
    respectively; or prior to the effective date for compliance in Section
    611.380(b), the system has made a clear and irrevocable financial
    commitment, not later than the effective date for compliance in
    Section 611.380(b), to use technologies that will limit the levels of
    TTHMs and HAA5 to no more than 0.040 mg/L and 0.030 mg/L,
    respectively. Systems shall A supplier must submit evidence of a
    clear and irrevocable financial commitment, in addition to a
    schedule containing milestones and periodic progress reports for

    installation and operation of appropriate technologies, to the Agency
    for approval not later than the effective date for compliance in
    Section 611.380(b). These technologies must be installed and
    operating not later than June 30, 2005. Failure to install and operate
    these technologies by the date in the approved schedule will
    constitute a violation of a NPDWR.
    D) The TTHM and HAA5 running annual averages are no greater than
    0.040 mg/L and 0.030 mg/L, respectively, and the system supplier
    uses only chlorine for primary disinfection and maintenance of a
    residual in the distribution system.
    E) The system’s
    supplier’s source water SUVA, prior to any treatment
    and measured monthly according to Section 611.381(d)(4), is less
    than or equal to 2.0 L/mg-m, calculated quarterly as a running
    annual average.
    F) The system’s
    supplier’s finished water SUVA, measured monthly
    according to Section 611.381(d)(4), is less than or equal to 2.0
    L/mg-m, calculated quarterly as a running annual average.
    3) Additional alternative compliance standards for softening systems. Systems
    A supplier practicing enhanced softening that cannot achieve the TOC
    removals required by subsection (b)(2) of this Section may use the
    alternative compliance standards in subsections (a)(3)(A) and (B) of this
    Section in lieu of complying with subsection (b) of this Section. Systems
    shall A supplier must comply with monitoring requirements in Section
    A) Softening that results in lowering the treated water alkalinity to less
    than 60 mg/L (as CaCO
    3), measured monthly according to Section
    611.381(d)(1) and calculated quarterly as a running annual average.
    B) Softening that results in removing at least 10 mg/L of magnesium
    hardness (as CaCO
    3), measured monthly and calculated quarterly as
    an annual running average.
    b) Enhanced coagulation and enhanced softening performance requirements.
    1) Systems
    shall A supplier must achieve the percent reduction of TOC
    specified in subsection (b)(2) of this Section between the source water and
    the combined filter effluent, unless the Agency approves a system’s
    supplier’s request for alternate minimum TOC removal (Step 2)
    requirements under subsection (b)(3) of this Section.
    2) Required Step 1 TOC reductions, indicated in the following table, are based

    upon specified source water parameters measured in accordance with
    Section 611.381(d). Systems A supplier practicing softening shall must
    meet the Step 1 TOC reductions in the far-right column (source water
    alkalinity >120 mg/L) for the specified source water TOC:
    Step 1 Required Removal of TOC by Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced
    Softening for a Subpart B System Supplier Using Conventional Treatment
    TOC, mg/L
    Source-water alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO
    0-60 >60-120 >120
    >2.0-4.0 35.0% 25.0% 15.0%
    >4.0-8.0 45.0% 35.0% 25.0%
    >8.0 50.0% 40.0% 30.0%
    Systems A supplier meeting at least one of the conditions in subsections
    (a)(2)(A) through (a)(2)(F) of this Section are not required to operate with
    enhanced coagulation.
    Softening systems meeting one of the alternative compliance standards in
    subsection (a)(3) of this Section are not required to operate with enhanced
    Systems A supplier practicing softening shall must meet the TOC
    removal requirements in this column.
    3) A Subpart B conventional treatment system supplier that cannot achieve the
    Step 1 TOC removals required by subsection (b)(2) of this Section due to
    water quality parameters or operational constraints must apply to the
    Agency, within three months after failure to achieve the TOC removals
    required by subsection (b)(2) of this Section, for approval of alternative
    minimum TOC (Step 2) removal requirements submitted by the system
    supplier. If the PWS cannot achieve the Step 1 TOC removal requirement
    due to water quality parameters or operational constraints, the Agency
    shall must approve the use of the Step 2 TOC removal requirement. If the
    Agency approves the alternative minimum TOC removal (Step 2)
    requirements, the Agency may make those requirements retroactive for the
    purposes of determining compliance. Until the Agency approves the
    alternate minimum TOC removal (Step 2) requirements, the system shall
    supplier must meet the Step 1 TOC removals contained in subsection (b)(2)
    of this Section.
    4) Alternate minimum TOC removal (Step 2) requirements. Applications An
    application made to the Agency by an enhanced coagulation systems system
    supplier for approval of alternative minimum TOC removal (Step 2)
    requirements under subsection (b)(3) of this Section must include, at a

    minimum, results of bench- or pilot-scale testing conducted under
    subsection (b)(4)(B) of this Section and. The submitted bench- or pilot-
    scale testing must be used to determine the alternate enhanced coagulation
    A) For the purposes of this Subpart, “Alternate enhanced coagulation
    level” is defined as coagulation at a coagulant dose and pH as
    determined by the method described in subsections (b)(4)(A)
    through (E) of this Section such that an incremental addition of 10
    mg/L of alum (or equivalent amount of ferric salt) results in a TOC
    removal of
    0.3 mg/L. The percent removal of TOC at this point on
    the “TOC removal versus coagulant dose” curve is then defined as
    the minimum TOC removal required for the system supplier. Once
    approved by the Agency, this minimum requirement supersedes the
    minimum TOC removal required by the table in subsection (b)(2) of
    this Section. This requirement will be effective until such time as
    the Agency approves a new value based on the results of a new
    bench- and pilot-scale test. Failure to achieve alternative minimum
    TOC removal levels is a violation of National Primary Drinking
    Water Regulations.
    B) Bench- or pilot-scale testing of enhanced coagulation must be
    conducted by using representative water samples and adding 10
    mg/L increments of alum (or equivalent amounts of ferric salt) until
    the pH is reduced to a level less than or equal to the enhanced
    coagulation Step 2 target pH shown in the following table:
    Enhanced Coagulation Step 2 Target pH
    Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO
    3) Target pH
    0-60 5.5
    >60-120 6.3
    >120-240 7.0
    >240 7.5
    C) For waters with alkalinities of less than 60 mg/L for which addition
    of small amounts of alum or equivalent addition of iron coagulant
    drives the pH below 5.5 before significant TOC removal occurs, the
    system shall supplier must add necessary chemicals to maintain the
    pH between 5.3 and 5.7 in samples until the TOC removal of 0.3
    mg/L per 10 mg/L alum added (or equivalent addition of iron
    coagulant) is reached.
    D) The system
    supplier may operate at any coagulant dose or pH
    necessary (consistent with other NPDWRs) to achieve the minimum

    TOC percent removal approved under subsection (b)(3) of this
    E) If the TOC removal is consistently less than 0.3 mg/L of TOC per 10
    mg/L of incremental alum dose at all dosages of alum (or equivalent
    addition of iron coagulant), the water is deemed to contain TOC not
    amenable to enhanced coagulation. The system supplier may then
    apply to the Agency for a waiver of enhanced coagulation
    requirements. If the TOC removal is consistently less than 0.3
    mg/L of TOC per 10 mg/L of incremental alum dose at all dosages
    of alum (or equivalent addition of iron coagulant), the Agency
    shall must grant the waiver of enhanced coagulation requirements.
    c) Compliance calculations.
    1) A Subpart B system supplier other than those identified in subsection (a)(2)
    or (a)(3) of this Section shall must comply with requirements contained in
    subsection (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this Section. Systems shall A supplier must
    calculate compliance quarterly, beginning after the system supplier has
    collected 12 months of data, by determining an annual average using the
    following method:
    A) Determine actual monthly TOC percent removal, equal to:
    B) Determine the required monthly TOC percent removal.
    C) Divide the value in subsection (c)(1)(A) of this Section by the value
    in subsection (c)(1)(B) of this Section.
    D) Add together the results of subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section for
    the last twelve months and divide by twelve.
    E) If the value calculated in subsection (c)(1)(D) of this Section is less
    than 1.00, the system supplier is not in compliance with the TOC
    percent removal requirements.
    2) Systems
    A supplier may use the provisions in subsections (c)(2)(A) through
    (E) of this Section in lieu of the calculations in subsection (c)(1)(A) through
    (E) of this Section to determine compliance with TOC percent removal
    A) In any month that the system’s supplier’s treated or source water

    TOC level, measured according to Section 611.381(d)(3), is less
    than 2.0 mg/L, the system supplier may assign a monthly value of
    1.0 (in lieu of the value calculated in subsection (c)(1)(C) of this
    Section) when calculating compliance under the provisions of
    subsection (c)(1) of this Section.
    B) In any month that a system practicing softening removes at least 10
    mg/L of magnesium hardness (as CaCO
    3), the system supplier may
    assign a monthly value of 1.0 (in lieu of the value calculated in
    subsection (c)(1(C) of this Section) when calculating compliance
    under the provisions of subsection (c)(1) of this Section.
    C) In any month that the system’s source water SUVA, prior to any
    treatment and measured according to Section 611.381(d)(4), is
    L/mg-m, the system supplier may assign a monthly value of 1.0 (in
    lieu of the value calculated in subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section)
    when calculating compliance under the provisions of subsection
    (c)(1) of this Section.
    D) In any month that the system’s finished water SUVA, measured
    according to Section 611.381(d)(4), is
    2.0 L/mg-m, the system
    supplier may assign a monthly value of 1.0 (in lieu of the value
    calculated in subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section) when calculating
    compliance under the provisions of subsection (c)(1) of this Section.
    E) In any month that a system practicing enhanced softening lowers
    alkalinity below 60 mg/L (as CaCO
    3), the system supplier may
    assign a monthly value of 1.0 (in lieu of the value calculated in
    subsection (c)(1)(C) of this Section) when calculating compliance
    under the provisions of subsection (c)(1) of this Section.
    3) A Subpart B system supplier using conventional treatment may also comply
    with the requirements of this Section by meeting the standards in subsection
    (a)(2) or (3) of this Section.
    d) Treatment technique requirements for disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors.
    Treatment techniques to control the level of disinfection byproduct (DBP)
    precursors in drinking water treatment and distribution systems, for a Subpart B
    system supplier using conventional treatment, are enhanced coagulation or
    enhanced softening.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.135 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.600 Applicability
    The following types of suppliers shall conduct monitoring to determine compliance with the old
    MCLs in Section 611.300 and the revised MCLs in 611.301, as appropriate, in accordance with
    this Subpart:
    a) CWS suppliers.
    b) NTNCWS suppliers.
    c) Transient non-CWS suppliers to determine compliance with the nitrate and nitrite
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23 (preamble) (1995).
    d) Detection limits. The following are detection limits for purposes of this Subpart
    (MCLs from Section 611.301 are set forth for information purposes only):
    MCL (mg/L,
    except asbest-
    Antimony 0.006 Atomic absorption-furnace
    Atomic absorption-furnace
    technique (stabilized temperature)
    Inductively-coupled plasma-mass
    Atomic absorption-gaseous
    hydride technique
    Arsenic 0.01
    Atomic absorbtion-furnace
    Atomic absorption-furnace
    technique (stabilized temperature)
    Atomic absorption-gaseous
    hydride technique
    Inductively-coupled plasma-mass
    Asbestos 7 MFL
    Transmission electron microscopy 0.01 MFL

    Barium 2 Atomic absorption- furnace
    Atomic absorption- direct
    aspiration technique
    Inductively-coupled plasma arc
    Inductively-coupled plasma 0.001
    Beryllium 0.004 Atomic absorption-furnace
    Atomic absorption-furnace
    technique (stabilized temperature)
    Inductively-coupled plasma
    (using a 2x preconcentration step;
    a lower MDL is possible using 4x
    Inductively-coupled plasma-mass
    Cadmium 0.005 Atomic absorption- furnace
    Inductively-coupled plasma 0.001
    Chromium 0.1 Atomic absorption- furnace
    Inductively-coupled plasma 0.007
    Inductively-coupled plasma 0.001
    Cyanide 0.2 Distillation, spectrophotometric
    (screening method for total
    Automated distillation,
    method for total cyanides)
    Distillation, selective electrode
    (screening method for total
    Distillation, amenable,
    (for free
    Mercury 0.002 Manual cold vapor technique 0.0002
    Automated cold vapor technique 0.0002

    Nickel No MCL Atomic absorption-furnace
    Atomic absorption-furnace
    technique (stabilized temperature)
    Inductively-coupled plasma
    (using a 2x preconcentration step;
    a lower MDL is possible using 4x
    Inductively-coupled plasma-mass
    Nitrate (as N) 10 Manual cadmium reduction 0.01
    Automated hydrazine reduction 0.01
    Automated cadmium reduction 0.05
    Ion-selective electrode 1
    Ion chromatography 0.01
    Nitrite (as N) 1 Spectrophotometric 0.01
    Automated cadmium reduction 0.05
    Manual cadmium reduction 0.01
    Ion chromatography 0.004
    Selenium 0.05 Atomic absorption- furnace
    Atomic absorption- gaseous
    hydride technique
    Thallium 0.002 Atomic absorption-furnace
    Atomic absorption-furnace
    technique (stabilized temperature)
    Inductively-coupled plasma-mass
    1 “MFL” means millions of fibers per liter less than 10
    2 Using a 2
    preconcentration step as noted in Method 200.7. Lower MDLs
    may be acienved when using a 4
    3 Screening method for total cyanides.
    4 Measures “free” cyanides.
    5 Lower MDLs are reported using stabilized temperature graphite furnace
    atomic absorbtion.
    6 The value for arsenic is effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the MCL is
    0.05 mg/L.
    7 The MDL reported for USEPA Method 200.9 (atomic absorption-platform
    furnace (stabilized temperature)) was determined using a 2

    step during sample digestion. The MDL determined for samples analyzed
    using direct analyses (i.e., no sample digestion) will be higher. Using
    multiple peositions, USEPA Method 200.9 is capable of obtaining an MDL of
    0.0001 mg/L.
    8 Using selective ion monitoring, USEPA Method 200.8 (ICP-MS) is capable of
    obtaining an MDL of 0.0001 mg/L.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived Subsections (a) through (c) of this Section are derived from 40 CFR
    141.23 preamble (2000), and paragraph subsection (d) is derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4)(i)
    (1995) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March
    23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001). See the Board Note at Section 611.301(b)
    relating to the MCL for nickel.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.601 Monitoring Frequency
    Monitoring must be conducted as follows:
    a) Required sampling.
    1) Each supplier must take a minimum of one sample at each sampling point
    at the times required by Section 611.610 beginning in the initial
    compliance period.
    2) Each sampling point must produce samples that are representative of the
    water from each source after treatment or from each treatment plant, as
    required by subsection (b) of this Section. The total number of sampling
    points must be representative of the water delivered to users throughout
    the PWS.
    3) The supplier must take each sample at the same sampling point unless
    conditions make another sampling point more representative of each
    source or treatment plant and the Agency has granted a an SEP pursuant to
    subsection (b)(5) of this Section.
    b) Sampling points.
    1) Sampling points for GWSs. Unless otherwise provided by SEP, a GWS
    supplier must take at least one sample from each of the following points:
    each entry point that is representative of each well after treatment.
    2) Sampling points for SWSs and mixed systems an SWS or a mixed system
    supplier . Unless otherwise provided by SEP, a an SWS or mixed system
    supplier must take at least one sample from each of the following points:

    A) Each entry point after the application of treatment; or
    B) A point in the distribution system that is representative of each
    source after treatment.
    3) If a system supplier draws water from more than one source, and the
    sources are combined before distribution, the supplier must sample at an
    entry point during periods of normal operating conditions when water is
    representative of all sources being used.
    4) Additional sampling points. The Agency must, by SEP, designate
    additional sampling points in the distribution system or at the consumer’s
    tap if it determines that such samples are necessary to more accurately
    determine consumer exposure.
    5) Alternative sampling points. The Agency must, by SEP, approve alternate
    sampling points if the supplier demonstrates that the points are more
    representative than the generally required point.
    c) This subsection corresponds with 40 CFR 141.23(a)(4), an optional USEPA
    provision relating to compositing of samples that USEPA does not require for
    state programs. This statement maintains structural consistency with USEPA
    d) The frequency of monitoring for the following contaminants must be in
    accordance with the following Sections:
    1) Asbestos: Section 611.602;
    2) Antimony, arsenic (effective February 22, 2002), barium, beryllium,
    cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, and
    thallium: Section 611.603;
    3) Nitrate: Section 611.604; and
    4) Nitrite: Section 611.605.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(a) and (c) (2000).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.603 Inorganic Monitoring Frequency
    The frequency of monitoring conducted to determine compliance with the revised MCLs in
    Section 611.301 for antimony, arsenic (effective February 22, 2002), barium, beryllium,
    cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, and thallium is as follows:

    a) Suppliers must take samples at each sampling point, beginning in the initial
    compliance period, as follows:
    1) For GWSs a GWS supplier: at least one sample during each compliance
    2) For SWSs and mixed systems an SWS or a mixed system supplier: at least
    one sample each year.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(1) (2000).
    b) SEP Application.
    1) The supplier may apply to the Agency for a an SEP that allows reduction
    from the monitoring frequencies specified in subsection (a) of this Section
    pursuant to subsections (d) through (f) of this Section and Section
    2) The supplier may apply to the Agency for a an SEP that relieves it of the
    requirement for monitoring cyanide pursuant to subsections (d) through (f)
    of this Section and Section 611.110 if it can demonstrate that its system is
    not vulnerable due to a lack of any industrial source of cyanide.
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(2) and (c)(6) (2000).
    c) SEP Procedures. The Agency must review the request pursuant to the SEP
    procedures of Section 611.110 based on consideration of the factors in subsection
    (e) of this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(6) (2000).
    d) Standard for SEP reduction in monitoring. The Agency must grant a an SEP that
    allows a reduction in the monitoring frequency if the supplier demonstrates that
    all previous analytical results were less than the MCL, provided the supplier
    meets the following minimum data requirements:
    1) For GWS suppliers: a minimum of three rounds of monitoring.
    2) For an
    SWS and or mixed system suppliers supplier: annual monitoring
    for at least three years.
    3) At least one sample must have been taken since January 1, 1990.
    4) A supplier that uses a new water source is not eligible for a an SEP until it
    completes three rounds of monitoring from the new source.

    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(4) (2000).
    e) Standard for SEP monitoring conditions. As a condition of any SEP, the Agency
    must require that the supplier take a minimum of one sample during the term of
    the SEP. In determining the appropriate reduced monitoring frequency, the
    Agency must consider:
    1) Reported concentrations from all previous monitoring;
    2) The degree of variation in reported concentrations; and
    3) Other factors may affect contaminant concentrations, such as changes in
    groundwater pumping rates, changes in the CWSs configuration, the
    CWS’s operating procedures, or changes in stream flows or
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(3) and (c)(5) (2000).
    f) SEP Conditions and Revision.
    1) A
    An SEP will expire at the end of the compliance cycle for which it was
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(3) (2000).
    2) In issuing a an SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the contaminant
    upon which the “reliably and consistently” determination was based. A
    An SEP must provide that the Agency will review and, where appropriate,
    revise its determination of the appropriate monitoring frequency when the
    supplier submits new monitoring data or when other data relevant to the
    supplier’s appropriate monitoring frequency become available.
    BOARD NOTE: Drawn from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(6) (2000).
    g) A supplier that exceeds the MCL for antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium,
    chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, or thallium, as
    determined in Section 611.609, must monitor quarterly for that contaminant,
    beginning in the next quarter after the violation occurred.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(7) (2000).
    h) Reduction of quarterly monitoring.
    1) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that reduces
    the monitoring frequency to that specified by subsection (a) of this Section

    if it determines that the sampling point is reliably and consistently below
    the MCL.
    2) A request for a an SEP must include the following minimal information:
    A) For a GWS: two quarterly samples.
    B) For an SWS or mixed system supplier: four quarterly samples.
    3) In issuing the SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the contaminant
    upon which the “reliably and consistently” determination was based. All
    SEPs Any SEP that allow allows less frequent monitoring based on an
    Agency “reliably and consistently” determination must include a condition
    requiring the supplier to resume quarterly monitoring for any contaminant
    pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section if it violates the MCL specified
    by Section 611.609 for that contaminant.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(8) (2000).
    i) A new system supplier that begins operation after January 22, 2004 or a supplier
    whose system uses a new source of water beginning after January 22, 2004 must
    demonstrate compliance with the MCL within a period of time specified by a
    permit issued the Agency. The supplier must also comply with the initial
    sampling frequencies specified by the Agency to ensure a system can demonstrate
    compliance with the MCL. Routine and increased monitoring frequencies must
    be conducted in accordance with the requirements in this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(c)(9) (2000), as added at 66 Fed.
    Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed.
    Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.606 Confirmation Samples
    a) Where the results of sampling for antimony, arsenic (effective February 22,
    2002), asbestos, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride,
    mercury, nickel, selenium, or thallium indicate a level in excess of the MCL, the
    supplier must collect one additional sample as soon as possible after the supplier
    receives notification of the analytical result initial sample was taken (but no later
    than not to exceed two weeks after the initial sample was taken) at the same
    sampling point.
    b) Where nitrate or nitrite sampling results indicate a level in excess of the MCL, the
    supplier must take a confirmation sample within 24 hours after the supplier’s
    receipt of notification of the analytical results of the first sample.

    1) Suppliers unable to comply with the 24-hour sampling requirement must
    immediately notify the persons served in accordance with Section 611.902
    and meet other Tier 1 public notification requirements under Subpart V of
    this Part.
    2) Suppliers exercising this option must take and analyze a confirmation
    sample within two weeks of notification of the analytical results of the
    first sample.
    c) Averaging rules are specified in Section 611.609. The Agency must delete the
    original or confirmation sample if it determines that a sampling error occurred, in
    which case the confirmation sample will replace the original sample.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(f) (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022
    (May 4, 2000) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134
    (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.609 Determining Compliance
    Compliance with the MCLs of Sections 611.300 or 611.301 (as appropriate) must be determined
    based on the analytical result(s) results obtained at each sampling point.
    a) For suppliers that monitor at a frequency greater than annual, compliance with the
    MCLs for antimony, arsenic (effective January 22, 2004), asbestos, barium,
    beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, or
    thallium is determined by a running annual average at each sampling point.
    Effective January 22, 2004, if a system fails to collect the required number of
    samples, compliance (average concentration) will be based on the total number of
    samples collected.
    1) If the average at any sampling point is greater than the MCL, then the
    supplier is out of compliance.
    2) If any one sample would cause the annual average to be exceeded, then
    the supplier is out of compliance immediately.
    3) Any sample below the method detection limit must be calculated at zero
    for the purpose of determining the annual average.
    BOARD NOTE: The “method detection limit” is different from the
    “detection limit, ” as set forth in Section 611.600. The “method detection
    limit” is the level of contaminant that can be determined by a particular
    method with a 95 percent degree of confidence, as determined by the

    method outlined in 40 CFR 136, Appendix B, incorporated by reference at
    Section 611.102.
    b) For suppliers that monitor annually or less frequently, compliance with the MCLs
    for antimony, arsenic (effective January 22, 2004), asbestos, barium, beryllium,
    cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, or thallium is
    determined by the level of the contaminant at any sampling point. If a
    confirmation sample is taken samples are required by the Agency, the
    determination of compliance will be based on the average of the two samples the
    annual average of the initial MCL exceedance and any Agency-required
    confirmation samples. Effective January 22, 2004, if a supplier fails to collect the
    required number of samples, compliance (average concentration) will be based on
    the total number of samples collected.
    c) Compliance with the MCLs for nitrate and nitrite is determined based on one
    sample if the levels of these contaminants are below the MCLs. If the levels of
    nitrate or nitrite exceed the MCLs in the initial sample, Section 611.606 requires
    confirmation sampling, and compliance is determined based on the average of the
    initial and confirmation samples.
    d) When the portion of the distribution system that is out of compliance is separable
    from other parts of the distribution system and has no interconnections, the
    supplier may give the public notice required by Subpart T only to persons served
    by that portion of the distribution system not in compliance. Arsenic sampling
    results must be reported to the nearest 0.001 mg/L.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(i) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976
    (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22,
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.611 Inorganic Analysis
    Analytical methods are from documents incorporated by reference in Section 611.102. These are
    mostly referenced by a short name defined by Section 611.102(a). Other abbreviations are
    defined in Section 611.101.
    a) Analysis for the following contaminants must be conducted using the following
    methods or an alternative approved pursuant to Section 611.480. Criteria for
    analyzing arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, sodium, and
    thallium with digestion or directly without digestion, and other analytical
    procedures, are contained in USEPA Technical Notes, incorporated by reference
    in Section 611.102. (This document also contains approved analytical test
    methods that remain available for compliance monitoring until July 1, 1996.
    These methods will not be available for use after July 1, 1996.)

    BOARD NOTE: Because MDLs reported in USEPA Environmental Metals
    Methods 200.7 and 200.9 were determined using a 2X preconcentration step
    during sample digestion, MDLs determined when samples are analyzed by direct
    analysis (i.e., no sample digestion) will be higher. For direct analysis of cadmium
    and arsenic by USEPA Environmental Metals Method 200.7, and arsenic by
    Standard Method 3120 B sample preconcentration using pneumatic nebulization
    may be required to achieve lower detection limits. Preconcentration may also be
    required for direct analysis of antimony, lead, and thallium by USEPA
    Environmental Metals Method 200.9; antimony and lead by Standard Method
    3113 B; and lead by ASTM Method D3559-90D unless multiple in-furnace
    depositions are made.
    1) Antimony:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    B) Atomic absorption, hydride technique: ASTM Method D3697-92.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique: Standard Methods, 18th or
    19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    2) Arsenic:
    BOARD NOTE: If ultrasonic nebulization is used in the determination of
    arsenic by Methods 200.7, 200.8, or SM 3120 B, the arsenic must be in the
    pentavalent state to provide uniform signal response. For methods 200.7
    and 3120 B, both samples and standards must be diluted in the same
    mixed acid matrix concentration of nitric and hydrochloric acid with the
    addition of 100 L of 30% hydrogen peroxide per 100ml of solution. For
    direct analysis of arsenic with method 200.8 using ultrasonic nebulization,
    samples and standards must contain one mg/L of sodium hypochlorite.
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    BOARD NOTE: Effective January 23, 2006, a supplier may no
    longer employ analytical methods using the ICP-AES technology
    because the detection limits for these methods are 0.008 mg/L or
    higher. This restriction means that the two ICP-AES methods
    (USEPA Environmental Metals Method 200.7 and Standard
    Methods, Method 3120 B) approved for use for the MCL of 0.05
    mg/L may not be used for compliance determinations for the

    revised MCL of 0.01 mg/L. However, prior to the January 23,
    2006 effective date a supplier may have compliance samples
    analyzed with these less sensitive methods.
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic Absorption, furnace technique:
    i) ASTM Method D2972-93 C, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    E) Atomic absorption, hydride technique:
    i) ASTM Method D2972-93 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3114 B.
    3) Asbestos: Transmission electron microscopy: USEPA Asbestos
    Methods-100.1 and USEPA Asbestos Methods-100.2.
    4) Barium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, direct aspiration technique: Standard Methods,
    18th or 19th ed.: Method 3111 D.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique: Standard Methods, 18th or
    19th ed.: Method 3113 B.

    5) Beryllium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique:
    i) ASTM Method D3645-93 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    6) Cadmium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma arc furnace: USEPA Environmental
    Metals Methods: Method 200.7.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique: Standard Methods, 18th or
    19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    7) Chromium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma arc furnace:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA

    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique: Standard Methods, 18th or
    19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    8) Cyanide:
    A) Manual distillation (Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    C), followed by spectrophotometric, amenable:
    i) ASTM Method D2036-91 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-CN
    B) Manual distillation (Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    C), followed by spectrophotometric, manual:
    i) ASTM Method D2036-91 A,
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-CN
    iii) USGS Methods: Method I-3300-85.
    C) Manual distillation (Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    C), followed by semiautomated spectrophotometric:
    USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 335.4.
    D) Selective electrode: Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    9) Fluoride:
    A) Ion Chromatography:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 300.0,
    ii) ASTM Method D4327-91, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4110 B.
    B) Manual distillation, colorimetric SPADNS: Standard Methods,
    18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-F
    B and D.
    C) Manual electrode:

    i) ASTM Method D1179-93B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-F
    D) Automated electrode: Technicon Methods: Method 380-75WE.
    E) Automated alizarin:
    i) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-F
    E, or
    ii) Technicon Methods: Method 129-71W.
    10) Mercury:
    A) Manual cold vapor technique:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 245.1,
    ii) ASTM Method D3223-91, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3112 B.
    B) Automated cold vapor technique: USEPA Inorganic Methods:
    Method 245.2.
    C) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    11) Nickel:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, direct aspiration technique: Standard Methods,
    18th or 19th ed.: Method 3111 B.
    E) Atomic absorption, furnace technique: Standard Methods, 18th or

    19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    12) Nitrate:
    A) Ion chromatography:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 300.0,
    ii) ASTM Method D4327-91,
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4110 B, or
    iv) Waters Test Method B-1011, available from Millipore
    B) Automated cadmium reduction:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 353.2,
    ii) ASTM Method D3867-90 A, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-NO
    C) Ion selective electrode:
    i) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-NO
    ii) Technical Bulletin 601.
    D) Manual cadmium reduction:
    i) ASTM Method D3867-90 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-NO
    13) Nitrite:
    A) Ion chromatography:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 300.0,
    ii) ASTM Method D4327-91,
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4110 B, or

    iv) Waters Test Method B-1011, available from Millipore
    B) Automated cadmium reduction:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 353.2,
    ii) ASTM Method D3867-90 A, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-NO
    C) Manual cadmium reduction:
    i) ASTM Method D3867-90 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-NO
    D) Spectrophotometric: Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    14) Selenium:
    A) Atomic absorption, hydride:
    i) ASTM Method D3859-93 A, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3114 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Atomic absorption, furnace technique:
    i) ASTM Method D3859-93 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    15) Thallium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    B) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA

    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    16) Lead:
    A) Atomic absorption, furnace technique:
    i) ASTM Method D3559-95 D, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    B) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    C) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    D) Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry: Palintest
    Method 1001.
    17) Copper:
    A) Atomic absorption, furnace technique:
    i) ASTM Method D1688-95 C, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3113 B.
    B) Atomic absorption, direct aspiration:
    i) ASTM Method D1688-90 A, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3111 B.
    C) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    D) Inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.8.
    E) Atomic absorption, platform furnace technique: USEPA
    Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.9.
    18) pH:

    A) Electrometric:
    i) USEPA Inorganic Methods: Method 150.1,
    ii) ASTM Method D1293-84, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-H
    B) USEPA Inorganic Methods: Method 150.2.
    19) Conductivity; Conductance:
    A) ASTM Method D1125-95 A, or
    B) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 2510 B.
    20) Calcium:
    A) EDTA titrimetric:
    i) ASTM Method D511-93 A, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3500-Ca D.
    B) Atomic absorption, direct aspiration:
    i) ASTM Method D511-93 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3111 B.
    C) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    21) Alkalinity:
    A) Titrimetric:
    i) ASTM Method D1067-92 B, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 2320 B.
    B) Electrometric titration: USGS Methods: Method I-1030-85.

    22) Orthophosphate (unfiltered, without digestion or hydrolysis):
    A) Automated colorimetric, ascorbic acid:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 365.1,
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-P F.
    B) Single reagent colorimetric, ascorbic acid:
    i) ASTM Method D515-88 A, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-P E.
    C) Colorimetric, phosphomolybdate: USGS Methods: Method I-
    D) Colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated-segmented flow:
    USGS Methods: Method I-2601-90.
    E) Colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated discrete: USGS
    Methods: Method I-2598-85.
    F) Ion Chromatography:
    i) USEPA Environmental Inorganic Methods: Method 300.0,
    ii) ASTM Method D4327-91, or
    iii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4110 B.
    23) Silica:
    A) Colorimetric, molybdate blue: USGS Methods: Method I-1700-
    B) Colorimetric, molybdate blue, automated-segmented flow: USGS
    Methods: Method I-2700-85.
    C) Colorimetric: ASTM Method D859-95.
    D) Molybdosilicate: Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    4500-Si D.

    E) Heteropoly blue: Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    4500-Si E.
    F) Automated method for molybdate-reactive silica: Standard
    Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 4500-Si F.
    G) Inductively-coupled plasma:
    i) USEPA Environmental Metals Methods: Method 200.7, or
    ii) Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method 3120 B.
    24) Temperature; thermometric: Standard Methods, 18th or 19th ed.: Method
    25) Sodium:
    A) Inductively-coupled plasma: USEPA Environmental Metals
    Methods: Method 200.7.
    B) Atomic absorption, direct aspiration: Standard Methods, 18th or
    19th ed.: Method 3111 B.
    b) Sample collection for antimony, arsenic (effective January 22, 2004), asbestos,
    barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel,
    nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and thallium pursuant to Sections 611.600 through
    611.604 must be conducted using the following sample preservation, container,
    and maximum holding time procedures:
    BOARD NOTE: For cyanide determinations samples must be adjusted with
    sodium hydroxide to pH 12 at the time off collection. When chilling is indicated
    the sample must be shipped and stored at 4 deg.C or less. Acidification of nitrate
    or metals samples may be with a concentrated acid or a dilute (50% by volume)
    solution of the applicable concentrated acid. Acidification of samples for metals
    analysis is encouraged and allowed at the laboratory rather than at the time of
    sampling provided the shipping time and other instructions in Section 8.3 of
    USEPA Environmental Metals Methods 200.7 or 200.8 or 200.9 are followed.
    1) Antimony:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.

    2) Arsenic:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    23) Asbestos:
    A) Preservative: Cool to 4° C.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 48 hours.
    34) Barium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    45) Beryllium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    56) Cadmium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.

    67) Chromium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    78) Cyanide:
    A) Preservative: Cool to 4°C. Add sodium hydroxide to pH > 12.
    See the analytical methods for information on sample preservation.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 14 days.
    89) Fluoride:
    A) Preservative: None.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 1 month.
    910) Mercury:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 28 days.
    1011) Nickel:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.

    1112) Nitrate, chlorinated:
    A) Preservative: Cool to 4° C.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 14 days.
    1213) Nitrate, non-chlorinated:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated sulfuric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 14 days.
    1314) Nitrite:
    A) Preservative: Cool to 4° C.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 48 hours.
    1415) Selenium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    1516) Thallium:
    A) Preservative: Concentrated nitric acid to pH less than 2.
    B) Plastic or glass (hard or soft).
    C) Holding time: Samples must be analyzed as soon after collection
    as possible, but in any event within 6 months.
    c) Analyses under this Subpart must be conducted by laboratories that received

    approval from USEPA or the Agency. Laboratories may conduct sample analyses
    for antimony, beryllium, cyanide, nickel, and thallium under provisional
    certification granted by the Agency until January 1, 1996. The Agency shall must
    certify laboratories to conduct analyses for antimony, arsenic (effective January
    23, 2006), asbestos, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride,
    mercury, nickel, nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and thallium if the laboratory:
    1) Analyzes performance evaluation samples, provided by the Agency
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 186, that include those substances at
    levels not in excess of levels expected in drinking water; and
    2) Achieves quantitative results on the analyses within the following
    acceptance limits:
    A) Antimony: ± 30% at greater than or equal to 0.006 mg/L.
    B) Arsenic:
    30% at greater than or equal to 0.003 mg/L.
    BC) Asbestos: 2 standard deviations based on study statistics.
    CD) Barium: ± 15% at greater than or equal to 0.15 mg/L.
    DE) Beryllium: ± 15% at greater than or equal to 0.001 mg/L.
    EF) Cadmium: ± 20% at greater than or equal to 0.002 mg/L.
    FG) Chromium: ± 15% at greater than or equal to 0.01 mg/L.
    GH) Cyanide: ± 25% at greater than or equal to 0.1 mg/L.
    HI) Fluoride: ± 10% at 1 to 10 mg/L.
    IJ) Mercury: ± 30% at greater than or equal to 0.0005 mg/L.
    JK) Nickel: ± 15% at greater than or equal to 0.01 mg/L.
    KL) Nitrate: ± 10% at greater than or equal to 0.4 mg/L.
    LM) Nitrite: ± 15% at greater than or equal to 0.4 mg/L.
    MN) Selenium: ± 20% at greater than or equal to 0.01 mg/L.
    NO) Thallium: ± 30% at greater than or equal to 0.002 mg/L.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.23(k) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976
    (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22,

    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.646 Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V Volatile Organic Contaminants
    Monitoring of the Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs for the purpose of determining
    compliance with the MCL must be conducted as follows:
    a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
    “Detect” and “detection” means that the contaminant of interest is present at a
    level greater than or equal to the “detection limit.”
    “Detection limit” means 0.0005 mg/L.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.24(f)(7), (f)(11), (f)(14)(i), and
    (f)(20) (1999). This is a “trigger level” for Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs
    inasmuch as it prompts further action. The use of the term “detect” in this section
    is not intended to include any analytical capability of quantifying lower levels of
    any contaminant, or the “method detection limit.” Note, however that certain
    language at the end of federal paragraph (f)(20) is capable of meaning that the
    “method detection limit” is used to derive the “detection limit.” The Board has
    chosen to disregard that language at the end of paragraph (f)(20) in favor of the
    more direct language of paragraphs (f)(7) and (f)(11).
    “Method detection limit,” as used in subsections (q) and (t) of this Section means
    the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with
    99 percent confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is
    determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analyte.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 136, Appendix B (1999). The method
    detection limit is determined by the procedure set forth in 40 CFR 136, Appendix
    B. See subsection (t) of this Section.
    b) Required sampling. Each supplier must take a minimum of one
    sample at each sampling point at the times required in subsection (u) of this
    c) Sampling points.
    1) Sampling points for GWSs. Unless otherwise provided by a an SEP

    granted by the Agency pursuant to Section 611.110, a GWS supplier must
    take at least one sample from each of the following points: each entry
    point that is representative of each well after treatment.
    2) Sampling points for an SWSs and or mixed systems system supplier.
    Unless otherwise provided by a an SEP granted by the Agency pursuant to
    Section 611.110, a an SWS or mixed system supplier must sample from
    each of the following points:
    A) Each entry point after treatment; or
    B) Points in the distribution system that are representative of each
    3) The supplier must take each sample at the same sampling point unless the
    Agency has granted a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that designates
    another location as more representative of each source, treatment plant, or
    within the distribution system.
    4) If a system draws water from more than one source, and the sources are
    combined before distribution, the supplier must sample at an entry point
    during periods of normal operating conditions when water is
    representative of all sources being used.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsections (b) and (c) of this Section derived from 40 CFR
    141.24(f)(1) through (f)(3) (1999).
    d) Each CWS and NTNCWS supplier must take four consecutive quarterly samples
    for each of the Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride, and Phase II VOCs
    during each compliance period, beginning in the compliance period starting in the
    initial compliance period.
    e) Reduction to annual monitoring frequency. If the initial monitoring for the Phase
    I, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs as allowed in subsection (r)(1) of this Section has
    been completed by December 31, 1992, and the supplier did not detect any of the
    Phase I VOCs, including vinyl chloride, Phase II, or Phase V VOCs, then the
    supplier must take one sample annually beginning in the initial compliance
    f) GWS reduction to triennial monitoring frequency. After a minimum of three
    years of annual sampling, GWS suppliers that have not previously detected any of
    the Phase I VOCs, including vinyl chloride, Phase II, or Phase V VOCs must take
    one sample during each three-year compliance period.
    g) A CWS or NTNCWS supplier that has completed the initial round of monitoring
    required by subsection (d) of this Section and which did not detect any of the

    Phase I VOCs, including vinyl chloride, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs may apply
    to the Agency for a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that releases it from the
    requirements of subsection (e) or (f) of this Section. A supplier that serves fewer
    than 3300 service connections may apply to the Agency for a an SEP that releases
    it from the requirements of subsection (d) of this Section as to 1,2,4-trichloro-
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.24(f)(7) and (f)(10) (1999) (2000),
    and the discussion at 57 Fed. Reg. 31825 (July 17, 1992). Provisions concerning
    the term of the waiver appear in subsections (i) and (j) of this Section. The
    definition of “detect,” parenthetically added to the federal counterpart paragraph
    is in subsection (a) of this Section.
    h) Vulnerability Assessment. The Agency must consider the factors of Section
    611.110(e) in granting a an SEP from the requirements of subsection (d), (e), or
    (f) of this Section sought pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section.
    i) A
    An SEP issued to a GWS pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section is for a
    maximum of six years, except that a an SEP as to the subsection (d) of this
    Section monitoring for 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene must apply only to the initial round
    of monitoring. As a condition of a an SEP, except as to a an SEP from the initial
    round of subsection (d) of this Section monitoring for 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, the
    supplier shall, within 30 months after the beginning of the period for which the
    waiver was issued, reconfirm its vulnerability assessment required by subsection
    (h) of this Section and submitted pursuant to subsection (g) of this Section, by
    taking one sample at each sampling point and reapplying for a an SEP pursuant to
    subsection (g) of this Section. Based on this application, the Agency must either:
    1) If it determines that the PWS meets the standard of Section 611.610(e),
    issue a an SEP that reconfirms the prior SEP for the remaining three-year
    compliance period of the six-year maximum term; or
    2) Issue a new SEP requiring the supplier to sample annually.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsection (i) of this Section does not apply to SWSs an SWS
    and or mixed systems system supplier.
    j) Special considerations for SEPs an SEP for an SWS and or mixed systemssystem
    1) The Agency must determine that a an SWS is not vulnerable before
    issuing a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 to a an SWS supplier. A An
    SEP issued to a an SWS or mixed system supplier pursuant to subsection
    (g) of this Section is for a maximum of one compliance period; and
    2) The Agency may require, as a condition to a an SEP issued to a an SWS or

    mixed supplier, that the supplier take such samples for Phase I, Phase II,
    and Phase V VOCs at such a frequency as the Agency determines are
    necessary, based on the vulnerability assessment.
    BOARD NOTE: There is a great degree of similarity between 40 CFR
    141.24(f)(7) (1999) (2000), the provision applicable to GWSs, and 40 CFR
    141.24(f)(10) (1999) (2000), the provision for SWSs. The Board has
    consolidated the common requirements of both paragraphs into subsection (g) of
    this Section. Subsection (j) of this Section represents the elements unique to an
    SWSs and or mixed systems system, and subsection (i) of this Section relates to
    GWSs a GWS suppliers. Although 40 CFR 141.24(f)(7) and (f)(10) are silent as
    to a mixed systems system suppliers, the Board has included a mixed systems
    system supplier with SWSs an SWS supplier because this best follows the federal
    scheme for all other contaminants.
    k) If one of the Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride; a Phase II VOC; or a Phase
    V VOC is detected in any sample, then:
    1) The supplier must monitor quarterly for that contaminant at each sampling
    point that resulted in a detection.
    2) Annual monitoring.
    A) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that
    allows a supplier to reduce the monitoring frequency to annual at a
    sampling point if it determines that the sampling point is reliably
    and consistently below the MCL.
    B) A request for a an SEP must include the following minimal
    i) For a GWS, two quarterly samples.
    ii) For a
    an SWS or mixed system supplier, four quarterly
    C) In issuing a an SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the
    contaminant upon which the “reliably and consistently”
    determination was based. All SEPs Any SEP that allow allows
    less frequent monitoring based on an Agency “reliably and
    consistently” determination must include a condition requiring the
    supplier to resume quarterly monitoring pursuant to subsection
    (k)(1) of this Section if it violates the MCL specified by Section
    3) Suppliers that monitor annually must monitor during the quarters that

    previously yielded the highest analytical result.
    4) Suppliers that do not detect a contaminant at a sampling point in three
    consecutive annual samples may apply to the Agency for a an SEP
    pursuant to Section 611.110 that allows it to discontinue monitoring for
    that contaminant at that point, as specified in subsection (g) of this
    5) A GWS supplier that has detected one or more of the two-carbon
    contaminants listed in subsection (k)(5)(A) of this Section must monitor
    quarterly for vinyl chloride as described in subsection (k)(5)(B) of this
    Section, subject to the limitation of subsection (k)(5)(C) of this Section.
    A) Two-carbon contaminants (Phase I or II VOC):
    1,2-Dichloroethane (Phase I)
    1,1-Dichloroethylene (Phase I)
    cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (Phase II)
    trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (Phase II)
    Tetrachloroethylene (Phase II)
    1,1,1-Trichloroethylene (Phase I)
    Trichloroethylene (Phase I)
    B) The supplier must sample quarterly for vinyl chloride at each
    sampling point at which it detected one or more of the two-carbon
    contaminants listed in subsection (k)(5)(A) of this Section.
    C) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that
    allows the supplier to reduce the monitoring frequency for vinyl
    chloride at any sampling point to once in each three-year
    compliance period if it determines that the supplier has not
    detected vinyl chloride in the first sample required by subsection
    (k)(5)(B) of this Section.
    l) Quarterly monitoring following MCL violations.
    1) Suppliers that violate an MCL for one of the Phase I VOCs, including
    vinyl chloride, Phase II, or Phase V VOCs, as determined by subsection
    (o) of this Section, must monitor quarterly for that contaminant, at the
    sampling point where the violation occurred, beginning the next quarter
    after the violation.
    2) Annual monitoring.
    A) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that
    allows a supplier to reduce the monitoring frequency to annually if

    it determines that the sampling point is reliably and consistently
    below the MCL.
    B) A request for a an SEP must include the following minimal
    information: four quarterly samples.
    C) In issuing a an SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the
    contaminant upon which the “reliably and consistently”
    determination was based. All SEPs Any SEP that allow allows
    less frequent monitoring based on an Agency “reliably and
    consistently” determination must include a condition requiring the
    supplier to resume quarterly monitoring pursuant to subsection
    (l)(1) of this Section if it violates the MCL specified by Section
    D) The supplier must monitor during the quarter(s) quarters that
    previously yielded the highest analytical result.
    m) Confirmation samples. The Agency may issue a an SEP pursuant to Section
    610.110 to require a supplier to use a confirmation sample for results that it finds
    dubious for whatever reason. The Agency must state its reasons for issuing the
    SEP if the SEP is Agency-initiated.
    1) If a supplier detects any of the Phase I, Phase II, or Phase V VOCs in a
    sample, the supplier must take a confirmation sample as soon as possible,
    but no later than 14 days after the supplier receives notice of the detection.
    2) Averaging is as specified in subsection (o) of this Section.
    3) The Agency must delete the original or confirmation sample if it
    determines that a sampling error occurred, in which case the confirmation
    sample will replace the original or confirmation sample.
    n) This subsection (n) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(f)(14) (1999), an optional
    USEPA provision relating to compositing of samples that USEPA does not
    require for state programs. This statement maintains structural consistency with
    USEPA rules.
    o) Compliance with the MCLs for the Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs must be
    determined based on the analytical results obtained at each sampling point.
    Effective January 22, 2004, if one sampling point is in violation of an MCL, the
    system is in violation of the MCL.
    1) Effective January 22, 2004, for a supplier that monitors more than once
    per year, compliance with the MCL is determined by a running annual
    average at each sampling point.

    2) Effective January 22, 2004, a supplier that monitors annually or less
    frequently whose sample result exceeds the MCL must begin quarterly
    sampling. The system will not be considered in violation of the MCL
    until it has completed one year of quarterly sampling.
    3) Effective January 22, 2004, if any sample result will cause the running
    annual average to exceed the MCL at any sampling point, the supplier is
    out of compliance with the MCL immediately.
    4) Effective January 22, 2004, if a supplier fails to collect the required
    number of samples, compliance will be based on the total number of
    samples collected.
    5) Effective January 22, 2004, if a sample result is less than the detection
    limit, zero will be used to calculate the annual average.
    16) For suppliers
    Until January 22, 2004, for a supplier that conduct conducts
    monitoring at a frequency greater than annual, compliance is determined
    by a running annual average of all samples taken at each sampling point.
    A) If the annual average of any sampling point is greater than the
    MCL, then the supplier is out of compliance.
    B) If the initial sample or a subsequent sample would cause the annual
    average to exceed the MCL, then the supplier is out of compliance
    C) Any samples below the detection limit must be deemed as zero for
    purposes of determining the annual average.
    27) If
    Until January 22, 2004, if monitoring is conducted annually, or less
    frequently, the supplier is out of compliance if the level of a contaminant
    at any sampling point is greater than the MCL. If Until January 22, 2004,
    if a confirmation sample is taken, the determination of compliance is
    based on the average of two samples.
    p) This subsection (p) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(f)(16) (1999), which
    USEPA removed and reserved at 59 Fed. Reg. 62468 (Dec. 5, 1994). This
    statement maintains structural consistency with the federal regulations.
    q) Analysis under this Section must only be conducted by laboratories that have
    received certification by USEPA or the Agency according to the following
    1) To receive certification to conduct analyses for the Phase I VOCs,

    excluding vinyl chloride, Phase II VOCs, and Phase V VOCs, the
    laboratory must:
    A) Analyze performance evaluation samples that include these
    substances provided by the Agency pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    B) Achieve the quantitative acceptance limits under subsections
    (q)(1)(C) and (q)(1)(D) of this Section for at least 80 percent of the
    Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride, Phase II VOCs, except
    vinyl chloride, or Phase V VOCs;
    C) Achieve quantitative results on the analyses performed under
    subsection (q)(1)(A) of this Section that are within ± 20 percent of
    the actual amount of the substances in the performance evaluation
    sample when the actual amount is greater than or equal to 0.010
    D) Achieve quantitative results on the analyses performed under
    subsection (q)(1)(A) of this Section that are within ± 40 percent of
    the actual amount of the substances in the performance evaluation
    sample when the actual amount is less than 0.010 mg/L; and
    E) Achieve a method detection limit of 0.0005 mg/L, according to the
    procedures in 40 CFR 136, appendix B, incorporated by reference
    in Section 611.102.
    2) To receive certification to conduct analyses for vinyl chloride the
    laboratory must:
    A) Analyze performance evaluation samples provided by the Agency
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 183.125(c);
    B) Achieve quantitative results on the analyses performed under
    subsection (q)(2)(A) of this Section that are within ± 40 percent of
    the actual amount of vinyl chloride in the performance evaluation
    C) Achieve a method detection limit of 0.0005 mg/L, according to the
    procedures in 40 CFR 136, appendix B, incorporated by reference
    in Section 611.102; and
    D) Obtain certification pursuant to subsection (q)(1) of this Section
    for Phase I VOCs, excluding vinyl chloride, Phase II VOCs, and
    Phase V VOCs.

    r) Use of existing data.
    1) The Agency must allow the use of data collected after January 1, 1988 but
    prior to the effective date of this Section, pursuant to Agency sample
    request letters, if it determines that the data are generally consistent with
    the requirements of this Section.
    2) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that allows
    a supplier to monitor annually beginning in the initial compliance period if
    it determines that the supplier did not detect any Phase I, Phase II, or
    Phase V VOC using existing data allowed pursuant to subsection (r)(1) of
    this Section.
    s) The Agency shall, by a an SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110, increase the
    number of sampling points or the frequency of monitoring if it determines that it
    is necessary to detect variations within the PWS.
    t) Each laboratory certified for the analysis of Phase I, Phase II, or Phase V VOCs
    pursuant to subsection (q)(1) or (q)(2) of this Section shall:
    1) Determine the method detection limit (MDL), as defined in 40 CFR 136,
    Appendix B, incorporated by reference in Section 611.102, at which it is
    capable of detecting the Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V VOCs; and,
    2) Achieve an MDL for each Phase I, Phase II, and Phase V VOC that is less
    than or equal to 0.0005 mg/L.
    u) Each supplier must monitor, within each compliance period, at the time
    designated by the Agency by SEP pursuant to Section 611.110.
    v) A new system supplier or a supplier that uses a new source of water which begins
    operation after January 22, 2004 must demonstrate compliance with the MCL
    within a period of time specified by a permit issued by the Agency. The supplier
    must also comply with the initial sampling frequencies specified by the Agency to
    ensure the supplier can demonstrate compliance with the MCL. Routine and
    increased monitoring frequencies must be conducted in accordance with the
    requirements in this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.24(f) (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022
    (May 4, 2000) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134
    (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001)..
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.648 Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V Synthetic Organic Contaminants
    Analysis of the Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V SOCs for the purposes of determining
    compliance with the MCL must be conducted as follows:
    a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms will have the following
    “Detect” or “detection” means that the contaminant of interest is present at
    a level greater than or equal to the “detection limit.”.
    “Detection limit” means the level of the contaminant of interest that is
    specified in subsection (r) of this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: This is a “trigger level” for Phase II, Phase IIB, and
    Phase V SOCs inasmuch as it prompts further action. The use of the term
    “detect” or “detection” in this Section is not intended to include any
    analytical capability of quantifying lower levels of any contaminant, or the
    “method detection limit.”.
    b) Required sampling. Each supplier must take a minimum of one sample at each
    sampling point at the times required in subsection (q) of this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: USEPA stayed the effective date of the MCLs for aldicarb,
    aldicarb sulfone, and aldicarb sulfoxide at 57 Fed. Reg. 22178 (May 27, 1991).
    Section 611.311(c) includes this stay. However, despite the stay of the
    effectiveness of the MCLs for these three SOCs, suppliers must monitor for them.
    c) Sampling points.
    1) Sampling points for GWSs. Unless otherwise provided by SEP, a GWS
    supplier must take at least one sample from each of the following points:
    each entry point that is representative of each well after treatment.
    2) Sampling points for SWSs and an SWS or mixed systems system supplier.
    Unless otherwise provided by SEP, a an SWS or mixed system supplier
    must sample from each of the following points:
    A) Each entry point after treatment; or
    B) Points in the distribution system that are representative of each
    3) The supplier must take each sample at the same sampling point unless the
    Agency has granted a an SEP that designates another location as more
    representative of each source, treatment plant, or within the distribution

    4) If a system draws water from more than one source, and the sources are
    combined before distribution, the supplier must sample at an entry point
    during periods of normal operating conditions when water is
    representative of all sources being used.
    BOARD NOTE: Subsections (b) and (c) of this Section derived from 40 CFR
    141.24(h)(1) through (h)(3) (1999) (2000).
    d) Monitoring frequency.
    1) Each CWS and NTNCWS supplier must take four consecutive quarterly
    samples for each of the Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V SOCs during
    each compliance period, beginning in the three-year compliance period
    starting in the initial compliance period.
    2) Suppliers serving more than 3,300 persons that do not detect a
    contaminant in the initial compliance period must take a minimum of two
    quarterly samples in one year of each subsequent three-year compliance
    3) Suppliers serving fewer than or equal to 3,300 persons that do not detect a
    contaminant in the initial compliance period must take a minimum of one
    sample during each subsequent three-year compliance period.
    e) Reduction to annual monitoring frequency. A CWS or NTNCWS supplier may
    apply to the Agency for a an SEP that releases it from the requirements of
    subsection (d) of this Section. A An SEP from the requirement of subsection (d)
    of this Section must last for only a single three-year compliance period.
    f) Vulnerability assessment. The Agency must grant a an SEP from the
    requirements of subsection (d) of this Section based on consideration of the
    factors set forth at Section 611.110(e).
    g) If one of the Phase II, Phase IIB, or Phase V SOCs is detected in any sample, then
    the following must occur:
    1) The supplier must monitor quarterly for the contaminant at each sampling
    point that resulted in a detection.
    2) Annual monitoring.
    A) A supplier may request that the Agency grant a an SEP pursuant to
    Section 610.110 that reduces the monitoring frequency to annual.

    B) A request for a an SEP must include the following minimal
    i) For a GWS, two quarterly samples.
    ii) For a
    an SWS or mixed system supplier, four quarterly
    C) The Agency must grant a an SEP that allows annual monitoring at
    a sampling point if it determines that the sampling point is reliably
    and consistently below the MCL.
    D) In issuing the SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the
    contaminant upon which the “reliably and consistently”
    determination was based. All SEPs Any SEP that allow allows
    less frequent monitoring based on an Agency “reliably and
    consistently” determination must include a condition requiring the
    supplier to resume quarterly monitoring pursuant to subsection
    (g)(1) of this Section if it detects any Phase II SOC.
    3) Suppliers that monitor annually must monitor during the quarters that
    previously yielded the highest analytical result.
    4) Suppliers that have three consecutive annual samples with no detection of
    a contaminant at a sampling point may apply to the Agency for a an SEP
    with respect to that point, as specified in subsections (e) and (f) of this
    5) Monitoring for related contaminants.
    A) If monitoring results in detection of one or more of the related
    contaminants listed in subsection (g)(5)(B) of this Section,
    subsequent monitoring must analyze for all the related compounds
    in the respective group.
    B) Related contaminants:
    i) First group:
    aldicarb sulfone
    aldicarb sulfoxide
    ii) Second group:

    heptachlor epoxide.
    h) Quarterly monitoring following MCL violations.
    1) Suppliers that violate an MCL for one of the Phase II, Phase IIB, or Phase
    V SOCs, as determined by subsection (k) of this Section, must monitor
    quarterly for that contaminant at the sampling point where the violation
    occurred, beginning the next quarter after the violation.
    2) Annual monitoring.
    A) A supplier may request that the Agency grant a an SEP pursuant to
    Section 611.110 that reduces the monitoring frequency to annual.
    B) A request for a an SEP must include, at a minimum, the results
    from four quarterly samples.
    C) The Agency must grant a an SEP that allows annual monitoring at
    a sampling point if it determines that the sampling point is reliably
    and consistently below the MCL.
    D) In issuing the SEP, the Agency must specify the level of the
    contaminant upon which the “reliably and consistently”
    determination was based. All SEPs Any SEP that allow allows
    less frequent monitoring based on an Agency “reliably and
    consistently” determination must include a condition requiring the
    supplier to resume quarterly monitoring pursuant to subsection
    (h)(1) of this Section if it detects any Phase II SOC.
    E) The supplier must monitor during the quarters that previously
    yielded the highest analytical result.
    i) Confirmation samples.
    1) If any of the Phase II, Phase IIB, or Phase V SOCs are detected in a
    sample, the supplier must take a confirmation sample as soon as possible,
    but no later than 14 days after the supplier receives notice of the detection.
    2) Averaging is as specified in subsection (k) of this Section.
    3) The Agency must delete the original or confirmation sample if it
    determines that a sampling error occurred, in which case the confirmation
    sample will replace the original or confirmation sample.
    j) This subsection (j) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(h)(10), an optional USEPA
    provision relating to compositing of samples that USEPA does not require for

    state programs. This statement maintains structural consistency with USEPA
    This subsection (k) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(h)(11) (1999), which
    USEPA removed at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022 (May 4, 2000). This statement maintains
    structural consistency with the federal regulations.
    k) Compliance with the MCLs for the Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V SOCs shall
    be determined based on the analytical results obtained at each sampling point.
    Effective January 22, 2004, if one sampling point is in violation of an MCL, the
    supplier is in violation of the MCL.
    1) Effective January 22, 2004, for a supplier that monitors more than once
    per year, compliance with the MCL is determined by a running annual
    average at each sampling point.
    2) Effective January 22, 2004, a supplier that monitors annually or less
    frequently whose sample result exceeds the regulatory detection level as
    defined by subsecton (r) of this Section must begin quarterly sampling.
    The system will not be considered in violation of the MCL until it has
    completed one year of quarterly sampling.
    3) Effective January 22, 2004, if any sample result will cause the running
    annual average to exceed the MCL at any sampling point, the supplier is
    out of compliance with the MCL immediately.
    4) Effective January 22, 2004, if a supplier fails to collect the required
    number of samples, compliance will be based on the total number of
    samples collected.
    5) Effective January 22, 2004, if a sample result is less than the detection
    limit, zero will be used to calculate the annual average.
    6) Until January 22, 2004, for a supplier that conducts monitoring at a
    frequency greater than annual, compliance is determined by a running
    annual average of all samples taken at each sampling point.
    A) If the annual average of any sampling point is greater than the
    MCL, then the supplier is out of compliance.
    B) If the initial sample or a subsequent sample would cause the annual
    average to exceed the MCL, then the supplier is out of compliance
    C) Any samples below the detection limit must be deemed as zero for
    purposes of determining the annual average.

    7) Until January 22, 2004, if the supplier conducts monitoring annually, or
    less frequently, the supplier is out of compliance if the level of a
    contaminant at any sampling point is greater than the MCL. Until January
    22, 2004, if a confirmation sample is taken, the determination of
    compliance is based on the average of two samples.
    l) This subsection (l) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(h)(12) (1999), which
    USEPA removed and reserved at 59 Fed. Reg. 62468 (Dec. 5, 1994). This
    statement maintains structural consistency with the federal regulations.
    m) Analysis for PCBs must be conducted as follows using the methods in Section
    1) Each supplier that monitors for PCBs must analyze each sample using
    either USEPA Organic Methods, Method 505 or Method 508.
    2) If PCBs are detected in any sample analyzed using USEPA Organic
    Methods, Methods 505 or 508, the supplier must reanalyze the sample
    using Method 508A to quantitate the individual Aroclors (as
    3) Compliance with the PCB MCL must be determined based upon the
    quantitative results of analyses using USEPA Organic Methods, Method
    n) Use of existing data.
    1) The Agency must allow the use of data collected after January 1, 1990 but
    prior to the effective date of this Section, pursuant to Agency sample
    request letters, if it determines that the data are generally consistent with
    the requirements of this Section.
    2) The Agency must grant a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that allows
    a supplier to monitor annually beginning in the initial compliance period if
    it determines that the supplier did not detect any Phase I VOC or Phase II
    VOC using existing data allowed pursuant to subsection (n)(1) of this
    o) The Agency must issue a an SEP that increases the number of sampling points or
    the frequency of monitoring if it determines that this is necessary to detect
    variations within the PWS due to such factors as fluctuations in contaminant
    concentration due to seasonal use or changes in the water source.
    BOARD NOTE: At 40 CFR 141.24(h)(15), USEPA uses the stated factors as
    non-limiting examples of circumstances that make additional monitoring

    p) This subsection (p) corresponds with 40 CFR 141.24(h)(16), a USEPA provision
    that the Board has not adopted because it reserves enforcement authority to the
    State and would serve no useful function as part of the State’s rules. This
    statement maintains structural consistency with USEPA rules.
    q) Each supplier must monitor, within each compliance period, at the time
    designated by the Agency by SEP pursuant to Section 611.110.
    r) “Detection” means greater than or equal to the following concentrations for each
    1) for PCBs (Aroclors):
    Aroclor Detection Limit (mg/L)
    1016 0.00008
    1221 0.02
    1232 0.0005
    1242 0.0003
    1248 0.0001
    1254 0.0001
    1260 0.0002
    2) for other Phase II, Phase IIB, and Phase V SOCs:
    Detection Limit
    Alachlor 0.0002
    Aldicarb 0.0005
    Aldicarb sulfoxide 0.0005
    Aldicarb sulfone 0.0008
    Atrazine 0.0001
    Benzo(a)pyrene 0.00002
    Carbofuran 0.0009
    Chlordane 0.0002
    2,4-D 0.0001
    Dalapon 0.001
    1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 0.00002
    Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0.0006
    Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0006
    Dinoseb 0.0002
    Diquat 0.0004
    Endothall 0.009

    Endrin 0.00001
    Ethylene dibromide (EDB) 0.00001
    Glyphosate 0.006
    Heptachlor 0.00004
    Heptachlor epoxide 0.00002
    Hexachlorobenzene 0.0001
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.0001
    Lindane 0.00002
    Methoxychlor 0.0001
    Oxamyl 0.002
    Picloram 0.0001
    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (as
    Pentachlorophenol 0.00004
    Simazine 0.00007
    Toxaphene 0.001
    2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) 0.000000005
    2,4,5-TP (silvex) 0.0002
    s) Laboratory certification.
    1) Analyses under this Section must only be conducted by laboratories that
    have received approval by USEPA or the Agency according to the
    following conditions.
    2) To receive certification to conduct analyses for the Phase II, Phase IIB,
    and Phase V SOCs, the laboratory must do the following:
    A) Analyze performance evaluation samples provided by the Agency
    pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 183.125(c) that include these
    substances; and
    B) Achieve quantitative results on the analyses performed under
    subsection (s)(2)(A) of this Section that are within the following
    acceptance limits:
    SOC Acceptance Limits
    Alachlor ± 45%
    Aldicarb 2 standard deviations
    Aldicarb sulfone 2 standard deviations
    Aldicarb sulfoxide 2 standard deviations
    Atrazine ± 45%
    Benzo(a)pyrene 2 standard deviations
    Carbofuran ± 45%
    Chlordane ± 45%

    Dalapon 2 standard deviations
    Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 2 standard deviations
    Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 2 standard deviations
    Dinoseb 2 standard deviations
    Diquat 2 standard deviations
    Endothall 2 standard deviations
    Endrin ± 30%
    Glyphosate 2 standard deviations
    Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) ± 40%
    Ethylene dibromide (EDB) ± 40%
    Heptachlor ± 45%
    Heptachlor epoxide ± 45%
    Hexachlorobenzene 2 standard deviations
    Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2 standard deviations
    Lindane ± 45%
    Methoxychlor ± 45%
    Oxamyl 2 standard deviations
    PCBs (as decachlorobiphenyl) 0-200%
    Pentachlorophenol ± 50%
    Picloram 2 standard deviations
    Simazine 2 standard deviations
    Toxaphene ± 45%
    2,4-D ± 50%
    2,3,7,8-TCDD (dioxin) 2 standard deviations
    2,4,5-TP (silvex) ± 50%
    t) A new system supplier or a supplier that uses a new source of water that begins
    operation after January 22, 2004 must demonstrate compliance with the MCL
    within a period of time specified by a permit issued by the Agency. The supplier
    must also comply with the initial sampling frequencies specified by the Agency to
    ensure the supplier can demonstrate compliance with the MCL. Routine and
    increased monitoring frequencies must be conducted in accordance with the
    requirements in this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.24(h) (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022
    (May 4, 2000) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134
    (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.680 Sampling, Analytical and other Requirements
    a) Required monitoring.

    1) CWS suppliers shall must analyze for TTHMs in accordance with this
    2) For the purpose of this Section, the minimum number of samples required
    to be taken by the system supplier must be based on the number of
    treatment plants used by the system supplier. However, the Agency shall,
    by special exception permit, provide that multiple wells drawing raw
    water from a single aquifer be considered one treatment plant for
    determining the minimum number of samples.
    3) All samples taken within an established frequency must be collected
    within a 24-hour period.
    b) CWSs serving 10,000 or more individuals.
    1) For CWSs utilizing surface water sources in whole or in part, and for
    CWSs utilizing only groundwater sources, except as provided in Section
    611.683, analyses for TTHMs must be performed at quarterly intervals on
    at least four water samples for each treatment plant used by the system
    supplier. At least 25 percent of the samples must be taken at locations
    within the distribution system reflecting the maximum residence time
    (MRT) of the water in the system. The remaining 75 percent must be
    taken at representative locations in the distribution system, taking into
    account number of persons served, different sources of water and different
    treatment methods employed. The results of all analyses per quarter must
    be arithmetically averaged and reported to the Agency within 30 days of
    the supplier's receipt of such results. All samples collected must be used
    in the computation of the average, unless the analytical results are
    invalidated for technical reasons. Sampling and analyses must be
    conducted in accordance with the methods listed in Section 611.685.
    2) Upon application by a CWS supplier, the Agency shall, by special
    exception permit, reduce the monitoring frequency required by subsection
    (b)(1) to a minimum of one sample analyzed for TTHMs per quarter taken
    at a point in the distribution system reflecting the MRT of the water in the
    system, if the Agency determines that the data from at least one year of
    monitoring in accordance with subsection (b)(1) and local conditions
    demonstrate that TTHM concentrations will be consistently below the
    3) If at any time during which the reduced monitoring frequency prescribed
    under this subsection applies, the results from any analysis exceed 0.10
    mg/L TTHMs and such results are confirmed by at least one check sample
    taken promptly after such results are received, or if the CWS supplier
    makes any significant change to its source of water or treatment program,

    the supplier shall must immediately begin monitoring in accordance with
    the requirements of subsection (b)(1), which monitoring must continue for
    at least 1 year before the frequency may be reduced again. The Agency
    shall, by special exception permit, require monitoring in excess of the
    minimum frequency where it is necessary to detect variations of TTHM
    levels within the distribution system.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.30(a) and (b) (1989) (2000), modified
    to remove the limitation regarding addition of disinfectant.
    c) Surface water sources for CWSs serving fewer than 10,000 individuals. Suppliers
    shall must submit at least one initial sample per treatment plant for analysis or
    analytical results from a certified laboratory for MRT concentration taken
    between May 1, 1990, and October 31, 1990. After written request by the
    supplier and the determination by the Agency that the results of the sample
    indicate that the CWS is not likely to exceed the MCL, the CWS shall must
    continue to submit one annual sample per treatment plant for analysis or
    analytical results from a certified laboratory to the Agency taken between May 1
    and October 31 of succeeding years. If the sample exceeds the MCL, the CWS
    shall must submit to the Agency samples in accordance with the sampling
    frequency specified in subsection (b).
    BOARD NOTE: This is an additional State requirement.
    d) Groundwater sources for CWSs serving fewer than 10,000 individuals. Suppliers
    are not required to submit samples for THM analysis under this Section.
    BOARD NOTE: This is an additional State requirement.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.685 Analytical Methods
    Sampling and analyses made pursuant to this Subpart must be conducted by one of the total
    trihalomethanes (TTHM) methods, as directed in Section 611.645; and in USEPA Technical
    Notes, incorporated by reference in Section 611.102; or in Section 611.381(b). Samples for
    TTHM must be dechlorinated upon collection to prevent further production of trihalomethanes
    according to the procedures described in the methods, except acidification is not required if only
    THMs or TTHMs are to be determined. Samples for maximum TTHM potential must not be
    dechlorinated or acidified, and should be held for seven days at 25° C (or above) prior to
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.30(e) (1998) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg.
    3770 (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.740 General Requirements
    a) The requirements of this Subpart R are National Primary Drinking Water
    Regulations. These regulations establish requirements for filtration and
    disinfection that are in addition to standards under which filtration and
    disinfection are required under Subpart B of this part. The requirements of this
    Subpart are applicable to a Subpart B system supplier serving 10,000 or more
    persons, beginning January 1, 2002, unless otherwise specified in this Subpart.
    The regulations in this Subpart establish or extend treatment technique
    requirements in lieu of maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for the following
    contaminants: Giardia lamblia, viruses, heterotrophic plate count bacteria,
    Legionella, Cryptosporidium, and turbidity. Each Subpart B system supplier
    serving 10,000 or more persons shall must provide treatment of its source water
    that complies with these treatment technique requirements and are in addition to
    those identified in Section 611.220. The treatment technique requirements consist
    of installing and properly operating water treatment processes that reliably
    1) At least 99 percent (2-log) removal of Cryptosporidium between a point
    where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water
    runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer for filtered
    systems, or Cryptosporidium control under the watershed control plan for
    unfiltered systems; and
    2) Compliance with the profiling and benchmark requirements under the
    provisions of Section 611.742.
    b) A public water system PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart is
    considered to be in compliance with the requirements of subsection (a) of this
    Section if:
    1) It meets the requirements for avoiding filtration in Sections 611.232 and
    611.741, and the disinfection requirements in Sections 611.240 and
    611.742; or
    2) It meets the applicable filtration requirements in either Section 611.250 or
    Section 611.743, and the disinfection requirements in Sections 611.240
    and 611.742.
    c) Systems shall
    A supplier must not begin construction of uncovered finished water
    storage facilities after February 16, 1999.

    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.170 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.741 Standards for Avoiding Filtration
    In addition to the requirements of Section 611.232, a public water system PWS supplier subject
    to the requirements of this Subpart that does not provide filtration shall must meet all of the
    conditions of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
    a) Site-specific conditions. In addition to site-specific conditions in Section
    611.232, systems shall a supplier must maintain the watershed control program
    under Section 611.232(b) to minimize the potential for contamination by
    Cryptosporidium oocysts in the source water. The watershed control program
    must, for Cryptosporidium:
    1) Identify watershed characteristics and activities which may have an
    adverse effect on source water quality; and
    2) Monitor the occurrence of activities which may have an adverse effect on
    source water quality.
    b) During the onsite inspection conducted under the provisions of Section
    611.232(c), the Agency shall must determine whether the watershed control
    program established under Section 611.232(b) is adequate to limit potential
    contamination by Cryptosporidium oocysts. The adequacy of the program must
    be based on the comprehensiveness of the watershed review; the effectiveness of
    the system’s supplier’s program to monitor and control detrimental activities
    occurring in the watershed; and the extent to which the water system supplier has
    maximized land ownership or controlled land use within the watershed.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.171 (2000).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.742 Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking
    a) Determination of systems a supplier required to profile. A public water system
    PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart shall must determine its
    TTHM annual average using the procedure in subsection (a)(1) of this Section
    and its HAA5 annual average using the procedure in subsection (a)(2) of this
    Section. The annual average is the arithmetic average of the quarterly averages of
    four consecutive quarters of monitoring.
    1) The TTHM annual average that is used must be the annual average during

    the same period as the HAA5 annual average.
    A) Those systems A supplier that collected data under the provisions
    of 40 CFR 141 Subpart M (Information Collection Rule) shall
    must use the results of the samples collected during the last four
    quarters of required monitoring under Section 611.382.
    B) Those systems
    A supplier that use uses “grandfathered” HAA5
    occurrence data that meet the provisions of subsection (a)(2)(B) of
    this Section shall must use TTHM data collected at the same time
    under the provisions of Section 611.680.
    C) Those systems
    A supplier that use uses HAA5 occurrence data that
    meet the provisions of subsection (a)(2)(C)(i) of this Section shall
    must use TTHM data collected at the same time under the
    provisions of Sections 611.310 and 611.680.
    2) The HAA5 annual average that is used must be the annual average during
    the same period as the TTHM annual average.
    A) Those systems
    A supplier that collected data under the provisions
    of 40 CFR 141 Subpart M (Information Collection Rule) shall
    must use the results of the samples collected during the last four
    quarters of required monitoring under Section 611.382.
    B) Those systems
    A supplier that have collected four quarters of
    HAA5 occurrence data that meets the routine monitoring sample
    number and location requirements for TTHM in Section 611.680
    and handling and analytical method requirements of Section
    611.685 may use that data to determine whether the requirements
    of this Section apply.
    C) Those systems
    A supplier that have not collected four quarters of
    HAA5 occurrence data that meets the provisions of either
    subsection (a)(2)(A) or (B) of this Section by March 31, 1999 shall
    must either:
    i) Conduct monitoring for HAA5 that meets the routine
    monitoring sample number and location requirements for
    TTHM in Section 611.680 and handling and analytical
    method requirements of Section 611.685 to determine the
    HAA5 annual average and whether the requirements of
    subsection (b) of this Section apply. This monitoring must
    be completed so that the applicability determination can be
    made no later than March 31, 2000; or

    ii) Comply with all other provisions of this Section as if the
    HAA5 monitoring had been conducted and the results
    required compliance with subsection (b) of this Section.
    3) The system
    supplier may request that the Agency approve a more
    representative annual data set than the data set determined under
    subsection (a)(1) or (2) of this Section for the purpose of determining
    applicability of the requirements of this Section.
    4) The Agency may require that a system supplier use a more representative
    annual data set than the data set determined under subsection (a)(1) or (2)
    of this Section for the purpose of determining the applicability of the
    requirements of this Section.
    5) The system shall supplier must submit data to the Agency on the schedule
    in subsections (a)(5)(A) through (a)(5)(D) of this Section.
    A) Those systems
    A supplier that collected TTHM and HAA5 date
    under the provisions of 40 CFR Subpart M (Information Collection
    Rule), as required by subsection (a)(1)(A) and (a)(2)(A) of this
    Section, shall must submit the results of the samples collected
    during the last twelve months of required monitoring under Section
    611.685 not later than December 31, 1999.
    B) Those systems
    A supplier that have has collected four consecutive
    quarters of HAA5 occurrence data that meets the routine
    monitoring sample number and location for TTHM in Section
    611.382 and handling and analytical method requirements of
    Section 611.685, as allowed by subsections (a)(1)(B) and (a)(2)(B)
    of this Section, shall must submit that data to the Agency not later
    than April 30, 1999. Until the Agency has approved the data, the
    system shall supplier must conduct monitoring for HAA5 using the
    monitoring requirements specified under subsection (a)(2)(C) of
    this Section.
    C) Those systems A supplier that conduct conducts monitoring for
    HAA5 using the monitoring requirements specified by subsections
    (a)(1)(C) and (a)(2)(C)(i) of this Section, shall must submit TTHM
    and HAA5 data not later than March 31, 2000.
    D) Those systems
    A supplier that elect elects to comply with all other
    provisions of this Section as if the HAA5 monitoring had been
    conducted and the results required compliance with this Section, as
    allowed under subsection (a)(2)(C)(ii) of this Section, shall must
    notify the Agency in writing of their election not later than
    December 31, 1999.

    E) If the system supplier elects to request that the Agency approve a
    more representative data set than the data set determined under
    subsection (a)(2)(A) of this Section, the system shall supplier must
    submit this request in writing not later than December 31, 1999.
    6) Any system
    supplier having either a TTHM annual average
    0.064 mg/L
    or an HAA5 annual average
    0.048 mg/L during the period identified in
    subsections (a)(1) and (2) of this Section shall must comply with
    subsection (b) of this Section.
    b) Disinfection profiling.
    1) Any system
    supplier that meets the standards in subsection (a)(6) of this
    Section shall must develop a disinfection profile of its disinfection
    practice for a period of up to three years. The Agency shall must
    determine the period of the disinfection profile, with a minimum period of
    1 year.
    2) The system shall supplier must monitor daily for a period of twelve
    consecutive calendar months to determine the total logs of inactivation for
    each day of operation, based on the CT
    99.9 values in Appendix B of this
    Part, as appropriate, through the entire treatment plant. The system shall
    supplier must begin this monitoring not later than April 1, 2000. As a
    minimum, the system supplier with a single point of disinfectant
    application prior to entrance to the distribution system shall must conduct
    the monitoring in subsections (b)(2)(A) through (D) of this Section. A
    system supplier with more than one point of disinfectant application shall
    must conduct the monitoring in subsections (b)(2)(A) through (D) of this
    Section for each disinfection segment. The system shall supplier must
    monitor the parameters necessary to determine the total inactivation ratio,
    using analytical methods in Section 611.531, as follows:
    A) The temperature of the disinfected water must be measured once
    per day at each residual disinfectant concentration sampling point
    during peak hourly flow.
    B) If the system supplier uses chlorine, the pH of the disinfected
    water must be measured once per day at each chlorine residual
    disinfectant concentration sampling point during peak hourly flow.
    C) The disinfectant contact time(s) times (“T”) must be determined
    for each day during peak hourly flow.
    D) The residual disinfectant concentration(s) concentrations (“C”) of
    the water before or at the first customer and prior to each

    additional point of disinfection must be measured each day during
    peak hourly flow.
    3) In lieu of the monitoring conducted under the provisions of subsection
    (b)(2) of this Section to develop the disinfection profile, the system
    supplier may elect to meet the requirements of subsection (b)(3)(A) of this
    Section. In addition to the monitoring conducted under the provisions of
    subsection (b)(2) of this Section to develop the disinfection profile, the
    system supplier may elect to meet the requirements of subsection
    (b)(3)(B) of this Section.
    A) A PWS supplier that has three years of existing operational data
    may submit that data, a profile generated using that data, and a
    request that the Agency approve use of that data in lieu of
    monitoring under the provisions of subsection (b)(2) of this
    Section not later than April 1, 2000 March 31, 2000. The Agency
    shall must determine whether the operational data is substantially
    equivalent to data collected under the provisions of subsection
    (b)(2) of this Section. The data must also be representative of
    Giardia lamblia inactivation through the entire treatment plant and
    not just of certain treatment segments. If the Agency determines
    that the operational data is substantially equivalent, the Agency
    shall must approve the request. Until the Agency approves this
    request, the system is required to conduct monitoring under the
    provisions of subsection (b)(2) of this Section.
    B) In addition to the disinfection profile generated under subsection
    (b)(2) of this Section, a PWS supplier that has existing operational
    data may use that data to develop a disinfection profile for
    additional years. The Agency shall must determine whether the
    operational data is substantially equivalent to data collected under
    the provisions of subsection (b)(2) of this Section. The data must
    also be representative of inactivation through the entire treatment
    plant and not just of certain treatment segments. If the Agency
    determines that the operational data is substantially equivalent,
    such systems may use these additional yearly disinfection profiles
    to develop a benchmark under the provisions of subsection (c) of
    this Section.
    4) The system shall supplier must calculate the total inactivation ratio as
    A) If the system supplier uses only one point of disinfectant
    application, the system may determine the total inactivation ratio
    for the disinfection segment based on either of the methods in
    subsection (b)(4)(A)(i) or (b)(4)(A)(ii) of this Section.

    i) Determine one inactivation ratio (CT
    99.9) before or at
    the first customer during peak hourly flow.
    ii) Determine successive CT
    99.9 values, representing
    sequential inactivation ratios, between the point of
    disinfectant application and a point before or at the first
    customer during peak hourly flow. Under this alternative,
    the system shall supplier must calculate the total
    inactivation ratio by determining (CT
    99.9) for each
    sequence and then adding the (CT
    99.9) values together
    to determine (
    B) If the system supplier uses more than one point of disinfectant
    application before the first customer, the system shall must
    determine the CT value of each disinfection segment immediately
    prior to the next point of disinfectant application, or for the final
    segment, before or at the first customer, during peak hourly flow.
    The (CT
    99.9) value of each segment and (
    99.9)) must
    be calculated using the method in subsection (b)(4)(A) of this
    C) The system shall supplier must determine the total logs of
    inactivation by multiplying the value calculated in subsection
    (b)(4)(A) or (b)(4)(B) of this Section by 3.0.
    5) A system
    supplier that uses either chloramines or ozone for primary
    disinfection shall must also calculate the logs of inactivation for viruses
    using a method approved by the Agency.
    6) The system shall supplier must retain disinfection profile data in graphic
    form, as a spreadsheet, or in some other format acceptable to the Agency
    for review as part of sanitary surveys conducted by the Agency.
    c) Disinfection benchmarking.
    1) Any system
    supplier required to develop a disinfection profile under the
    provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this Section and that decides to
    make a significant change to its disinfection practice shall must consult
    with the Agency prior to making such change. Significant changes to
    disinfection practice are:
    A) Changes to the point of disinfection;
    B) Changes to the disinfectant(s) disinfectants used in the treatment

    C) Changes to the disinfection process; and
    D) Any other modification identified by the Agency.
    2) Any system
    supplier that is modifying its disinfection practice shall must
    calculate its disinfection benchmark using the procedure specified in
    subsections (c)(2)(A) and (c)(2)(B) of this Section.
    A) For each year of profiling data collected and calculated under
    subsection (b) of this Section, the system shall supplier must
    determine the lowest average monthly Giardia lamblia inactivation
    in each year of profiling data. The system shall supplier must
    determine the average Giardia lamblia inactivation for each
    calendar month for each year of profiling data by dividing the sum
    of daily Giardia lamblia of inactivation by the number of values
    calculated for that month.
    B) The disinfection benchmark is the lowest monthly average value
    (for systems with one year of profiling data) or average of lowest
    monthly average values (for systems with more than one year of
    profiling data) of the monthly logs of Giardia lamblia inactivation
    in each year of profiling data.
    3) A system
    supplier that uses either chloramines or ozone for primary
    disinfection shall must also calculate the disinfection benchmark for
    viruses using a method approved by the Agency.
    4) The system shall supplier must submit information in subsections
    (c)(4)(A) through (c)(4)(C) of this Section to the Agency as part of its
    consultation process.
    A) A description of the proposed change;
    B) The disinfection profile for Giardia lamblia (and, if necessary,
    viruses) under subsection (b) of this Section and benchmark as
    required by subsection (c)(2) of this Section; and
    C) An analysis of how the proposed change will affect the current
    levels of disinfection.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.172 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.743 Filtration
    A PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart that does not meet all of the
    standards in this Subpart and Subpart B of this Part for avoiding filtration shall must provide
    treatment consisting of both disinfection, as specified in Section 611.242, and filtration treatment
    which that complies with the requirements of subsection (a) or (b) of this Section or Section
    611.250 (b) or (c) by December 31, 2001.
    a) Conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration.
    1) For systems a supplier using conventional filtration or direct filtration, the
    turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s filtered water must
    be less than or equal to 0.3 NTU in at least 95 percent of the
    measurements taken each month, measured as specified in Sections
    611.531 and 611.533.
    2) The turbidity level of representative samples of a system’s supplier’s
    filtered water must at no time exceed 1 NTU, measured as specified in
    Sections 611.531 and 611.533.
    3) A system
    supplier that uses lime softening may acidify representative
    samples prior to analysis using a protocol approved by the Agency.
    b) Filtration technologies other than conventional filtration treatment, direct
    filtration, slow sand filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration. A PWS supplier
    may use a filtration technology not listed in subsection (a) of this Section or in
    Section 611.250 (b) or (c) if it demonstrates to the Agency, using pilot plant
    studies or other means, that the alternative filtration technology, in combination
    with disinfection treatment that meets the requirements of Section 611.242(b),
    consistently achieves 99.9 percent removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia
    cysts and 99.99 percent removal or inactivation of viruses, and 99 percent
    removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts, and the Agency approves the use of the
    filtration technology. For each approval, the Agency shall must set turbidity
    performance requirements that the system shall supplier must meet at least 95
    percent of the time and that the system shall supplier must not exceed at any time
    at a level that consistently achieves 99.9 percent removal or inactivation of
    Giardia lamblia cysts, 99.99 percent removal or inactivation of viruses, and 99
    percent removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.173 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

    Section 611.745 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    In addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements in Sections 611.261 and 611.262, a
    public water system PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart that provides
    conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration must report monthly to the Agency the
    information specified in subsections (a) and (b) of this Section beginning January 1, 2002. In
    addition to the reporting and recordkeeping requirements in Sections 611.261 and 611.262, a
    public water system PWS supplier subject to the requirements of this Subpart that provides
    filtration approved under Section 611.743(b) must report monthly to the Agency the information
    specified in subsection (a) of this Section beginning January 1, 2002. The reporting in
    subsection (a) of this Section is in lieu of the reporting specified in Section 611.262(a).
    a) Turbidity measurements, as required by Section 611.743, must be reported within
    ten days after the end of each month the system serves water to the public.
    Information that must be reported is the following:
    1) The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during
    the month.
    2) The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken
    during the month that are less than or equal to the turbidity limits specified
    in Section 611.743 (a) or (b).
    3) The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month
    that exceed 1 NTU for systems a supplier using conventional filtration
    treatment or direct filtration, or that exceed the maximum level under
    Section 611.743(b).
    b) Systems
    A supplier must maintain the results of individual filter monitoring taken
    under Section 611.744 for at least three years. Systems A supplier must report
    that they have conducted individual filter turbidity monitoring under Section
    611.744 within ten days after the end of each month the system serves water to
    the public. Systems A supplier must report individual filter turbidity
    measurement results taken under Section 611.744 within ten days after the end of
    each month the system supplier serves water to the public only if measurements
    demonstrate one or more of the conditions in subsections (b)(1) through (4) of
    this Section. Systems A supplier that use uses lime softening may apply to the
    Agency for alternative exceedence levels for the levels specified in subsections
    (b)(1) through (4) of this Section if they can demonstrate that higher turbidity
    levels in individual filters are due to lime carryover only and not due to degraded
    filter performance.
    1) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than
    1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the
    system supplier must report the filter number, the turbidity measurement,
    and the dates on which the exceedence occurred. In addition, the system

    supplier must either produce a filter profile for the filter within seven days
    after the exceedence (if the system supplier is not able to identify an
    obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance) and report that the
    profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedence.
    2) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than
    0.5 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at the
    end of the first four hours of continuous filter operation after the filter has
    been backwashed or otherwise taken offline, the system supplier must
    report the filter number, the turbidity, and the dates on which the
    exceedence occurred. In addition, the system supplier must either produce
    a filter profile for the filter within seven days after the exceedence (if the
    system supplier is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal
    filter performance) and report that the profile has been produced or report
    the obvious reason for the exceedence.
    3) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than
    1.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any
    time in each of three consecutive months, the system supplier must report
    the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the dates on which the
    exceedence occurred. In addition, the system supplier must conduct a
    self-assessment of the filter within 14 days after the exceedence and report
    that the self-assessment was conducted. The self-assessment must consist
    of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance;
    development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors
    limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections;
    and preparation of a filter self-assessment report.
    4) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than
    2.0 NTU in two consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any
    time in each of two consecutive months, the system supplier must report
    the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the dates on which the
    exceedence occurred. In addition, the system supplier must arrange for
    the conduct of a comprehensive performance evaluation by the Agency or
    a third party approved by the Agency no later than 30 days following the
    exceedence and have the evaluation completed and submitted to the
    Agency no later than 90 days following the exceedence.
    c) Additional reporting requirements.
    1) If at any time the turbidity exceeds 1 NTU in representative samples of
    filtered water in a system using conventional filtration treatment or direct
    filtration, the supplier must consult with the Agency as soon as practical
    possible, but no later than 24 hours after the exceedence is known, in
    accordance with the public notification requirements under Section
    611.903(b)(3) the end of the next business day.

    2) If at any time the turbidity in representative samples of filtered water
    exceeds the maximum level set by the Agency under Section 611.743(b)
    for filtration technologies other than conventional filtration treatment,
    direct filtration, slow sand filtration, or diatomaceous earth filtration, the
    supplier must consult with inform the Agency as soon as practical, but no
    later than 24 hours after the exceedence is known, in accordance with the
    public notification requirements under Section 611.903(b)(3) the end of
    the next business day.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.175 (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 3770
    (January 16, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.884 Required Additional Health Information
    a) All reports must prominently display the following language: “Some people may
    be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population.
    Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing
    chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with
    HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be
    particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking
    water from their health care providers. USEPA or Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by
    Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the USEPA
    Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).”
    b) A CWS
    Ending in the report due by July 1, 2001, a supplier that detects arsenic at
    levels above 25
    g/L, but below the MCL 0.05 mg/L, and beginning in the report
    due by July 1, 2002, a supplier that detects arsenic abouve 0.005 mg/L and up to
    and including 0.01 mg/L must do the following:
    1) The CWS
    supplier must include in its report a short informational statement
    about arsenic, using the following language: USEPA is reviewing the
    drinking water standard for arsenic because of special concerns that it may
    not be stringent enough. Arsenic “While your drinking water meets
    USEPA's standard for arsenic, it does contain low levels of arsenic.
    USEPA's standard balances the current understanding of arsenic's possible
    health effects against the costs of removing arsenic from drinking water.
    USEPA continues to research the health effects of low levels of arsenic,
    which is a naturally-occurring mineral known to cause cancer in humans at
    high concentrations and is linked to other health effects such as skin

    damage and circulatory problems”; or
    2) The CWS
    supplier may write its own educational statement, but only in
    consultation with the Agency.
    c) A CWS
    supplier that detects nitrate at levels above 5 mg/L, but below the MCL
    must do the following:
    1) The CWS
    supplier must include a short informational statement about the
    impacts of nitrate on children, using the following language: “Nitrate in
    drinking water at levels above 10 ppm is a health risk for infants of less than
    six months of age. High nitrate levels in drinking water can cause blue baby
    syndrome. Nitrate levels may rise quickly for short periods of time because
    of rainfall or agricultural activity. If you are caring for an infant you should
    ask advice from your health care provider”; or
    2) The CWS supplier may write its own educational statement, but only in
    consultation with the Agency.
    d) A CWS supplier that detects lead above the action level in more than five percent,
    and up to and including ten percent, of homes sampled must do the following:
    1) The CWS supplier must include a short informational statement about the
    special impact of lead on children, using the following language: “Infants
    and young children are typically more vulnerable to lead in drinking water
    than the general population. It is possible that lead levels at your home may
    be higher than at other homes in the community as a result of materials used
    in your home’s plumbing. If you are concerned about elevated lead levels in
    your home’s water, you may wish to have your water tested and flush your
    tap for 30 seconds to two minutes before using tap water. Additional
    information is available from the USEPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline
    (800-426-4791)”; or
    2) The CWS supplier may write its own educational statement, but only in
    consultation with the Agency.
    e) A CWS supplier that detects TTHM above 0.080 mg/L, but below the MCL in
    Section 611.312, as an annual average, monitored and calculated under the
    provisions of Section 611.680, must include the health effects language prescribed
    by Appendix A of this Part.
    f) Beginning in the report due by July 1, 2002 and ending January 22, 2006, a CWS
    supplier that detects arsenic above 0.01 mg/L and up to and including 0.05 mg/L
    must include the arsenic health effects language prescribed by Appendix A to this

    BOARD NOTE: Derived from 40 CFR 141.154 (1999), as amended at 65 Fed. Reg. 26022
    (May 4, 2000) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134
    (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May 22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)
    Section 611.Appendix A Regulated Contaminants
    Microbiological contaminants:
    Contaminant (units): Total Coliform Bacteria
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: MCL: (systems a supplier that collect collects
    samples/month) fewer than 5% of monthly samples are positive; (systems that
    collect < 40 samples/month) fewer than 1 positive monthly sample.
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: MCL: (systems a supplier that collect collects
    40 samples/month)
    fewer than 5% of monthly samples are positive; (systems a supplier that collect
    collects < 40 samples/month) fewer than 1 positive monthly sample.
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Naturally present in the environment.
    Health effects language: Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present in the
    environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially-harmful, bacteria
    may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this
    was a warning of potential problems.
    Contaminant (units): Fecal coliform and E. coli
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 0
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Human and animal fecal waste.
    Health effects language: Fecal coliforms and E. coli are bacteria whose presence
    indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes.
    Microbes in these wastes can cause short-term effects, such as diarrhea, cramps,
    nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. They may pose a special health risk for
    infants, young children, some of the elderly, and people with severely-
    compromised immune systems.
    Contaminant (units): Total organic carbon (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: TT
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: TT
    MCLG: N/A
    Major sources in drinking water: Naturally present in the environment.
    Health effects language: Total organic carbon (TOC) has no health effects. However,

    total organic carbon provides a medium for the formation of disinfection
    byproducts. These byproducts include trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic
    acids (HAAs). Drinking water containing these byproducts in excess of the MCL
    may lead to adverse health effects, liver or kidney problems, or nervous system
    effects, and may lead to an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Turbidity (NTU)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: TT
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: TT
    MCLG: N/A
    Major sources in drinking water: Soil runoff.
    Health effects language: Turbidity has no health effects. However, turbidity can
    interfere with disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth. Turbidity
    may indicate the presence of disease-causing organisms. These organisms
    include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause symptoms such as nausea,
    cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches.
    Radioactive contaminants:
    Contaminant (units): Beta/photon emitters (mrem/yr)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 4 mrem/yr
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 4
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Decay of natural and man-made deposits.
    Health effects language: Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit forms of
    radiation known as photons and beta radiation. Some people who drink water
    containing beta particle and photon radioactivity in excess of the MCL over many
    years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Alpha emitters (pCi/L)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 15 pCi/L
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 15
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit a form of
    radiation known as alpha radiation. Some people who drink water containing
    alpha emitters in excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk
    of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Combined radium (pCi/L)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 5 pCi/L
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 5

    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing radium-226 or -228 in
    excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Uranium (
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 30
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 30
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing uranium in excess of
    the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer and
    kidney toxicity.
    Inorganic contaminants:
    Contaminant (units): Antimony (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.006
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 6
    MCLG: 6
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum refineries; fire retardants;
    ceramics; electronics; solder.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing antimony well in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience increases in blood
    cholesterol and decreases in blood sugar.
    Contaminant (units): Arsenic (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.05 until January 23, 2006 or 0.01 effective January 23, 2006
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 50
    MCLG: N/A 0 (effective January 26, 2006)
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits; runoff from orchards;
    runoff from glass and electronics production wastes.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing arsenic in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience skin damage or problems with their
    circulatory system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Asbestos (MFL)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 7 MFL
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 7
    MCLG: 7
    Major sources in drinking water: Decay of asbestos cement water mains; erosion of
    natural deposits.

    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing asbestos in excess of
    the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of developing benign
    intestinal polyps.
    Contaminant (units): Barium (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 2
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 2
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge of drilling wastes; discharge from metal
    refineries; erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing barium in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience an increase in their blood pressure.
    Contaminant (units): Beryllium (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.004
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 4
    MCLG: 4
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from metal refineries and coal-burning
    factories; discharge from electrical, aerospace, and defense industries.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing beryllium well in
    excess of the MCL over many years could develop intestinal lesions.
    Contaminant (units): Cadmium (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 5
    Major sources in drinking water: Corrosion of galvanized pipes; erosion of natural
    deposits; discharge from metal refineries; runoff from waste batteries and paints.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing cadmium in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience kidney damage.
    Contaminant (units): Chromium (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100
    MCLG: 100
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from steel and pulp mills; erosion of natural
    Health effects language: Some people who use water containing chromium well in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience allergic dermatitis.
    Contaminant (units): Copper (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: AL=1.3

    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: AL=1.3
    MCLG: 1.3
    Major sources in drinking water: Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of
    natural deposits; leaching from wood preservatives.
    Health effects language: Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink
    water containing copper in excess of the action level over a relatively short
    amount of time could experience gastrointestinal distress. Some people who
    drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could
    suffer liver or kidney damage. People with Wilson’s Disease should consult their
    personal doctor.
    Contaminant (units): Cyanide (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.2
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 200
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from steel/metal factories; discharge from
    plastic and fertilizer factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing cyanide well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience nerve damage or problems with
    their thyroid.
    Contaminant (units): Fluoride (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 4
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 4
    MCLG: 4
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits; water additive that
    promotes strong teeth; discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing fluoride in excess of
    the MCL over many years could get bone disease, including pain and tenderness
    of the bones. Fluoride in drinking water at half the MCL or more may cause
    mottling of children’s teeth, usually in children less than nine years old. Mottling,
    also known as dental fluorosis, may include brown staining and/or pitting of the
    teeth, and occurs only in developing teeth before they erupt from the gums.
    Contaminant (units): Lead (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: AL=0.015
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: AL=15
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Corrosion of household plumbing systems; erosion of
    natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Infants and children who drink water containing lead in excess
    of the action level could experience delays in their physical or mental

    development. Children could show slight deficits in attention span and learning
    abilities. Adults who drink this water over many years could develop kidney
    problems or high blood pressure.
    Contaminant (units): Mercury [inorganic] (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 2
    Major sources in drinking water: Erosion of natural deposits; discharge from refineries
    and factories; runoff from landfills; runoff from cropland.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing inorganic mercury
    well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience kidney damage.
    Contaminant (units): Nitrate (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 10
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 10
    MCLG: 10
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching from septic tanks,
    sewage; erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Infants below the age of six months who drink water containing
    nitrate in excess of the MCL could become seriously ill and, if untreated, may die.
    Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome.
    Contaminant (units): Nitrite (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 1
    MCLG: 1
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching from septic tanks,
    sewage; erosion of natural deposits.
    Health effects language: Infants below the age of six months who drink water containing
    nitrite in excess of the MCL could become seriously ill and, if untreated, may die.
    Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome.
    Contaminant (units): Selenium (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.05
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 50
    MCLG: 50
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum and metal refineries; erosion
    of natural deposits; discharge from mines.
    Health effects language: Selenium is an essential nutrient. However, some people who
    drink water containing selenium in excess of the MCL over many years could
    experience hair or fingernail losses, numbness in fingers or toes, or problems with

    their circulation.
    Contaminant (units): Thallium (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 0.5
    Major sources in drinking water: Leaching from ore-processing sites; discharge from
    electronics, glass, and drug factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing thallium in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience hair loss, changes in their blood, or
    problems with their kidneys, intestines, or liver.
    Synthetic organic contaminants including pesticides and herbicides:
    Contaminant (units): 2,4-D (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.07
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 70
    MCLG: 70
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide used on row crops.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing the weed killer 2,4-D
    well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their
    kidneys, liver, or adrenal glands.
    Contaminant (units): 2,4,5-TP [silvex](ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.05
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 50
    MCLG: 50
    Major sources in drinking water: Residue of banned herbicide.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing silvex in excess of the
    MCL over many years could experience liver problems.
    Contaminant (units): Acrylamide
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: TT
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: TT
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Added to water during sewage/wastewater treatment.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing high levels of
    acrylamide over a long period of time could have problems with their nervous
    system or blood, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Alachlor (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002

    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide used on row crops.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing alachlor in excess of
    the MCL over many years could have problems with their eyes, liver, kidneys, or
    spleen, or experience anemia, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Atrazine (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.003
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 3
    MCLG: 3
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide used on row crops.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing atrazine well in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their
    cardiovascular system or reproductive difficulties.
    Contaminant (units): Benzo(a)pyrene [PAH] (nanograms/L)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Leaching from linings of water storage tanks and
    distribution lines.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing benzo(a)pyrene in
    excess of the MCL over many years may experience reproductive difficulties and
    may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Carbofuran (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.04
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 40
    MCLG: 40
    Major sources in drinking water: Leaching of soil fumigant used on rice and alfalfa.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing carbofuran in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their blood, or
    nervous or reproductive systems.
    Contaminant (units): Chlordane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Residue of banned termiticide.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing chlordane in excess of

    the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver or nervous
    system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Dalapon (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.2
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 200
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide used on rights of way.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing dalapon well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience minor kidney changes.
    Contaminant (units): Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.4
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 400
    MCLG: 400
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing di(2-
    ethylhexyl)adipate well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience
    general toxic effects or reproductive difficulties.
    Contaminant (units): Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.006
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 6
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from rubber and chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing di(2-
    ethylhexyl)phthalate in excess of the MCL over many years may have problems
    with their liver, or experience reproductive difficulties, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Dibromochloropropane [DBCP] (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff/leaching from soil fumigant used on soybeans,
    cotton, pineapples, and orchards.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing DBCP in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience reproductive problems and may have
    an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Dinoseb (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.007

    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 7
    MCLG: 7
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide used on soybeans and
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing dinoseb well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience reproductive difficulties.
    Contaminant (units): Diquat (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.02
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 20
    MCLG: 20
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide use.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing diquat in excess of the
    MCL over many years could get cataracts.
    Contaminant (units): Dioxin [2,3,7,8-TCDD] (ppq)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.00000003
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 30
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Emissions from waste incineration and other
    combustion; discharge from chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing dioxin in excess of the
    MCL over many years could experience reproductive difficulties and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Endothall (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100
    MCLG: 100
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide use.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing endothall in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience problems with their stomach or
    Contaminant (units): Endrin (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 2
    Major sources in drinking water: Residue of banned insecticide.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing endrin in excess of the
    MCL over many years could experience liver problems.

    Contaminant (units): Epichlorohydrin
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: TT
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: TT
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories; an
    impurity of some water treatment chemicals.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing high levels of
    epichlorohydrin over a long period of time could experience stomach problems,
    and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Ethylene dibromide (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.00005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 50
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum refineries.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing ethylene dibromide in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver,
    stomach, reproductive system, or kidneys, and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Glyphosate (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.7
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 700
    MCLG: 700
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from herbicide use.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing glyphosate in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their kidneys or
    reproductive difficulties.
    Contaminant (units): Heptachlor (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0004
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 400
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Residue of banned pesticide.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing heptachlor in excess
    of the MCL over many years could experience liver damage and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Heptachlor epoxide (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000

    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Breakdown of heptachlor.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing heptachlor epoxide in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience liver damage, and may
    have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Hexachlorobenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.001
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 1
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from metal refineries and agricultural
    chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing hexachlorobenzene in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver or
    kidneys, or adverse reproductive effects, and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.05
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 50
    MCLG: 50
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing
    hexachlorocyclopentadiene well in excess of the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their kidneys or stomach.
    Contaminant (units): Lindane (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 200
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff/leaching from insecticide used on cattle,
    lumber, gardens.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing lindane in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience problems with their kidneys or liver.
    Contaminant (units): Methoxychlor (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.04
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 40
    MCLG: 40
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff/leaching from insecticide used on fruits,
    vegetables, alfalfa, livestock.

    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing methoxychlor in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience reproductive difficulties.
    Contaminant (units): Oxamyl [Vydate] (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.2
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 200
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff/leaching from insecticide used on apples,
    potatoes and tomatoes.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing oxamyl in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience slight nervous system effects.
    Contaminant (units): PCBs [Polychlorinated biphenyls] (ppt)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.0005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1,000,000
    MCL in CCR units: 500
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff from landfills; discharge of waste chemicals.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing PCBs in excess of the
    MCL over many years could experience changes in their skin, problems with their
    thymus gland, immune deficiencies, or reproductive or nervous system
    difficulties, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Pentachlorophenol (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.001
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 1
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from wood preserving factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing pentachlorophenol in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver or
    kidneys, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Picloram (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.5
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 500
    MCLG: 500
    Major sources in drinking water: Herbicide runoff.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing picloram in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver.
    Contaminant (units): Simazine (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.004
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000

    MCL in CCR units: 4
    MCLG: 4
    Major sources in drinking water: Herbicide runoff.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing simazine in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience problems with their blood.
    Contaminant (units): Toxaphene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.003
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 3
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Runoff/leaching from insecticide used on cotton and
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing toxaphene in excess
    of the MCL over many years could have problems with their kidneys, liver, or
    thyroid, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Volatile organic contaminants:
    Contaminant (units): Benzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from factories; leaching from gas storage
    tanks and landfills.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing benzene in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience anemia or a decrease in blood
    platelets, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Bromate (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.010
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 10
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Byproduct of drinking water chlorination.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing bromate in excess of
    the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Carbon tetrachloride (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from chemical plants and other industrial

    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing carbon tetrachloride
    in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver
    and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Chloramines (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: MRDL = 4
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: MRDL = 4
    MCLG: MRDLG = 4
    Major sources in drinking water: Water additive used to control microbes.
    Health effects language: Some people who use water containing chloramines well in
    excess of the MRDL could experience irritating effects to their eyes and nose.
    Some people who drink water containing chloramines well in excess of the
    MRDL could experience stomach discomfort or anemia.
    Contaminant (units): Chlorine (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: MRDL = 4
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: MRDL = 4
    MCLG: MRDLG = 4
    Major sources in drinking water: Water additive used to control microbes.
    Health effects language: Some people who use water containing chlorine well in excess
    of the MRDL could experience irritating effects to their eyes and nose. Some
    people who drink water containing chlorine well in excess of the MRDL could
    experience stomach discomfort.
    Contaminant (units): Chlorite (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 1
    MCLG: 0.8
    Major sources in drinking water: Byproduct of drinking water chlorination.
    Health effects language: Some infants and young children who drink water containing
    chlorite in excess of the MCL could experience nervous system effects. Similar
    effects may occur in fetuses of pregnant women who drink water containing
    chlorite in excess of the MCL. Some people may experience anemia.
    Contaminant (units): Chlorine dioxide (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: MRDL = 0.8
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: MRDL = 800
    MCLG: MRDLG = 800
    Major sources in drinking water: Water additive used to control microbes.
    Health effects language: Some infants and young children who drink water containing
    chlorine dioxide in excess of the MRDL could experience nervous system effects.
    Similar effects may occur in fetuses of pregnant women who drink water

    containing chlorine dioxide in excess of the MRDL. Some people may
    experience anemia.
    Contaminant (units): Chlorobenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100
    MCLG: 100
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from chemical and agricultural chemical
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing chlorobenzene in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver or
    Contaminant (units): o-Dichlorobenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.6
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 600
    MCLG: 600
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing o-dichlorobenzene
    well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their
    liver, kidneys, or circulatory systems.
    Contaminant (units): p-Dichlorobenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.075
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 75
    MCLG: 75
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing p-dichlorobenzene in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience anemia, damage to their
    liver, kidneys, or spleen, or changes in their blood.
    Contaminant (units): 1,2-Dichloroethane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,2-dichloroethane in
    excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): 1,1-Dichloroethylene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.007
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000

    MCL in CCR units: 7
    MCLG: 7
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,1-dichloroethylene
    in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver.
    Contaminant (units): cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.07
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 70
    MCLG: 70
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing cis-1,2-
    dichloroethylene in excess of the MCL over many years could experience
    problems with their liver.
    Contaminant (units): trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100
    MCLG: 100
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing trans-1,2-
    dichloroethylene well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience
    problems with their liver.
    Contaminant (units): Dichloromethane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from pharmaceutical and chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing dichloromethane in
    excess of the MCL over many years could have liver problems and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): 1,2-Dichloropropane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,2-dichloropropane
    in excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting

    Contaminant (units): Ethylbenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.7
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 700
    MCLG: 700
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum refineries.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing ethylbenzene well in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver or
    Contaminant (units): Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.060
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 60
    MCLG: N/A
    Major sources in drinking water: Byproduct of drinking water disinfection.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing haloacetic acids in
    excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Styrene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100
    MCLG: 100
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from rubber and plastic factories; leaching
    from landfills.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing styrene well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could have problems with their liver, kidneys, or
    circulatory system.
    Contaminant (units): Tetrachloroethylene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from factories and dry cleaners.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing tetrachloroethylene in
    excess of the MCL over many years could have problems with their liver, and
    may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.07
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 70
    MCLG: 70
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from textile-finishing factories.

    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,2,4-
    trichlorobenzene well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience
    changes in their adrenal glands.
    Contaminant (units): 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.2
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 200
    MCLG: 200
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from metal degreasing sites and other
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane
    in excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver,
    nervous system, or circulatory system.
    Contaminant (units): 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 3
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from industrial chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing 1,1,2-trichloroethane
    well in excess of the MCL over many years could have problems with their liver,
    kidneys, or immune systems.
    Contaminant (units): Trichloroethylene (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.005
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 5
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from metal degreasing sites and other
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing trichloroethylene in
    excess of the MCL over many years could experience problems with their liver
    and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): TTHMs [Total trihalomethanes] (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.10/0.080
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 100/80
    MCLG: N/A
    Major sources in drinking water: Byproduct of drinking water chlorination.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in
    excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver,
    kidneys, or central nervous systems, and may have an increased risk of getting

    Contaminant (units): Toluene (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 1
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 1
    MCLG: 1
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing toluene well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could have problems with their nervous system,
    kidneys, or liver.
    Contaminant (units): Vinyl Chloride (ppb)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 0.002
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: 1000
    MCL in CCR units: 2
    MCLG: 0
    Major sources in drinking water: Leaching from PVC piping; discharge from plastics
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing vinyl chloride in
    excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
    Contaminant (units): Xylenes (ppm)
    Traditional MCL in mg/L: 10
    To convert for CCR, multiply by: --
    MCL in CCR units: 10
    MCLG: 10
    Major sources in drinking water: Discharge from petroleum factories; discharge from
    chemical factories.
    Health effects language: Some people who drink water containing xylenes in excess of
    the MCL over many years could experience damage to their nervous system.
    Abbreviation Meaning
    AL Action Level
    MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
    MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
    MFL Million fibers per liter
    MRDL Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level
    MRDLG Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal
    mrem/year Millirems per year (a measure of radiation absorbed by the body)
    N/A Not Applicable
    NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units (a measure of water clarity)
    pCi/L Picocuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity)
    ppm parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/L)
    parts per billion, or micrograms per liter (

    ppt parts per trillion, or nanograms per liter
    ppq parts per quadrillion, or picograms per liter
    TT Treatment Technique
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix A to Subpart O to 40 CFR 141 (2000), as added at 65
    Fed. Reg. 76749 (December 7, 2000), effective December 8, 2003, as amended at 66 Fed. Reg.
    6976 (January 22, 2001), 66 Fed. Reg. 16134 (March 23, 2001), and 66 Fed. Reg. 28342 (May
    22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________ effective ______________________)
    Section 611.Appendix G NPDWR Violations and Situations Requiring Public Notice
    See note 1 at the end of this Appendix for an explanation of the Agency’s authority to alter the
    magnitude of a violation from that set forth in the following table.
    MCL/MRDL/TT violations
    Monitoring & testing
    procedure violations
    Contaminant Tier of
    Citation Tier of
    I. Violations of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR):
    A. Microbiological Contaminants
    1. Total coliform 2 611.325(a) 3 611.521-
    2. Fecal coliform/E. coli 1 611.325(b)
    1, 3 611.525
    3. Turbidity MCL 2 611.320(a) 3 611.560
    4. Turbidity MCL (average of
    two days’ samples >5 NTU)
    2, 1 611.320(b) 3 611.560
    5. Turbidity (for TT violations
    resulting from a single
    exceedence of maximum
    allowable turbidity level)
    2, 1 611.231(b),
    3 611.531(a),

    6. Surface Water Treatment
    Rule violations, other than
    violations resulting from single
    exceedence of max. allowable
    turbidity level (TT)
    2 611.211,
    3 611.531-
    7. Interim Enhanced Surface
    Water Treatment Rule
    violations, other than violations
    resulting from single
    exceedence of max. turbidity
    level (TT)
    3 611.742,
    Filter Backwash Recycling Rule
    2 611.276
    3 611.276
    B. Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs)
    1. Antimony 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    2. Arsenic 2 611.300(b),
    3 611.100,
    3. Asbestos (fibers >10 m) 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    4. Barium 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    5. Beryllium 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    6. Cadmium 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    7. Chromium (total) 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    8. Cyanide 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,

    9. Fluoride 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    10. Mercury (inorganic) 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    11. Nitrate 1 611.301(b)
    1, 3 611.600,
    12. Nitrite 1 611.301(b)
    1, 3 611.600,
    13. Total Nitrate and Nitrite 1 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    14. Selenium 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    15. Thallium 2 611.301(b) 3 611.600,
    C. Lead and Copper Rule (Action Level for lead is 0.015 mg/L, for copper is 1.3 mg/L)
    1. Lead and Copper Rule (TT) 2 611.350-
    3 611.356-
    D. Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
    1. 2,4-D 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    2. 2,4,5-TP (silvex) 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    3. Alachlor 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    4. Atrazine 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    5. Benzo(a)pyrene (PAHs) 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    6. Carbofuran 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    7. Chlordane 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    8. Dalapon 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    9. Di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    10. Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    11. Dibromochloropropane
    2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    12. Dinoseb 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    13. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    14. Diquat 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    15. Endothall 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648

    16. Endrin 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    17. Ethylene dibromide 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    18. Glyphosate 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    19. Heptachlor 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    20. Heptachlor epoxide 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    21. Hexachlorobenzene 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    22. Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    23. Lindane 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    24. Methoxychlor 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    25. Oxamyl (Vydate) 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    26. Pentachlorophenol 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    27. Picloram 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    28. Polychlorinated biphenyls
    2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    29. Simazine 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    30. Toxaphene 2 611.310(c) 3 611.648
    E. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
    1. Benzene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    2. Carbon tetrachloride 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    3. Chlorobenzene
    2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    4. o-Dichlorobenzene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    5. p-Dichlorobenzene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    6. 1,2-Dichloroethane 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    7. 1,1-Dichloroethylene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    8. cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    9. trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    10. Dichloromethane 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    11. 1,2-Dichloropropane 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    12. Ethylbenzene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    13. Styrene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    14. Tetrachloroethylene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    15. Toluene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    16. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    17. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    18. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    19. Trichloroethylene 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    20. Vinyl chloride 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    21. Xylenes (total) 2 611.310(a) 3 611.646
    F. Radioactive Contaminants
    1. Beta/photon emitters 2 611.330(d) 3 611.720(a),

    2. Alpha emitters 2 611.330(c) 3 611.720(a),
    3. Combined radium (226 &
    2 611.330(b) 3 611.720(a),
    4. Uranium
    2 611.330(e)
    3 611.720(a),
    G. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Byproduct Precursors, Disinfectant Residuals. Where
    disinfection is used in the treatment of drinking water, disinfectants combine with organic and
    inorganic matter present in water to form chemicals called disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
    USEPA sets standards for controlling the levels of disinfectants and DBPs in drinking water,
    including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
    1. Total trihalomethanes
    3 611.680-
    2. Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) 2 611.312(a) 3 611.382(a)-(b)
    3. Bromate 2 611.312(a) 3 611.382(a)-(b)
    4. Chlorite 2 611.312(a) 3 611.382(a)-(b)
    5. Chlorine (MRDL) 2 611.313(a) 3 611.382(a), (c)
    6. Chloramine (MRDL) 2 611.313(a) 3 611.382(a), (c)
    7. Chlorine dioxide (MRDL),
    where any two consecutive daily
    samples at entrance to
    distribution system only are
    above MRDL
    2 611.313(a),
    , 3 611.382(a), (c),
    8. Chlorine dioxide (MRDL),
    where sample(s) samples in
    distribution system the next day
    are also above MRDL
    1 611.313(a),
    1 611.382(a), (c),
    9. Control of DBP precursors--
    TOC (TT)
    2 611.385(a)-(b) 3 611.382(a), (d)
    10. Benchmarking and
    disinfection profiling
    N/A N/A 3 611.742
    11. Development of monitoring
    N/A N/A 3 611.382(f)
    H. Other Treatment Techniques
    1. Acrylamide (TT) 2 611.296 N/A N/A
    2. Epichlorohydrin (TT) 2 611.296 N/A N/A
    II. Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring:
    A. Unregulated contaminants N/A N/A 3 611.510
    B. Nickel N/A N/A 3 611.603,

    III. Public Notification for Relief Equivalent to a SDWA Section 1415 Variance or a Section
    1416 Exemption:
    A. Operation under relief
    equivalent to a SDWA section
    1415 variance or a section 1416
    1415, 1416 N/A N/A
    B. Violation of conditions of
    relief equivalent to a SDWA
    section 1415 variance or a
    section 1416 exemption
    2 1415, 1416,
    N/A N/A
    IV. Other Situations Requiring Public Notification:
    A. Fluoride secondary
    maximum contaminant level
    (SMCL) exceedence
    3 611.858 N/A N/A
    B. Exceedence of nitrate MCL
    for non-community systems a
    non-CWS supplier, as allowed
    by the Agency
    1 611.300(d) N/A N/A
    C. Availability of unregulated
    contaminant monitoring data
    3 611.510 N/A N/A
    D. Waterborne disease outbreak 1 611.101,
    N/A N/A
    E. Other waterborne emergency
    1 N/A N/A N/A
    F. Other situations as
    determined by the Agency by a
    an SEP issued pursuant to
    Section 611.110
    1, 2, 3 N/A N/A N/A
    Appendix G--Endnotes
    1. Violations and other situations not listed in this table (e.g., reporting violations and failure to
    prepare Consumer Confidence Reports) do not require notice, unless otherwise determined by
    the Agency by a an SEP issued pursuant to Section 611.110. The Agency may, by a an SEP
    issued pursuant to Section 611.110, further require a more stringent public notice tier (e.g., Tier
    1 instead of Tier 2 or Tier 2 instead of Tier 3) for specific violations and situations listed in this
    Appendix, as authorized under Sections 611.902(a) and 611.903(a).
    2. Definition of the abbreviations used: “MCL” means maximum contaminant level, “MRDL”
    means maximum residual disinfectant level, and “TT” means treatment technique.
    3. The term “violations of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR)” is used
    here to include violations of MCL, MRDL, treatment technique, monitoring, and testing
    procedure requirements.

    4. Failure to test for fecal coliform or E. coli is a Tier 1 violation if testing is not done after any
    repeat sample tests positive for coliform. All other total coliform monitoring and testing
    procedure violations are Tier 3 violations.
    5. A supplier that violates the turbidity MCL of 5 NTU based on an average of measurements
    over two consecutive days must consult with the Agency within 24 hours after learning of the
    violation. Based on this consultation, the Agency may subsequently decide to issue a an SEP
    pursuant to Section 611.110 that elevates the violation to a Tier 1 violation. If a system supplier
    is unable to make contact with the Agency in the 24-hour period, the violation is automatically
    elevated to a Tier 1 violation.
    6. A supplier with a treatment technique violation involving a single exceedence of a maximum
    turbidity limit under the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) or the Interim Enhanced
    Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR) are required to consult with the Agency within 24
    hours after learning of the violation. Based on this consultation, the Agency may subsequently
    decide to issue a an SEP pursuant to Section 611.110 that elevates the violation to a Tier 1
    violation. If a system supplier is unable to make contact with the Agency in the 24-hour period,
    the violation is automatically elevated to a Tier 1 violation.
    7. Most of the requirements of the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (63 Fed.
    Reg. 69477 (December 16, 1998)) (Sections 611.740-611.741, 611.743-611.744) become
    effective January 1, 2002 for a Subpart B supplier (surface water systems and groundwater
    systems under the direct influence of surface water) that serves at least 10,000 persons.
    However, Section 611.742 is currently effective. The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR)
    remains in effect for systems a supplier serving at least 10,000 persons even after 2002; the
    Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule adds additional requirements and does not in
    many cases supercede the SWTR.
    8. The arsenic MCL citations are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the citations are
    Sections 611.330(b) and 611.612(c).
    9. The arsenic Tier 3 violation MCL citations are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the
    citations are Sections 611.100, 611.101, and 611.612.
    8. 10. Failure to take a confirmation sample within 24 hours for nitrate or nitrite after an initial
    sample exceeds the MCL is a Tier 1 violation. Other monitoring violations for nitrate are Tier 3.
    9. 11. The uranium MCL Tier 2 violation citations are effective December 8, 2003 for all
    community water systems a CWS supplier.
    10. 12. The uranium Tier 3 violation citations are effective December 8, 2000 for all community
    water systems a CWS supplier.
    11. 13. A Subpart B community or non-transient non-community system supplier that serves
    10,000 persons or more must comply with new DBP MCLs, disinfectant MRDLs, and related

    monitoring requirements beginning January 1, 2002. All other community and non-transient
    non-community systems must meet the MCLs and MRDLs beginning January 1, 2004. A
    Subpart B transient non-community system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons that uses
    chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the chlorine dioxide MRDL
    beginning January 1, 2002. A Subpart B transient non-community system supplier that serves
    fewer than 10,000 persons, which uses only groundwater not under the direct influence of
    surface water, and which uses chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the
    chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.
    12. 14. Section 611.310 will no longer apply after January 1, 2004.
    13. 15. Failure to monitor for chlorine dioxide at the entrance to the distribution system the day
    after exceeding the MRDL at the entrance to the distribution system is a Tier 2 violation.
    14. 16. If any daily sample taken at the entrance to the distribution system exceeds the MRDL
    for chlorine dioxide and one or more samples taken in the distribution system the next day
    exceed the MRDL, Tier 1 notification is required. A failure to take the required samples in the
    distribution system after the MRDL is exceeded at the entry point also triggers Tier 1
    15. 17. Some water suppliers must monitor for certain unregulated contaminants listed in Section
    16. 18. This citation refers to sections 1415 and 1416 of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
    sections 1415 and 1416 require that “a schedule prescribed . . . for a public water system granted
    relief equivalent to a SDWA section 1415 variance or a section 1416 exemption must require
    compliance by the system . . ..”
    17. 19. In addition to sections 1415 and 1416 of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR
    142.307 specifies the items and schedule milestones that must be included in relief equivalent to
    a SDWA section 1415 small system variance. In granting any form of relief from an NPDWR,
    the Board will consider all applicable federal requirements for and limitations on the State’s
    ability to grant relief consistent with federal law.
    18. 20. Other waterborne emergencies require a Tier 1 public notice under Section 611.902(a)
    for situations that do not meet the definition of a waterborne disease outbreak given in Section
    611.101, but which still have the potential to have serious adverse effects on health as a result of
    short-term exposure. These could include outbreaks not related to treatment deficiencies, as well
    as situations that have the potential to cause outbreaks, such as failures or significant interruption
    in water treatment processes, natural disasters that disrupt the water supply or distribution
    system, chemical spills, or unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the source water.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix A to Subpart Q to 40 CFR 141 (2000), as amended at 65
    Fed. Reg. 76750 (December 7, 2000), effective December 8, 2003.
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________ effective ______________________)

    Section 611.Appendix H Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
    Contaminant MCLG
    mg/L Standard health effects language
    for public notification
    National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR):
    A. Microbiological Contaminants
    1a. Total coliform Zero See footnote
    Coliforms are bacteria that are
    naturally present in the
    environment and are used as an
    indicator that other, potentially-
    harmful, bacteria may be present.
    Coliforms were found in more
    samples than allowed and this was
    a warning of potential problems.
    1b. Fecal coliform/E. coli Zero Zero Fecal coliforms and E. coli are
    bacteria whose presence indicates
    that the water may be contaminated
    with human or animal wastes.
    Microbes in these wastes can cause
    short-term effects, such as diarrhea,
    cramps, nausea, headaches, or other
    symptoms. They may pose a
    special health risk for infants,
    young children, some of the
    elderly, and people with severely
    compromised immune systems.
    2a. Turbidity (MCL)
    None 1 NTU
    Turbidity has no health effects.
    However, turbidity can interfere
    with disinfection and provide a
    medium for microbial growth.
    Turbidity may indicate the
    presence of disease-causing
    organisms. These organisms
    include bacteria, viruses, and
    parasites that can cause symptoms
    such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea
    and associated headaches.

    2b. Turbidity (SWTR TT) None TT
    Turbidity has no health effects.
    turbidity can interfere
    with disinfection and provide a
    medium for microbial growth.
    Turbidity may indicate the
    presence of disease-causing
    organisms. These organisms
    include bacteria, viruses, and
    parasites that can cause symptoms
    such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea
    and associated headaches.
    2c. Turbidity (IESWTR TT) None TT Turbidity has no health effects.
    turbidity can interfere
    with disinfection and provide a
    medium for microbial growth.
    Turbidity may indicate the
    presence of disease-causing
    organisms. These organisms
    include bacteria, viruses, and
    parasites that can cause symptoms
    such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea
    and associated headaches.
    B. Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) and, Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
    Rule (IESWTR) violations, and Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (FBRR)
    3. Giardia lamblia
    Zero TT
    Inadequately treated water may
    contain disease-causing organisms.
    These organisms include bacteria,
    viruses, and parasites which can
    cause symptoms such as nausea,
    cramps, diarrhea, and associated
    4. Viruses
    5. Heterotrophic plate count
    (HPC) bacteria
    6. Legionella
    7. Cryptosporidium

    C. Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs)
    8. Antimony 0.006 0.006 Some people who drink water
    containing antimony well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience increases in blood
    cholesterol and decreases in blood
    9. Arsenic
    None 0 0.05
    0.01 Some people who drink water
    containing arsenic in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience skin damage or
    problems with their circulatory
    system, and may have an increased
    risk of getting cancer.
    10. Asbestos (10 μm) 7 MFL
    7MFL Some people who drink water
    containing asbestos in excess of the
    MCL over many years may have an
    increased risk of developing benign
    intestinal polyps.
    11. Barium 2 2 Some people who drink water
    containing barium in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience an increase in their
    blood pressure.
    12. Beryllium 0.004 0.004 Some people who drink water
    containing beryllium well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    develop intestinal lesions.
    13. Cadmium 0.005 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing cadmium in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience kidney damage.
    14. Chromium (total) 0.1 0.1 Some people who use water
    containing chromium well in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience allergic
    15. Cyanide 0.2 0.2 Some people who drink water
    containing cyanide well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience nerve damage or
    problems with their thyroid.

    16. Fluoride 4.0 4.0 Some people who drink water
    containing fluoride in excess of the
    MCL over many years could get
    bone disease, including pain and
    tenderness of the bones. Fluoride in
    drinking water at half the MCL or
    more may cause mottling of
    children’s teeth, usually in children
    less than nine years old. Mottling,
    also known as dental fluorosis, may
    include brown staining and/or
    pitting of the teeth, and occurs only
    in developing teeth before they
    erupt from the gums.
    17. Mercury (inorganic) 0.002 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing inorganic mercury well
    in excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience kidney
    18. Nitrate 10 10 Infants below the age of six months
    who drink water containing nitrate
    in excess of the MCL could
    become seriously ill and, if
    untreated, may die. Symptoms
    include shortness of breath and
    blue baby syndrome.
    19. Nitrite 1 1 Infants below the age of six months
    who drink water containing nitrite
    in excess of the MCL could
    become seriously ill and, if
    untreated, may die. Symptoms
    include shortness of breath and
    blue baby syndrome.
    20. Total Nitrate and Nitrite 10 10 Infants below the age of six months
    who drink water containing nitrate
    and nitrite in excess of the MCL
    could become seriously ill and, if
    untreated, may die. Symptoms
    include shortness of breath and
    blue baby syndrome.

    21. Selenium 0.05 0.05 Selenium is an essential nutrient.
    However, some people who drink
    water containing selenium in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience hair or
    fingernail losses, numbness in
    fingers or toes, or problems with
    their circulation.
    22. Thallium 0.0005 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing thallium in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience hair loss, changes in
    their blood, or problems with their
    kidneys, intestines, or liver.
    D. Lead and Copper Rule
    23. Lead Zero TT
    Infants and children who drink
    water containing lead in excess of
    the action level could experience
    delays in their physical or mental
    development. Children could show
    slight deficits in attention span and
    learning abilities. Adults who drink
    this water over many years could
    develop kidney problems or high
    blood pressure.
    24. Copper 1.3 TT
    Copper is an essential nutrient, but
    some people who drink water
    containing copper in excess of the
    action level over a relatively short
    amount of time could experience
    gastrointestinal distress. Some
    people who drink water containing
    copper in excess of the action level
    over many years could suffer liver
    or kidney damage. People with
    Wilson’s Disease should consult
    their personal doctor.
    E. Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
    25. 2,4-D 0.07 0.07 Some people who drink water
    containing the weed killer 2,4-D
    well in excess of the MCL over
    many years could experience
    problems with their kidneys, liver,
    or adrenal glands.

    26. 2,4,5-TP (silvex) 0.05 0.05 Some people who drink water
    containing silvex in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience liver problems.
    27. Alachlor Zero 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing alachlor in excess of the
    MCL over many years could have
    problems with their eyes, liver,
    kidneys, or spleen, or experience
    anemia, and may have an increased
    risk of getting cancer.
    28. Atrazine 0.003 0.003 Some people who drink water
    containing atrazine well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    cardiovascular system or
    reproductive difficulties.
    29. Benzo(a)pyrene
    Zero 0.0002 Some people who drink water
    containing benzo(a)pyrene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may experience reproductive
    difficulties and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    30. Carbofuran 0.04 0.04 Some people who drink water
    containing carbofuran in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    blood, or nervous or reproductive
    31. Chlordane Zero 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing chlordane in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    liver or nervous system, and may
    have an increased risk of getting
    32. Dalapon 0.2 0.2 Some people who drink water
    containing dalapon well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience minor kidney changes.

    33. Di (2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0.4 0.4 Some people who drink water
    containing di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate
    well in excess of the MCL over
    many years could experience
    general toxic effects or
    reproductive difficulties.
    34. Di (2-
    Zero 0.006 Some people who drink water
    containing di(2-ethylhexyl)
    phthalate in excess of the MCL
    over many years may have
    problems with their liver, or
    experience reproductive
    difficulties, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    35. Dibromochloropropane
    Zero 0.0002 Some people who drink water
    containing DBCP in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience reproductive difficulties
    and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    36. Dinoseb 0.007 0.007 Some people who drink water
    containing dinoseb well in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience reproductive
    37. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) Zero 3 x 10
    Some people who drink water
    containing dioxin in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience reproductive difficulties
    and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    38. Diquat 0.02 0.02 Some people who drink water
    containing diquat in excess of the
    MCL over many years could get
    39. Endothall 0.1 0.1 Some people who drink water
    containing endothall in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    stomach or intestines.
    40. Endrin 0.002 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing endrin in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience liver problems.

    41. Ethylene dibromide Zero 0.00005 Some people who drink water
    containing ethylene dibromide in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver, stomach,
    reproductive system, or kidneys,
    and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    42. Glyphosate 0.7 0.7 Some people who drink water
    containing glyphosate in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    kidneys or reproductive difficulties.
    43. Heptachlor Zero 0.0004 Some people who drink water
    containing heptachlor in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience liver damage and may
    have an increased risk of getting
    44. Heptachlor epoxide Zero 0.0002 Some people who drink water
    containing heptachlor epoxide in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience liver
    damage, and may have an increased
    risk of getting cancer.
    45. Hexachlorobenzene Zero 0.001 Some people who drink water
    containing hexachlorobenzene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver or kidneys, or
    adverse reproductive effects, and
    may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    0.05 0.05 Some people who drink water
    hexachlorocyclopentadiene well in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their kidneys or stomach.
    47. Lindane 0.0002 0.0002 Some people who drink water
    containing lindane in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    kidneys or liver.

    48. Methoxychlor 0.04 0.04 Some people who drink water
    containing methoxychlor in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience reproductive
    49. Oxamyl (Vydate) 0.2 0.2 Some people who drink water
    containing oxamyl in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience slight nervous system
    50. Pentachlorophenol Zero 0.001 Some people who drink water
    containing pentachlorophenol in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver or kidneys, and may
    have an increased risk of getting
    51. Picloram 0.5 0.5 Some people who drink water
    containing picloram in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    52. Polychlorinated
    biphenyls (PCBs)
    Zero 0.0005 Some people who drink water
    containing PCBs in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience changes in their skin,
    problems with their thymus gland,
    immune deficiencies, or
    reproductive or nervous system
    difficulties, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    53. Simazine 0.004 0.004 Some people who drink water
    containing simazine in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    54. Toxaphene Zero 0.003 Some people who drink water
    containing toxaphene in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    have problems with their kidneys,
    liver, or thyroid, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.

    F. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
    55. Benzene Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing benzene in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience anemia or a decrease in
    blood platelets, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    56. Carbon tetrachloride Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing carbon tetrachloride in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    57. Chlorobenzene
    0.1 0.1 Some people who drink water
    containing chlorobenzene in excess
    of the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    liver or kidneys.
    58. o-Dichlorobenzene 0.6 0.6 Some people who drink water
    containing o- dichlorobenzene well
    in excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver, kidneys, or
    circulatory systems.
    59. p-Dichlorobenzene 0.075 0.075 Some people who drink water
    containing p- dichlorobenzene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience anemia,
    damage to their liver, kidneys, or
    spleen, or changes in their blood.
    60. 1,2-Dichloroethane Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,2-dichloroethane in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    61. 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.007 0.007 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,1-dichloroethylene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver.
    62. cis-1,2-
    0.07 0.07 Some people who drink water
    containing cis-1,2-dichloroethylene
    in excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver.

    63. trans-1,2-
    0.1 0.1 Some people who drink water
    containing trans-1,2-
    dichloroethylene well in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    experience problems with their
    64. Dichloromethane Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing dichloromethane in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could have liver problems
    and may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    65. 1,2-Dichloropropane Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,2-dichloropropane in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    66. Ethylbenzene 0.7 0.7 Some people who drink water
    containing ethylbenzene well in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver or kidneys.
    67. Styrene 0.1 0.1 Some people who drink water
    containing styrene well in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    have problems with their liver,
    kidneys, or circulatory system.
    68. Tetrachloroethylene Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing tetrachloroethylene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could have problems with
    their liver, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    69. Toluene 1 1 Some people who drink water
    containing toluene well in excess of
    the MCL over many years could
    have problems with their nervous
    system, kidneys, or liver.
    70. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.07 0.07 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene
    well in excess of the MCL over
    many years could experience
    changes in their adrenal glands.

    71. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.2 0.2 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,1,1-trichloroethane in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver, nervous system, or
    circulatory system.
    72. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.003 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing 1,1,2-trichloroethane
    well in excess of the MCL over
    many years could have problems
    with their liver, kidneys, or
    immune systems.
    73. Trichloroethylene Zero 0.005 Some people who drink water
    containing trichloroethylene in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years could experience problems
    with their liver and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    74. Vinyl chloride Zero 0.002 Some people who drink water
    containing vinyl chloride in excess
    of the MCL over many years may
    have an increased risk of getting
    75. Xylenes (total) 10 10 Some people who drink water
    containing xylenes in excess of the
    MCL over many years could
    experience damage to their nervous
    G. Radioactive Contaminants
    76. Beta/photon emitters Zero 4 mrem/yr
    Certain minerals are radioactive
    and may emit forms of radiation
    known as photons and beta
    radiation. Some people who drink
    water containing beta and photon
    emitters in excess of the MCL over
    many years may have an increased
    risk of getting cancer.
    77. Alpha emitters Zero 15 pCi/L
    Certain minerals are radioactive
    and may emit a form of radiation
    known as alpha radiation. Some
    people who drink water containing
    alpha emitters in excess of the
    MCL over many years may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.

    78. Combined radium (226
    & 228)
    Zero 5 pCi/L Some people who drink water
    containing radium 226 or 228 in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    H. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Byproduct Precursors, and Disinfectant Residuals: Where
    disinfection is used in the treatment of drinking water, disinfectants combine with organic and
    inorganic matter present in water to form chemicals called disinfection byproducts (DBPs).
    USEPA sets standards for controlling the levels of disinfectants and DBPs in drinking water,
    including trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAA5)
    79. Total trihalomethanes
    N/A 0.10/0.080
    Some people who drink water
    containing trihalomethanes in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may experience problems
    with their liver, kidneys, or central
    nervous system, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    80. Haloacetic Acids
    N/A 0.060
    Some people who drink water
    containing haloacetic acids in
    excess of the MCL over many
    years may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    81. Bromate Zero 0.010 Some people who drink water
    containing bromate in excess of the
    MCL over many years may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    82. Chlorite 0.08 1.0 Some infants and young children
    who drink water containing chlorite
    in excess of the MCL could
    experience nervous system effects.
    Similar effects may occur in fetuses
    of pregnant women who drink
    water containing chlorite in excess
    of the MCL. Some people may
    experience anemia.
    83. Chlorine 4 (MRDLG)
    4.0 (MRDL)
    Some people who use water
    containing chlorine well in excess
    of the MRDL could experience
    irritating effects to their eyes and
    nose. Some people who drink water
    containing chlorine well in excess
    of the MRDL could experience
    stomach discomfort.

    84. Chloramines 4 (MRDLG) 4.0 (MRDL) Some people who use water
    containing chloramines well in
    excess of the MRDL could
    experience irritating effects to their
    eyes and nose. Some people who
    drink water containing chloramines
    well in excess of the MRDL could
    experience stomach discomfort or
    85a. Chlorine dioxide,
    where any 2 consecutive
    daily samples taken at the
    entrance to the distribution
    system are above the
    0.8 (MRDL) Some infants and young children
    who drink water containing
    chlorine dioxide in excess of the
    MRDL could experience nervous
    system effects. Similar effects may
    occur in fetuses of pregnant women
    who drink water containing
    chlorine dioxide in excess of the
    MRDL. Some people may
    experience anemia.
    Add for public notification only:
    The chlorine dioxide violations
    reported today are the result of
    exceedances at the treatment
    facility only, not within the
    distribution system which delivers
    water to consumers. Continued
    compliance with chlorine dioxide
    levels within the distribution
    system minimizes the potential risk
    of these violations to consumers.
    85b. Chlorine dioxide,
    where one or more
    distribution system samples
    are above the MRDL
    0.8 (MRDL) Some infants and young children
    who drink water containing
    chlorine dioxide in excess of the
    MRDL could experience nervous
    system effects. Similar effects may
    occur in fetuses of pregnant women
    who drink water containing
    chlorine dioxide in excess of the
    MRDL. Some people may
    experience anemia.

    Add for public notification only:
    The chlorine dioxide violations
    reported today include exceedances
    of the USEPA standard within the
    distribution system which delivers
    water to consumers. Violations of
    the chlorine dioxide standard
    within the distribution system may
    harm human health based on short-
    term exposures. Certain groups,
    including fetuses, infants, and
    young children, may be especially
    susceptible to nervous system
    effects from excessive chlorine
    dioxide exposure.
    86. Control of DBP
    precursors (TOC)
    None TT Total organic carbon (TOC) has no
    health effects. However, total
    organic carbon provides a medium
    for the formation of disinfection
    byproducts. These byproducts
    include trihalomethanes (THMs)
    and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
    Drinking water containing these
    byproducts in excess of the MCL
    may lead to adverse health effects,
    liver or kidney problems, or
    nervous system effects, and may
    lead to an increased risk of getting
    I. Other Treatment Techniques:
    87. Acrylamide Zero TT Some people who drink water
    containing high levels of
    acrylamide over a long period of
    time could have problems with
    their nervous system or blood, and
    may have an increased risk of
    getting cancer.
    88. Epichlorohydrin Zero TT Some people who drink water
    containing high levels of
    epichlorohydrin over a long period
    of time could experience stomach
    problems, and may have an
    increased risk of getting cancer.
    Appendix H--Endnotes

    1. “MCLG” means maximum contaminant level goal.
    2. “MCL” means maximum contaminant level.
    3. For a water supplier analyzing at least 40 samples per month, no more than 5.0 percent of the
    monthly samples may be positive for total coliforms. For a supplier analyzing fewer than 40
    samples per month, no more than one sample per month may be positive for total coliforms.
    4. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
    including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the 1998 Interim
    Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. The MCL for the monthly turbidity average is 1 NTU;
    the MCL for the 2-day average is 5 NTU for a supplier that is required to filter but has not yet
    installed filtration (Section 611.320).
    5. “NTU” means nephelometric turbidity unit.
    6. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
    including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the 1998
    Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR). A supplier subject to the Surface
    Water Treatment Rule (both filtered and unfiltered) may not exceed 5 NTU. In addition, in
    filtered systems, 95 percent of samples each month must not exceed 0.5 NTU in systems using
    conventional or direct filtration and must not exceed 1 NTU in systems using slow sand or
    diatomaceous earth filtration or other filtration technologies approved by the Agency.
    7. “TT” means treatment technique.
    8. There are various regulations that set turbidity standards for different types of systems,
    including Section 611.320, the 1989 Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), and the 1998
    Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR). For a supplier subject to the
    IESWTR (systems serving at least 10,000 people, using surface water or groundwater under the
    direct influence of surface water), that use conventional filtration or direct filtration, after
    January 1, 2002, the turbidity level of a system’s combined filter effluent may not exceed 0.3
    NTU in at least 95 percent of monthly measurements, and the turbidity level of a system’s
    combined filter effluent must not exceed 1 NTU at any time. A supplier subject to the IESWTR
    using technologies other than conventional, direct, slow sand, or diatomaceous earth filtration
    must meet turbidity limits set by the Agency.
    9. The bacteria detected by heterotrophic plate count (HPC) are not necessarily harmful. HPC is
    simply an alternative method of determining disinfectant residual levels. The number of such
    bacteria is an indicator of whether there is enough disinfectant in the distribution system.
    10. SWTR and IESWTR treatment technique violations that involve turbidity exceedances may
    use the health effects language for turbidity instead.
    11. These arsenic values are effective January 23, 2006. Until then, the MCL is 0.05 mg/L and
    there is no MCLG.

    11. 12. Millions of fibers per liter.
    12. 13. Action Level = 0.015 mg/L.
    13. 14. Action Level = 1.3 mg/L.
    14. 15. Millirems per year.
    15. 16. Picocuries per liter.
    16. 17. A surface water system supplier or a groundwater system supplier under the direct
    influence of surface water are regulated under Subpart B of this Part. A Supbart B community
    water system supplier or a non-transient non-community system supplier that serves 10,000 or
    more persons must comply with DBP MCLs and disinfectant maximum residual disinfectant
    levels (MRDLs) beginning January 1, 2002. All other community and non-transient non-
    community system suppliers must meet the MCLs and MRDLs beginning January 1, 2004.
    Subpart B transient non-community system suppliers serving 10,000 or more persons and using
    chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the chlorine dioxide MRDL
    beginning January 1, 2002. Subpart B transient non-community system suppliers serving fewer
    than 10,000 persons and systems using only groundwater not under the direct influence of
    surface water and using chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant or oxidant must comply with the
    chlorine dioxide MRDL beginning January 1, 2004.
    17. 18. The MCL of 0.10 mg/L for TTHMs is in effect until January 1, 2002 for a Subpart B
    community water system supplier serving 10,000 or more persons. This MCL is in effect until
    January 1, 2004 for community water systems with a population of 10,000 or more using only
    ground water not under the direct influence of surface water. After these deadlines, the MCL
    will be 0.080 mg/L. On January 1, 2004, a supplier serving less than 10,000 will have to comply
    with the new MCL as well.
    18. 19. The MCL for total trihalomethanes is the sum of the concentrations of the individual
    19. 20. The MCL for haloacetic acids is the sum of the concentrations of the individual
    haloacetic acids.
    20. 21. “MRDLG” means maximum residual disinfectant level goal.
    21. 22. “MRDL” means maximum residual disinfectant level.
    BOARD NOTE: Derived from Appendix B to Subpart Q to 40 CFR 141, as added at 65 Fed. Reg.
    26043 (May 4, 2000) (2000), as amended at 66 Fed. Reg. 6976 (January 22, 2001).
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________ effective ______________________)

    Section 611.Table Z Federal Effective Dates
    The following are the effective dates of the federal MCLs:
    Fluoride (40 CFR 141.60(b)(1)) October 2, 1987
    (corresponding with Section 611.301(b))
    Phase I VOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(1)) July 9, 1989
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(a))
    (benzene, carbon tetrachloride, p-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1-dichloro-
    ethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, and vinyl chloride)
    Lead and Copper (40 CFR, Subpart I) July 7, 1991
    (corresponding with Subpart G of this Part)
    (lead and copper monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR
    141.86 through 141.91)
    Phase II IOCs (40 CFR 141.60(b)(2)) July 30, 1992
    (corresponding with Section 611.301(b))
    (asbestos, cadmium, chromium, mercury, nitrate, nitrite, and selenium)
    Phase II VOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(2)) July 30, 1992
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(a))
    (o-dichlorobenzene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, 1,2-di-
    chloropropane, ethylbenzene, monochlorobenzene, styrene, tetrachloroethylene,
    toluene, and xylenes (total))
    Phase II SOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(2)) July 30, 1992
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(c))
    (alachlor, atrazine, carbofuran, chlordane, dibromochloropropane, ethylene di-
    bromide, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, lindane, methoxychlor, polychlorinated bi-
    phenyls, toxaphene, 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-TP (Silvex))
    Lead and Copper (40 CFR, Subpart I) December 7, 1992
    (corresponding with Subpart G of this Part)
    (lead and copper corrosion control, water treatment, public education, and lead
    service line replacement requirements of 40 CFR 141.81 through 141.85)
    Phase IIB IOC (40 CFR 141.60(b)(2)) January 1, 1993
    (corresponding with Section 611.301(b))
    Phase IIB SOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(2)) January 1, 1993
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(c))
    (aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, aldicarb sulfoxide, and pentachlorophenol; U.S. EPA

    USEPA stayed the effective date as to the MCLs for aldicarb, aldicarb sulfone, and
    aldicarb sulfoxide, but the monitoring requirements became effective January 1,
    Phase V IOCs (40 CFR 141.60(b)(3)) January 17, 1994
    (corresponding with Section 611.301(b))
    (antimony, beryllium, cyanide, nickel, and thallium)
    Phase V VOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(3)) January 17, 1994
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(a))
    (dichloromethane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, and 1,1,2-trichloroethane)
    Phase V SOCs (40 CFR 141.60(a)(3)) January 17, 1994
    (corresponding with Section 611.311(c))
    (benzo[a]pyrene, dalapon, di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
    dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclo-
    pentadiene, oxamyl, picloram, simazine, and 2,3,7,8-TCDD)
    Disinfection/disinfectant byproducts (40 CFR 141.64 & 141.65)
    Smaller Systems (serving
    10,000 persons) December 16, 2001
    Larger Systems (serving >10,000 persons) December 16, 2003
    (corresponding with Section 611.312 & 611.313)
    (total trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids (five), bromate, chlorite, chlorine,
    chloramines, and chlorine dioxide)
    Radionuclidess (40 CFR 141.66) December 8, 2003
    (corresponding with Section 611.330)
    (combined radium (Ra-226 + Ra-228), gross alpha particle activity, beta particle and
    photon activity, and uranium)
    Arsenic (40 CFR 141.62(b)(16)) January 23, 2006
    (corresponding with Section 611.301(b))
    (Source: Amended at 25 Ill. Reg. ________, effective ______________________)

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