35 ILL. ADM. CODE 241 ) (Rulemaking - Air)
    The following is a transcript of a rulemaking
    hearing held in the above-entitled matter, taken
    stenographically by LORI ANN ASAUSKAS, CSR, RPR, a
    notary public within and for the County of Cook and
    State of Illinois, before Amy
    Muran Felton, Hearing
    Officer, at 100 West Randolph Street, Room 11-500,
    Chicago, Illinois, on the 27th day of August, 1997,
    A.D., commencing at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m.

    1 A P
    P E A R A N C E S :
    100 West Randolph Street
    4 Suite 11-500
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    5 (312) 814-4925
    Mr. Joseph
    9 PRESENT:
    Rachael L. Doctors
    10 Mr. Darwin J.
    Mr. Scott Benson, USGSA
    12 Mr. Philip S. Bush, Amoco Petroleum Products
    Mr. Daniel S.
    LeFevers, Peoples Gas
    13 Mr. Tony Lindsay, P.E,
    Mr. Jeffrey L. Williams, Ivy Tech State College
    L.A. REPORTING - (312) 419-9292

    1 I N D E X
    2 PAGES
    3 GREETING BY HEARING OFFICER.................. 4 - 9
    4 OPENING STATEMENT BY MS. DOCTORS............. 9 - 12
    5 TESTIMONY OF MR. BURKHART....................13 - 16
    6 STATEMENT OF BOARD MEMBER YI.................17 - 20
    * * * * * * * *
    L.A. REPORTING - (312) 419-9292

    1 THE HEARING OFFICER: Good morning. My name is
    2 Amy
    Muran Felton. I am the hearing officer in this
    3 proceeding.
    4 I would like to welcome you to this hearing
    5 entitled: In The Matter Of: Clean Fuel Fleet
    6 Program, amendment to 35 Illinois Administrative Code
    7 241, docketed by the Illinois Pollution Control Board
    8 as R98-008.
    9 Present today on behalf of the Illinois
    10 Pollution Control Board and seated to my right
    11 is Joseph
    Yi, the board member coordinating this
    12 rulemaking.
    13 As you have noticed already, on the table,
    14 I have placed notice lists and service list
    15 sheets. Please note that if your name is on the
    16 notice list, you will receive copies of the board's
    17 opinions and orders and all hearing officer orders.
    18 If your name is on the service list, you will
    19 not only receive copies of the board's opinions
    20 and orders, but you will receive copies of all the
    21 documents filed by all parties to this proceeding.
    22 Keep in mind, however, that if your name is
    23 on the service list, you are also required to serve
    24 all parties to the service list with all documents
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    1 that you may file with the board. You are not
    2 precluded from presenting testimony or questions at
    3 hearing if your name is not on either of the lists.
    4 Also, as you will note, we have copies of the
    5 board's opinions from July 10, 1997, as well as the
    6 testimony of Darwin
    Burkhart, a U.S. EPA letter, as
    7 well as the text of the rule proposed today.
    8 On July 7, 1997, the Illinois Environmental
    9 Protection Agency filed this proposal for a
    10 rulemaking to amend 35 Illinois Administrative Code
    11 241, also known as the Clean Fuel Fleet Program.
    12 The board adopted the Clean Fuel Fleet Program on
    13 September 7, 1995.
    14 This proposal was published in the Illinois
    15 Register on July 24, 1997, at 21 Illinois Register
    16 9639.
    17 Section 182(c)(4)(A) and Section 246 of the
    18 Clean Air Act require that all serious, severe, and
    19 extreme ozone
    nonattainment areas adopt a Clean Fuel
    20 Fleet Program.
    21 The proposal filed by the agency and proposed
    22 by the board on July 10, 1997 amend certain sections
    23 of the Clean Fuel Fleet Program to reflect that
    24 owners and operators will have an additional year to
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    1 meet the requirements of the program and to correct
    2 certain amounts of credit given for
    3 This proposal was filed pursuant to Section
    4 28.5 of the Environmental Protection Act entitled
    5 Clean Air Act Rules Fast Track Procedures.
    6 Pursuant to the provisions of that section,
    7 the board is required to proceed with the set time
    8 frames for the adoption of this regulation.
    9 As stated in the board's July 10, 1997 order,
    10 the board has no discretion to adjust these time
    11 frames under any circumstances.
    12 Pursuant to this section, this hearing will
    13 be continued on the record day-to-day if necessary.
    14 Also, pursuant to this section, the board
    15 scheduled three hearings as announced in the hearing
    16 officer order dated July 16, 1997.
    17 Today's hearing is confined to testimony by
    18 and of the agency witnesses concerning the scope,
    19 applicability, and basis of the rule.
    20 Within seven days after this hearing, any
    21 person may request that the second hearing be held.
    22 If after those seven days, the agency and affected
    23 entities are in agreement upon a portion of the
    24 rule, the U.S. EPA has not informed the board of any
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    1 unresolved
    adductions and no other interested parties
    2 contests the rule or asks for an opportunity to
    3 present additional evidence, the board may cancel
    4 the additional two hearings.
    5 All parties to the notice list will be advised
    6 of the cancellation of the following two hearings by
    7 way of the hearing officer order.
    8 The second hearing is currently scheduled for
    9 Wednesday, September 24, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. at this
    10 same location and will be devoted to presentation of
    11 testimony and documents and comments by affected
    12 entities and all other interested parties if
    13 requested by those parties.
    14 The third hearing, currently scheduled for
    15 Friday, October 10, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. at this
    16 same location will be devoted solely to any agency
    17 response to the materials submitted at that second
    18 hearing if it is requested by the agency.
    19 The board will proceed to the second notice
    20 regarding this proposal on or before November 14,
    21 1997, if the third hearing is
    cancelled and on or
    22 before December 4, 1997, if the third hearing was
    23 held.
    24 The board will proceed to final adoption of
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    1 this rule 21 days after the receipt of the joint
    2 committee on administrative rules certification of
    3 no objection.
    4 This hearing will be governed by the board's
    5 procedural rules for regulatory proceedings. All
    6 information which is relevant and not repetitious or
    7 privileged will be admitted. All witnesses will be
    8 sworn and subject to cross-questioning.
    9 As previously stated, the purpose of today's
    10 hearing is to allow the agency to present testimony
    11 in support of this proposal and to allow any
    12 questioning of the agency.
    13 The agency will present any testimony it may
    14 have regarding its proposal. Subsequently, we will
    15 allow for questioning of the agency regarding its
    16 testimony.
    17 If you have any questions, I would prefer that
    18 you raise your hand and wait for me to acknowledge
    19 you and state your name and organization that you
    20 represent, if any, before asking any question of the
    21 agency witnesses.
    22 Are there any other questions regarding the
    23 procedure we will be following this morning?
    24 Okay. See none, at this time I would ask if
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    1 Board Member
    Yi has any additional comments he would
    2 like to add?
    3 BOARD MEMBER YI: Perhaps at the conclusion of
    4 the hearing, I may have a word or two.
    5 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Great. Thank you
    6 very much, Board Member
    7 BOARD MEMBER YI: Thank you.
    8 THE HEARING OFFICER: At this time, I would
    9 like to ask the agency if it would like to make an
    10 opening statement. We will then turn to the agency's
    11 presentation of its testimony.
    12 MS. DOCTORS: Yes. I have a brief statement.
    13 O P E N I N G S T A T E M E N T
    14 by Ms.
    Rachael Doctors
    15 Good morning. My name is
    Rachael Doctors and
    16 I am representing the Illinois EPA in this matter.
    17 I'm going to give a brief overview and background
    18 of the proposed amendments to the Clean Fuel Fleet
    19 Program that are lodged at 35 Illinois Administrative
    20 Code Part 241.
    21 The Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 required
    22 that areas designated as serious and above for
    23 nonattainment with the ozone national ambient air
    24 quality standards adopt a program implementing the
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    1 Clean Fuel Fleet Program.
    2 The Chicago area as designated as a severe
    3 ozone
    nonattainment area and, hence, required to
    4 have a Clean Fuel Fleet Program.
    5 The Clean Fuel Fleet Program requires that
    6 owners and operators of certain fleets with ten or
    7 more vehicles acquire a percentage of new
    8 achromitions clean fuel vehicles beginning in model
    9 year 1998, that is, September 1, 1997.
    10 Illinois proposed and the Illinois Pollution
    11 Control Board adopted the rules implementing the
    12 Clean Fuel Fleet Program in 1995.
    13 On March 19, 1996, U.S. EPA approved the rules
    14 as part of Illinois' state implementation plan for
    15 the Chicago ozone
    nonattainment area.
    16 At the end of 1996, however, there were only
    17 three types of vehicles certified by the U.S. EPA
    18 as clean fuel vehicles and available in Illinois. In
    19 contrast, there are 4,000 potentially affected fleets
    20 in the Chicago ozone
    nonattainment area.
    21 In the last year, we have also -- the
    22 Illinois EPA, has received many calls from these
    23 affected fleets indicating that compliance with
    24 the acquisition requirements would be nearly
    L.A. REPORTING - (312) 419-9292

    1 impossible for model year 1998. We had some
    2 discussions with U.S. EPA concerning these issues.
    3 On May 22, 1997, Margo
    Oga of the U.S. EPA
    4 published a memorandum stating that too few vehicles
    5 and types and numbers were available for successful
    6 implementation of the Clean Fuel Fleet Program and
    7 that they were proposing to allow states to delay the
    8 implementation of the acquisition requirements by
    9 one year until model year 1999. That is September 1,
    10 1998. I want to get my dates correct. There is a
    11 copy of that memorandum at the end of the table for
    12 anybody who would like it.
    13 The agency is proposing that the sections
    14 pertaining to the control requirements, credits, and
    15 record keeping and reporting requirements be amended
    16 to include this delay specifically at 35 Illinois
    17 Administrative Code Section 241.113(a)(1), which
    18 contains the phase in requirements for light-duty
    19 vehicles and light-duty trucks.
    20 Those dates in this section have all been
    21 delayed one year where it said model year 1998, 1999,
    22 2000, it now says 1999, 2000 and 2001.
    23 In Subsection (a)(2), the requirements for
    24 heavy-duty vehicles, which did not have a phase in,
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    1 but are straight 50 percent, but began in model year
    2 1998, that has been changed. The proposal is to
    3 change it to model year 1999.
    4 Section 241.130(b)(4) in the corresponding
    5 credit tables allow fleet owners to earn credits by
    6 acquiring vehicles prior to the start of the program,
    7 which had been model year 1998, has been delayed to
    8 model year 1999.
    9 So anybody who has acquired clean fuel
    10 vehicles early in anticipation of the program
    11 starting can get credits -- can earn some credits
    12 for later compliance.
    13 Similarly, in Section 241.141, the annual --
    14 there is a requirement that affected fleets filing an
    15 annual report to delay -- an annual report to state
    16 how they have complied. It was originally due
    17 November 1, 1998, and it's been delayed to November
    18 1, 1999 to submit that first report.
    19 That concludes the agency's statement.
    20 THE HEARING OFFICER: All right. Thank you,
    21 Ms. Doctors.
    22 Is there anyone else on behalf of the agency
    23 that will be testifying this morning?
    24 MS. DOCTORS: Yes, Darwin
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    1 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Great. Would
    2 you please swear in the witness?
    3 (Witness sworn.)
    5 D A R W I N J. B U R K H A R T ,
    6 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    7 deposeth and saith as follows:
    8 Good Morning. My name is Darwin
    9 I am an Environmental Protection Specialist in the
    10 Air Quality Planning Section of the Illinois EPA.
    11 I have a Bachelors degree from
    12 University in Physical Science and a Masters degree
    13 in Environmental Planning from the University of
    14 Illinois at Springfield.
    15 I have been with the Illinois EPA for six
    16 years and am the lead technical person for programs
    17 involving clean, alternate fuels, and motor vehicles
    18 including the Clean Fuel Fleet Program.
    19 The Clean Fuel Fleet Program requires fleet
    20 operators of ten or more vehicles in the Chicago
    21 ozone
    nonattainment area to phase in clean fuel
    22 vehicles based on a percentage of newly acquired
    23 vehicles for the fleet in a given model year.
    24 The phase in percentages for light-duty
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    1 vehicles up to 8,500 pounds of gross vehicle weight
    2 is currently 30 percent in model year 1988, 50
    3 percent in model year 1999, and 70 percent in model
    4 year 2000 and after.
    5 For heavy-duty vehicles up to 26,000 pounds
    6 gross vehicle weight, the phase in is currently 50
    7 percent for all model years beginning in model year
    8 1998.
    9 The Illinois EPA is proposing today to delay
    10 the implementation of the Clean Fuel Fleet Program by
    11 one year due to the insufficient supply of vehicles
    12 certified to any one of the four federal low emission
    13 standards, which consists of the low emission
    14 vehicle, inherently low emission vehicle, ultra low
    15 emission vehicle, and zero emission vehicle
    16 standards.
    17 With less than six types of certified
    18 light-duty vehicles and only a few types of certified
    19 heavy-duty engines available for the program at the
    20 current time, U.S.EPA has informed the states that it
    21 will allow for a one year delay in program
    22 implementation.
    23 Therefore, the phase in requirements will not
    24 begin until model year 1999, which effectively begins
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    1 September 1, 1998. The phase in percentages will be
    2 deferred by one year, but the phase in schedule will
    3 not change
    4 As of this past April, the U.S.EPA reported
    5 that the only types of light-duty vehicles meeting
    6 the program requirements include the Ford Crown
    7 Victoria, F-Series pickups and
    Econoline vans, all of
    8 which are dedicated natural gas vehicles certified to
    9 the ultra low emission vehicle standards.
    10 In addition, General Motors has a dedicated
    11 natural gas-powered Sierra pickup that is certified
    12 to the low emission vehicle standard and an electric
    13 Chevy S-10 certified to the zero emission vehicle
    14 standard.
    15 Honda and General Motors also have electric
    16 sedans, the Honda EV-1 and the GM EV-1 respectively,
    17 that are zero emission-certified, but these vehicles
    18 are only available in California at the present time.
    19 As for the heavy-duty engines, U.S.EPA
    20 reported that Cummins and Detroit Diesel combined
    21 have five natural gas engines certified to the low
    22 emission vehicle and ultra low emission vehicle
    23 standards.
    24 A one-year delay in the Clean Fuel Fleet
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    1 Program will only have a minimal environmental
    2 impact. The Illinois EPA estimated that the first
    3 year of the program would result in a volatile
    4 organic compound reduction of 0.3 tons per day with
    5 a maximum reduction of about 2.8 tons per day when
    6 the program becomes fully effective in model year
    7 2003.
    8 With a one year delay, the peak annual
    9 emission reduction will occur in model year 2004,
    10 still in advance of the 2007 ozone attainment date
    11 for the Chicago
    nonattainment area.
    12 In addition to the one year delay, the U.S.EPA
    13 published a notice in the January 3, 1996, Federal
    14 Register correcting two credit values for the Clean
    15 Fuel Fleet Program credit program. These two values
    16 have been corrected in the proposed amendments.
    17 This concludes my testimony.
    18 THE HEARING OFFICER: Thank you. Would the
    19 agency like to offer any additional testimony on
    20 behalf of this proposal?
    21 MS. DOCTORS: We rest.
    22 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Great. We will
    23 now proceed with questions for the agency witness.
    24 As I previously mentioned, if you have a
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    1 question, please wait for me to acknowledge you and
    2 state your name and any organization you represent.
    3 Are there currently any questions for the
    4 agency?
    5 BOARD MEMBER YI: I have a question.
    6 THE HEARING OFFICER: Please proceed, Mr.
    7 BOARD MEMBER YI: In the Clean Fuel Fleet
    8 Program guidelines issued May 20, 1997, the U.S. EPA
    9 states that it is proposing a postponement of the
    10 mandatory implementation date.
    11 I'm just wondering if there is any further
    12 action on there, whether as of today, that proposal
    13 has been formalized or is it still in the proposal
    14 stage or what is it?
    15 MR. BURKHART: They are proposing -- I guess
    16 you're probably correct with the word proposing.
    17 They are going through the Federal Register process
    18 as far as writing an authorization into the Federal
    19 Register at the current time. When that will be
    20 published in the Federal Register is not known at
    21 this time.
    22 MS. DOCTORS: Maybe in the next month.
    23 MR. BURKHART: Maybe within the next month or
    24 two.
    L.A. REPORTING - (312) 419-9292

    1 MS. DOCTORS: Yes.
    2 BOARD MEMBER YI: Okay.
    3 MR. BURKHART: But I'm not sure exactly which
    4 date.
    5 BOARD MEMBER YI: The only reason I asked that
    6 is because we're going through this process and if
    7 they decide not to formulate this postponement, we
    8 are doing all of these activities for nothing. So I
    9 was wondering if there was any formal statement.
    10 MR. BURKHART: No.
    11 BOARD MEMBER YI: I understand what you're
    12 saying and that's fine.
    13 MR. BURKHART: Yes. The letter pointed out
    14 their intention for a one-year delay. In meetings
    15 with the U.S. EPA, they have stated on several
    16 occasions that they are going to propose a one-year
    17 delay or authorize it.
    18 MS. DOCTORS: And the one-year delay as
    19 founded in Section 246 of the Clean Air Act, which
    20 required that before the Clean Fuel Fleet Program
    21 could apply to other areas, there had to be enough
    22 vehicles available in California.
    23 As part of that memo in May, they had made
    24 a determination that there really weren't enough
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    1 vehicles available in California. Therefore, the
    2 Clean Fuel Fleet Program couldn't go forward.
    3 So besides them doing a Federal Register
    4 delaying it one year, there is also some basis for
    5 the state going forward on its own by pointing out
    6 that there aren't enough vehicles.
    7 BOARD MEMBER YI: Thank you very much.
    9 BOARD MEMBER YI: I did have one other final
    10 comment.
    12 BOARD MEMBER YI: I want to commend the U.S.
    13 EPA and the Illinois EPA for formalizing this delay
    14 of one year.
    15 The reason I say that is because I have been
    16 part of other federal programs where although it was
    17 impossible to meet the requirements of those federal
    18 programs, they didn't take this kind of action where
    19 you formally delay.
    20 So what was happening was the people in the
    21 regulating community in this other program, they have
    22 a program which was impossible to implement and yet
    23 the federal government and the states have not
    24 formalized their delay so that they are hanging on
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    1 this hook and I want to compliment both the U.S. EPA
    2 and the IEPA for formalizing this process to make it
    3 possible for the people to not have nightmares all
    4 the time.
    5 Thank you very much.
    6 THE HEARING OFFICER: I have one follow-up
    7 logistical question regarding the location of the
    8 amendments in the proposal.
    9 The amendment to change the acquiring of
    10 clean fuel vehicles before September 1st of 1997, the
    11 amendment to change it to September 1st of 1998, with
    12 regard to the credit program, that is located at 35
    13 Illinois Administrative Code 241.l30(b)(4), is that
    14 correct?
    15 MS. DOCTORS: Yes, it is.
    16 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. And then just one
    17 other thing, with regard to the record keeping and
    18 reporting requirements, the amendment there to change
    19 the date from November 1, 1998, to November 1, 1999,
    20 is located at 35 Illinois Administrative Code
    21 241.140, is that correct?
    22 MS. DOCTORS: That is correct.
    23 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. I just wanted to
    24 clarify that for the record.
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    1 Are there any other questions of the agency
    2 witness today?
    3 We'll go off the record for just one minute.
    4 (Whereupon, after a short
    5 break was had, the
    6 following proceedings
    7 were held accordingly.)
    8 THE HEARING OFFICER: Are there any other
    9 questions for the agency's witness?
    10 I have one follow-up question. Since
    11 the proposal provides that the start of the program
    12 date is delayed one year, does that affect the close
    13 of the program date when all of the vehicles need to
    14 be in compliance or do they all need to be done by
    15 the September 1st or November 1st, 1999 deadlines?
    16 MR. BURKHART: Well, the vehicle acquisition
    17 requirements affect the beginning of the model year,
    18 which should be September, and then for all the
    19 purchases from that time until the end of August of
    20 the following calendar year.
    22 MR. BURKHART: So that defines the model year.
    23 There is no closing -- I mean, each model year is
    24 held separately and the purchase percentages apply to
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    1 the vehicles acquired during each model year, but the
    2 program is indefinite.
    3 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. So it is ongoing
    4 until all of the models are in compliance?
    5 MR. BURKHART: Well, it only affects -- the
    6 program only affects the new acquisitions.
    8 MR. BURKHART: And eventually, it will reach a
    9 point where 70 percent is the highest percentage for
    10 light-duty and 50 percent is the highest percentage
    11 for heavy-duty.
    12 You know, I'm not sure if that's going to
    13 result in an entire fleet of vehicles being LEV
    14 certified. I guess if you have a situation where
    15 someone is going for credits, that's possible.
    16 It's indefinite.
    17 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. That makes sense.
    18 I would like to remind you again that the
    19 second hearing for this rulemaking is scheduled for
    20 September 24, 1997, in Chicago, at 10:00 a.m. at this
    21 same location. The third hearing is scheduled for
    22 October 10, 1997, at this same location and at the
    23 same time.
    24 I remind you, however, that if after seven
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    1 days of this hearing there is no request for
    2 additional hearings, they board may cancel both the
    3 second and third hearing.
    4 In that event, all parties to the notices will
    5 receive a hearing officer order indicating that the
    6 cancellation of the hearings will be done.
    7 If the board cancels the next two hearings,
    8 the record in this matter will close 14 days after
    9 the availability of the transcript.
    10 Consequently, we anticipate that the public
    11 comment period after this hearing will close on
    12 Monday, September 15, 1997.
    13 Therefore, all public comments must be
    14 received at the board's Chicago office or Springfield
    15 office on or before September 18, 1997, at 4:30 p.m.
    16 The mailbox rule as set forth in 35 Illinois
    17 Administrative Code 101.102(d) will not apply to
    18 these filings.
    19 Are there any other matters which need to be
    20 addressed at this time?
    21 Board Member
    Yi, do you have any follow-up
    23 BOARD MEMBER YI: No. That's it. Thank you.
    24 THE HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Seeing that there
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    1 are no further matters to be addressed, this hearing
    2 is hereby adjourned.
    3 Thank you for your attendance and
    4 participation at this hearing.
    5 (Whereupon, the proceedings
    6 in the above-entitled
    7 matter were adjourned.)
    9 * * * * * * * *
    L.A. REPORTING - (312) 419-9292

    ) SS.
    O K )
    3 I, LORI ANN ASAUSKAS, CSR, RPR, notary
    4 public within and for the County of Cook and State
    5 of Illinois, do hereby certify that the testimony
    6 then given by all participants of the rulemaking
    7 hearing was by me reduced to writing by means of
    8 machine shorthand and afterwards transcribed upon
    9 a computer, and the foregoing is a true and correct
    10 transcript.
    11 I further certify that I am not counsel
    12 for nor in any way related to any of the parties to
    13 this procedure, nor am I in any way interested in the
    14 outcome thereof.
    15 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
    16 my hand and affixed my
    notarial seal this 31st day of
    17 August,
    A.D., 1997.
    18 _______________________________
    Lori Ann
    Asauskas, CSR, RPR
    19 Notary Public, Cook County, IL
    Illinois License No. 084-002890
    before me this______
    22 day of August, 1997.
    24 Notary Public
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