    ADM. CODE 304.122, AMMONIA )
    12 The following is the transcript of a hearing
    13 held in the above-entitled matter, taken
    14 stenographically by GEANNA M. IAQUINTA, CSR, a
    15 notary public within and for the County of Cook and
    16 State of Illinois, before
    Audrey Lozuk-Lawless,
    17 Hearing Officer, at 375 West Briar Cliff,
    18 Bolingbrook, Illinois, on the 2nd day of July, 1997,
    19 A.D., commencing at 11:00 o'clock a.m.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 A P
    P E A R A N C E S:
    4 100 West Randolph Street
    Suite 11-500
    5 Chicago, Illinois 60601
    (312) 814-6923
    8 150 North Michigan Avenue
    Chicago, Illinois 60601
    9 (312) 750-8687
    Appeared on behalf of Mobil Oil Corporation,
    Dr. Ronald C.
    Ms. Margaret P. Howard
    Mr. Steven E. Vance
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 I N D E X
    2 PAGES
    GREETING BY HEARING OFFICER.................. 4
    GREETING BY RONALD C. FLEMAL................. 7
    TESTIMONY OF JOHN H. KOON................... 33
    TESTIMONY OF JAMES E. HUFF.................. 44
    QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION................. 49
    E X H I B I T S
    Marked for
    16 Identification
    17 Exhibit No. 1...................... 13
    18 Exhibit No. 2...................... 24
    19 Exhibit No. 3...................... 31
    20 Exhibit No. 4...................... 31
    21 Exhibit Nos. 5 and 6............... 42
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Good morning. My name is
    2 Audrey Lozuk-Lawless, and I'm the hearing officer in
    3 this proceeding.
    4 Seated to my right is Dr. Ronald
    5 He is a presiding board member in this proceeding,
    6 which is entitled In The Matter of Site Specific
    7 Petition of Mobil Oil Corporation for Relief from 35
    8 Illinois Administrative Code Part 304.122, Ammonia
    9 Nitrogen Effluent Standards.
    10 The Board has docketed this petition as
    11 R97-28. Therefore, if you plan to file any
    12 documents with the Board or comments, please do
    13 include that reference number, R97-28.
    14 This is currently the only scheduled
    15 hearing in this matter, and it will be governed by
    16 the Board's procedural rules for regulatory
    17 hearings, which are found at 35 Illinois
    18 Administrative Code 102.282, which means that any
    19 information which is relevant and not repetitious or
    20 privileged will be admitted into the record.
    21 Please realize that if you are a witness
    22 who's testifying, you will be sworn in and subject
    23 to cross-questioning by any other person in the room
    24 today.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 This proceeding is a site-specific
    2 rulemaking, which was filed by Mobil Corporation on
    3 April 24th, 1997.
    4 At today's hearing, we will proceed with
    5 Mobil's counsel giving an opening statement by David
    6 Rieser. Then we will move to an opening statement
    7 by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
    8 Margaret Howard. Then we will go back to Mobil to
    9 present its proposal.
    10 Currently, Mobil has filed --
    prefiled the
    11 testimony of three witnesses. Those witnesses are
    12 Lilliana Gachich, James Huff, and John
    Koon. Those
    13 prefiled testimonies will be marked as an exhibit
    14 and attached to the transcript as if read.
    15 The witnesses will then proceed and give
    16 oral summaries of that
    prefiled testimony, after
    17 which, we will turn and ask if there's anyone in the
    18 room who would like to ask questions of any of the
    19 witnesses which have presented their testimony
    20 today.
    21 Then we will turn to the Agency, and if
    22 they decide that they would like to put on anyone as
    23 a witness, then we will proceed there.
    24 At this point, if there's anyone in the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 public that would like to give any statements on the
    2 record, it's their opportunity to do so, and, again,
    3 I remind you that you'll be sworn in and then
    4 subject to cross-questioning.
    5 If you would not like to proceed in this
    6 manner, you can certainly file a public comment with
    7 the Board. The Board record will remain open after
    8 the transcript is received, and you can file a
    9 public comment to the Board, and, again, please
    10 reference R97-28.
    11 And note that any questions that Dr.
    12 or myself ask during this proceeding are not to
    13 convey any bias or preconceived notions about the
    14 proposal before us, but simply to make a complete
    15 record for the other board members who are not
    16 present with us today.
    17 Any requests for additional hearings will
    18 be dealt with at that time. If you would like to
    19 make a request for an additional hearing, please
    20 look to the Board's procedural rules at 35 Illinois
    21 Administrative Code 102.161, which requires that the
    22 proponent or any other participant who wishes to
    23 request an additional hearing demonstrate in a
    24 motion to the Board that failing to hold an
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 additional hearing would result in material
    2 prejudice to the
    3 Okay. So then at this time, Dr.
    4 would you like to say anything?
    5 DR. FLEMAL: Perhaps just briefly. Usually, at
    6 this point, I like to make just a small statement
    7 describing the nature of the Board and the role that
    8 the Board has in establishing the environmental
    9 standards for the state of Illinois.
    10 I'm going to forgo that this morning, in
    11 the main part at any rate, realizing that the people
    12 in attendance here are well -- in general,
    13 well-familiar with the Board and the role it does
    14 play.
    15 I would note simply that the record that we
    16 presently have before us in terms of the petition
    17 and the
    prefiled testimony plus any record that we
    18 develop today and subsequently through a public
    19 comment period will be reviewed in its entirety by
    20 the members of the Board, myself and the other six
    21 board members, upon which the Board will make a
    22 determination as to the continuing or, perhaps,
    23 noncontinuing disposition of this petition.
    24 Assuming that it does continue, the Board
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 may move, at that stage, to move the petition to
    2 first notice or as we have received the petition or
    3 in some modified form.
    4 I would anticipate that that action would
    5 be before the Board probably during the month of
    6 August. We have two meetings during that month, and
    7 I would hope that, perhaps, at one of those meetings
    8 the Board could be looking at that decision
    9 regarding this petition.
    10 Other than that, let me simply welcome
    11 everybody to the process. We appreciate your
    12 contributions to it and look forward to having the
    13 record well-developed in this matter.
    14 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you, Dr.
    Flemal, and I
    15 would add that as I mentioned, you will be able to
    16 file any comments that you would like while the
    17 record is open, and this record will close on July
    18 28th, and the mailbox rule does not apply.
    19 Therefore, the Board has to receive your comments by
    20 July 28th.
    21 So, Mr.
    Rieser, would you like to give an
    22 opening statement, and, I'm sorry, but also before
    23 you give your testimony, please do speak loudly and
    24 clearly and introduce yourself before you begin so
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 the court reporter has an accurate record. Thank
    2 you.
    3 MR. RIESER: Thank you very much. My name is
    4 David
    Rieser. I'm with the law firm of Ross &
    5 Hardies, and I'm here on behalf of Mobil Oil
    6 Corporation, which has filed a petition to seek
    7 site-specific regulatory relief from 35 Illinois
    8 Administrative Code 304.122. This is the effluent
    9 standard for ammonia nitrogen.
    10 This is what I hope is the end of a long
    11 process that Mobil, the Agency, and the Board have
    12 been involved in to find appropriate regulations to
    13 limit ammonia nitrogen effluent from this refinery.
    14 Mobil previously filed and obtained a
    15 site-specific regulatory relief at R84-16, which was
    16 codified at 35 Illinois Administrative Code 304.214
    17 and was generally in compliance with the standard
    18 that was described in this regulation.
    19 However, as the testimony will describe
    20 today, additional treatment requirements different
    21 than traditional treatment was required as a result
    22 of other regulatory requirements that inhibited the
    23 nitrification processes that were allowed to exist
    24 at the refineries existing configuration.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Mobil has sought and obtained two variances
    2 from the Board to study the problem further and to
    3 determine whether or not further upgrades and
    4 additional treatment could be applied to
    5 consistently comply with the Board's ammonia
    6 nitrogen effluent standard.
    7 The findings of those studies, as will be
    8 discussed today, are that consistent compliance
    9 cannot be achieved without significant additional
    10 expenditures of money and that the additional
    11 treatment would also have certain environmental
    12 impacts that would not be worth the additional
    13 compliance level with ammonia nitrogen.
    14 So we are here today to ask for permanent
    15 relief based on the current high levels of treatment
    16 that are currently being afforded by the refinery.
    17 We have three witnesses, as was pointed
    18 out. Ms.
    Lilliana Gachich will testify regarding
    19 the facility and the plant operations and the
    20 results of the studies that were performed during
    21 the variance proceeding.
    22 Dr. John
    Koon from Parsons Engineering
    23 Science will testify regarding an intensive report
    24 he performed regarding the treatment being afforded
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 the refinery, the treatment facilities there,
    2 alternative treatment strategies and their costs,
    3 and come to the conclusion, which I've stated, which
    4 is that further treatment to consistently meet the
    5 standards would be technically
    infeasible and
    6 economically unreasonable.
    7 Finally, James Huff will testify regarding
    8 the lack of environmental impact associated with the
    9 relief which Mobil seeks, that the water quality of
    10 the -- the receiving stream of the Des Plaines River
    11 is currently sound, that the relief sought by Mobil
    12 will not affect the water quality in any degree, and
    13 that there will be no environmental impact
    14 associated with the relief being granted.
    15 I'd like, with the Board's permission, to
    16 call the witnesses as a panel, have them identify
    17 their testimony and summarize it verbally, as we
    18 discussed, and then be available as a panel for
    19 questions, although I'm sure individual questions,
    20 as they come up during the course of the testimony,
    21 could certainly be asked of the individuals.
    22 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you, Mr.
    23 Ms. Howard, do you have an opening
    24 statement?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MS. HOWARD: Yes. My name is Margaret Howard,
    2 and I'm attorney with the Illinois Environmental
    3 Protection Agency, and with me I have Mr. Steve
    4 Vance of the Agency's Bureau of Water Planning
    5 Section, and Mr. Vance and I have been involved with
    6 this case since the spring of 1996 dealing with
    7 Mobil's latest request for the variance, and now
    8 there's been a request for the site-specific relief,
    9 and we have reviewed the testimony that they are
    10 presenting today of their three witness along with
    11 data that Mr. Vance and Ms.
    Gachich went over, and
    12 at this time, given anything that comes up during
    13 this hearing at this time, we are in agreement with
    14 what Mobil is requesting from the Board.
    15 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you. Thank you, Ms.
    16 Howard.
    17 Therefore, Mr.
    Rieser, if you'd like to
    18 present your witnesses in a panel form, then if the
    19 court reporter could swear them all in at one time.
    20 (Witnesses sworn.)
    21 MR. RIESER: The first witness who will testify
    22 will be Ms.
    Lilliana Gachich. A copy of her
    23 testimony was
    prefiled. I'd like it to be -- I'm
    24 going to show it to her and have it marked as an
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 exhibit, if I can.
    2 Would you mark that as Exhibit 1, please?
    3 (Exhibit No. 1 marked
    4 for identification,
    5 7-2-97.)
    prefiled testimony of
    7 Ms.
    Lilliana Gachich will be marked as Exhibit No. 1
    8 and entered into the record.
    9 Thank you, Mr.
    10 MR. RIESER: Ms.
    Gachich, I'm going to show you
    11 what's been marked as Exhibit 1 and ask if you can
    12 identify this, please?
    13 MS. GACHICH: Yes, I can. I prepared the
    14 testimony and the attachments.
    15 MR. RIESER: All of the attachments that are
    16 included in the testimony were prepared by you?
    17 MS. GACHICH: By me.
    18 MR. RIESER: And they accurately reflect the
    19 information that's described therein?
    20 MS. GACHICH: Yes.
    21 MR. RIESER: Could you briefly summarize your
    22 testimony, please?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 L I L
    L I A N A G A C H I C H,
    3 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    4 sworn,
    deposeth and saith as follows:
    5 MS. GACHICH: Basically, my testimony is going
    6 to show the configuration of the waste water
    7 treatment plant in a simpler detail because Dr.
    8 will go into deeper detail.
    9 What I'd like to show and highlight is that
    10 Mobil's waste water treatment plant is a modern one,
    11 that it has highly segregated streams that the waste
    12 water or processed water is segregated from storm
    13 water or non-contact cooling water, and if you were
    14 to look at Figure 1, which gives you the flow
    15 diagram, you could then actually see that these
    16 streams are segregated and that the sampling is done
    17 upstream of where the two streams combine and are
    18 then together discharged to the Des Plaines River.
    19 The lower middle part of Figure 1 actually
    20 depicts the discharge lines and the sampling points
    21 for different streams. So it does tell you that the
    22 individual streams are sampled upstream from where
    23 the total effluent combines, and it's discharged
    24 into a discharge split that Mr. Huff will talk about
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 later in his testimony.
    2 Further to that, due to this highly
    3 segregated process water and process waste water
    4 treatment plant, I would like to point out that
    5 Mobil's effluent is highly concentrated, and it may,
    6 in essence, impede the treatment because we do not
    7 have as much dilution as some other plants of a
    8 similar nature would have.
    9 However, environmentally speaking, it
    10 behooved us once to use lesser amounts of water and
    11 to practice water conservation, and we do subscribe
    12 to that.
    13 Further, part of my testimony shows the
    14 historical performance of the waste water treatment
    15 plant since the inception of the refinery itself in
    16 1973, and you can see a detailed presentation of
    17 that in Table 1 that shows ammonia historical
    18 discharge in an annualized average form as well as
    19 individual sample ranges.
    20 Now, when I say individual samples, Mobil
    21 is required under the NPDES permit to measure
    22 ammonia in two weekly 24-hour composite samples.
    23 So when you look at this column that gives
    24 you the range of performance, it actually tells you
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 that this would have been a measurement in an
    2 individual 24-hour composite sample, and then we
    3 have averaged those for a whole year to give you the
    4 annual average.
    5 From the table itself, you can see that at
    6 the inception, the plant did not perform as well as
    7 one wished, and Mobil has spent quite a bit of money
    8 to improve the performance, and later on in Mobil's
    9 performance here, you can see that we have achieved
    10 very, very good performance and especially in the
    11 years of 1989 through 1992 -- '91, and after that.
    12 Due to some of these regulatory required
    13 changes that Mobil had to implement, our performance
    14 has deteriorated, and, at that point, we applied for
    15 a variance from the effluent standards and obtained
    16 the variance, which the conditions of the variance
    17 actually required us to perform an optimization
    18 study, which we did, and to report to the Agency on
    19 a six-month basis as to what the findings were.
    20 And the basic findings of the study were
    21 that it was the assumption that Mobil made that the
    22 implementation of the Benzene Reduction Unit, which
    23 was required under RCRA regulations, definitely
    24 increased the toxicity of the process waste water,
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 which subsequently caused the waste water treatment
    2 plant to not function as well.
    3 Further to that, we found out also that the
    4 waste water treatment process itself creates --
    5 during the process itself, the bacterial degradation
    6 creates certain chemicals that appear to inhibit the
    7 process itself. So it's sort of self-limited to
    8 some extent, and the combination of increased
    9 toxicity and self-limitation could definitely cause
    10 problems.
    11 Further, we also found out that the waste
    12 water treatment plant, as it was in 1993, did not
    13 have sufficient air capacity, and after that finding
    14 was established, we applied for a permit from the
    15 Illinois Pollution Control Agency to obtain a
    16 construction permit and upgrade the waste water
    17 treatment plant, which we have.
    18 We made some additional upgrades in the
    19 refinery itself to remove a stream that was also
    20 found to be detrimental to nitrification, and one of
    21 our -- of the exhibits in my testimony here Table --
    22 Exhibit No. 2 lists the activities and mechanical
    23 improvements to the waste water treatment plant that
    24 Mobil actually implemented during the period of the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 variance to date and shows that we spent about $7.7
    2 million upgrading the waste water treatment plant
    3 and performing certain studies that we were required
    4 to do under the variance and that we also wanted to
    5 do so that we could improve the waste water
    6 treatment performance plant.
    7 Finally, the current performance of the
    8 waste water treatment plant, and that is the
    9 performance after November of 1996, that was the
    10 date when the waste water treatment plant was
    11 completely upgraded, is very good.
    12 We have had some incursions, and for some
    13 of those, we definitely have established a clause
    14 and have taken appropriate measures to remove the
    15 recurrence of those upsets and disturbances.
    16 However, even when one removes the
    17 instances of known problems, we have unexplained
    18 deviation from what you could say very good
    19 performance. The only thing that we know of now and
    20 that we can contribute this to is the variability
    21 and the kind of crude that we process, and one of
    22 the exhibits in my testimony, Exhibit No. 8,
    23 actually summarizes on an annual basis the number of
    24 crudes that we process, and the amount of crude that
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 we process as well as the nitrogen content of those
    2 crudes.
    3 If you'll just turn to the first page that
    4 shows January and February of '96, you can see that
    5 we process about 27 different varieties of crude
    6 oil. The crude oil is processed at different
    7 amounts.
    8 It does not necessarily come to the
    9 refinery as a mixture of all these 27. We may get a
    10 large quantity of one for a couple of days. The
    11 next time, we may get a large quantity of some other
    12 one, but as you can see, the nitrogen content of
    13 these different
    crudes varies substantially.
    14 You would have some
    crudes to have
    15 extremely low nitrogen content, say, four, five, 600
    16 parts per million, and then you have others that go
    17 up to 4200 parts per million.
    18 Now, when you are faced with maybe
    19 processing crude that has 4,000 parts per million
    20 versus the one that has maybe 500, you can see the
    21 difficulty in managing the waste water that results
    22 from this process, and there is no control that we
    23 can implement to average these
    crudes in such a way
    24 that you would have equalization or complete
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 equalization because they are shipped through the
    2 pipeline and then come in blocks.
    3 When they come to a tank, there is a
    4 certain amount of mixing, but not enough because of
    5 the size of these shipments.
    6 So what I would say at this point is that
    7 Mobil has spent the last several years spending a
    8 substantial amount of money, a substantial amount of
    9 effort to upgrade its waste water treatment plant,
    10 and has taken a very -- a lot of good measures to
    11 maintain the performance of the waste water
    12 treatment plant.
    13 However, we are not able to consistently
    14 meet with the state's standard in spite of all our
    15 efforts and in spite of spending a sizable amount of
    16 money to try to achieve that, and that's the reason
    17 why we're here today hopefully to achieve some
    18 relief because spending more money, as Mr. Huff will
    19 testify to, will not improve the condition of the
    20 receiving water.
    21 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Let the record reflect that
    22 Exhibit No. 1 does include all the tables and
    23 exhibits that Ms.
    Gachich referenced in her
    24 testimony. Dr.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 DR. FLEMAL: I have several questions regarding
    2 specific parts of your testimony that I think would
    3 be useful if we address before we go on to the other
    4 witnesses that Mobil wishes to present.
    5 The first question is in reference to
    6 Figure 1, which is Figure 1 attached to your
    7 testimony Exhibit 1, which is the schematic flow
    8 diagram.
    9 I believe you indicated in your statement
    10 that if we look in the lower center, we'll see where
    11 the sampling points are respectively for the
    12 effluent sampling and the storm water; is that
    13 correct?
    14 MS. GACHICH: You can see -- yes. You have --
    15 treated water guard basin. Do you see that
    16 particular facility?
    17 DR. FLEMAL: Yes.
    18 MS. GACHICH: That is the process -- treated
    19 process water and last containment facility.
    20 DR. FLEMAL: And you sample immediately
    21 downstream --
    22 MS. GACHICH: Immediately downstream of that.
    23 DR. FLEMAL: Is that then equivalent to
    24 001 in terms of --
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MS. GACHICH: Yes, it is equivalent to
    2 001.
    3 DR. FLEMAL: And then immediately below that in
    4 the diagram, I see storm water sampling point.
    5 Would that be equivalent to 002?
    6 MS. GACHICH: That would be equivalent to 003.
    7 DR. FLEMAL: 003, right?
    8 MS. GACHICH: Yes. That is an intermittent
    9 stream only where we have storm water that's
    10 discharged on an intermittent basis.
    11 DR. FLEMAL: Okay. And then I see then below
    12 that yet there's another stream. Is that --
    13 MS. GACHICH: That would be 002.
    14 DR. FLEMAL: Okay.
    15 MS. GACHICH: And that continues discharge.
    16 DR. FLEMAL: Is there sampling done of the 002
    17 discharge on a regular basis or at all?
    18 MS. GACHICH: The permit requires that we sample
    19 twice a week 001, 002, and together with 002, the
    20 river water intake because the standard is based on
    21 the net difference in TOC.
    22 DR. FLEMAL: At this point, I don't believe we
    23 have actually within the record the NPDES permit
    24 that you're referring to.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. RIESER: Dr.
    Flemal, we have copies here,
    2 and we can -- I was prepared to introduce it as an
    3 additional exhibit right now when I can do that.
    4 DR. FLEMAL: Wherever it's convenient in terms
    5 of getting it in the record. I'm sure it would be
    6 useful for the Board simply to have that available
    7 as a reference document.
    8 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Would you like to enter it
    9 into the record now?
    10 MR. RIESER: Yeah. It had been my plan also to
    11 have Ms.
    Gachich go through some of the exhibits
    12 just to verify what information was in there, but if
    13 you're accepting them all as --
    14 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Under her
    15 testimony?
    16 MR. RIESER: Under her
    prefiled testimony.
    17 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Because it is attached --
    18 MR. RIESER: Okay.
    19 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: -- that would be the easiest
    20 way to do it.
    21 MR. RIESER: Okay. At this point then, I'd like
    22 to introduce -- have this marked as Exhibit 2.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 (Exhibit No. 2 marked
    2 for identification,
    3 7-2-97.)
    4 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Let the record reflect that
    5 Mr.
    Rieser has moved for admitting Mobil's NPDES
    6 permit dated July 21st, 1994, into the record as
    7 Exhibit 2, and it has been so marked and admitted.
    8 MR. RIESER: Ms.
    Gachich, I'd like to show you
    9 what's been marked as Exhibit 2, and ask if you can
    10 identify it, please?
    11 MS. GACHICH: Yes. That is a current NPDES
    12 permit for Mobil Joliet Refinery.
    13 MR. RIESER: And what you have in your hands is
    14 a complete copy of that?
    15 MS. GACHICH: It's a complete copy of that.
    16 DR. FLEMAL: Thank you. I appreciate getting it
    17 in the record. I think that will be useful for us.
    18 A secondary question refers to Exhibit 1,
    19 actually for several parts of the testimony that
    20 you've submitted, but we can focus on it on Exhibit
    21 1, and for the record, I'm referring to Ms.
    22 Gachich's testimony, which is Exhibit 1 in the
    23 record, and I'm referring to Exhibit 1 --
    24 MS. GACHICH: Of Exhibit 1.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 DR. FLEMAL: -- to Exhibit 1.
    2 I believe you had explained this, but for
    3 my purposes, I just want to make sure I understand
    4 it. You were required to do two samples per week --
    5 MS. GACHICH: That's correct.
    6 DR. FLEMAL: -- of
    outfall 001 --
    7 MS. GACHICH: That's correct.
    8 DR. FLEMAL: -- under the current permit?
    9 Those are composite samples --
    10 MS. GACHICH: And those are 24-hour composites.
    11 DR. FLEMAL: And -- okay. That was the question
    12 whether that composite period is over 24 hours?
    13 MS. GACHICH: It's a 24-hour composite.
    14 DR. FLEMAL: So all the raw data that we're
    15 looking at, the historical data for the ammonia
    16 nitrogen discharges are basically from that data set
    17 of the --
    18 MS. GACHICH: That's correct.
    19 DR. FLEMAL: -- two samples per week?
    20 MS. GACHICH: Two samples per week of 24-hour
    21 composites.
    22 DR. FLEMAL: Fine. Thank you. That helps me on
    23 that one. And the last area of questioning goes to
    24 the last part of your testimony.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 You're referring to the flow of crude into
    2 the plant and directed us to a series of tables that
    3 are the last portions of Exhibit 1.
    4 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Exhibit 8.
    5 DR. FLEMAL: Exhibit 8 to Exhibit 1.
    6 Could you, for the purposes of just making
    7 sure we understand in the record, explain what the
    8 captions to the various columns are, what the
    9 abbreviations there stand for?
    10 MS. GACHICH: Okay. All the way to the left of
    11 this table on the first page, you will see crude
    12 source, and we have crude source one, two, three,
    13 four, and so on to 27.
    14 What I have done, I have removed the
    15 geological name of the crude, as you would be aware,
    16 for proprietary reasons. The rest of the table
    17 indicates -- the first column as we go to the right
    18 indicates the concentration of the nitrogen in what
    19 percent in parts per million of nitrogen in any
    20 given of these
    21 So number one --
    22 DR. FLEMAL: And that nitrogen -- excuse me.
    23 The nitrogen can be in any form. It's --
    24 MS. GACHICH: It can be any -- this is --
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 DR. FLEMAL: It's elemental nitrogen.
    2 MS. GACHICH: You element the total nitrogen,
    3 whatever the form may be. It could be variable, but
    4 it's a total nitrogen, and say crude one is 879
    5 parts per million, then the next column says barrels
    6 per day, and it's a thousand barrels per day that we
    7 have may have processed or just the barrels per
    8 day. It gives the gravity of that crude, which also
    9 is one of the qualities of crude that one measures
    10 in the refinery.
    11 DR. FLEMAL: When you say it gives the gravity
    12 of the crude, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the column
    13 headed API gives the --
    14 MS. GACHICH: Stands for API gravity, which is
    15 the measure of density of the crude using API,
    16 American Petroleum Institute convention.
    17 The next column says thousand pounds of
    18 crude, which just converts the barrels of crude, and
    19 this is a refining barrel, which is 42 gallons, and
    20 you have the gravity of crude, which converts in
    21 2,000 pounds of
    crudes, and the last column then
    22 gives you the pounds of nitrogen that would be found
    23 in that amount of crude, and you can then see that
    24 for different
    crudes, each have different
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 and, of course, a different quantity of crude.
    2 You can see that the amount of raw nitrogen
    3 in a thousand pounds would be 247 and so on all the
    4 way down to the bottom, which would add to about
    5 3,027 pounds for
    crudes processed in January of
    6 1996.
    7 DR. FLEMAL: The abbreviation L -- MLBS is
    8 thousands of pounds?
    9 MS. GACHICH: Yes. M stands for a thousand.
    10 DR. FLEMAL: Thank you very much.
    11 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you.
    12 MR. RIESER: Ms.
    Gachich, I just want to direct
    13 you to a couple of your tables. Looking at Exhibit
    14 Roman Numeral V to Exhibit 1 is BRU
    15 influent/effluent LC 50
    vs time. This is -- would
    16 you describe what this is?
    17 MS. GACHICH: As I mentioned previously in my
    18 testimony, after Mobil installed Benzene Removal
    19 Units, which is referred to here as BRU, we
    20 experienced increase in toxicity to the waste water
    21 treatment plant.
    22 What this table shows is using the MICROTOX
    23 analytical procedure, we were able to show that the
    24 waste water going into the BRU unit was less toxic
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 than the water coming out of the BRU unit.
    2 What I'd like to point out to you is that
    3 the toxicity is inverse. So you can see that the
    4 influent shows a higher number, but the lower number
    5 indicates more toxicity, and you can see the two
    6 lines here, and you have the white line indicating
    7 the waste water that was flowing into the unit
    8 showing lesser toxicity than the waste water flowing
    9 out of the unit, which is the black solid line.
    10 Further, what this table indicates all the
    11 way to the right from June on of '96, there was a
    12 shift altogether in both effluent and influent
    13 toxicity in this unit.
    14 We believe that this was due to
    15 implementation of a benzene treatment unit, which
    16 was changed from using a caustic to a caustic-free
    17 method, and having found previously that the caustic
    18 for this particular unit had effects on the waste
    19 water plant and having implemented a completely
    20 different process removing the particular stream
    21 showed that there was a shift in toxicity, a
    22 decrease in overall toxicity even though the
    23 difference across the unit itself, the Benzene
    24 Removal Unit, did not change, but the total toxicity
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 underlying the process has shifted downward, in
    2 essence.
    3 So implementing the particular unit did
    4 help improve the waste water treatment overall, but
    5 did not remove the existing toxicity that's created
    6 in this unit.
    7 MR. RIESER: And then looking at Exhibit Roman
    8 Numeral VI and Exhibit Roman Numeral VII to your
    9 Exhibit 1, this is -- is it correct that these are
    10 graphic demonstrations of both the upset
    11 for which there is a known cause and
    exceedances for
    12 which there is no known cause?
    13 MS. GACHICH: That's correct.
    14 MR. RIESER: This will complete Ms.
    15 testimony unless there are further questions
    16 specifically for her, but, obviously, she's
    17 available should other issues arise during the
    18 course of the testimony of the other two witnesses.
    19 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: All right. If you'd like to
    20 go on with your next witness.
    21 MR. RIESER: The next witness would be Dr. John
    22 Koon.
    23 Would you mark this as Exhibit 3, please?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 (Exhibit No. 3 marked
    2 for identification,
    3 7-2-97.)
    4 MR. RIESER: I guess we'll mark this as Exhibit
    5 4 while we're at it.
    6 (Exhibit No. 4 marked
    7 for identification,
    8 7-2-97.)
    9 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Let the record reflect that
    10 the document entitled Site-Specific Ammonia Relief
    11 Petition Report for the Waste Water Treatment Plant
    12 Mobil Oil Refinery, Joliet, Illinois, prepared by
    13 Parsons Engineering Science has been marked as
    14 Exhibit No. 3 and entered into the record.
    15 On the bottom of the first page, it does
    16 say Exhibit Roman Numeral VII, however, that will be
    17 Exhibit No. 3 for the record.
    18 And let the record reflect that the
    19 testimony of John
    Koon, K-o-o-n, will be marked as
    20 Exhibit No. 4 for the record.
    21 Mr.
    22 MR. RIESER: Thank you.
    23 Dr.
    Koon, I'm going to show you what's been
    24 marked as Exhibit 3 and ask if you can identify
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 that, please?
    2 DR. KOON: Yes. That's the report that I
    3 prepared for Mobil with respect to this hearing in
    4 this matter.
    5 MR. RIESER: And is Exhibit 3 a complete copy of
    6 that report?
    7 DR. KOON: Yes.
    8 MR. RIESER: And was that report prepared under
    9 your direction and supervision?
    10 DR. KOON: Yes, it was.
    11 MR. RIESER: Did you prepare testimony to
    12 summarize for the Board, the -- this report that's
    13 included as Exhibit 3?
    14 DR. KOON: Yes, I did.
    15 MR. RIESER: I'm going to show you what's been
    16 marked as Exhibit 4, and ask you if that's your
    17 testimony?
    18 DR. KOON: Yes, it is.
    19 MR. RIESER: And attached to that testimony as
    20 an attachment is your -- the first attachment is a
    21 CV that describes your background and experience?
    22 DR. KOON: That's correct.
    23 MR. RIESER: Could you briefly summarize your
    24 testimony for us?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 J O H N H. K O
    O N,
    3 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    4 sworn,
    deposeth and saith as follows:
    5 DR. KOON: I'd be glad to.
    6 I was asked to work with the Mobil Refinery
    7 in Joliet to evaluate the waste water treatment
    8 system, specifically with regard to its ability to
    9 remove ammonia and more specifically with respect to
    10 meeting its ability to possibly meet the state of
    11 Illinois ammonia discharge limitation.
    12 I spent time at the refinery. I also spent
    13 time in my offices evaluating data and records from
    14 the refinery associated with the waste water
    15 treatment system operation in writing this report
    16 and developing the conclusions and recommendations
    17 that are contained in it.
    18 The report contains a description of the
    19 waste water treatment system. It outlines the
    20 several-unit processes that are included in the
    21 treatment system, both at the site of the terminal
    22 treatment system and some treatment units that are
    23 located upstream, as we say, in some of the refining
    24 units.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 I won't go through these unit processes at
    2 this time unless there are specific questions,
    3 except to say that first of all these are processes
    4 that are applicable to the treatment of refinery
    5 waste waters, and second to say that if you go
    6 through the development document for the refining
    7 industry, the development document as issued by the
    8 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and if you
    9 look in this development document at the technology
    10 that was used as the baseline for best available
    11 treatment technology guidelines, these unit
    12 processes comprise the same or meet the model used
    13 by the EPA in developing BAT regulations.
    14 That's not to say that this treatment
    15 system would meet BAT regulations, but the
    16 technologies employed are the same. In fact, the
    17 refinery does meet BAT regulations, and I will cover
    18 that in a few minutes.
    19 Mobil has implemented a number of capital
    20 improvement projects over the years. They've also
    21 conducted studies to try and identify why the
    22 nitrification process in the treatment system does
    23 not provide complete nitrification on all occasions,
    24 and I will further discuss this work that they've
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 done.
    2 There's several modifications which Mobil
    3 has made to the waste water treatment system over
    4 the years. Since 1990, there have been six such
    5 modifications that I have outlined in my testimony.
    6 Let me briefly state what these are. The
    7 installation of a Benzene Removal unit, number --
    8 this is number one. Number two is upgrading of an
    9 equalization basin to an aggressive biological
    10 treatment unit as required to be in compliance with
    11 RCRA regulations.
    12 Let me go back and say that the Benzene
    13 Removal Unit was required to be in -- for the
    14 refinery to be in compliance with benzene NESHAPS,
    15 and gee, how is that spelled, N-E-S-H-A-P-S, I
    16 think. It's an acronym.
    17 The number three modification was they
    18 switched to a caustic-free gasoline treating unit,
    19 which is named the
    Merox unit, M-e-r-o-x.
    20 Number four, they upgraded the aeration
    21 basins -- a few aeration basins of the facility.
    22 They upgraded these from surface aerators to
    23 diffused aerators.
    24 Number five, they completely upgraded the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 clarifiers that are used in the activated sludge
    2 system.
    3 Number six, they made extensive
    4 modifications to a dissolved air flotation system in
    5 the treatment unit, including adding additional
    6 instrumentation controls and an upgraded air
    7 dissolution system.
    8 All of these processes or modifications
    9 that have been made are consistent with either
    10 meeting other regulations or updating and increasing
    11 the level of performance that could be expected from
    12 the treatment system, in this case, operating in an
    13 oil petroleum refinery.
    14 There's several laboratory studies that
    15 have been conducted by Mobil to identify sources of
    16 inhibition or the reasons why the nitrification
    17 process in the refinery doesn't provide complete
    18 nitrification at all times.
    19 There are three of these studies that I
    20 will mention briefly. Number one was a sour water
    21 stripper tail unit investigation. Mobil looked at
    22 developing a process that would remove inhibitory
    23 substances from the effluent of the sour water
    24 stripper.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 They conducted laboratory-scale tests that
    2 proceeded to pilot-scale tests; however, the premise
    3 behind the operation of this unit proved false. In
    4 the pilot testing, the unit did not work as planned,
    5 and, therefore, further development of it was not
    6 pursued after they had gone through a fairly
    7 extensive treatment process -- testing process.
    8 The second investigation was a MICROTOX
    9 study. Ms.
    Gachich referred to this investigation
    10 earlier. I will, therefore, only say that one of
    11 the conclusions from it was that toxicity of waste
    12 water to the nitrification process was increased
    13 across the Benzene Removal Unit, and nothing was
    14 identified that could be done about that, and, as I
    15 said earlier, the BRU is required to be in
    16 compliance with benzene NESHAP regulations.
    17 The next investigation was an ammonia
    18 inhibition study. This was conducted to see if 15
    19 waste water streams that were -- that go into and
    20 are treated in the waste water treatment plant might
    21 be inhibitory or contain inhibitory substances to
    22 the biological nitrification process and to evaluate
    23 several parameters, operating parameters, in the
    24 treatment system to see if they might be -- if the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 system might be operated in a way that would be
    2 inhibitory to this process.
    3 The principal finding of this investigation
    4 was the degradation products apparently in the
    5 biological treatment system were inhibitory to the
    6 very process that one of the processes that we're
    7 trying to sustain in the biological treatment
    8 system, i.e., the biological nitrification process.
    9 This would explain why certainly at times
    10 the biological nitrification process does not
    11 provide complete nitrification of its waste water.
    12 It also explained that we had complete
    13 nitrification. We completely removed ammonia from
    14 the waste water and could comply with the three
    15 milligram per liter state of Illinois standard.
    16 That's the importance -- therefore the importance of
    17 the nitrification process.
    18 On Table 1 of my testimony, I've summarized
    19 the costs of the investigations and projects that
    20 Mobil has undertaken over the years in improving its
    21 waste water treatment system. It's very similar to
    22 a table in Ms.
    Gachich's testimony with the
    23 exception that we have -- in my testimony, I've also
    24 identified a line for improvements made from 1973
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 through 1990. It was $2.1 million to the total, and
    2 my table comes out just under $10 million, and I
    3 think that accounts for any differences in the
    4 numbers in those two tables.
    5 We also conducted an evaluation of the
    6 waste water treatment system to see if -- to develop
    7 an opinion regarding the proper design and operation
    8 of this system. Table 2 of my testimony contains an
    9 evaluation of the removal efficiencies achieved for
    10 relevant parameters in the waste water, and with
    11 that evaluation, with -- by talking with operators
    12 at the treatment system, by evaluating operating
    13 manuals and design of the system, it's our
    14 conclusion that the system is properly designed and
    15 operated and is designed and operated in a way to
    16 promote biological nitrification, but that it does
    17 not consistently nitrify.
    18 Based on this, it is our opinion that the
    19 ammonia levels above the Illinois effluent standard
    20 cannot be produced consistently within this
    21 operation.
    22 We compare this treatment system to
    23 industry practices and guidelines. Table 3 in the
    24 testimony summarizes the BAT requirements that the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 USEPA used as the basis of setting the BAT guideline
    2 numbers, and in the right-hand column of Table 3, we
    3 have summarized Mobil's practice with respect to
    4 this BAT model technology and have found basically
    5 that the Mobil Joliet system corresponds to the EPA
    6 BAT model.
    7 In Table 4 of my testimony, we compared the
    8 effluent for the year 1996 from the Mobil Joliet
    9 Refinery with BAT effluent guidelines established by
    10 the USEPA, and in every case -- let's see. We
    11 valued there are eight parameters for which limits
    12 were established by the EPA. I believe there's
    13 probably a ninth pH that we didn't put on here, but
    14 for all eight listed in Table 4 and pH, the
    15 treatment efficiency of the Mobil Joliet waste water
    16 treatment system is well within the BAT limits
    17 established by the USEPA. The system easily meets
    18 the BAT requirements.
    19 Mobil also looked at several alternative
    20 treatment technologies and evaluated these
    21 technologies to see if they might be applied at the
    22 refinery to upgrade the treatment system in order to
    23 achieve compliance with the state ammonia standard.
    24 Basically, without going into details, I'll
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 say that none of these processes were found to be
    2 applicable to the situation at the refinery for a
    3 variety of reasons ranging from performance
    4 shortfalls, unsuitability from the Joliet site, the
    5 production of toxic by-products, or unreasonable
    6 costs associated with the systems.
    7 I then conclude by saying that based on our
    8 findings, I have concluded that modification of the
    9 treatment plan at the Mobil Joliet Refinery to
    10 achieve compliance with the state of Illinois
    11 ammonia standard is technically
    infeasible and
    12 economically unreasonable.
    13 I'll be glad to answer any questions that
    14 you have.
    15 MR. RIESER: Thank you.
    16 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you, Mr.
    17 DR. FLEMAL: Dr.
    Koon, you characterize the
    18 current discharge concentration of the Joliet
    19 Refinery as being at, I believe, 3.9 milligrams per
    20 liter.
    21 Tell me what that number is based on? That
    22 is --
    23 DR. KOON: As I recall, if you take the average
    24 discharge ammonia concentration for the year 1996,
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 that average number is 3.9 milligrams per liter.
    2 DR. FLEMAL: Is that the understanding of Mobil
    3 generally that that's --
    4 MS. GACHICH: Yes.
    5 DR. FLEMAL: -- the basis of that number?
    6 MS. GACHICH: That's the annual average.
    7 DR. FLEMAL: And once more, that's the average
    8 of the daily composite --
    9 MS. GACHICH: Of the daily composite.
    10 DR. FLEMAL: -- composite samples?
    11 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you. Mr.
    12 MR. RIESER: I will proceed with my next and
    13 final witness.
    14 Let's mark some of his exhibits. Would you
    15 mark this as Exhibit 5 and this as Exhibit 6,
    16 please?
    17 (Exhibit Nos. 5 and 6
    18 marked for identification,
    19 7-2-97.)
    20 MS. HOWARD: Do you have an extra copy of
    21 Exhibit 6?
    22 MR. RIESER: Yes, I do.
    23 Mr. Huff, I'm going to show you what's been
    24 marked as Exhibit 5 and ask if you can identify
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 that, please?
    2 MR. HUFF: Yes, sir. This is a report we
    3 prepared for Mobil Oil.
    4 MR. RIESER: Okay. And that was prepared under
    5 your supervision and direction?
    6 MR. HUFF: That's correct.
    7 MR. RIESER: Did you prepare testimony
    8 summarizing the report for this hearing?
    9 MR. HUFF: Yes, I did.
    10 MR. RIESER: I'm going to show you what's been
    11 marked as Exhibit 6 and ask you if that's a copy of
    12 your testimony?
    13 MR. HUFF: Yes, sir, it is.
    14 MR. RIESER: Okay. And Exhibit 5 is a complete
    15 copy of the report that you prepared?
    16 MR. HUFF: Yes.
    17 MR. RIESER: Okay. And Exhibit 6 contains an
    18 attachment with your resume in it; is that correct?
    19 MR. HUFF: Yes.
    20 MR. RIESER: And that's current and up-to-date?
    21 MR. HUFF: Yes, it is.
    22 MR. RIESER: Could you summarize your testimony
    23 for us, please?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    2 J A M E S E. H U F
    3 called as a witness herein, having been first duly
    4 sworn,
    deposeth and saith as follows:
    5 MR. HUFF: Yes. I have a bachelor's of science
    6 in chemical engineering from
    Purdue University and a
    7 master's of science in engineering from the
    8 Environmental Engineering Department at
    9 University in 1971.
    10 My first job was at the Mobil Oil Joliet
    11 Refinery during the construction and start-up
    12 phases, and included in that period of time, I spent
    13 a six-week period as the area supervisor in charge
    14 of the waste water treatment facility, and I spent
    15 the entire two years basically responsible for
    16 technical support of waste water treatment issues.
    17 Since that time, I've had several other
    18 jobs, all of which have involved some aspect of
    19 either ammonia treatment or the impact of waste
    20 water treatment discharges on receiving streams,
    21 most of those throughout Illinois.
    22 I was asked by Mobil to evaluate the impact
    23 of its discharge on the Des Plaines River, and that
    24 was what was marked as Exhibit 5, which was the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 report that came out of that. I'll briefly
    2 summarize that report.
    3 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Okay. Mr. Huff, I'm sorry.
    4 Then I should go ahead and enter this into the
    5 record then since you were marking -- my mistake.
    6 Then we will enter into the record as
    7 Exhibit No. 5 the study titled Plume Study and
    8 Effluent Limit Derivations Report prepared by
    9 Mr. Huff, and as Exhibit No. 6 into the record, the
    10 testimony of Mr. Huff. Sorry.
    11 MR. HUFF: Our primary focus was to go out and
    12 do a mixing zone determination on the Des Plaines
    13 River to determine how rapidly the discharge was
    14 dispersed into the river.
    15 Mobil's discharge is combined with once
    16 through cooling water discharge
    outfall 002, and
    17 they go through a man-made channel, which is then
    18 discharged into the Des Plaines River.
    19 We went out and by tracking various
    20 parameters, predominately chloride, which is a
    21 conservative parameter, we were able to determine
    22 that the available mixing inside the entire mixing
    23 zone was sixty-three to one of Mobil's
    outfall 001,
    24 and that factors in
    outfall 002 as well, which
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 represents approximately 77 percent of the flow out
    2 the
    3 We then also followed the Plume further
    4 down to the I-55 Bridge where the water quality
    5 standards changed from a secondary contact water
    6 standard to a general use standard, and what we
    7 found is that at the I-55 Bridge, there was an
    8 additional four-to-one dilution of Mobil's
    9 between the edge of its mixing zone and the I-55
    10 Bridge.
    11 That additional four-to-one dilution, you
    12 can take the existing secondary contact ammonia
    13 water quality standard, the 0.1 milligrams per
    14 liter, and say well, if you meet the
    15 secondary contact standard at the edge of the mixing
    16 zone, the .1, then the stream at the general use
    17 standard will meet a .025 standard, which is the
    18 winter general water quality standard for
    19 ammonia.
    20 So we concluded that any effluent limits
    21 derived based on the secondary water quality
    22 standard would also be protective of the general use
    23 water quality standards as well.
    24 Based on the mixing zone study that we did
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 and factoring in the Illinois EPA procedure of
    2 taking the 75th percentile temperature and pH, we
    3 back-calculated the appropriate effluent limits
    4 based on being protective of water quality, and we
    5 came out with a summer effluent limit of 70
    6 milligrams per liter total ammonia and a winter
    7 value of 243 milligrams per liter total ammonia.
    8 We then went back and looked at their
    9 existing effluent quality following a USEPA
    10 publication called Technical Support Document that's
    11 used to derive effluent limits based upon existing
    12 effluent quality.
    13 When we did that, we came up with a monthly
    14 limit of nine milligrams per liter and a daily
    15 maximum of 23 milligrams per liter. The nine
    16 milligram per liter was based on strictly data since
    17 Mobil upgraded the activated sludge operation as
    18 being more representative of monthly average
    19 conditions; whereas, the maximum limit was derived
    20 back through data from 1992 because it's more
    21 reflective of potential upsets that even the
    22 upgrading is not going to be able to rectify
    23 short-term upsets.
    24 The third thing we did then was look at the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 existing NPDES permit limits, which were 13 and 26
    2 milligrams per liter, and under the Clean Water Act
    3 anti-backsliding provisions those also need to be
    4 factored in.
    5 Combining then all three of those, the one
    6 that is most restrictive was the one derived based
    7 on the existing effluent quality monthly average
    8 ammonia limit of nine milligrams per liter and the
    9 daily maximum limit of 23 milligrams per liter, and
    10 those numbers, of course, are well below what the
    11 water quality limits that we derived would have
    12 been, effluent limits, and from that you can
    13 conclude that the water quality is going to be
    14 adequately protected with limits of nine monthly and
    15 23 on a daily maximum.
    16 These numbers reflect a 31 percent
    17 reduction over their current 13 milligram per liter
    18 monthly average limit and a 12 percent reduction in
    19 the current daily maximum limit, which is 26
    20 milligrams per liter.
    21 The larger reduction in the monthly average
    22 limit is attributable to the additional expenditures
    23 that Mobil has done, which basically allows a system
    24 to recover faster from upset provisions, but it's
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 not as effective on the short-term spikes, and
    2 that's why you have less of a reduction along those
    3 areas.
    4 Just to summarize, the proposed effluent
    5 limits to nine and 23 milligrams per liter we think
    6 are -- based on our analysis, are adequate to
    7 protect the Des Plaines River not only in the
    8 secondary contact water area where Mobil discharges
    9 into, but also further downstream where it goes into
    10 a general use standard below the I-55 Bridge. Thank
    11 you.
    12 MR. RIESER: Mr. Huff, did you -- as part of
    13 your work in preparing the study that's in Exhibit
    14 5, did you have occasion to review and evaluate
    15 water quality data for this reach of the Des Plaines
    16 River?
    17 MR. HUFF: Yes, we did.
    18 MR. RIESER: Okay. What did you look at
    19 specifically?
    20 MR. HUFF: We -- the most applicable data we
    21 could find was from the Metropolitan Water
    22 Reclamation District Study that was done in 1989 and
    23 1990.
    24 The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 collected samples right at the I-55 Bridge
    2 immediately downstream of Mobil, and, basically,
    3 they found in the summer months a 0.7 milligram per
    4 liter total ammonia, a quite low total ammonia
    5 number.
    6 Our concern was that that data was somewhat
    7 outdated now because of the improvements that have
    8 been done by other discharges, primarily the
    9 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.
    10 So we recommended to Mobil that they
    11 institute a program of collecting water quality data
    12 at the I-55 Bridge, and Mobil did that from March
    13 1996 to September '96 and collected approximately
    14 two samples a week over that period, and they found
    15 a monthly average number of 0.3 milligrams per
    16 liter, which is down over 50 percent from the '89
    17 and '90 data that the Water Reclamation District
    18 collected.
    19 In fact, for the five months from May to
    20 September, the highest ammonia that they found in
    21 the river during that period of time was .3
    22 milligrams per liter.
    23 When we were out in October of '96 doing
    24 the mixing zone in late October, October 29th, the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 upstream ammonia of the six samples we collected was
    2 0.1 milligrams per liter, quite low.
    3 DR. FLEMAL: May I just interrupt here? You're
    4 talking about total ammonia nitrogen, not
    5 un-ionized?
    6 MR. HUFF: That's correct. Those are total
    7 ammonia values. The
    un-ionized ammonias that those
    8 correspond to are down basically at
    9 the .00-something values. They're quite low.
    10 So we basically concluded from that then
    11 that the ammonia levels in the Des Plaines River are
    12 currently well in compliance with the applicable
    13 water quality standards and has been and the levels
    14 appear to be further improved over the last five
    15 years.
    16 MR. RIESER: Thank you, Mr. Huff.
    17 DR. FLEMAL: I have a series of questions, if I
    18 might. As long as we've already touched on this
    19 issue of the distinction between total ammonia
    20 nitrogen and
    un-ionized ammonia nitrogen, perhaps we
    21 can clarify something else as well.
    22 The data that you're talking about in terms
    23 of the effluent discharge levels are all in terms of
    24 total ammonia nitrogen; is that correct?
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 MR. HUFF: That's correct. In the case of the
    2 water quality derived values, they were based on
    3 achieving the .1 milligram per liter
    4 ammonia water quality standard and then factoring in
    5 the pH and temperature calculating a stream ammonia
    6 total ammonia value and then factoring in the
    7 available dilution back-calculating into the
    8 effluent total ammonia value.
    9 DR. FLEMAL: You went through all of those steps
    10 to determine whether or not the contribution from
    11 the Joliet Refinery from Mobil to that .025
    12 milligrams per liter
    un-ionized ammonia?
    13 MR. HUFF: Well, we did it to the .1, which is
    14 the secondary contact water quality standard, but
    15 then our mixing zone showed that we had a further
    16 four-to-one dilution from the edge of the mixing
    17 zone to the I-55 Bridge where the .025 winter
    18 standard
    un-ionized ammonia would kick in.
    19 DR. FLEMAL: And assuming that there was -- that
    20 ammonia remained conservative over that additional
    21 distance as well?
    22 MR. HUFF: Right. So we concluded that the
    23 recommended values, in this case, the water quality
    24 one, would be equally protective of not only the
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 secondary contact, but the general use downstream of
    2 the I-55 Bridge.
    3 DR. FLEMAL: Could you run through for us for
    4 the record the distances that are involved? I think
    5 there's several critical distances here. The
    6 distance from the actual point of
    outfall of the
    7 effluent to the Des Plaines River and then from the
    8 Des Plaines River to the I-55 Bridge?
    9 MR. HUFF: These would be an approximate. We
    10 have in our Exhibit 5 our report a Figure 4-1 that
    11 has a scale of one inch equals 200 feet, and you can
    12 see the mixing zone. The
    dilutions of fifty to one
    13 are basically shown on there. So the I-55 Bridge
    14 appears to be approximately a thousand feet
    15 downstream of where the
    outfall is.
    16 DR. FLEMAL: Now, the
    outfall you're referring
    17 to is the entry of the water into the Des Plaines
    18 River in the main or where the pipe -- in the pipe?
    19 MR. HUFF: Well, yes.
    20 DR. FLEMAL: Or is there a difference even?
    21 MR. HUFF: Yes, there is. In the pipe, we
    22 treated basically the
    outfall channel as part of the
    23 discharge pipe, if you will. It was a man-made
    24 channel installed basically to carry the effluents.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 So we -- the discharge into the river was
    2 right where the
    outfall channel stopped, if you
    3 will.
    4 DR. FLEMAL: If you'd like, on your Figure 4-1,
    5 that's at the boathouse position?
    6 MR. HUFF: That's correct.
    7 DR. FLEMAL: How far up-channel from the
    8 boathouse is the end of the pipe?
    9 MR. HUFF: It's approximately where the word
    10 outfall channel is located on the figure.
    11 DR. FLEMAL: And by scale, I would then guess
    12 that to be 150 feet or so?
    13 MR. HUFF: Right.
    14 MS. GACHICH: One hundred and fifty feet.
    15 DR. FLEMAL: Okay. You refer to the mixing zone
    16 associated with this discharge in a number of
    17 places, both in your report and in your testimony.
    18 Is there, in fact, a mixing zone that has
    19 been determined as part of the NPDES permit?
    20 MR. HUFF: Not to my knowledge.
    21 DR. FLEMAL: There is not?
    22 MR. HUFF: I believe our study was intended to
    23 do the necessary fieldwork to establish the mixing
    24 zone.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 DR. FLEMAL: So to the extent that a mixing zone
    2 is a formal construct in the NPDES permit, it
    3 doesn't exist, you're instead using that term to
    4 talk about what kind of an area might be available
    5 for mixing?
    6 MR. HUFF: It's my understanding that when
    7 effluent limits are derived, there are various
    8 considerations. One is to water quality impact.
    9 One is existing effluent quality. Another is the
    10 existing permit limits. So -- and then you take the
    11 most restrictive of those three.
    12 So the mixing zone is relevant when you're
    13 addressing the water quality impacts, and that's
    14 exactly what we did.
    15 DR. FLEMAL: Okay. I have at least one
    16 additional question, but I'm not sure to whom this
    17 is best directed.
    18 Mr.
    Rieser, you might want to appoint
    19 someone to --
    20 MR. RIESER: Whoever jumps up and answers it, I
    21 suppose.
    22 DR. FLEMAL: Yeah, give somebody the
    23 responsibility on this one.
    24 In terms of effectuating your proposal,
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 which you do through -- would do through, in effect,
    2 reactivating a section that, although is still part
    3 of the corpus of the Board's regulations, has ceased
    4 to apply because it expired. That would be Section
    5 304.214.
    6 I noticed that one of the things that you
    7 would do is replace the term daily composite with
    8 daily maximum.
    9 Can you explain for me what the
    10 significance of making that change is, if any?
    11 MS. GACHICH: I believe if you look at the
    12 regulations, the definition is daily maximum. It
    13 does not refer to it as a daily composite. I
    14 believe that's why the change was made, and then
    15 there is a further requirement that says that the
    16 sample shall be a composite, but I believe it comes
    17 from the regulation itself.
    18 DR. FLEMAL: There's certainly no intention upon
    19 your part then, I gather, to characterizing it as a
    20 daily grab sample or something?
    21 MS. GACHICH: No, no. The intention is not
    22 there, but I believe that that was to make a
    23 congruent definition in the regulation.
    24 MR. RIESER: I think the regulations tend to
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 speak in terms of daily maximums, and the maximum is
    2 defined.
    3 MS. GACHICH: As a composite sample or some
    4 other variety. They didn't make that --
    5 MR. RIESER: Yeah. There is no intention to
    6 change the method of compiling the information.
    7 DR. FLEMAL: I had assumed that that was the
    8 case, but I thought that perhaps we ought to have
    9 the record reflect that.
    10 MR. RIESER: Absolutely.
    11 DR. FLEMAL: Whether we have an answer to this
    12 area of inquiry fully today or not, let me just
    13 observe for you that under the Board's regulations
    14 at Section 304.104, which is the averaging principle
    15 for effluent standards, that's on Page 30 of the
    16 March 1995 version of the regulations, the daily
    17 sampling are generally referred to there as
    18 composites rather than as maximums, and whether
    19 that's meaningful in terms of what we're dealing
    20 with now or not I don't know, but I do point you to
    21 that for your own thought to see whether or not, in
    22 fact, we are headed on the right course to make the
    23 replacements that you suggest.
    24 MR. RIESER: I note that other -- just flipping
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 through, I believe this is consistent, that other
    2 site-specific regulations, and I'm looking at
    3 304.211, refer to daily maximum.
    4 That may have been that this was done at a
    5 time in 1988 where there was just a usage change,
    6 but there's no intention to establish a different
    7 methodology of evaluating how a maximum value is
    8 derived.
    9 DR. FLEMAL: I expect that over time we've
    10 simply used these terms in vogue periods, and it's
    11 nothing more profound than that, but just to make
    12 sure that we understand, in fact, what it is that
    13 the daily sample would be, whether that remains the
    14 composite that we've been talking about or is
    15 intended to be some other kind of sample.
    16 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Does the Agency have any
    17 questions for the Mobil witnesses?
    18 MS. HOWARD: No, we don't.
    19 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: No. Are there any questions
    20 from any members of the audience on any of the
    21 testimony that was given today? No. Okay.
    22 MR. RIESER: It's certainly our intention that
    23 the value -- the permit requires composite sampling
    24 and will be continued to require composite sampling,
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 continue to perform composite sampling, and
    2 certainly this value, this daily value, should be in
    3 terms of a composite.
    4 It would be expected to be in terms of a
    5 composite sample rather than a grab sample because
    6 that's how the purpose is and that's how those
    7 things are gathered.
    8 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you, Mr.
    9 Would you like to add anything else to any
    10 testimony?
    11 MR. RIESER: I have nothing further. We have --
    12 that concludes our presentation. We have nothing
    13 further unless there are further questions.
    14 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Okay. Seeing no further
    15 questions --
    16 MR. RIESER: And I'd like to move for admission
    17 of the exhibits at this time if they've not already
    18 been admitted.
    19 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: They have been admitted.
    20 Exhibits 1 through 6 have been admitted into the
    21 record properly.
    22 Does the Agency wish to present any
    23 testimony at this time?
    24 MS. HOWARD: Not at this time. With respect to
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 Dr.
    Flemal's comments, we'll also take a look at
    2 that, and if we feel that there might be something
    3 we need to clear up, we might submit something later
    4 in writing during the comment period.
    5 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: With regard to the sampling
    6 and the composite sampling?
    7 MS. HOWARD: Right, the composite versus the
    8 daily maximum. We'll just double-check it all so...
    9 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Okay. Thank you, Ms. Howard.
    10 DR. FLEMAL: As long as we're talking about
    11 vogues and writing things, I don't even know if we
    12 should put this on the record, but we're all friends
    13 here, so let's do it.
    14 There has been a tendency that any time we
    15 use a verb in writing any regulations, the verb is
    16 shall. Everything shall be this, shall be that, and
    17 there's certain questions to whether that's a
    18 grammatically correct way to do things.
    19 I'm wondering whether the assembled crew
    20 here has reflection on whether when we and if we do
    21 move this rule forward we might go back and change
    22 some of the
    shalls that we inserted in this rule in
    23 19-whatever when it was first adopted, 1988, I
    24 guess.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 I would refer to example Subsection B. It
    2 says the requirements of Section 304.122(b) shall
    3 not apply. I think we say that they do or they
    4 don't apply, but we can hardly order them to mandate
    5 them to do something since the requirements
    6 themselves are inadequate.
    7 I would propose that maybe we might do some
    8 grammatical dressing up of this.
    9 MR. RIESER: My recollection as someone who has
    10 some experience in writing regulations is that the
    11 Secretary of State's Rules on Rules Joint Committee
    12 administrative rules practices require certain terms
    13 and prohibits certain adjectives and adverbs and
    14 things like that.
    15 So I suspect the use of shall is a holdover
    16 of the certain limitations on the language that they
    17 tend to impose. I think grammatically you may be
    18 right, and it may be a more appropriate way to say
    19 things, but there may be, as there are in so many
    20 things, rules about it that ought to be consulted.
    21 DR. FLEMAL: I think the Board over time I think
    22 has been as guilty as anybody in the rulemaking game
    23 for, what I consider, an overuse of shall when we
    24 say something shall mean this or shall mean that.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 It either does or it doesn't, and we can hardly
    2 order it to have meaning I think.
    3 At any rate, it's a small matter. As I
    4 said, I probably doubt it was worth having been put
    5 on the record, but I will look at the proposed
    6 language here and see if maybe some changes of that
    7 sort shall be in order.
    8 MR. RIESER: Certainly.
    9 MS. LOZUK-LAWLESS: Thank you. Are there any
    10 members of the public who wish to give testimony
    11 today?
    12 Seeing none then, I would like to remind
    13 everyone that the record in this matter will close
    14 on July 28th, and, as I mentioned earlier, if you
    15 plan to file any additional filings or material with
    16 the Board, please do reference docket number R97-28.
    17 As Dr.
    Flemal had mentioned earlier, the
    18 Board anticipates it may move on this matter during
    19 one of its August board meetings, so if that gives
    20 you a timetable, not seeing any further difficulty.
    21 And are there any other matters which
    22 anyone would like to address on the record? No.
    23 All right. Then seeing none then, this matter and
    24 this hearing is adjourned. Thank you.
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    1 (Whereupon, these were all the
    2 proceedings had in the above
    3 entitled-matter.)
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

    ) SS.
    O K )
    5 hereby state that I am a court reporter doing
    6 business in the City of Chicago, County of
    7 Cook, and State of Illinois; that I reported
    8 by means of machine shorthand the proceedings
    9 held in the foregoing cause, and that the
    10 foregoing is a true and correct transcript of
    11 my shorthand notes so taken as aforesaid.
    14 __________________________
    Geanna M. Pignone-Iaquinta
    15 Notary Public, Cook County, IL
    Illinois License No. 084-004096
    before me
    19 of__________, A.D., 1997.
    21 Notary Public
    L.A. REPORTING (312) 419-9292

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