1 S38328
    ) SS.
    6 )
    Complainants, )
    7 )
    vs. ) No. PCB 95-122
    8 )
    W. WARD, d/b/a Serve-N-Save, )
    10 and RICHARD J. FETZER, )
    Individually, )
    11 )
    Respondents. )
    14 testimony taken at the hearing of the above-entitled
    15 cause, before Mr. Michael L. Wallace, Chief Hearing
    16 Officer, at the
    Kane County Courthouse, 100 South Third
    17 Street, Geneva, Illinois, on the 1st day of April,
    18 1997, at the hour of 9:30 a.m.
    20 PRESENT:
    23 340 North Lake Street
    Post Office Box 460
    24 Aurora, IL 60507
    (630) 896-9711
    Sonntag Reporting Service, Ltd.
    Post Office Box 147
    Geneva, Illinois 60134
    1-800-232-0265 FAX 708-232-4999

    appeared on behalf of Complainants;
    MR. SAMUEL T. LAWTON, JR., and
    Suite 4000
    6 10 South
    Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60606
    7 (312) 715-4000
    8 and
    11 900 North Lake Street
    Aurora, IL 60507
    12 (630) 897-8764
    13 appeared on behalf of Respondent
    Dairy, Inc.; and
    TYLER & HUGHES, P.A., by
    320 East Indian Trail
    17 Aurora, IL 60505
    (630) 897-0559
    appeared on behalf of Respondent Richard J.
    Sonntag Reporting Service, Ltd.
    Post Office Box 147
    Geneva, Illinois 60134
    1-800-232-0265 FAX 708-232-4999

    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Pursuant to the direction
    2 of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, I now call
    3 Docket No. PCB 95-122.
    4 This is the matter of Olive
    Streit and Lisa Streit
    5 versus
    Oberweiss Dairy, Inc., Richard J.
    Fetzer and
    6 Johnnie W. Ward, doing business as Serve-N-Save, and
    7 Richard J.
    Fetzer, Individually.
    8 May I have appearances for the record, please, for
    9 the Complainant?
    10 MR. MURPHY: For the Complainant, whose names are
    11 Olive and Lisa
    Streit, S-t-r-e- i-t, J. Robert Murphy, law
    12 firm of Murphy & Murphy, P.C., Aurora, 60507.
    13 MR. HUGHES: Good morning, your Honor.
    14 On behalf of Richard
    Fetzer, Gordon Hughes, the law
    15 firm of Tyler & Hughes, P.A., located at 322 East Indian
    16 Trail in Aurora, Illinois.
    17 MR. LAWTON: On behalf of Respondent
    Oberweiss, I'm
    18 Samuel T. Lawton, law firm of
    Altheimer & Gray. With me
    19 is my partner, Myles
    Berman, and Rich
    Slocum, all
    20 representing
    21 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Let the record reflect
    22 there are no other appearances at today's hearing.
    23 The Board has acted on the motion to voluntarily
    24 dismiss Amoco Oil Company and Mobil Oil Corporation.
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    1 It's the Board's practice that we drop those two
    2 names off of our heading, and we also dropped their
    3 Counsel from the service list. So to save yourselves
    4 some mailing costs, you don't have to mail to Amoco and
    5 Mobil Oil.
    6 We have several preliminary items to bring up. I
    7 would note for the record that the Hearing Officer had a
    8 phone conversation with Mr.
    Berman, Mr. Lawton and Mr.
    9 Murphy yesterday morning -- I believe it was around 10:00
    10 or 10:30 in the morning -- discussing the various
    11 procedural aspects that have come up in this case.
    12 I made some preliminary rulings yesterday and will
    13 place them on the record today.
    14 With that said, I also did call Mr. Hughes and
    15 inform him of our conference call, and I regret that --
    16 I'm not afraid of technology, but I'm not sure how to
    17 patch in more than two people at a time. Maybe the State
    18 will fix that at some point.
    19 Now, before I continue, Mr. Murphy, did you have
    20 anything that you wanted to bring up?
    21 MR. MURPHY: In the nature of motions, which I
    22 believe the Hearing Officer is here to consider today and
    23 to rule on
    on the record, I have kind of a housekeeping
    24 and formal motion, and I believe that it has already
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    1 been -- I'm sure it has already been filed.
    2 I don't know that there has ever been a response to
    3 it from any of the adverse parties, but that is, very
    4 simply, my motion to withdraw testimony that was entered
    5 only with regard to Mobil.
    6 Since the Board has ruled on the motion to dismiss
    7 Mobil, it becomes, I think, totally irrelevant that I
    8 spent a couple of hours with my engineer on the witness
    9 stand before the previous hearing officer, and I have
    10 pointed out in my motion the pages, et cetera, of the
    11 transcript that are devoted to that testimony.
    12 They have nothing to do with the remaining
    13 Respondents, and my motion, therefore, is to merely
    14 withdraw that testimony from the record.
    15 That motion has been filed with your Honor as well
    16 as, I believe, the Board. No, it was directed to your
    17 Honor, not to the Board.
    18 MR. LAWTON: May I respond, your Honor?
    20 MR. LAWTON: Respondent
    Oberweiss will very
    21 vigorously object to that motion; and while it's
    22 premature perhaps to argue it to you, we would ask leave
    23 to be able to file a response to the motion that was made
    24 by Mr. Murphy.
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    1 As your Honor is well aware, our position from the
    2 very beginning is that
    Oberweiss is not responsible for
    3 the alleged contamination and that the sources of
    4 contamination include, among others, Mobil and Amoco.
    5 There was testimony with respect to that by Mr.
    6 Murphy and by Mr.
    Mehrens back in 1995 when this matter
    7 was before the Board, and that is part of the record.
    8 Among other things, the testimony of Mr.
    9 indicates that there was contamination of groundwater and
    10 there was contamination of soil that was presumably with
    11 respect to the Mobil operation. That was what Mr. Murphy
    12 was trying to establish at that time. We likewise felt
    13 that there was a basis for finding contamination from
    14 Mobil.
    15 I think it would severely prejudice our position
    16 and our entire thesis of defense to have that testimony
    17 removed from the record. It's in there. It's damaging
    18 to Mobil, who is no longer in. It's supportive of the
    19 position that we've asserted from the very beginning. I
    20 think it would be a gross mistake to have that removed.
    21 Now, I don't purport to argue it now. I'm sure Mr.
    22 Murphy doesn't want to argue it now. We would ask leave
    23 to file our response, and that will be the basis on which
    24 our response is made.
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    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: When is your response
    2 going to be sent in?
    3 MR. LAWTON: We got it yesterday afternoon even
    4 after we spoke on the telephone.
    5 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: You just did receive the
    6 motion?
    7 MR. LAWTON: We just received the motion yesterday
    8 afternoon.
    9 MR. MURPHY: I think you're thinking of another
    10 motion, with due respect, Counsel. This motion was
    11 filed, one of my earlier ones --
    12 MR. LAWTON: To withdraw?
    13 MR. MURPHY: Yes, to withdraw the testimony of
    14 Mehrens.
    15 MR. LAWTON: If it was filed, it wasn't received.
    16 It was received after the telephone conversation that we
    17 had with you and with the Hearing Officer.
    18 MR. MURPHY: That doesn't say a lot for the U.S.
    19 Mail.
    20 MR. BERMAN: In fact, we received two motions
    21 yesterday, one of which was the motion to withdraw,
    22 Complainant's motion to withdraw.
    23 MR. LAWTON: The response to our motion was also
    24 received.
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    1 We won't take a great deal of time to respond that.
    2 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: My time stamp on those
    3 two motions also shows March 31st in my office in
    4 Springfield.
    5 They are dated different dates. They may have been
    6 received by the Clerk of the Board at different dates. I
    7 know Mr. Murphy mentioned yesterday that he received one
    8 of your motions on a later date. So there quite possibly
    9 is a considerable delay in the postal service.
    10 All right. Then I will await your written response
    11 to the motion to withdraw testimony. Obviously, the
    12 motion to dismiss filed by
    Oberweiss will have to be
    13 handled by the full Board. I have
    Oberweiss' motion to
    14 dismiss, and then I have the Complainant's response.
    15 The Board's rules do not allow for a reply, except
    16 with leave of the Board. You're aware of that.
    17 MR. LAWTON: We would ask leave to be able to reply
    18 to that, your Honor.
    19 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: That would have to be
    20 directed to the Board.
    21 MR. LAWTON: Very well. The request.
    23 MR. MURPHY: I'm sorry, but I'm not quite up on
    24 what motion you're now talking about.
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    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: I was talking about
    2 Oberweiss' motion to dismiss.
    3 MR. MURPHY: Which is before the Board?
    4 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Which is before the full
    5 Board, and you've submitted your response.
    6 MR. MURPHY: Correct.
    7 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: I was merely pointing out
    8 that the Board does not allow reply except with leave of
    9 the Board. So if there are going to be any further
    10 filings, leave of the Board has to be requested.
    11 MR. MURPHY: Fine.
    12 MR. LAWTON: Yes.
    13 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: There is also the
    14 Complainant's motion to rejoin the Environmental
    15 Protection Agency.
    16 MR. MURPHY: That's a motion to the Board.
    17 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: That's a motion to the
    18 Board.
    19 The Attorney General's Office has replied on behalf
    20 of the Agency. I do not know if
    Oberweiss was going to
    21 respond to that or not.
    22 MR. LAWTON: We may adopt the position of the IEPA
    23 on that.
    24 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: In any event, again, Mr.
    Sonntag Reporting Service, Ltd.
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    1 Murphy, if you wish to reply to the Agency's response,
    2 you must request leave of the Board to do so.
    3 Generally, you file your request for leave attached
    4 with your reply so it's all there for them. Those two
    5 motions have to be ruled upon by the Board.
    6 I checked with the Clerk's office. Those two
    7 motions are not on the agenda for the April 4th meeting,
    8 so it will be, obviously, at a later meeting.
    9 There is the motion in
    limine filed by the
    10 Complainant and
    Oberweiss' response to the motion in
    11 limine. That is directed to the Hearing Officer, and I
    12 am going to defer ruling upon the motion in
    13 awaiting the Board's ruling on the motion to dismiss.
    14 It would seem to be somewhat
    dispositive in terms of
    15 Mr. Eric
    Portz's letter. I certainly -- at this point in
    16 time the Board has not taken a position that it is bound
    17 by the Agency's letter. So since that's part of the
    18 motion to dismiss, we should at least wait to see what
    19 the Board says on that before I will rule on the motion
    20 in limine.
    21 The other item is the addition of a new witness. I
    22 checked the docket. Apparently, that motion to
    23 supplement and add a new witness was filed March the 6th
    24 with our Clerk's office.
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    1 MR. MURPHY: There is no motion to that effect. I
    2 was responding to --
    mischaracterized it.
    4 Wasn't it entitled "Complainant's Supplemental
    5 Discovery"?
    6 MR. MURPHY: I was carrying out the directions of
    7 the Hearing Officer in the January hearing.
    8 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: That's correct. I
    9 mislabeled that. It's not a motion. It's Complainant's
    10 supplement. Our Clerk's office has that docketed as
    11 March 6th.
    12 I have
    Oberweiss' objection. I believe it's
    13 entitled "Motion to Bar or in the Alternative Continue
    14 for Further Discovery." That was docketed on March 20th
    15 by the Clerk of the Board.
    16 As I said yesterday, my research indicates that
    17 the -- it seems to be an either/or situation. If you
    18 wish to proceed with that particular witness, then I am
    19 going to allow additional time for further discovery.
    20 It appears, from the Board's rules and supplemented
    21 by looking at the New Illinois Supreme Court Rules, that
    22 that probably is the most appropriate thing to do.
    23 In light of that, we did discuss some certain
    24 scheduling aspects of this new witness. There is
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    1 obviously no way to do any discovery during the four or
    2 five days we had scheduled for hearing.
    3 I do agree that we have been doing this hearing in
    4 somewhat fitful starts, and I regret that we have to do
    5 that. I would like for it to go a little smoother, but
    6 it's not; and the only thing that I think is reasonable
    7 to do is that we do continue the hearing for the further
    8 discovery of this witness.
    9 Mr. Murphy, you did indicate that you did intend to
    10 proceed and use him.
    11 Secondly, since the motion to rejoin the Agency and
    12 the motion to dismiss are pending before the Board, I
    13 further feel -- and for the purpose of the record, I will
    14 do this on my own motion -- that it's better to continue
    15 these days of hearing to a later date and allow the Board
    16 to rule on those two motions.
    17 That way I think that conserves our resources
    18 better. To the extent that we would spend four days here
    19 and the Board would grant the motion to dismiss, everyone
    20 would have been put out quite a bit; and to the extent
    21 that if the Board adds the Agency as a party in interest
    22 or as a party, I would prefer that they have the
    23 opportunity to participate in the continued hearings if
    24 the Board let's them in.
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    1 Now, if the Board denies the motion to dismiss and
    2 the party is not -- the Agency is not joined as a party,
    3 we're pretty much back at the same square we were; but
    4 the Respondents will have the opportunity to do the
    5 further discovery, certainly, on the new witness.
    6 Again, that pretty well sums up everything. We just
    7 need to try to set some new dates. I am very hopeful
    8 that the Board will rule at the end of the April meeting
    9 or, at the earliest, the first meeting in May. So we
    10 could hopefully get going again the end of May, 1st of
    11 June, depending on everyone's schedules. I know we have
    12 to schedule way out in advance to try to catch everyone.
    13 With that said, Mr. Murphy, if you want to comment on
    14 any of that, you may do so.
    15 MR. MURPHY: On the record, naturally, I want to
    16 show the objection of the Complainants to the allowance
    17 of time for further discovery, which, I take it, is in
    18 the Hearing Officer's ruling on the motion that was filed
    19 by Oberweiss for additional time.
    20 I take it that you have thereby essentially said
    21 you're going to let me add this witness, but you're going
    22 to deny their motion to disqualify him for earlier
    23 nonperformance or whatever they characterize it as; but
    24 in the alternative, you are going to say and have said
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    1 that Oberweiss should have the opportunity to depose this
    2 witness.
    3 I do say on the record that we have offered
    4 verbally -- in our conversation with the Hearing Officer
    5 yesterday and with
    Oberweiss Counsel, we have offered to
    6 make that witness available for a deposition at any time
    7 that could be agreed on this week.
    8 In response to that
    Oberweiss was taking the
    9 position that they need at least 21 days or something
    10 like that to be prepared to depose the witness.
    11 That being the case, the whole thing is kind of on
    12 hold, I gather, and that's fine. We will make him
    13 available when we get into the scheduling of depositions,
    14 which, I take it, will kind of hang on the scheduling of
    15 the next hearing date.
    16 I'm sorry if I'm a little confused about all the
    17 scheduling, but it's at least a little simpler now with a
    18 couple fewer respondents in the picture and having made
    19 my record as far as the new witness is concerned and
    20 having -- also wanting to make my record that I basically
    21 object to the continuance of this because I was ready to
    22 proceed this week and today, but I will live with that
    23 and that's fine. We can get a new date.
    24 I don't have a picture of what kind of timing the
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    1 Hearing Officer is talking about, except in your last
    2 words I think you indicated that we should start looking
    3 at dates after the end of May.
    4 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: That's correct.
    5 MR. MURPHY: That's probably it.
    6 If that is true, it's only a suggestion, but perhaps
    7 they should be given -- or I should be given a date
    8 before the end of May in which this deposing of the
    9 additional witness can take place.
    10 If that's also true, they have indicated in their
    11 responses to my discovery supplement that they also have
    12 a new witness on the subject that my new witness is going
    13 to be testifying about. I believe that was a geologist
    14 by the name of
    Imse, I-m-s-e.
    15 So I would like -- at the time that we fix a time to
    16 depose Lyle Bruce, who is my expert, I'd like the same
    17 time to apply to making Mr.
    Imse available for my
    18 deposing of him.
    20 MR. LAWTON: We have no objection to the basic
    21 program suggested by Mr. Murphy.
    22 Our request for additional time, of course, was
    23 responsive to the idea of his permitting Mr. Bruce to
    24 have a deposition and then proceeding with his testimony
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    1 the following day. That was the thrust of why I asked
    2 for additional time.
    3 We would also like, since Mr.
    Imse's involvement in
    4 this case would be responsive to that of Mr. Bruce, to
    5 schedule it so that Mr. Bruce's deposition would precede
    6 Mr. Imse, but beyond that we have no problem with it.
    7 MR. MURPHY: I have no objection to that order of
    8 the witnesses. That's fine.
    10 MR. HUGHES: On behalf of Mr.
    Fetzer, I would
    11 object to any other witnesses being allowed at this time
    12 either on behalf of
    Oberweiss or on behalf of the
    13 Complainants.
    14 We're in, I believe, the third or fourth or fifth
    15 day of trial. In the middle of trial he dismisses --
    16 Complainants dismiss out certain entities, which we
    17 believe may have caused the contamination.
    18 Now he uses their expert, which they originally had,
    19 and now uses it to bootstrap himself up when his case is
    20 failing on the merits halfway through the trial. I think
    21 that puts my client in a definite disadvantage.
    22 By the way, I think if you read back the record, I
    23 don't think that you said -- and I could be wrong, but I
    24 don't think that you said that you're granting the motion
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    1 to allow this additional witness. You said, "If I should
    2 grant this witness, it would only be fair if we allowed
    3 additional time to depose that witness."
    4 So I'd like to suggest to this Court that that
    5 witness be barred as well as the witness that
    6 has set forth. It would severely prejudice my client.
    7 We have to prepare a case. We have gone through the
    8 dates of trial.
    9 It would in essence put us in a situation of if Mr.
    10 Murphy's witness testifies, as I believe he may, as a
    11 hired gun witness, we then are going to have to hire
    12 someone to counterbalance that.
    13 We didn't think it was necessary because the other
    14 witness that Mr. Murphy had, who was in the process of
    15 testifying when we last quit, said nothing and had
    16 nothing on the record that there was any contamination
    17 from the subject property, so there was no liability on
    18 my client in that case.
    19 If now we're getting, at the last twelfth hour,
    20 another expert witness, we're going to go back to the
    21 beginning of discovery. I can assure you that that's
    22 going to happen because if that expert witness says what
    23 I think he's going to say, then I think we may have to
    24 look for an expert witness, a geological witness.
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    1 I think those witnesses are then going to have to be
    2 deposed; and depending on what those expert witnesses
    3 say, even the expert witness from
    Oberweiss, depending on
    4 what they say, we may have to have other witnesses then
    5 come forward.
    6 I think it's highly irregular, unfair and
    7 prejudicial to my client to allow either Mr. Murphy's or
    8 Oberweiss' expert witnesses, especially when we're in the
    9 middle of the trial.
    10 I've never heard of that before. I just don't see
    11 where that should be allowed. It would prejudice us
    12 severely; and based upon that, I would object to this
    13 Court allowing any expert witnesses that haven't already
    14 been disclosed come forth and testify in this case.
    16 MR. MURPHY: May I respond?
    18 MR. MURPHY: I think this objection -- which,
    19 again, is not to a motion of mine because I haven't made
    20 a motion. I've merely followed the orders as they have
    21 come down to supplement my discovery.
    22 It is true, as Counsel says, of course, that I have
    23 in effect adopted a witness that came from another party
    24 who is no longer in the case.
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    1 That being the case, though, we should realize that
    2 that same witness was essentially in the discovery
    3 sequence that was furnished by Amoco or by Mobil,
    4 whichever one it was; but that witness was duly listed,
    5 as it were, not by name but essentially by predecessor,
    6 and your Honor already granted -- it was Amoco.
    7 Your Honor granted Amoco's motion at the last
    8 hearing to substitute their current geological expert
    9 witness, which is an employee of Amoco, for the one that
    10 had been listed.
    11 Now, no effort had been made -- in the years that
    12 this has been to the Board, no effort had been made by
    13 either
    Oberweiss or Mr. Hughes to seek the testimony of
    14 that geological witness that was available for being
    15 deposed. Those had been furnished as a descriptive
    16 furnishing a long time ago, and all that's happened is
    17 that there is a different employee of Amoco in the
    18 picture.
    19 Yes, we have retained his services, and we're going
    20 to put him on. As far as that is concerned, that really
    21 only brings me to the description of this proceeding at
    22 the Pollution Control Board of which your Honor is the
    23 Hearing Officer.
    24 This has indeed been cut up. I'm not blaming any of
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    1 the parties for the way it has been cut up. It has
    2 happened, and we're facing it, but it has been anything
    3 but launched upon a three- or four-day trial, as Mr.
    4 Hughes would put it.
    5 What it has been is a couple of times we have been
    6 before a Hearing Officer of the Board, and those times
    7 that we have been before the Hearing Officer have been
    8 spent largely in presentation by one party or another and
    9 ruling by the Hearing Officer on the presentation by one
    10 party or another of technical argumentative motions,
    11 which are essentially calculated to delay the time when
    12 the merits will be reached.
    13 We have not yet reached the merits. The only thing
    14 that was reached, by way of discussion and testimony, on
    15 the merits was my presentation of the testimony of Robert
    16 Mehrens, the engineer that I had put on the stand.
    17 All that we had discussed in Mr.
    Mehrens' testimony
    18 was not the defendant Mobil, not the defendant
    19 but strictly what he had found in the FOIA material that
    20 had been furnished by Mobil.
    21 He did not say -- he did not testify in any way that
    22 there was any kind of tracking or migration of the
    23 admitted existing soil and water involvement from the
    24 Mobil site. He told what the FOIA material said, and
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    1 that was all.
    2 We asked at the termination of that time when he was
    3 on the stand whether or not we should proceed with his
    4 testimony as to another defendant, and that was by, I
    5 think, agreement of Counsel. I don't remember the exact
    6 thing, but it was decided that we were going to terminate
    7 for that day. He's never been back on the witness stand.
    8 Your Honor knows that our plan was that when this
    9 resumed on the merits, we were going to put Mr.
    10 back on the stand; and then we would hear what his
    11 testimony about the site in question is, and that's the
    12 Oberweiss site.
    13 Now, it's been a long time before the Board, and I
    14 think it would be essentially carrying out the concept of
    15 lack of responsibility, which we've heard time and time
    16 again from
    Oberweiss, as to their position whether they
    17 are an owner or operator or anything else, but they're
    18 saying that the merits of this case are that there is no
    19 responsibility on their part.
    20 Mr.
    Fetzer is riding on them, and that's fine. He's
    21 entitled to do that. They're all in the same site, but
    22 so far no one has had a chance to say anything about
    23 whether or not that site was the source of the
    24 contamination of the third-party citizens Complainants,
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    1 the Streits.
    2 If we are to be barred from bringing in the one
    3 witness that is finally available to us to show that
    4 there is a direct causal connection between that site and
    5 its leaks of product and the water that was contaminated
    6 on the
    Streits' property, then all that says is fine,
    7 there is no way of getting any kind of effective
    8 enforcement of the environmental law in this proceeding
    9 or in this forum.
    10 So that's fine, whatever everybody feels it is going
    11 to be, but I'm still taking the position that as I hear
    12 you today and as I heard you yesterday, we were going to
    13 have the opportunity to present that witness when we do,
    14 if we ever do, get to the merits of this thing, and I'm
    15 going to insist on that as part of the rulings that we
    16 hear today.
    17 MR. HUGHES: May I respond again to that?
    19 MR. HUGHES: Your Honor, when Mr. Murphy says that
    20 that witness was available to us a long time ago, that's
    21 an incorrect and untruthful statement.
    22 That particular person was not, and we may have made
    23 a decision at that time to depose or not to depose that
    24 witness. That's up to us.
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    1 But now in the fourth day of trial -- I think it's
    2 four days -- and after the Complainant has called four
    3 witnesses, both plaintiffs, his own expert witness that
    4 he disclosed many years ago and that we took the
    5 depositions of and found, quite frankly, his testimony to
    6 be so lacking that at the end of the plaintiffs' case we
    7 were going to make a motion, and we thought we'd be
    8 successful in that motion, and we didn't need to do
    9 anything further, now at the last moment after we're in
    10 trial he then pops another witness on us after he's
    11 already paid money to settle the case with Amoco -- or
    12 he's already been paid by Amoco to settle the case.
    13 I think that's highly prejudicial and totally unfair
    14 to my client, who has gone through the discovery process,
    15 deposed witnesses, prepared their case, and at the
    16 twelfth hour now when his witness -- his expert witness
    17 is failing on the stand, we then have to have another
    18 witness that he's got.
    19 I'm telling you that this is going to result in a
    20 situation where we're going to go all the way back
    21 through discovery once again because whatever these two
    22 expert witnesses, if your Honor allows them to, say, we
    23 then are going to ask for an opportunity to call our own
    24 witness -- expert witness and have him rebut what these
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    1 expert witnesses say.
    2 Then they're going to have to take the deposition of
    3 my expert witness, and we're going to get into a year and
    4 a half from now we may have a hearing. That's
    5 ridiculous. My client is entitled to a hearing right
    6 now, not a year and a half from now.
    7 I think that this thing has been pending for years,
    8 years, and my client is running up an extremely large
    9 bill for my services. It's totally unfair for him to --
    10 for the plaintiff to come in at the very last and have
    11 another expert witness.
    12 It's my understanding that discovery had been closed
    13 off. That's why we started the trial.
    14 If discovery hadn't been closed off and, Mr. Murphy,
    15 if this witness had been disclosed to us so many years
    16 ago, why didn't you take his deposition? Why didn't you
    17 list him as an expert witness?
    18 Because then I would have taken his deposition if he
    19 had listed him as an expert witness. If he was available
    20 to us at that time, he certainly was available to Mr.
    21 Murphy at that time.
    22 I would strongly and strenuously object to that
    23 witness being allowed to testify.
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    1 Mr. Lawton? Mr.
    2 MR. LAWTON: I don't intend to prolong this.
    3 It's a little hard to answer Mr. Murphy's assertions
    4 because he has pretty much argued his whole case while
    5 we've been sitting here.
    6 You'll recall that our initial request on our motion
    7 to bar was that that be the case, Mr. Bruce be barred.
    8 The concept of taking his deposition was an alternative
    9 in the event the Board and your Honor concluded that he
    10 should not be.
    11 In that respect, we have the same viewpoint that Mr.
    12 Hughes expressed. There has been nothing dilatory about
    13 anything that
    Oberweiss has done. It's not up to us to
    14 prove Mr. Murphy's case. We've been here. We've filed
    15 what was required to be filed, and we have been ready to
    16 proceed.
    17 We're not the ones that introduced a new witness,
    18 and that is a major aspect of this proceeding. So that
    19 we feel that while the witness is not appropriately
    20 before us because he was a representative of a party that
    21 was withdrawn from the case and he now is shifting his
    22 position to go after another defendant, we are prepared
    23 to go ahead, pursuant to your Honor's orders, but we do
    24 adopt Mr. Hughes' viewpoint with respect to the
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    1 introduction of this witness.
    2 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: I understand that
    3 probably in the confines of a court that might be highly
    4 irregular. In the confines of an administrative body,
    5 it's not all that unusual.
    6 I'm going to allow Mr. Murphy to call Mr. Bruce as a
    7 witness. I'm going to allow
    Oberweiss to call Mr.
    8 as a rebuttal witness.
    9 Mr. Hughes, if you want to find an expert to rebut
    10 any of that, you're free to do so.
    11 MR. HUGHES: Your Honor, I'd like to request, then,
    12 that I not have to disclose any expert witness until we
    13 take his expert witness' deposition. I don't think I
    14 should be put in that position. I don't know what he's
    15 going to say.
    16 How can I get a witness until I know what he's going
    17 to say?
    18 MR. MURPHY: I have no objection.
    19 MR. HUGHES: Respectfully, I think it's highly
    20 irregular to allow that witness to testify.
    21 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: It may be highly
    22 irregular, but I'm going to allow this to proceed. I'm
    23 not going to bar the witness.
    24 I'm going to give you the opportunity, as you sit
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    1 there today -- if you say that Mr.
    Fetzer has not
    2 retained the services of any witnesses, then, you know, I
    3 guess I'm kind of at a loss as to what kind of defense
    4 Mr. Fetzer was going to put on at some point in this
    5 anyway.
    6 MR. HUGHES: Let me address that because I don't
    7 want to let that go on unanswered.
    8 We don't have to put on any defense. They have to
    9 prove their case. In taking the discovery deposition of
    10 their expert witness, he says that he tested the whole
    11 property, and there was no leakage from the site
    12 location.
    13 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: That's not in evidence
    14 yet.
    15 MR. HUGHES: I'm telling you that I'm going to
    16 represent to the Court that that's what his discovery
    17 deposition says; and that being the case, he had no case.
    18 Mr. Murphy had no case.
    19 I didn't have to do a thing. All I had to do was
    20 sit here and, at the end of his case, make the
    21 appropriate motion. That being the case, we didn't need
    22 to do discovery. We didn't need to have an expert
    23 witness. Now by this ruling you're changing the whole
    24 ball game.
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    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: If that's how you
    2 perceive it, that's how you perceive it. We might as
    3 well get over it and move forward on setting another
    4 schedule.
    5 MR. HUGHES: But I don't want to be barred from or
    6 that I have to set an expert witness or any other
    7 discovery.
    8 I want to have it left open so that once we take
    9 those discovery depositions, at that time I can make the
    10 decision for my client whether we should or shouldn't.
    11 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: To the extent that -- you
    12 know, we're reopening this for essentially two
    13 depositions. Now, if you can't live with that, you can't
    14 live with it, but that's what we're doing.
    15 We do need to set a new schedule, and we might as
    16 well start thinking about that. It's not my plan to keep
    17 prolonging this. I dislike this as much as any of you,
    18 but that's the way it is. We might as well move on to
    19 scheduling.
    20 So let's go off the record.
    21 (There followed a discussion
    22 outside the Record.)
    23 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Back on the record.
    24 We've had a lengthy off-the-record discussion on
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    1 scheduling and many varied other things. The Hearing
    2 Officer is ruling today that the Complainant, Olive
    3 Streit, may add Lyle Bruce as a witness and that at this
    4 time Oberweiss has identified a Mr.
    Imse as a rebuttal
    5 witness.
    6 I will reopen discovery to the extent of taking Mr.
    7 Bruce's deposition and Mr.
    Imse's deposition. I will
    8 further reopen discovery to the extent for Mr. Hughes'
    9 client, Richard
    Fetzer, to look at the new information
    10 and make a determination as to whether Respondent Richard
    11 Fetzer will need to name an additional witness as a
    12 result of the prior two witnesses.
    13 We will schedule a telephone conference on June 30,
    14 1997, at 11:30 A.M. Mr.
    Berman's office will initiate
    15 the call to the Hearing Officer, the Complainants,
    16 Attorney Mr. Hughes, Mr.
    17 If there are any other parties, then you should
    18 notify Mr.
    Berman, but I think that's all; is that
    19 correct?
    20 You mentioned off the record that if you wanted
    21 clients present, they should be at the respective
    22 attorney's office because that makes it easier.
    23 MR. BERMAN: It's preferable for clarity of the
    24 phone call.
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    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: If you're going to have
    2 clients or other persons present, it would be preferable
    3 to have them in your office, and we will identify
    4 everyone on the phone.
    5 Tentatively, between now and June 30th, I would hope
    6 and expect the parties to proceed on this reopened
    7 discovery. Mr. Murphy will attempt to provide documents
    8 concerning his new witness by May 1st. Depositions of
    9 Mr. Bruce will follow that, if necessary.
    10 I guess I should also note for the record that I
    11 anticipate that the Board will rule on the pending
    12 motions within the next two to three meetings. That
    13 would -- the next meetings are April the 3rd, which they
    14 will not rule on April 3rd. The next one is April 17th
    15 and May 1st and May 15th.
    16 It would be my anticipation that the Board would
    17 rule, at the very latest, by May 15th. The depositions
    18 and procedures do not have to be taken prior to the
    19 Board's ruling. Once the Board does rule, I would want
    20 the parties to get together, do the scheduling and get
    21 those two depositions out of the way.
    22 I guess after those two depositions, Mr. Hughes will
    23 then review the material, make a determination and inform
    24 the Hearing Officer and the parties whether or not he has
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    1 future plans for an additional expert.
    2 It looks like we probably won't be continuing
    3 evidentiary hearings until sometime into the fall. If
    4 there are any other objections to discovery, please file
    5 them with me.
    6 MR. BERMAN: May I have one moment, please?
    8 (There followed a discussion
    9 outside the record.)
    10 MR. BERMAN:
    Oberweiss would respectfully request,
    11 with respect to the verbal order that you are just about
    12 to finalize, that with respect to the testimony of John
    13 Imse, that we amend your verbal order ever so slightly to
    14 say that
    Oberweiss be permitted to call a rebuttal
    15 witness.
    16 The reason for my suggested amendment is that given
    17 we haven't seen any document from Lyle Bruce and we don't
    18 have a clue as to what his testimony may be or will be,
    19 I'm certain that
    Oberweiss will call a rebuttal expert,
    20 and I believe that that rebuttal expert will be John
    21 Imse.
    22 But if Mr. Bruce heads off in some different
    23 direction, we may need a different rebuttal expert, not
    24 in addition to Mr.
    Imse but instead of.
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    1 So I would respectfully ask that your order be
    2 modified only insofar as to say that
    Oberweiss -- that
    3 all of this will happen and that
    Oberweiss will provide a
    4 rebuttal expert, and we can even go so far as to say we
    5 presume it will be John
    6 By the way, I don't expect Mr.
    Imse will have any
    7 documents to provide. I believe that his testimony, such
    8 as it is, and his deposition testimony will be based on
    9 documents that are already in the record. So
    10 documentarily, I don't think the
    Imse -- or the
    11 rebuttal -- the
    Oberweiss rebuttal expert will be much --
    12 will need to provide much by way of documents.
    13 I would only ask that we be allowed to call a
    14 rebuttal expert and not necessarily that we be locked
    15 in to John
    16 MR. MURPHY: No objection.
    17 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: What is your time frame
    18 of identifying after?
    19 MR. BERMAN: I wouldn't -- 21 days. I can find
    20 somebody from the stable that quickly. 21 days after the
    21 deposition of Mr. Bruce, after the close of Mr. Bruce's
    22 deposition. I wouldn't need more --
    24 MR. BERMAN: -- if at all.
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    1 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: All right. Then I
    2 will --
    Oberweiss may call a rebuttal witness, who you've
    3 previously identified as John
    Imse. Leave is granted to
    4 call someone other than Mr.
    Imse if necessary.
    5 MR. BERMAN: Thank you.
    6 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Is there anything else
    7 anyone wishes to bring up at this time? All right. Then
    8 thank you.
    9 MR. MURPHY: Is it necessary -- I ask -- I don't
    10 mean to prolong this unnecessarily, but is it necessary
    11 that I have kind of an open court order that subpoenaed
    12 witnesses are still continued without the service of a
    13 new subpoena?
    14 If it is, I want such an order. If it isn't, then
    15 forget I said anything.
    16 MR. LAWTON: We have no objection to that.
    17 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: To the extent that you
    18 may be subpoenaing the Agency people when we reconvene,
    19 we probably should send out a subpoena to those
    20 individuals.
    21 MR. MURPHY: I've been working on what I felt was a
    22 reasonable living together with some Counsel from the EPA
    23 that said that after I've paid his witness about three
    24 witness fees already, that I wouldn't need to do that
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    1 anymore, but it's all right with me. If I have to do it
    2 in a subpoena, I have to do it in a subpoena.
    3 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: Well, that's totally up
    4 to the Agency because the Agency has been known to move
    5 to quash a subpoena.
    6 MR. MURPHY: Right, right.
    7 MR. LAWTON: As to non-Agency deponents, we would
    8 provide whomever we have without the need for subpoena,
    9 and I would assume you would do the same.
    10 MR. MURPHY: Yes. I've asked Mrs.
    Oberweiss to be
    11 present and available.
    12 Thank you, your Honor. Nothing further.
    13 HEARING OFFICER WALLACE: All right. Thank you
    14 very much.
    15 (Whereupon, the hearing was
    16 continued sine die.)
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    ) SS.
    4 I, Jean S.
    Busse, Certified Shorthand Reporter
    5 No. 84-1860, Registered Professional Reporter, a Notary
    6 Public in and for the County of
    DuPage, State of
    7 Illinois, do hereby certify that I reported in shorthand
    8 the proceedings had in the above-entitled matter and that
    9 the foregoing is a true, correct and complete transcript
    10 of my shorthand notes so taken as aforesaid.
    11 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my
    12 hand and affixed my
    notarial seal this __________ day of
    13 _______________,
    A.D. 1997.
    16 ______________________________________
    Notary Public
    18 My Commission Expires
    19 June 3, 1997.
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