PART 370






    370.100 Purpose

    370.110 Scope and Applicability

    370.115 Incorporations by Reference





    370.200 General

    370.210 Engineering Report

    370.211 Design Flows

    370.220 Detailed Engineering Plan Drawings Format

    370.230 Specifications to Accompany Detailed Engineering Plan Drawings

    370.240 Revisions to Approved Plans and Specifications

    370.250 Operation During Construction

    370.260 Engineers Seal





    370.300 General Considerations

    370.310 Design Basis

    370.320 Details of Design and Construction

    370.330 Manholes

    370.340 Sewers in Relation to Streams

    370.350 Protection of Water Supplies





    370.400 General

    370.410 Design

    370.420 Suction-Lift Pump Stations

    370.430 Submersible Pump Stations - Special Considerations

    370.440 Alarm Systems

    370.450 Emergency Operation

    370.460 Instructions and Equipment

    370.470 Force Mains




    370.500 Plant Location

    370.510 Quality of Effluent

    370.520 Design

    370.530 Plant Details

    370.540 Plant Outfalls

    370.550 Essential Facilities

    370.560 Safety

    370.570 Laboratory





    370.600 General Considerations

    370.610 Screening Devices

    370.620 Grit Removal Facilities

    370.630 Pre-Aeration





    370.700 General Considerations

    370.710 Design Considerations

    370.720 Sludge and Scum Removal

    370.730 Protection and Service Facilities

    370.740 Imhoff Tanks

    370.750 Septic Tank - Tile System





    370.800 General

    370.810 Process Selection

    370.820 Sludge Thickening

    370.830 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion

    370.840 Aerobic Sludge Digestion

    370.845 High pH Stabilization

    370.850 Sludge Pumps and Piping

    370.860 Sludge Dewatering

    370.870 Sludge Storage and Disposal





    370.900 Trickling Filters

    370.910 Rotating Biological Contactors (Repealed)

    370.915 Rotating Biological Contactors

    370.920 Activated Sludge

    370.930 Waste Stabilization Ponds and Aerated Lagoons

    370.940 Intermittent Sand Filtration for Secondary Treatment





    370.1000 General

    370.1010 Disinfection Process Selection

    370.1020 Chlorine Disinfection

    370.1021 Dechlorination

    370.1022 Ultraviolet Disinfection

    370.1030 Chlorine Gas Supply (Repealed)

    370.1040 Piping and Connections (Repealed)

    370.1050 Housing (Repealed)

    370.1060 Respiratory Protection Equipment (Repealed)

    370.1070 Application of Chlorine (Repealed)

    370.1080 Sampling and Testing





    370.1100 Applicability

    370.1110 Type

    370.1120 High Rate Filtration

    370.1130 Low Rate Intermittent or Periodically Dosed Sand Filters





    370.1200 Phosphorus Removal by Chemical Treatment

    370.1210 Ammonia Control


    APPENDIX A Table No. 1 - Resident Occupancy Criteria

    APPENDIX B Table No. 2 - Commonly Used Quantities of Sewage Flows From

    Miscellaneous Type Facilities

    APPENDIX C Table No. 3 - Air Test Table for Sanitary Sewer Leakage


    APPENDIX D Figure No. 1 - Design of Sewers - Ratio of Peak Flow to

    Daily Average Flow

    APPENDIX E Figure No. 2 - Primary Settling

    APPENDIX F Figure No. 3 - B.O.D. Removal Single Stage Trickling Filter

    Units Including Post Settling - No Recirculation Included

    APPENDIX G Figure No. 4 - Break Tank Sketch for Potable Water Supply


    APPENDIX H Old Section Numbers Referenced (Repealed)


    AUTHORITY: Implementing Sections 4 and 39 and authorized by Section 39 of

    the Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/4 and 39].


    SOURCE: Adopted at 4 Ill. Reg. 14, p. 224, effective March 31, 1980;

    codified at 8 Ill. Reg. 19430; recodified at 18 Ill. Reg. 6375; amended at

    21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997.


    NOTE: In this Part, superscript numbers or letters are denoted by

    parentheses; subscript are denoted by brackets.




    <BSection 370.100 Purpose>>


    The purpose of this Part is to establish criteria for the design and

    preparation of plans and specifications for wastewater collection and

    treatment systems.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.110 Scope and Applicability>>


    a) These design criteria apply to conventional design concepts for

    wastewater collection and treatment systems. Where

    non-conventional concepts or approaches to collection and

    treatment, particularly for very small systems, are being

    considered, the Agency should be contacted for any design guidance

    that may be available.

    b) In evaluating plans and specifications for new processes, the

    Agency will consider the specific information submitted with the

    design in accordance with the provisions of Section 370.520(b) for

    situations involving new process evaluation.

    c) These criteria are intended to establish limiting values for those

    aspects of plans and specifications which the Agency evaluates and

    to promote, as far as practicable, uniformity of practice

    throughout the State. For projects with a design flow average of

    over 100 million gallons per day (mgd), the application of

    specific design parameters in these criteria should be evaluated

    on a unit-by-unit basis to insure optimum design performance and

    cost effective construction. In applying these criteria,

    consideration must be given to the characteristics (including

    current water quality) and uses of the receiving stream in order

    to insure compliance with the applicable regulations of the

    Illinois Pollution Control Board (hereinafter "IPCB"). Users

    should also be cognizant of Federal requirements.

    d) The word "shall" is used where practice is sufficiently

    standardized to warrant compliance with specific requirements, or

    where safeguarding the public health or protecting water quality

    justifies such definite action. Words such as "should",

    "recommended" or "preferred" indicate desirable procedures or

    methods with deviations subject to individual project


    e) Definitions of terms and their use are intended to be in


    ENGINEERING, jointly prepared by the American Public Health

    Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA),

    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Water Environment

    Federation (WEF). The units of expression are in accordance with

    the WEF Manual of Practice Number 6, Units of Expression for

    Wastewater Treatment.


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)

    <BSection 370.115 Incoporations by Reference>>


    a) The following materials are incorporated by reference:

    1) "Glossary: Water and Wastewater Control Engineering", Joint

    Editorial Board of the American Public Health Association,

    American Society of Civil Engineers, American Wasteworks

    Association, American Pollution Control Federation (1969).

    2) ASTM Standards - American Society for Testing and Materials,

    100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohoken PA:


    ASTM C12-95 -- "Standard Practice for Installing Vitrified

    Clay Pipe Lines", Vol. 04.05, Chemical Resistant Materials,

    Vitrified Clay, Concrete, Fiber-Cement Products; Mortars;

    Masonry (1996).


    ASTM C969-94 -- "Standard Practice for Infiltration and

    Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete

    Pipe Sewer Lines", Vol. 04.05, Chemical Resistant Materials,

    Vitrified Clay, Concrete, Fiber-Cement Products; Mortars;

    Masonry (1996).


    ASTM C124 -- "Standard Test Method for Concrete Sewer

    Manholes by the Negative Pressure (Vacuum) Test", Vol. 04.05,

    Chemical Resistant Materials, Vitrified Clay, Concrete,

    Fiber-Cement Products; Mortars; Masonry (1996).


    ASTM D2321 -- "Standard Practice for Underground Installation

    of Themoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow

    Applications", Vol. 08.04, Plastic Pipe and Building Products


    3) "AWWA Standard for Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and

    their Appurtenances", ANSI/AWWA C600-93 (1994) American

    Wasteworks Association, 6666 Quincy Avenue, Denver CO 80235.

    4) "National Electrical Code Handbook", 7th ed. (1996), National

    Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box

    9101, Quincy MA 02269-9101.

    5) "Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main

    Construction in Illinois", 5th ed. (1996), Illinois Society

    of Professional Engineers, Illinois Municipal League, the

    Association General Contractors of Illinois, Underground

    Contractors Association.

    6) "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction"

    (1997), Illinois Department of Transportation.

    7) Manuals of Practice, Joint Task Force of the Water

    Environment Federation (WEF) (formerly Water Pollution

    Control Federation), 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria VA

    22314-1994 and the American Society of Civil Engineers

    (ASCE), 345 East 47th Street, New York NY 10017-2398:


    "Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and Construction", WPCF Manual

    of Practice (MOP) No. FD-5 (1982).


    "Units of Expression for Wastewater Management", WEF Manual

    of Practice (MOP) No. 6 (1982).

    "Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants", vol. 1,

    WEF Manual of Practice (MOP) No. 8 (1992).

    b) The incorporations cited in this Section include no further

    editions or amendments.


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.200 General>>


    The criteria in this Subpart B are intended to be the technical basis for

    the preparation of the engineering reports and plans and specifications for

    waste collection and treatment works. For project planning requirements,

    applicable State and Federal guidance, regulations and statutes shall be


    a) Grant Projects

    For projects that will be funded by Stateor Federal grants,

    applicable regulations, policy and guidance documents will govern

    the non-technical requirements and shall be used in the facility

    planning process.

    b) Non Grant Projects

    For those projects which are not covered by applicable State or

    Federal project planning requirements or for those other projects

    in which there is no project planning guidance in the applicable

    State or Federal regulations or statutes, the project planning

    guidance set forth in Section 370.112 shall be utilized.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.210 Engineering Report>>


    a) General

    1) The engineering report assembles basic information; presents

    design criteria and assumptions; examines alternate projects

    including preliminary layouts and cost estimates; describes

    financing methods, user charges and operation and maintenance

    costs; reviews organizational and staffing requirements;

    offers a conclusion with a proposed project for client

    consideration; and outlines official actions and procedures

    to implement the project.

    2) The concept, factual data and controlling assumptions and

    considerations for the functional planning of sewerage

    facilities are presented for each process unit and for the

    whole system. These data form the continuing technical basis

    for the detailed design and preparation of construction plans

    and specifications.

    3) Architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical designs

    are usually excluded. Sketches may be used to aid in

    presentation of a project. Outline specifications of process

    units, special equipment, etc., may be included.

    4) Engineering reports are not required for sewer extensions or

    sewer connections, but shall be required for the following


    A) New treatment plants.

    B) Expansion or major modification of existing plants.

    C) New collection systems.

    D) Major upgrading of existing collection systems.

    b) Content

    The engineering report shall:

    1) Prescribe design period and projected population.

    2) Describe the specific service area for immediate

    consideration and indicate possible extensions and ultimate


    3) Present data and information on anticipated quantities of

    flow and wastewater constituents. Data from comparable

    existing installations may be used to develop the design

    basis of the proposed facilities if data for the project

    under design cannot be obtained in accordance with procedures

    set forth in Subparts C, D and E of these standards.

    4) Specify the scope and nature of collection system including

    pump stations and force mains for immediate and ultimate

    service areas.

    5) Discuss various treatment alternatives with reference to

    optimum treatability and other relevant factors.

    6) Develop a detailed basis of design for the recommended

    treatment process.

    7) Indicate compliance with applicable effluent limitations and

    discuss the impact of the project on receiving waters.

    8) Indicate compliance with the requirements of the Illinois

    Groundwater Protection Act [415 ILCS 55].


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.211 Design Flows>>


    The following flows shall be identified in the basis of design for sewers,

    lift stations, sewage treatment plants, treatment units and other

    wastewater handling facilities.

    a) Design Average Flow

    The design average flow is the average of the daily volumes to be

    received for a continuous 12-month period of the design year,

    expressed as a volume per unit of time.

    b) Design Maximum Flow

    The design maximum flow is the largest volume of flow to be

    received during a continuous 24-hour period, expressed as a volume

    per unit of time.

    c) Design Peak Hourly Flow

    The design peak hourly flow is the largest volume of flow to be

    received during a one hour period, expressed as a volume per unit

    of time.

    d) Design Peak Flow

    The design peak flow is the instantaneous maximum flowrate to be


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.220 Detailed Engineering Plan Drawings Format>>


    a) General

    Detail plans shall contain as necessary, the following:

    1) Plan views.

    2) Elevations.

    3) Sections and supplementary views which, together with the

    specifications and general layouts, facilitate construction

    of the works.

    4) Dimensions and relative elevations of structures.

    5) Location and outline form of equipment.

    6) Location and sizing of piping.

    7) Water levels.

    8) Ground elevations.

    9) Location and identification of all private and public water

    supply wells (refer to Section 370.210(b)(8)), structures and

    facilities (refer to Section 370.350(b)(1)(A)).

    10) Descriptive notations as necessary for clarity.

    b) Plans of Sewers

    1) General Plan

    Except as provided in subsection (b)(1)(C) below, a

    comprehensive plan of the existing and proposed sewers shall

    be submitted for projects involving new sewer systems or

    substantial additions to existing systems. This plan shall

    show the following:

    A) Geographical Features

    i) Topography and elevations: Existing or proposed

    streets and all streams or water surfaces shall be

    clearly shown. Contour lines at suitable intervals

    should be included.

    ii) Streams: The direction of flow in all streams, and

    high and low water elevations of all water surfaces

    at sewer outlets and overflows shall be shown.

    iii) Boundaries: The boundary lines of the

    municipality and the sewer district or area to be

    sewered shall be shown.

    B) Sewers

    The plan shall show the location, size and direction of

    flow of all existing and proposed sanitary and combined

    sewers draining to the treatment works concerned.

    C) Sewer Atlas

    The comprehensive plan of the existing sewers described

    above need not be submitted in each case if the system

    owner has furnished the Agency a copy of its sewer atlas

    showing the information required by subsection (b)(1).

    The project submittal, however, must include all the

    proposed work, and must be accompanied by a location map

    showing the proposed project and the route of the outlet

    sewer to the receiving plant, where necessary.

    2) Detail Plans

    Detail plans shall be submitted. Profiles should have a

    horizontal scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch and a

    vertical scale of not more than 10 feet to the inch. Plan

    views should be drawn to a corresponding horizontal scale.

    Plans and profiles shall show:

    A) Location of streets and sewers.

    B) Line of ground surface, size, material and type of pipe,

    length between manholes, invert and surface elevation at

    each manhole, and grade of sewer between each two

    adjacent manholes. All manholes shall be numbered on

    the plan and correspondingly numbered on the profile.

    C) Except where overhead sewers are required by local

    ordinance, if there is any question of the sewer being

    sufficiently deep to serve any residence, the elevation

    and location of the basement floor shall be plotted on

    the profile of the sewer which is to serve the house in

    question. The engineer shall state that all sewers are

    sufficiently deep to serve adjacent basements except

    where otherwise noted on the plans.

    D) Locations of all special features such as inverted

    siphons, concrete encasements, elevated sewers, etc.

    E) All known existing structures both above and below

    ground which might interfere with the proposed

    construction, particularly water mains, gas mains,

    storm drains, etc.

    F) Special detail drawings, made to a scale to clearly show

    the nature of the design, shall be furnished to show the

    following particulars:

    i) All stream crossings and sewer outlets, with

    elevations of the stream bed and of normal and

    extreme high and low water levels.

    ii) Cross sections and details of all special or non

    standard joints.

    iii) Details of all sewer appurtenances such as

    manholes, lampholes, inspection chambers, inverted

    siphons, regulators, tide gates and elevated


    c) Plans of Sewage Pumping Stations

    1) Location Plan

    A plan shall be submitted for projects involving construction

    or revision of pumping stations. This plan shall show the


    A) The location and extent of the tributary area.

    B) Any municipal boundaries within the tributary area.

    C) The location of the pumping station and force main.

    2) Detail Plan

    Detail plans shall be submitted showing the following where


    A) Grading plan of the station site.

    B) Location of existing pumping station.

    C) Proposed pumping station, including provisions for

    installation of future pumps or ejectors.

    D) Elevation of high flood water at the site, and maximum

    elevation of sewage in the collection system upon

    occasion of power failure, and the pumping station


    E) Test borings and groundwater elevations.

    F) Force main routing and profile.

    d) Plans of Sewage Treatment Plants

    1) Location Plan

    A) A plan shall be submitted showing the sewage treatment

    plant in relation to the remainder of the system.

    B) Sufficient topographic features shall be included to

    indicate its location with relation to streams and the

    point of discharge of treated effluent.

    C) All residences within one-half mile of the site shall be


    2) General Layout

    Layouts of the proposed sewage treatment plant shall be

    submitted, showing:

    A) Topography of the site.

    B) Size and location of plant structures.

    C) Schematic flow diagram showing the flow through various

    plant units.

    D) Piping, including any arrangements for by-passing

    individual units. Materials handled and direction of

    flow through pipes shall be shown.

    E) Test borings and expected range of ground water


    3) Detail Plans

    Detail plans shall show the following:

    A) Location, dimensions and elevations of all existing and

    proposed plant facilities, including flood protection

    structures where applicable.

    B) Elevations of high and low water levels of the body of

    water to which the plant effluent is to be discharged.

    C) Type, size, pertinent features, and manufacturer's rated

    capacity of all pumps, blowers, motors and other

    mechanical devices.

    D) Hydraulic profiles of the treatment plant at design peak

    flow including recirculated flows at the 25-year flood

    elevation in the receiving watercourse. To ensure their

    proper functioning, the hydraulic profile at measuring

    devices at minimum flow shall be shown.

    E) Hydraulic profiles shall be shown for supernatant liquor

    lines, recirculating flow piping and sludge transfer

    lines at the design peak flows carried by each system.

    F) Adequate description of any features not otherwise

    covered by specifications or engineer's report.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.230 Specifications to Accompany Detailed Engineering Plan



    a) Complete technical specifications for the construction of sewers,

    sewage pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, and all

    appurtenances, shall accompany the plans.

    b) The specifications accompanying construction drawings shall

    include, but not be limited to, the following:

    1) All construction information, not shown on the drawings,

    which is necessary to inform the builder in detail of the

    design requirements as to the quality of materials and

    workmanship and fabrication of the project.

    2) The type, size, strength, operating characteristics and

    rating of equipment.

    3) Allowable infiltration.

    4) The complete requirements for all mechanical and electrical

    equipment, including machinery, valves, piping and jointing

    of pipe.

    5) Electrical apparatus, wiring and meters.

    6) Laboratory fixtures and equipment.

    7) Operating tools.

    8) Construction materials.

    9) Special filter materials such as stone, sand, gravel or slag.

    10) Chemicals when used.

    11) Miscellaneous appurtenances.

    12) Instruction for testing materials and equipment as necessary.

    13) Availability of soil boring information.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.240 Revisions to Approved Plans and Specifications>>


    a) Any deviations from approved plans or specifications for

    structural configuration, appurtenances or manufactured equipment,

    affecting capacity, flow, operation of units or operational

    safety, and for substitution of the manufactured equipment

    specified and depicted in the plan documents shall be approved in

    writing by the Agency before such installation of equipment or

    construction changes are made.

    b) Plans and specifications requiring Agency approval under

    subsection (a) should be submitted well in advance of the ordering

    and delivery of equipment or any construction work which will be

    affected by such changes, to allow sufficient time for review and

    approval. Record drawings of the project as completed shall be

    submitted to the Agency.


    <BSection 370.250 Operation During Construction>>


    Specifications shall contain a time schedule describing the plant and

    collection system operational modes during construction. Where units

    essential to effluent quality are involved, temporary measures, such as wet

    hauling, sludge storage lagoons and portable pumping facilities shall be

    included in the specifications so as to ensure continuity of operation as

    required and approved by the Agency.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)

    <BSection 370.260 Engineers Seal>>


    Plans and specifications, prepared by an Illinois Registered Professional

    Engineer when required by Section 14 of the Illinois Professional

    Engineering Act [225 ILCS 325/14], fully describing the design, nature,

    function and interrelationship of each individual component of the facility

    or source, shall be submitted, except that the Agency may waive this

    requirement for plans and specifications when the application is for a

    routine renewal.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.300 General Considerations>>


    a) Type of Sewers

    The Agency will approve plans for new sewer systems and extensions

    only when designed as the separate sanitary type in which

    precipitation runoff and ground water from foundation drains are

    excluded. The Agency will not approve the installation of new

    combined sewers, except as provided in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.302.

    b) Design Period

    Sewer systems should be designed for the estimated ultimate

    tributary population, except in considering parts of the systems

    that can be readily increased in capacity. Similarly,

    consideration should be given to the maximum anticipated capacity

    of institutions, industrial parks, etc.

    c) Design Factors

    In determining the required capacities of sanitary sewers, the

    following factors should be considered:

    1) Design peak flow.

    2) Additional design peak flow from industrial plants.

    3) Ground water infiltration.

    4) Topography of area.

    5) Location of waste treatment plant.

    6) Depth of excavation.

    7) Pumping requirements.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.310 Design Basis>>


    a) Per Capita Flow

    1) New Sewers for Undeveloped Areas

    New sewer systems to serve currently undeveloped areas shall

    be designed on the basis of a design average flow of not

    less than 100 gallons per capita per day which is assumed to

    cover normal infiltration, but an additional allowance

    should be made where conditions are unfavorable.

    2) New Sewers for Existing Developed Areas

    For new sewers designed to serve existing developed areas,

    the design average flow per capita (100 gpd) shall be

    appropriately increased to allow for inflow/infiltration

    contributions from the existing buildings other than roof and

    foundation drains which shall be excluded in accordance with

    Section 370.121(a).

    b) Design Peak Flow

    1) The design peak flow for sanitary sewers shall be selected

    based on one of the following methods:

    A) The ratio of peak to average daily flow as determined

    from Appendix D, Figure No. 1.

    B) Values established from an infiltration/inflow study

    acceptable to the Agency.

    2) Use of other values for the design peak flow will be

    considered if justified on the basis of extensive


    3) Combined Sewer Interceptors

    Intercepting sewers, in the case of combined sewer systems,

    should fulfill the above requirements for sewers and have

    sufficient additional capacity to transport the increment of

    combined sewage required by the IPCB Regulations.

    c) Alternate Methods

    When deviations from subsections (a) and (b) are proposed, a

    description of the procedure used for sewer design shall be

    included in the submission of plan documents.

    d) Basis of Design and Calculations

    The basis of design for all sewer projects shall accompany the

    plan documents. Calculations shall be submitted to show that

    sewers will have sufficient hydraulic capacity to transport the

    design peak flows.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.320 Details of Design and Construction>>


    a) Minimum Size

    No public gravity sewer conveying raw sewage shall be less than 8

    inches in diameter.

    b) Depth

    Sewers shall be sufficiently deep to prevent freezing. Sewers

    should be sufficiently deep to serve basements except where

    overhead sewers are required by local ordinances or will be


    1) Minimum Cover

    The minimum cover of sewers shall be no less than 3 feet

    unless special structural protection is provided.

    2) Buoyancy

    Where high ground water conditions are anticipated, buoyancy

    of sewers shall be considered and, if necessary, adequate

    provisions should be made for protection.

    c) Slope

    1) All sewers shall be designed and constructed to give mean

    velocities, when flowing full, of not less than 2.0 feet per

    second, based on Manning's formula using an "n" value of

    0.013. The following minimum slopes shall be provided;

    however, slopes greater than these are desirable:


    Minimum Slope in Feet


    Sewer Size Per 100 Feet Flow (mgd)


    8 inch 0.40 0.49

    10 inch 0.28 0.75

    12 inch 0.22 1.07

    14 inch 0.17 1.43

    15 inch 0.15 1.61

    16 inch 0.14 1.85

    18 inch 0.12 2.35

    21 inch 0.10 3.23

    24 inch 0.08 4.13

    27 inch 0.067 5.17

    30 inch 0.058 6.37

    33 inch 0.050 7.66

    36 inch 0.046 9.23

    42 inch 0.036 12.41


    2) Under special conditions, if detailed justifiable reasons are

    given, slopes slightly less than those required for the 2.0

    feet per second velocity when flowing full may be permitted.

    Such decreased slopes will only be considered where the depth

    of flow will be 0.3 of the diameter or greater for design

    average flow. Whenever such decreased slopes are selected,

    the design engineer must furnish with his report his

    computations of the depths of flow in such pipes at minimum,

    design average, and design peak rates of flow. It must be

    recognized that decreased slopes may cause additional sewer

    maintenance expense and special linings or materials should

    be considered for corrosion protection.

    3) Uniform Slope

    Sewers shall be laid with uniform slope between manholes.

    4) Steep Slope Protection

    Sewers on 20 percent slope or greater shall be anchored

    securely with concrete anchors or equal, spaced as follows:

    A) Not over 36 feet center to center on grades 20 percent

    and up to 35 percent.

    B) Not over 24 feet center to center on grades 35 percent

    and up to 50 percent.

    C) Not over 16 feet center to center on grades 50 percent

    and over.

    d) Alignments

    1) Straight Alignments

    Except as noted in subsection (d)(2), all sewers shall be

    laid with straight alignments between manholes.

    2) Curvilinear Alignments

    Curvilinear sewers are permitted in special cases provided

    the following minimum requirements are met:

    A) Curvilinear Sewers 24 Inches in Diameter and Smaller

    i) Location: Curvilinear alignments should follow the

    general alignment of streets.

    ii) Type Curve: Only simple curve design is


    iii) Radius of Curvature: The minimum allowable radius

    of curvature is 300 feet.

    iv) Manholes: Manholes are required at the beginning

    and end of all curves.

    v) Joints: Compression joints are required. The ASTM

    or AWWA maximum allowable deflection of the pipe

    joints shall not be exceeded.

    vi) Velocity: In order to maintain a minimum velocity

    of 2 feet per second in curvilinear sewers,

    hydraulics of the curvilinear alignment shall be

    taken into account and the minimum slopes indicated

    in subsection (c)(1) must be increased accordingly.

    B) Curvilinear Sewers 24 Inches Through 48 Inches in


    Curvilinear sewers larger than 24 inches in diameter up

    to 48 inches in diameter constructed with pressure pipe

    meeting AWWA standards may be used. Other curvilinear

    sewers larger than 24 inches in diameter up to 48 inches

    in diameter shall meet the requirements of subsection

    (d)(2)(A) except that the joints must be manufactured so

    that they fit together squarely without deflection at

    the design curvature and the radius of curvature may be

    less than 300 feet.

    C) Curvilinear Sewers Larger Than 48 Inches in Diameter

    Curvilinear sewers larger than 48 inches in diameter

    shall be provided with square fitting compression joints

    and shall meet the requirements of subsection

    (d)(2)(A)(vi). The remaining design requirements under

    subsection (d)(2)(A) for these sewers will be reviewed

    by the Agency on a case by case basis.

    e) Increasing Size

    When a smaller sewer joins a larger one, the invert of the larger

    sewer should be sufficiently lower to maintain the energy

    gradient. An approximate method for securing these results is to

    place the 0.8 depth point of both sewers at the same elevation.

    f) High Velocity Protection

    Where velocities greater than 15 feet per second are attained, the

    special provisions described in subsection (c)(4) shall be made to

    protect against displacement by erosion and shock.

    g) Materials and Installation

    1) Materials

    A) Any generally accepted material for sewers will be given

    consideration, but the material selected should be

    suitable for local conditions, such as character of

    industrial wastes, possibility of septicity, soil

    characteristics, exceptionally heavy external loadings,

    abrasion, structural considerations and similar


    B) All sewers shall be designed and installed to prevent

    damage from superimposed loads. Proper allowance for

    loads on the sewer shall be made because of the width

    and depth of trench. When the bearing strength of the

    pipe is not adequate to withstand the superimposed

    loading, other pipe material, special handling, concrete

    cradle or special construction shall be used.

    C) For new pipe materials for which ASTM standards have not

    been established (see subsection (g)(2)), the designing

    engineer shall provide complete installation

    specifications developed on the basis of criteria

    adequately documented and certified in writing by the

    pipe manufacturer to be satisfactory for the design

    conditions for the specific project. Such documentation

    and manufacturers' certification shall be submitted as a

    part of the project plan documents.

    2) Installation

    A) Standards

    i) Installation specifications shall contain

    appropriate requirements based on the criteria,

    standards and requirements established by ASTM.

    Requirements shall be set forth in the

    specifications for the pipe and methods of bedding

    and backfilling thereof so as not to damage the

    pipe or its joints, impede cleaning operations and

    future tapping, nor create excessive side fill

    pressures or ovalation of the pipe, nor seriously

    impair flow capacity.

    ii) For new pipe material, the installation

    specifications shall meet the provisions of

    subsection (g)(1).

    B) Trenching

    i) The width of the trench shall be ample to allow the

    pipe to be laid and jointed properly and to allow

    the backfill to be placed and compacted as needed.

    The trench sides shall be kept as nearly vertical

    as possible. When wider trenches are dug,

    appropriate bedding class and pipe strength shall

    be used.

    ii) Ledge rock, boulders, and large stones shall be

    removed to provide a minimum clearance of 4 inches

    below and on each side of all pipe and joints.

    C) Bedding

    i) Bedding classes A, B, or C, as described in ASTM

    Cl2-95, "Standard Practice for Installing Vitrified

    Clay Pipe Lines" (1996) or "Standard Specifications

    for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois",

    5th ed. (1996) (no later additions or amendments)

    or WPCF Manual of Practice (MOP) No. FD-5 (1982)

    (no later additions or amendments) shall be used

    for all rigid pipe provided the proper strength

    pipe is used with the specified bedding to support

    the anticipated load.

    ii) Bedding class I, II, or III, as described in ASTM

    D2321-89, "Standard Practice for Underground

    Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and

    Other Gravity-Flow Applications" (1996) (no later

    editions or amendments) or Standard Specifications

    for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois,

    5th ed. (1996) (no later additions or amendments),

    or WPCF MOP No. FD-5 (1982)(no later additions or

    amendments) shall be used for all flexible pipe

    provided the proper strength pipe is used with the

    specified bedding to support the anticipated load.

    D) Backfill

    i) Backfill shall be of a suitable material removed

    from excavation except where other material is

    specified. Debris, frozen material, large clods or

    stones, organic matter, or other unstable materials

    shall not be used for backfill within 2 feet of the

    top of the pipe.

    ii) Backfill shall be placed in such a manner as not to

    disturb the alignment of the pipe.

    iii) For flexible pipe, as a minimum, backfill material

    shall be placed and carefully compacted in

    accordance with ASTM D2321-89 (1996) to provide the

    necessary support for the pipe.

    3) Deflection Testing of Flexible Pipe.

    A) The design specifications shall provide that the first

    1200 feet of sewer and at least 10% of the remainder of

    the sewer project shall be deflection tested. The

    entire length of a sewer of less than 1200 feet shall be

    deflection tested.

    B) If the deflection test is to be run using a rigid ball

    or mandrel, it shall have a diameter equal to 95% of the

    inside or base diameter of the pipe as established in

    the ASTM standard to which the pipe is manufactured.

    The test shall be performed without mechanical pulling


    C) The individual lines to be tested shall be tested for

    final acceptance no sooner than 30 days after they have

    been installed.

    D) Whenever possible and practical, the testing shall

    initiate at the downstream lines and proceed towards the

    upstream lines.

    E) No pipe shall exceed a deflection of 5%.

    F) In the event that the deflection exceeds the 5% limit in

    10% or more of the manhole intervals tested, the total

    sewer project shall be tested.

    h) Joints and Infiltration

    1) Joints

    The type and method of making joints and the materials used

    shall be included in the specifications and also shall be

    shown on the plans. Sewer joints shall be specified to

    minimize infiltration and to prevent the entrance of roots.

    Joint material shall conform to ASTM standards. Cement grout

    joints shall not be used for pipe to pipe joints.

    2) Leakage Testing

    Leakage tests shall be specified.

    A) Test Sections

    The design specifications shall provide that the first

    1200 feet and at least 10% of the remainder of the sewer

    project shall be tested for leakage. The entire length

    of a sewer of less than 1200 feet shall be tested for

    leakage. In the event that 10% or more of the manhole

    intervals tested do not pass the leakage test, the

    entire sewer project shall be tested.

    B) Testing Methods

    Testing methods may include appropriate water or low

    pressure air testing. The use of television cameras or

    other visual methods for inspection prior to placing the

    sewer in service and prior to acceptance is


    C) Water Testing

    i) The leakage outward or inward (exfiltration or

    infiltration) shall not exceed the following limits

    in gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per

    day for any section of the system:

    Exfiltration: 240

    Infiltration: 200

    ii) An exfiltration or infiltration test shall be

    performed with a minimum positive head of 2 feet.

    D) Air Testing

    If used, the air test shall, as a minimum, conform to

    the test procedure described in Section 31-1.11B of

    Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main

    Construction in Illinois, 5th ed. (1996)(no later

    additions or amendments). The specifications shall

    require that the time required for a pressure drop from

    3.5 to 2.5 PSIG not be less than the time specified in

    the Air Test Table in Appendix C. The testing methods

    selected should take into consideration the range in

    groundwater elevations projected and the situation

    during the test.

    i) Service Connections

    Sewer service connections shall meet the same criteria as public

    sanitary sewers described elsewhere in this Subpart C except as

    noted in this subsection (i). Roof and foundation drain

    connections to the sewer service connection are prohibited except

    as provided for in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.302. The service

    connection tap into the public sewer shall be watertight and shall

    not protrude into the public sewer. If a saddle type connection

    is used, it shall be a commercially available device designed to

    join with the types of pipe that are to be connected. All

    materials used to make service connections shall be compatible

    with one another and with the pipe materials to be joined, and

    shall be corrosion-proof.

    1) Size

    Service sewers and fittings shall be a minimum of 4 inches in

    diameter, but shall not be less than the diameter of the

    plumbing pipe from the building.

    2) Slope

    Service sewers shall have a minimum slope of 1%.

    3) Alignment

    When straight line alignment is not maintained on service

    connections, cleanouts or manholes shall be provided at

    points of changes in alignment.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.330 Manholes>>


    a) Location

    Except as noted in Section 370.123(d)(2), manholes shall be

    installed at the end of each line; at all changes in grade, size

    or alignment; at all sewer intersections; and at distances not

    greater than 400 feet for sewers 15 inches or less, and 500 feet

    for sewers 18 inches through 30 inches. Distances up to 600 feet

    may be approved in cases where adequate modern cleaning equipment

    for such spacing is provided. Greater spacing may be permitted in

    larger sewers and in those carrying a settled effluent. Lampholes

    may be used only for special conditions and shall not be

    substituted for manholes nor installed at the end of laterals

    greater than 150 feet in length.

    b) Type

    1) Drop Type

    A pipe shall be provided for a sewer entering a manhole where

    its invert elevation is more than 24 inches above the manhole

    invert. If an inside drop pipe is used, the manhole diameter

    shall be large enough to provide a minimum clearance of 48

    inches between the pipe and the opposite side of the manhole.

    Inside drip pipes shall be anchored to the manhole wall with

    corrosion-proof fasteners and bands. For sewers 36 inches in

    diameter or greater, the requirements for a drop pipe do not

    apply if the spring line of the incoming pipe is at or below

    the spring line of the main sewer. As a minimum, the

    diameter of the drop pipe shall be at least 2/3 as large as

    the diameter of the sewer tributary to the drop pipe.

    2) Non Drop Type

    Where the difference in elevation between the incoming sewer

    invert and the manhole invert is less than 24 inches, the

    manhole invert should be filleted to prevent solids


    c) Diameter

    1) For sewers 36 inches in diameter and smaller, the minimum

    diameter of manholes shall be 48 inches. For sewers larger

    than 36 inches in diameter, the manhole diameter at the

    invert shall be sufficiently large to accommodate the

    incoming pipes; and the riser barrel diameter shall be a

    minimum of 48 inches.

    2) A minimum access lid diameter of 24 inches shall be provided.

    d) Flow Channel

    The flow channel through manholes should be made to conform in

    shape and slope to that of the sewers. A bench shall be provided

    which should have a minimum slope of 2 inches per foot.

    e) Watertightness

    1) Construction Requirements

    Watertight manhole covers shall be used wherever the manhole

    tops may be flooded by surface runoff or high water or are

    below cover. Pickholes shall not be larger than 1 inch in

    diameter or shall be of the concealed type. Construction

    lifting holes on manhole rings shall be plugged from the

    outside and the exterior and joints of the manhole elements

    shall be waterproofed. Precast inlet and outlet connections

    fitted with "0" rings or other equally watertight connections

    shall be provided.

    2) Inspection

    The specifications shall include a requirement for inspection

    and leakage testing of all manholes for watertightness in

    accordance with ASTM C969-94--"Standard Practice for

    Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed

    Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines", Vol. 04.05, Chemical

    Resistant Materials, Vitrified Clay, Concrete, Fiber-Cement

    Products; Mortars; Masonry (1996) (no later editions or

    amendments) or ASTM C1244-93 "Standard Test Method for

    Concrete Sewer Manholes by the Negative Pressure (Vacuum)

    Test", Vol. 04.05, Chemical Resistant Materials, Vitrified

    Clay, Concrete, Fiber-Cement Products; Mortars; Masonry

    (1996) (no later editions or amendments) prior to placing

    into service.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.340 Sewers in Relation to Streams>>


    a) Location of Sewers on Streams

    1) Cover Depth

    A) The top of all sewers entering or crossing streams shall

    be at a sufficient depth below the natural bottom of the

    stream bed to protect the sewer line. In general the

    following cover requirements must be met:

    i) One foot of cover is required where the sewer is

    located in rock.

    ii) Three feet of cover is required in other material.

    In major streams, more than three feet of cover may

    be required.

    iii) In paved stream channels, the top of the sewer

    line should be placed below the bottom of the

    channel pavement.

    B) Less cover will be approved only if the proposed sewer

    crossing will not interfere with the future improvements

    to the stream channel. Reasons for requesting less

    cover should be given in the project proposal.

    2) Horizontal Location

    Sewers located along streams shall be located outside of the

    stream bed and sufficiently removed therefrom to provide for

    future possible stream widening and to prevent pollution by

    siltation during construction.

    3) Structures

    The sewer outfalls, headwalls, manholes, gate boxes, or other

    structures shall be located so they do not interfere with the

    free discharge of flood flows of the stream.

    4) Alignment

    Sewers crossing streams should be designed to cross the

    stream as nearly perpendicular to the stream flow as possible

    and shall be designed without change in grade. Sewer

    systems shall be designed to minimize the number of stream


    b) Construction

    1) Materials and Backfill

    A) Sewers entering or crossing streams shall be constructed

    of cast or ductile iron pipe with mechanical joints and

    shall be capable of absorbing pipe movement and

    joint-deflection while remaining intact and watertight.

    B) The backfill used in the trench shall be coarse

    aggregate, gravel, or other materials which will not

    cause siltation, pipe damage during placement or

    chemical corrosion in place.

    2) Siltation and Erosion

    Construction methods that will minimize siltation and erosion

    shall be employed. The design engineer shall include in the

    project specifications the methods to be employed in the

    construction of sewers in or near streams to provide

    adequate control of siltation and erosion. Specifications

    shall require that cleanup, grading, seeding, and planting

    or restoration of all work areas shall begin immediately.

    Exposed areas shall not remain unprotected for more than

    seven days.

    c) Aerial Crossings

    1) Structural Support

    Support shall be provided for all joints in pipes utilized

    for aerial crossings. The supports shall be designed to

    prevent frost heave, overturning and settlement.

    2) Freeze and Expansion Protection

    Protection against freezing shall be provided. This may be

    accomplished through the use of insulation and increased

    slope. Expansion jointing shall be provided between the

    aerial and buried sections of the sewer line.

    3) Flood Clearance

    For aerial stream crossings, the impact of flood waters and

    debris shall be considered. The bottom of the pipe should be

    placed no lower than the elevation of the 50 year flood.

    d) Inverted Siphons

    Inverted siphons shall have not less than 2 barrels, with a

    minimum pipe size of 6 inches and shall be provided with necessary

    appurtenances for convenient flushing and maintenance. Long radius

    fittings should be used. The inlet and outlet structures shall

    have adequate clearances for rodding; and in general, sufficient

    head shall be provided and pipe sizes selected to secure

    velocities of at least 3.0 feet per second for design average

    flows. The inlet and outlet structures shall be designed so that

    the design average flow is diverted to 1 barrel, and so that

    either barrel may be cut out of service for cleaning.

    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.350 Protection of Water Supplies>>


    a) Water Supply Interconnections

    There shall be no physical connections between a public or private

    potable water supply system and a sewer, or appurtenance thereto,

    which would permit the passage of any sewage or polluted water

    into the potable supply.

    b) Location Relative to Water Works Structures

    1) Location and Soil Condition

    A) The engineering plan documents shall show the location

    of all existing water works structures (basins, wells,

    other treatment units, etc.) that are within 200 feet of

    the proposed sewer.

    B) Soil conditions in the vicinity of the water works

    structures shall be investigated and depicted on the


    2) Minimum Distances

    The following minimum distances apply to clay and loan soils

    and, as a minimum, shall be doubled for sand. In areas

    where creviced limestone or gravel may be encountered, the

    Agency shall be contacted for a determination as to what

    minimum separation distances and special construction will be


    A) Non-watertight sewers and sewer appurtenances such as

    manholes and wetwells shall not be located closer than

    50 feet from water works structures.

    B) Sewers located closer than 50 feet to water works

    structures shall be constructed with water main quality

    pipe and joints that comply with 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    653.119. All such pipe shall be pressure tested in

    accordance with "AWWA Standard for Installation of

    Ductile-Iron Water Mains and their Appurtenances,"

    ANSI/AWWA C600-93 (1994), (no later editions or

    amendments) for a working pressure equal to or greater

    than the maximum possible surcharge head to assure

    watertightness prior to backfilling. No sewer shall be

    located closer than 10 feet from water works structures.

    c) Relation to Water Mains

    1) Horizontal and Vertical Separation

    A) Whenever possible, a sewer must be at least ten feet

    horizontally from any existing or proposed water main.

    B) Should local conditions exist which would prevent a

    lateral separation of ten feet, a sewer may be closer

    than ten feet to a water main provided that the water

    main invert is at least eighteen inches above the crown

    of the sewer, and is either in a separate trench or in

    the same trench on an undisturbed earth shelf located to

    one side of the sewer.

    C) If it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and

    vertical separation as described above, both the water

    main and sewer must be constructed with water main

    quality pipe and joints that comply with 35 Ill. Adm.

    Code 653.119 and shall be pressure tested in accordance

    with "AWWA Standard for Installation of Ductile-Iron

    Water Mains and their Appurtenances," ANSI/AWWA C600-93

    (1994) (no later editions or amendments) for a working

    pressure equal to or greater than the maximum possible

    surcharge head to assure watertightness before


    2) Water-Sewer Line Crossings

    A) Whenever possible, sewers crossing water mains shall be

    laid with the sewer below the water main with the crown

    of the sewer a minimum of 18 inches below the invert of

    the water main. The vertical separation shall be

    maintained on each side of the crossing until the

    perpendicular distance from the water main to the sewer

    is at least 10 feet. The crossing shall be arranged so

    that the sewer joints will be equidistant and as far as

    possible from the water main joints. Adequate support

    shall be provided for the water mains to prevent damage

    due to settling of the sewer trench. Refer to Appendix

    H, Drawing No. 1.

    B) Where a sewer crosses under a water main and it is not

    possible to provide an 18-inch vertical separation, the

    following special construction methods shall be

    specified (refer to Appendix H, Drawing No. 2):

    i) The sewer shall either be constructed with water

    main pipe and joints that comply with 35 Ill. Adm.

    Code 653.119 and shall be pressure tested in

    accordance with "AWWA Standard for Installation of

    Ductile-Iron Water Mains and their Appurtenances,"

    ANSI/AWWA C600-93 (1994) (no later editions or

    amendments) for a working pressure equal to or

    greater than the maximum possible surcharge head

    or shall be encased in a carrier pipe with the ends

    sealed, that, along with the joints, complies with

    35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.119.

    ii) The water main quality sewer or carrier pipe shall

    extend on each side of the crossing to a point

    where the perpendicular distance from the water

    main to the sewer is at least 10 feet.

    iii) For the required length of the water main quality

    sewer or carrier pipe, omit the select granular

    cradle and granular backfill to one foot over the

    crown of the sewer and use selected excavated

    material (Class IV) and compact to 95% of Standard

    Proctor maximum density.

    iv) Point loads between the sewer or sewer casing and

    the water main are prohibited.

    v) Adequate support shall be provided for the water

    main to prevent damage due to settling of the sewer


    C) Where it is not possible for a proposed sewer to cross

    under an existing water main, the specifications shall

    require the construction methods set out in subsection

    (c)(2)(B) above and shall require that any select

    granular backfill above the crown of the water main be

    removed within the width of the proposed sewer trench

    and be replaced with select excavated material (Class

    IV) compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor maximum

    density. Where a proposed sewer must cross over a

    proposed water main, an 18-inch vertical separation

    shall be maintained. Refer to Appendix H, Drawing No.


    3) Sewer Manhole Separation From Water Main

    No water pipe shall pass through or come into contact with

    any part of a sewer manhole.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.400 General>>


    a) Flooding

    Sewage pumping station structures and electrical and mechanical

    equipment shall be protected from physical damage by the 100 year

    flood. Sewage pumping stations should remain fully operational

    and accessible during the 25 year flood. Regulations of State

    and Federal agencies regarding flood plain obstructions shall be


    b) Accessibility

    The pumping station shall be readily accessible by maintenance

    vehicles during all weather conditions. The facility should be

    located off the traffic way of streets and alleys.

    c) Grit

    Where it is necessary to pump sewage prior to grit removal, the

    design of the wet well and pump station piping shall receive

    special consideration to avoid operational problems from the

    accumulation of grit.


    <BSection 370.410 Design>>


    The following items should be given consideration in the design of sewage

    pumping stations:

    a) Type

    Sewage pumping stations in general use fall into three types:

    wet well/dry well, submersible, and suction lift.

    b) Structures

    1) Separation

    Dry wells, including their superstructure, shall be

    completely separated from the wet well. Common walls must be


    2) Pump Removal

    Provision shall be made to facilitate removing pumps and


    3) Access

    A) Suitable and safe means of access shall be provided to

    dry wells and to wet wells. Access to wet wells

    containing either bar screens or mechanical equipment

    requiring inspection or maintenance shall conform to

    Section 370.600(a)(2)(C).

    B) For built-in-place pump stations, a stairway to the dry

    well with rest landings shall be provided at vertical

    intervals not to exceed 12 feet. For factory-built pump

    stations over 15 feet deep, a rigidly fixed landing

    shall be provided at vertical intervals not to exceed 10

    feet. Where a landing is used, a suitable and rigidly

    fixed barrier shall be provided to prevent an individual

    from falling past the intermediate landing to a lower

    level. A manlift or elevator may be used in lieu of

    landings in a factory-built station, provided emergency

    access is included in the design.

    4) Buoyancy

    Where high ground water conditions are anticipated, buoyancy

    of the sewage pumping station structures shall be considered

    and, if necessary, adequate provisions shall be made for


    c) Pumps and Pneumatic Ejectors

    1) Multiple Units

    Multiple pumps or ejector units shall be provided. Where

    only two units are provided, they shall be of the same size.

    Units shall have capacity such that, with any unit out of

    service, the remaining units will have capacity to handle the

    design peak flows. A single pump equipped with an

    audio-visual alarm system to warn of failure may be used when

    serving only one single-family dwelling.

    2) Protection Against Clogging

    A) Pumps handling combined sewage shall be preceded by

    readily accessible bar racks to protect the pumps from

    clogging or damage. Bar racks should have clear

    openings not exceeding 1 inch. Where a bar rack is

    provided, a mechanical hoist shall also be provided.

    Where the size of the installation warrants,

    mechanically cleaned and/or duplicate bar racks shall be


    B) Pumps handling separate sanitary sewage from 30 inch or

    larger diameter sewers shall be protected by bar racks

    meeting the above requirements. Appropriate protection

    from clogging shall also be considered for small pumping


    3) Pump Openings

    Pumps handling raw sewage shall be capable of passing spheres

    of at least 3 inches in diameter. Pump suction and discharge

    openings shall be at least 4 inches in diameter. Grinder

    pumps that do not meet these requirements may be used solely

    for lift stations with a capacity of 70 gpm or less with the

    largest unit out of service.

    4) Priming

    The pump shall be so placed that under normal operating

    conditions it will operate under a positive suction head,

    except as specified in Section 370.133.

    5) Electrical Equipment

    Electrical systems and components (e.g., motors, lights,

    cables, conduits, switchboxes, control circuits, etc.) in raw

    sewage wet wells, or in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces

    where hazardous concentrations of flammable gases or vapors

    may be present, shall comply with the National Electrical

    Code requirements for Class 1 Group D, Division 1 locations.

    In addition, equipment located in the wet well shall be

    suitable for use under corrosive conditions. Each flexible

    cable shall be provided with water-tight seal and separate

    strain relief. A fused disconnect switch located above

    ground shall be provided for all pumping stations. When such

    equipment is exposed to weather, it shall meet the

    requirements of weatherproof equipment (National Electric

    Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 3R or 4).

    6) Intake

    Each pump shall have an individual intake. Wet well and

    intake design should be such as to avoid turbulence near the

    intake and to prevent vortex formation.

    7) Dry Well Dewatering

    Duplicate sump pumps equipped with dual check valves for each

    pump shall be provided in the dry well to remove leakage or

    drainage with discharge above the maximum high water level of

    the wet well. Water ejectors connected to a potable water

    supply will not be approved. All floor and walkway surfaces

    should have an adequate slope to a point of drainage. Pump

    seal leakage shall be piped or channeled directly to the

    sump. The sump pumps shall be sized to remove the maximum

    pump seal water discharge which would occur in the event of

    a pump seal failure.

    8) Pumping Rates

    The pumps and controls of main pumping stations, and

    especially pumping stations operated as part of treatment

    works, should be selected to operate at varying delivery

    rates. The stations shall be designed to deliver as uniform

    flow as practicable in order to minimize hydraulic surges.

    The peak design flow of the station shall be determined in

    accordance with Sections 370.300(c), 370.310(b) and

    370.520(c) and should be adequate to maintain a minimum

    velocity of 2 feet per second in the force main. Refer to

    Section 370.470(f).

    d) Controls

    Control float tubes and bubbler lines should be so located as not

    to be unduly affected by turbulent flows entering the well or by

    the turbulent suction of the pumps. Provision shall be made to

    automatically alternate the pumps in use.

    e) Valves

    Shutoff valves shall be placed on suction and discharge lines of

    each pump. A check valve shall be placed on each discharge line,

    between the shutoff valve and the pump. Check valves shall not be

    located on a vertical rise unless they are specifically designed

    for such usage.

    f) Wet Wells

    1) Divided Wells

    Where continuity of pumping station operation is critical,

    consideration should be given to dividing the wet well into

    two sections, properly interconnected, to facilitate repairs

    and cleaning.

    2) Size

    The design fill time and minimum pump cycle time shall be

    taken into account in sizing the wet well. The effective

    volume of the wet well shall be based on design average flow

    and a filling time not to exceed 30 minutes unless the

    facility is designed to provide flow equalization. The pump

    manufacturer's duty cycle recommendations shall be used in

    selecting the minimum cycle time. When the anticipated

    initial flow tributary to the pumping station is less than

    the ultimate average design flow, provisions should be made

    so that the holding time indicated is not exceeded for

    initial flows. When the wet well is designed for flow

    equalization as part of a treatment plant, provisions should

    be made to prevent septicity.

    3) Floor Slope

    The wet well floor shall have a minimum slope of 1 to 1 to

    the hopper bottom. The horizontal area of the hopper bottom

    shall be no greater than necessary for proper installation

    and function of the inlet.

    4) Air Displacement

    Covered wet walls shall provide for air displacement open to

    the atmosphere, such as by an inverted "j" tube or similar


    g) Ventilation

    1) General

    Adequate ventilation shall be provided for all pump stations.

    Where the dry well is below the ground surface, mechanical

    ventilation is required. If screens or mechanical equipment

    requiring maintenance or inspection is located in the wet

    well, permanently installed ventiliation is required. There

    shall be no interconnection between the wet well and dry well

    ventilation systems.

    2) Air Inlets and Outlets

    In dry wells over 15 feet deep, multiple inlets and outlets

    should be used. Dampers should not be used on exhaust or

    fresh air ducts and fine screens or other obstructions in air

    ducts should be avoided to prevent clogging.

    3) Electrical Controls

    Switches for operation of ventilation equipment should be

    marked and located conveniently. All intermittently operated

    ventilation equipment shall be interconnected with the

    respective pit lighting system. Consideration should be

    given also to automatic controls where intermittent operation

    is used. The manual lighting ventilation switch shall

    override the automatic controls.

    4) Fans, Heating and Dehumidification

    The fan wheel shall be fabricated from non-sparking material.

    Automatic heating and dehumidification equipment shall be

    provided in all dry wells. The electrical equipment and

    components shall meet the requirements of subsection (c)(5)


    5) Wet Wells

    Wet well ventilation may be either continuous or

    intermittent. Ventilation, if continuous, should provide at

    least 12 complete air changes per hour; if intermittent, at

    least 30 complete air changes per hour. Air shall be forced

    into the wet well by mechanical means rather than exhausted

    from the wet well. Portable ventilation equipment shall be

    provided for use at submersible pump stations and at wet

    wells with no permanently installed ventilation equipment.

    6) Dry Wells

    Dry well ventilation may be either continuous or

    intermittent. Ventilation, if continuous, should provide at

    least 6 complete air changes per hour; if intermittent, at

    least 30 complete air changes per hour. A system of

    two-speed ventilation with an initial ventilation rate of 30

    changes per hour for 10 minutes and an automatic switch-over

    to 6 changes per hour may be used to conserve heat.

    h) Flow Measurement

    Suitable devices for measuring sewage flow shall be provided at

    all pumping stations. Indicating, totalizing and recording flow

    measurement shall be provided at pumping stations with a 1200 gpm

    or greater design peak flow. Elapsed time meters used in

    conjunction with pumping rate tests may be used for pump stations

    with a design peak flow of up to 1200 gpm.

    i) Water Supply

    There shall be no physical connection between any potable water

    supply and a sewage pumping station which under any conditions

    might cause contamination of the potable water supply. If a

    potable water supply is brought to the station, it should comply

    with conditions stipulated under Section 370.146(b)(3). In-line

    backflow preventors shall not be used.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.420 Suction-Lift Pump Stations>>


    a) Pump Priming and Lift Requirements

    Suction lift pumps shall be of the self-priming or vacuum-priming

    type and shall meet the applicable requirements of Section

    370.132. Suction lift pump stations using dynamic suction lifts

    exceeding the limits outlined in the following sections may be

    approved upon submission of factory certification of pump

    performance and detail calculations indicating satisfactory

    performance under the proposed operating conditions. Such

    detailed calculations must include static suction lift as

    measured from "lead pump off" elevation to center line of pump

    suction, friction and other hydraulic losses of the suction

    piping, vapor pressure of the liquid, altitude correction,

    required net positive suction head, and a safety factor of at

    least 6 feet.

    1) Self-priming Pumps

    Self-priming pumps shall be capable of rapid priming and

    repriming at the "lead pump on" elevation. Such self-priming

    and repriming shall be accomplished automatically under

    design operating conditions. Suction piping should not

    exceed the size of the pump suction and shall not exceed 25

    feet in total length. Priming lift at the "lead pump on"

    elevation shall include a safety factor of at least 4 feet

    from the maximum allowable priming lift for the specific

    equipment at design operating conditions. The combined total

    of dynamic suction lift at the "pump off" elevation and

    required net positive suction head at design operating

    conditions shall not exceed 22 feet.

    2) Vacuum-priming Pumps.

    Vacuum-priming pump stations shall be equipped with dual

    vacuum pumps capable of automatically and completely removing

    air from the suction lift pump. The vacuum pumps shall be

    adequately protected from damage due to sewage. The combined

    total of dynamic suction lift at the "pump off" elevation and

    required net positive suction head at design operating

    conditions shall not exceed 22 feet.

    b) Equipment, Wet Well Access and Valve Location

    The pump equipment compartment shall be above grade or offset and

    shall be effectively isolated from the wet well to prevent the

    humid and corrosive sewer atmosphere from entering the equipment

    compartment. Wet well access shall not be through the equipment

    compartment. Wet well access may not be through the equipment

    compartment and shall be at least 24 inches in diameter. Gasketed

    replacements shall be provided to cover the opening to the wet

    well for pump units removed for servicing. Valves shall not be

    located in the wet well.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.430 Submersible Pump Stations - Special Considerations>>


    Submersible pump stations shall meet the applicable requirements under

    Section 370.132, except as modified in this Section.

    a) Construction

    Submersible pumps and motors shall be designed specifically for

    raw sewage use, including totally submerged operation during a

    portion of each pumping cycle, and shall meet the requirements of

    the National Electrical Code (1996). An effective method to

    detect shaft seal failure or potential seal failure shall be


    b) Pump Removal

    Submersible pumps shall be readily removable and replaceable

    without dewatering the wet well or disconnecting any piping in the

    wet well.

    c) Electrical

    1) Power Supply and Control

    Electrical supply, control and alarm circuits shall be

    designed to provide strain relief and to allow disconnection

    from outside the wet well. Terminals and connectors shall be

    protected from corrosion by location outside the wet well or

    through use of watertight seals. If located outside,

    weatherproof equipment shall be used.

    2) Controls

    The motor control center shall be located outside the wet

    well, readily accessible, and be protected by conduit seal or

    other appropriate measures meeting the requirements of the

    National Electrical Code, to prevent the atmosphere of the

    wet well from gaining access to the control center. The

    seal shall be so located that the motor may be removed and

    electrically disconnected without disturbing the seal.

    3) Power Cord

    Pump motor power cords shall be designed for flexibility and

    serviceability under conditions of extra hard usage and shall

    meet the requirements of the National Electric Code (1996)

    for flexible cords in sewage pump stations. Ground fault

    interruption protection shall be used to de-energize the

    circuit in the event of any failure in the electrical

    integrity of the cable. Power cord terminal fittings shall

    be corrosion-resistant and constructed in a manner to prevent

    the entry of moisture into the cable, shall be provided with

    strain relief appurtenances, and shall be designed to

    facilitate field connecting.

    d) Valves

    Valves required under Section 370.132(e) shall be located in a

    separate valve pit. Provision shall be made to remove accumulated

    water from the valve pit. Accumulated water in valve pits deeper

    than 4 feet shall be pumped to the wet well or gravity drained to

    the ground surface. Valve pits 4 feet deep or less may be gravity

    drained to the wet well through a trapped and vented drain that

    meets the applicable requirements found in 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890,

    "Illinois Plumbing Code". Such pits shall have entrances that

    fully expose the pit to the atmosphere. Check valves that are

    integral to the pump need not be located in a separate valve pit

    provided that the valve can be removed from the wet well in

    accordance with subsection (b) above. Provision shall be made for

    the use of portable ventiliation equipment during periods of



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.440 Alarm Systems>>


    Alarm systems shall be provided for pumping stations. The alarm shall be

    activated in cases of power failure, pump failure, unauthorized entry, or

    any cause of pump station malfunction. Pumping station alarms shall be

    telemetered to a municipal facility that is manned 24 hours a day. If such

    a facility is not available and a 24-hour holding capacity is not provided,

    the alarm shall be telemetered to city offices during normal working hours

    and to the home of the person(s) in responsible charge of the lift station

    during off-duty hours. Audio-visual alarm systems with a self-contained

    power supply may be acceptable in some cases in lieu of the telemetering

    system outlined above, depending upon location, station holding capacity

    and inspection frequency.


    <BSection 370.450 Emergency Operation>>


    a) Objective

    The objective of emergency operation is to prevent the discharge

    of raw or partially treated sewage to any waters and to protect

    public health by preventing back-up of sewage and subsequent

    discharge to basements, streets, and other public and private


    b) Emergency Pumping Capability

    Provision of emergency pumping capability is mandatory and may be

    accomplished by connection of the station to at least two

    independent utility substations, or by provision of portable or

    in-place internal combustion engine equipment which will generate

    electrical or mechanical energy, or by the provision of portable

    pumping equipment. Emergency standby systems shall have

    sufficient capacity to start up and maintain the total rated

    running capacity of the station. Regardless of the type of

    emergency standby system provided, a riser from the force main

    with rapid connection capabilities and appropriate valving shall

    be provided for all lift stations to hook up portable pumps.

    c) Emergency High Level Overflows

    For use during possible periods of extensive power outages,

    mandatory power reductions, or uncontrollable emergency

    conditions, consideration should be given to providing a

    controlled, high-level wet well overflow to supplement alarm

    systems and emergency power generation in order to prevent backup

    of sewage into basements, or other discharges which may cause

    severe adverse impacts on public interests, including public

    health and property damage. Where a high level overflow is

    utilized, consideration shall also be given to the installation

    of storage/detention tanks, or basins, which shall be made to

    drain to the station wet well. Where such overflows affect

    public water supplies or waters used for culinary or food

    processing purposes, a storage detention basin, or tank, shall be

    provided having 2-hour detention capacity at the anticipated

    overflow rate.

    d) Equipment Requirements

    1) General

    The following general requirements shall apply to all

    internal combustion engines used to drive auxiliary pumps,

    service pumps through special drives, or electrical

    generating equipment:

    A) Engine Protection

    The engine must be protected from operating conditions

    that would result in damage to equipment. Unless

    continuous manual supervision is planned, protective

    equipment shall be capable of shutting down the engine

    and activating an alarm on site and as provided in

    Section 370.135. Protective equipment shall monitor for

    conditions of low oil pressure and overheating, except

    that oil pressure monitoring will not be required for

    engines with splash lubrication.

    B) Size

    The engine shall have adequate rated power to start and

    continuously operate all connected loads.

    C) Fuel Type

    Reliability and ease of starting, especially during cold

    weather conditions, should be considered in the

    selection of the type of fuel.

    D) Engine Ventilation

    The engine shall be located above grade with adequate

    ventilation of fuel vapors and exhaust gases.

    E) Routine Start-up

    All emergency equipment shall be provided with

    instructions indicating the need for regular starting

    and running of such units at full loads.

    F) Protection of Equipment

    Emergency equipment shall be protected from damage at

    the restoration of regular electrical power.

    2) Engine - Drive Pumping Equipment

    Where permanently-installed or portable engine-driven pumps

    are used, the following requirements in addition to general

    requirements shall apply:

    A) Pumping Capacity

    Engine-drive pumps shall meet the design pumping

    requirements unless storage capacity is available for

    flows in excess of pump capacity. Pumps shall be

    designed for anticipated operating conditions, including

    suction lift if applicable.

    B) Operation

    The engine and pump shall be equipped to provide

    automatic start-up and operation of pumping equipment

    unless manual start-up and operation is justified.

    Provisions shall also be made for manual start-up.

    Where manual start-up and operation is justified,

    storage capacity and alarm system must meet the

    requirements of subsection (d)(2)(C).

    C) Portable Pumping Equipment

    Where part or all of the engine-driven pumping equipment

    is portable, sufficient storage capacity shall be

    provided to allow time for detection of pump station

    failure and transportation and hookup of the portable


    3) Engine-Driven Generating Equipment

    Where permanently-installed or portable engine-driven

    generating equipment is used, the following requirements

    shall apply in addition to general requirements of subsection


    A) Generating Capacity

    i) Generating unit size shall be adequate to provide

    power for pump motor starting current and for

    lighting, ventilation, and other auxiliary

    equipment necessary for safety and proper operation

    of the lift station.

    ii) The operation of only one pump during periods of

    auxiliary power supply must be justified. Such

    justification may be made on the basis of the

    design peak flows relative to single-pump capacity,

    anticipated length of power outage, and storage


    iii) Special sequencing controls shall be provided to

    start pump motors unless the generating equipment

    has capacity to start all pumps simultaneously with

    auxiliary equipment operating.

    B) Operation

    Provisions shall be made for automatic and manual

    start-up and load transfer unless only manual start-up

    and operation is justified. The generator must be

    protected from operating conditions that would result in

    damage to equipment. Provisions should be considered to

    allow the engine to start and stabilize at operating

    speed before assuming the load. Where manual start-up

    and transfer is justified, storage capacity and alarm

    system must meet the requirements of subsection


    C) Portable Generating Equipment

    Where portable generating equipment or manual transfer

    is provided, sufficient storage capacity shall be

    provided to allow time for detection of pump station

    failure and transportation and connection of generating

    equipment. The use of special electrical connections

    and double throw switches are recommended for connecting

    portable generating equipment.

    4) Independent Utility Substations

    Where independent substations are used for emergency power,

    each separate substation and its associated transmission

    lines must be capable of starting and operating the pump

    station at its rated capacity.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.460 Instructions and Equipment>>


    Sewage pumping stations and portable equipment shall be supplied with a

    complete set of operational instructions, including emergency procedures,

    maintenance schedules, tools and such spare parts as may be necessary.


    <BSection 370.470 Force Mains>>


    a) Velocity and Diameter

    At design pumping rates, a cleansing velocity of at least 2 feet

    per second should be maintained. Lower velocities may be

    permitted for very small installations. The minimum force main

    diameter for raw sewage shall be 4 inches except for grinder pump

    lift stations as allowed under Section 370.410(c)(3).

    b) Air and Vacuum Relief Valve

    An air relief valve shall be placed at high points in the force

    main to prevent air locking. Vacuum relief valves may be

    necessary to relieve negative pressure on force mains. Force main

    configuration and head conditions shall be evaluated as to the

    need for and placement of vacuum relief valves.

    c) Termination

    Force mains should enter the gravity sewer system at a point not

    more than 2 feet above the flow line of the receiving manhole.

    d) Design Pressure

    The force mains and fittings, including reaction blocking, shall

    be designed to withstand normal pressure and pressure surges

    (water hammer). The need for surge protection chambers shall be


    e) Special Construction

    Force main construction near streams or water works structures and

    at water main crossings shall meet applicable provisions of

    Sections 370.125 and 370.126.

    f) Design Friction Losses

    1) Friction losses through force mains shall be based on the

    Hazen and Williams formula or other acceptable methods. When

    the Hazen and Williams formula is used, the value for "C"

    shall be 100 for unlined iron or steel pipe for design. For

    other smooth pipe materials such as polyvinyl chloride,

    polyethylene or lined ductile iron, a higher "C" value not to

    exceed 120 may be allowed for design.

    2) When initially installed, force mains will have a

    significantly higher "C" factor. The effect of the higher

    "C" factor should be considered in calculating maximum power

    requirements and duty cycle time to prevent damage to the


    g) Identification

    Where force mains are constructed of material which might cause

    the force main to be confused with potable water mains, the force

    main shall be appropriately identified.

    h) Flexible Pipe Force Main Embedment

    Embedment bedding (haunching and initial backfill as depicted in

    ASTM D2321-89, Figure (1)) shall be in accordance with Section

    20-2.21 A and 20.2.21 B of Standard Specifications for Water and

    Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, 5th ed. (1996)(no later

    editions or amendments).

    i) Leakage Testing

    Leakage testing shall be specified, including testing methods and

    leakage limits.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.500 Plant Location>>


    a) General

    The following items shall be considered when selecting a plant


    1) Proximity to residential areas.

    2) Direction of prevailing winds.

    3) Necessary routing to provide accessibility by all weather


    4) Area available for expansion.

    5) Local zoning requirements.

    6) Local soil characteristics, geology, and topography available

    to minimize pumping.

    7) Access to receiving stream.

    8) Compatibility of treatment process with the present and

    planned future land use, including noise, potential odors,

    air quality, and anticipated sludge processing and disposal


    9) The requirements of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act

    [415 ILCS 55].

    b) Critical Sites

    Where a site must be used which is critical with respect to the

    items in subsection (a), appropriate measures shall be taken to

    minimize adverse impacts.

    c) Flood Protection

    The treatment works structures, electrical and mechanical

    equipment shall be protected from physical damage by the maximum

    100 year flood. Treatment works shall remain fully operational

    during the 25 year flood. This requirement applies to new

    construction and to existing facilities undergoing major

    modification. Flood plain regulations of State and Federal

    agencies shall be considered.

    d) Plant Accessibility

    All plant facilities shall be accessible by an all weather road.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.510 Quality of Effluent>>


    The required degree of wastewater treatment shall be established by

    reference to applicable effluent and water quality standards contained in

    35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle C, Chapter I unless more stringent limitations

    have been established.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.520 Design>>


    a) Type of Treatment

    1) As a minimum, the following items shall be considered in the

    selection of the type of treatment:

    A) Present and future effluent requirements.

    B) Location and local topography of the plant site.

    C) The effects of industrial wastes likely to be


    D) Ultimate disposal of sludge.

    E) System capital costs.

    F) System operating and maintenance costs and basic energy


    G) Existing unit process performance and capacity.

    H) Process complexity governing operating personnel


    I) Environmental impact on present and future adjacent land


    2) The plant design shall provide the necessary flexibility to

    perform satisfactorily within the expected range of waste

    characteristics and volumes.

    b) Required Engineering Data for New Process Evaluation

    1) The policy of the Agency is to encourage rather than obstruct

    the development of any methods or equipment for treatment of

    wastewaters. The lack of inclusion in these standards of

    some types of wastewater treatment processes or equipment

    should not be construed as precluding their use. The Agency

    may approve other types of wastewater treatment processes and

    equipment under the condition that the operational

    reliability and effectiveness of the process or device shall

    have been demonstrated with a suitably-sized prototype unit

    operating at its design load conditions, to the extent


    2) To determine that such new processes and equipment have a

    reasonable and substantial chance of success, the Agency will

    require the following:

    A) Monitoring observations, including test results and

    engineering evaluations, demonstrating the efficiency of

    such processes.

    B) Detailed description of the test methods.

    C) Testing, including appropriately-composited samples,

    under various ranges of strength and flow rates

    (including diurnal variations) and waste temperatures

    over a sufficient length of time to demonstrate

    performance under climatic and other conditions which

    may be encountered in the area of the proposed


    D) Other appropriate information.

    3) The Agency will require that appropriate testing be conducted

    and evaluations be made under the supervision of a competent

    process engineer other than those employed by the

    manufacturer or developer.

    c) Design Loads

    1) Hydraulic Design

    A) New Systems

    Plans for sewage treatment plants to serve new sewer

    systems for municipalities or sewer districts shall be

    based upon a design average daily flow of at least 100

    gallons per capita, to which must be added industrial

    waste volumes. The design also shall include

    appropriate allowance for flow conditions determined

    under Section 370.122.

    B) Existing Systems

    Where there is an existing sewer system, the volume and

    rates of the existing sewage flows shall be determined.

    The determination shall include both dry weather and wet

    weather flows. At least one year's flow data should be

    used to determine the design flows that are defined in

    Section 370.220.

    C) Treatment Plant Design Capacity

    The treatment plant capacity shall be rated on the

    design average flow, selected after any sewer system

    rehabilitation, plus appropriate future growth. The

    design of treatment units that are not subject to peak

    flow requirements shall be based on the design average

    flow. For plants subject to high wet weather flows or

    overflow detention pumpback flows, the design maximum

    flow that the plant is to treat on a sustained basis

    must be specified.

    2) Organic Design

    A) New Systems Minimum Design

    i) Domestic waste treatment design shall be on the

    basis of at least 0.17 pounds of biochemical oxygen

    demand (BOD5) per capita per day and 0.20 pounds of

    suspended solids per capita per day.

    ii) When garbage grinders are used in areas tributary

    to a domestic treatment plant, the design basis

    should be increased to 0.22 pounds of BOD5 and

    0.25 pounds of suspended solids per capita per


    iii) Domestic waste treatment plants that will receive

    industrial wastewater flows shall be designed to

    include these industrial waste loads.

    B) Existing Systems

    When an existing treatment works is to be upgraded or

    expanded, organic design shall be based upon the actual

    strength of the wastewater as determined from

    measurements taken in accordance with subsection

    (c)(1)(B), with an appropriate increment for growth as

    determined under the provisions of subsection (c)(2)(A).

    3) Shock Effects

    Domestic waste treatment designs shall consider and take into

    account the shock effect of high concentrations and diurnal

    peaks for short periods on the treatment process,

    particularly for small waste treatment plants serving

    institutions, restaurants, schools, etc.

    4) Design by Analogy

    Data from similar existing systems may be utilized in the

    case of new systems; however, thorough investigation and

    adequate documentation shall be made to establish the

    reliability and applicability of such data.

    d) Conduits

    1) All piping and channels shall be designed to carry the

    maximum expected flows. The incoming sewer shall be designed

    for unrestricted flow. Bottom corners of the channels must

    be filleted. Conduits shall be designed to avoid creation of

    pockets and corners where solids can accumulate.

    2) Suitable gates should be placed in channels to seal off

    unused sections which might accumulate solids. The use of

    shear gates is permitted where they can be used in place of

    gate valves or sluice gates. Non-corrodible materials shall

    be used for these control gates.

    e) Arrangement of Units

    Component parts of the plant should be arranged for greatest

    operating convenience, flexibility, economy, continuity of maximum

    effluent quality, and so as to facilitate installation of future


    f) Flow Division Control

    Flow division control facilities shall be provided as necessary to

    insure organic and hydraulic loading control to plant process

    units and shall be designed for easy operator access, change,

    observation, and maintenance. The use of head boxes equipped with

    sharp-crested weirs or similar devices are recommended. The use

    of valves for flow splitting is not acceptable. Appropriate flow

    measurement shall be incorporated in the flow division control


    g) Load Equalization and Attenuation

    1) Equalization of hydraulic and organic loads to downstream

    treatment units is recommended where the peak hourly load

    exceeds 300% of the design average load. Particular

    attention shall be given to equalization of pumped flows to

    limit hydraulic surges on downstream units.

    2) Plants proposed to receive sewage wastes from only

    institutions (motels, schools, hospitals, nursing homes,

    etc.) or industries which discharge substantially the total

    flow in 12 hours or less, shall be designed to include flow

    equalization. Where flow equalization facilities are

    provided, the design shall include adequate aeration and

    mixing equipment to prevent septicity.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.530 Plant Details>>


    a) Installation of Mechanical Equipment

    The specifications shall be so written that the installation and

    initial operation of major items of mechanical equipment will be

    inspected and approved by a representative of the manufacturer.

    b) Bypasses

    Properly located and arranged bypass structures and piping shall

    be provided so that each unit of the plant can be removed from

    service independently. The bypass design shall facilitate plant

    operation during unit maintenance and emergency repair so as to

    minimize deterioration of effluent quality and insure rapid

    process recovery upon return to normal operational mode.

    c) Unit Bypass and Wastewater Pumpage During Construction

    Final plans and specifications for upgrading or expanding existing

    treatment plants shall include construction scheduling of any unit

    bypassing, and appropriate temporary wastewater pumpage acceptable

    to the Agency to minimize temporary water quality degradation.

    Refer to Section 370.260.

    d) Drains and Buoyancy Protection

    1) Means shall be provided to dewater each unit. Pipes subject

    to clogging shall be provided with means for mechanical

    cleaning or flushing.

    2) Due consideration should be given to the possible need for

    hydrostatic pressure relief devices to prevent flotation of


    e) Construction Materials

    Due consideration should be given to the selection of materials

    which are to be used in sewage treatment works because of the

    possible presence of hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive gases,

    greases, oils, and similar constituents frequently present in

    sewage. This is particularly important in the selection of metals

    and paints. Dissimilar metals should be avoided to minimize

    galvanic action.

    f) Painting

    The use of paints containing mercury should be avoided. In order

    to facilitate identification of piping, particularly in the large

    plants, it is suggested that the different lines be color coded.

    The following color scheme is recommended for purposes of


    1) Sludge line - brown

    2) Gas line - orange

    3) Potable water line - blue

    4) Non-potable water line - blue with 3 inch yellow band spaced

    30 inches apart

    5) Chlorine line - yellow

    6) Sewage line - gray

    7) Compressed air line - green

    8) Water lines for heating digesters or buildings - blue with a

    6-inch red band spaced 30 inches apart

    9) Sulfur dioxide line - yellow with red bands.

    10) The contents shall be stenciled on the piping, labeling the

    contents in a contrasting color.

    g) Operating Equipment

    A complete outfit of tools, accessories (such as portable pump and

    ventilation blowers, etc.), and spare parts necessary for the

    plant operators use shall be provided. Readily accessible storage

    space and work bench facilities shall be provided. Consideration

    shall be given to provision of a garage storage area for large

    equipment storage, maintenance, and repair.

    h) Erosion Control During Construction

    Effective site erosion control shall be provided during


    i) Grading and Landscaping

    Upon completion of the plant, the ground should be graded and

    seeded. Concrete or gravel walkways should be provided for access

    to all units. Where possible, steep slopes should be avoided to

    prevent erosion. Surface water shall not be permitted to drain

    into any unit. Particular care shall be taken to protect

    trickling filter beds, sludge beds, and intermittent sand filters

    from storm water runoff. Landscaping shall be provided when a

    plant must be located near residential areas.

    j) Confined Spaces

    The number of confined spaces should be minimized for safety



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.540 Plant Outfalls>>


    a) Discharge Impact Control

    The outfall sewer shall be designed to discharge to the receiving

    stream in a manner acceptable to the Agency. Consideration

    should be given in each case to the following:

    1) Preference for free fall or submerged discharge at the site


    2) Utilization of cascade aeration of effluent discharge to

    increase dissolved oxygen.

    3) Limited or complete across-stream dispersion as needed to

    protect aquatic life movement and growth in the immediate

    reaches of the receiving stream.

    b) Design and Construction

    The outfall sewer shall be so constructed and protected against

    the effects of flood water, waves, ice, or other hazards as to

    reasonably insure its structural stability and freedom from

    stoppage. A manhole should be provided at the shore end of all

    gravity sewers extending into the receiving waters. Hazards to

    navigation shall be considered in designing outfall sewers.

    c) Sampling Provisions

    All outfalls shall be designed so that a sample of the effluent

    can be readily obtained at a point after the final treatment

    process and before discharge to or mixing with the receiving



    <BSection 370.550 Essential Facilities>>


    a) Emergency Power or Pumping Facilities

    1) All plants shall be provided with an alternate source of

    electric power or pumping capability to allow continuity of

    operation during power failures. Methods of providing power

    or pumping capability include:

    A) The connection to at least 2 independent public utility

    sources such as substations. A power line from each

    substation into the treatment plant with capability for

    switchover to the second power source by plant operating

    personnel will be required.

    B) Portable or in place internal combustion engine

    equipment which will generate electrical or mechanical

    energy. Refer to Section 370.136(d).

    C) Portable pumping equipment when only emergency pumping

    is required. Refer to Section 370.136(d).

    2) Standby Generating Capacity Requirements

    Standby generating capacity normally is not required for

    aeration equipment used in the activated sludge process. In

    cases where a history of long term (4 hours or more) power

    outages have occurred, auxiliary power for minimum aeration

    of the activated sludge will be required.

    3) Degree of Treatment Required

    No reduction in degree of treatment due to power outages will

    be allowed when the wastewater is to be treated by

    installations using trickling filters, waste stabilization

    ponds and/or other low energy usage treatment devices.

    4) Continuity of Disinfection

    The design shall provide for continuous disinfection during

    all power outages, if required due to critical outfall

    locations and receiving waters.

    5) Continuity of Dechlorination

    For facilities using dechlorination equipment, the design

    shall provide for continuous dechlorination during all power

    outages, if required due to critical outfall locations and

    receiving waters.

    b) Water Supply

    1) General

    An adequate supply of potable water under pressure should be

    provided for use in the laboratory and general cleanliness

    around the plant. No piping or other connections shall exist

    in any part of the treatment works which, under any

    conditions, might cause the contamination of a potable water


    2) Direct Connections

    A) Potable water from a municipal or separate supply may be

    used directly at points above grade for the following

    hot and cold supplies:

    i) Lavatory sink

    ii) Water closet

    iii) Laboratory sink (with vacuum breaker)

    iv) Shower

    v) Drinking fountain

    vi) Eye wash fountain

    vii) Safety shower

    viii) Fire protection sprinklers

    B) Hot water for any of the above units shall not be taken

    directly from a boiler used for supplying hot water to a

    sludge heat exchanger or digester heating unit.

    3) Indirect Connections

    A) Where a potable water supply is to be used for any

    purpose in a plant other than those listed in subsection

    (b)(2)(A), a break tank, pressure pump and pressure tank

    shall be provided. Water shall be discharged to the

    break tank through an air-gap at least 6 inches above

    the maximum flood line or the spill line of the tank,

    whichever is higher. A sketch of an acceptable break

    tank is contained in Appendix G, Figure No. 4. In-line

    backflow preventers are not acceptable.

    B) A sign shall be permanently posted at every hose bib,

    faucet, or sill cock located on the water system beyond

    the break tank to indicate that the water is not safe

    for drinking.

    4) Separate Potable Water Supply

    Where it is not possible to provide potable water from a

    public water supply, a separate well may be provided.

    Location and construction of the well should comply with

    requirements of the governing State and local regulations.

    Requirements governing the use of the supply are those

    contained in subsections (b)(2) and (b)(3).

    5) Separate Non-Potable Water Supply

    Where a separate non-potable water supply is to be provided,

    a break tank will not be necessary, but all sill cocks and

    hose bibs shall be posted with a permanent sign indicating

    the water is not safe for drinking.

    c) Sanitary Facilities

    Toilet, shower, and lavatory should be provided in sufficient

    numbers and at convenient locations to serve the expected plant


    d) Floor Slope

    Floor surfaces shall be sloped adequately to a point of drainage.

    e) Stairways

    Stairways shall be installed in lieu of ladders for access to

    those units requiring inspection and maintenance, including but

    not limited to trickling filters, digesters, aeration tanks,

    clarifiers and tertiary filters. Spiral or winding stairs are

    permitted only for secondary access where dual means of egress are

    provided. Stairways shall have slopes between 30 and 40 degrees

    from the horizontal to facilitate carrying samples, tools, etc.

    Each tread and riser shall be of uniform dimension in each flight.

    Minimum tread run shall not be less than 9 inches. The sum of the

    tread run and riser shall not be less than 17 nor more than 18

    inches. A flight of stairs shall consist of not more than a 12

    foot continuous rise without a platform.

    f) Flow Measurement

    1) Flow measurement facilities shall be provided so as to

    measure the following flows:

    A) Plant effluent flow.

    B) Plant influent flow, if significantly different from

    plant effluent flow, such as for lagoons and plants with

    excess flow storage or flow equalization.

    C) Excess flow treatment facility discharges.

    D) Other flows required to be monitored under the

    provisions of an NPDES discharge permit.

    E) Flows required for plant operational control, including

    but not limited to return activated sludge flow, waste

    activated sludge flow, recirculation flow and recycle


    2) Indicating, totalizing and recording flow measurement devices

    shall be provided for all mechanical plants for all flows

    except those specified in subsection (f)(1)(E) above. Flow

    measurement equipment for lagoon systems shall consist of, at

    a minimum, elapsed time meters used in conjunction with

    pumping rate test or calibrated weirs. All flow measurement

    equipment must be sized to function effectively in the full

    range of flows expected and shall be protected against


    3) Flow measurement equipment including entrance and discharge

    conduit configuration and critical control elevations shall

    be designed to ensure that the required hydraulic conditions

    necessary for accurate measurement are provided. Conditions

    that must be avoided include turbulence, eddy currents, air

    entrainment, etc., that upset the normal hydraulic conditions

    that are necessary.

    g) Sampling Equipment

    Effluent composite sampling equipment shall be provided at all

    mechanical plants and at other facilities where necessary to meet

    discharge permit monitoring requirements.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.560 Safety>>


    a) Adequate provision shall be made to effectively protect the

    operator and visitors from hazards. The following shall be

    provided to fulfill the particular needs of each plant:

    1) Enclosure of the plant site with a fence designed to

    discourage the entrance of unauthorized persons and animals.

    2) Installation of hand rails and guards around all tanks, pits,

    stairwells, and other hazardous structures.

    3) Provision of first aid equipment at marked locations.

    4) Posting of "No Smoking" signs in hazardous areas.

    5) Protective clothing and equipment such as air packs, goggles,

    gloves, hard hats, safety harnesses and hearing protection.

    6) Provision of portable blower and sufficient hose.

    7) Portable lighting equipment that complies with the National

    Electrical Code.

    8) Appropriately placed warning signs for slippery areas,

    non-potable water fixtures, low head clearance areas, open

    service manhole, hazardous chemical storage areas, flammable

    fuel storage areas, etc.

    9) Smoke and fire detectors, fire extinguishers, and appropriate

    waste receptacles.

    10) Provisions for confined space entry in accordance with the

    requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and

    any other applicable regulatory requirements.

    b) Hazardous Chemical Handling

    1) Containment Materials

    The materials utilized for storage, piping, valves, pumping,

    metering, splash guards, etc., shall be specially selected

    considering the physical and chemical characteristics of each

    hazardous or corrosive chemical.

    2) Secondary Containment and Storage

    A) Wet and Dry Chemicals

    Chemical storage areas shall be enclosed in dikes or

    curbs which will contain the stored volume until it can

    be safely transferred to alternate storage or released

    to the wastewater at controlled rates which will not

    damage facilities, inhibit the treatment processes, or

    contribute to stream pollution. Liquid polymer should

    be similarly contained to reduce areas with slippery

    floors, especially to protect travelways. Non-slip

    floor surfaces are desirable in polymer handling areas.

    B) Liquified Gas Chemicals

    Chlorine and sulfur dioxide cylinder and container

    storage shall meet the requirements of Sections 370.1020

    and 370.1040. Ammonia gas cylinder isolation shall be

    provided. Gas cylinder storage facilities shall be

    equipped with appropriate alarm system and emergency

    repair equipment and control system.

    3) Eye Wash Fountains and Safety Showers

    A) Eye wash fountains and safety showers utilizing potable

    water shall be provided in the laboratory and on each

    floor level or work location involving hazardous or

    corrosive chemical storage, mixing (or slaking),

    pumping, metering, or transportation unloading. These

    facilities are to be as close as practical to possible

    chemical exposure sites and are to be fully useful

    during all weather conditions. The eye wash fountains

    shall be supplied with water of moderate temperature

    (50   - 90   Fahrenheit (F)), separate from the hot water

    supply, suitable to provide 15 minutes to 30 minutes of

    continuous irrigation of the eyes.

    B) The emergency showers shall be capable of discharging 30

    to 50 gallons per minute (gpm) of water at moderate (50  

    - 90   F) temperature at pressures of 20 to 50 pounds

    per square inch (psi). The eye wash fountains and

    showers shall be no more than 25 feet from points of

    caustic exposure.

    4) Splash Guards

    All pumps or feeders for hazardous or corrosive chemicals

    shall have guards which will effectively prevent spray of

    chemicals into space occupied by personnel. The splash

    guards are in addition to guards to prevent injury from

    moving or rotating machinery parts.

    5) Piping, Labeling, Coupling Guards, Location

    A) All piping containing or transporting corrosive or

    hazardous chemicals shall be identified with labels

    every ten feet and with at least two labels in each

    room, closet, or pipe chase. Color coding may also be

    used, but is not an adequate substitute for labeling.

    B) All connections (flanged or other type), except adjacent

    to storage or feeder areas, shall have guards which will

    direct any leakage away from space occupied by

    personnel. Pipes containing hazardous or corrosive

    chemicals should not be located above shoulder level

    except where continuous drip collection trays and

    coupling guards will eliminate chemical spray or

    dripping onto personnel.

    6) Protective Clothing and Equipment

    The following items of protective clothing or equipment shall

    be available and utilized for all operations or procedures

    where their use will minimize injury hazard to personnel:

    A) Air pack breathing apparatus for protection against

    chlorine and other toxic gases.

    B) Chemical workers' goggles or other suitable goggles.

    (Safety glasses are insufficient.)

    C) Face masks or shields for use over goggles.

    D) Dust masks to protect the lungs in dry chemical areas.

    E) Rubber gloves.

    F) Rubber aprons with leg straps.

    G) Rubber boots (leather and wool clothing should be

    avoided near caustics).

    H) Safety harness and line.

    7) Warning Systems and Signs

    A) Facilities shall be provided for automatic shutdown of

    pumps and sounding of alarms when failure occurs in a

    pressurized chemical discharge line.

    B) Warning signs requiring use of goggles and dust masks

    shall be located near chemical unloading stations,

    pumps, and other points of frequent hazard.

    8) Dust Collection

    Dust collection equipment shall be provided where dry

    chemicals are stored or used to protect personnel from dusts

    injurious to the lungs or skin and to prevent polymer dust

    from settling on walkways which become slick when wet.

    9) Container Identification

    The identification and hazard warning data included on

    shipping containers, when received, shall appear on all

    containers (regardless of size or type) used to store, carry,

    or use a hazardous substance. Sewage and sludge sample

    containers should be adequately labeled. Below is a suitable

    label to identify a sewage sample as a hazardous substance:


    <PRaw Sewage>>


    Sample Point No. <P >>

    Contains Harmful Bacteria.


    May contain hazardous or

    toxic material.


    Do not drink or swallow.


    Avoid contact with openings

    or breaks in the skin.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.570 Laboratory>>


    a) All treatment works shall include a laboratory for making the

    necessary analytical determinations and operating control tests,

    except for those plants utilizing only processes not requiring

    laboratory testing for plant control and satisfactory off-site

    laboratory provisions are made to meet the permit monitoring

    requirements. For plants where a fully equipped laboratory is not

    required, the requirements for utilities and equipment such as

    fume hoods may be reduced or omitted.

    b) The laboratory shall have sufficient size, bench space, equipment

    and supplies to perform all self-monitoring analytical work

    required by discharge permits, and to perform the process control

    tests necessary for good management of each treatment process

    included in the design.

    c) The facilities and supplies necessary to perform analytical work

    to support industrial waste control programs will normally be

    included in the same laboratory. The laboratory size and

    arrangement must be sufficiently flexible and adaptable to

    accomplish these assignments. The layout should consider future

    needs for expansion in the event that more analytical work is


    d) Location and Space

    1) The laboratory should be located on ground level, easily

    accessible to all sampling points, with environmental control

    as an important consideration. It shall be located in a

    separate room or building away from vibrating machinery or

    equipment which might have adverse effects on the performance

    of laboratory instruments or the analyst, or shall be

    designed to prevent structural transmission of machine

    vibration. The floor and wall construction shall be

    designed to keep out machine noise (blowers, pumps, etc.).

    The following minimum conditions shall be met:

    A) Blowers, pumps, etc., must be located on a separate

    floor pad.

    B) Common walls between machinery rooms must be

    double-walled with sound insulation between the walls.

    Connecting doors or windows to machinery rooms are not


    C) Common attic space shall be blocked off and effective

    sound proof material provided in the ceiling.

    2) A minimum of 400 square feet of floor space should be

    allocated for the laboratory. Less space may be allowed if

    the sampling and analysis program, approved by the Agency,

    does not require a full-time laboratory chemist. If more

    than two persons normally will be working in the laboratory

    at any given time, 100 square feet of additional space should

    be provided for each additional person. Bench-top working

    surface should occupy at least 35 percent of the total floor


    3) Minimum ceiling height should be 8 feet 6 inches. If

    possible, this height should be increased to provide for the

    installation of wall-mounted water stills, distillation

    racks, and other equipment with extended height requirements.

    4) Additional floor and bench space should be provided to

    facilitate performance of analysis of industrial wastes, as

    required by the discharge permit and the utilities industrial

    waste pretreatment program. The above minimum space does not

    provide office or administration space.

    e) Materials

    1) Ceilings

    Acoustical tile should be used for ceilings except in high

    humidity areas where they should be constructed of cement

    plaster. Materials containing asbestos shall not be used.

    2) Walls

    For ease of maintenance and a pleasant working environment,

    light-colored ceramic tile should be used from floor to

    ceiling for all interior walls.

    3) Floors

    Floor surface materials shall be fire resistant and highly

    resistant to acids, alkalies, solvents, and salts.

    4) Doors

    A) Two exit doors should be located to permit a straight

    egress from the laboratory, preferably at least one to

    outside the building. Panic hardware should be used.

    They should have large glass windows for easy visibility

    of approaching or departing personnel.

    B) Automatic door closers should be installed; swinging

    doors should not be used.

    C) Flush hardware should be provided on doors if cart

    traffic is anticipated. Kick plates are also


    f) Cabinets and Bench Tops

    1) Cabinets

    A) Wall-hung cabinets are useful for dust-free storage of

    instruments and glassware.

    B) Units with sliding glass doors are preferable. They

    should be hung so the top shelf is easily accessible to

    the analyst. Thirty inches from the bench top is


    C) One or more cupboard-style base cabinets should be

    provided for storing large items; however, drawer units

    are preferred for the remaining cabinets. Drawers

    should slide out so that entire contents are easily

    visible. They should be provided with rubber bumpers

    and with stops which prevent accidental removal.

    Drawers should be supported on ball bearings or nylon

    rollers which pull easily in adjustable steel channels.

    All metal drawer fronts should be double-wall

    construction. All cabinet shelving should be acid

    resistant and adjustable from inside the cabinet.

    2) Bench Tops

    Generally, bench-top height should be 36 inches. However,

    areas to be used exclusively for sit-down type operations

    should be 30 inches high and include kneehole space.

    One-inch overhangs and drip grooves should be provided to

    keep liquid spills from running along the face of the

    cabinet. Tops should be furnished in large sections, 1 1/4

    inches thick. They should be field joined into a continuous

    surface with acid, alkali, and solvent-resistant cements

    which are at least as strong as the material of which the top

    is made.

    3) Utility Accessories

    Water, gas, air, and vacuum service fixtures; traps,

    strainers, overflows, plugs and tailpieces; and all

    electrical service fixtures shall be supplied with the

    laboratory furniture.

    g) Hoods

    Fume hoods to promote safety and canopy hoods over heat-releasing

    equipment shall be installed.

    1) Fume Hoods

    A) Location

    i) Fume hoods should be located where air disturbance

    at the face of the hood is minimal. Air

    disturbance may be created by persons walking past

    the hood; by heating, ventilating or

    air-conditioning systems; by drafts from opening or

    closing a door; etc.

    ii) Safety factors should be considered in locating a

    hood. If a hood is situated near a doorway, a

    secondary means of egress must be provided. Bench

    surfaces should be available next to the hood so

    that chemicals need not be carried long distances.

    B) Design and Materials

    i) The selection of fume hoods, their design and

    materials of construction, must be made by

    considering the variety of analytical work to be

    performed and the characteristics of the fumes,

    chemicals, gases, or vapors that will or may be

    released. Special design and construction is

    necessary if perchloric acid use is anticipated.

    Consideration should be given for providing more

    than one fume hood to minimize potential hazardous

    conditions throughout the laboratory.

    ii) Fume hoods are not appropriate for operation of

    heat-releasing equipment that does not contribute

    to hazards, unless they are provided in addition to

    those needed to perform hazardous tasks.

    C) Fixtures

    i) One cup sink should be provided inside each fume


    ii) All switches, electrical outlets, and utility and

    baffle adjustment handles should be located outside

    the hood. Light fixtures should be


    D) Exhaust

    Continuous duty exhaust capability should be provided.

    Exhaust fans should be explosion-proof. Exhaust

    velocities should be checked when fume hoods are


    E) Alarms

    A buzzer for indicating exhaust fan failure and a static

    pressure gauge should be placed in the exhaust duct. A

    high temperature sensing device located inside the hood

    should be connected to the buzzer.

    2) Canopy Hoods

    Canopy hoods should be installed over the bench-top areas

    where hot plate, steam bath, or other heating equipment or

    heat-releasing instruments are used. The canopy should be

    constructed of steel, plastic, or equivalent material, and

    finished with enamel to blend with other laboratory


    h) Sinks

    1) The laboratory should have a minimum of 3 sinks (not

    including cup sinks). At least 2 of them should be

    double-well with drainboards. Additional sinks should be

    provided in separate work areas as needed, and identified for

    the use intended.

    2) Waste openings should be located toward the back so that a

    standing overflow will not interfere. All water fixtures on

    which hoses may be used should be provided with reduced zone

    pressure backflow preventers to prevent contamination of

    water lines.

    3) The sinks should be constructed of material highly resistant

    to acids, alkalies, solvents, and salts, and should be

    abrasion and heat resistant, non-absorbent, light in weight

    and have all appropriate characteristics for laboratory

    applications. Traps should be made of glass, plastic, or

    lead and easily accessible for cleaning.

    i) Ventilation and Lighting

    1) Laboratories shall be separately air conditioned and

    dehumidification shall be provided where laboratory control

    tests procedures will be affected by high humidity

    conditions. Separate exhaust ventilation outlet locations

    (fume and heat hoods, room air, etc.) shall be provided

    remote from ventilation intakes.

    2) Adequate lighting, free from shadows, shall be provided to

    permit reading of laboratory instrument dials, glassware

    calibrations, etc.

    j) Gas and Vacuum

    1) Natural or bottled gas should be supplied to the laboratory.

    Digester gas should not be used.

    2) An adequately-sized line source of vacuum should be provided

    with outlets available throughout the laboratory.

    k) Balance and Table

    An analytical balance of the automatic, digital readout, single

    pan, 0.1 milligram sensitivity type shall be provided. A heavy

    special-design balance table which will minimize vibration of the

    balance shall be provided. It shall be located as far as

    practical from windows, doors, or other sources of drafts or air

    movements, so as to minimize undesirable impacts from these

    sources upon the balance.

    l) Equipment, Supplies and Reagents

    The laboratory shall be provided with all of the equipment,

    supplies, and reagents that are needed to carry out all of the

    facility's analytical testing requirements. Discharge permit,

    process control, and industrial waste monitoring requirements

    must be considered when specifying equipment needs. References

    such as Standard Methods and the USEPA Analytical Procedures

    Manual should be consulted prior to specifying equipment items.

    m) Power Supply Regulation

    1) To eliminate voltage fluctuation, electrical lines supplying

    the laboratory should be controlled with a constant voltage,

    harmonic neutralized type of transformer. This transformer

    should contain less than 3% total root mean square (rms)

    harmonic content in the output, should regulate to <P+>>1% for an

    input range of <P+>>15% of nominal voltage, with an output of 118

    volts. For higher voltage requirements, the 240-volt lines

    should be similarly regulated.

    2) Electrical devices in the laboratory not requiring a

    regulated supply (i.e., ordinary resistance heating devices)

    that are non-portable may be wired to an unregulated supply.

    n) Laboratory Grade Water Source

    A laboratory grade water source, with at least one gallon per hour

    capacity, shall be installed complete with all utility

    connections. The type of treatment used to produce laboratory

    grade water shall be based on the quality of water required for

    the tests to be performed at the plant. Laboratory water

    treatment devices shall be constructed of materials that are

    compatible with the water to be treated and produced.

    o) Laboratory Safety Equipment

    Laboratory safety equipment shall be provided in accordance with

    the requirements of Section 370.560(a)(3), (a)(9), (b)(3) and



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.600 General Considerations>>


    a) Safety

    Safety Features Relative to Location

    1) Railings and Gratings

    A) Manually cleaned channels shall be protected by guard

    railings and deck gratings, with adequate provisions for

    removal or opening to facilitate raking.

    B) Mechanically cleaned channels shall be protected by

    guard railings and deck gratings. Consideration should

    also be given to temporary access arrangements to

    facilitate maintenance and repair.

    2) Mechanical Devices

    A) Mechanical screening equipment shall have adequate

    removable enclosures to protect personnel against

    accidental contact with moving parts and to prevent

    dripping in multi-level installations.

    B) A positive means of locking out each mechanical device

    shall be provided.

    3) Units and Equipment in Deep Pits

    Manually cleaned screens located in pits deeper than 4 feet

    shall be provided with stairway access, adequate lighting and

    ventiliation, and convenient and adequate means for removing

    screenings. Access ladders may be used instead of steps in

    pits less than 4 feet deep. Hoisting or lifting equipment

    shall be used where necessitated by the depth of the pit or

    the amount of material to be removed.

    4) In Buildings

    Units and equipment installed in buildings where other

    equipment or offices are located shall be isolated from the

    rest of the building, and shall be provided with separate

    outside entrances and separate and independent means of


    5) Ventilation

    A) Adequate ventilation shall be provided for installations

    described in subsections (a)(3) and (4). Ventilation

    may either be continuous or intermittent. If

    continuous, ventilation shall provide at least 12

    complete air changes per hour; if intermittent,

    ventilation shall provide at least 30 complete air

    changes per hour.

    B) Where the pit is deeper than 4 feet mechanical

    ventilation is required, and the air shall be forced

    into the screen pit area rather than exhausted from the

    screen pit. The maximum distance from the fresh air

    discharge and the working deck floor shall be 24 inches.

    Dampers should not be used on fresh air ducts.

    Obstructions in air ducts should be avoided to prevent

    clogging. Air intake screens (bird and insect) shall be

    located so as to be easily accessible for cleaning.

    C) Switches for operation of ventilation equipment should

    be marked and located at the entrance to the screen pit

    area. All intermittently operated ventilating equipment

    shall be interconnected with the respective lighting

    system. Consideration should be given to automatic

    controls where intermittent operation is used. The

    manual lighting-ventilation switch shall override the

    automatic controls.

    D) The fan wheel shall be fabricated from non-sparking

    material. Refer to Section 370.610(a)(3)(C) for motor

    and electrical requirements.

    6) Electrical Fixtures

    Electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed places where gas

    may accumulate shall comply with Section 370.610(a)(3)(C).

    b) Communition

    Communition or other in-stream shredding of sewage solids shall be

    followed by primary settling or fine screening devices to remove

    the shredded stringy materials prior to the activated sludge

    process to minimize operational problems associated with

    reaglomeration of stringy materials.

    c) Channels

    Channels shall be equipped with the necessary gates to divert flow

    from any one unit. Provisions must also be made for dewatering

    each unit. Channels preceding and following screens shall be

    shaped and filleted as necessary to eliminate settling of solids.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.610 Screening Devices>>


    a) Bar Racks and Screens

    1) Where Required

    Screening of raw sewage shall be provided at all mechanical

    treatment works. For lift station applications, see Subpart


    2) Design and Installation

    A) Manually Cleaned Screens

    Clear openings for manually cleaned screens between bars

    should be from 1 to 1 3/4 inches. Design and

    installation shall be such that they can be conveniently

    cleaned. An accessible platform shall be provided on

    which the operator may rake screenings easily and

    safely. Suitable drainage facilities with return flow

    to process shall be provided for the platform.

    B) Mechanical Screens

    Clear openings for mechanically cleaned screens may be

    as small as practical to assure the proper operation and

    maintenance of treatment facilities. Mechanical screens

    shall be located so as to be protected from freezing and

    to facilitate maintenance.

    C) Velocities Through Screens

    For manually or mechanically raked bar screens the

    maximum velocities during peak flow periods should not

    exceed 2.5 feet per second. The velocity shall be

    calculated from a vertical projection of the screen

    openings on the cross-sectional area between the invert

    of the channel and the flow line. Excessive head loss

    through the screen, which may affect upstream flow

    measurement or bypassing, shall be taken into account.

    D) Invert

    The screen channel invert shall be at least 3 inches

    below the invert of the incoming sewers. To prevent

    jetting action, the length and/or construction of the

    screen channel shall be adequate to reestablish

    hydraulic flow pattern following the drop in elevation.

    E) Slope

    Manually cleaned screens should be placed on a slope of

    30 to 45 degrees with the horizontal.

    3) Control Systems

    A) Timing Devices

    All mechanical units which are operated by timing

    devices should be provided with auxiliary controls which

    will set the cleaning mechanism in operation at

    predetermined high water marks.

    B) Manual Override

    Automatic controls shall be supplemented by a manual


    C) Electrical Fixtures and Controls

    Electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed places

    where gas may accumulate shall comply with the National

    Electrical Code requirements for Class I, Group D,

    Division I locations.

    4) Disposal of Screenings

    A) Amply-sized, vector-proof facilities shall be provided

    for removal, handling and storage of screenings in a

    sanitary manner. Suitable drainage facilities shall be

    provided for the storage areas with drainage returned to

    process. The return of ground screenings to the sewage

    flow is unacceptable.

    B) Disposal shall be in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    700 and shall be discussed in the plan documents.

    b) Auxiliary Screens

    Where mechanically operated screening is used, auxiliary manually

    cleaned screens shall be provided. Design shall include

    provisions for automatic diversion of the entire sewage flow

    through the auxiliary screens should the regular units fail.

    Refer to subsection (a)(2).

    c) Fine Screens

    Fine screens may be used in lieu of primary sedimentation

    providing that subsequent treatment units are designed on the

    basis of anticipated screen performance. Fine screens should not

    be considered equivalent to primary sedimentation. Where fine

    screens are used, additional removal of floatable oils and greases

    shall be provided if they will adversely affect the function of

    downstream treatment units.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.620 Grit Removal Facilities>>


    a) Where Required

    Grit removal facilities should be provided for all sewage

    treatment plants and are required for plants receiving sewage from

    combined sewers or from sewer systems receiving substantial

    amounts of grit. If a plant serving a separate sewer system is

    designed without grit removal facilities, the design shall include

    provision for future installation. Consideration shall be given

    to possible damaging effects on pumps, and other preceding

    equipment, and the need for additional storage capacity in

    treatment units where grit is likely to accumulate.

    b) Location

    Grit removal facilities should be located ahead of pumps. In such

    cases, coarse bar racks should be placed ahead of mechanically

    cleaned grit removal facilities. Comminution equipment, when used,

    shall be located downstream of the grit facility in order to

    reduce the operation and maintenance problems associated with


    c) Type and number of units

    1) The selection of the type of grit removal shall be based on

    necessary flexibility of velocity control to remove the

    selected size grit particulates through the range of expected

    plant flows, the volume of grit expected, and available area

    and hydraulic gradient limits at the site. Aerated or area

    type grit removal units equipped with adequate controls for

    operational flexibility are recommended where flow rates and

    grit characteristics and volume are expected to vary widely.

    2) Plants treating wastes from combined sewers shall have at

    least one, preferably two or more, mechanically cleaned grit

    removal units, with provision for unit bypassing. A single

    manually cleaned or mechanically cleaned grit chamber with

    unit bypass is acceptable for small sewage treatment plants

    serving separate sanitary sewer systems. Minimum facilities

    for larger plants serving separate sanitary sewers shall be

    at least one mechanically cleaned unit with a unit bypass.

    d) Design Factors

    1) Channel Type Units

    A) Turbulence Control

    The equipment and inlet and outlet structures shall be

    designed to minimize turbulance throughout the channel.

    B) Velocity and Detention

    Channel-type chambers shall be designed to provide

    controlled velocities as close as possible to 1 foot per

    second. The detention period shall be based on the size

    of particle to be removed.

    2) Aerated Units

    A) Inlet

    The inlet shall be located and arranged to prevent short

    circuiting to the outlet and oriented to the unit flow

    pattern so as to provide for adequate scouring

    segregation of organic and grit materials prior to


    B) Detention

    A detention time of at least 3 minutes at design peak

    flow should be provided.

    C) Air Supply

    Air should be supplied at 5 cubic feet per minute (cfm)

    per foot of tank length. The rate of air supplied shall

    be widely variable so as to maximize unit process


    3) Grit Washing and Freeze Protection

    All facilities not provided with positive velocity control

    should include means for grit washing to further separate

    organic and inorganic materials. Grit elevator and washing

    facilities shall be housed to prevent freezing. Provision

    for adequate heating and ventilation shall be provided to

    prevent corrosion.

    4) Drains

    Provisions should be made for dewatering each unit.

    5) Water

    An adequate supply of water under pressure shall be provided

    for clean up.

    e) Grit Removal

    Grit removal facilities located in pits shall be provided with

    mechanical equipment for pumping or hoisting grit to ground level.

    Pits deeper than 4 feet shall be provided with stairway access. An

    approved-type elevator or manlift may be desirable in some

    locations. Adequate ventilation, as described in Section

    370.600(a)(5), and lighting shall be provided for pits that are

    deeper than 4 feet or are within an enclosed area.

    f) Grit Handling

    Impervious, non-slip, working surfaces with drains back to process

    shall be provided for grit handling areas. Safety handrails shall

    be provided around the working platform areas. If grit is to be

    transported, the conveying equipment shall be designed to avoid

    loss of material and protection from freezing. Grit disposal

    methods shall be in compliance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code 700 and

    shall be described in the plan documents.

    g) Electrical

    All electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed or below grade

    grit removal areas where hazardous gases may accumulate shall meet

    the requirements of the National Electrical Code (1996) for Class

    1, Group D, Division 1 locations.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.630 Pre-Aeration>>


    Pre-aeration of sewage to reduce septicity may be required in special



    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.700 General Considerations>>


    a) Number of Units

    Multiple units capable of independent operation are desirable and

    shall be provided in all plants where design average flows exceed

    100,000 gallons per day. Plants not having multiple units shall

    include other provisions to assure continuity of treatment.

    b) Arrangement

    Settling tanks shall be arranged in accordance with Sections

    370.520(e) and 370.710(g).

    c) Flow Distribution

    Effective flow splitting devices and control appurtenances shall

    be provided to insure proper organic and hydraulic proportion of

    flow to each unit. Refer to Section 370.520(f).

    d) Tank Configuration

    Consideration should be given to the probable flow pattern in the

    selection of tank size and shape, and inlet and outlet type and



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.710 Design Considerations>>


    a) Dimensions

    The minimum length of flow from inlet to outlet should be 10 feet

    unless special provisions are made to prevent short circuiting.

    The sidewater depth for primary clarifiers shall be as shallow as

    practicable, but not less than 7 feet. Clarifiers following the

    activated sludge process shall have sidewater depths of at least

    12 feet to provide adequate separation zone between the sludge

    blanket and the overflow weirs. Clarifiers following fixed film

    reactors shall have sidewater depth of at least 7 feet.

    b) Surface Settling Rates (Overflow Rates)

    The hydraulic design of settling tanks shall be based on the

    anticipated peak hourly flow.

    1) Primary and Bypass Settling Tanks

    A) Primary Settling

    Some indication of BOD removals may be obtained by

    reference to Appendix E, Figure No. 2. The figure

    should not be used to design units which receive

    wastewaters which have BOD and total suspended solids

    concentrations which are substantially different from

    normal domestic sewage. The operating characteristics

    of such units should be established by appropriate field

    and laboratory tests. If activated sludge is wasted to

    the primary settling unit, then the design surface

    settling rate shall not exceed 1,000 gallons per day per

    square foot based on design peak hourly flow, including

    all flows to the unit. Refer to subsection (b)(3) and

    Section 370.820.

    B) Combined Sewer Overflow and Bypass Settling

    The maximum surface settling rate shall not exceed 1,800

    gallons per day per square foot based on peak hourly

    flow. Minimum liquid depth shall not be less than 10

    feet. Minimum detention shall not be less than one

    hour. The minimum length of flow from inlet baffle to

    outlet should be 10 feet, unless special provisions are

    made to prevent short-circuiting.

    2) Intermediate Settling Tanks

    Surface settling rates for intermediate settling tanks

    following series units of fixed film reactor processes should

    not exceed 1500 gallons per day per square foot based on

    design peak hourly flow. Surface settling rates for

    intermediate settling tanks following the activated sludge

    process shall not exceed 1000 gallons per day per square foot

    based on design peak hourly flow.

    3) Final Settling Tanks

    Settling tests should be conducted wherever a pilot study of

    biological treatment is warranted by unusual waste

    characteristics or treatment requirements. Testing shall be

    done where proposed loadings go beyond the limits set forth

    in subsections (b)(3)(A) and (b)(3)(B).

    A) Final Settling Tanks - Fixed Film Biological Reactors

    Surface settling rates for settling tanks following

    trickling filters or rotating biological contactors

    shall not exceed 1000 gallons per day per square foot

    based on design peak hourly flow.

    B) Final Settling Tanks - Activated Sludge

    i) Multiple units capable of independent operation

    shall be provided at all plants. To perform

    properly while producing a concentrated return

    flow, activated sludge settling tanks must be

    designed to meet thickening as well as solids

    separation requirements.

    ii) Since the rate of recirculation of return sludge is

    quite high in activated sludge processes, surface

    settling rate and weir overflow rate should be

    adjusted for the various processes to minimize the

    problems with sludge loadings, density currents,

    inlet hydraulic turbulence, and occasional poor

    sludge settleability.

    iii) The hydraulic loadings shall not exceed 1000

    gallons per day per square foot based on design

    peak hourly flow, and 800 gallons per day per

    square foot based on peak hourly flow for separate

    activated sludge nitrification stage. Refer to

    Section 370.1210(c)(4).

    iv) The solids loading shall not exceed 50 pounds

    solids per day per square foot at the design peak

    hourly rate.

    v) Flow equalization is recommended where the peak

    hourly load exceeds 300% of the design average


    C) Rectangular Units

    Rectangular final settling tanks following the activated

    sludge process frequently exhibit poor solids separation

    characteristics and should therefore be avoided. If

    land availability or other local conditions mandate the

    use of rectangular final clarifiers following the

    activated sludge process, the following design

    modifications shall be made:

    i) Within practicable limits, length shall be

    approximately equal to the width.

    ii) Excess weir length shall be provided.

    iii) Baffles shall be provided to interrupt

    longitudinal density currents.

    iv) Weir placement shall be adjustable, so as to allow

    optimization of the upflow takeoff points.

    c) Inlet Structures

    Inlets and inlet baffling should be designed to dissipate the

    inlet velocity, to distribute the flow equally both horizontally

    and vertically and to prevent short circuiting. Channels should

    be designed to maintain a velocity of at least one foot per second

    at one-half the design flow. Corner pockets and dead ends should

    be eliminated and corner fillets or channeling used where

    necessary. Provisions shall be made for prevention or removal of

    floating materials in inlet structures.

    d) Weirs

    1) General

    Overflow weirs shall be readily adjustable over the life of

    the structure to correct for differential settlement of the


    2) Location

    Overflow weirs shall be located to optimize actual hydraulic

    detention time, and minimize short circuiting.

    3) Design Rates

    Weir loadings shall not exceed 20,000 gallons per day per

    lineal foot based on design peak hourly flows for plants

    having design average flows of 1.0 mgd or less. Overflow

    rates shall not exceed 30,000 gallons per day per lineal foot

    based on design peak hourly flow for plants having design

    average flow of greater than 1.0 mgd. Higher weir overflow

    rates may be allowed for bypass settling tanks. If pumping

    is required, weir loadings should be related to pump delivery

    rates to avoid short circuiting. Refer to Section


    4) Weir Troughs

    Weir troughs shall be designed to prevent submergence at

    maximum design flow, and to maintain a velocity of at least

    one foot per second at one-half design average flow.

    e) Submerged Surfaces

    The tops of troughs, beams, and similar submerged construction

    elements shall have a minimum slope of 1.4 vertical to 1

    horizontal; the underside of such elements should have a slope of

    1 to 1 to prevent the accumulation of scum and solids.

    f) Unit Dewatering

    Unit dewatering featuring shall conform to the provisions outlined

    in Section 370.530. The bypass design should also provide for

    redistribution of the plant flow to the remaining units.

    g) Freeboard

    Walls of settling tanks shall extend at least 6 inches above the

    surrounding ground surface and shall provide not less than 12

    inches freeboard. Additional freeboard or the use of wind screens

    is recommended where larger settling tanks are subject to high

    velocity wind currents that would cause tank surface waves and

    inhibit effective scum removal.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.720 Sludge and Scum Removal>>


    a) Scum Removal

    Full surface mechanical scum collection and removal facilities,

    including baffling, shall be provided for all settling tanks,

    except for Imhoff tanks. The unusual characteristics of scum

    which may adversely affect pumping, piping, sludge handling and

    disposal, should be recognized in design. Provisions may be made

    for the discharge of scum with the sludge; however, other special

    provisions for disposal may be necessary. Refer to Section


    b) Sludge Removal

    Mechanical sludge collection and withdrawal facilities shall be

    designed to assure an effective and controlled rate of removal of

    the sludge. Suction withdrawal is encouraged.

    1) Sludge Hopper

    The minimum slope of the side walls shall be 1.7 vertical to

    1 horizontal. Hopper wall surfaces should be made smooth

    with rounded corners to aid in sludge removal. Hopper

    bottoms shall have a maximum dimension of 2 feet. Extra

    depth sludge hoppers for sludge thickening are not


    2) Cross-Collectors

    Cross-collectors serving one or more settling tanks may be

    useful in place of multiple sludge hoppers.

    3) Sludge Removal Piping

    Each hopper shall have an individually valved sludge

    withdrawal line at least 6 inches in diameter. The static

    head available for withdrawal of sludge shall be 30 inches or

    greater, as necessary to maintain a 3 feet per second

    velocity in the withdrawal pipe. Clearance between the end

    of the withdrawal line and the hopper walls shall be

    sufficient to prevent "bridging" of the sludge. Adequate

    provisions shall be made for rodding or back-flushing

    individual pipe runs. Piping shall also be provided to

    return waste sludge from secondary and tertiary processes to

    primary clarifiers where they are used. Refer to Section


    4) Sludge Removal Control

    Sludge wells equipped with telescoping valves or swing pipes

    are recommended for primary sludge and fixed film sludges

    where periodic withdrawal is proposed. Air lift type of

    sludge removal will not be approved for removal of primary



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.730 Protection and Service Facilities>>


    a) Operator Protection

    All settling tanks shall be equipped to enhance safety for

    operators. Such features shall appropriately include machinery

    covers, life lines, stairways, walkways, handrails and

    slip-resistant surfaces. If sidewalls are extended more than

    three feet above the liquid level or four feet above ground level,

    convenient walkways must be provided to facilitate housekeeping

    and maintenance.

    b) Mechanical Maintenance Access

    The design shall provide for convenient and safe access to routine

    maintenance items such as gear boxes, scum removal mechanisms,

    baffles, weirs, inlet stilling baffle area, and effluent channels.

    c) Electrical Fixtures and Controls

    Electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed settling basins shall

    meet the requirements of the National Electric Code for Class I,

    Group D, Division 1 locations. The fixtures and controls shall be

    located so as to provide convenient and safe access for operation

    and maintenance. Adequate area lighting shall be provided.


    <BSection 370.740 Imhoff Tanks>>


    a) General

    Imhoff tanks may be used for the sedimentation of settleable

    solids and for the unheated anaerobic digestion of these solids.

    b) Settling Compartment Design

    1) Settling Rate

    Surface settling rate shall not exceed 1000 gallons per day

    per square foot based upon design peak hourly flow.

    2) Detention Period

    A detention period of not less than 1 hour based upon design

    peak hourly flow shall be provided.

    3) Dimensions

    The minimum length of flow between inlet and outlet should be

    10 feet and at least 6 feet of settling depth should be


    4) Freeboard

    The freeboard shall be 18 inches or more.

    5) Hopper Slope

    The bottom of the settling chamber of the conventional tank

    shall have a slope of at least 1.4 vertical to 1.0

    horizontal. The slot at the bottom of the settling chamber

    allowing solids passage shall have a minimum opening and a

    minimum overlap of 6 inches.

    6) Inlets and Outlets

    Inlet and outlet arrangements should be designed so that the

    direction of flow may be reversed to allow for a more even

    distribution of solids in the digestion compartment.

    Adequate scum baffles shall be provided at the ends of the

    flow-through chamber.

    7) Weirs

    Weir design and overflow rates shall be in accordance with

    Section 370.710(d).

    8) Walkway

    A walkway along the length of the tank shall be provided.

    c) Sludge Digestion Compartment Design

    1) Digestion Chamber Capacity

    The digestion chamber shall provide 4 cubic feet of volume

    per capita for primary treatment and should provide 6 cubic

    feet of volume per capita if secondary process sludge is also

    to be digested. The capacity shall be measured below a

    horizontal plane 18 inches below the settling chamber slot.

    2) Vent Area

    A surface area equal to 20% of the total tank surface area

    shall be provided for venting the digestion compartment.

    3) Hopper Slope

    The bottom of the digestion chamber should be a hopper type

    structure with minimum side slopes of 1.75 vertical to 1.0

    horizontal. Sludge draw-off from the digestion chamber is

    usually accomplished by utilizing the hydrostatic head with a

    minimum differential of 6 feet being required. Eight inch

    diameter sludge draw-off piping or larger shall be used.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.750 Septic Tank - Tile System>>

    a) General

    Septic tank tile systems shall be used only for domestic or

    similar organic waste, where soil conditions are suitable and

    sewers tributary to treatment works are not available.

    b) Design Standards

    Specific design information is contained in the document titled

    "Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act & Code", which can be

    obtained from:

    State of Illinois

    Department of Public Health

    Springfield, Illinois 62706.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.800 General>>


    Facilities for processing sludge shall be provided at all mechanical sewage

    treatment plants. Handling equipment shall be capable of processing sludge

    to a form suitable for ultimate disposal.


    <BSection 370.810 Process Selection>>


    The selection of sludge handling unit processes should be based upon at

    least the following considerations:

    a) Local land use.

    b) System energy requirements.

    c) Cost effectiveness of sludge thickening and dewatering.

    d) Equipment complexity and staffing requirements.

    e) Adverse effects of heavy metals and other sludge components upon

    the unit processes.

    f) Sludge digestion or stabilization requirements.

    g) Side stream or return flow treatment requirements (e.g., digester

    or sludge storage facilities supernatant, dewatering unit

    filtrate, wet oxidation return flows).

    h) Sludge storage requirements.

    i) Methods of ultimate disposal.

    j) Back-up techniques of sludge handling and disposal.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.820 Sludge Thickening>>


    a) Sludge thickeners to reduce the volume of sludge should be

    considered. The design of thickeners (gravity tank, gravity

    belt, dissolved-air flotation, centrifuge, and others) should take

    into account the type and concentration of sludge, the sludge

    stabilization processes, storage requirements, the method of

    ultimate sludge disposal, chemical needs, and the cost of

    operation. The use of gravity thickening tanks for unstabilized

    sludges is not recommended because of problems due to septicity

    unless provisions are made for adequate control of process

    operational problems as well as problems of odors at the gravity

    thickener and any following unit processes. Particular attention

    should be given to the pumping and piping of the concentrated

    sludge and possible onset of anaerobic conditions.

    b) Process selection and unit process design parameters should be

    based on prototype studies. The Agency will require such studies

    where the sizing of other plant units is dependent on performance

    of the thickeners. Refer to Section 370.520(b) for any new

    process determination.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.830 Anaerobic Sludge Digestion>>


    a) General

    1) Multiple Units

    Multiple units or alternate methods of sludge processing

    shall be provided. Facilities for sludge storage and

    supernatant separation in an additional unit may be required,

    depending on raw sludge concentration and disposal methods

    for sludge and supernatant.

    2) Depth

    If process design provides for supernatant withdrawal, the

    proportion of depth to diameter should be such as to allow

    for the formation of a reasonable depth of supernatant

    liquor. A minimum side water depth of 20 feet is


    3) Design Maintenance Provisions

    To facilitate emptying, cleaning, and maintenance the

    following features are desirable:

    A) Slope

    The tank bottom shall slope to drain toward the

    withdrawal pipe. For tanks equipped with a suction

    mechanism for sludge withdrawal, a bottom slope not less

    than 1 to 12 is recommended. Where the sludge is to be

    removed by gravity alone, 1 to 4 slope is recommended.

    B) Access Manholes

    At least 2 access manholes should be provided in the top

    of the tank in addition to the gas dome. There should

    be stairways to reach the access manholes. A separate

    side wall manhole shall be provided that is large enough

    to permit the use of mechanical equipment to remove grit

    and sand. The side wall access manhole should be low

    enough to facilitate heavy equipment handling and may be

    buried in the earthen bank insulation.

    C) Safety

    Non-sparking tools, rubber-soled shoes, safety harness,

    gas detectors for inflammable and toxic gases, and at

    least two self-contained breathing units shall be

    provided for emergency use.

    4) Toxic Materials

    If the anaerobic digestion process is proposed, the basis of

    design shall be supported by wastewater analyses to determine

    the presence of undesirable materials, such as high

    concentrations of sulfates and inhibitory concentrations of

    heavy metals.

    b) Sludge Inlets and Outlets, Recirculation and High Level Overflows

    1) Multiple sludge inlets and draw-offs and, where used,

    multiple recirculation suction and discharge points to

    facilitate flexible operation and effective mixing of the

    digester contents shall be provided unless adequate mixing

    facilities are provided within the digester.

    2) One inlet should discharge above the liquid level and be

    located at approximately the center of the tank to assist in

    scum breakup. The second inlet should be opposite to the

    suction line at approximately the 2/3 diameter point across

    the digester.

    3) Raw sludge inlet discharge points should be so located as to

    minimize short circuiting to the digested sludge or

    supernatant draw-offs.

    4) Sludge withdrawal to disposal should be from the bottom of

    the tank. The bottom withdrawal pipe should be

    interconnected with the necessary valving to the

    recirculation pipe, to increase versatility in mixing the

    tank contents.

    5) An unvalved vented overflow shall be provided to prevent

    damage to the digestion tank and cover in case of accidental

    overfilling. This emergency overflow shall be piped to a

    point and at a rate in the treatment process or sidestream

    treatment facilities so as to minimize the impact on process


    c) Tank Capacity

    1) Rational Design

    The total digestion tank capacity shall be determined by

    rational calculations based upon such factors as volume of

    sludge added, its percent solids, and character, the

    temperature to be maintained in the digesters, the degree or

    extent of mixing to be obtained, the degree of volatile

    solids reduction required, method of sludge disposal, and the

    size of the installation with appropriate allowances for gas,

    scum, supernatant and digested sludge storage. Secondary

    digesters of two-stage series digestion systems that are used

    for digested sludge storage and concentration shall not be

    credited in the calculations for volumes required for sludge

    digestion. Calculations should be submitted to justify the

    basis of design.

    2) Empirical Design

    When such calculations are not submitted to justify the

    design based on the above factors, the minimum combined

    digestion tank capacity outlined below will be required.

    Such requirements assume that the raw sludge is derived from

    ordinary domestic wastewater, a digestion temperature is to

    be maintained in the range of 85   to 95   F (29   to 35   C), 40

    to 50 percent volatile matter in the digested sludge, and

    that the digested sludge will be removed frequently from the

    process. (See also subsection (a)(1) above and Section


    A) Completely Mixed Systems

    For digestion systems providing for intimate and

    effective mixing of the digester contents, the system

    may be loaded up to 80 pounds of volatile solids per

    1000 cubic feet of volume per day in the active

    digestion units.

    B) Moderately Mixed Systems

    For digestion systems where mixing is accomplished only

    by circulating sludge through an external heat

    exchanger, the system may be loaded up to 40 pounds of

    volatile solids per 1000 cubic feet of volume per day in

    the active digestion units. This loading may be

    modified upward or downward depending upon the degree of

    mixing provided.

    C) Digester Mixing

    Facilities for mixing the digester contents shall be

    provided where required for proper digestion by reason

    of loading rates or other features of the system. Where

    sludge recirculation pumps are used for mixing, they

    shall be provided in accordance with the applicable

    requirements of Section 370.850(a).

    d) Gas Collection, Piping, and Appurtenances

    1) General

    All portions of the gas system including the space above the

    tank liquor, storage facilities and piping shall be so

    designed that under all normal operating conditions,

    including sludge withdrawal, the gas will be maintained under

    pressure. All enclosed areas where any gas leakage might

    occur shall be adequately ventilated.

    2) Safety Equipment

    All necessary safety facilities shall be included where gas

    is produced. Pressure and vacuum relief valves and flame

    traps together with automatic safety shut off valves shall be

    provided and protected from freezing. Water seal equipment

    shall not be installed. Safety equipment and gas compressors

    should be housed in a separate room with an exterior door.

    3) Gas Piping and Condensate

    Gas piping shall have a minimum diameter of 4 inches, except

    that a smaller diameter pipe may be used at the gas

    production meter. Gas piping shall slope to condensation

    traps at low points. The use of float-controlled condensate

    traps is not permitted. Condensation traps shall be

    protected from freezing. Tightly fitted self-closing doors

    should be provided at connecting passageways and tunnels

    which connect digestion facilities to other facilities to

    minimize the spread of gas. Piping galleries shall be

    ventilated in accordance with subsection (d)(7).

    4) Gas Utilization Equipment

    Gas burning boilers, engines, etc., shall be located in well

    ventilated rooms. Such rooms would not ordinarily be

    classified as a hazardous location if isolated from the

    digestion gallery or ventilated in accordance with subsection

    (d)(7). Gas lines to these units shall be provided with

    suitable flame traps.

    5) Electrical Fixtures

    Electrical fixtures and controls, in places enclosing

    anaerobic digestion appurtenances, where hazardous gases are

    normally contained in the tanks and piping, shall comply with

    the National Electric Code for Class 1, Group D, Division 2

    locations. Refer to subsection (d)(7).

    6) Waste Gas

    A) Waste gas burners shall be readily accessible and should

    be located at least 50 feet away from any plant

    structure if placed at ground level, or may be located

    on the roof of the control building if sufficiently

    removed from the tank. Waste gas burners shall be of

    sufficient height to prevent injury to personnel due to

    wind or downdraft conditions.

    B) All waste gas burners shall be equipped with automatic

    ignition such as a pilot light or a device using a

    photoelectric cell sensor. Consideration should be

    given to the use of natural or propane gas to insure

    reliability of the pilot.

    C) Gas piping shall be sloped at a minimum of 2 percent up

    to the waste gas burner with a condensate trap provided

    in a location not subject to freezing.

    7) Ventilation

    Any underground enclosures connecting with digestion tanks or

    containing sludge or gas piping or equipment shall be

    provided with forced ventilation in accordance with Section

    370.410(g)(1-4) and (6).

    8) Meter

    A gas meter with bypass shall be provided to meter total gas

    production for each active digestion unit. Total gas

    production for two-stage digestion systems operated in series

    may be measured by a single gas meter with proper

    interconnected gas piping. Where multiple primary digestion

    units are used with a single secondary digestion unit, a gas

    meter shall be provided for each primary digestion unit. The

    secondary digestion unit may be interconnected with the gas

    measurement unit of one of the primary units. Interconnected

    gas piping shall be properly valved with gastight gate valves

    to allow measurement of gas production from, or maintenance

    of, either digestion unit. Gas meters may be of the orifice

    plate, turbine or vortex type. Positive displacement meters

    are not recommended. The meter used must be specifically

    designed for contact with corrosive and dirty gases.

    e) Digestion Tank Heating

    1) Insulation

    Wherever possible digestion tanks should be constructed above

    ground-water level and shall be suitably insulated to

    minimize heat loss. Maximum utilization of earthen bank

    insulation should be used.

    2) Heating Facilities

    Sludge may be heated by circulating the sludge through

    external heaters or by units located inside the digestion

    tank. Refer to subsection (e)(2)(B).

    A) External Heating

    Piping shall be designed to provide for the preheating

    of feed sludge before introduction into the digesters.

    Provisions shall be made in the lay-out of the piping

    and valving to facilitate heater exchanger tube removal

    and cleaning of the lines. Heat exchanger sludge piping

    should be sized for peak heat transfer requirements.

    Heat exchangers should have a heating capacity of 130

    percent of the calculated peak heating requirement to

    account for sludge tube fouling.

    B) Other Heating Methods

    i) The use of hot water heating coils affixed to the

    walls of the digester, or other types of internal

    heating equipment that require emptying the

    digester contents for repair, are not acceptable.

    ii) Other systems and devices have been developed

    recently to provide both mixing and heating of

    anaerobic digester contents. These systems will be

    reviewed on their own merits. Operating data

    detailing their reliability, operation and

    maintenance characteristics will be required.

    3) Heating Capacity

    A) Sufficient heating capacity shall be provided to

    consistently maintain the design sludge temperature

    considering the insulation provided and ambient cold

    weather conditions. Where digestion tank gas is used

    for other purposes, an auxiliary fuel may be required.

    B) The provision of standby heating capacity or the use of

    multiple units sized to provide the heating requirements

    shall be considered unless acceptable alternative means

    of handling raw sludge are provided.

    4) Hot Water Internal Heating Controls

    A) Mixing Valves

    A suitable automatic mixing valve shall be provided to

    temper the boiler water with return water so that the

    inlet water to the removable heat jacket or coil in the

    digester can be held below a temperature at which caking

    will be accentuated. Manual control should also be

    provided by suitable bypass valves.

    B) Boiler Controls

    The boiler should be provided with suitable automatic

    controls to maintain the boiler temperature at

    approximately 180   F (82   C) to minimize corrosion and

    to shut off the main gas supply in the event of pilot

    burner or electrical failure, low boiler water level,

    low gas pressure, excessive boiler water temperature or


    C) Boiler Water Pumps

    Boiler water pumps shall be sealed and sized to meet the

    operating conditions of temperature, operating head and

    flow rate. Duplicate units shall be provided.

    D) Thermometers

    Thermometers shall be provided to show inlet and outlet

    temperatures of the sludge, hot water feed, hot water

    return and boiler water.

    E) Water Supply

    The chemical quality of the water supply shall be

    suitable for use as boiler water. Refer to Section

    370.550(b) for additional water supply considerations.

    5) External Heater Operating Controls

    All controls necessary to insure effective and safe operation

    are required. Provision for duplicate units in critical

    elements should be considered.

    f) Supernatant Withdrawal

    Where supernatant separation is to be used to concentrate sludge

    in the digester units and increase digester solids retention time,

    the design shall provide for ease of operation and positive

    control of supernatant quality.

    1) Piping Size

    Supernatant piping should not be less than 6 inches in


    2) Withdrawal Arrangements

    A) Withdrawal Levels

    Piping should be arranged so that withdrawal can be made

    from 3 or more levels in the tank. An unvalved vented

    overflow shall be provided. The emergency overflow

    shall be piped to a point and at a rate in the treatment

    process or sidestream treatment facilities so as to

    minimize the impact on process units.

    B) Withdrawal Selection

    On fixed cover tanks the supernatant withdrawal level

    should preferably be selected by means of

    interchangeable extensions at the discharge end of the


    C) Supernatant Selector

    A fixed screen supernatant selector or similar device

    may only be used in an unmixed secondary digestion unit.

    If such a supernatant selector is provided, provisions

    shall be made for at least one other draw-off level

    located in the supernatant zone of the tank, in addition

    to the unvalved emergency supernatant draw-off pipe.

    High pressure back-wash facilities shall be provided.

    3) Sampling

    Provision shall be made for sampling at each supernatant

    draw-off level. Sampling pipes should be at least 1 1/2

    inches in diameter and should terminate at a suitably sized

    sampling sink or basin.

    4) Supernatant Disposal

    Supernatant return and disposal facilities shall be designed

    to prevent adverse hydraulic and organic effects on plant

    operations. If nutrient removal (e.g., phosphorus, ammonia)

    must be accomplished at a plant, then a separate supernatant

    side stream treatment system should be considered.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)

    <BSection 370.840 Aerobic Sludge Digestion>>


    a) General

    The aerobic sludge digestion system shall include provisions for

    digestion, supernatant separation, sludge concentration and any

    necessary sludge storage. These may be accomplished with separate

    tanks or processes or in digestion tanks.

    b) Multiple Units

    Multiple digestion units capable of independent operation are

    recommended for all plants and shall be provided in those plants

    where the design average flow exceeds 100,000 gallons per day.

    Plants without multiple units shall provide alternate sludge

    handling and disposal methods.

    c) Tank Capacity

    1) The following digestion tank capacities are based on a solids

    concentration of 2 percent with supernatant separation

    performed in a separate tank. If supernatant separation is

    performed in the digestion tank, a minimum of 25 percent

    additional volume is required. These capacities shall be

    provided unless sludge thickening facilities (refer to

    Section 370.820) are utilized to thicken the feed solids

    concentration to greater than 2 percent. If such. thickening

    is provided, the digestion volumes may be decreased



    Volume (ft.(3)/Population

    <PSludge Source>> <PEquivalent (P.E.))>>


    Waste activated sludge-no

    primary settling 4.5*


    Primary plus waste activated

    sludge 4.0*


    Waste activated sludge

    exclusive of primary sludge 2.0*


    Extended aeration activated

    sludge 3.0


    Primary plus fixed film

    reactor sludges 3.0


    *These volumes apply to waste activated sludge from single stage

    nitrification facilities with less than 24 hours detention time

    based on design average flow.

    2) These volumes are based on digester temperatures of 59   F

    (15   C) and a solids retention time of 27 days. Aerobic

    digesters shall be covered to minimize heat loss or these

    volumes shall be increased for colder temperature

    applications. Refer to subsection (g) below for necessary

    sludge storage. Additional volume may be required if the

    land application disposal method is used in order to meet

    applicable Federal regulations.

    d) Mixing

    Aerobic digesters shall be equipped with devices which can

    maintain solids in suspension and which provide complete mixing of

    the digester contents.

    e) Air Requirements

    Sufficient air shall be provided to keep the solids in suspension

    and maintain dissolved oxygen between 1 and 2 milligrams per liter

    (mg/l). For minimum mixing and oxygen requirements, an air supply

    of 30 cfm per 1000 cubic feet of tank volume shall be provided

    with the largest blower out of service. If diffusers are used,

    the nonclog type is recommended, and they should be designed to

    permit continuity of service. If mechanical turbine aerators are

    utilized, at least two turbine aerators per tank shall be provided

    to permit continuity of service. Mechanical aerators are not

    acceptable for use in aerobic digesters due to freezing

    conditions experienced throughout Illinois.

    f) Supernatant Separation and Scum and Grease Removal

    1) Supernatant Separation

    Facilities shall be provided for effective separation or

    decanting of supernatant. Separate facilities are

    recommended; however, supernatant separation may be

    accomplished in the digestion tank if additional volume is

    provided, in accordance with subsection (c) above. The

    supernatant drawoff unit shall be designed to prevent the

    recycle of scum and grease back to plant process units.

    Provision should be made to withdraw supernatant from

    multiple levels of the supernatant withdrawl zone.

    2) Scum and Grease Removal

    Facilities shall be provided for the effective collection of

    scum and grease for final disposal and to prevent recycle

    back to plant process units and prevent long term

    accumulation and potential for discharge of scum and grease

    in the effluent.

    g) High Level Emergency Overflow

    An unvalved high level overflow and any necessary piping shall be

    provided to return digester overflow back to the head of the plant

    or to the aeration process in case of accidental overfilling. The

    design of the overflow shall take into account the length of time

    and rate at which sludge is wasted during periods when the

    treatment plant is unattended, potential effects of overflow on

    plant process units, location of the discharge from the emergency

    overflow, and the potential for discharge of suspended solids in

    the plant effluent.

    h) Digested Sludge Storage Volume

    1) Sludge storage must be provided in accordance with Section

    370.870 to accommodate daily sludge production volumes and

    as an operational buffer for unit outage and adverse weather

    conditions. Designs utilizing increased sludge age in the

    activated sludge system as a means of storage are not


    2) Liquid sludge storage capacity shall be based on the

    following values unless digested sludge thickening facilities

    are utilized (refer to Section 370.173) to provide solids

    concentrations to greater than 2 percent.

    <PSludge Source>> <PVolume (ft.(3)/P.E./day)>>


    Waste activated sludge-no

    primary settling, primary

    plus waste activated sludge,

    and extended aeration

    activated sludge 0.13


    Waste activated sludge

    exclusive of primary sludge 0.06


    Primary plus fixed film

    reactor sludged 0.10


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.845 High pH Stabilization>>


    a) General

    Alkaline material may be added to liquid primary or secondary

    sludges for sludge stabilization in lieu of digestion facilities,

    to supplement existing digestion facilities, or for interim sludge

    handling. Inasmuch as the high pH stabilization process does not

    reduce organic matter but rather increases the mass of dry sludge

    solids, so that additional volumes of sludge will be generated in

    the absence of supplemental dewatering, the design shall account

    for the increased sludge quantities for storage and handling,

    transportation and disposal methods and associated costs.

    Alkaline material may be added to dewatered sludges for

    stabilization pursuant to Section 370.520(b).

    b) Operational Criteria

    Sufficient alkaline material shall be added to liquid sludge in

    order to produce a homogeneous mixture with a minimum pH of 12

    after 2 hours of vigorous mixing. Facilities for adding

    supplemental alkaline material shall be provided to maintain the

    pH of the sludge during interim sludge storage periods.

    c) Odor Control and Ventilation

    Odor control facilities shall be provided for sludge mixing and

    treated sludge storage tanks that are located within 1/2 mile of

    residential or commercial areas. Indoor sludge mixing, storage

    and processing facilities shall have ventilation that meets the

    ventilation requirements contained in Section 370.410(g)(1-4) and

    (6) and shall comply with the safety precautions contained in

    Section 370.560. Adequate facilities shall be provided to

    condition the exhaust air to meet the applicable substantive and

    permitting requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code Subtitle B: Air


    d) Mixing Tanks and Equipment

    1) Tanks

    Mixing tanks may be designed to operate as either a batch or

    continuous flow process. A minimum of two tanks of adequate

    size to provide a minimum of 2 hours of contact time in each

    tank shall be provided. The following factors shall also be

    taken into account in determining the number and size of


    A) Peak sludge flow rates;

    B) Storage between batches;

    C) Dewatering or thickening performed in tanks;

    D) Repeating sludge treatment due to pH decay of stored


    E) Sludge thickening prior to sludge treatment;

    F) Type of mixing device used and associated maintenance

    and repair requirements.

    2) Equipment

    Mixing equipment shall be designed to provide vigorous

    agitation within the mixing tank, to maintain solids in

    suspension and to provide for a homogenous mixture of the

    sludge solids and alkaline material. Mixing may be

    accomplished by either diffused aeration or mechanical

    mixing. For diffused aeration, an air supply of 30 cfm per

    1000 cubic feet of mixing tank volume with the largest blower

    out of service shall be provided. Nonclogging diffusers

    designed to permit continuity of service should be used.

    Mechanical mixers shall be designed to assure continuity of

    service during freezing weather conditions and shall be

    equipped with impellers designed to minimize fouling from

    debris in the sludge.

    e) Chemical Feed and Storage Equipment

    1) General

    Equipment used for handling or storing alkaline shall be

    designed to provide operator protection from eye and tissue

    damage. Refer to Section 370.560 for proper safety

    precautions. Material storage, slaking and feed equipment

    shall be sealed as airtight as practicable to prevent contact

    of alkaline material with atmospheric carbon dioxide and

    water vapor and to prevent the escape of dust material. All

    equipment and associated transfer lines and piping shall be

    accessible for cleaning.

    2) Feed and Slaking Equipment

    The design of the feeding equipment shall be determined by

    the treatment plant size, type of alkaline material used,

    slaking required and operator requirements. Automated or

    batch equipment may be used. Automated feeders may be

    volumetric or gravimetric, based on accuracy, reliability and

    maintenance requirements. Manually operated batch slaking of

    quicklime (CaO) should be avoided unless protective clothing

    and equipment are provided. At small plants, for safety

    reasons the use of hydrated lime (Ca(OH)[2]) over quicklime

    is recommended. Feed and slaking equipment shall be sized to

    handle a minimum of 150% of the peak sludge flow rate,

    including sludge that may need to be retreated due to pH

    decay. Duplicate units shall be provided.

    3) Chemical Storage Facilities

    Alkaline materials may be received in either bag or bulk

    form. Materials delivered in bags must be stored indoors and

    elevated above floor level. Bags should be multi-walled and

    moisture-proof. Dry bulk storage containers must be as

    airtight as practicable and shall contain a mechanical

    agitation mechanism. Storage facilities shall be sized to

    provide a minimum 30-day supply of alkaline materials.

    Adequate provisions shall be made to meet the applicable

    substantive and permitting requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code

    Subtitle B: Air Pollution.

    f) Sludge Storage

    Refer to Section 370.870 for general design considerations for

    sludge storage facilities. The design shall incorporate the

    following considerations for the storage of high pH stabilized


    1) Liquid Sludge

    Liquid high pH stabilized sludge shall be stored in a tank or

    vessel equipped with rapid sludge withdrawl mechanisms for

    sludge disposal or retreatment and may not be stored in a

    lagoon. Provision shall be made for adding alkaline material

    in the storage tank. Mixing equipment meeting the

    requirements of subsection (d)(2) above shall be provided in

    all storage tanks.

    2) Dewatered Sludge

    On-site storage of dewatered high pH stabilized sludge shall

    be limited to 30 days. Provisions shall be made for rapid

    retreatment or disposal of dewatered sludge stored on site in

    case of sludge pH decay.

    3) Off-Site Storage

    There shall be no off-site storage of high pH stabilized

    sludge unless the Agency has issued a permit for off-site


    g) Disposal

    Methods and options for immediate sludge disposal should be used

    in order to reduce the on-site sludge inventory and the amount of

    sludge that must be retreated to reduce odors when sludge pH decay

    occurs. Where land application is used, the sludge must be

    incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after application.


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.850 Sludge Pumps and Piping>>


    a) Sludge Pumps

    1) Capacity

    Pump capacities shall be adequate but not excessive.

    Provision for varying pump capacity is desirable. A rational

    basis of design shall be provided with the plan documents.

    2) Duplicate Units

    Duplicate units shall be provided at all installations.

    3) Type

    Plunger pumps, screw feed pumps or other types of pumps with

    demonstrated solids handling capability shall be provided for

    handling raw sludge. Where centrifugal pumps are used, a

    parallel positive displacement pump shall be provided as an

    alternate to pump heavy sludge concentrations, such as

    primary or thickened sludges, that may exceed the pumping

    head of the centrifugal pump.

    4) Minimum Head

    A minimum positive head of 24 inches shall be provided at the

    suction side of centrifugal type pumps and is desirable for

    all types of sludge pumps. Maximum suction lifts should not

    exceed 10 feet for plunger pumps.

    5) Sampling Facilities

    Unless sludge sampling facilities are otherwise provided,

    quick closing sampling valves shall be installed at the

    sludge pumps. The size of valve and piping should be at

    least 1 1/2 inches and terminate at a suitably sized sampling

    sink or floor drain.

    b) Sludge Piping

    1) Size and Head

    Digested sludge withdrawal piping should have a minimum

    diameter of 8 inches for gravity withdrawal and 6 inches for

    pump suction and discharge lines. Where withdrawal is by

    gravity, the available head on the discharge pipe should be

    at least 4 feet and preferably more. Undigested sludge

    withdrawl piping shall be sized in accordance with Section


    2) Slope and Flushing Requirements

    Gravity piping should be laid on uniform grade and alignment.

    Slope on gravity discharge piping should not be less than 3

    percent for primary sludges and all sludges thickened to

    greater than 2 percent solids. The slope on gravity

    discharge piping should not be less than 2 percent for

    aerobicly digested sludge or waste activated sludge with less

    than 2 percent solids. Cleanouts shall be provided for all

    gravity sludge piping. Provisions shall be made for draining

    and flushing discharge lines. All sludge pipe shall be

    suitably located or otherwise adequately protected to prevent


    3) Supports

    Special consideration shall be given to the corrosion

    resistance and permanence of supporting systems for piping

    located inside the digestion tank.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.860 Sludge Dewatering>>


    a) General

    On-site sludge dewatering facilities shall be provided for all

    plants, although the following requirements may be reduced or

    omitted, if justified, with on-site liquid sludge storage

    facilities or approved off-site sludge disposal.

    1) Anaerobic Digestion Sludge Production

    For purposes of calculating sludge handling and disposal

    needs, sludge production values from a two-stage anaerobic

    digestion process shall be based on a maximum solids

    concentration of 5% without additional thickening. The

    solids production values, calculated on a dry weight basis,

    shall be based on the following values for the listed


    A) Primary plus waste activated sludge--at least 0.12


    B) Primary plus fixed film reactor sludge--at least 0.09


    2) Aerobic Digestion Sludge Production

    For purposes of calculating sludge handling and disposal

    needs, sludge production values from an aerobic digester

    shall be based on a maximum solids concentration of 2%

    without additional thickening. The solids production

    values, calculated on a dry weight basis, shall be based on

    the following values for the listed processes:

    A) Primary plus waste activated sludge--at least 0.16


    B) Primary plus fixed film reactor sludge--at least 0.12


    3) Production from Other Sludge Treatment Processes

    For purposes of calculating sludge handling and disposal

    needs, sludge production values from other sludge treatment

    processes shall be determined by rational calculations in the

    basis of design. Refer to Section 370.520(b) for any new

    process determinations.

    b) Sludge Drying Beds

    1) Applicability

    Sludge drying beds may be used for dewatering well digested

    sludge from either the anaerobic or aerobic process. Due to

    the large volume of sludge produced by the aerobic digestion

    process, consideration should be given to using a combination

    of dewatering systems or other means of ultimate sludge


    2) Unit Sizing

    Sludge drying bed area shall be calculated on a rational

    basis with the following items taken into account:

    A) The volume of wet sludge produced by existing and

    proposed processes.

    B) Depth of wet sludge drawn to the drying beds. For

    design calculations purposes a maximum depth of 8 inches

    shall be utilized. For operational purposes, the depth

    of sludge placed on the drying bed may vary from the

    design depth based on the solids content and the type of

    digestion used.

    C) Total digester volume and other wet sludge storage


    D) Degree of sludge thickening provided after digestion.

    E) The maximum drawing depth of sludge which can be removed

    from the digester or other sludge storage facilities

    without causing process or structural problems.

    F) The time required on the bed to produce a removable

    cake. Adequate provision shall be made for sludge

    dewatering and/or sludge disposal facilities for those

    periods of time during which outside drying of sludge on

    beds is hindered by weather. For Illinois that season

    is considered to extend from early November through at

    least April.

    G) Capacities of auxiliary dewatering facilities.

    3) Percolation Type Bed Components

    A) Gravel

    The lower course of gravel around the underdrains should

    be properly graded and should be 12 inches in depth,

    extending at least 6 inches above the top of the

    underdrains. It is desirable to place this in 2 or more

    layers. The top layer of at least 3 inches should

    consist of gravel 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch in size.

    B) Sand

    The top course should consist of at least 6 to 9 inches

    of clean, washed, coarse sand. The effective size of

    the sand should be in the range of 0.8 to 1.5

    millimeters. The finished sand surface should be level.

    C) Underdrains

    Underdrains should be at least 4 inches in diameter laid

    with open joints. Perforated pipe may also be used.

    Underdrains should be spaced not more than 20 feet

    apart. Various pipe materials may be used, so long as

    they are sufficiently strong and are corrosion


    D) Additional Dewatering Provisions

    Consideration shall be given to providing a means of

    decanting the supernatant of sludge placed on the sludge

    drying beds. More effective decanting of supernatant

    may be accomplished with polymer treatment of the


    4) Walls

    Walls should be water-tight and extend 18 inches above and at

    least 6 inches below the surface of the bed. Outer walls

    should be curbed or extended at least 4 inches above the

    outside grade elevation to prevent soil from washing on to

    the beds.

    5) Sludge Removal

    Each bed shall be constructed so as to be readily and

    completely accessible to mechanical cleaning equipment.

    Concrete runways spaced to accommodate mechanical equipment

    shall be provided. Special attention should be given to

    assure adequate access to the areas adjacent to the

    sidewalls. Entrance ramps down to the level of the sand bed

    shall be provided. These ramps shall be high enough to

    eliminate the need for an entrance end wall for the sludge


    c) Sludge Lagoons for Dewatering

    1) General

    Lagoons as a means of dewatering digested sludge will be

    permitted only upon proof that the character of the digested

    sludge and the design mode of operation are such that

    offensive odors will not result. Where sludge lagoons are

    permitted, adequate provisions shall be made for other sludge

    dewatering facilities or sludge disposal in the event of

    upset or failure of the sludge digestion process.

    2) Location

    Sludge lagoons shall be located as far as practicable from

    inhabited areas or areas likely to be inhabited during the

    lifetime of the structures.

    3) Seal

    Adequate provisions shall be made to seal the lagoon bottoms

    and embankments to prevent leaching into adjacent soils or

    groundwater. Refer to Section 370.930(d)(1)(A), (d)(2)(C)

    and (d)(2)(D).

    4) Access

    Provisions shall be made for sludge pumping or heavy

    equipment access for sludge removal from the lagoon.

    d) Mechanical Dewatering Facilities

    1) General

    Provision shall be made to maintain sufficient continuity of

    service so that sludge may be dewatered without accumulation

    beyond storage capacity. The number of vacuum filters,

    centrifuges, filter presses, belt filters, or other

    mechanical dewatering facilities should be sufficient to

    dewater the sludge produced with the largest unit out of

    service. Unless other standby wet sludge facilities are

    available, adequate storage facilities of at least 4 days

    production volume shall be provided. Documentation must be

    submitted justifying the basis of design of mechanical

    dewatering facilities.

    2) Water Supply Protection

    The water supply for mechanical dewatering facilities shall

    meet the requirements of Section 370.550(b).

    3) Auxiliary Facilities for Vacuum Filters

    Back-up vacuum and filtrate pumps shall be provided. It is

    permissible to have uninstalled back-up vacuum and filtrate

    pumps for every three or less vacuum filters, provided that

    the installed units can easily be removed and replaced. At

    least one filter media replacement unit shall be provided.

    4) Ventilation

    Adequate facilities shall be provided for ventilation of the

    dewatering area. The exhaust air should be properly

    conditioned to avoid odor nuisance. Ventilation shall be

    provided in accordance with Section 370.410(g)(6).

    5) Chemical Handling Enclosures

    Lime-mixing facilities should be completely enclosed to

    prevent the escape of lime dust. Chemical handling equipment

    should be automated to eliminate the manual lifting

    requirement. Refer to Section 370.560.

    e) Drainage and Filtrate Disposal

    Drainage from beds or filtrate dewatering units shall be returned

    to the sewage treatment process at appropriate points and rates.

    f) Other Dewatering Facilities

    If it is proposed to dewater sludge by other methods, a detailed

    description of the process and design data shall accompany the

    plans. Refer to Section 370.520(b) for any new process



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)

    <BSection 370.870 Sludge Storage and Disposal>>


    a) Storage

    1) General

    Sludge storage facilities shall be provided at all mechanical

    treatment plants, and may consist of any combination of

    drying beds, lagoons, separate tanks, additional volume in

    stabilization units, pad areas or other means to store either

    liquid or dried sludge. Drainage of supernatant from sludge

    storage facilities shall be returned to the sewage treatment

    process at appropriate points and rates. Refer to Section

    370.860(b) and (c) for drying bed and lagoon design criteria,


    2) Volume

    Rational calculations justifying the number of days of

    storage based on the total sludge handling and disposal

    system shall be submitted. Refer to Sections 370.840(g) and

    370.860(a) for anaerobicly and aerobicly digested sludge

    production values; values for other stabilization processes

    shall be justified on the basis of design. If land

    application is the only means of sludge disposal used at a

    treatment plant, a minimum of 150 days storage shall be

    provided, in order to account for inclement weather and

    cropping practices.

    b) Disposal

    1) Landfilling

    Sludge and sludge residues may be disposed of in Agency

    approved municipal solid waste landfill units under the terms

    and conditions of permits issued by the Agency's Bureau of

    Land. On-site landfilling shall be conducted in conformance

    with the design recommendations of the Bureau of Land and

    must be approved by the Agency's Bureau of Water.

    2) Land Application

    Specific design criteria for land application of sludge are

    set out in Design Criteria for Sludge Application on Land, 35

    Ill. Adm. Code 391. Additional operating criteria may be

    obtained from applicable Federal regulations. In order to

    assure compliance with the facility's effluent standards,

    alternative sludge disposal options to account for inclement

    weather and cropping practices are recommended.

    3) Sludge Lagoons

    The use of lagoons for ultimate disposal of sludge is not

    recommended because of odor potential, area and volume

    required and possible long term problems from groundwater

    contamination. If a lagoon is proposed, a hydrogeologic

    survey must be performed to demonstrate the appropriateness

    of a disposal lagoon at the particular site. A groundwater

    monitoring program must be included in any sludge lagoon

    design. Refer to Section 370.860(c) for lagoon design


    4) Other Disposal Methods

    A detailed description of the technique and design data shall

    accompany the plans of any proposal to dispose of sludge by

    methods other than those specified in this Section. Refer to

    Section 370.520(b) for any new process determinations.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.900 Trickling Filters>>


    a) General

    1) Applicability

    Trickling filters may be used for treatment of sewage

    amenable to treatment by aerobic biologic processes.

    Trickling filters shall be preceded by settling tanks

    equipped with scum and grease collecting devices, or other

    suitable pretreatment facilities.

    2) Design Basis

    Filters shall be designed so as to provide the required

    reduction in biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, or

    to properly condition the sewage for subsequent treatment


    3) Multiple Units

    Multiple trickling filter units capable of independent

    operation are recommended for all plants and must be provided

    for those plants where the design average flow exceeds

    100,000 gallons per day. Plants not having multiple units

    shall include other provisions to assure continuity of


    b) Dosing Equipment

    1) Distribution

    A) All hydraulic factors involving proper distribution of

    sewage on the filter should be carefully calculated and

    submitted with the basis of design.

    B) The sewage may be distributed over the filter by rotary

    distributors or other suitable devices which will permit

    reasonably uniform distribution to the surface area. At

    design average flow, the deviation from calculated

    uniformly distributed volume per square foot of the

    filter surface shall not exceed plus or minus 10

    percent at any point.

    2) Dosing and Recirculation

    A) Sewage may be applied to the filters by siphons, pumps

    or by gravity discharge from preceding treatment units

    when suitable flow characteristics have been developed.

    Application of the sewage should be continuous except

    for low rate filters. A hydraulic system for

    recirculation shall be provided for new facilities and

    should be considered where existing trickling filter

    units are included in treatment plant upgrading.

    B) The piping system, including dosing equipment and

    distributor, shall be designed to provide capacity for

    the peak hourly flow rate including recirculation rates

    determined under subsection (h).

    3) Distributor Head Requirements

    For reaction type distributors, a minimum head of 24 inches

    between low water level in siphon chamber and center of arms

    is required. Similar allowances shall be made in design for

    added pumping head requirements where pumping to the reaction

    type distributor is used. The design shall include the head

    required at the center column for the full range of flows,

    taking into account all head losses from the center column

    back to the dosing facility at all water levels.

    Calculations shall be submitted to justify the basis of


    4) Clearance

    A minimum clearance of 6 inches between media and distributor

    arms shall be provided. Refer to subsection (e)(4).

    c) Media

    1) Quality

    The media may be crushed rock, slag or specially manufactured

    material. The media shall be durable, resistant to spalling

    or flaking, and be relatively insoluble in sewage. The top

    18 inches shall have a loss by the 20-cycle, sodium sulfate

    soundness test of not more than 10 percent, as prescribed by

    ASCE Manual of Engineering Practice, Number 13, the balance

    to pass a 10-cycle test using the same criteria. Slag media

    shall be free from iron. Manufactured media shall be

    resistant to ultraviolet degradation, disintegration,

    erosion, aging, all common acid and alkalies, organic

    compounds, and fungus and other biological attack. Such

    media shall be structurally capable of supporting a man's

    weight or a suitable access walkway shall be provided to

    allow for distributor maintenance.

    2) Depth

    The filter media shall have a minimum depth of 6 feet above

    the underdrains. For rock media filters (subsection

    (c)(3)(A)), only the top 7 feet of the volume of the filter

    shall be considered in BOD removal credit computations. For

    manufactured media filters see subsection (c)(3)(B).

    3) Size and Grading of Media

    A) Rock, Slag and Similar Media

    i) Rock, slag and similar media shall not contain more

    than 5 percent by weight of pieces whose longest

    dimension is 3 times the least dimension.

    ii) Media shall be free from thin elongated and flat

    pieces, dust, clay, sand, or fine material and

    shall conform to the following size and grading

    when mechanically graded over vibrating screen with

    square openings:

    Passing 4 1/2 inch screen - 100% by weight

    Retained on 3 inch screen - 95-100% by weight

    Passing 2 inch screen - 0-2% by weight

    Passing 1 inch screen - 0-1% by weight

    B) Manufactured Media

    Suitability of size, space, media configuration and

    depth will be evaluated on the basis of experience with

    installations handling similar wastes and loadings. To

    ensure sufficient void clearance, media with a specific

    surface area of no more than 30 square feet per cubic

    foot may be used for filters employed for carbonaceous

    reduction, and media with a specific surface area of no

    more than 45 square feet per cubic foot may be used for

    second stage ammonia reduction. See subsection (c)(1)

    for quality requirements.

    4) Handling and Placing of Media

    A) Material delivered to the filter site shall be stored on

    wood planks or other approved clean hard surfaced areas.

    B) All material shall be rehandled at the filter site and

    no material shall be dumped directly into the filter.

    Crushed rock, slag and similar media shall be rescreened

    or forked at the filter site to remove all fines.

    C) The material shall be placed by hand to a depth of 12

    inches above the tile underdrains and all material shall

    be carefully placed so as not to damage the underdrains.

    The remainder of the material may be placed by means of

    belt conveyors or equally effective methods approved by

    the engineer.

    D) Manufactured media shall be handled and placed as

    recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the


    E) Trucks, tractors, or other heavy equipment shall not be

    driven over the filter during or after construction.

    d) Underdrainage System

    1) Arrangement

    Underdrains with semi-circular inverts or equivalent should

    be provided and the underdrainage system shall cover the

    entire floor of the filter. Inlet openings into the

    underdrains shall have an unsubmerged gross combined area

    equal to at least 15 percent of the surface area of the


    2) Slope

    The underdrains shall have a minimum slope of 1 percent.

    Effluent channels shall be designed to produce a minimum

    velocity of 2 feet per second at design average flow of

    application to the filter and shall have adequate capacity

    for the peak hourly flow rate including the required

    recirculation flows.

    3) Flushing

    Provision should be made for flushing the underdrains. In

    small filters, use of a peripheral head channel with vertical

    vents is acceptable for flushing purposes. Inspection

    facilities should be provided.

    4) Ventilation Requirements for Underdrains

    The underdrainage system, effluent channels, and effluent

    pipe should be designed to permit free passage of air. The

    size of drains, channels, and pipe should be such that not

    more than 50 percent of their cross-sectional area will be

    submerged under the design hydraulic loading. Consideration

    should be given in the design of the effluent channels to the

    possibility of increased hydraulic loading.

    e) Special Features

    1) Flooding

    Provision shall be made in the design of conventional rock

    filter structures so that the media may be flooded.

    2) Maintenance

    All distribution devices, underdrains, channels and pipes

    shall be designed so that they may be properly maintained,

    flushed or drained.

    3) Flow Measurement

    Devices shall be provided to permit measurement of flow to

    the filter, and of recirculated flows.

    4) Protection From Freezing

    Trickling filters shall be covered to protect from freezing,

    and to maintain operation and treatment efficiencies. The

    filter cover shall be constructed of appropriate corrosion

    resistant materials and designed to allow operator access for

    maintenance, repair and replacement of the filter dosing


    5) Ventilation of Covered Filters

    Forced ventilation shall be provided for covered trickling

    filters to insure adequate oxygen for process requirements.

    Windows or simple louvered mechanisms so arranged to insure

    air distribution throughout the enclosure shall be provided.

    The ventilation facilities shall be designed to allow

    operator control of air flow in accordance with outside

    temperature. Design computations showing the adequacy of air

    flow to satisfy process oxygen requirements shall be


    f) Two-Stage Filters

    The foregoing standards also apply to second stage filters.

    g) Special Applications

    1) Roughing Filters

    In some instances it is desirable to partially reduce the

    organic strength of wastewaters. In such cases trickling

    filters may be used for roughing treatment. Design

    parameters and contaminant removal efficiencies will be

    approved on a case-by-case basis. Refer to subsections

    (h)(2) and (h)(3).

    2) Nitrifying Filters

    Trickling filters may, under favorable conditions, be used as

    nitrification devices. Design parameters and contaminant

    removal efficiencies will be approved on a case-by-case

    basis. Refer to Section 370.1210(d).

    h) Efficiency

    1) Single Stage, Settling Tank -- No Recirculation

    Expected reduction of BOD of settled normal domestic

    wastewater by a single stage filter, packed with crushed

    rock, slag or similar material and with subsequent settling,

    shall be determined from Appendix F, Figure No. 3. In

    developing this curve, loading due to recirculated sewage

    has not been considered.

    2) Single or Multi-Stage, Settling Tank -- Recirculation

    Expected BOD removal efficiencies may also be determined by

    theoretical and empirical formula if accompanied by detailed

    explanation, particularly for roughing filters and for

    filters with recirculation. (Refer to WEF Manual of Practice

    (MOP) No. 8, "Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment

    Plants", vol. 1 (1992).)

    3) Single or Multi-Stage, No Settling Tank -- Recirculation

    Filters not followed by a settling tank and discharging into

    a subsequent treatment process shall not be credited with BOD

    removal efficiencies as in subsections (h)(1) and (h)(2)

    above. Expected performance in such cases, including filters

    packed with manufactured media, shall be determined from

    prototype testing and full-scale plant experience.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.910 Rotating Biological Contactors>> <B(Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.915 Rotating Biological Contactors>>


    a) General

    Wastewater treatment facilities that propose to use rotating

    biological contactors (RBCs) shall submit to the Agency for review

    field experience and operational data that demonstrates that

    observed problems with the process have been solved at similar

    full scale installations. The Agency will review the claimed

    field experience against known field conditions and the

    operational history of observed problems at similar facilities.

    b) Mechanical Reliability and Structural Integrity

    1) The mechanical and structural reliability of the shafts and

    media subjected to cyclic stress reversals must be

    demonstrated relative to the design life of the plant and the

    known weight of the machines based on field experience.

    2) The design must show that film thickness will be effectively

    controlled throughout all parts of the media pack to prevent

    excessive film weight and water pickup weight due to plugging

    restrictions. The equipment design must include load cells

    to warn of the need for film thickness control and to

    demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed film thickness

    control practices.

    c) Process Reliability

    1) Process reliability must be demonstrated, including proven

    operational control procedures relative to design organic

    loadings for the unit media area or volume, which

    satisfactorily insure that the applicable effluent standards

    are met. The process design shall also include proven

    operational control procedures that will prevent process

    functional deficiencies and media plugging that cause the

    weight to exceed shaft and media structural capabilities

    during the design life of the plant.

    2) The design must show that adequate void clearance (as

    distinguished from void ratio) is provided to insure that the

    biological film, including any grease and fats that may

    accumulate, will not interefere with the flow of liquid and

    air in the media pack. The Agency will compare the RBC

    designs under review to past experience with designs used for

    plastic trickling filter media to accomplish adequate void


    3) The design shall provide for maintaining a minimum of 2.0

    mg/l dissolved oxygen in the basin liquor. The effectiveness

    of the proposed method for maintaining adequate dissolved

    oxygen will be evaluated based on field experience at similar

    full scale installations.

    4) If pilot testing is proposed, the size of the RBC pilot plant

    unit and the scope and duration of the testing program on the

    specific waste that will be treated must be thoroughly

    documented. The proposed pilot testing program should be

    submitted to the Agency for comment prior to the initiation

    of testing. The RBC pilot units must be of prototype scale.

    Because of differential seasonal weight and plugging field

    problems, the test period must cover the four seasons, to

    allow the Agency to evaluate the proposed design against the

    experience of existing full scale plants.

    5) The process design must include provisions for meeting

    applicable effluent limits with some units out of service for

    unit repair, biofilm thickness control, out-of-balance

    correction and other operational problems. Added units for

    standby credit will be required to insure compliance with

    effluent limitations and to prevent mechanical or structural

    failures during periods of unit outage for maintenance,

    repair, or process control purposes.


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.920 Activated Sludge>>


    a) General

    1) Applicability

    A) Biodegradable Wastes

    The activated sludge process, and its various

    modifications, may be used to treat wastewater which is

    amenable to biological treatment. Approval of new

    activated sludge plants shall be limited to those plants

    where the design average flow capacity exceeds 0.25 mgd.

    B) Operation Control Requirements

    The activated sludge process requires close attention

    and competent operating supervision. Facilities and

    appurtenances for routine control and control tests

    shall be provided at all activated sludge plants.

    These requirements shall be considered when proposing

    this type of treatment.

    C) Energy Requirements

    This process requires major energy usage to meet

    aeration demands. Energy costs and potential mandatory

    emergency public power reduction events, in relation to

    critical water quality conditions, must be carefully

    evaluated. Capability of energy usage phasedown while

    still maintaining process viability, both under normal

    and emergency energy availability conditions, must be

    included in the activated sludge design.

    2) Specific Process Selection

    The activated sludge process and its several modifications

    may be employed to accomplish varied degrees of removal of

    suspended solids and reduction of 5-day BOD and nitrogenous

    oxygen demand. Choice of the process most applicable will be

    influenced by the proposed plant size, type of waste to be

    treated, treatability of waste, degree and consistency of

    treatment required and local factors. All designs shall

    provide for flexibility in operation. All plants shall be

    designed to operate in at least two modes.

    3) Winter Protection

    Units shall be protected against freezing. Maximum

    utilization of earthen bank insulation shall be considered.

    4) Process Efficiency

    The activated sludge process designed within the organic and

    hydraulic loading limits of these standards, treating normal

    domestic wastewaters unaffected by surge loadings, long term

    peak flows, or industrial wastes, may be expected to meet an

    effluent standard of 20 mg/l CBOD[5] or BOD[5] and 25 mg/l

    suspended solids when computed on a 30-day monthly average

    basis. Those installations which are anticipated to be

    subject to surge loadings, long term peak flows or

    industrial wastes shall have appropriate design

    modifications in order to assure consistent effluent


    b) Preliminary Treatment

    Effective removal of grit, debris, excessive oil and grease and

    screening of solids shall be accomplished prior to the activated

    sludge process. Where primary settling does not precede the

    activated sludge process, screening with 1/2 inch or smaller clear

    opening is recommended in order to prevent plugging of return

    sludge piping and pumps.

    c) Primary Treatment Bypass

    When primary settling is used, provision shall also be made for

    discharging raw sewage directly to the aeration tanks following

    preliminary treatment.

    d) Process Organic Loadings

    The aeration tank capacities and permissible loadings for the

    several adaptations of the processes shown in the table shall be


    Permissible Organic Loading

    For The Activated Sludge Processes

    For Normal Domestic Sewage*


    Aeration Tank

    Organic Loading,

    Process Mode Plant Design lbs BOD[5]/day/

    Average Flow 1000 cu. ft.



    Conventional, Less than 1 mgd

    Complete Mix, Contact 35


    Step Aeration,

    Tapered Aeration

    1 mgd or greater 50




    Extended Aeration 15***

    Single Stage Nitrification


    * Where significant industrial wastes will be tributary to the

    process, design modification shall be made as required by

    subsection (a)(4), to assure compliance with effluent standards.

    ** Total aeration capacity includes both contact and reaeration


    *** Detention time at Design Average Flow for extended aeration shall

    be 24 hours. This requirement may govern tank capacity. Detention

    time for single stage activated sludge for nitrification is

    governed by Section 370.1210(c)(3)(B).

    e) Aeration Tanks

    1) Multiple Units

    Multiple tanks shall be provided. Tanks shall be designed so

    that each tank may be dewatered and operated independently.

    2) Tank Geometry

    The dimensions of each independent mixed liquor aeration tank

    or return sludge reaeration tank shall be such as to

    maintain effective mixing and utilization of air. Liquid

    depths should not be less than 10 feet. The shape of the

    tank, the location of the inlet and outlet and the

    installation of aeration equipment shall provide for

    positive control of short-circuiting through the tank.

    3) Freeboard

    All aeration tanks shall have a freeboard of not less than 18

    inches. Greater heights are desirable. Suitable water spray

    systems or other approved means of froth and foam control

    shall be provided if foaming is anticipated.

    4) Inlet and Outlet Control

    Inlets and outlets for each aeration tank unit shall be

    suitably equipped with valves, gates, stop plates, weirs, or

    other devices to permit balancing, proportioning, and

    measuring the flow to and from any unit and to maintain

    reasonably constant liquid level. The hydraulic elements of

    the system shall permit the design peak flow to be carried

    with any single aeration tank out of service.

    5) Conduits

    Channels and pipes carrying liquids with solids in suspension

    shall be designed to maintain self-cleansing velocities or

    shall be agitated to keep such solids in suspension at all

    design rates of flow. Adequate provisions should be made to

    drain segments of channels which are not being used due to

    alternate flow patterns.

    f) Aeration Equipment

    1) General

    A) Aeration requirements depend upon mixing energy, BOD

    loading, degree of treatment, oxygen uptake rate, mixed

    liquor suspended solids concentration and sludge age.

    Aeration equipment shall be capable of maintaining a

    dissolved oxygen concentration of 2.0 mg/1 in the

    aeration tanks under all design loads. Energy transfer

    shall be sufficient to maintain the mixed liquor solids

    in suspension.

    B) In the case of nitrification, the oxygen requirement for

    oxidizing ammonia must be added to the above requirement

    for carbonaceous BOD removal. The nitrogen oxygen

    demand (NOD) shall be taken as 4.6 times the diurnal

    peak ammonia (as nitrogen) content of the influent. In

    addition, the oxygen demands due to recycle flows such

    as sludge processing, return from excess flow first

    flush storage and other similar flows, must be taken

    into account due to the high concentrations of BOD and

    ammonia associated with such flows.

    C) Careful consideration should be given to maximizing

    oxygen utilization per unit power input. Unless flow

    equalization is provided, the aeration system should be

    designed to match the diurnal organic load variation

    while economizing on power input.

    2) Diffused Air Systems

    A) Except as noted in subsection (f)(2)(B) below, normal

    aeration tank air requirements shall be based upon a

    design figure of 1,500 cu. ft. of air supplied/lb. of

    BOD[5] applied to the aeration tanks. This design

    figure assumes that the equipment is capable of

    transferring 1.0 lb. of oxygen to the aeration tank

    contents/lb. of BOD[5] applied to the aeration tank. For

    the extended aeration process, air requirements shall

    be based on a design figure of 2250 cu. ft. of air

    supplied per lb. of BOD[5] applied to the aeration tanks

    to account for oxygen demand for endogenous respiration

    and ammonia (as nitrogen) for normal strength waste.

    Refer to Section 370.1210(c) for nitrification


    B) Air requirements may be determined based upon

    transferring 1.0 lb. oxygen/lb. of applied oxygen

    demand, as determined by subsection (f)(1) above, using

    standard equations incorporating the factors listed

    below. When using this design technique, the field

    oxygen transfer efficiency of the equipment shall be

    included in the specifications, and the detailed design

    computations shall be contained in the basis of design:

    i) Tank depth;

    ii) Alpha factor of the waste;

    iii) Beta factor of the waste;

    iv) Documented aeration device transfer efficiency;

    v) Minimum aeration tank dissolved oxygen


    vi) Critical wastewater temperature;

    vii) Plant altitude.

    C) In the absence of experimentally determined alpha and

    beta factors for the design described in subsection

    (f)(2)(B) above, wastewater transfer efficiency shall be

    assumed to be no more than 50% of clean water efficiency

    for plants treating primarily (90% or greater) domestic

    sewage. Treatment plants whose waste contains higher

    percentages of industrial wastes shall use a

    correspondingly lower percentage of clean water

    efficiency and shall submit calculations to justify such

    a percentage. The design wastewater oxygen transfer

    efficiency of the equipment shall be included in the


    D) The specified capacity of blowers or air compressors,

    particularly centrifugal blowers, should take into

    account that the air intake temperature may reach 115  

    F or higher and the pressure may be less than normal.

    The specified capacity of the motor drive should also

    take into account that the intake air may be -20   F or

    less and may require oversizing of the motor or a means

    of reducing the rate of air delivery to prevent

    overheating or damage to the motor.

    E) The blowers shall be provided in multiple units, so

    arranged and in such capacities as to meet the maximum

    total air demand with the single largest unit out of

    service. The design shall also provide for varying the

    volume of air delivered in proportion to the load demand

    of the plant.

    F) The air diffusion piping shall be capable of delivering

    200 percent of the design air requirements. Air piping

    systems should be designed such that the friction head

    loss from the blower outlet (or silencer outlet where

    used) to the diffuser inlet does not exceed 0.5 psi at

    100 percent of design air requirements at average

    operating conditions for temperature and pressure.

    G) The spacing of diffusers should be in accordance with

    the oxygenation requirements through the length of the

    channel or tank, and should be designed to facilitate

    adjustments of their spacing without major revision to

    air header piping. Diffusers in any single assembly

    shall have substantially uniform pressure loss.

    H) Individual assembly units of diffusers shall be equipped

    with control valves, preferably with indicator markings

    for throttling and for complete shut off. The

    arrangement of diffusers shall also permit their

    removal for inspection, maintenance and replacement

    without dewatering the tank and without shutting off the

    air supply in the tank, unless the dewatered aeration

    basins are no more than 25% of the total aeration basin

    capacity. Total aeration basin capacity shall include

    the basins in both stages of a two-stage activated

    sludge process.

    I) Air filters shall be provided in numbers, arrangement,

    and capacities to furnish at all times an air supply

    sufficiently free from dust to prevent clogging of the

    diffuser system used.

    3) Mechanical Aeration Systems

    A) Oxygen requirements shall be determined in accordance

    with subsections (f)(2)(B) and (f)(2)(C) above.

    B) The mechanism and drive unit shall be designed for the

    expected conditions in the aeration tank in terms of

    the power performance. Certified testing shall verify

    mechanical aerator performance. The design field oxygen

    transfer efficiency of the equipment shall be included

    in the specifications, and the detailed design

    computations shall be contained in the basis of design.

    C) The mechanical aerators shall be provided in multiple

    units, so arranged and in such capacities as to maintain

    all biological solids in suspension, meet maximum oxygen

    demand and maintain process performance with the largest

    unit out of service. Provision shall be made for varying

    the amount of oxygen transferred in proportion to the

    load demand on the plant.

    D) Due to high heat loss, the mechanism as well as

    subsequent treatment units shall be protected from


    E) Motors, gear housing, bearings and grease fittings shall

    be easily accessible and protected from inundation and

    spray as necessary for proper functioning of the unit.

    g) Return Sludge Equipment

    1) Return Sludge Rate

    The rate of sludge return, expressed as a percentage of

    design average flow of sewage, shall be variable between

    limits of 15 and 100 percent.

    2) Return Sludge Pumps

    A) If motor driven return sludge pumps are used, the

    maximum return sludge capacity shall be obtained with

    the largest pump out of service. The rate of sludge

    return shall be varied by such means as variable speed

    motors or drives, multiple constant speed pumps, or

    telescoping valves. A positive head should be provided

    on pump suctions. Pumps shall be capable of passing

    spheres of at least 3 inches in diameter. Pump suction

    and discharge openings shall be at least 4 inches in


    B) If air lift pumps are used for returning sludge from

    each settling tank, no standby unit shall be required

    provided that the design of the air lifts is such as to

    facilitate their rapid and easy cleaning. Air lifts

    should be at least 3 inches in diameter and provided

    with adjustable air valving to permit flow control in

    accordance with subsection (g)(1) above.

    3) Return Sludge Piping

    Suction and discharge piping should be at least 4 inches in

    diameter and should be designed to maintain a velocity of not

    less than 2 feet per second when return sludge facilities

    are operating at normal return sludge rates. Suitable

    devices for observing, measuring, sampling and controlling

    return activated sludge flow from each settling tank shall

    be provided.

    4) Waste Sludge Control

    Waste sludge control facilities should have a maximum

    capacity of not less than 25 percent of the average rate of

    sewage flow and function satisfactorily at rates of 0.5

    percent of average sewage flow. Means for observing,

    measuring, sampling and controlling waste activated sludge

    flow shall be provided. Waste sludge may be discharged to

    the primary settling tank, concentrator or thickening tank,

    sludge digestion tank, vacuum filters, or any practical

    combination of these units. Refer to Sections 370.820 and



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.930 Waste Stabilization Ponds and Aerated Lagoons>>


    a) Supplement To Engineer's Report

    1) The engineer's report shall contain pertinent information on

    location, geology, soil conditions, area for expansion, and

    any other factors that will affect the feasibility and

    acceptability of the proposed treatment.

    2) Supplementary Field Survey Data

    The following information must be submitted in addition to

    that required in Section 370.111:

    A) The location and direction of all residences, commercial

    development, and water supplies within 1/2 mile of the

    proposed pond.

    B) Soil borings to determine surface and subsurface soil

    characteristics of the immediate area and their effect

    on the construction and operation of a pond located on

    the site.

    C) Data demonstrating anticipated percolation rates at the

    elevation of the proposed pond bottom.

    D) A description, including maps showing elevations and

    contours of the site and adjacent area suitable for


    E) Sulfate content of the water supply.

    F) Identification of the location, depth and discharge

    point of any field tile in the immediate area of the

    proposed site.

    b) Location

    1) Distance From Habitation

    A pond site should be as far as practicable from habitation

    or any area which may be built up within a reasonable future


    2) Prevailing Winds

    If practicable, ponds should be located so that local

    prevailing winds will be in the direction of uninhabited

    areas. Preference should be given sites which will permit an

    unobstructed wind sweep across the ponds, especially in the

    direction of the local prevailing winds.

    3) Surface Runoff

    Adequate provisions shall be made to divert storm water

    around the ponds and otherwise protect pond embankments.

    4) Ground Water Contamination

    The requirements of the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act

    [415 ILCS 55] shall be taken into account in the siting of

    ponds. Ponds should not be located proximate to water

    supplies and other facilities subject to contamination or

    located in areas of porous soils and fissured rock

    formations. If conditions dictate using such a site, then

    the potential for and the means necessary to combat

    groundwater contamination shall be critically evaluated in

    the engineer's report. In such locations, the Agency will

    require groundwater monitoring wells.

    5) Geology

    Ponds shall not be located in areas subject to sink holes and

    mine subsidence. Soil borings and tests to determine the

    characteristics of surface soil and subsoil shall be made a

    part of preliminary pond site selection surveys. Gravel and

    limestone areas should be avoided; however, where conditions

    dictate locating ponds in such areas and the minimum

    separation between the pond bottom and gravel or limestone

    will be less than 10 feet, the Agency shall be contacted

    about the necessary precautions.

    c) Basis Of Design

    1) Organic Loading

    A) Waste Stabilization Ponds

    The organic loading on each cell shall not exceed the

    loadings listed below. If more accurate design

    information for the particular type waste is not

    submitted and supported by the engineer, subsequent

    cells shall be sized for an organic loading of 25% of

    each preceding cell.

    i) North of Illinois Highway 116 (Pontiac) 22 lbs.

    BOD per acre per day.

    ii) Between Illinois Highway 116 and U.S. Highway 50,

    26 lbs. BOD per acre per day.

    iii) South of U.S. Highway 50 (Salem-Carlyle) 30 lbs.

    BOD per acre per day.

    B) Aerated Lagoons

    The organic loading for aerated lagoons shall not exceed

    0.5 lb. BOD[5] day per 1,000 cu. ft. first cell nor 0.3

    lb. BOD[5] day per 1,000 cu. ft. on any subsequent

    cells. If more accurate design information for the

    particular type waste is not submitted and supported by

    the engineer, the second and third cells shall be sized

    for an organic loading of 25% of each preceding cell.

    2) Depth

    A) Waste Stabilization Ponds

    The minimum operating liquid depth for waste

    stabilization ponds should be 2 feet. The maximum

    operating liquid depth shall be based on design storage

    requirements and shall not be less than 5 feet.

    B) Aerated Lagoons

    The design water depth for aerated lagoons should be 10

    to 15 feet. This depth limitation may be altered

    depending on the aeration equipment, waste strength,

    climatic and geological conditions.

    3) Aeration Requirements For Aerated Lagoons

    A) Aeration systems shall be designed to provide, with the

    largest unit out of service, a minimum of 1,500 cu. ft.

    of air/lb. of BOD[5] in the raw waste (1.5 lbs. of

    oxygen/lb. of BOD[5] plus oxygen required to oxidize

    the ammonia present in the raw waste). The aeration

    equipment shall be located to ensure proper mixing and

    distribution of oxygen in proportion to oxygen demand in

    multiple cells. Splash type aerators with motors above

    the water surface may not be used.

    B) Where hose type diffusers are used, the holes shall be

    of sufficient size to prevent plugging by dissolved

    solids incrustation.

    4) Multiple Cells

    A minimum of two cells to be operated in series or parallel

    should be provided for all waste stabilization ponds when

    they are utilized as a part of the primary and secondary

    treatment process. The number of cells required for aerated

    lagoons are dependent upon the degree of treatment required.

    Refer to subsection (c)(6).

    5) Pond Shape

    The shape of all primary cells should be such that there are

    no narrow or elongated portions. Round, square, or

    rectangular ponds with a length not exceeding 3 times the

    width are considered most desirable. No islands, peninsulas,

    or coves should be permitted. Dikes should be rounded at

    corners to minimize accumulations of floating materials.

    6) Solids Removal

    All lagoon systems shall include effective solids removal

    facilities. Design criteria for acceptable solids removal

    facilities are contained in Subpart K. Other solids removal

    facilities may be approved in accordance with Section


    d) Construction Details

    1) Embankments and Dikes

    A) Material

    Embankments and dikes shall be constructed of relatively

    impervious materials and compacted to at least 90%

    Standard Proctor density to form a stable structure.

    Vegetation and other unsuitable material shall be

    removed from the area upon which the embankment is to be


    B) Top Width

    The minimum embankment top width should be 8 feet to

    permit access of maintenance vehicles. Lesser top

    widths will be considered for very small installations.

    C) Maximum Embankment Slopes

    i) Inner Slopes:

    3 horizontal to 1 vertical.

    ii) Outer Slopes:

    3 horizontal to 1 vertical.

    D) Minimum Embankment Slopes

    i) Inner Slopes:

    4 horizontal to 1 vertical. Flatter slopes are

    sometimes specified for larger installations

    because of wave action but have the disadvantage of

    added shallow areas conducive to emergent


    ii) Outer Slopes:

    Outer slopes shall be sufficient to prevent surface

    runoff from entering the ponds.

    E) Freeboard

    Minimum freeboard shall be 3 feet except for very small

    installations 2 feet may be acceptable.

    F) Erosion Control Requirements

    For effective erosion control on the lagoon embankments,

    both seeding and riprap (or acceptable alternate) are


    i) Seeding

    Embankments shall be seeded from the outside toe to

    1 foot above the high water line on the dikes,

    measured on the slope. Perennial type, low

    growing, spreading grasses that withstand erosion

    and can be kept mowed are most satisfactory for

    seeding of embankments. In general, alfalfa and

    other long rooted crops should not be used in

    seeding, since the roots of this type plant are apt

    to impair the water holding efficiency of the

    dikes. The County Agricultural Extension Agent

    can usually advise as to hardy, locally suited

    permanent grasses which would be satisfactory for

    embankment seeding.

    ii) Riprap

    Riprap (or acceptable alternate) shall be placed on

    the inner slope of the embankments from 1 foot

    above the high water mark to 1 foot below the low

    water level. Riprap shall be comprised of a

    two-layer system consisting of a minimum 4-inch

    layer of coarse aggregate that meets the Illinois

    Department of Transportation (IDOT) Standard

    Specification for Road and Bridge Construction

    adopted January 1, 1997 for the gradations in the

    range of CA-6 through CA-10 and a minimum 12-inch

    layer of stone. The rock layer shall consist of

    evenly graded material with a maximum weight of 150

    pounds per piece and shall meet the IDOT gradations

    for rock of either Grade No. 3 or 4.

    2) Pond Bottom

    A) Uniformity

    Finished elevations shall not be more than 3 inches from

    the average elevation of the bottom. Shallow or

    feathering fringe areas usually result in locally

    unsatisfactory conditions.

    B) Vegetation

    The bottom shall be cleared of vegetation and debris.

    Organic material thus removed shall not be used in the

    dike core construction. However, suitable topsoil

    relatively free of debris may be used as cover material

    on the outer slopes of the embankment.

    C) Soil

    Soil used in constructing the pond bottom (not including

    the seal) shall be relatively incompressible and tight.

    Porous topsoil shall be removed. Porous areas, such as

    gravel or sandy pockets, shall be removed and replaced

    with well compacted clay. The entire bottom shall be

    compacted at or up to 4% above the optimum water content

    to at least 90% Standard Proctor density.

    D) Seal

    The pond bottom and embankments shall be sealed such

    that seepage loss through the seal is as low as

    possible. Seals consisting of soils, bentonite or

    synthetic liners may be used, provided that the

    permeability, durability and integrity of the proposed

    material is demonstrated for anticipated conditions.

    The results of a testing program that substantiates the

    adequacy of the proposed seal shall be incorporated into

    or accompany the engineering report. Standard ASTM

    procedures or similar accepted testing methods shall be

    used for all tests.

    i) A seal consisting of soil materials shall have a

    thickness of at least 24 inches and a permeability

    of less than 1x10(-7) cm per second. Provision

    shall be made in the specifications for

    demonstrating the permeability of the seal after

    completion of construction and prior to filling the


    ii) For a seal that consists of a synthetic liner,

    seepage loss through the liner shall not exceed a

    quantity equivalent to seepage loss through a soil

    seal as described above.

    E) Prefilling

    Prefilling the pond after completion of testing is

    recommended in order to protect the seal from weed

    growth, to prevent drying and cracking and to reduce

    odor during initial operation. The pond dikes must be

    completely prepared as described in subsection

    (d)(1)(F). Synthetic liners shall be protected from

    damage during installation and filling.

    3) Influent Lines

    A) Material

    Any generally accepted material for underground sewer

    construction will be given consideration for the

    influent line to the pond. The material selected should

    be adapted to local conditions. Special consideration

    must be given to the character of the wastes,

    possibility of septicity, exceptionally heavy external

    loadings, abrasion, the necessity of reducing the number

    of joints, soft foundations, and similar problems.

    B) Manholes

    A readily accessible manhole shall be installed at the

    terminus of the trunk sewer or the force main, unless

    the force main discharges directly to the lagoon as

    described in subsection (d)(3)(H). The manhole shall be

    located as close to the dike as topography permits and

    its invert should be at least 6 inches above the maximum

    operating level of the pond to provide sufficient

    hydraulic head without surcharging the manhole.

    Surcharging of the sewer upstream from the inlet manhole

    is not permitted.

    C) Grade

    i) Influent line can be placed at zero grade and

    should be located along the bottom of the pond so

    that the top of the pipe is just below the average

    elevation of the pond bottom. The pipe shall have

    adequate seal below it.

    ii) The laying of the influent pipe on the surface of

    the pond bottom is prohibited.

    D) Point of Discharge

    Influent lines to the primary cell should terminate at

    approximately the third point farthest from the outlet

    structure. For interconnecting piping to secondary

    cells refer to subsection (d)(4)(B).

    E) Flow Distribution

    Flow distribution structures shall be designed to

    effectively split hydraulic and organic loads

    proportionally to primary cells. Refer to Section


    F) Submerged Inlets

    Submerged inlet lines shall discharge horizontally into

    a shallow, saucer-shaped depression which should extend

    below the pond bottom not more than the diameter of the

    influent pipe plus 1 foot.

    G) Discharge Apron

    The end of the discharge line should rest on a suitable

    concrete apron with a minimum size of 2 feet square.

    H) Force Mains

    Force mains discharging directly to lagoons are

    permitted if the force main has a freefall discharge

    into the lagoon and is not turned upward at the point of

    discharge. The point of discharge shall be at

    approximately the third point farthest from the outlet

    structure and the pipe shall be sloped for drainage into

    the lagoon to avoid freezing.

    I) Anti-Seep Collars

    Anti-seep collars shall be used on all piping passing

    through or under the lagoon embankments.

    4) Outlet Structures and Interconnecting Piping

    A) Outlet Structure

    i) Outlet structures shall be designed to allow the

    operating level of the pond to be adjusted to

    permit operation at depths of 2 feet to the maximum

    depth. The design shall also allow effluent to be

    drawn from various depths below all operating

    levels. All structures and devices such as weirs,

    gates and valves shall be watertight and capable of

    being easily adjusted by the operator without the

    need of additional mechanical equipment. Wooden

    stop-planks are not acceptable for level control.

    ii) Drawoff lines should not be located any lower than

    12 inches off the bottom to control eroding

    velocities and avoid pickup of bottom deposits.

    iii) A locking device should be provided to prevent

    unauthorized access to the level control


    iv) When possible, the outlet structure should be

    located on the windward side to prevent short

    circuiting. The outlet structure shall be properly

    baffled to prevent the discharge of floating


    v) Consideration must be given in the design of all

    structures to protect against freezing or ice

    damage under winter conditions.

    B) Interconnecting Piping and Unit Bypass

    i) Interconnecting piping and overflows should be

    constructed of materials that will withstand damage

    during construction and operation, giving special

    consideration to damage that may occur during

    compaction of embankments and damage to shallow

    piping. Piping shall be sized to allow transfer of

    maximum flows without raising the lagoon water

    level by more than 6 inches in the upstream cell.

    In no case shall interconnecting pipe be less than

    8 inches in diameter. Interconnecting piping

    between cells should be valved or provided with

    other arrangements to regulate flow between

    structures and permit flexible depth control.

    ii) The interconnecting pipe to the secondary cell

    should discharge horizontally near the lagoon

    bottom to minimize need for erosion control

    measures and should be located as near the dividing

    dike as construction permits.

    iii) Piping and valves shall be provided so that each

    cell can be operated independently of any other

    cell. Provision shall be made for independent cell


    C) Anti-Seep Collars

    Anti-seep collars shall be used on all interconnecting

    and outlet piping passing through or under the lagoon


    5) Miscellaneous

    A) Fencing

    The pond area shall be enclosed with a suitable fence to

    preclude livestock and discourage trespassing. A

    vehicle access gate of sufficient width to accommodate

    mowing equipment shall be provided. All access gates

    shall be provided with locks.

    B) Warning Signs

    Appropriate signs should be provided along the fence

    around the pond to designate the nature of the facility

    and advise against trespassing.

    C) Flow Measurement, Sampling and Level Gauge

    Provisions for flow measurement and sampling shall be

    provided on the inlet and outlet. Pond level gauges

    shall be provided. The NPDES permit monitoring

    requirements for the facility shall be taken into

    account. Elapsed time meters on pumps or calibrated

    weirs may be used as flow measurement devices for


    D) Sludge Removal

    When an existing lagoon is to be upgraded, the project

    design shall provide for removal of any sludge

    accumulation in the existing lagoon. The sludge removed

    shall be disposed of in accordance with IPCB



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.940 Intermittent Sand Filtration for Secondary Treatment>>


    a) Applicability

    Use of the intermittent sand filter for secondary treatment is

    generally limited to weak to normal strength wastewaters which are

    amenable to biological treatment. Cold weather operational

    problems may preclude the use of this process unless the influent

    temperature to the filter is adequate to allow efficient filter

    operation necessary to meet the applicable effluent standards.

    b) Pretreatment Requirements

    Wastewaters applied to intermittent sand filters must be

    substantially free of grit, debris, oil and grease, floating and

    suspended materials, and components which inhibit biological

    processes and cause rapid clogging of the filter. Special

    consideration shall be given to the design of preceding treatment

    units, including dosing facilities, to limit heat loss during

    winter operation.

    c) Multiple Units

    Intermittent sand filters shall be provided in multiple units,

    designed for independent operation and maintenance.

    d) Location

    Intermittent sand filters treating septic tank or primary effluent

    should be restricted to relatively isolated locations or otherwise

    modified in order to minimize odor nuisances.

    e) Recirculation

    Recirculation of filter effluent may be practiced in order to

    attenuate and equalize organic and hydraulic loads to the filter,

    and improve unit process efficiency, control odors, and improve

    day-to-day reliability.

    1) Rate

    A recirculation rate of up to 300% of the settled sewage load

    to the filter may be provided.

    2) Variability

    The capability of varying the recirculation rate allows

    greater process control and optimization of process

    efficiency. This feature shall be included where

    recirculation is provided.

    f) Dosing

    1) Dosing Volumes

    The dosing facilities shall be designed for a capacity of

    2,500 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. of filter bed to be dosed at

    any given time.

    2) Dosing Rates for Siphons or Pumps

    Siphons (at minimum head) or pumps shall have a discharge

    capacity at least 100% in excess of the maximum rate of

    inflow to the dosing tank, including recirculation, and at

    average head, at least 90 gallons per minute per 1,000 square


    3) Discharge Line Capacity

    The discharge lines to the beds shall have sufficient

    capacity to permit the full rated discharge of the siphons or


    g) Construction Details

    1) Earth Base

    The earth base of the filters shall be sloped to the


    2) Underdrains

    The sand filter shall be provided with open-joint or

    perforated pipe underdrains. They should be sloped to the

    outlet and spaced not to exceed 10 foot centers. Vertical

    riser vents shall be provided at both ends of each underdrain

    pipe and shall be located as not to be overtopped at maximum

    dosing depth.

    3) Media

    A) Gravel Base

    Clean graded gravel, preferably placed in at least three

    layers, should be placed around the underdrains and to a

    depth of at least 6 inches over the top of the

    underdrains. Crushed stone may not be used in lieu of

    gravel. Suggested gradings for the three layers are:

    1 1/2" to 3/4", 3/4" to 1/4", 1/4" to 1/8".

    B) Sand

    At least 24 inches of clean washed sand shall be

    provided. Sand shall be durable and relatively

    insoluble in sewage. Clay content shall be less than 1%

    by weight. The effective size shall be 0.3 to 1.0

    millimeter (mm). The uniformity coefficient shall not

    be greater than 3.5.

    4) Splash Slabs

    Splash slabs shall be provided at each point of discharge to

    the filter. A means of dissipating the energy of the

    discharge velocity shall be provided around the periphery of

    the splash slab.

    5) Curbs

    Provision shall be made to prevent soil and surface runoff

    from entering the filter area. Curbs should be high enough

    to hold the maximum dose and provide adequate freeboard.

    6) Distribution System

    A) Arrangement

    Provision shall be made for even distribution of the

    flow on the filter surface. If troughs or piping are

    used, they shall be so located that the maximum lateral

    travel of the flow on the media surface is not more than

    20 feet.

    B) Drains

    Troughs, discharge piping or other distribution

    equipment shall be sloped to drain to prevent freezing.

    h) Loading Rates

    The loading rates shall be based on the raw sewage flow and

    organic strength. The following loading rates shall not be



    Raw Waste Strength Dose Rate

    (BOD[5] mg/l) (gals./ft.(2)/day)

    _______________ __________________


    100 to 200 3

    200 to 300 2

    above 300 1


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.1000 General>>


    Where needed to meet applicable standards, disinfection of the effluent

    shall be provided. The design shall provide for meeting both the bacterial

    standards and any disinfectant residual limits applicable to the effluent.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1010 Disinfection Process Selection>>


    a) The disinfection process should be selected after due

    consideration of waste characteristics, type of treatment

    processes provided prior to disinfection, waste flow rates, waste

    pH, disinfectant demand rates, current technology application,

    cost of equipment, chemical availability, power costs and

    maintenance requirements. Areawide public safety shall be

    considered where large liquid chlorine or sulfur dioxide

    containers are to be handled.

    b) Chlorine may be used in the form of liquid chlorine or calcium or

    sodium hypochlorite. Dechlorination will be required where

    necessary to meet applicable chlorine residual effluent


    c) An ultra-violet radiation system may be used as an alternative

    disinfection process.

    d) Other alternative means of disinfection will be evaluated

    according to the provisions of Section 370.520(b).


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)



    <BSection 370.1020 Chlorine Disinfection>>


    a) Type of Feed Equipment

    The types of chlorine feed equipment include:

    1) Vacuum solution feed by gas;

    2) Direct gas feed;

    3) Hypochlorite solution positive displacement pump feed;

    4) Hypochlorite tablet feed.

    b) Selection of Feed Equipment

    The selection of the type of chlorine feed equipment shall take

    into account operator safety and overall public safety relative to

    the proximity of the sewage treatment plant to populated areas and

    to the security of the gas cylinder or container storage.

    c) Output Capacity of Gas Chlorine Cylinders


    <PDelivery Rates (lbs of chlorine/day)>>


    Ambient 100 pound 150 pound 1 Ton

    Temp.  F Cylinder Cylinder Container


    40 6 9 100

    50 14 21 240

    60 23.7 35.5 385

    70 32 47.5 536

    80 41.2 62 700


    Some types of vacuum chlorinators can deliver chlorine at rates

    greater than those listed above under the same conditions. When

    designs include rates in excess of those indicated above,

    manufacturer's specifications and test results shall be provided.

    d) Standby Equipment and Spare Parts

    Standby equipment of sufficient capacity should be available to

    replace the largest unit during shutdowns. Spare parts shall be

    available for all chlorinators to replace parts which are subject

    to wear and breakage.

    e) Potable Water Supply Protection

    An ample supply of water shall be available for operating the

    chlorinator. Where a booster pump is required, duplicate

    equipment should be provided and, when necessary, also standby

    power (refer to Section 370.550(a)(4)). Protection of a potable

    water supply shall conform to the requirements of Section

    370.550(b)(3). In-line backflow preventers are not acceptable.

    f) Chlorine Gas Supply

    1) Cylinders

    The use of 1-ton containers should be considered where the

    average daily chlorine gas consumption is over 150 pounds.

    All upright chlorine cylinders shall be strapped securely to

    prevent tipping.

    2) Tank Cars

    A) At large installations the use of tank cars, generally

    accompanied by evaporators, may be considered. Areawide

    public safety shall be evaluated as a part of the

    considerations. Provision shall be made for a chlorine

    supply during tank car switching.

    B) The tank car being used for the chlorine supply shall be

    located on a dead end, level track that is a dedicated

    siding. The tank car shall be protected from accidental

    bumping by other railway cars by a locked de-rail

    device, a closed lock switch, or both. The area shall

    be clearly posted "DANGER-CHLORINE." The tank car shall

    be secured by adequate fencing with locked gates for

    personnel and rail access.

    C) The tank car site shall be provided with an operating

    platform at the unloading point that allows for easy

    access to the protective housing on the tank car for

    flexible feed line connection and valve operation. Area

    lighting adequate for night time operation and

    maintenance shall be provided.

    3) Scales

    A) Scales shall be provided for weighing cylinders and

    containers at all plants using chlorine gas.

    B) At large plants, indicating and recording scales are

    recommended. At a minimum, a platform scale shall be

    provided. Scales shall be made of corrosion-resistant

    material. Scales should be recessed unless hoisting

    equipment is provided or the scales are low enough to

    allow the cylinders to be rolled onto them.

    4) Evaporators

    Where manifolding of several cylinders or containers will be

    required to evaporate sufficient chlorine, consideration

    should be given to liquid drawoff and installation of an


    5) Leak Detection and Controls

    A bottle of ammonium hydroxide solution should be available

    for detecting chlorine leaks. Consideration should also be

    given to the provision of caustic soda solution reaction

    tanks for absorbing the contents of leaking 1-ton containers

    where such containers are in use. Also, when cylinders,

    containers or tank cars are used, a leak repair kit approved

    by the Chlorine Institute shall be provided. At

    installations using over 150 pounds of chlorine gas per day

    consideration should be given to the installation of

    automatic gas detection and related alarm equipment.

    g) Piping and Connections

    1) Piping systems should be as simple as possible, and shall be

    specially selected and manufactured to be suitable for

    chlorine service, with a minimum number of joints. Piping

    should be well supported and protected against temperature


    2) The chlorine system piping shall be color coded and labeled

    to distinguish it from sulfur dioxide and other plant piping.

    Where sulfur dioxide is used, the piping and fittings for

    chlorine and sulfur dioxide systems shall be designed so that

    interconnection between the two systems cannot occur.

    h) Housing

    1) Container and Equipment Location

    Containers and feed equipment should be located indoors, in a

    suitable fire-resistant building. Gas cylinders should be

    protected from direct sunlight if not located indoors.

    A) Separation

    If gas chlorination equipment and chlorine cylinders or

    containers are to be housed in a building used for other

    purposes, the chlorine cylinders or containers and

    equipment shall be located in an isolated room. This

    room shall not contain any sulfonation equipment, sulfur

    dioxide cylinders or other equipment unrelated to

    chlorination. Common walls to other areas of the

    building shall be gastight. Doors to this room shall

    open only to the outside of the building and shall be

    equipped with panic hardware. Rooms shall be at ground

    level and shall permit easy access to all equipment.

    Storage areas should be separated from the feed area.

    B) Inspection Window

    A clear gastight window shall be installed in the

    chlorinator room to permit the units to be viewed and

    gauges to be read without entering the room.

    C) Heat

    Chlorinator housing facilities shall be provided with a

    means of heating so that a temperature of at least 60   F

    can be maintained. Where chlorine gas is to be

    withdrawn from cylinders or containers, the cylinders or

    containers shall be maintained at essentially room

    temperature. The room shall be protected from excessive

    heat. If liquid chlorine is to be withdrawn from the

    cylinders or containers to an evaporator unit, the feed

    cylinders or containers may be located in an unheated


    3) Ventilation For Gas Chlorination Systems

    A) Forced, mechanical ventilation shall be installed which

    will provide 1 complete air change per minute. The

    entrance to the air exhaust duct from the room shall be

    within 12 inches of the floor and the point of discharge

    shall be so located as not to contaminate the air in the

    immediate vicinity of the entrance door to the

    chlorinator room or ventilation inlet or window or

    entrance door to any buildings or inhabited areas.

    Where the public may be subjected to extensive exposure

    to chlorine in case of chlorine leaks, scrubbers may be

    required on the ventilation discharge.

    B) The chlorination room air inlets shall be so located as

    to provide cross ventilation with air and at such

    temperature that will not adversely affect the

    chlorination equipment. The vent hose from the

    chlorinator shall discharge to the outside atmosphere

    above grade.

    4) Electrical Controls

    The controls for the fans and lights shall be provided at

    those locations where it is necessary to enter the

    chlorination room and shall automatically operate when the

    door is opened and continue to operate when the operator

    enters the room and the door is closed. Provision shall be

    made for manual operation of controls from the outside of the

    room without opening the door.

    5) Outdoor Cabinet Housing

    Outdoor shallow cabinet-type units, with wide opening doors,

    that are shallow enough not to need or require operator

    entry, may be used to house the containers and feed

    equipment. Use of such cabinets shall be limited to small

    plants that provide seasonal disinfection or use less than 10

    pounds of chlorine per day. Only two chlorine gas cylinders

    of 150 pounds or less on line may be housed in the cabinets.

    The following items shall be provided for in the design:

    A) The cabinet structure shall be located on and securely

    anchored to a concrete slab sized to allow for safe

    transport and handling of the cylinders. The structure

    and slab shall be capable of withstanding expected wind

    loadings on the cabinet. The design of the cabinet

    support slab shall take into account the effects of

    frost and settling due to soil stability. Flexible

    piping connections should be considered for lines

    connected to the cabinet.

    B) The cabinet shall be protected from direct sunlight to

    prevent overheating of the chlorine cylinders.

    C) The cabinet doors shall extend the full width of the

    long side of the cabinet structure so that the full

    interior of the cabinet is exposed with the door open.

    Provision shall be made to secure the open doors while

    the operator is changing cylinders and maintaining the

    feed equipment.

    D) The cabinet depth shall not exceed 24 inches. The feed

    equipment shall be positioned to allow easy access for

    maintenance and to allow observation of the gauges and


    E) Provision shall be made for chains, wall mounted

    fastener hooks or similar means for anchoring the

    chlorine cylinders to prevent tipping.

    F) The cabinet structure shall be corrosion resistant to

    chlorine gas.

    G) Where electrical power is available, the cabinet should

    be placed in a well-lighted area.

    i) Respiratory Protection Equipment

    Respiratory protection equipment meeting the requirements of the

    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

    shall be available at all installations where chlorine gas is

    handled and shall be stored in a convenient location outside of

    any room where chlorine is used or stored. The respiratory

    protection units shall use compressed air, have at least a

    30-minute capacity, and be compatible with or exactly the same as

    NIOSH-approved units used by the local fire department.

    Instructions for using, testing, and replacing mask parts shall be

    posted. At large installations, consideration should be given to

    providing acid suits and fire suits.

    j) Application of Chlorine

    1) Contact Period

    After thorough mixing, a minimum contact period of 15 minutes

    at design peak hourly flow or maximum rate of pumpage shall

    be provided.

    2) Chlorinator Dosing Rate Capacity

    Chlorinators shall be designed to have a capacity adequate to

    produce an effluent that will meet the applicable bacterial

    limits. Where necessary to meet the operating ranges,

    multiple units shall be provided for adequate peak capacity

    and for a sufficiently low feed rate on turn down to allow

    proper chlorine residual. The chlorination system shall be

    designed on a rational basis and calculations justifying the

    equipment sizing and number of units shall be submitted for

    the whole operating range of flow rates, including the

    minimum turn down capacity for the type of control to be

    used. System design considerations shall include the

    controlling sewage flow meter (sensitivity and location),

    telemetering equipment and chlorinator controls. For treated

    normal domestic sewage the following dosing capacity, based

    on design average flow, is suggested (see Section



    <PType of Treatment>> <PDosage (mg/l)>>


    Primary Settled Sewage 20

    Lagoon Effluent (unfiltered) 20

    Trickling Filter Plant Effluent 10

    Lagoon Effluent (filtered) 10

    Activated Sludge Plant Effluent 6

    Activated Sludge Plants with

    Chemical Addition 4

    Filtered Effluent Following

    Mechanical Biological Treatment 4


    k) Contact Tank

    1) Mechanical means of sludge removal is recommended and should

    be provided unless multiple chlorine tanks are provided.

    Portable deck-level vacuum cleaning equipment may be used for

    small treatment plants. Provisions for draining contact

    tanks not equipped with mechanical sludge removal equipment

    shall be provided, with the drain flow returned to process

    for treatment.

    2) Exception to the requirement of duplicate contact tanks may

    be granted if the contact tank follows a sand filter or if

    the main treatment works is a waste stabilization pond, with

    provisions for storing the sewage flow for several days while

    the contact tank is being cleaned.

    3) Adequate mixing during the chlorine contact period shall be

    insured by the installation of adequate baffling, air or

    other mixing equipment. Facilities for the retention and

    removal of floating scum shall be provided.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1021 Dechlorination>>


    a) General

    Dechlorination of sewage plant effluents may be required to reduce

    toxicity due to chlorine residuals.

    b) Feed Equipment

    1) Type

    The common types of dechlorination feed equipment using

    sulfur compounds include:

    A) Vacuum solution feed of sulfur dioxide gas.

    B) Positive displacement pump feed or aqueous solutions of

    sulfite or bisulfite products.

    2) Selection of Feed Equipment

    The selection of the type of feed equipment using sulfur

    compounds shall include consideration of operator safety and

    overall public safety relative to the proximity of the sewage

    treatment plant to populated areas and the security of the

    gas cylinder storage. The selection and design of sulfur

    dioxide feeding equipment shall take into account the fact

    that the gas reliquifies very easily.

    c) Output Capacity of Sulfur Dioxide Cylinders

    The number of feed cylinders or containers necessary to meet the

    design delivery rates shall be based on the physical,

    thermodynamic and chemical properties for sulfur dioxide. Refer

    to the Compressed Gas Association publication CGA G-3-1988 "Sulfur

    Dioxide" or other standard reference sources for information on

    sulfur dioxide properties.

    d) Standby Equipment and Spare Parts

    Standby equipment should be available of sufficient capacity to

    replace the largest unit during shutdown. Spare parts to replace

    parts that are subject to wear and breakage shall be available for

    all sulfonators.

    e) Potable Water Supply

    An ample supply of water shall be available for operating the

    sulfonator. Where a booster pump is required duplicate equipment

    should be provided and, when necessary, standby power. (Refer to

    Section 370.550(a)(4).) Protection of the potable water supply

    shall conform to the requirements of Section 370.550(b)(6).

    In-line back flow preventers may not be used.

    f) Sulfur Dioxide Gas Supply

    1) Cylinders

    The use of 1-ton containers should be considered where the

    average daily sulfur dioxide consumption is over 150 pounds.

    All upright sulfur dioxide cylinders shall be strapped

    securely to prevent tipping.

    2) Tank Cars

    A) The use of tank cars, generally accompanied by

    evaporators, may be considered for large installations.

    Areawide public safety shall be evaluated as part of the

    considerations. Continuity of sulfur dioxide supply

    shall be maintained during tank car switching.

    B) The tank car being used for the sulfur dioxide supply

    shall be located on a dead end, level track that is a

    dedicated siding. The tank car shall be protected from

    accidental bumping by other railway cars by a locked

    de-rail device, a closed lock switch, or both. The area

    shall be clearly posted "DANGER-SULFUR DIOXIDE." The

    tank car shall be secured by adequate fencing with

    locked gates for personnel and rail access.

    C) The tank car site shall be provided with an operating

    platform at the unloading point that allows for easy

    access to the protective housing on the tank car for

    flexible feed line connection and valve operation. Area

    lighting adequate for night time operation and

    maintenance shall be provided.

    3) Scales

    A) Scales shall be provided for weighing cylinders or

    containers at all plants using sulfur dioxide gas.

    B) At large plants indicating and recording scales are

    recommended. At a minimum, a platform scale shall be

    provided. Scales shall be made of corrosion resistant

    material. Scales should be recessed unless hoisting

    equipment is provided or the scales are low enough to

    allow the cylinders to be rolled onto them.

    4) Evaporator

    Where the manifolding of several cylinders or containers will

    be required to evaporate sufficient sulfur dioxide,

    consideration should be given to liquid drawoff and

    installation of an evaporator. A liquid nitrogen gas padding

    system to enhance the liquid sulfur dioxide delivery rate

    should be considered.

    5) Leak Detection and Controls

    Sulfur dioxide leak detection equipment shall be provided

    which has a sensitivity level equal to that of ambient air

    pollution monitoring equipment. Where cylinders, one-ton

    containers and tank cars are used, a leak repair kit that is

    compatible for use with sulfur dioxide gas shall be provided.

    Leak repair kits used for chlorine gas (Section

    370.1020(f)(5)) equipped with gasket materials suitable for

    service with sulfur dioxide may be used. (See paragraphs

    10.4 and 13.2 of "Sulfur Dioxide," Compressed Gas

    Association, Inc., Publication CGA G-3-1988 for a discussion

    of suitable materials.) Refer to Section 370.560.

    g) Piping and Connections

    1) Piping systems should be as simple as possible, with a

    minimum number of joints, and shall be suitable for sulfur

    dioxide service. Piping should be well supported and

    protected against temperature extremes.

    2) The piping for the sulfur dioxide system shall be color-coded

    and labeled to distinguish it from chlorine piping, and the

    system shall be designed so that interconnections with

    chlorine piping cannot occur.

    h) Housing

    1) Container and Equipment Location

    Containers and feed equipment should be located inside a fire

    resistant building. Gas cylinders and containers should be

    protected from direct sunlight.

    A) Isolation

    If gas sulfonation equipment and sulfur dioxide

    cylinders will be located in a building also used for

    other purposes, the sulfur dioxide equipment and

    containers shall be located in an isolated room that

    shall not contain any chlorination equipment, chlorine

    containers or any other equipment unrelated to

    sulfonation. Common walls to other areas of the

    building shall be gastight. Doors to the room shall

    open only to the outside and shall be equipped with

    panic hardware. Rooms shall be at ground level and

    shall allow easy access to all equipment. Storage areas

    should be separated from feed areas; sulfur dioxide and

    chlorine cylinders shall be stored in separate areas.

    B) Inspection Window

    A clear gastight window shall be installed in the

    sulfonate room to permits the units to be viewed and

    gauges to be read without entering the room.

    2) Heat

    Sulfonator housing facilities shall be provided with a means

    of heating so that cylinder temperatures can be maintained in

    the range of 90 to 100   F when sulfur dioxide is to be

    withdrawn from the cylinder. The sulfonator room shall be

    protected from excessive heat.

    3) Ventilation for Sulfur Dioxide Systems

    A) Forced, mechanical ventilation that will provide one

    complete air change per minute shall be installed in the

    sulfonator room. The entrance to the exhaust duct from

    the room shall be within 12 inches from the floor and

    the point of discharge shall be located so as not to

    contaminate the air in the immediate vicinity of the

    door to the sulfonator room or ventilation inlet to any

    buildings or inhabited areas.

    B) The air inlets to the sulfator room shall be located so

    as to provide cross ventilation with air and at

    temperatures that will not adversely affect the

    sulfonation equipment. The vent hose from the

    sulfonator shall discharge to the outside atmosphere

    above grade.

    4) Electrical Controls

    Controls for fans and lights shall be located at the

    entrances to the sulfonation room and shall automatically

    operate when the door is opened and continue in operation

    when the operator enters the room and the door is closed.

    Provision shall be made for operation of the fans and lights

    from the outside without opening the door.

    i) Respiratory Protection Equipment

    Respiratory protection equipment meeting the requirements of NIOSH

    shall be available at all installations where sulfur dioxide gas

    is handled and shall be stored in a convenient location outside of

    any room where sulfur dioxide is used or stored. The units shall

    use compressed air, shall have at least a 30-minute capacity and

    shall be the same as or compatible with NIOSH-approved units used

    by the local fire department. Instructions for using, testing and

    replacing mask parts shall be posted. At large installations,

    providing acid suits and fire suits should be considered.

    j) Application of Sulfonation Chemicals

    1) Contact Period and Reaeration

    A minimum contact period of 30 seconds, including mixing

    time, at design peak hourly flow or maximum pumpage rate

    shall be provided. Mechanical mixers are required unless the

    mixing facility will provide the necessary hydraulic

    turbulence to assure thorough mixing. A means of reaeration

    shall be provided to insure maintenance of the required

    dissolved oxygen concentration in the effluent and the

    receiving stream after sulfonation. When choosing a

    reaeration method the fact that excess sulfur dioxide, formed

    when the dechlorinating chemicals are dissolved in water, may

    be expected to consume 1 mg of dissolved oxygen for every 4

    mg of sulfur dioxide should be taken into account.

    2) Sulfonation Dosing Rate Capacity

    A) Capacity

    Sulfonators shall be designed to have a capacity

    adequate to produce an effluent that meets the

    applicable chlorine residual effluent limits. Where

    necessary to meet the operating ranges, multiple units

    shall be provided for adequate peak capacity and to

    provide a sufficiently low feed rate on turn down to

    avoid depletion of the dissolved oxygen concentrations

    in the receiving waters. The sulfonator system shall be

    designed on a rational basis and calculations justifying

    the equipment sizing and number of units shall be

    submitted for the entire operating range, including the

    minimum turn down capability for the type of control to

    be used. System considerations shall include the

    sensitivity and location of the controlling sewage flow

    meter, the telemetering equipment and sulfonator


    B) Dosing Rates

    The design dosage rate of the sulfonation equipment

    shall be based on the particular dechlorinating chemical

    used and the applicable residual chlorine limits. The

    following theoretical amounts of the commonly used

    dechlorinating chemicals may be used for initial

    approximations to size feed equipment.


    Theoretical mg/l

    required to neutralize

    1 mg/l Cl[2]


    Sulfur dioxide (gas) 0.90

    Sodium meta bisulfite

    (solution) 1.34

    Sodium bisulfite

    (solution) 1.46


    The design shall take into account the fact that under

    good mixing conditions approximately 10% more

    dechlorinating chemical than theoretical value is

    required for satisfactory results.

    C) Liquid Solution Tanks

    Mixing and dilution tanks for dechlorinating feed

    solutions shall be provided as necessary to mix dry

    compounds and to dilute liquid compounds to provide for

    proper dosage. Solution tanks should be covered to

    minimize evaporation. The mixing and dilution tanks

    should be sized to provide sufficient feed solution for

    several days of operation. The tanks shall be made of

    materials that will withstand the corrosive nature of

    the solutions. Refer to Section 370.560.


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1022 Ultraviolet Disinfection>>


    Because operating data and experience with this process is not well

    established, expected performance of the ultraviolet disinfection units

    shall be based upon either experience at similar full scale installations

    or thoroughly documented prototype testing with the particular wastewater.

    Use of this process should be limited to high quality effluent having at

    least 65% ultraviolet radiation transmittance at 254 nanometers wave length

    and BOD and suspended solids concentrations no greater than 30 mg/l at any

    time. Projects will be evaluated by the Agency on the basis of the factors

    set out in Section 370.530(b).


    (Source: Added at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1030 Chlorine Gas Supply (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1040 Piping and Connections (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1050 Housing (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1060 Respiratory Protection Equipment (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1070 Application of Chlorine (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1080 Sampling and Testing>>


    a) Facilities shall be included for collecting samples, as monitoring

    requirements warrant, of the disinfected effluent.

    b) Where chlorine disinfection is used, equipment shall be provided

    for measuring chlorine residual using accepted test procedures.

    c) Where required by the Agency, equipment shall also be provided for

    measuring fecal coliform using accepted test procedures.


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.1100 Applicability>>


    Various types of tertiary filters may be used to polish effluents of

    secondary treatment plants.


    <BSection 370.1110 Type>>


    a) Granular media filtration is considered to include the following

    type units:

    1) High rate single, dual and multi-media of either the pressure

    or gravity type with facilities for backwashing.

    2) Low rate sand filters dosed intermittently or periodically.

    b) Low rate filtration is generally limited in use to small


    c) For miscellaneous considerations, refer to Section 370.203(j).


    <BSection 370.1120 High Rate Filtration>>


    a) Design Considerations

    Care should be given in the selection of pumping equipment ahead

    of filter units to minimize shearing of flow particles.

    Consideration should be given in the plant design to providing

    flow-equalization facilities to moderate filter influent quality

    and quantity.

    b) Pretreatment

    A positive method shall be provided to control the suspended

    solids loading to the filters. Equipment for the feeding of

    chemical coagulant aids prior to secondary settling shall be

    provided unless other equally effective means of suspended solids

    control are used.

    c) Multiple Units

    Multiple units shall be provided. At least three units should be

    provided. Units shall be capable of independent operation and


    d) Filtration Rates

    The peak hourly flow rate applied to the filter shall not exceed 5

    gpm/sq. ft. of filter area, computed with one unit out of service.

    1) Rate Controls

    Controls shall be provided which allow adjustment and control

    of the rate of flow to each filter unit.

    2) Flow Measurement

    The flow to each filter shall be monitored by indicating


    e) Accessibility and Maintenance

    Each filter unit shall be designed and installed so that there is

    ready and convenient access to all components and the media

    surface for inspection and maintenance without taking other units

    out of service.

    f) Housing

    Housing of filter units shall be provided. The housing shall be

    constructed of suitable corrosion-resistant materials. All

    controls shall be enclosed, and the structure housing the filter,

    controls and equipment shall be provided with heating and

    ventilation adequate to minimize problems with excess humidity.

    g) Construction Details

    1) Underdrains

    The underdrain system shall be designed for uniform

    distribution of flow of backwash water (and air, if

    provided) without danger of clogging from solids in the

    backwash water. A positive means of pressure relief shall

    be provided for the underdrain system to prevent structural

    damage by excessive backwash pressures. The selection of the

    underdrain system shall be based on demonstrated satisfactory

    field experience under similar conditions.

    2) Media

    The selection of proper media sizes and types depends upon

    the filtration rate selected, the type of treatment provided

    the influent to the filter, filter configuration, and

    effluent quality objectives. In dual or multi-media filters,

    media size and type selection must consider compatibility

    among media. Media shall be selected and provided to meet

    specific conditions and treatment requirements relative to

    the project under consideration. The selection and sizing of

    the media shall be based on demonstrated satisfactory field

    experience under similar conditions. All media shall have a

    uniformity coefficient of 1.7 or less. The uniformity

    coefficient, effective size, depth and type of media shall be

    set forth in the specification.

    3) Appurtenances

    The design of the filter appurtenances shall be based on

    demonstrated satisfactory field experience under similar

    conditions. The filters shall be equipped with the


    A) Wash water troughs.

    B) Surface wash, air scouring equipment or mechanical

    agitation designed to adequately remove entrapped solids

    from the media.

    C) Equipment for measuring filter head loss.

    D) Filter influent and effluent sampling points.

    Also refer to subsections (h)(2), (h)(4) and (i) below.

    h) Backwash

    1) Rate and Duration

    The backwash rate shall be adequate to fluidize and expand

    each media layer a minimum of 20 percent based on the media

    selected. Minimum and maximum backwash rates shall be based

    on demonstrated satisfactory field experience under similar

    conditions. The design shall provide for a minimum backwash

    period of 10 minutes. Excessive backwash rates may cause

    washout of the filter media.

    2) Control and Flow Measurement

    A positive means of shutting off flow to a filter shall be

    provided. Controls shall be provided which permit adjustment

    of both the backwash rate and the backwash period. Flow

    measurement of the backwash flow rate shall be provided. A

    staff gauge or wall mounted scale to allow use of the rise

    rate for flow measurement may be used.

    3) Clearwell

    A clearwell or other plant tankage isolated from unfiltered

    flows shall be provided as a source of backwash water.

    Filtered plant effluent shall be used as backwash water.

    The volume of storage provided shall be sufficient to allow

    sequential backwashing of at least 2 filter units at the

    design backwash rate.

    4) Chlorination of Filter Backwash

    Provision shall be made for periodic chlorination of filter

    backwash water (or filter influent) to control slime growths.

    The flows from the cleaning of the filters shall be returned

    to the head of the plant. Refer to subsection (h)(6)(A)


    5) Backwash Pumps

    Where used, backwash pumps shall be provided in multiple

    units, designed for independent operation and maintenance.

    Pumps shall be sized in accordance with subsection (h)(1)

    above to provide the required backwash rate with one unit out

    of service and should be of equal size. The total dynamic

    head of the pump shall be limited to that needed for the

    application so that undue stress of the underdrain system

    will not occur. Refer to subsection (g)(1) above.

    6) Mudwell

    A mudwell or other plant tankage shall be provided to hold

    backwash water from the filters. The volume provided shall

    be sufficient to hold the water generated by the backwashing

    of two filter units including the water in and above the

    filter media prior to filtration. Refer to subsection (h)(1)

    above. Filter backwash shall be returned to process or

    otherwise treated to insure compliance with applicable


    A) Return Rate

    The rate of return of filter backwash to the treatment

    units shall not exceed 15 percent of the design average

    flow to the treatment units. Refer to subsection (j)(1)

    below and Section 370.520(g).

    B) Mudwell Return Pumps

    Backwash return pumps, where used, shall be provided in

    multiple units designed for independent operation and

    maintenance. The units shall be sized to provide the

    required pumping rate with the largest unit out of

    service. Refer to subsection (h)(6)(A) above.

    i) Control Panel

    Automatic controls shall be provided, with a manual override on

    the control panel for operating equipment, including each

    individual valve essential to the filter operation.

    j) Miscellaneous Considerations

    1) Return Backwash Loadings

    The return of backwash water and solids will result in

    increases in the hydraulic and suspended solids loads to the

    preceding treatment units. Design of these units shall take

    into account the increased loads.

    2) Oil and Grease

    Filters at treatment plants treating wastewaters containing

    above normal concentrations of greases or similar materials

    should be of the gravity type. Facilities should be

    considered for the periodic addition of chemicals to remove

    greases in such cases.

    3) Proprietary Equipment

    Proprietary equipment not conforming to the requirements of

    this section will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in

    accordance with Section 370.520(b).


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.1130 Low Rate Intermittent or Periodically Dosed Sand Filters>>


    a) Applicability

    1) Intermittent sand filters may be used to polish secondary

    effluents. The process removes residual suspended solids and

    soluble biochemical oxygen demand and converts ammonia to

    nitrate. (See Section 370.1210(b).)

    2) Cold weather operational problems may preclude the use of

    this process unless the influent temperature to the filter is

    adequate to allow efficient filter operation necessary to

    meet the applicable effluent standards.

    3) Because of manual labor necessary to clean, maintain and

    replace sand on the filters, the application is usually

    limited to small waste treatment plants.

    b) Design Criteria

    The criteria of Section 370.940(b), (c), and (f)(3), are generally

    applicable to intermittent sand filters used as tertiary

    filtration units.

    1) Dosing Volumes

    The dosing facilities shall be sized to provide for a 12-hour

    dosing cycle for each bed.

    2) Siphon or Pump Capacity

    Siphons (at minimum head) or pumps shall have a discharge

    capacity at least 100 percent in excess of the maximum rate

    of inflow to the dosing tank, including recirculation, and at

    average head, at least 90 gallons per minute per 1,000 square

    feet being dosed.

    3) Recirculation

    Provision for recirculation of filter effluent may be

    included to improve process flexibility.

    A) Rate

    A recirculation rate of up to 100% of design average

    flow to the filter may be provided.

    B) Variability

    Capability for varying the recirculation rate shall be


    4) Loading Rates

    The hydraulic load of secondary wastewater applied to

    supplemental intermittent sand filters shall not exceed 15

    gallons per day (gpd)/sq. ft. More conservative application

    rates should be provided for low quality filter influents.

    Refer to subsection (d)(3) below.

    c) Construction Details

    The criteria of Section 370.940(g) are generally applicable to

    tertiary intermittent sand filters. Also, refer to subsection


    d) Special Design Considerations in Lagoon Systems

    1) General

    Low rate sand filter systems that are intermittently or

    periodically dosed may be used to reduce suspended solids

    from multicell aerated or nonaerated sewage lagoon treatment


    2) Cold Weather Design

    Lagoons which have sand filters shall be designed to provide

    storage of flows received during cold weather when the filter

    is expected to be inoperable.

    3) Hydraulic Loading

    A) The filter area design considerations must include the


    i) The total annual flow volume to be treated (Section

    370.520(c)(1)) including wet weather flows if the

    lagoons are to be used for wet weather storage.

    ii) The effective net days annually for filter

    operation excluding cold weather shut-down and

    filter maintenance time.

    iii) Lagoon effluent quality.

    iv) Extent and reliability of flow data from the sewer


    B) Where sewer system conditions are not favorable or

    industrial waste loadings are expected to increase algae

    blooms, the loading rate should be limited to 10


    4) Dosing Considerations

    A) Methods of Operation

    The design should include allowance for periodic dosing

    of varied volumes onto the filter while the filter

    discharge is shut off, then to be followed by a

    filtration period to completely empty the filter at a

    controlled rate.

    B) Depth

    The filter shall be designed for flexibility of dosing

    depth from 6 inches to 2 feet.

    C) Valving, Piping, Flow Measurement

    i) The filter shall be provided with valving to allow

    shutting off and controlling rate of flow both onto

    and from the filter. A flow measurement weir or

    flume shall be provided both on the inlet and

    outlet of the filter for operator control of the

    dosing and filtration rates under the falling head


    ii) The outlet valving, piping and flow measurement

    shall be designed to allow complete drainage of the

    filter underdrains at the end of the filter cycle

    to insure aerobic conditions in the filter during

    the rest period.

    D) Dosing Inlet Structures

    The dosing inlet structures shall be designed to

    dissipate inlet velocity and prevent sand scouring

    during the dosing period at the high dose rates. The

    inlet structures should be arranged to not interfere

    with maintenance of the sand surface.

    5) Filter Containment Structure

    The filter containment may be of vertical concrete walls on

    three sides (refer to subsection (d)(6) below) or sloped

    earthen berms with impervious lining, constructed to insure

    that no ground surface runoff or silts get onto the sand

    surface. A freeboard of 1 foot above the maximum design

    dosing depth should be provided.

    6) Access Ramps

    The filter should be designed with a ramp on one end sloped

    and surfaced for access to the edge of the bed by wheeled

    vehicle to facilitate removing and replacement of sand. For

    larger filters, concrete tracks at the level of the sand

    surface may be desirable to reduce distance sand must be



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)




    <BSection 370.1200 Phosphorus Removal by Chemical Treatment>>


    a) General

    1) Method

    Addition of lime or the salts of aluminum or iron may be used

    for the chemical removal of soluble phosphorus. The

    phosphorus reacts with the calcium, aluminum or iron ions to

    form insoluble compounds. These insoluble compounds may be

    flocculated with or without the addition of a coagulant aid

    such as a polyelectrolyte to facilitate separation by


    2) Design Basis

    A) Preliminary Testing

    Laboratory, pilot or full-scale trial of various

    chemical feed systems and treatment processes are

    recommended to determine the achievable performance

    level, cost-effective design criteria, and ranges of

    required chemical dosages.

    B) System Flexibility

    Systems shall be designed with sufficient flexibility to

    allow for several operational adjustments in chemical

    feed location, chemical feed rates, and for feeding

    alternate chemical compounds.

    b) Process Requirements

    1) Dosage

    The required chemical dosage shall include the amount needed

    to react with the phosphorus in the wastewater, the amount

    required to drive the chemical reaction to the desired state

    of completion, and the amount required due to inefficiencies

    in mixing or dispersion. Excessive chemical dosage should be


    2) Chemical Selection

    A) The choice of lime or the salts of aluminum or iron

    should be based on the wastewater characteristics and

    the economics of the total system.

    B) When lime is used it may be necessary to neutralize the

    high pH prior to subsequent treatment in secondary

    biological systems or prior to discharge in those flow

    schemes where lime treatment is the final step in the

    treatment process.

    3) Chemical Feed Points

    Selection of chemical feed points shall include consideration

    of the chemicals used in the process, necessary reaction

    times between chemical and polyelectrolyte additions, and the

    wastewater treatment processes and components utilized.

    Considerable flexibility in feed location should be provided,

    and multiple feed points are recommended.

    4) Flash Mixing

    Each chemical must be mixed rapidly and uniformly with the

    flow stream. Where separate mixing basins are provided, they

    should be equipped with mechanical mixing devices. The

    detention period should be at least 30 seconds.

    5) Flocculation

    The particle size of the precipitate formed by chemical

    treatment may be very small. Consideration should be given

    in the process design to the addition of synthetic

    polyelectrolytes to aid settling. The flocculation equipment

    should be adjustable in order to obtain optimum floc growth,

    control deposition of solids, and prevent floc destruction.

    6) Liquid - Solids Separation

    A) The velocity through pipes or conduits from flocculation

    basins to settling basins should not exceed 1,5 feet per

    second in order to minimize floc destruction. Entrance

    works to settling basins should also be designed to

    minimize floc shear.

    B) Settling basin design shall be accordance with criteria

    outlined in Subpart G. For design of the sludge

    handling system, special consideration should be given

    to the type and volume of sludge generated in the

    phosphorus removal process.

    7) Filtration

    Effluent filtration shall be considered where effluent

    phosphorus concentrations of less than 1 mg/1 must be


    c) Feed Systems

    1) Location

    A) All liquid chemical mixing and feed installations should

    be installed on corrosion-resistant pedestals and

    elevated above the highest liquid level anticipated

    during emergency conditions. Refer to Section


    B) Lime feed equipment should be located so as to minimize

    the length of slurry conduits. All slurry conduits

    shall be accessible for cleaning.

    2) Liquid Chemical Feed Pumps

    A) Liquid chemical feed pumps should be of the positive

    displacement type with variable feed rate. Pumps shall

    be selected to feed the full range of chemical

    quantities required for the phosphorus mass loading

    conditions anticipated with the largest unit out of


    B) Screens and valves shall be provided on the chemical

    feed pump suction lines.

    C) An air break or anti-siphon device shall be provided

    where the chemical solution stream discharges to the

    transport water stream to prevent an induction effect

    resulting in overfeed.

    D) Consideration shall be given to providing pacing

    equipment to optimize chemical feed rates.

    3) Dry Chemical Feed System

    A) Each dry chemical feeder shall be equipped with a

    dissolver which is capable of providing a minimum

    5-minute retention at the maximum feed rate.

    B) Polyelectrolyte feed installations should be equipped

    with two solution vessels and transfer piping for

    solution make-up and daily operation.

    C) Make-up tanks shall be provided with an eductor funnel

    or other appropriate arrangement for wetting the polymer

    during the preparation of the stock feed solution.

    Adequate mixing should be provided by a large-diameter

    low-speed mixer.

    d) Storage Facilities

    1) Size

    Storage facilities shall be sufficient to insure that an

    adequate supply of the chemical is available at all times.

    Exact size required will depend on size of shipment, length

    of delivery time, and process requirements. Storage for a

    minimum of a 10-day supply should be provided.

    2) Location

    A) The liquid chemical storage tanks and tank fill

    connections shall be located within a containment

    structure having a capacity exceeding the total volume

    of all storage vessels. Valves on discharge lines shall

    be located adjacent to the storage tank and within the

    containment structure.

    B) Auxiliary facilities, including pumps and controls,

    within the containment area shall be located above the

    highest anticipated liquid level. Containment areas

    shall be sloped to a sump area and shall not contain

    floor drains.

    C) Bag storage should be located near the solution make-up

    point to avoid unnecessary transportation and

    housekeeping problems.

    3) Accessories

    A) Platforms, stairways, and railings should be provided as

    necessary to afford convenient and safe access to all

    filling connections, storage tank entries, and measuring


    B) Storage tanks shall have reasonable access provided to

    facilitate cleaning.

    e) Other Requirements

    1) Materials All chemical feed equipment and storage facilities

    shall be constructed of materials resistant to chemical

    attack by all chemicals normally used for phosphorus


    2) Temperature, Humidity and Dust Control

    Precautions shall be taken to prevent chemical storage tanks

    and feed lines from reaching temperatures likely to result in

    freezing or chemical crystallization at the concentrations

    employed. Enclosure heating or insulation may be required.

    Consideration must be given to temperature, humidity and dust

    control in all chemical feed room areas.

    3) Cleaning

    Consideration shall be given to the accessibility of piping.

    Piping should be installed with plugged wyes, tees or crosses

    at changes in direction to facilitate cleaning.

    4) Drains and Drawoff

    Above-bottom drawoff from chemical storage or feed tanks

    shall be provided to avoid withdrawal of settled solids into

    the feed system. A bottom drain shall also be installed for

    periodic removal of accumulated settled solids.

    f) Hazardous Chemical Handling

    The requirements of Section 370.147(b), Hazardous Chemical

    Handling, shall be met.

    g) Sludge Handling

    1) General

    Consideration shall be given to the type and additional

    capacity of the sludge handling facilities needed when

    chemicals are added.

    2) Dewatering

    Design of dewatering systems should be based, where possible,

    on an analysis of the characteristics of the sludge to be

    handled. Consideration should be given to the ease of

    operation, effect of recycle streams generated, production

    rate, moisture content, dewaterability, final disposal, and

    operating cost.


    <BSection 370.1210 Ammonia Control>>


    a) General

    Ammonia control can be accomplished by physical, chemical,

    biological and ion-exchange techniques. These criteria contain

    design standards for a limited number of biological types and

    configurations of ammonia control systems. Other types and

    configuration of systems will be evaluated in accordance with

    Section 370.520(b).

    1) Process Selection

    A) Biological systems, normally used to accomplish

    secondary levels of treatment, may be adapted to

    function as nitrification systems. In applications of

    the fixed growth processes staged biological treatment

    is normally provided. The single stage activated sludge

    process has been found to be reliable for nitrification

    and is more commonly used than the two-stage activated

    sludge process.

    B) Because operating data and experience for the fixed

    growth processes for nitrification are not well

    established, expected performance in all cases shall be

    based upon experience at similar full scale

    installations or thoroughly documented prototype testing

    with the particular wastewater. The design shall

    provide the necessary flexibility to perform

    satisfactorily within the range of expected waste

    characteristics and temperatures.

    2) Alkalinity and pH Control

    Biological utilization of ammonia to produce nitrates is

    consumptive of available alkalinity in the ratio of 7.14

    pounds alkalinity (as CaCO[3]) per pound of ammonia nitrogen

    (as N) oxidized. The determination of the need for added

    alkalinity must be calculated and included in the basis of

    design to be submitted with the plan documents for Agency

    approval. The following factors shall be taken into account

    in determining the amount of alkalinity to be added:

    A) The available alkalinity in the raw wastewater and any


    B) The total ammonia load (including sidestreams such as

    flows from digesters and sludge handling facilities)

    imposed on the process;

    C) The alkalinity needed to maintain pH levels in the range

    of 7.2 to 8.4.

    3) Load Equalization

    Load equalization shall be considered to limit peak loadings

    of ammonia from plant sidestreams or slug sources on the

    sewer system. For the fixed growth biological nitrification

    processes, the ammonia loading peaks shall be limited to 150%

    of the design average ammonia loading value.

    b) Intermittent Sand Filters

    Intermittent sand filters, used in conjunction with various

    primary and secondary treatment systems, may be considered for use

    as a biological process to convert ammonia to nitrate.

    1) Construction Details

    The construction details are generally as described in

    Section 370.940(g).

    2) Loading Criteria

    A) Following Primary Treatment

    The design loading criteria following primary treatment

    is described in Section 370.940(e), (f) and (h) except

    that reduced organic loadings should be considered to

    insure meeting effluent ammonia limitations.

    B) Following Secondary Treatment

    The design loading criteria following secondary

    treatment is described in Section 370.1130(b)(4) and


    c) Suspended Growth Systems

    1) Applicability

    Suspended growth nitrifying systems may be designed as a

    single stage process with combined carboneous BOD removal and

    nitrogenous oxygen demand reductions or as the second stage

    of a two-stage process following a first stage activated

    sludge process or other types of biological treatment such as

    trickling filters.

    2) Design Requirements

    A) Aeration and Mixing

    For nitrification, the oxygen requirement for oxidizing

    ammonia must be added to the requirement for

    carbonaceous BOD removal. The nitrogen oxygen demand

    shall be taken as 4.6 times the peak hourly ammonia (as

    N) content of the influent. In addition, the oxygen

    demands due to sidestream flows (digestion and sludge

    handling facilities and the like) must be considered due

    to the high concentrations of BOD and ammonia associated

    with such flows. Sufficient aeration and mixing

    capability shall be provided to maintain a sludge age of

    up to 20 days and a dissolved oxygen concentration in

    the aeration tank of at least 2 mg/l.

    B) Power

    Careful consideration should be given to maximizing

    oxygen utilization per unit of power input. Unless flow

    equalization is provided, the aeration system should be

    designed to match the peak hourly load variation while

    economizing on power input.

    C) Temperature

    Careful consideration shall be given in the design and

    selection of aeration and mixing equipment to minimize

    heat losses and to maintain sewage temperatures of at

    least 50   F in cold weather.

    D) Chemical Feed

    Where the ratio of ammonia to available alkalinity in

    the wastewater requires its use, chemical feed equipment

    shall be provided to maintain adequate alkalinity and a

    pH level between 7.2 and 8.4.

    3) Single Stage Activated Sludge

    In addition to the requirements of Section 370.920, the

    following criteria shall govern the design:

    A) Organic Loading Organic loading shall not exceed 15

    lbs/day of BOD[5] per 1,000 cu.ft. of available tank


    B) Detention Time

    The hydraulic detention time shall be a minimum of 8

    hours based on the plant design average flow as

    determined by Section 370.520(c).

    4) Activated Sludge Nitrifying Stage Following Secondary


    The following subsections set out criteria in addition to the

    requirements of Section 370.920 for the activated sludge

    nitrifying stage following a first stage activated sludge or

    fixed growth process used for carbonaceous BOD removal.

    A) Organic Loading

    BOD[5] concentration shall be limited to 20-50 mg/1.

    B) Detention Time

    The hydraulic detention time shall be a minimum of 6

    hours based on the plant design average flow as

    determined by Section 370.520(c).

    C) Special Design Requirement

    The following requirements in addition to subsection

    (c)(3) above, shall be provided:

    i) Bypass around the first stage process to allow

    discharge of raw or primary settled sewage to the

    second stage aeration tank as needed as a carbon

    source for control of the nitrification process.

    ii) Careful consideration shall be given in the design

    and selection of covers and ventilation or aeration

    and mixing equipment to minimize heat losses in the

    first stage process and maintain sewage

    temperatures of at least 50   F in cold weather.

    d) Fixed Growth Systems

    1) Applicability

    Nitrifying fixed growth systems may be used following

    activated sludge and fixed growth systems used for

    carbonaceous BOD removal.

    2) Design Requirements

    A) Peak Loadings

    In addition to the requirements of Section 370.900, the

    design of fixed growth systems shall take into account

    the peak hourly ammonia content of the influent. The

    design shall provide for ammonia load equalization in

    accordance with subsection (a)(3) above.

    B) Temperature

    Adequate cover or housing of the nitrification units

    shall be provided and preceding systems shall be

    designed or upgraded to minimize heat losses to maintain

    sewage temperatures of at least 50   F in cold weather.

    C) Ventilation for Process Air Requirements

    Adequate ventilation shall be provided to satisfy the

    oxygen demand of the process. Refer to Section


    D) Chemical Feed

    Chemical feed equipment shall be provided to maintain

    adequate alkalinity concentrations and a pH level

    between 7.2 and 8.4 where the ratio of ammonia to

    available alkalinity in the wastewater requires its use.

    E) Post-Process Settling

    Settling tanks following nitrifying fixed growth systems

    shall be provided and designed in accordance with

    Subpart G. A single unit will be allowed if the

    applicable BOD and suspended solids effluent limitations

    can be met and other serious operational problems will

    not occur when the clarifier is temporarily out of



    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.APPENDIX A Table No. 1 - Resident Occupancy Criteria>>


    <PResidence Type>> <PNumber of Persons>>


    Efficiency or Studio Apartment 1

    1 Bedroom Apartment 1.5

    2 Bedroom Apartment 3

    3 Bedroom Apartment 3

    Single Family Dwelling 3.5

    Mobile Home 2.25


    <BSection 370.APPENDIX B Table No. 2 - Commonly Used Quantities of Sewage

    Flows From Miscellaneous Type Facilities>>


    Gallons Per Person

    Per Day

    (Unless otherwise

    <PType of Establishment>> <P noted) >>


    Airports (per passenger) 5

    Bathhouses and swimming pools 10


    Campground with central comfort stations 35

    With flush toilets, no showers 25

    Construction camps (semi-permanent) 50

    Day camps (no meals served) 15

    Resort camps (night and day) with

    limited plumbing 50

    Luxury camps 100

    Cottages and small dwellings with

    seasonal occupancy 75

    Country clubs (per resident member) 100

    Country clubs (per non-resident member

    present) 25


    Boarding houses 50

    (additional for non-resident boarders) 10

    Rooming houses 40

    Factories (gallons per person, per shift,

    exclusive of industrial wastes) 35

    Hospitals (per bed space) 250

    Hotels with laundry (2 persons

    per room) per room 150

    Institutions other than hospitals including

    Nursing Homes (per bed space) 125

    Laundries-self service (gallons per wash) 30

    Motels (per bed space) with laundry 50

    Picnic parks (toilet wastes only per

    park user) 5

    Picnic parks with bathouses, showers and

    flush toilets (per park user) 10

    Restaurants (toilet and kitchen wastes

    per patron) 10

    Restaurants (kitchen wastes per meal served) 3

    Restaurants (additional for bars and cocktail

    lounges) 2


    Boarding 100

    Day, without gyms, cafeterias or showers 15

    Day, with gyms, cafeterias and showers 25

    Day, with cafeterias, but without gyms

    or showers 20

    Service stations (per vehicle served) 5

    Swimming pools and bathouses 10


    Movie (per auditorium seat) 5

    Drive-in (per car space) 10

    Travel trailer parks without individual

    water and sewer hook-ups (per space) 50

    Travel trailer parks with individual

    water and sewer hook-ups (per space) 100


    Offices, schools and business

    establishments (per shift) 15


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.APPENDIX C Table No. 3 - Air Test Table for Sanitary Sewer

    Leakage Testing*>>




    Length of


    <PIn Feet>> <P4>> <P6>> <P8>> <P10>> <P12>> <P15>> <P18>> <P21>> <P24>>


    25 0:04 0:10 0:28 0:28 0:40 1:02 1:29 2:01 2:38

    50 0:09 0:20 0:35 0:55 1:19 2:04 2:58 4:03 5:17

    75 0:13 0:30 0:53 1:23 1:59 3:06 4:27 6:04 7:55

    100 0:18 0:40 1:10 1:50 2:38 4:08 5:56 8:05 10:34

    125 0:22 0:50 1:28 2:18 3:18 5:09 7:26 9:55 11:20

    150 0:26 0:59 1:46 2:45 3:58 6:11 8:30

    175 0:31 1:09 2:03 3:13 4:37 7:05

    200 0:35 1:19 2:21 3:40 5:17 12:06

    225 0:40 1:29 2:38 4:08 5:40 10:25 13:36

    250 0:44 1:39 2:56 4:35 8:31 11:35 15:07

    275 0:48 1:49 3:14 4:43 9:21 12:44 16:38

    300 0:53 1:59 3:31 10:12 13:53 18:09

    350 1:02 2:19 3:47 8:16 11:54 16:12 21:10

    400 1:10 2:38 6:03 9:27 13:36 18:31 24:12

    450 1:19 2:50 6:48 10:38 15:19 20:50 27:13

    500 1:28 5:14 7:34 11:49 17:01 23:09 30:14


    *From Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in

    Illinois, Fourth Edition, May, 1986. (Copies may be obtained from Illinois

    Society of Professional Engineers, Springfield, Illinois 62704.)


    (Source: Amended at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)


    <BSection 370.APPENDIX D Figure No. 1 - Design of Sewers - Ratio of Peak

    Flow to Daily Average Flow>>



    <BSection 370.APPENDIX E Figure No. 2 - Primary Settling>>



    <BSection 370.APPENDIX F Figure No. 3 - B.O.D. Removal Single Stage

    Trickling Filter Units Including Post Settling - No Recirculation Included>>



    <BSection 370.APPENDIX G Figure No. 4 - Break Tank Sketch for Potable Water

    Supply Protection>>



    <BSection 370.APPENDIX H Old Section Numbers Referenced (Repealed)>>


    (Source: Repealed at 21 Ill. Reg. 12444, effective August 28, 1997)



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