PART 364









    364.101 Purpose

    364.102 Definitions

    364.103 Priority System and Project Priority List

    364.104 Reserves

    364.105 Pre-applications and Priority Scoring Summaries

    364.106 Applicant Progress






    364.201 Formula for the Municipal Discharge Index

    364.202 Existing Wastewater Load

    364.203 F1 Factor

    364.204 F2 Factor

    364.205 F3 Factor

    364.206 F6 Factor

    364.207 Classification of Aquatic Environments






    364.301 Formula for the Segment Ranking Index

    364.302 WQI Factor

    364.303 Population Factor

    364.304 High Quality Waters Factor

    364.305 National Priorities Factor






    364.401 Formula for the Grant Priority Index

    364.402 F4 Factor

    364.403 F5 Factor

    364.404 Scoring Conventions

    364.405 Additional Considerations


    AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Section 4 of the Anti-Pollution

    Bond Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 127, par. 454) and Section 4 of the

    Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 111 1/2, par.



    SOURCE: Adopted at 8 Ill. Reg. 9069, effective July 1, 1984.




    <BSection 364.101 Purpose>>


    This Part sets forth the procedures and requirements established by the

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for determining priorities

    in awarding grant assistance for the construction of municipal wastewater

    treatment works under the Anti-Pollution Bond Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983,

    ch. 127, pars. 451 et seq.) and Title II of the Federal Clean Water Act (33

    U.S.C. 1281 et seq.).


    <BSection 364.102 Definitions>>


    a) Unless specified otherwise, all terms shall have the meanings set

    forth in the Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983,

    ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1001 et seq.) the Federal Clean Water Act (33

    U.S.C. 1281 et seq.) and regulations adopted under those Acts (35

    Ill. Adm. Code 101 et seq.; 40 CFR 1 et seq.). Federal

    regulations referenced in this Part will be applicable as of the

    effective date of this Part.

    b) For purposes of these rules, the following definitions apply:

    "Bond Act" means the State Anti-Pollution Bond Act (Ill. Rev.

    Stat. 1983, ch. 127, pars. 451 et seq.).


    "PE BOD" is a term used to evaluate the impact of industrial

    or other waste on a treatment works or streams in terms of

    five day biochemical oxygen demand. One PE BOD equals 0.17

    pounds (77g).


    "Priority system" means a methodology used to rank projects

    for inclusion on the project priority list.


    "Project priority list" means an ordered listing of projects

    which IEPA expects will receive financial assistance under

    the Bond Act or Title II.


    "Segment" is a portion of a river basin the surface waters of

    which have common hydrologic characteristics or flow

    regulation patterns, common natural physical chemical and

    biological processes, and which have common reactions to

    external stresses, such as the discharge of pollutants.


    "Title II" means Title II of the federal Clean Water Act (33

    U.S.C. 1281 et seq.).


    <BSection 364.103 Priority System and Project Priority List>>


    a) Financial assistance may be awarded under the Bond Act or Title II

    only to projects which are identified on the project priority list

    developed by IEPA.

    b) This Part sets forth a priority system to be used to rank projects

    for inclusions on the project priority list. In general, under

    this priority system the rank of a project is determined by the

    Grant Priority Index (GPI) as calculated under Subpart D, and the

    date of submission of the pre-application and project scoring


    c) The project priority list, or amendments thereto, shall be

    published annually in the preliminary Water Pollution Control

    Program Plan developed in accordance with Section 106 of the

    federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1256). IEPA shall evaluate and

    consider any public comments received concerning the project

    priority list. The project priority list shall be published in

    the final Water Pollution Control Program Plan.


    <BSection 364.104 Reserves>>


    a) IEPA shall establish from the allotment of funds available under

    Title II those reserves under Title II.

    b) No grant or combination of grants will be certified in an amount

    which will allow a single applicant or a service area of a single

    applicant to receive more than 50 percent of the available Federal

    and State grant funds, unless such an award or combination of

    awards is deemed by the Director of the IEPA to be necessary to

    assure that the State of Illinois does not lose portions of its

    allotment under Title II.


    <BSection 364.105 Pre-applications and Priority Scoring Summaries>>


    a) A municipality may submit a pre-application and a priority scoring

    summary at any time. The pre-application must identify the scope

    of the project, and include a cost estimate and schedule for

    completion of the project. The priority scoring summary must

    include data to allow calculation of the Grant Priority Index in

    accordance with the requirements of this Part.

    b) A municipality is not required to renew a pre-application or a

    priority scoring summary unless the scope, schedule, scoring data

    or grant request differs from that of the previous year, and

    unless the municipality has not yet advised IEPA of the changes.

    <BSection 364.106 Applicant Progress>>


    a) IEPA may delete any project from the project priority list if the

    applicant fails to make efforts to initiate and complete as

    expeditiously as possible all necessary actions appropriate to the

    specific grant step for which the discharger is then eligible.

    b) Any applicant removed from the project prioirty list is not

    eligible to receive grant assistance under Title II or the Bond

    Act, unless reinstated on the list in accordance with subsection


    c) An applicant requesting to be reinstated shall submit a new

    pre-application and priority scoring summary. The Manager of the

    Division of Water Pollution Control may reinstate projects deleted

    from the list at the previously held rank or at a lower rank, if

    the priority scoring summary so indicates, only after evaluating

    all facts and circumstances bearing upon the reasonableness of the

    request including, but not limited to, the environmental effects

    and cost-effectiveness of achieving water quality goals.

    d) An applicant who is not reinstated under subsection (c) may

    request the Director to review the decision, but must do so by

    submitting a written request setting forth the grounds for

    reinstatement within 30 days after receiving notice of the

    decision of the Manager of the Division of Water Pollution

    Control. The Director will make the final decision determining

    the merits of the request in accordance with the requirements of

    this Section.





    <BSection 364.201 Formula for the Municipal Discharge Index>>


    a) The Municipal Discharge Index (MDI) is a number which is the

    product of four factors. The MDI is, in turn, a factor used to

    calculate the Grant Priority Index.

    b) The MDI is calculated as follows:

    MDI - F1 x F2 x F6.


    <BSection 364.202 Existing Wastewater Load>>


    Where the applicant justifies hydraulic and organic loadings on the basis

    of influent sampling and flow measurement results for a current 12 month

    period, these values will be used. In cases where influent sampling and/or

    flow measurement results are not available for a current 12 month period,

    and where the applicant justifies estimated connected domestic population

    equivalent and provides (measured) industrial population equivalent and/or

    where the applicant provides estimated flow based on 100 gpcpd and provides

    (measured) industrial flow, these values will be used.


    <BSection 364.203 F1 Factor>>

    F1 is a factor which evaluates the quantity of wastewater adjusted for

    strength. It is calculated as follows:

    F1 = log (PE BOD, existing wastewater load)


    <BSection 364.204 F2 Factor>>


    F2 is a factor which evaluates the adequacy of existing facilities for

    treating the existing wastewater load to design levels. It is calculated

    as follows:

    F2 = <PPE BOD, (existing wastewater load, industrial and domestic)>>

    PE BOD, existing design capacity


    x <Pdaily average flow, existing load >> +1

    daily average flow, existing design capacity


    <BSection 364.205 F3 Factor>>


    F3 is a factor which evaluates the stream segment receiving the discharge.

    The evaluation is done through use of a Segment Ranking Index (SRI). The

    SRI is calculated in accordance with Subpart C. F3 is calculated as


    F3 = <PSRI, receiving segment >>

    SRI, highest statewide value


    <BSection 364.206 F6 Factor>>


    a) F6 is a factor used to evaluate the environmental impact of a

    discharge. The F6 factor is evaluated at the time of the

    submittal of the pre-application and priority scoring summary and

    is re-evaluated upon Agency approval of the facilities plan. At

    the time of submittal of the pre-application an F6 of 1.0 is

    assigned. After facilities planning has been approved F6 will be

    evaluated in accordance with subsection (b).


    1) If the applicant has an existing sewage collection system and

    a central sewage treatment plant an F6 of 1.0 is assigned.

    2) For flood control projects or storm sewers an F6 value of 0.1

    will be assigned.

    3) In cases where a sewage treatment plant is proposed to

    provide treatment for a currently unsewered community, an

    interceptor sewer(s) is proposed to provide service to an

    unsewered area or community, a complete new collection system

    is proposed for a currently unsewered community or extension

    of an existing collection system is proposed, an F6 will be

    assigned based on the summation of the following, except that

    F6 will not be greater than 1.0. If information is not

    available to score items (C), (D), and (E), they will be set

    equal to zero.

    A) If after completion and approval of the facilities plan,

    no points are assigned based on (B), (C), (D), (E) and

    (F) below, F6 shall be 0.

    B) One or more discharges which are not complying with an

    effluent standard of 30 mg/1 BOD and 30 mg/1 suspended

    solids shall result in the addition of 0.1 point.

    C) If the aquatic environment in the receiving stream is

    polluted, as defined in Section 164.207, downstream of

    the applicant's discharge(s) from drainage tiles serving

    the community 0.1 point shall be added for each full 600

    feet of stream degraded to a polluted environment as a

    result of the applicant's activities.

    D) If the aquatic environment in the receiving stream is

    semi-polluted, as defined in Section 164.207, downstream

    of the applicant's discharge(s) from drainage tiles

    serving the community 0.075 point shall be added for

    each 600 feet of stream degraded as a result of said

    discharge(s) to a semi-polluted environment as a result

    of the applicant's activities.

    E) If the aquatic environment in the receiving stream is

    unbalanced, as defined in Section 164.207, downstream of

    the applicant's discharge(s) from drainage tiles serving

    the community 0.05 point shall be added for each 600

    feet of stream degraded as a result of said discharge(s)

    to an unbalanced environment as a result of the

    applicant's activities.

    F) Points from 0.0 to 1.0 shall be given for health hazards

    in the municipality resulting from malfunctioning or

    inadequate private sewage disposal systems. Assignment

    of points shall be based upon:

    i) Severity and overall distribution of the health

    hazard based on the content of the facilities plan

    and field investigations of IEPA in cooperation

    with the Illinois Department of Public Health; and

    ii) The legal, financial, institutional and managerial

    capability of the applicant to implement the

    facility plan.

    c) Points will be assigned under subsection (b) by the Manager of the

    Division of Water Pollution Control. Applicants will be notified

    in writing of the points assigned. An applicant who objects to

    the points assigned under subsection (b), may request the Director

    to review the decision, but must do so by submitting a written

    request setting forth the grounds for objection within 30 days of

    the date the applicant received notice of the decision of the

    Manager of Water Pollution Control. The Director of the Agency

    will make the final decision determining the merits of the request

    in accordance with the requirements of this Section.


    <BSection 364.207 Classification of Aquatic Environments>>


    Aquatic environments are classified according to the following:

    a) Balanced environment: Intolerant organisms are many in number and

    species, or more in numbers than other forms present.

    Intolerant Moderate, facultative and

    present tolerant usually present

    greater than 50% lesser than 50%

    b) Unbalanced environment: Intolerant organisms are less in number

    than other forms combined, but combined with moderate forms, they

    usually outnumber tolerant forms.

    Intolerant Moderate, facultative and

    present tolerant usually

    lesser than 50% present but

    but greater than 10% greater than 50%

    c) Semi-polluted environment: Intolerant organisms are few or may

    not be present. Moderate and/or facultative organisms present.

    Intolerant Moderate, faculative and

    present tolerant usually

    greater than 10% present greater than 90%

    d) Polluted environment:

    1) Intolerant organisms absent, only tolerant organisms present

    or no organisms present.

    Tolerant present = 100%

    2) Organisms which are not adapted to inhabit a polluted

    environment are occasionally collected as a result of factors

    produced by the drift and are not representative.





    <BSection 364.301 Formula for the Segment Ranking Index>>


    a) The Segment Ranking Index (SRI) is an objective determination of

    the priority of segments through the use of four factors which are

    expressed as numerical factors and combined to establish a ranking

    index for each of the basin segments.

    b) The SRI is calculated as follows

    SRI = Water Quality Index (WQI) x High Quality Water Factor x

    Population Factor x National Priorities Factor


    <BSection 364.302 WQI Factor>>


    a) The WQI factor is determined by comparing the measured value of

    certain critical water quality parameters in the waters of the

    State with Illinois Pollution Control Board water quality

    standards for those parameters.

    b) The procedure for calculating the WQI factor is as follows:

    1) Average the 1974 and 1975 sample data for each water quality

    station for each of the following parameters: dissolved

    oxygen, fecal coliform bacteria, ammonia nitrogen, total

    dissolved solids, and nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen.

    2) Determine the percentage of 1974 and 1975 samples which

    indicated violations of applicable water quality standards

    for dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, fecal coliform

    bacteria, total dissolved solids, and pH as then set forth in

    Chapter 3 of the Board's regulations.

    3) The parameter pH (relative acidity) is not considered in

    (b)(1) because its nature is such that an "average" pH is

    generally meaningless as an expression of water quality.

    Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen is not considered in (b)(2)

    because there is no numerical standard which applies for most

    water quality sampling stations.

    4) The 10 sets of parameter values for each station of all

    stream segments are then arranged in order of severity and

    given a rank number. These numbers are subsequently combined

    to complete a water quality index for each station, according

    to the following formula:

    S = 1/2 (RA + RV) AMM + 1/2 (RA + RV) Fec Col + 1/2 (RA + RV)



    + 1/2 (RA + RV)TDS + RVpH + RAN+N



    S = "Water Quality Index" value for a given station


    RA = rank number by average value for a given station

    and parameter


    RV = rank number by percent violations of water quality

    standards for a given station and parameter

    Amm, DO, Fec Col, TDS, pH, N + N = parameter designation


    5) The S values found for each station are used as a basis for

    determining a water quality index value for the basin

    segments. This process requires the averaging of SSta values

    for each segment according to the following formula:

    WQI = (S + S + S + . . . + S N)/N

    Where WQI = segment water quality index value =

    average of station S values for the

    segment, and


    N = Number of stations in the segment



    <BSection 364.303 Population Factor>>


    a) Under this factor, populations are computed for each segment and

    converted into an adjustment factor. The population of a segment

    is defined by the 1980 U.S. census population of the segment

    except where inter-segment transfers of sewage occur, in which

    case the estimated population whose sewage is tributary to the

    segment is added to the resident population of the segment.

    Population figures of the incorporated and unincorporated

    communities are recorded for each segment. Where a segment

    boundary splits a township, the unincorporated population within

    the segment is prorated by applying a percentage of the township

    population equal to the ratio of the segment area in the township

    to the total township area. The populations of the various

    political subdivisions within each segment are totaled.

    b) The following population factors are applied as multipliers to the

    water quality index values:

    Segment Population Population Factor

    0 - 20,000 1.00

    20,001 - 50,000 1.05

    50,001 - 100,000 1.10

    OVER 100,000 1.20



    <BSection 364.304 High Quality Waters Factor>>


    a) Certain segments, such as segments containing a major lake or

    impoundment, have been identified as having high-quality waters

    where special management and waste control procedures may be

    needed for their preservation.

    b) It is recognized that certain free-flowing stream reaches also

    have high water quality; however, these are not identified as

    needing special preservation techniques due to the stringency of

    the state's effluent standards. Lakes and impoundments do require

    special attention because the effluent standards may not be

    sufficient to prevent degradation of water quality in standing

    bodies of water. The segments selected under this criterion are

    assigned a "high quality water factor" of 1.20. Segments

    immediately tributary to these segments are given a factor of

    1.10. All other segments are given a factor of 1.00.



    <BSection 364.305 National Priorities Factor>>


    Segments in the Lake Michigan basin, the Chicago metropolitan area and the

    East St. Louis metropolitan area have been designated by the United States

    Environmental Protection Agency as having high national priority. They are

    therefore assigned a "national priorities factor" of 1.05. All other

    segments are given a factor of 1.00.







    <BSection 364.401 Formula for the Grant Priority Index>>


    a) The Grant Priority Index (GPI) is a number which is the product of

    three factors. The GPI is used to determine rank on the project

    priority list in accordance with Section 364.103.

    b) The GPI is calculated as follows:

    GPI = MDI x F4 + F5



    <BSection 364.402 F4 Factor>>


    a) The F4 factor considers the corrective measures necessary to

    provide the degree of treatment required by applicable effluent

    limitations. F4 is derived through a summation of values assigned

    for additional treatment process required for currently overloaded

    facilities and for rehabilitation.

    b) The F4 factor establishes relative values for the following

    treatment processes:

    1) addition of any required secondary or supplemental treatment

    processes where, at the present time, the required processes

    are non-existent.

    2) addition of capacity for currently (hydraulically and/or

    organically) overloaded treatment processes.

    3) modification of existing processes which do not increase

    capacity or degree of treatment but are necessary for the

    upgrading of an existing treatment plant.

    4) the construction of new trunk and lateral sewers to provide

    an extension of service from an existing collection system or

    the rehabilitation of existing sewers, which will not

    eliminate excessive infiltration/inflow.

    5) the construction of a new collection system and treatment

    works to service a presently unsewered community where a

    discharge of raw or partially treated sewage exists, or where

    no discharge exists.

    c) The F4 values are the following:



    Average Maximum Maximum

    Dry Dry Wet

    Treatment Weather Weather Weather

    Process Flow Flow Flow



    Primary 0 0 8


    Secondary 14 10 0


    Tertiary (10/12) 8 6 0


    Disinfection 6 6 6


    Phosphorus Removal 5 3 0


    Nitrification 8 6 0


    Inadequate Sludge Processing Facilities 6


    Modification of existing processes which

    do not increase capacity or degree of

    treatment 1




    Wastewater reuse or recycling; Flood

    Control Projects; Trunk and Laterial

    Sewers 1

    Range of Values: 0 to 99



    <BSection 364.403 F5 Factor>>

    a) F5 is a factor which is added for those projects whose priority

    position is to be retained.

    b) The value of F5 will be retained only if the value of the

    quanitity F1 x F2 x F3 x F6 x F4 is greater than the corresponding

    quantity for the lowest priority need which has an F5 value

    greater than zero. If the value of this quantity does not meet

    this test, F5 for the need will be reduced to zero following the

    completion of facility planning and subsequent determination of




    <BSection 364.404 Scoring Conventions>>


    a) The priority system established in this Part is applied with the

    following conventions and general results.

    b) For expansion and/or upgrading of an existing sewage treatment

    plant, a new sewage treatment plant to serve a currently sewered

    area, or sewer rehabilitation work which will eliminate excessive

    infiltration/inflow, the MDI value for the plant, together with

    the F4 value for the treatment processes affected at the plant are

    used to calculate the GPI value for the need. For sewer

    rehabilitation projects "treatment processes affected at the

    plant" are as follows:

    1) Where the sewer rehabilitation work will solve an inflow

    problem, the F4 value shall be determined from the existing

    need for provision of complying primary treatment and/or

    disinfection for wet weather flow in excess of maximum dry

    weather flow, unless additional treatment is required to meet

    effluent standards.

    2) Where the sewer rehabilitation work will solve an

    infiltration problem, the F4 value shall be determined from

    the existing need for provision of complying primary and/or

    secondary and/or tertiary and/or advanced and/or supplemental

    treatment of dry weather flow.

    3) Where the sewer rehabilitation work will solve an

    infiltration and inflow problem, the F4 value shall be

    determined from the existing need for provision of complying

    primary and/or secondary and/or tertiary and/or advanced

    and/or supplemental treatment of dry weather flow as well as

    the existing need for provision of primary and/or

    disinfection of wet weather flow in excess of maximum dry

    weather flow, unless additional treatment of the excess flow

    is required to meet effluent standards.

    4) Under (b)(1)-(3), existing need is determined using

    overload/no overload criteria for existing treatment

    processes and dilution ratio for additional processes

    required by effluent standards.

    c) For construction of a new sewage treatment plant or improvements

    to existing individual sewage disposal units or a combination of

    the two for a currently unsewered community, since a quantifiable

    discharge does not exist, an "equivalent" MDI value must be

    calculated. For this purpose, the estimated current population

    equivalent of the area to be served is used in calculating F1; F2

    is set equal to 1.0; and the segment to receive the proposed

    discharge determines F3. A significance factor to reflect the

    impact of the dicharge on the receiving stream and public health

    hazards is determined as described in Section 364.206 to calculate

    F6. The MDI is then calculated. The treatment processes required

    at the proposed sewage treatment plant determine F4. The GPI is

    then calculated.

    d) For construction of a new regional plant or expansion and/or

    upgrading of an existing sewage treatment plant to phase out one

    or more existing sewage treatment plants, the highest of the MDI

    values as sell as the highest of the F4 values among the values

    for the existing or proposed regional plant and the values for the

    existing plant(s) to be phased out (exclusive of non-municipally

    owned treatment works) are used to calculate the GPI for the

    regional plant.

    e) For construction of a new sewage treatment plant or improvements

    to individual existing sewage disposal units or a combination of

    the two for a currently unsewered community where a discharge of

    raw or partially treated sewage does exist. A "discharge of raw

    or partially treated sewage" exists, for purposes of determining

    priority, if the applicant establishes that the PE (BOD) of the

    discharge from the sewer system is at least equal to 65 percent of

    the total domestic population plus 100 percent of any tributary

    industrial PE BOD, on the basis of no less than three samples (24

    hour composite) of the discharge, collected directly from the

    "sewer system" outfall to the receiving stream and from comparable

    flow measurements of the discharge, on different days. Copies of

    laboratory reports must be submitted as a part of the facilities

    planning documents to permit a need to qualify under these

    criteria, and an on-site investigation by Agency representatives

    may be made, in which case the results of the Agency investigation

    will be considered conclusive for scoring purposes. Since an MDI

    value does not exist, an "equivalent" MDI must be calculated. For

    this purpose, estimated current population equivalent of the area

    to be served is used in calculating F1; F2 is set equal to 2.0;

    and the segment to receive the proposed discharge determines F3.

    A significance factor to reflect the impact of the discharge on

    the receiving stream and public health hazards is determined as

    described in Section 365.206 to calculate F6. The MDI is then

    calculated. The treatment processes required at the proposed

    treatment plant determine F4. The GPI is then calculated.

    f) For relief intercepting sewers, where the existing intercepting

    sewer is not capable of transporting the flows which are presently

    tributary to it, proceed in accordance with Section 364.404(b)

    where the relief intercepting sewer is a sanitary sewer and in

    accordance with Section 364.404(j) where the relief sewer is a

    combined sewer.

    g) For transport of sewage from end point(s) of existing collection

    system(s) to an existing or proposed regional sewage treatment

    plant proceed in accordance with Section 364.404(d).

    h) For transport of sewage from end point(s) of proposed collection

    system(s) to an existing or proposed regional treatment plant or

    improvements to individual existing sewage disposal units or both,

    the calculation of the F1, F2 and F6 values proceeds similarly to

    that in Section 364.404(c) above. The F4 value will be selected

    from the larger of the values for the degree(s) of treatment which

    would be required at the local location of the collection system

    and at the regional plant. The F3 value will also be selected

    from the larger of the values for the basin segment containing the

    collection system and the basin segment containing the regional


    i) For construction of an intercepting sewer or improvements to

    existing individual sewage disposal units or both for a currently

    unsewered community where a discharge of raw or partially treated

    sewage does exist, an MDI value does not exist, and an

    "equivalent" MDI must be calculated. For this purpose, estimated

    current population equivalent of the area to be served is used in

    calculating F1; F2 is set equal to 1.0; and the segment to receive

    the proposed discharge determines F3. The MDI is then calculated.

    The treatment processes required at the proposed sewage treatment

    plant determine F4. The immediate impace of the discharge on the

    receiving stream and public health hazard are used as described in

    Section 364.206 to calculate F6. The GPI is then calculated.

    j) For elimination or treatment of on-system wet weather overflow(s)

    from combined sewers, regardless of the approach to solving this

    problem or the extensiveness of the problem, the MDI for the plant

    currently providing service, and an F4 value of 14 (established

    values for primary treatment and disinfection of maximum wet

    weather flow) are used in the calculation of a GPI value.

    k) For construction of trunk and lateral sewers where rehabilitation

    work not eliminate excessive infiltration/inflow, the MDI value

    for the plant, together with F4 and F6 values of 1, are used to

    determined the GPI value; therefore, GPI = MDI.

    l) For construction of a complete new collection system, the GPI

    value will be equal to that of the proposed plant under Section

    364.404(c) or intercepting sewer under Section 364.404(g).

    m) For extension of service by an existing collection system, the

    calculation of the MDI value proceeds similarly to that in Section

    364.404(d) except that in this case estimate of the existing

    population equivalent to be served by the sanitary sewer extension

    only is used in determining F1. The F4 values for this case are

    equal to 1, the F6 is calculated in accordance with Section

    364.206. The GPI is then calculated.

    n) For construction of an intercepting sewer parallel to an existing

    intercepting sewer, which existing sewer is capable of

    transporting the flows which are presently tributary to it; flood

    control projects; and wastewater recycling or wastewater reuse

    projects, the MDI value for the plant, together with an F4 value

    of 1 are used to determine the GPI value, therefore, GPI = MDI.



    <BSection 364.405 Additional Considerations>>


    a) Effects of Overloading

    1) For an overloaded facility, values from the table of F4

    values for the average and maximum design flow for existing

    treatment processes will be assigned to the need.

    2) For a facility which is not overloaded as defined above, but

    where sludge handling capacity is presently inadequate, 6

    points for sludge handling facilities will be assigned to the

    need. Sludge handling will be determined to be inadequate

    where the connected population equivalent (for a 12 month

    period) exceeds the Agency approved and permitted design

    basis of the sludge handling units.

    3) If the facility is not overloaded based on the average daily

    flow, the need may receive credit for overloading on the

    maximum dry weather flow. Where the applicant justifies, on

    the basis of influent flow measurement for a 12 month period

    that the average of the peak dry weather flows to the plant

    exceeds the design peak capacity of the plant for complete

    treatment of dry weather flow, the need will receive credit

    for overloading under maximum dry weather flow conditions.

    b) Ongoing Construction

    1) At the time of scoring of a need for priority, in situations

    where other construction has been completed for expansion of

    capacity and/or increased degree of treatment, the priority

    score will not include the need for the processes which have

    been constructed.

    2) Needs which consist of plant improvements and/or intercepting

    sewers, and which will be satisfied through construction in

    several phases (projects), will be addressed by scoring all

    phases (projects) with the full credit for the entire need.

    c) Flow Diversion

    Needs which will result in the diversion of a portion of the

    average dry weather flow from one plant to another plant will be

    scored utilizing the regionalization convention for the two


    d) Integrally Related Projects

    1) Two or more needs of one or more applicants, which are

    initially ranked at different priorities, may be consolidated

    into one need at the higher (highest) priority, if the

    following conditions are satisfied:

    A) The facilities plan, must conclude that the two or more

    needs are integrally related through the cost-effective

    solution; and

    B) State and Federal funds must be available to permit

    complete funding of the consolidated need.

    2) Such consolidations may include:

    A) sewer rehabilitation work and sewage treatment plant

    improvements and/or intercepting sewer construction;

    B) projects to eliminate on-system wet weather overflow and

    sewage treatment plant improvements and/or intercepting

    sewer construction;

    C) projects to construct collection systems and new sewage

    treatment plant and/or intercepting sewer construction.

    3) This provision does allow the award of grants (for projects

    which are integrally related to a priority project), to

    municipalities which had not filed an application for grant

    at the time of preparation of the priority list for the

    fiscal year.

    e) Complete Waste Treatment Systems

    After Agency approval of a facilities plan, and at the time of the

    subsequent revision to the priority list, the Agency shall add any

    previously unidentified needs to the priority list if the needs

    are not included in the scope of work for which a grant has been

    offered, even if the applicant has not filed an application for

    such needs. Failure of the applicant to file application for such

    previously identified needs shall not restrict the Agency in

    adding the needs to the priority list.




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