PART 291
    Statutory Authority
    Overview of Procedures
    Study Area and Background Concentrations
    Point Source Emissions Inventory Data
    County-Wide Area Source Emissions Inventory
    Meteorological Data
    Air Quality Data
    Dispersion Modeling
    Emission Projection and Allocation Techniques
    Contents of the Air Quality Study Submitted in Support of a Permit Application
    for an SO
    or TSP Emission Source
    APPENDIX A Rule into Section Table
    AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Sections 4 and 39 of the Environmental
    Protection Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1004 and 1039).
    SOURCE: Filed and effective December 30, 1977; codified at 8 Ill. Reg. 870.
    Section 291.101
    Statutory Authority
    These rules are promulgated pursuant to authority conferred on the Illinois Environmental
    Protection Agency (Agency) by Sections 4 and 39 of the Environmental Protection Act (Ill. Rev.
    Stat. 1981, ch. 111 1/2, pars. 1004 and 1039) (Act).

    Section 291.102
    These rules were developed by the Agency to provide guidance to sources that choose to
    show compliance with Section 9(a) of the Act or Rule 102 of the Pollution Control Board
    Rules and Regulations, Chapter 2: Air Pollution (codified as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.141),
    by performing comprehensive air quality impact evaluations.
    These rules were formulated in response to the remand by the Illinois Supreme Court to
    the Pollution Control Board (Board) of the adoption of Rules 203(g)(1), 204(a)(1) and
    204(c)(1)(A) (codified as 35 Ill. Adm. Code 212.201 through 212.205, 214.121(a) and
    214.141), which established particulate and sulfur dioxide emission standards for new
    and existing fuel combustion sources. Commonwealth Edison v. Pollution Control
    Board, 62 Ill. 2d 494 (1976). The Court's decision, however, did not eliminate the
    requirement of construction or operating permits for solid fuel emission sources; it also
    did not eliminate the prohibition of air pollution contained in Section 9(a) and Rule 102
    nor the prohibition of ambient air quality violations contained in Rule 102.
    Thus, for any period that Rules 203(g)(1), 204(a)(1) or 204(c)(1)(A) are not effective,
    construction and operating permit applications for solid fuel combustion sources will be
    evaluated on the basis of comprehensive air quality impact evaluations performed by the
    applicant and designed to enable the Agency to determine the status of compliance with
    respect to the air quality provisions of Section 9(a) and Rule 102.
    In lieu of performing comprehensive air quality impact evaluations in accordance with
    these rules, the applicant may elect to show compliance with the emission limitations
    contained in Rules 203(g)(1), 204(a)(1) and 204(c)(1)(A), even if those rules are not
    currently effective. Compliance with these emissions limitations will usually be deemed
    by the Agency to be sufficient to assure compliance with the air quality provisions of
    Section 9(a) of the Act and Rule 102. Of course, for any period of time in which Rules
    203(g)(1), 204(a)(1) or 204(c)(1)(A) are in effect, the permit applicant must show
    compliance with these rules, without regard to comprehensive air quality analysis done
    pursuant to these rules. Compliance with these rules may only be used to support permit
    applications when Rules 204(g)(1), 204(a)(1) or 204(c)(1)(A) are not effective.
    Section 291.103
    Overview of Procedures
    These procedures are designed to serve as guidelines for applicants desiring to develop
    particulate and sulfur dioxide emission limitations for a subject emission source.
    The procedures consist of two phases. The first phase requires an analysis of the air
    quality in the vicinity of the subject source for a base year. For the base year analysis a
    point and area source emissions inventory, consisting of emission rates and stack
    parameters for all point sources and emission rates for county-wide area sources affecting
    the study areas, are required. Base year air quality, meteorolgical data and the necessary
    sub-county allocation parameters (i.e., employment, population, etc. used to allocate

    county-wide area source emissions to sub-county grid squares) are required to be valid
    for the time frame for which the emissions inventory is valid.
    The point and area source emissions inventory data, along with air quality data and
    meteorological data, should be input to an acceptable air quality dispersion model. This
    simulation model should be validated and calibrated by the applicant. Procedures for and
    results of this effort should be carefully documented. After calibration, the simulated air
    quality in the vicinity of the subject source should be compared with the ambient air
    quality standards as shown in the following table. If a violation is indicated with the
    subject source operating at the proposed emission rates, the source must reduce the
    emission rates so that the AAQS are not exceeded. If a violation is not indicated, the
    source should proceed to Phase II.
    Ambient Air Quality Standards
    Time of
    Annual 75 ug/m3
    60 ug/m(3)
    24 hour
    260 ug/m(3) 150 ug/m(3)
    Annual 80 ug/m(3)
    24 hour
    365 ug/m(3) None
    3 hour None
    1300 ug/m(3)
    Phase II of the analysis is designed to assess the impact of the subject source on the
    ambient air quality for the year 1980, as a minimum. The base year point and area source
    emissions should be multiplied by appropriate growth factors developed by the applicant
    for the specific study area. When determining future annual air quality, meteorological
    data averaged over a minimum period of five consecutive years and model calibration
    data developed for the base year analysis should be utilized. Dispersion modeling should
    again be performed to determine if violations of the AAQs are indicated for the
    projection year(s). If a violation is indicated, the subject source must revise its emission
    rates so that the AAQS are not violated. If no violation of the AAQS are indicated by
    dispersion modeling, the subject facility should submit the proper application to the
    Agency for evaluation.
    Section 291.201
    Study Area and Background Concentrations

    The study area shall include all territory surrounding the subject facility which
    encompasses a common aggregation of sources, usually an urbanized/industrial area
    bounded by areas which are now undeveloped. The analysis must consider the
    All point and area source emissions originating within the urbanized/industrial
    area must be considered in the analysis.
    Any emission source located beyond the undeveloped boundary of the
    urbanized/industrial area if such source contributes one microgram per cubic
    meter or more to the sulfur dioxide and/or particulate annual average; 10
    micrograms per cubic meter or more to the maximum sulfur dioxide and/or
    particulate 24-hour concentration; or, 50 micrograms per cubic meter or more to
    the maximum 3 hour sulfur dioxide concentration within the study area.
    The effect of the subject facility outside of the territory defined above when such
    facility contributes the same annual and/or short-term concentrations in other
    urbanized/industrial areas located outside of the study area.
    The influence of topography and geography on the dispersion of air pollutants
    when performing the analyses to determine the study area or impacted areas
    outside the study area.
    Background concentrations contained in the "clean" air entering the study area may be
    considered to be 40 micrograms per cubic meter for particulates and 10 micrograms per
    cubic meter for sulfur dioxide when calculating annual average concentrations. When
    calculating the second highest short-term concentration for purposes of comparison to the
    short-term primary standards, the critical meteorological conditions associated with such
    second highest concentration must be identified. The background concentration
    associated with these meteorological conditions shall be estimated using available air
    quality data and information pertaining to emission sources located outside of the study
    Section 291.202
    Point Source Emissions Inventory Data
    A detailed point source emissions inventory must be used to assess the ambient air
    quality. The following point sources shall be identified:
    All point sources outside the subject facility and within the study area which emit
    25 tons per year or more of the specified pollutant per year to the ambient air.
    All point sources of the specified pollutant within the subject facility.
    Data for each point source should be valid for the same period of time as the
    meteorological and air quality data and should include, as a minimum:

    The facility name and address.
    The location of all the emission sources in the subject facility and their
    relationship to each other.
    The maximum hourly controlled emission rate, which is the greatest quantity of
    emissions that a source is expected to produce during any one-hour of operation.
    The annual average hourly controlled emission rate, which is the total controlled
    emissions for a 12-month period divided by the total hours of operation for the
    same period.
    Stack height, stack diameter, exit gas temperature, and exit gas velocity.
    The point source emissions inventory data should be obtained whenever possible from
    the Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200
    Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois, 62706. If the Agency does not have what it
    considers to be complete data for all sources affecting the study area, the data should be
    obtained from facilities in question.
    Section 291.203
    County-Wide Area Source Emissions Inventory
    An area source emissions inventory, valid for the same time period as the point source emissions
    inventory, should be used to determine the contribution to the ambient air quality of sources
    other than those identified in the point source emissions inventory. A county-wide area source
    emission inventory for any county within Illinois should be obtained from the Division of Air
    Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield,
    Illinois 62706. For counties outside the State of Illinois, county-wide area source emissions
    inventory information from the National Emissions Data System (NEDS) may be obtained
    through the Air Surveillance Branch, Region V, United States Environmental Protection Agency,
    230 South Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60604.
    Section 291.204
    Meteorological Data
    Meteorological data is required for input to the various annual and short-term dispersion
    models as well as for the identification of the frequency and duration of conditions when
    short-term, high air pollution concentrations may be expected to exist. Hourly
    meteorological data shall be acquired from:
    Acceptable on-site meteorological monitoring equipment physically located
    within the study area or
    The nearest National Weather Service weather reporting station which can be
    justified as having meteorological conditions representative of the study area.

    On-site monitors. To be acceptable, the monitoring site must have been maintained and
    operated as a continuous meteorological sensing network designed to determine the wind
    and temperature structure controlling downwind transport and the dispersion of
    The system shall contain adequate instrumentation for measuring the following
    parameters at or near 10 meters above ground-level: wind speed, wind direction
    and dry bulb temperature. A determination of the wind speed, wind direction and
    air temperature in the mixing layer must have been made at least twice every
    24-hour period by use of remote sensing techniques such as pibals, radiosondes,
    acoustic sounders or aircraft.
    A record of the maintenance and service schedule must be available to allow the
    determination of acceptability of on-site meteorological monitoring equipment.
    The service and maintenance should have been performed at a frequency
    necessary to maintain a minimum of 90% data recovery per parameter per quarter.
    Maintenance should have included periodic cleaning, testing and calibration of all
    sensors and recorder.
    Justification should be submitted with the operating application including that the
    meteorological parameters measured at the on-site monitor(s) are representative
    of the meteorology in the study area. Included in this justification should be a
    discussion of the effects of local terrain, bodies of water, heat islands and any
    other conditions which could substantially affect the meteorology of the area.
    No on-site monitors. If on-site meteorological monitoring equipment is unavailable or
    not selected for use, a justification must be submitted indicating that the meteorological
    parameters which are utilized are representative of the study area. Meteorological data
    may be obtained from the following sources:
    Seasonal and annual wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability. The
    National Climatic Center (NCC) in Asheville, North Carolina has wind speed and
    wind direction data available as part of hourly or three-hourly weather records.
    Data for wind speed and wind direction are combined with atmospheric stability
    in a joint frequency distribution called a STAR Program. Various forms of
    stability wind rose data are available from NCC in tabular form, on punched
    cards, and on magnetic tape. The tapes include the hourly or three-hourly
    observations upon which the stability wind rose is based. Five-year, annual,
    seasonal and monthly stability wind roses are available.
    Mixing height. Climatological summaries of mixing heights based on radiosonde
    observations are available in Mixing Height, Wind Speeds, and Potential for
    Urban Air Pollution Throughout the Contiguous United States (AP-101) by
    George Holzworth of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Data
    contained in this text are acceptable for utilization with annual dispersion
    modeling analyses. Mixing height data for use in determining short-term air

    quality levels may be computed from measured meteorological parameters using
    the methods outlined in the USEPA's AQMA Guideline Document 10 or the
    USEPA's Interim User's Guide to a Computation Technique to Estimate
    Maximum 24-Hour Concentrations from Single Sources. Radiosonde observation
    data is available for selected meteorological sites from the NCC.
    Temperature. Hourly, three-hourly and annual mean temperature records for
    meteorological reporting sites are available from the NCC.
    Hourly atmospheric stability. The atmospheric stability data may be estimated
    from other meteorological parameters by Turner's Method, which is explained in
    AQMA Guideline Document 10. The method requires: solar altitude, cloud
    cover, ceiling and wind speed. The solar altitude can be obtained from Table 170
    entitled "Solar Altitude and Azimuth" in the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables.
    Cloud cover and ceiling are available as hourly or three-hourly observations from
    the NCC. The solar altitude, time of day, cloud cover and ceiling can be used to
    index the solar radiation intesity which, together with the wind speed, determines
    the atmospheric stability.
    Section 291.205
    Air Quality Data
    All available ambient air quality monitoring data for the subject pollutant in the study area shall
    be assembled by the applicant in a form suitable for comparison with the AAQS and for
    calibration of the various air quality simulation models which are a necessary portion of the air
    quality study.
    Air monitoring data collected by federal, state, or certain local agencies in Illinois may be
    obtained from the Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection
    Agency, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois, 62706. Monitoring data collected by
    a governmental agency in a state other than Illinois or by any private industry should be
    obtained from the organization responsible for the monitoring site.
    Monitoring data which is used by the applicant should have been collected by air
    montiroing reference and equivalent methods published by the USEPA in 40 CFR 50
    (Appendices) and 40 CFR 53 and revisions thereto or by an equivalent method approved
    by the Agency.
    Section 291.206
    Dispersion Modeling
    Several dispersion models are available for determining the annual and short-term
    impacts of pollutant emissions on ambient air quality. The dispersion models which are
    available from the Agency for use in annual analyses are the Climatological Dispersion
    Model (CDM) and the Climatological Dispersion Model revised by the Agency (Revised
    CDM). The Agency model available for short-term analyses is the Air Quality
    Short-Term Model (AQSTM) developed by the Agency's Division of Air Pollution
    Control. All of these models are based on the Gaussian diffusion equation and utilize the

    Brigg's plume rise formulae.
    Facilities utilizing the models mentioned in subsection (a) to perform the attainment and
    maintenance analyses do not need to submit a description of the dispersion and plume
    rise formulae other than those listed above, then the following information shall be
    submitted to the Agency in support of the techniques which are selected:
    A complete computer program listed of the model;
    A detailed description of all model equations;
    A model flow chart; and
    A justification for the use of such model and equations.
    Annual Analysis. The basic objective of the annual dispersion analysis is to determine
    the maximum ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide and total suspended
    particulate for comparison with annual air quality standards.
    The location of pollutant sources in each facility within the study area shall be
    accurately identified so that their relative positions can be input to the dispersion
    For the attainment portion of the annual analysis, the average annual controlled
    emission rate from each source in the base year and the annual meteorological
    parameters determined for the base year shall be utilized. Both the controlled
    source emission rates and the meteorological parameters should be valid for the
    same one-year period.
    The annual analysis for the 1980 projection year and for other Projection years as
    deemed necessary by the applicant must be conducted utilizing projected annual
    average emissions for the year analyzed and the mean annual meteorological
    paramters which have been determined based on historical data from a period of
    at least five consecutive years.
    Short-Term Analysis. For short term analyses, ground-level concentrations should be
    determined for periods of time associated with those meterorological conditions giving
    rise to maximum ground-level concentrations, considering the actual physical stack
    height and diameter and operating characteristics of the facilities.
    Consistent with the annual modeling, the location of the various pollutant
    emission sources in each facility affecting the study area must be accurately
    The applicant shall identify those operating conditions leading to the maximum
    emissions of sulfur dioxide and/or particulate matter. Specific operating
    schedules may be considered in order to determine a reasonable maximum

    controlled emission rate for each source affecting the study area (i.e., it is
    recognized that all sources may not operate at their maximum levels during the
    same time period).
    Maximum grid point spacing used in the models shall be 1 kilometer for comparison with
    annual standards and 0.1 kilometer for short-term modeling.
    The contribution to the point of maximum concentration shall be calculated for each
    source of sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) or total suspended particulate (TSP) within the study
    area. Sulfur dioxide or TSP ambient air quality monitoring data may be utilized to assist
    in establishing background concentrations. Such air quality data should have been
    collected for a minimum of 1 year and should be consistent with the ambient air quality
    monitoring portion of these procedures.
    There are several meteorological situations which might cause sufficiently elevated
    ground-level concentrations to threaten the short-term ambient air quality standards. The
    following potentially adverse meteorological or physical conditions shall be considered
    as a minimum when performing the short-term modeling analyses:
    Trapping conditions (for comparison with the 3-hour SO(2) standard and the
    24-hour SO(2) and TSP standard).
    Mixing height equal to the height of maximum plume rise for that source
    at the subject facility or within the study area such that the maximum
    ground-level concentration is achieved.
    Wind speed equal to 4.4 meters per second at a height of 10 meters above
    Atmospheric stability equal to B (unstable).
    Wind direction equal to that direction which aligns the emission sources
    so as to maximize the ground-level concentrations.
    Calculate the maximum 1-hour ground-level concentration using the
    dispersion model.
    Calculate the minimum 3-hour ground-level SO(2) concentration by
    taking the 1-hour concentration in subsection (E) above times 0.80.
    Calculate the maximum 24-hour concentration by taking 1/4 of the hourly
    concentration calculated in subsection (E) above.
    Neutral stability with moderate to high winds (for comparison with the 3-hour
    SO(2) standard and the 24-hour SO(2) and TSP standard).

    Mixing height equal to 1200 meters.
    Stability class equal to D (neutral).
    Determine the wind direction which aligns the emission sources such as to
    maximize the ground-level concentration of the actual source
    Determine the critical wind speed (i.e., the wind speed which produces the
    maximum ground-level concentration).
    Calculate the maximum 1-hour ground-level oncentration using the
    dispersion model including background).
    Calculate the maximum 3-hour ground-level SO(2) concentration by
    taking the 1-hour concentration in subsection (E) above times 0.80.
    Calculation of the 24-hour ground-level concentration requires an
    examination of actual meteorological conditions collected in the study
    area. One technique for calculating the 24-hour ground-level
    concentration from the 1-hour concentration is explained on page 38 of the
    Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates. The method makes the
    assumption that the plume is uniformly distributed in the crosswind
    direction within a down-wind sector of 22.5 < and may be utilized when
    critical wind speed, persistent wind direction, and neutral stability occur
    for 16 hours or greater. The 24-hour concentration is obtained by
    multiplying the resulting sector concentration by t/24, where t is the
    number of hours within a 24-hour period during which the above
    meteorological conditions actually occur.
    Inversion break-up fumigation (for comparison with the 3-hour SO(2) standard).
    Assume that the mixing height is located at ground-level at the beginning
    of the 3-hour period for which the maximum ground-level concentration is
    being calculated. Allow the mixing height to rise at a rate of 4.88 meters
    per minute.
    Assume an atmospheric stability class of E (stable) above the height of the
    inversion and B (unstable) below the inversion.
    Assume a wind speed of 4.4 meters per second at a height of 10 meters
    above ground-level.
    Determine the wind direction which aligns the emission sources such as to
    maximize the ground-level concentration for the actual source
    Calculate the concentration profile downwind of the facility at 20 minute

    intervals. That is, calculate the height of the mixing layer at 20-minute
    intervals using the rate of rise given in subsection (A) above. Nine
    20-minute average concentrations should be calculated to yield the 3-hour
    maximum ground-level concentration.
    If the Agency's AQSTM is used to calculate the ground-level
    concentration under the fumigation situation, the maximum concentration
    will be that concentration computed at a distance of at least x = 4.4
    t(subscript m) where x is equal to downwind distance in meters, and
    t(subscript m) is equal to the time in seconds required to eliminate the
    inversion from the physical stack height to the height of the plume rise.
    Any other meteorological conditions experienced in the vicinity of the subject
    facility or physical characteristics of the facility or its surroundings which, in the
    opinion of the applicant might reasonably be expected to produce maximum
    ground-level concentrations in excess of those calculated using the considerations
    outlined in subsection (g)(1)-(3).
    If meteorological information specific to the subject facility is available, then
    such data may be used to modify the procedures outlined in subsection (g)(1)-(4),
    as appropriate. However, such meteorological information must have been
    At the site of the subject facility and should be sufficient to determine
    wind speed, wind direction, stability class and mixing height; and
    During a field study having a minimum duration of one year. Such a
    meteorological field study should meet the requirements outlined in these
    All dispersion models utilized for the annual and short-term analyses should be
    calibrated, if possible, with base year ambient air quality monitoring data.
    The minimum requirement for model validation shall be the computation of a regression
    equaltion (linear, stepwise or non-linear, as appropriate) for observed concentrations vs.
    the concentrations calculated by the dispersion model (plus background).
    Short-term concentrations should be grouped for like-meteorological conditions
    (considering the synoptic meteorological situation).
    The regression equation should be applied to each calculated concentration (plus
    background) for the appropriate meteorological situations.
    The listing of monitored concentrations should be submitted in support of the
    proposed emission limitation.

    Practical displays of calculated vs. observed concentrations should be submitted
    in addition to correlation coefficients and standard errors of estimate.
    As deemed necessary by the applicant, additional statistical tests may be used to
    evaluate the dispersion modeling results.
    Section 291.207
    Emission Projection and Allocation Techniques
    Generally, the air quality impact analysis procedures use surrogate variables to project
    and allocate future point and area source emissions in the study area. It is assumed that
    the anticipated growth in emissions will be proportional to the growth in certain surrogate
    variables, and will, therefore, be spatially distributed in the study area according to the
    spatial distribution of the growth in such variables. The methodology for projecting and
    allocating point and area source emissions in the study area is explained in detail in
    Volumes 7 and 13 of the USEPA's Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning and
    Analysis. The applicant is strongly urged to obtain and examine these documents
    throughly before undertaking an air quality impact analysis.
    In undertaking an air quality impact assessment, the applicant should use growth and
    development projections which reflect control technology that is realistic for the
    projection period and type of source being considered. For example, with respect to
    point sources, the applicant should consider Best Available Control Technology (BACT)
    Regulations and Guidelines as defined by New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR
    60) and as further defined by the USEPA in guidelines for Non Significant Deterioration
    (NSD)(40 CFR 52). Also the applicant should consider the application of Reasonably
    Available Control Technology (RACT) as defined by Federal guidelines in 40 CFR 51.
    In undertaking air quality impact analyses, area source emissions projections at a
    sub-county spatial level will be necessary for use in dispersion models. The projections
    included in these analyses must be consistent with those projections being used by the
    Agency in its continuing air and water quality planning activities.
    The Illinois Bureau of the Budget (IBOB) develops official state projections of
    population for each county in the state at 5-year increments to the year 2025. State
    agenices are constrained to use these figures, plus or minus 5%, for all planning
    activities. Variations in excess of 5% must be submitted to the IBOB with detailed
    supporting information before such figures will be acceptable to the Agency for inclusion
    in a planning analysis.
    The Agency has township population projections (which are consistent with IBOB
    county control totals) for the entire state to the year 2010. Applicants may use these
    figures in lieu of any acceptable alternative figures either derived by the applicants or
    obtained from cognizant local and regional planning bodies in the area. Figures other
    than those obtained from the Agency should be substantiated by detailed information,
    including a description of data base, assumptions, and the methodology used in arriving
    at such alternative projections.

    To obtain necessary, detailed sub-county information on housing units and structures,
    applicants should consult the 1970 Census reports series IIC(3) or PIIC(1). The
    publications include maps in which census tracts are overlaid with township boundaries.
    This base line data, coupled with the available township population projections, will
    provide sufficient information for the applicant to develop forecast-year housing unit
    The IBOB prepares estimates of employment in approximately 200 key industry groups
    for 20 multi-county regions consitituting the State of Illinois. Estimates are reported for
    base year and 5-year increments up to the year 2000. The "key industry" groupings
    roughly correspond to aggregates of 3-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
    categories. In order for an applicant to assess the air quality impact of his source and
    those of other major sources within the study area, information on the emissions levels of
    existing major sources is required in addition to a growth rate factor to be applied to such
    emissions for analysis of future years. Information on current emissions from existing
    major sources is available from the Agency. Growth factors for each of these major
    sources may be derived by determining the SIC code of any major facility in the study
    area, and assigning it the growth rate implicit in IBOB employment projections for the
    IBOB industry category in which this practicular SIC code is included. As with the
    population projections, the Agency will accept employment projections which deviate
    from current IBOB totals, only if such figures are accompanied by a detailed explanation
    of data base, assumptions, and methodology, and are concurred in by the IBOB.
    Table 3 shows the various categories of emissions and corresponding orders of analysis
    possible in an air quality impact study. These categories of analysis are described in
    detail in Volume 13 of the USEPA's Guidelines for Air Quality Maintenance Planning
    and Analysis. Air quality impact analyses undertaken at the specified level should use
    the type and detail of data described in Table 4, unless concurrence from the Agency to
    do otherwise is obtained by the applicant. The orders of analyses range from that
    requiring the least detail (Order 1) to that requiring the greatest detail (Order 3). The
    status of any particular county with respect to the classification scheme in Table 4 may
    be obtained from the Division of Air Pollution Control.
    Residential Fuel Combustion. Order 1 analyses use population by township,
    either obtained from the Agency or developed especially for the air quality impact
    study. Order 2 analyses use number of dwelling units by township (or equivalent
    sub-county spatial level) within the study area. When a reasonable factor of
    number-of-persons-per dwelling-unit is applied to the total number of dwelling
    units projected in the study area, the result must be consistent with IBOB
    population control totals. Order 3 analysis is refinement upon Order 2, such that
    the number of residential structures in the study area is classified according to the
    number of dwelling units per structure, similar to that classification outlined on
    page 35 of AQMA Guideline Document 13.
    Commercial/Institutional Fuel Combustion. Order 1 anlayses are similar to that

    for Residential Fuel Combustion. Orders 2 and 3 use employment growth rates to
    project and allocate emissions in the study area, using the methodology described
    in Guideline Document 13 and the information sources described in the preceding
    Industrial Process. All orders of analysis use employment growth rates to project
    and allocate emissions in the study area, according to the methodology described
    in Guideline Document 13 and sources of information described in the proceding
    Industrial Fuel Combustion. Requirements for Orders 1, 2, and 3 of this
    emissions category are similar to those for industrial process emissions.
    Solid Waste. Estimation and allocation of emissions from the incineration of
    solid waste parallel the requirements for Residential, Commercial/Institutional,
    and Industrial Process Fuel Combustion for each order of analysis (i.e., the
    contribution of each emission source category to solid waste disposal emissions is
    determined by using the same indicator variables). For instance, in an Order 1,
    analysis of solid waste emissions, the relative contribution of commercial
    establishments to total solid waste emissions would be proportional to the growth
    in population. Base year figures on emissions in the applicant's study area due to
    solid waste disposal are available from the Agency.
    Section 291.301
    Contents of the Air Quality Study Submitted in Support of a Permit
    Application for an SO(2) or TSP Emission Source
    The air quality study shall include the following:
    A description of the nature and location of the sulfur dioxide or particulate emission
    sources at the subject facility, including but not limited to:
    Diameter, height, exit gas temperature, and exit gas velocity for all stacks or vents
    through which the pollutant is emitted into the atmosphere,
    Description of the fuels used to include type, sulfur content, ash content, heat
    content, and ultimate analysis,
    Description of the type of fuel combustion equipment to include method of firing
    and maximum firing rate,
    Specific description of the location of the emission sources (Universal Transverse
    Mercatur (UTM) coordinates or latitude/longitude) and a plot plan.
    A summary of all ambient air quality data collected since January 1, 1973, at monitors

    located within a 50-mile radius of the emission source and collected by the owner and/or
    operator of the emission source. The summary should include: annual averages;
    maximum and second highest short-term averages for each month; and the number of
    times the short-term AAQS were exceeded during each month.
    A general description of the method by which the air quality study was conducted to
    include the method which was used to identify the maximum ground-level concentration
    of pollutant contributed to by the subject facility and the location of such maximum
    A summary of all meteorological data collected by the owner or operator of the emission
    source since January 1, 1973, at monitors located within a 50-mile radius of the specified
    pollutant emission source provided that such data were used in the development of the
    emission limitation.
    A description of the justification for all point source data, area source data and
    meteorological data which were input to the dispersion models.
    An identification of and an estimate as to the frequency, characteristics, probable time of
    occurrence and duration of meteorological conditions associated with the maximum
    short-term ground-level concentration of the specified pollutant contributed to by the
    subject facility. A description of the techniques used in arriving at the above estimates
    should be included.
    A detailed description and complete listing of all dispersion models and plume rise
    equations which were used to develop the emission limitation to include all model
    equations. This is not necessary if CDM and the AQSTM are exclusively utilized as
    received from the Agency, except that a statement that CDM and the AQSTM were used
    should be included.
    A detailed description of the method that was used to determine total background
    pollutant concentrations in the vicinity of the subject facility for the annual model and for
    each of the meteorological conditions considered in performing the analysis is such
    background concentrations are different than those given in Section 291.103.
    A detailed description of all dispersion model validation and calibration procedures to
    include the regression equations, correlation coefficients and other statistical data which
    indicate the reliability of the modeling results for the various situations modeled.
    A detailed description of the technique used to allocate area source emissions from the
    county level to the sub-county level.
    A detailed description of the technique used to project growth for the maintenance
    A statement of the base year used for the analysis and the reasons for selection of the
    base period.

    Detailed maps of the study area which include: topographic features, bodies of water,
    and locations of point and area sources.
    Data tables which include but are not limited to:
    Short-term and annual background concentrations which were determined for all
    meteorological conditions considered in the air quality study,
    Calculated ground-level concentrations, calibrated and uncalibrated, from all
    short-term and annual dispersion modeling.
    The type, number and location of meteorological monitoring devices from which data
    was obtained for use in performing the study including a discussion of the suitability of
    the location of such monitors.
    The type, number and location of instruments for the continuous monitoring and
    recording of pollutant emissions which were used by the subject facility to determine
    emissions for use in the study.
    A description of the system and procedures used for acquisition and storage of ambient
    air quality, meteorological and emissions data.
    A description of the procedures utilized for validation of air quality, meteorological and
    emissions data for use in the study.
    Identification of company personnel responsible for use performance of the air quality
    study so as to provide a point of contact.
    An explicit statement of the emission limitation which is proposed for the source.
    Section 291.APPENDIX A Rule into Section Table

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