PART 220
220.100 Purpose
220.110 Definitions
220.120 Abbreviations
220.130 Incorporations by Reference
220.200 Applicability
220.210 Compliance Requirements and Schedule
220.220 Gas Collection System Requirements
220.230 Gas Control System Requirements
220.240 Compliance Procedures for Gas Collection Systems
220.250 Operational Standards for Collection and Control Systems
220.260 Test Methods and Procedures
220.270 Monitoring of Operations
220.280 Reporting Requirements
220.290 Recordkeeping Requirements
AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Sections 4, 9.1, 27, and 28.5 of the
Illinois Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5/4, 9.1, 27, and 28.5].
SOURCE: Adopted in Docket R98-28 at 22 Ill. Reg.11790, effective July 31, 1998.
Section 220.100 Purpose
This Part contains emission control requirements for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in
accordance with section 111(d) and subpart B of the Clean Air Act.
Section 220.110 Definitions
The definitions in this Section apply only to the provisions of this Part. Unless otherwise

defined herein and unless a different meaning of a term is clear from its context, the definitions
of terms used in this Part shall have the meanings specified by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.102, 211,
and 810.103.
"Active collection system" means a gas collection system that uses gas mover equipment.
"Active landfill" means a landfill in which solid waste is being placed or a landfill that is
planning to accept waste in the future.
"Commercial waste" means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices,
restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding household and
industrial wastes.
"Controlled landfill" means any landfill at which collection and control systems are
required under this Part as a result of the NMOC emission rate. The landfill is
considered controlled at the time an application for a construction permit for a collection
and control system is submitted to the Agency in compliance with Sections 220.220 and
220.230 of this Part.
"Design capacity" means the maximum amount of solid waste a landfill can accept, as
indicated in terms of volume or mass, as specified in the permit(s) issued pursuant to
Section 21(d) of the Act for the source plus any in-place waste not accounted for in the
permit(s); if no design capacity is specified in a permit, then the design capacity shall be
calculated using good engineering practices; or if the landfill is closed pursuant to the
applicable regulations in 35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subtitle G, the actual capacity specified in
the closure plan. If the owner or operator chooses to convert the design capacity from
volume to mass or from mass to volume to demonstrate its design capacity is less than
2.5 million Mg or 2.5 million m
, the calculation must include a site-specific density,
which must be recalculated annually.
"Disposal facility" means all contiguous land and structures, and improvements on the
land used for the disposal of solid waste. Portions of the disposal facility may be
separated by access roads.
"Emission rate cutoff" means the threshold annual emission rate to which a landfill
compares its estimated emission rate to determine if control under this Part is required.
"Enclosed combustor" means an enclosed firebox. Examples include, but are not limited
to, an enclosed flare, a boiler, and an internal combustion engine.
"Flare" means an open combustor without enclosure or shroud.
"Gas mover equipment" means the equipment (i.e., fan, blower, compressor) used to
transport landfill gas through the header system.

RECREATION AREAS). (Section 3.89 of the Act)
“Inactive landfill” means a landfill in which solid waste is no longer being placed, and
that is no longer permitted to accept waste under Section 21 of the Act or has a federally
enforceable permit condition prohibiting the acceptance of additional waste. If an
inactive landfill is subsequently permitted to accept additional waste and additional solid
waste is placed in the landfill, the landfill is no longer inactive.
"Industrial waste" means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes
that is not a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of RCRA, 40 CFR 264 and 265.
Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following
manufacturing processes: electric power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals;
food and related products/by-products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel
manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/foundries;
organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber
and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile
manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. This term does not
include mining waste or oil and gas waste.
"Interior well" means any well or similar collection component located inside the
perimeter of the landfill. A perimeter well located outside the landfilled waste is not an
interior well.
"Landfill" means an area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for
permanent disposal, and that is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, or an
underground injection well. For the purposes of this Part, landfills include waste piles.
"Lateral expansion" means a horizontal expansion of the waste boundaries of an existing
MSW landfill. A lateral expansion is not a modification for the purposes of filing an
amended design capacity report pursuant to Section 220.210(a) of this Part, unless it
results in an increase in the design capacity of the landfill.
"Modification" means an increase in the permitted volume design capacity of the landfill
by either horizontal or vertical expansion.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW)" means household waste.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill" means an entire disposal facility or landfill in a
contiguous geographical space where household waste is placed in or on land. An MSW
landfill may also receive other types of RCRA Subtitle D wastes such as commercial
solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste,
and industrial solid waste. Portions of an MSW landfill may be separated by access

roads. An MSW landfill may be publicly or privately owned or operated.
"Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill emissions" means gas generated by
decomposition of organic waste deposited in an MSW landfill or derived from the
evolution of organic compounds in the waste.
"Nondegradable waste" means any waste that does not decompose through chemical
breakdown or microbiological activity. Examples include, but are not limited to,
concrete, municipal waste combustor ash, and metals.
"Nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC)" means nonmethane organic compounds, as
measured according to the provisions of Section 220.260 of this Part.
"Passive collection system" means a gas collection system that uses solely positive
pressure within the landfill to move the gas rather than using gas mover equipment.
"Putrescible waste" means a solid waste that contains organic matter capable of being
decomposed by microorganisms so as to cause a malodor, gases, or other offensive
conditions, or which is capable of providing food for birds and vectors. Putrescible
wastes may form a contaminated leachate from microbiological degradation, chemical
processes, and physical processes. Putrescible waste includes, but is not limited to,
garbage, offal, dead animals, general household waste, and commercial waste. All solid
wastes that do not meet the definitions of inert or chemical wastes shall be considered
putrescible wastes.
"Sludge" means any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal,
commercial, or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air
pollution control facility, exclusive of the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment
"Solid waste" means a waste that is defined as an inert waste, as a putrescible waste, as a
chemical waste or as a special waste, and which is also not defined as a hazardous waste
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 721.
"Sufficient density" means any number, spacing, and combination of collection system
components, including vertical wells, horizontal collectors, and surface collectors,
necessary to maintain emission and migration control as determined by measures of
performance set forth in this Part.
"Sufficient extraction rate" means a rate sufficient to maintain a negative pressure at all
wellheads in the collection system without causing air infiltration, including any
wellheads connected to the system as a result of expansion or excess surface emissions,
for the life of the blower.
Section 220.120 Abbreviations

Act Illinois Environmental Protection Act
Agency Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Board Illinois Pollution Control Board
C degrees Celsius or centigrade
cm centimeters
CAAPP Clean Air Act Permit Program
F degrees Fahrenheit
hr hours
m meters
cubic meters
Mg megagrams
mmbtu million British thermal units
MSW municipal solid waste
MW megawatt; 1 million watts
NMOC nonmethane organic compounds
NOx nitrogen oxides
ppm parts per million
ppmv parts per million by volume
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SIP State Implementation Plan
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VOC volatile organic compounds
VOM volatile organic material
yr years
Section 220.130 Incorporations by Reference
The following materials are incorporated by reference. These incorporations by
reference do not include any later amendments or editions.
a) Section 4 of Method 2E: Determination of Landfill Gas; Gas Production Flow
Rate, 40 CFR 60, Appendix A (61 Fed. Reg. 9929 (March 12, 1996)).
b) Method 25C: Determination of Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) in
MSW Landfill Gases, 40 CFR 60, Appendix A (61 Fed. Reg. 9929 (March 12,
c) Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42) the Technical Support
Division of OAQPS, EPA, MD-14, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 (1997).
d) Sections 3, 3.1.3, 4.2, 4.3.1, and 4.4 of Method 21 of Appendix A, 40 CFR 60
e) Method 3C, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60 (1997).
f) Method 3A, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60 (1997).

g) Method 18, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60 (1997).
h) General Control Device Requirements, 40 CFR 60.18 (1997).
Section 220.200 Applicability
a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this Section, an owner or operator of an
MSW landfill for which construction or modification commenced before May 30,
1991, is subject to the requirements of this Subpart if the landfill has accepted
waste at any time since November 8, 1987, or has additional design capacity
available for future waste deposition.
b) Any MSW landfill that commenced construction, reconstruction, or modification
on or after May 30, 1991, is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Subpart
WWW, in lieu of the requirements of this Part.
Section 220.210 Compliance Requirements and Schedule
a) Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity less than 2.5
million Mg by mass or 2.5 million m
by volume shall submit an initial design
capacity report to the Agency as provided in Section 220.280(a) of this Subpart.
The owner or operator may calculate design capacity in either Mg or m
comparison with the exemption values. Any density conversions shall be
documented and submitted with the report. If the landfill is subsequently
modified, then the owner or operator shall submit to the Agency an amended
design capacity report as provided for in Section 220.280(a)(3) of this Subpart.
Submittal of an initial design capacity report and, if applicable, an amended
design capacity report shall fulfill the requirements of this Subpart. Pursuant to
Section 220.200(b) of this Subpart, modification of an MSW landfill will subject
it to the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Subpart WWW.
b) An owner or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity equal to or
greater than 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m
shall submit an initial design
capacity report and initial emissions rate report to the Agency, as provided in
Section 220.280(a) and (b) of this Subpart, and comply with either subsection (c)
or (d) of this Section.
c) For MSW landfills with an NMOC emissions rate less than 50 Mg/yr, the owner
or operator shall:
1) Submit an emission rate report, as provided by Section 220.280(b) of this
Subpart, to the Agency; and

2) Recalculate the NMOC emission rate using the procedures specified in
Section 220.260(a) of this Subpart until such time as the calculated
NMOC emission rate is equal to or greater than 50 Mg/yr, at which time
the provisions of subsection (d) of this Section shall apply, or the landfill
is inactive.
d) For MSW landfills with emissions equal to or greater than 50 Mg/yr, calculated
pursuant to Section 220.260(a) of this Subpart, within 30 months after the date
when the first annual NMOC emission rate report equals or exceeds 50 Mg/yr, an
owner or operator shall:
1) Install and operate:
A) A gas collection and control system meeting the gas collection
system and control requirements of Sections 220.220 and 220.230
of this Subpart; or
B) An alternate gas collection and control system using alternate
procedures for gas collection and control, determining compliance,
monitoring, operation, testing, recordkeeping, or reporting instead
of those provided for in this Subpart, as approved by the Agency or
Board, as meeting the requirements in Section 220.220(d) or (e), or
Section 220.230(d) or (e) of this Subpart. Such alternate system
shall be effective only when included in a federally enforceable
permit or approved as a SIP revision.
2) Certify compliance: Within 6 months of initial startup or upon change in
method of compliance, or by October 31, 2001, whichever is later, the
owner or operator of an MSW landfill subject to the control requirements
of this Subpart must certify compliance with the requirements of this
Subpart by submitting to the Agency the following:
A) A description of the gas collection and control system used;
B) The date the system was installed; and
C) A demonstration that the control system meets the requirements of
Section 220.230 of this Subpart:
i) For active collection systems: the reduction efficiency or
ppmv must be established by a performance test using the
test methods required pursuant to Section 220.260(d) of
this Subpart; or
ii) For open flares: compliance with the requirements of 40
CFR 60.18, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130

of this Part, must be established.
Section 220.220 Gas Collection System Requirements
a) Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill having a design capacity equal to or
greater than 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m
, and a calculated NMOC emission
rate equal to or greater than 50 Mg/yr, must install and operate a gas collection
system that meets the requirements of either subsection (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this
Section and:
1) Handles maximum expected gas flow rate from the entire area of the
MSW landfill that warrants control pursuant to subsection (b)(1)(D) of
this Section for the period required in Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart,
as calculated pursuant to Section 220.240(a) of this Subpart;
2) Collects gas from each area, cell, or group of cells in the landfill in which
the initial solid waste has been placed for a period of:
A) 5 years or more, if active; or
B) 2 years or more if closed or at final grade;
3) Is designed to minimize off-site migration of subsurface gas;
4) Routes all the collected gas to a control system that complies with the
requirements in Section 220.230 of this Subpart; and
5) Collects and treats gas in accordance with the applicable requirements of
35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subtitle G.
b) Active Collection Systems:
1) Active collection wells, horizontal collectors, surface collectors, or other
extraction devices shall be sited at a sufficient density throughout all gas
producing areas using the following procedures:
A) The collection devices within the interior and along the perimeter
areas shall be designed to achieve comprehensive control of
surface gas emissions.
B) The sites for gas collection devices, as determined in subsection
(b)(1)(A) of this Section, shall address landfill gas migration issues
and augmentation of the collection system through the use of
active or passive systems at the landfill perimeter or exterior.
C) Collect gas at a sufficient extraction rate, as defined at Section

220.110 of this Part.
The placement of gas collection devices determined in subsection
(b)(1)(A) of this Section shall control all gas producing areas,
except as provided by this subsection (b)(1)(D).
Any segregated area of asbestos or nondegradable material
may be excluded from collection, if documented as
provided under Section 220.280(f)(3) of this Subpart. The
documentation shall provide the nature, date of deposition,
location and amount of asbestos or nondegradable material
deposited in the area, and shall be provided to the Agency
upon request.
Any nonproductive area of the landfill may be excluded
from control provided that the total of all excluded areas
can be shown to contribute less than 1 percent of the total
amount of NMOC emissions from the landfill. The amount,
location, and age of the material shall be documented and
provided to the Agency upon request. A separate NMOC
emissions estimate shall be made for each section proposed
for exclusion, and the sum of all such sections shall be
compared to the NMOC emissions estimate for the entire
landfill, as calculated pursuant to Section 220.260 of this
Subpart. Emissions from each section shall be computed
using the following equation:
=2k L
M (e
NMOC emission rate from the i
methane generation rate constant, yr
methane generation potential, m
per Mg
solid waste
mass of degradable solid waste in the i
section, Mg
age of the solid waste in the i
concentration of NMOC, ppmv
3.6 x 10
conversion factor
The values for k and CNMOC determined in field testing
shall be used, if field testing has been performed in
determining the NMOC emission rate or the radii of

influence (the distance from the well center to a point in the
landfill where the pressure gradient applied by the blower
or compressor approaches zero). If field testing has not
been performed, the default values for k, Lo, and CNMOC
provided in Section 220.260(a)(1) of this Subpart shall be
used. The mass of nondegradable solid waste contained
within the given section may be subtracted from the total
mass of the section when estimating emissions, provided
the nature, location, age and amount of the nondegradable
material is documented.
2) The gas collection devices shall be constructed using the following
equipment or procedures:
A) The landfill gas extraction components shall be constructed of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe,
fiberglass, stainless steel, or other nonporous corrosion resistant
material of suitable dimensions to convey projected amounts of
gases; withstand installation, static, and settlement forces; and
withstand planned overburden or traffic loads. The collection
system shall extend as necessary to comply with emission and
migration standards. Collection devices, such as wells and
horizontal collectors, shall be perforated to allow gas entry without
head loss sufficient to impair performance across the intended
extent of control. Perforations shall be situated with regard to the
need to prevent excessive air infiltration.
B) Vertical wells shall be placed so as not to endanger underlying
liners and shall address the occurrence of water within the landfill.
Holes and trenches constructed for piped wells and horizontal
collectors shall be of sufficient cross-section so as to allow for
their proper construction and completion including, for example,
centering of pipes and placement of gravel backfill. Collection
devices shall be designed so as not to allow indirect short
circuiting of air into the cover, refuse into the collection system or
gas into the air. Any gravel used around pipe perforations should
be of a dimension so as not to penetrate or block perforations.
C) Collection devices may be connected to the collection header pipes
below or above the landfill surface. The connector assembly shall
include a positive closing throttle valve, any necessary seals and
couplings, access couplings and at least one sampling port. The
collection devices shall be constructed of PVC, HDPE, fiberglass,
stainless steel, or other nonporous material of suitable thickness.
3) The landfill gas shall be conveyed to a gas control system through the

collection header pipe(s). The gas mover equipment shall be sized to
handle the maximum gas generation flow rate expected for the period of
intended use pursuant to Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart using the
following procedures:
A) For existing gas collection systems, the flow data shall be used to
project the maximum flow rate. If no flow data exists, the
procedures in subsection (b)(3)(B) of this Section shall be used.
B) For new gas collection systems, the maximum flow rate shall be in
accordance with Section 220.240(a) of this Subpart.
c) Passive Collection Systems:
1) A passive collection system shall be installed with liners on the bottom
and all sides in all areas in which gas is to be collected. The liners shall
meet all requirements specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.306.
2) The collection and control system shall either conform with the
specifications for active collection systems in subsection (a) of this
Section or the owner or operator must obtain the Agency's approval for
alternate provisions as provided for in subsection (d) of this Section.
d) Alternate Collection Systems:
An owner or operator seeking to install an alternate gas collection system shall
demonstrate to the Agency that such collection system is capable of capturing the
maximum expected gas flow rate from the entire area of the MSW landfill, for the
period required in Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart, as calculated pursuant to
Section 220.240(a) of this Subpart, and in an equivalent manner to that required
by this Section. Any alternate gas collection system must be approved by the
Agency. Such alternate shall be effective only when included in a federally
enforceable permit or approved as a SIP revision. The alternate shall include any
alternate procedures for collection, control, compliance, monitoring, operation,
testing, reporting, and recordkeeping that are appropriate.
e) Alternate Emissions Standard:
Pursuant to Section 28.1 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/28.1], and in accordance with 35
Ill. Adm. Code 106, Subpart G, provisions for adjusted standards, adjusted
standards for alternate emissions standards or alternate emissions standards with
an alternate compliance schedule shall be granted by the Board, to the extent
consistent with federal law. An owner or operator seeking an alternate emissions
standard or an alternate emissions standard with an alternate compliance schedule
must demonstrate to the Board that, with respect to the MSW landfill, the control
requirements meet one or more of the criteria listed in this subsection (e) pursuant

to 40 CFR 60.24(f). Any such request must be approved by the Board. Such
alternate shall be effective only when included in a federally enforceable permit
or approved as a SIP revision. Any alternate shall include any procedures for
collection, control, compliance, monitoring, operation, testing, reporting and
recordkeeping that are appropriate and a demonstration that the control
requirements, as contained in this Subpart, as they apply to the MSW landfill,
meet one or more of the following criteria:
1) Unreasonable cost of control resulting from plant age, location, or basic
process design;
2) Physical impossibility of installing necessary control equipment; or
3) Other factors specific to the MSW landfill that support an alternate
emissions standard or alternate emissions standard with final compliance
Section 220.230 Gas Control System Requirements
Each owner and operator of an MSW landfill subject to the control requirements of this Subpart
must install and operate a gas collection system that routes all the collected gas to a gas control
system that complies with the requirements in subsection (f) and either install a gas control
system, as described in either subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this Section, or obtain approval of and
install an alternate gas control system pursuant to subsection (d) or (e) of this Section.
a) An open flare designed and operated in accordance with 40 CFR 60.18,
incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part.
b) A control system designed and operated to reduce NMOC by 98 weight-percent,
or, when an enclosed combustion device is used for control, to either reduce
NMOC by 98 weight-percent or reduce the outlet NMOC concentration to less
than 20 ppmv, dry basis as hexane at 3 percent oxygen. The reduction efficiency
or ppmv must be established by an initial performance test required pursuant to
Section 220.210(d)(2), using the test methods required under Section 220.260(d)
of this Subpart:
1) If a boiler or process heater is used as the control device, the landfill gas
stream shall be introduced into the flame zone.
2) The control device shall be operated within the parameter ranges
established during the initial or most recent performance test. The
operating parameters to be monitored are specified in Section 220.270 of
this Subpart. The initial performance test must be performed within 6
months after startup or by October 31, 2001, whichever is later.
c) A treatment system that processes the collected gas for subsequent sale or use.

All emissions from any atmospheric vent from the gas treatment system shall be
subject to the requirements of subsection (b) of this Section.
d) An alternate gas control system approved by the Agency. An owner or operator
seeking to install an alternate gas control system shall demonstrate to the Agency
that such collection system is capable of control equivalent to subsection (b) of
this Section. Such alternate shall be effective only when included in a federally
enforceable permit or approved as a SIP revision. The alternate shall include any
alternate procedures for collection, control, compliance, monitoring, operation,
testing, reporting, and recordkeeping that are appropriate.
e) Pursuant to Section 28.1 of the Act [415 ILCS 5/28.1], and in accordance with 35
Ill. Adm. Code 106, Subpart G, provisions for adjusted standards, adjusted
standards for alternate emissions standards or alternate emissions standards with
an alternate compliance schedule shall be granted by the Board, to the extent
consistent with federal law. An owner or operator seeking an alternate emissions
standard or an alternate emissions standard with an alternate compliance schedule
must demonstrate to the Board that, with respect to the MSW landfill, the control
requirements meet one or more of the criteria listed in this subsection (e),
pursuant to 40 CFR 60.24(f). Any such request must be approved by the Board.
Such alternate shall be effective only when included in a federally enforceable
permit or approved as a SIP revision. Any alternate shall include any procedures
for collection, control, compliance, monitoring, operation, testing, reporting, and
recordkeeping that are appropriate and a demonstration that the control
requirements as contained in this Subpart, as they apply to the MSW landfill,
meet one or more of the following criteria:
1) Unreasonable cost of control resulting from plant age, location, or basic
process design;
2) Physical impossibility of installing necessary control equipment; or
3) Other factors specific to the MSW landfill that support an alternate
emissions standard or alternate emissions standard with final compliance
f) Gas control systems must be operated in accordance with a permit issued pursuant
to the applicable requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subtitle G.
Section 220.240 Compliance Procedures for Gas Collection Systems
a) The methods specified in subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this Section shall be
used to determine whether the gas collection system is in compliance with Section
220.220 of this Subpart.
1) To calculate the maximum expected gas generation flow rate from the

MSW landfill, one of the following equations shall be used. The k and Lo
kinetic factors shall be those published in the Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors (AP-42) incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of
this Part, or other site-specific emission factors approved by the Agency.
If k has been determined as specified in Section 220.260(a)(4) of this
Subpart, the value of k determined from the test shall be used. A value of
no more than 15 years shall be used for the intended use period of the gas
mover equipment, the variable t. The active life of the landfill is the age
of the landfill plus the estimated number of years until closure.
For sites with unknown year-to-year solid waste acceptance rate:
Qm = 2LoR(e
maximum expected gas generation flow rate, m
methane generation potential, m
per Mg solid
average annual acceptance rate, Mg/yr
methane generation rate constant, yr
age in years of the landfill at equipment installation
plus time the owner or operator intends to use the
gas mover equipment or active life of the landfill,
whichever is less. If the equipment is installed after
closure, t in years is the age of the landfill at
time since closure, years (for an active landfill c = 0
and e
For sites with known year-to-year solid waste acceptance rates:
2 kL
M (e
maximum expected gas generation flow rate, m
methane generation rate constant, yr
methane generation potential, m
per Mg solid
mass of solid waste in the i
section, Mg
age of the i
section, yr
If a collection and control system has been installed, actual flow

data may be used to project the maximum expected gas generation
flow rate instead of, or in conjunction with, the equations in
subsections (a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B) of this Section. If the landfill
is still accepting waste, the actual measured flow data will not
equal the maximum expected gas generation rate, so calculations
made using the equations in subsection (a)(1)(A) or (a)(1)(B) of
this Section or other methods shall be used to predict the maximum
gas generation rate over the intended period of use of the gas
control system equipment.
2) For the purpose of determining the sufficient number of gas collectors, the
owner or operator shall design a system of vertical wells, horizontal
collectors, or other type of collection device, capable of controlling and
extracting gas from all portions of the landfill sufficient to meet the
operational and performance standards of Sections 220.220 through
220.250. Such design must be approved by the Agency as part of an air
construction permit or a CAAPP permit, if the gas collection system was
installed prior to July 31, 1998.
3) For the purpose of demonstrating whether the gas collection system flow
rate of an active collection system is sufficient, the owner or operator shall
measure gauge pressure in the gas collection header at each individual
well monthly. If positive pressure exists, action shall be initiated to
correct the exceedence within 5 calendar days, except for the three
conditions allowed under Section 220.250(b) of this Subpart. If negative
pressure cannot be achieved without excess air infiltration within 15
calendar days after the first measurement, the gas collection system shall
be expanded to correct the exceedence within 120 days after the initial
measurement of positive pressure. Any attempted corrective measure
must not cause exceedences of other operational or performance
standards. An alternate timeline for correcting the exceedence may be
submitted to the Agency for approval.
4) Owners or operators are not required to expand the system, as required in
subsection (a)(3) of this Section, during the first 180 days after gas
collection system startup.
5) For purposes of identifying whether excess air infiltration into the landfill
is occurring, the owner or operator shall monitor each well on a monthly
basis for temperature and nitrogen or oxygen, as provided in Section
220.250(c) of this Subpart. If a well exceeds one of these operating
parameters, action shall be initiated to correct the exceedence within 5
calendar days. If correction of the exceedence cannot be achieved within
15 calendar days after the first measurement, the gas collection system
shall be expanded to correct the exceedence within 120 days after the
initial exceedence. An alternate timeline for correcting the exceedence

may be submitted to the Agency for approval.
6) An owner or operator using a collection system that does not conform to
the specifications provided in Section 220.220(b) or (c) of this Subpart
shall provide information satisfactory to the Agency, as specified in
Section 220.220(d) of this Subpart, demonstrating that off-site migration is
being controlled.
b) To comply with the operational standards in Section 220.250(a) of this Subpart,
each owner or operator of a controlled landfill shall install each well or design
component as specified in a construction permit issued by the Agency. Each well
shall be installed no later than 60 days after the date on which the initial solid
waste has been in place for a period of:
1) 5 years or more if active; or
2) 2 years or more if closed or at final grade.
c) The following procedures shall be used for compliance with the surface methane
operational standard as provided in Section 220.250(d) of this Subpart.
1) After installation of the collection system, the owner or operator shall
monitor surface concentrations of methane along the entire perimeter of
the collection area and along a pattern that traverses the landfill at 30-
meter intervals (or site-specific established spacing) for each collection
area on a quarterly basis using an organic vapor analyzer, flame ionization
detector, or other portable monitor meeting the specifications provided in
subsection (d) of this Section.
2) The background concentration shall be determined by moving the probe
inlet upwind and downwind outside the boundary of the landfill at a
distance of at least 30 meters from the perimeter wells.
3) Surface emission monitoring shall be performed in accordance with
section 4.3.1 of Method 21 of Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by
reference in Section 220.130 of this Part, except that the probe inlet shall
be placed within 5 to 10 cm of the ground. Monitoring shall be performed
during typical meteorological conditions.
4) Any reading of 500 ppm or more above background at any location shall
be recorded as a monitored exceedence and the actions specified in
subsections (c)(4)(A) through (c)(4)(E) of this Section shall be taken. As
long as the actions specified below are taken, the exceedence is not a
violation of the operational requirements of Section 220.250(d) of this

A) The location of each monitored exceedence shall be marked and
the location recorded.
B) Cover maintenance or adjustments to the vacuum of the adjacent
wells to increase the gas collection in the vicinity of each
exceedence shall be made and the location shall be remonitored
within 10 calendar days after detecting the exceedence.
C) If the remonitoring of the location shows a second exceedence,
additional corrective action shall be taken and the location shall be
monitored again within 10 days after the second exceedence. If
the remonitoring shows a third exceedence for the same location,
the action specified in subsection (c)(4)(E) of this Section shall be
taken. No further monitoring of that location is required until the
action specified in subsection (c)(4)(E) of this Section has been
D) If the remonitoring of the location does not show an exceedence,
as specified by subsection (c)(4)(B) or (c)(4)(C), the location shall
be remonitored 1 month from the initial exceedence. If the 1
month remonitoring shows a concentration less than 500 ppm
above background, no further monitoring of that location is
required until the next quarterly monitoring period. If the 1 month
remonitoring shows an exceedence, the actions specified in
subsection (c)(4)(C) or (c)(4)(E) of this Section, as appropriate,
shall be taken.
E) For any location where there are three monitored exceedences
within a quarterly period, a new well or other collection device
shall be installed within 120 calendar days after the initial
exceedence. An alternate remedy to the exceedence, such as
upgrading the blower, header pipes, or control device, and a
corresponding timeline for installation may be submitted to the
Agency for approval.
5) The owner or operator shall implement a program to monitor for cover
integrity and implement cover repairs as necessary on a monthly basis.
d) The following instrumentation specifications and procedures for surface emission
monitoring devices apply to the monitoring required by subsection(c) of this
1) The portable analyzer shall meet the instrument specifications provided in
Section 3, Method 21, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference
in Section 220.130 of this Part, except that methane shall replace all
references to VOC.

2) The calibration gas shall be methane, diluted to a nominal concentration of
500 ppm in air.
3) To meet the performance evaluation requirements in Section 3.1.3,
Method 21, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
220.130 of this Part, the instrument evaluation procedures of Section 4.4
of Method 21, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 220.130 of this Part, shall be used.
4) The calibration procedures provided in Section 4.2, Method 21, Appendix
A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part,
shall be followed immediately before commencing a surface monitoring
e) The MSW landfill owners or operators are required to comply with the provisions
of this Subpart at all times, except during periods of start-up, shutdown, or
malfunction, provided that the duration of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction
must not exceed 5 days for collection systems and must not exceed 1 hour for
treatment or control devices.
Section 220.250 Operational Standards for Collection and Control Systems
Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill with a gas collection and control system shall:
a) Operate the collection system such that gas is collected from each area, cell, or
group of cells in the MSW landfill in which the initial solid waste has been in
place for:
1) 5 years or more if active; or
2) 2 years or more if closed or at final grade.
b) Operate the collection system with negative pressure at each wellhead except
under the following conditions:
1) A fire or increased well temperature. The owner or operator shall record
instances when positive pressure occurs in efforts to avoid a fire. These
records shall be submitted with the annual reports as provided in Section
220.280(e)(1) of this Subpart.
2) Use of a geomembrane or synthetic cover. The owner or operator shall
develop pressure limits associated with such a cover that must be
approved by the Agency.
3) A decommissioned well. A well may experience a static positive pressure

after shut down to accommodate for declining flows. All design changes
shall be approved by the Agency.
c) Operate each interior wellhead in the collection system with a landfill gas
temperature less than 55
C (131
F) and with either a nitrogen level less than 20
percent or an oxygen level less than 5 percent. The owner or operator may
establish a higher operating temperature, nitrogen, or oxygen value at a particular
well. A higher operating value demonstration that provides supporting data to
show that the elevated parameter does not cause fires or significantly inhibit
anaerobic decomposition by killing methagens must be approved by the Agency
before such higher operating value may be used. Operating values shall be
determined as follows:
1) The nitrogen level shall be determined using Method 3C, Appendix A, 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part.
2) The oxygen level shall be determined by an oxygen meter using Method
3A, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section
220.130 of this Part, except that:
A) The span shall be set so that the regulatory limit is between 20 and
50 percent of the span;
B) A data recorder is not required;
C) Only two calibration gases are required, a zero and span, and
ambient air may be used as the span;
D) A calibration error check is not required; and
E) The allowable sample bias, zero drift, and calibration drift are plus
or minus 10 percent.
d) Operate the collection system so that the methane concentration is less than 500
ppm above background at the surface of the landfill. To determine if this level is
exceeded, the owner or operator shall conduct surface testing around the
perimeter of the collection area and along a pattern that traverses the landfill at
30-meter intervals and where visual observations indicate elevated concentrations
of landfill gas, such as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover. An
initial surface monitoring design plan shall be developed and included as part of
the operating permit application (e.g., a CAAPP permit application) that includes
a topographical map with the monitoring route and the rationale for any site-
specific deviations from the 30-meter intervals. Areas with steep slopes or other
dangerous areas may be excluded from the surface testing. The monitoring plan
shall be updated as necessary. Updated copies must be sent to the Agency and
kept on-site at the MSW landfill.

e) Operate the gas collection and control system such that all collected gases are
vented to a control system designed and operated in compliance with Sections
220.230, 220.250, and 220.270 of this Subpart. In the event the collection or
control system is inoperable, the gas mover system shall be shut down and all
valves in the collection and control system contributing to venting of the gas to
the atmosphere shall be closed within 1 hour.
f) Operate the gas collection and control or treatment system at all times, except
during shutdown or malfunction, provided that the duration of start-up, shutdown,
or malfunction must not exceed 5 days for collection systems and must not exceed
1 hour for treatment or control devices.
g) If monitoring demonstrates that the operational requirements in subsection (b),
(c), or (d) of this Section are not met, take corrective action as specified in
Section 220.240(a)(3), (a)(5), or (c)(4) of this Subpart. If such corrective actions
are taken as specified in Section 220.240(a)(3), (a)(5), or (c)(4) of this Subpart,
the monitored exceedence is not a violation of the operational requirements in this
h) The collection and control system may be capped or removed provided:
1) The landfill is no longer accepting solid waste;
2) A system removal report has been submitted to the Agency, as provided in
Section 220.280(d) of this Subpart;
3) The collection and control system has been operating a minimum of 15
4) The calculated NMOC gas produced by the landfill is less than 50 Mg/yr
on three successive test dates, pursuant to the procedures specified in
Section 220.260(b) of this Subpart. The test dates shall be no less than 90
days apart, and no more than 180 days apart; and
5) The system is not required to satisfy any applicable requirement of 35 Ill.
Adm. Code.Subtitle G.
Section 220.260 Test Methods and Procedures
a) The landfill owner or operator shall calculate the NMOC emission rate using the
equation provided in either subsection (a)(1)(A) or subsection (a)(1)(B) of this
Section and make a determination that the emission rate is less than 50 Mg/yr,
pursuant to subsection (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), or (e), or install a gas collection and
control system pursuant to Sections 220.220 and 220.230 of this Subpart.
However, both equations may be used if the actual year-to-year solid waste

acceptance rate is known pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(A) of this Section, for part
of the life of the landfill and the actual year-to-year solid waste acceptance rate is
unknown, pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B) of this Section, for part of the life of
the landfill. If the NMOC emission rate calculated in this subsection is less than
50 Mg/yr, then the landfill owner shall submit an emission rate report as provided
in Section 220.280(b) of this Subpart, and shall recalculate the NMOC mass
emission rate as required under Section 220.210(c) of this Subpart.
The values to be used in both equations are 0.05/yr for k, 170 m
per Mg
for Lo, and 4,000 ppmv as hexane for the CNMOC.
The following equation shall be used if the actual year-to-year
solid waste acceptance rate is known:
M (e
Total NMOC emission rate from the landfill, Mg/yr
methane generation rate constant, yr
methane generation potential, m
per Mg solid
mass of solid waste in the i
section, Mg
age of the solid waste in the i
section, years
concentration of NMOC, ppmv as hexane
3.6 x 10
conversion factor
The mass of nondegradable solid waste may be subtracted from the
total mass of solid waste in a particular section of the landfill when
calculating the value for Mi if documentation of the nature and
amount of such wastes is maintained.
The following equation shall be used if the actual year-to-year
solid waste acceptance rate is unknown:
MNMOC = 2Lo R(e
- e
)(CNMOC)(3.6 x 10
Total NMOC emission rate from the landfill, Mg/yr
methane generation potential, m
per Mg solid
average annual acceptance rate, Mg/yr
methane generation rate constant, year

t = age of landfill, years
CNMOC = concentration of NMOC, ppmv as hexane
c = time since closure, years (for active landfill c = 0
and e
= 1)
3.6 x 10
= conversion factor
The mass of nondegradable solid waste may be subtracted from the
average annual acceptance rate when calculating a value for R, if
documentation of the nature and amount of such wastes is
2) Tier 1. The landfill owner or operator shall calculate the NMOC mass
emission rate using the equations provided in subsection (a)(1)(A) or
(a)(1)(B) of this Section. The owner or operator shall compare the
calculated NMOC mass emission rate to the standard of 50 Mg/yr using
the default values for the NMOC mass emission rate and the methane
generation rate constant.
3) Tier 2. The landfill owner or operator shall calculate the NMOC mass
emission rate using the equations provided in subsection (a)(1)(A) or
(a)(1)(B) of this Section using the average NMOC concentration from the
collected samples instead of the default value in the equations provided in
subsection (a)(1) of this Section. The landfill owner or operator shall
determine the NMOC concentration using the following sampling
procedure: The landfill owner or operator shall install at least 2 sample
probes per hectare of landfill surface that has retained waste for at least 2
years. If the landfill is larger than 25 hectares in area, only 50 samples are
required. The sample probes should be located to avoid known areas of
nondegradable solid waste. The owner or operator shall collect and
analyze one sample of landfill gas from each probe to determine the
NMOC concentration using Method 25C or Method 18 of Appendix A, 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. If
using Method 18, the minimum list of compounds to be tested shall be
those published in the Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-
42), incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. If
composite sampling is used, equal volumes shall be taken from each
sample probe. If more than the required number of samples are taken, all
samples shall be used in the analysis. Divide the NMOC concentration
from Method 25C by 6 to convert from CNMOC as carbon to CNMOC as
hexane. The owner or operator shall retest the site-specific NMOC
concentration every 5 years using the methods specified in this Section
4) Tier 3. The landfill owner or operator shall estimate the NMOC mass
emission rate using equations in subsection (a)(1)(A) or (a)(1)(B) of this
Section and using a site-specific methane generation rate constant k, and
the site-specific NMOC concentration as determined in subsection (a)(3)

of this Section instead of the default values provided in subsection (a)(1)
of this Section. The site-specific methane generation rate constant shall be
determined using the procedures provided in Method 2E, Appendix A, 40
CFR 60, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. The
calculation of the methane generation rate constant is performed only
once, and the value obtained is used in all subsequent annual NMOC
emission rate calculations. In addition, pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of
this Section, the owner or operator shall retest the site-specific NMOC
concentration every 5 years using the methods specified in that subsection.
b) After the installation of a collection and control system in compliance with
Sections 220.220 and 220.230 of this Subpart, the owner or operator shall
calculate the NMOC emission rate for purposes of determining when the system
can be removed as provided in Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart, using the
following equation:
MNMOC = 1.89 x 10
MNMOC = mass emission rate of NMOC (Mg/yr)
QLFG = flow rate of landfill gas (m
CNMOC = NMOC concentration (ppmv as hexane)
1) The flow rate of landfill gas (QLFG) shall be determined by measuring the
total landfill gas flow rate at the common header pipe that leads to the
control device using a gas flow measuring device calibrated according to
the provisions of Section 4 of Method 2E, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part.
2) The average NMOC concentration (CNMOC) shall be determined by
collecting and analyzing landfill gas sampled from the common header
pipe before the gas moving or condensate removal equipment using the
procedures in Method 25C or Method 18, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60,
incorporated by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. If using Method
18, the minimum list of compounds to be tested shall be those published in
the Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), incorporated
by reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. The sample location on the
common header pipe shall be before any condensate removal or other gas
refining units. The landfill owner or operator shall divide the NMOC
concentration from Method 25C by 6 to convert CNMOC as carbon to
CNMOC as hexane.
c) If the gas collection system complies with the provisions in Section 220.220 of
this Subpart and is already installed, the owner or operator shall estimate the
NMOC emission rate using the procedures provided in subsection (b) of this

Section. For areas of the landfill where the owner or operator has not been
required to install a well yet, he/she may select an appropriate method from
subsection (a) of this Section to estimate emissions.
d) For the performance test required in Section 220.210(d)(2) of this Subpart,
Method 25C or Method 18, Appendix A, 40 CFR 60, incorporated by reference in
Section 220.130 of this Part, shall be used to determine compliance with 98
weight-percent efficiency or the 20 ppmv outlet concentration level, unless
another method to demonstrate compliance has been approved by the Agency as
provided by Section 220.230(d) of this Subpart. If using Method 18, the
minimum list of compounds to be tested shall be those published in the
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42), incorporated by
reference in Section 220.130 of this Part. The following equation shall be used to
calculate efficiency:
Control efficiency = (NMOCin - NMOCout)/(NMOCin)
NMOCin = mass of NMOC entering control device
NMOCout = mass of NMOC exiting control device
e) The owner or operator may use other methods to determine the NMOC
concentration, site-specific k, or landfill gas flow rate, as an alternate to the
methods required in subsection (a)(3) and (a)(4) of this Section, if the method has
been approved by the Agency, as provided for in Section 220.220(d) or Section
220.230(d) of this Subpart.
f) The owner or operator may use the procedures described in AP-42, Compilation
of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, incorporated by reference in Section 220.130
of this Part, to estimate emissions pursuant to the annual emission report required
in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 210.302(a). The most recent values for k, Lo, and NMOC
concentration reported in AP-42 shall be used to calculate emissions. To
determine applicability of or compliance with the requirements of this Part, the
owner or operator must use the tiered emission estimates provided in subsections
(a)(1) through (a)(4) of this Section.
g) Testing:
1) Upon a request by the Agency, the owner or operator of an MSW landfill
shall at his own expense demonstrate compliance with the applicable
requirements of this Subpart using the appropriate test method.
2) An owner or operator planning to conduct a test to demonstrate
compliance with this Subpart shall notify the Agency of that intent not less
than 30 days before the planned initiation of the tests so that the Agency

may observe the test.
Section 220.270 Monitoring of Operations
a) Active gas collection systems. Each owner or operator of an active gas collection
system shall install a sampling port and a thermometer, other temperature
measuring device, or an access port for temperature measurements at each
wellhead and:
1) Measure the gauge pressure in the gas collection header on a monthly
basis, as provided in Section 220.240(a)(3) of this Subpart; and
2) Monitor the temperature and nitrogen or oxygen concentration in the
landfill gas on a monthly basis, as provided in Section 220.240(a)(5) of
this Subpart.
b) Enclosed combustors. Each owner or operator of an enclosed combustor shall
calibrate, maintain, and operate according to the manufacturer's specifications, the
following equipment:
1) A temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder and
having a minimum accuracy of plus or minus 1 percent of the temperature
being measured, expressed in degrees Celsius, or plus or minus 0.5
whichever is greater. A temperature monitoring device is not required for
boilers or process heaters with design heat input capacity greater than 44
2) A device that records flow to or bypass of the control device. The owner
or operator shall either:
A) Install, calibrate, and maintain a gas flow rate measuring device
that shall record the flow to the control device every 15 minutes; or
B) Secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a car-seal
or a lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of the
seal or closure mechanism shall be performed at least once every
month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position
and that the gas flow is not diverted through the bypass line.
c) Open flare. Each owner or operator of an open flare shall install, calibrate,
maintain, and operate according to the manufacturer's specifications the following
1) A heat sensing device, such as an ultraviolet beam sensor or
thermocouple, at the pilot light or the flame itself to indicate the
continuous presence of a flame.

2) A device that records flow to or bypass of the flare. The owner or
operator shall either:
A) Install, calibrate, and maintain a gas flow rate measuring device
that shall record the flow to the control device at least every 15
minutes; or
B) Secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a car-seal
or lock-and-key type configuration. A visual inspection of the seal
or closure mechanism shall be performed at least once every
month to ensure that the valve is maintained in the closed position
and that the gas flow is not diverted through the bypass line.
d) Each owner or operator seeking to install a collection or control system that does
not meet the specifications in Section 220.220(b) or (c) of this Subpart, shall
provide information satisfactory to the Agency as provided in Sections
220.220(d) and 220.230(d) of this Subpart, describing the design and operation of
the collection system, the operating parameters that would indicate proper
performance, and appropriate monitoring procedures.
e) Each owner or operator shall monitor surface concentrations of methane
according to the instrument specifications and procedures provided in Section
220.240(c) and (d) of this Subpart. Any inactive landfill that has no monitored
exceedences of the operational standard in three consecutive quarterly monitoring
periods must resume annual monitoring. Any methane reading of 500 ppm or
more above the background detected during the annual monitoring returns the
monitoring frequency for that landfill to quarterly.
Section 220.280 Reporting Requirements
a) Each owner and operator shall submit a design capacity report to the Agency.
1) The initial design capacity report shall be submitted no later October 29,
2) The initial design capacity report shall contain the following information:
A) A map or plot of the landfill providing the size and location of the
landfill and identifying all areas where solid waste may be
landfilled according to the provisions of the State or RCRA
construction or operating permit.
B) The maximum design capacity of the landfill. If the maximum
design capacity is specified in a State construction or RCRA
permit, a copy of the permit specifying the maximum design

capacity of the landfill shall be provided. If the maximum design
capacity of the landfill is not specified in a permit, the maximum
design capacity shall be calculated using good engineering
practices. The calculations shall be provided, along with the
relevant parameters (e.g., depth of solid waste, solid waste
acceptance rate, and compaction practices, as applicable), as part
of the report. The Agency may request other reasonable
information as may be necessary to verify the maximum design
capacity of the landfill.
3) An amended design capacity report shall be submitted to the Agency
providing notification of an increase in the design capacity of the landfill
within 90 days after an increase in the maximum design capacity of the
landfill to or above 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m
. This increase in
design capacity may result from an increase in the permitted volume or an
increase in the density of the landfill as documented in the annual
recalculation required in Section 220.290 (f) of this Subpart.
b) Each owner and operator with a total design capacity equal to or greater than 2.5
million Mg and 2.5 million m
shall submit an NMOC emission rate report to the
Agency initially and by June 1 annually thereafter, except as provided for in
subsections (b)(1) and (b)(4) of this Section. The Agency may request such
additional information as may be necessary to verify the reported NMOC
emission rate. The NMOC emission rate report shall contain an annual or 5-year
estimate of the NMOC emission rate calculated using the formula and procedures
in Section 220.260(a) of this Subpart, as applicable. The annual NMOC emission
rate report required by this subsection must be submitted with the annual
emissions report required pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.302(a).
1) The initial NMOC emission rate report may be combined with the initial
design capacity report required in subsection (a) of this Section. The first
NMOC emission report shall be filed with the Agency by October 29,
1998. Subsequent NMOC emission reports shall be filed with the Agency
by June 1 of the subsequent year, except as provided for in subsection
(b)(2) of this Section.
2) Using Tier 1, if the estimated NMOC emission rate as reported in the
annual report to the Agency is less than 50 Mg/yr in each of the next 5
consecutive years, the owner or operator may elect to submit an estimate
of the NMOC emission rate for the next 5-year period in lieu of the annual
report. This estimate shall include the current amount of solid waste in-
place and the estimated waste acceptance rate for each year of the 5 years
for which an NMOC emission rate is estimated. All data and calculations
upon which this estimate is based shall be provided to the Agency. This
estimate shall be revised at least once every 5 years. If the actual waste
acceptance rate exceeds the estimated waste acceptance rate in any year

reported in the 5-year estimate, a revised 5-year estimate shall be
submitted to the Agency. The revised estimate shall cover the 5-year
period beginning with the year in which the actual waste acceptance rate
exceeded the estimated waste acceptance rate.
3) The NMOC emission rate report shall include all the data, calculations,
sample reports and measurements used to estimate the annual or 5-year
4) All owners and operators of MSW landfills with a total design capacity of
2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m
are required to submit an annual
emissions report pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.302(a).
MSW landfills
that have installed a gas collection and control system that meets the
requirements of this Subpart are not required to submit an annual NMOC
emission rate report but are required to submit an annual emissions report
pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.302(a). Further, owners or operators
filing a 5-year estimate of NMOC emissions pursuant to subsection (b)(2)
of this Section may use a 5-year estimate for NMOC, so long as they file
an annual emission report and meet the requirements of subsection (b)(2)
of this Section.
c) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of Section 220.220(a) of this
Subpart shall submit an application for a construction permit containing the
information listed in subsection (c)(3) of this Section to the Agency within 1 year
after the first report, required under subsection (b) of this Section, in which the
emission rate exceeds 50 Mg/yr, except as follows:
1) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after Tier 2 NMOC sampling and analysis as provided in Section
220.260(a)(3) of this Subpart and the resulting rate is less than 50 Mg/yr,
annual periodic reporting shall be resumed, using the Tier 2 determined
site-specific NMOC concentration, until the calculated emission rate is
equal to or greater than 50 Mg/yr or the landfill is inactive. The revised
NMOC emission rate report, with the recalculated emission rate based on
NMOC sampling and analysis, shall be submitted within 1 year after the
first calculated exceedence of 50 Mg/yr.
2) If the owner or operator elects to recalculate the NMOC emission rate
after determining a site-specific methane generation rate constant k, as
provided in Tier 3 in Section 220.260(a)(4) of this Subpart, and the
resulting emission rate is less than 50 Mg/yr, annual periodic reporting
shall be resumed or the landfill is inactive. The resulting site-specific
methane generation rate constant k shall be used in the emission rate
calculation until such time as the emission rate calculation results in an
exceedence. The revised NMOC emission rate report based on the
provisions of Section 220.260(a)(4) of this Subpart and the resulting site-

specific methane generation rate constant k shall be submitted to the
Agency within 1 year after the first calculated emission rate exceeding 50
3) In addition to the information required by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.152, the
following shall be included in the construction permit application for the
collection system required pursuant to Section 220.280(c) of this Subpart:
depths of refuse, refuse gas generation rates and flow characteristics,
cover properties, gas system expandibility, leachate and condensate
management, accessibility, compatibility with filling operations,
integration with closed landfill end use, air intrusion control, corrosion
resistance, fill settlement, and resistance to the refuse decomposition heat.
d) Each owner or operator of a controlled landfill shall submit the information
required by this subsection (d) to the Agency 30 days prior to removal or
cessation of operation of the control equipment. The Agency may request such
additional information as may be necessary to verify that all of the conditions for
removal of equipment in accordance with Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart have
been met.
1) Certification that the operation of the collection and control system is no
longer required pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code.Subtitle G;
2) Documentation demonstrating that the 15-year minimum control period
has expired; and
3) Dated copies of the 3 successive NMOC emission rate reports, as provided
for in Section 220.250(h) of this Subpart, demonstrating that the landfill is
no longer producing 50 Mg/yr or greater of NMOC, pursuant to Section
220.260(b) of this Section.
e) Each owner or operator of a landfill shall submit to the Agency annual reports of
the recorded information in subsections (e)(1) through (e)(6) of this Section. The
initial annual report shall be submitted within 180 days after installation and start-
up of the collection and control system, and may be included with the report of
the initial performance test required pursuant to Section 220.210(d)(2) of this
Subpart. For enclosed combustion devices and flares, reportable exceedences are
defined under Section 220.290(c) of this Subpart.
1) Value and length of time for exceedence of applicable parameters
monitored under Section 220.270(a), (b), (c), and (d) of this Subpart.
2) Description and duration of all periods when the gas stream is diverted
from the control device through a bypass line or the indication of bypass
flow as specified under Section 220.270 of this Subpart.

3) Description and duration of all periods when the control device was not
operating for a period exceeding 1 hour and length of time the control
device was not operating.
4) All periods when the collection system was not operating in excess of 5
5) The location of each exceedence of the 500 ppm methane concentration,
as provided in Section 220.250(d) of this Subpart, and the concentration
recorded at each location for which an exceedence was recorded in the
previous month.
6) The date of installation and the location of each well or collection system
expansion added pursuant to subsections (a)(3), (b), and (c)(4) of Section
220.240 of this Subpart.
f) Each owner or operator shall include the following information with the initial
performance test report and any subsequent performance tests required pursuant
to Section 220.210(d)(2) of this Subpart.
1) A diagram of the collection system showing collection system positioning
including all wells, horizontal collectors, surface collectors, or other gas
extraction devices, including the locations of any areas excluded from
collection and the proposed sites for the future collection system
2) The data upon which the sufficient density of wells, horizontal collectors,
surface collectors, or other gas extraction devices and the gas mover
equipment sizing are based;
3) The documentation of the presence of asbestos or nondegradable material
for each area from which collection wells have been excluded based on
the presence of asbestos or nondegradable material;
4) The sum of gas generation flow rates for all areas from which collection
wells have been excluded based on nonproductivity and the calculations of
gas generation flow rate for each excluded area;
5) Provisions for increasing gas mover equipment capacity with increased
gas generation flow rate, if the present gas mover equipment is inadequate
to move the maximum flow rate expected over the life of the landfill; and
6) The provisions for the control of off-site migration of gas.
Section 220.290 Recordkeeping Requirements

Each owner or operator of an MSW landfill shall keep for at least 5 years, unless another time
period is specified in this Section, up-to-date, readily accessible, on-site records of the following:
a) For the life of the landfill, the design capacity report in which the landfill became
equal to or greater than 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million m
, the current amount of
solid waste in-place, and the year-by-year waste acceptance rate. Off-site records
may be maintained if they are retrievable within 4 hours. Either paper copy or
electronic formats are acceptable.
b) For the life of the control equipment, the data listed in subsections (b)(1) through
(b)(4) of this Section as measured during the initial performance test or
compliance determination. Records of the control device vendor specifications
shall be maintained until removal.
1) Active collection systems:
A) The maximum expected gas generation flow rate as calculated in
Section 220.240(a) of this Subpart. The owner or operator may
use another method to determine the maximum gas generation
flow rate, if the method has been approved by the Agency.
B) The density of wells, horizontal collectors, surface collectors, or
other gas extraction devices determined using the procedures
specified in Section 220.220(b)(1)(A) of this Subpart.
2) Enclosed combustion device other than a boiler or process heater with a
design heat input capacity greater 44 MW:
A) The combustion temperature measured at least every 15 minutes
and averaged over the same time period as the performance test.
B) The percent reduction of NMOC determined as specified in
Section 220.230(b) of this Subpart achieved by the control device.
3) Boilers or process heaters of any size: a description of the location at
which the collected gas vent stream is introduced into the boiler or process
heater over the same time period as the performance testing.
4) Open flare: the flare type (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or nonassisted),
all visible emission readings, heat content determination, flow rate or
bypass flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made
during the performance test as specified in 40 CFR 60.18, incorporated by
reference in Section 220.130 of this Part; continuous records of the flare
pilot flame or flare flame monitoring and records of all periods of
operations during which the flare pilot flame or the flare flame is absent.

c) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be
monitored in Section 220.270 of this Subpart as well as up-to-date, readily
accessible records for periods of operation during which the parameter boundaries
established during the most recent performance test are exceeded.
1) The following constitute exceedences that shall be recorded and reported
under Section 220.280(e) of this Subpart:
A) For enclosed combustors, except for boilers and process heaters
with design heat input of 44 MW (150 mmbtu/hr) or greater, all 3-
hour periods of operation during which the average combustion
temperature was more than 28
C (82
F) below the average
combustion temperature during the most recent performance test at
which compliance with Section 220.230(b) of this Subpart was
B) For boilers or process heaters, whenever there is a change in the
location at which the vent stream is introduced into the flame zone,
as required pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(A) of this Section.
2) Continuous records of the indication of flow to the control device or the
indication of bypass flow or records of monthly inspections of car-seals or
lock-and-key configurations used to seal bypass lines, specified pursuant
to Section 220.270 of this Subpart.
3) For boilers or process heaters with a design heat input capacity of 44 MW
or greater, records of all periods of operation of boiler or process heater.
(Examples of such records include records of steam use, fuel use, or
monitoring data collected pursuant to State, local, or federal regulatory
4) For open flares, records of the flame or flare pilot flame monitoring
specified under Section 220.270(c) of this Subpart, and all periods of
operation in which the flare pilot flame or the flare flame is absent.
d) For the life of the collection system, a plot map showing each existing and
planned collector in the system and providing a unique identification location
label for each collector, including:
1) The location of all newly installed collectors as specified under Section
220.240(b) of this Part.
2) The nature, date of deposition, amount, and location of asbestos-
containing or nondegradable waste excluded from collection, as provided
in Section 220.220(b)(1)(D)(i) of this Subpart, as well as any
nonproductive areas excluded from collection, as provided in Section

220.220(b)(1)(D)(ii) of this Subpart.
e) All collection and control system exceedences of the operational standards in
Section 220.250 of this Subpart, the reading the subsequent month whether or not
the second reading is an exceedence, and the location of each exceedence.
f) Owners or operators who convert design capacity from volume to mass or mass to
volume to demonstrate that landfill design capacity is less than 2.5 million Mg or
2.5 million m
, as provided in the definition of "design capacity", shall keep
records of the annual recalculation of site-specific density, design capacity, and
the supporting documentation.

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