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oard Adopts Rules in In the Matter of:
Proportionate Share Liability: 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 741, R97-16
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted rules
implementing a proportionate share liability scheme
in Illinois. The rules implement Section 58.9 of the
Environmental Protection Act (Act). 415 ILCS
5/58.9 (1996); see Pub. Act 89-443, eff. July 1, 1996.
the statutory deadline for adoption of rules and
procedures implementing Section 58.9 is January 1,
1999. See Pub.Act 90-484, eff. August 17, 1997
(amended 415 ILCS 5/58.9 (1996)).
Part 741 contains procedures and conditions under
which the Board will allocate proportionate share of
the performance costs of a response resulting from
the release or substantial threat of a release of
regulated substances or pesticides on, in, under, or
from a site. Part 741 applies to two types of
proceedings. First, it applies to enforcement actions
in which the State or a private party files a complaint
with the Board which seeks to require another person
to perform, or seeks to recover the costs of, a
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
Adopts National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations for Disinfectants and Disinfection
On December 16, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
adopted National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations (NPDWRs) for three disinfectants
(chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide),
two groups of organic disinfection byproducts
(total trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids)),
and two inorganic disinfection byproducts
(chlorite and bromate). 63 Fed. Reg. 69390
(December 16, 1998).
Class III Groundwater Listing p 10
Board Actions p 11
New Cases p 20
Calendar of Meetings p 22
IEPA Restricted Status List p 25
IEPA Critical Review List p 31

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Second, it applies to proceedings in which two or
more persons voluntarily seek to allocate 100% of the
performance or cost of a response between
themselves. In either type of proceedings, however,
Part 741 does not apply to (a) actions to recover costs
incurred by the State prior to July 1, 1996; (b) sites
on the National Priorities List; (c) sites where a
federal court order or a United State Environmental
Protection Agency order requires investigation or
response; (d) the owner or operator of a site for which
a permit has been issued or is required under federal
or State solid or hazardous waste laws, or that is
subject to closure or correction action requirements
under federal or State solid or hazardous waste laws;
or (e) the owner or operator of an underground
storage tank system subject to federal or State
underground storage tank laws.
The corresponding applicability provisions, as well as
definitions and other general information and
procedures, are set forth in Subpart A. Subpart A
also provides for discovery before an action is filed
for the limited purpose of obtaining information
necessary to identify a person who may be potentially
liable. A party seeking to engage in such discovery
must file a petition with the Board. the petitioner
must support the petition with an affidavit stating the
basis for belief that there has been a release or
substantial threat of a release , that the respondent
may have discoverable information, and that the
petition could not obtain the information by other
reasonable means. A respondent may oppose a
petition for prefiling discovery. Prefiling discovery
may not be obtained against entities subject to the
Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1
et seq.
(1996)) and cannot require the production of
privileged information.
Subpart B sets forth the burden and standard of proof
and parameters of final orders allocating
proportionate shares where a complaint has been filed
by any person under the Act or the Groundwater
Protection Act (415 ILCS 55/1
et seq.
(1996)) to
require another person to perform a response or to
recover costs of a response. to establish a
respondent’s proportionate share, the complainant
must prove that the respondent proximately caused or
contributed to a release. The complainant must also
provide evidence of the degree to which the response
was the result of the respondent’s proximate
causation of or contribution to a release of a regulated
substance or pesticide. At the conclusion of the
action, the Board will enter a final order determining
whether the respondent proximately caused or
contributed to a release. If so, the Board will also
determine the respondent’s share of the response and
order the respondent to perform or pay for its
proportionate share of the response.
In the second type of proceeding, the rules contained
in Subpart C govern. Two or more persons who
agree to accept 100% of the liability to perform or
pay a response may initiate a voluntary allocation
proceeding before the Board by filing a joint petition.
These voluntary allocation procedures are available
only if the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(IEPA) approves a Remedial Action Plan for the site
or if there is a written agreement with the IEPA
regarding the performance of a response at the site
following issuance of a notice under Section 4(q) or
Section 58.9 of the Act. At any time, parties may
suspend a Subpart C proceeding for up to 120 days to
engage in mediation. If the parties reach an
agreement on the allocation of proportionate shares,
the parties can either refile a motion to dismiss the
allocation proceeding before the Board or file a
stipulated settlement agreement with the Board.
Absent an agreement, the Board will allocate liability
among the petitioners based on the evidence
presented at a hearing and enter an order directing the
parties to perform the response or pay costs.
The Board held four hearings prior to adopting a
first-notice opinion and order. On September 3,
1998, the Board proposed rules for first-notice
publication in the
Illinois Register
. 22 Ill. Reg.
16425-16440 (September 18, 1998). Upon that two
additional hearings in Springfield on October 19 and
20, 1998. Based on testimony at hearing and public
comments received following the adoption of the
first-notice opinion and order, the Board made
revisions to the rules adopted at first notice and
incorporated them into a proposed second-notice
opinion and order. To receive public input on these
changes before they were officially adopted for
second notice, the Board, on November 12, 1998,
adopted an order with proposed changes for second
notice and solicited public comment on the changes
by extending the first-notice public comment period
to November 23, 1998.

???? '
On December 3, 1998, the Board adopted the rules
for second-notice review by the Joint Committee on
Administrative Rules (JCAR). At its December 15,
1998 meeting, JCAR voted an objection to Section
741.105(f)(2) through (5) of the proposed rules.
These subsections exclude from the proportionate
share rules sites involving cleanups or federal
regulatory programs that Illinois implements. These
limitations are based on the limitations contained in
Section 58.1(a)(2) of the Act, which is the
applicability section for Title XVII. In its December
17, 1998 opinion and order, the Board noted that it
continues to believe its interpretation of Section
58.9(a)(1) is correct and is consistent with the
General Assembly’s intent and the language of the
Act as a whole. Therefore, despite JCAR’s objection,
the Board adopted the rules on December 17, 1998,
and directed the clerk to file them with the Secretary
of State.
Questions regarding this rulemaking may be directed
to Cynthia Ervin at 217/524-8509; e-mail address:
oard Adopts for First Notice Proposed Rules
in In the Matter of: Hospital/Medical/Infectious
Waste Incinerators: Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
229, R99-10
On December 3, 1998, the Board adopted for first-
notice publication in the
Illinois Register
rules to
establish requirements for the control of emissions
from the incineration of hospital, medical and
infectious waste. The Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (IEPA) filed the proposed addition
of new Part 229 on November 30, 1998.
The adoption by the Board of this new part is
authorized under Section 28.5 of the Environmental
Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/28.5 (1996)).
Section 28.5 provides for “fast-track” adoption of
certain regulations necessary for compliance with the
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) (42
U.S.C. §§ 7401-76719 (1990)).
Section 111(d) of the CAAA (42 U.S.C. § 7401
(1990)) requires that states submit a plan for the
control of emissions from any source for which the
United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) has promulgated a performance standard.
The USEPA has promulgated new source
performance standards (NSPS) and emissions
guidelines (EG) to reduce emissions from hospital,
medical, and infectious waste incinerators (HMIWIs).
40 C.F.R. §§ 60.50c-60.58c, 6030e-60.39e. The
NSPSs apply to HMIWIs for which construction
began after June 20, 1996, or for which a
modification is begun after March 16, 1998. The
EGs apply to existing HMIWIs, or rather, ones for
which construction began on or before June 20, 1996.
Unlike the NSPSs, the Egs do not establish standards
for HMIWIs, but rather mandate states to adopt plans
regulating existing HMIWIs and establish minimum
elements required in these state plans.
Pursuant to Section 28.5 of the Act, the Board is
required to proceed within set timeframes toward
adoption of the regulations. The Board has not
authority to adjust there timeframes under any
circumstances. The Board anticipates scheduling
hearings in this matter in the near future. Upon
publication of the proposal in the
Illinois Register
45-day public comment period will commence.
Public comments should be directed to the Clerk of
the Board.
Questions regarding this rulemaking may be directed
to Cathy Glenn at 312/814-6923; e-mail address:
oard Adopts Second-Notice Opinion and
Order in In the Matter of: Hearings Pursuant
to Specific Rules, Proposed New Subpart K,
Involuntary Termination of Environmental
Management System Agreements, 35 Ill. Adm.
code 106, Subpart K, R99-9
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted for
second-notice review by the Joint Committee on
Administrative Rules amendments to 35 Ill.Adm.
Code 106, Involuntary Termination Procedures for
Environmental Management Systems (EMSAs).
Section 52.3 of the Environmental Protection Act
(Act) (415 ILCS 5/52.3 (1996)) allows the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to enter
into EMSAs with persons regulated under the Act.
An EMSA is an agreement between a person and the
Agency that allows the person to implement
innovative environmental measures in lieu of

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complying with otherwise applicable environmental
laws or regulations. The innovative measures should
yield greater environmental benefits than would the
otherwise applicable environmental laws or
Section 52.3 of the Act directed the IEPA to propose
to the Board procedures and criteria for involuntary
termination of EMSAs. On August 17, 1998, the
IEPA filed a proposal for rulemaking and, on August
20, 1998, the Board adopted the proposal for first
notice without commenting on the merits of the
IEPA’s proposal. A 45-day public comment period
commenced upon publication of the first-notice
proposal in the
Illinois Register
(see 22 Ill. Reg.
15926 (September 3, 1998). The Board held two
hearings in this matter: the first, in Chicago, on
September 29, 1998; and the second, in Springfield,
on October 6, 1998.
At second notice, the Board adopted a modified
version of the IEPA’s proposal. Notably, the Board
found that the IEPA may summarily terminate an
EMSA. However, the Board specified in the second-
notice order (1) the criteria that the IEPA must satisfy
to summarily terminate and EMSA and (2) that
summary terminations are appealable to the Board in
the manner provided for the review of permit
decisions in Section 40 of the Act. The Board also
proposed slight modifications to the amendments
pertaining to time for filing responses, discovery
requests, and burden of proof.
Please direct any questions regarding this rulemaking
to Richard McGill at 312/814-6983; e-mail address:
oard Adopts First-Notice Opinion and Order
in In the Matter of: Non-Hazardous Special
Waste Hauling and the Uniform Program 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 809 (Pursuant to P.A. 90-219), R98-29
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted for first-
notice publication in the
Illinois Register
amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 809 regarding
nonhazardous special waste hauling. The
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(IEPA) proposed the amendments in response to
Pub. Act 90-219 (Pub. Act 90-219, eff. July 25,
1997) which amends Sections 21, 22.2 and 44 of the
Environmental Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/21,
22.2, 44 (1996)) and implements the Uniform State
Hazardous Materials Transportation, Registration and
Permit Program (Uniform Program). The Uniform
Program was adopted in response to federal
amendments to the Hazardous Materials
Transportation Uniform Safety Act of 1990 and the
Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization
Act of 1994 (HMTAA).
The Uniform Program primarily affects Part 809 of
the Board’s rules, but there are also minor proposed
changes to Part 808 in order to establish consistency
with the revised Part 809. In the proposal, the IEPA
bifurcated the regulations for transportation of
hazardous and nonhazardous special waste so that the
Illinois hazardous waste regulations under the
Uniform Program would comply with the HMTAA.
With regard to changes in nonhazardous special waste
permitting, a new Subpart is proposed at Part 809 for
the Uniform Program, while the remainder of Part
809 is modified slightly to allow for the continued
permitting of nonhazardous special waste
transporters. The IEPA’s proposal includes new
language in Part 809 so that a nonhazardous waste
special waste transporter is afforded due process if a
permit is denied, and the IEPA has a procedure to
follow if a permit application is incomplete. There
are also two new proposed exemptions from
nonhazardous special waste transport rules to avoid
duplicate and potentially contradictory transporting
requirements for transports of potentially infectious
medical waste and used tires.
With regard to Uniform Program permitting, the
proposed rules provide that transporters of hazardous
waste in Illinois must have a Uniform Permit issued
by the IEPA. Registration of transporters is a base
state system; a transporter applies to its base state for
its Uniform Permit and that base state reviews the
Uniform Permit applications. The proposed rules
provide that the Uniform Permit is valid for three
years. The proposed rules also allow the IEPA to
enter into agreements with federal agencies,
repositories, and other participating states to issue
reciprocal Uniform Permits that allow a transporter to
operate in all participating states. As a result, an
interstate transporter need only fill out one permit
application, as opposed to filing out numerous permit
applications under the old system. The transporter’s
base state is responsible for collecting the fees and

???? '
distributing percentages of those fees to other state
participating in the program. The proposed rules
establish an annual registration fee of $20 for each
vehicle owned by a company subject to the Uniform
Program. The proposed rules also mandate that the
IEPA conduct audits to ensure that transporters are
accurately reporting their activity.
The Board also granted the IEPA’s request to sever
the docket by separating the rules on used oil
transportation and used oil management facilities
from the rules on nonhazardous special waste
transportation. The Board assigned the proposed
rules on used oil transportation and used oil
management facilities docket number R99-18.
The Board held two hearings in this matter: the first
in Springfield, on July 21, 1998; and the second in
Chicago, on July 31, 1998. An additional hearing
will be scheduled in the near future to discuss the
Department of Commerce and Community Affair’s
decision not to conduct an economic impact study
pursuant to Public Act 90-489 (Pub. Act 49, eff.
January 1, 1998). Upon publication of the proposed
amendments in the
Illinois Register
, a 45-day public
comment period will commence. Public comments
should be direct to the Clerk of the Board.
Any questions regarding this rulemaking may be
direct to Joel Sternstein at 312/814-3665; e-mail
address: jsternst@pcb084rl.state.il.us
oard Accepts for Hearing Rulemaking in In
the Matter of: Amendments to Permitting for
Used Oil Management and Used Oil Transport 35
Ill. Adm. Code 807 and 809, R99-18
On December 17, 1998, the Board accepted for
hearing proposed amendments to 35 Ill. Adm. Code
807 and 809 on permitting certain used oil
management facilities and used oil transporters. The
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
originally proposed that the amendments be
incorporated into docket R98-29 (see Nonhazardous
Special Waste Hauling and Uniform Program: 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 809 (Pursuant to P.A. 90-219), R98-29,
slip op. at 1, 3. Hearings in this matter will be
scheduled in the near future.
Any questions regarding this rulemaking may be
directed to Joel Sternstein at 312/814-3665; e-mail
address: jsternst@pcb084rl.state.il.us
oard Adopts Amendments in In the Matter of:
Petition of PDV Midwest Refining, L.L.C. to
35 Ill. Adm. code 304.213, R98-14
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted site-
specific amendments to Section 304.213 of the
Board’s effluent regulations at the petition of PDV
Midwest Refining, L.L.C. (PDV), located in Will
County near Lemont, Illinois. This site-specific
rulemaking was initiated by a petition filed by PDV
on October 17, 1997. The amendments modify the
Board’s effluent regulations to provide site-specific
ammonia nitrogen standards for PDV’s discharge to
the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which is
tributary to the Illinois River. The amendments also
grant PDV’s request that the change in ownership
from UNO-Ven to PDV be reflected. The
amendments also include a sunset provision
terminating the site-specific rule on December 31,
Two hearings were held in this matter on March 6,
1998, in Joliet, Illinois, and on March 30, 1998, in
Springfield. The Springfield hearing was held to
address the decision of the Illinois Department of
Commerce of Commerce Affairs not to conduct an
economic impact study in connection with this
rulemaking. No one testified at this hearing and the
Board has not received any comments regarding an
economic impact study concerning this matter. On
May 21, 1998, the Board adopted this amendment for
first-notice publication in the
Illinois Register
. 22 Ill.
Reg. 9657 (June 12, 1998). On September 17, 1998,
the Board adopted for second-notice review by the
Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR).
At its October 20, 1998 meeting, JCAR voted no
objection to the site-specific amendments.
Any questions regarding this rulemaking may be
directed to Jonathan Knittle at 312/814-3473; e-mail
address: jknittle@pcb084rl.state.il.us
oard Adopts Proposal for Public Comment in
Identical-in-Substance Rulemaking in In the

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Matter of: Wastewater Pretreatment Update,
USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998 through
June 30, 1998), R99-4
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted a proposal
for public comment in an identical-in-s u b s t a n c e
r u l e ma k i n g i n W a s t e wa t e r Pretreatment
Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998
through June 30, 1998) (December 17, 1998), R99-4.
Adopted pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 13.3 of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/7.2 and
13.3 (1996)), the proposed amendments establish
effluent limitations guidelines and standards under the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) (see
U.S.C. §§ 1317(b), (c), (d), 1342(b)(9) (1996)) for a
portion of the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry.
The amendments are intended to streamline the
permit application process to more closely reflect the
processes found in pulp, paper, and paperboard mills
in the United States. The proposed rulemaking
incorporates federal amendments that occurred during
the period of January 1, 1998, through June 30, 1998
(see 63 Fed. Reg. 18503 (April 15, 1998)). In the
proposal for public comment, the Board incorporated
the federal amendments of April 15, 1998, both by
use of the actual text or through incorporation by
reference, with only minor deviation from the federal
Any questions regarding this rulemaking may be
directed to Karen Kavanagh at 312/814-6062, e-mail
address: kkavanag@pcb084rl.state.il.us
oard Adopts Amendments in Identical-in-
Substance Consolidated Rulemaking Dockets,
R98-21, R99-2, and R99-7
On December 17, 1998, the Board adopted
amendments in identical-in-substance consolidated
rulemaking dockets, R98-21, R99-2, and R99-7. See
RCRA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1,
1997, through December 31, 1997), RCRA Update,
USEPA Regulations (January 1, 198, through June
30, 1998), UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (January
1, 1998, through June 30, 1998) (December 17,
1998), R98-21, R99-2, R99-7.
Pursuant to Sections 13(c) and 22.4(a) of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/13(c) &
22.4(a) (1996)), the Board adopted amendments to
Illinois regulations that are identical-in-substance to
hazardous waste regulations adopted by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to
implement Subtitle C of the federal Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 6921
et seq.
(1996)). The Board further adopted
amendments to the Illinois regulations that are
identical-in-substance to underground injection
control regulations adopted by the USEPA to
implement provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act
(42 U.S.C. § 300h
et seq.
On September 17, 1998, the Board adopted the
proposed amendments for publication in the
(22 Ill. Reg. 18125 (October 9, 1998)). Two
public comments were filed with the Board during the
public comment period.
Please direct any questions regarding this rulemaking
to Michael McCambridge at 312/814-6924; e-mail
address: mmccambr@pcb084rl.state.il.us
The NPDWRs consist of maximum residual
disinfectant levels (MRDLs), maximum
contaminant levels (MCLs) or treatment techniques
for these disinfectants and their byproducts. The
NPDWRs also include monitoring, reporting, and
public notification requirements for these compounds.
The USEPA bases MRDLs and MCLs on the best
available control technology.
The regulations are known as the Stage 1 Disinfection
Byproducts Rule (DBPR). The USEPA anticipates
the implementation of the State 1 DBPR will reduce
the levels of disinfectants and disinfection byproducts
in drinking water supplies.
The USEPA also anticipates the rules will provide
public health protection for an additional 20 million
households that were not previously covered by
drinking water rules for disinfection byproducts. In
addition, for the first time, the rules will provide
public health protection from exposure to haloacetic
acids, chloride (a major chlorine dioxide byproduct)
and bromate (a major ozone byproduct).

???? '
The Stage 1 DBPR applies to public water systems
that are community water systems and nontransient
noncommunity water systems that treat their water
with a chemical disinfectant for either primary or
residual treatment. In addition, certain requirements
for chlorine dioxide apply to transient noncommunity
water systems.
These regulations are effective February 16, 1999.
For further information contact the Safe Drinking
Water Hotline at 800/426-4791.
The Board anticipates adoption of these regulations
through an identical-in-substance rulemaking
pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 7.2, 17.5
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
Adopts Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rules as Part of the National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations
On December 16, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) adopted
interim enhanced surface water treatment rules
(IESWTR) as part of the National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations. 63 Fed. Reg. 69478 (December
16, 1998). The IESWTR are intended to improve
control of microbial pathogens, including the
protozoan, cryptosporidium in drinking water, and
address risk trade-offs with disinfection byproducts.
Key provisions include: a Maximum Contaminant
Level Goal of zero for cryptosporidium; 2-log
cryptosporidium removal requirements for systems
that filter; strengthened combined filter effluent
turbidity performance standards and individual filter
turbidity provisions; disinfection benchmark
provisions to assure continued levels of microbial
protection while facilities take the necessary steps to
comply with new disinfection byproduct standards;
inclusion of cryptosporidium in the definition of
groundwater under the direction influence of surface
water and in the watershed control requirements for
unfiltered public water systems; requirements for
covers on new finished water reservoirs; and sanitary
surveys for all surface water systems regardless of
size. The IESWTR builds upon the treatment
technique requirements of the Surface Water
Treatment Rule.
The USEPA anticipates the implementation of the
IESWTR will significantly reduce the level of
cryptosporidium in finished drinking water supplies
through improvements in filtration. The USEPA
estimates that the likelihood of endemic illness from
cryptosporidium will decrease by 110,000 to 463,000
cases annually. The USEPA anticipates that the rule
will also reduce the likelihood of occurrence of
outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis by providing a larger
margin of safety against such outbreaks for some
systems. In addition, the filtration provisions of the
rule are expected to increase the level of protection
from exposure to other pathogens (
giardia or
other waterborne bacterial or viral pathogens).
These regulations are effective February 16, 1999.
For further information contact the Safe Drinking
Water Hotline at 800/426-4791.
The Board anticipates adoption of these regulations
through an identical-in-substance rulemaking
pursuant to Sections 7.2 and 17.5 of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 7.2, 17.5
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
Proposes National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants for Amino/Phenolic
On December 14, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) proposed
national emission standards for hazardous air
pollutants (NESHAPs) for amino/phenolic resins. 63
Fed. Reg. 68831 (December 13, 1998). The USEPA
anticipates that the proposed rule will reduce air
emissions of hazardous air pollutants from existing
and new sources that manufacture amino/phenolic
resins. The proposed rule implements Section 112 of
the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §
et seq.
(1990)) and is based on the USEPA’s
determination that amino/phenolic resin sources emit
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) identified on the
USEPA’s list of HAPs. The resins covered by the
proposed rule use formaldehyde as a primary
feedstock. The major HAP emitted by sources
covered by the proposed rule include formaldehyde,
methanol, phenol, xylene, and toluene. Beginning
with the first year after sources are required to

????? &
comply with the proposed rule, the USEPA concludes
that the proposed rule is estimated to reduce HAP
emissions from existing sources by 356 megagrams
per year (Mg/yr) from a baseline level of 644 Mg/yr.
This will result in a 55% reduction from current
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
P r o p o s e s A d mi n i s t r a t i v e A g r e e me n t
Regarding West Roosevelt Drum Superfund Site,
Chicago, Cook County, Illinois
On December 23, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) executed
a proposed administrative agreement under Section
122 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) (42
U.S.C. § 9622 (1986)) for collection of a percentage
of response and oversight costs at the West Roosevelt
Superfund Site, located at 5728-32 West Roosevelt
Road, Chicago, Cook County. The settling party
agrees to pay $17,000 out of total response and
oversight costs of approximately $23,120, and in
return, the settleing party will receive a covenant not
to sue and contribution protection from the USEPA.
The settling party previously performed a superfund
removal under a section 106 CERCLA unilateral
order at a cost of approximately $50,000.
Copies of the proposed settlement are available at the
following address for review: Derrick Kimbrough at
312/886-9789; USEPA, Region V, 77 W. Jackson
Blvd. (P-19J), Chicago, Illinois 60604.
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
Proposes Amendments to National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Pulp
and Paper Production
On December 28, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) proposed
amendments to certain regulatory text in the national
emission standards for hazardous air pollutant pulp
and paper regulations regarding the Voluntary
Advanced Technology Incentives Program. 63 Fed.
Reg. 71408 (December 28, 1998). On April 15,
1998, the USEPA, under the authority of the Clean
Air Act Amendments (42 U.S.C. § 7401
et seq.
(1990)), promulgated standards to reduce hazardous
air pollutant (HAP) emissions from the pulp and
paper production source category (see 63 Fed. Reg.
18504 (April 15, 1998)). This rule is known as the
pulp and paper national emissions standards for
hazardous air pollutants and is the air component of
the integrated air and water rules for the pulp and
paper industry, commonly known as the Pulp and
Paper Cluster Rules.
Section 9.1(a) of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/9.1(a) 1996))
provides that NESHAPs are applicable and
enforceable under the Act without further rulemaking.
nited States Environmental Protection Agency
Adopts National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants from Wood Furniture
Manufacturing Operations
On December 28, 1998, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
adopted amendments to the national emission
standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP)
from wood furniture manufacturing operations. 63
Fed. Reg. 71376 (December 28, 1998). The
amendments are proposed pursuant to three
agreements reached in settlement of the following
petitions for review: Chemical Manufacturers
Association v. EPA, No. 96-1031 (D.C. Cir.);
Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance, Inc. v. EPA,
No. 96-1036 (D.C. Cir.); and Society of the Plastic
Industry, Inc. v. Browner, No. 96-1038 (D.C. Cir.).
This action also finalizes clarifying amendments, as
well as technical amendments, to certain sections of
the rule.
On December 7, 1995, the USEPA promulgated the
wood furniture NESHAP. 60 Fed. Reg. 62930
(December 7, 1995). These standards established
emissions limits, for among other things, coating and
gluing of wood furniture and wood furniture
components. Three different parties, the Chemical
Manufacturers Association (CMA), the Halogenated
Solvents Industry Alliance, Inc. (HSIA), and the
Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI) petitioned
for judicial review of the final rule under Section
307(b) of the Clean Air Act Amendments (42 U.S.C.
§7607 (1990)). On December 18, 1997, the USEPA
executed settlement agreements with each of these

???? '
The settlement agreement between the USEPA and
the CMA requires the USEPA to conduct notice and
comment rulemaking proposing that certain glycol
ethers be removed from the list of volatile hazardous
air pollutants of potential concern in table 6 of the
wood furniture NESHAP. The settlement agreement
between the USEPA and the HSIA requires the
USEPA to: (1) conduct notice and comment
rulemaking in accordance with Section 307(d) of the
Clean Air Act Amendments (42 U.S.C. § 7607(d)
(1990)) proposing that perchloroethylene and
trichloroethylene be deleted from the list of pollutants
prohibited from use in cleaning and wash-off
solvents under Section 63.803(e) regulations
(table 4 of the wood furniture NESHAP); and (2) give
great weight to the recommendations of the Science
Panel of the Joint Methylene Chloride
Characterization Task Force regarding whether a
reassessment of the cancer hazard for methylene
chloride should be undertaken based on current
scientific information. The settlement agreement also
requires the USEPA to conduct an additional notice
and comment rulemaking with respect to methylene
chloride if methylene chloride is reassessed and
certain findings are made as a result of that
reassessment. Finally, the settlement agreement
between the USEPA and the SPI requires that the
USEPA propose technical amendments to the wood
furniture NESHAP that would remove the
subheadings of “Nonthreshold Pollutants,” “High-
Concern Pollutants,” and “Unrankable Pollutants” in
table 6, and remove footnote “a” to table 6 which
relates to these hazard ranking classifications.
This action promulgates changes to the wood
furniture NESHAP proposed to address the
aforementioned settlement agreements. Entities
potentially regulated by this action are owners or
operators of facilities that are engaged, either in part
or in whole, in wood furniture manufacturing
operations and that are major sources as defined in 40
C.F.R. § 63.2.
Section 9.1(a) of the Illinois Environmental
Protection Act (Act) (415 ILCS 5/9.1(a) 1996))
provides that NESHAPs are applicable and
enforceable under the Act without further rulemaking.

????? &
For the first time ever, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), in accordance with 35 Ill. Adm. Code
620.230(b) requests final listing of Class III: Special Resource Groundwater. The first groundwater to receive the
Class III designation is the groundwater that contributes to the Parker Fen Dedicated Nature Preserve (Parker Fen).
Parker Fenn is located in the northeast part of Dorr township, in the unincorporated southeast quarter of McHenry
County, Illinois.
Under the authority of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.230, Class III: Special Resource Groundwater can be established for:
demonstrably unique (
irreplaceable sources of groundwater) and suitable for application of a water quality
standard more stringent than the otherwise applicable water quality standard specified; for groundwater that is vital
for a particularly sensitive ecological system; or groundwater contributing to a dedicated nature preserve that has
been listed by the IEPA. The IEPA is required to review a written request to designate these areas, and upon
confirmation for the technical adequacy, publish the listing of the dedicated nature preserve in the
for a 45-day public comment period. Within 60 days after the close of the comment period, the IEPA is
required to publish a final listing in the
Environmental Register
On December 12, 1997, Julene Perbohner, Esq. submitted a petition on behalf of Ms. Jewel Hahn to designated
Parker Fen as Class III: Special Resource Groundwater. This was the first petition of this type received by the IEPA
since adoption of the groundwater quality standards regulations adopted by the Board in 1991. The Groundwater
Section in the Bureau of Water at the IEPA completed review required according to the criteria specified at
subsection 620.230(b)(1), and found the petition to be technically adequate. The proposed listing appeared in the
Board’s September 1998
Environmental Register
(vol. 531), stating that the IEPA would accept comments through
November 30, 1998. No public comments were received. Accordingly, on January 8, 1999, Stephen C. Ewart, Esq.,
submitted this request for final listing.
Questions regarding the listing process and requests for hard copies of the listing petition should be directed to:
Richard P. Cobb, P.G.
Manager, Groundwater Section
Bureau of Water
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276

???? '
1# 4 &? # % 6 + 1 0 5
In the Matter of: Proportionate Share Liability (35 Ill. Adm. Code 741) - The
Board adopted a second-notice opinion and order in this proposed rulemaking to
establish procedures for determining proportionate share liability
environmental actions.
In the Matter of: Permitting Procedures for the Lake Michigan Basin 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 301 and 309.141 - The Board granted the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency’s motion for extension of time to file a response and the Illinois
Environmental Regulatory Group’s motion for leave to file a reply.
In the Matter of: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators: Adoption of 35
Ill. Adm. Code 229 - The Board accepted the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency’s proposal to amend the Board’s air pollution control regulations, granted
motion to waive the filing requirements, and adopted a first-notice opinion and
AC 99-10
County of Will v. Douglas Adams - The Board found that this Will County
respondent violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415
ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1996)) and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
PCB 98-160
PCB 98-161
Devro-Teepak, Inc. (Permit Application No. 95120325) v. IEPA; and Devro-Teepak,
Inc. (Permit Application No. 95120326) v. IEPA - The Board affirmed in part and
reversed in part the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s denial of petitioner’s
request for trade secret protection in two Clean Air Act Permit Program permit
applications on behalf of a Vermilion County facility.

????? &
PCB 99-55
People of the State of Illinois v. Symons Corporation - The Board granted relief from
the hearing requirement of Section 31(c)(2) of the Environmental Protection Act
???? ?????????? ???????
, accepted a stipulation and settlement agreement in this air
enforcement action involving a
County facility, ordered respondent to pay a
civil penalty of $17,500, and to cease and desist from further violations.
PCB 94-288
People of the State of Illinois v. Diversified Abatement Contractors, Inc., an
Illinois corporation, and John Nordigian, individually and as president of
Diversified Abatement Contractors, Inc. - Upon receipt of a proposed stipulation
and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request relief from the hearing
requirement in this air enforcement action against a Lake County facility, the
Board ordered publication of the required newspaper notice.
PCB 96-261
People of the State of Illinois v. G.M. Demolition Corporation - The Board
granted respondent’s motion for additional time to file a response in this air
enforcement action involving a facility located in Cook and Kankakee Counties.
PCB 97-94
Jerry Austman and Theresa Strahm v. Amoco Oil Company - The Board granted
the parties’ joint motion to dismiss this citizen’s underground storage tank
enforcement action involving an Livingston County facility.
PCB 97-115
People of the State of Illinois v. Citizens Utilities Company of Illinois, an Illinois
corporation and successor by merger to Metro Utility Company - Upon receipt of
a proposed stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request
relief from the hearing requirement in this water enforcement action against a
Kane County facility, the Board ordered publication of the required newspaper
PCB 98-2
ESG Watts, Inc. (Sangamon Valley Landfill) v. Sangamon County, Illinois - The
Board denied petitioner’s motion to set aside certain hearing officer orders in this
landfill siting appeal involving a Sangamon County facility.
PCB 98-80
People of the State of Illinois v. Craig Linton and Randy Rowe - The Board denied
complainant’s motion for summary judgment in this land enforcement action
involving a LaSalle County facility.

???? '
PCB 98-81
Charter Hall Homeowner’s Association and Jeff Cohen v. Overland
Transportation Systems, Inc. and D.P. Cartage, Inc. - The Board denied
respondents’ motion for reconsideration and clarification and complainants’
motion for leave to file an amended complaint in this citizens’ noise enforcement
action involving a Cook County facility.
PCB 98-114
David Mulvain v. Village of Durand - The Board denied respondent’s motion for
summary judgment in this citizen’s water enforcement action involving a
Winnebago County facility.
PCB 98-173
McHenry County Defenders, Inc. v. IEPA and The City of Woodstock - The
Board granted petitioner’s motion for voluntary dismissal of this National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit appeal involving a McHenry
County facility.
PCB 99-46
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, Belvidere Oasis on I-90 West Bound
(North) v. IEPA - Having previously granted a request for a 90-day extension, the
Board dismissed the matter because no underground storage tank appeal was
timely filed on behalf of this Boone County facility.
PCB 99-47
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, Belvidere Oasis on I-90 East Bound (South)
v. IEPA - Having previously granted a request for a 90-day extension, the Board
dismissed the matter because no underground storage tank appeal was timely filed
on behalf of this Boone County facility.
PCB 99-60
The Pillsbury Company v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this request for trade secret determination involving a Kane
County facility.
PCB 99-67
City of Elgin v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of
time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a Cook County
PCB 99-68
Huntsman Chemical Corporation v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a
90-day extension of time to file an air permit appeal on behalf of a LaSalle County

????? &
PCB 99-69
Land and Lakes Company v. Randolph County Board of Commissioners - The
Board accepted for hearing this pollution control facility siting appeal involving a
Randolph County facility.
PCB 99-70
Will County Sheriff’s Department v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a
90-day extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a
Will County facility.
1# 4 &? # % 6 + 1 0 5
In the Matter of: Proportionate Share Liability (35 Ill. Adm. Code 741) - The
Board adopted a final opinion and order in this rulemaking to
procedures for determining proportionate share liability in
environmental actions.
In the Matter of: Petition of PDV Midwest Refining, L.L.C. for a Site-Specific
Rulemaking Amendment to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.213 - The Board adopted a final
opinion and order in this rulemaking to amend the Board’s water pollution control
In the Matter of: RCRA Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1997, through
December 31, 1997); RCRA Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998,
through June 30, 1998); UIC Update, USEPA Regulations (January 1, 1998,
through June 30, 1998) - The Board adopted a final opinion and order, in this
“identical-in-substance” rulemaking to amend the Board’s hazardous waste
disposal regulations.
In the Matter of: Non-Hazardous Special Waste Hauling and the Uniform Program
35 Ill. Adm. Code 809 (Pursuant to P.A. 90-219) - The Board adopted a first
notice opinion and order in this rulemaking to amend the Board’s non-hazardous
special waste hauling regulations. The Board also granted the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency’s motion to sever and established a docket R99-
18, to handle the issues of used oil transportation and used oil management

???? '
In the Matter of: Wastewater Pretreatment Update, USEPA
Regulations (January 1, 1998, through June 30, 1998) - The Board adopted a
proposal for public comments, in this “identical-in-substance” rulemaking to
amend the Board’s wastewater pretreatment regulations.
In the Matter of: Permitting Procedures for the Lake Michigan Basin 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 301 and 309.141 - The Board denied the Illinois Environmental Regulatory
Group’s motion to dismiss.
In the Matter of: Hearings Pursuant to Specific Rules, Proposed New Subpart K,
Involuntary Termination of Environmental Management System Agreements, 35
Ill. Adm. Code 106, Subpart K - The Board adopted a second-notice opinion and
order in this proposed rulemaking to establish procedures for the involuntary
termination of Environmental Management System Agreements.
In the Matter of: Amendments to Permitting for Used Oil Management and Used
Oil Transport: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 807 and 809 - The Board granted the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency’s motion to sever in R98-29 and opened this
docket R99-18 to handle the issues of used oil transportation and used oil
management facilities.
AS 90-5
In the Matter of: Petition of R. Lavin & Sons, Inc. for an Adjusted Standard from
35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.102, 302.208, 302.210, and Subpart F, Procedures for
Determining Water Quality Criteria - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
withdrawal of this petition for an adjusted standard involving a Lake County
AS 92-1
In the Matter of: Petition of the Stiffel Company for an Adjusted Standard from 35
Ill. Adm. Code Part 218 Subpart F - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
withdrawal of this petition for an adjusted standard involving a Cook County
AS 99-5
In the Matter of: Petition of Abbott Laboratories for an Adjusted Standard from 35
Ill. Adm. Code 302.208 and 304.105 - The Board ordered petitioner to file an
amended petition January 15, 1999, or this matter would be subject to dismissal.

????? &
AC 99-15
IEPA v. Donald Bauser - The Board found that this Cass County respondent
violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS
5/21(p)(1) (1996)) and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
AC 99-16
IEPA v. Jack Smothers d/b/a American Iron & Metal Company - The Board found
that this Williamson County respondent violated Section 21(p)(1) of the
Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1996)) and ordered
respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
AC 99-17
IEPA v. Lawrence E. Smith, Jr. and Marilynn J. Smith - The Board found that these
Morgan County respondents violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental
Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1996)) and ordered respondents to pay a civil
penalty of $500.
AC 99-18
IEPA v. Lawrence Griffith - The Board found that this Macoupin County
respondent violated Section 21(p)(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (415
ILCS 5/21(p)(1) (1996)) and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $500.
PCB 98-61
People of the State of Illinois v. James Patton, an individual d/b/a A&J
Manufacturing - The Board granted relief from the hearing requirement of Section
31(c)(2) of the Environmental Protection Act
???? ???? ?????????? ???????
accepted a stipulation and settlement agreement in this Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act enforcement action involving a
County facility, and ordered
respondent to pay a civil penalty of $8,500 and to cease and desist from further
PCB 98-83
People of the State of Illinois v. Donald Swinson d/b/a Rock View Stone Company
The Board granted relief from the hearing requirement of Section 31(c)(2) of the
Environmental Protection Act
???? ???? ?????????? ???????
, accepted a stipulation
and settlement agreement in this air enforcement action concerning asbestos
demolition and renovation activity performed at various sites located in Rockford,
Winnebago County, Illinois, and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of
$10,000 and to cease and desist from further violations.

???? '
PCB 98-89
People of the State of Illinois v. Fischer Crane Company - The Board granted relief
from the hearing requirement of Section 31(c)(2) of the Environmental Protection
???? ???? ?????????? ???????
, accepted a stipulation and settlement agreement
in this Resource Conservation and Recovery Act enforcement action involving a
Will County facility, and ordered respondent to pay a civil penalty of $3,000 and to
cease and desist from further violations.
PCB 99-21
Central Illinois Light Company (Duck Creek Station) v. IEPA - The Board granted
this Fulton County facility a variance, subject to conditions, from the
Board’s June 20, 1996 order in AS 96-8 which granted CILCO an adjusted water
quality standard for boron.
PCB 90-31
R. Lavin & Sons, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this petition for variance involving a Lake County facility.
PCB 91-139
R. Lavin & Sons, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
appeal involving a Lake County facility.
PCB 94-288
People of the State of Illinois v. Diversified Abatement Contractors, Inc., an
Illinois corporation, and John Nordigian, individually and as president of
Diversified Abatement Contractors, Inc. - The Board granted complainant’s motion
to dismiss respondent Diversified Abatement Contractors.
PCB 94-391
America’s Carwash-HP, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank appeal involving a Lake
County facility.
PCB 96-48
Shell Oil Company (Orland Park Facility) v. IEPA - The Board granted the parties’
joint motion for voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank appeal
involving a Cook County facility.
PCB 96-84
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois v. Mineral and Land Resources
Corporation, Southwind Financial, Ltd. f/k/a Abbott Contractors, Inc., Bluff City
Materials, Inc. as Assignee of Abbott Contractors, Inc. - The Board granted
complainant’s motion for voluntary dismissal in this citizen’s land and water
enforcement action involving a DuPage County facility.

????? &
PCB 96-180
Environmental Site Developers, Inc., Complainant/Counter-Respondent v. White &
Brewer Trucking, Inc., Respondent/Counter-Complainant - The Board denied
complainant/counter-respondent’s motion for extension of briefing schedule as
PCB 96-261
People of the State of Illinois v. G.M. Demolition Corporation - The Board granted
complainant’s motion for additional time to file a reply in this air enforcement
action involving a facility located in Cook and Kankakee Counties.
PCB 98-120
Autotime/Bob Macas, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board granted petitioner’s motion for
voluntary dismissal of this underground storage tank appeal involving a Cook
County facility.
PCB 99-38
Lawrence C. Sweda v. Outboard Marine Corporation and the City of Waukegan
The Board granted respondent Outboard Marine Corporation’s motion to correct
the September 17, 1998 order.
PCB 99-50
Steven Tucker v. IEPA - Having previously granted a request for a 90-day
extension, the Board dismissed the matter because no underground storage tank
appeal was timely filed on behalf of this Cook County facility.
PCB 99-52
Central Illinois Light Company v. IEPA - The Board accepted for hearing this land
permit siting appeal involving a Tazewell County facility.
PCB 99-53
Deer Creek Mackinaw Community Unit School District #701 v. IEPA - Having
previously granted a request for a 90-day extension, the Board dismissed the matter
because no underground storage tank appeal was timely filed on behalf of this
Tazewell County facility.
PCB 99-54
Sullivan Community Unit School District #300 v. IEPA - Having previously
granted a request for a 90-day extension, the Board dismissed the matter because
no underground storage tank appeal was timely filed on behalf of this Moultrie
County facility.
PCB 99-69
Land and Lakes Company v. Randolph County Board of Commissioners - The
Board granted respondent’s motion for extension of time to file the county record.

???? '
PCB 99-73
People of the State of Illinois v. J.L. Clark, Inc. - Upon receipt of a proposed
stipulation and settlement agreement and an agreed motion to request relief from
the hearing requirement in this water enforcement action against a DuPage County
facility, the Board ordered publication of the required newspaper notice.
PCB 99-74
General Mills Operations, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board accepted this trade secret
involving a Kane County facility.
PCB 99-75
General Electric Company v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an air permit appeal on behalf of a LaSalle County facility.
PCB 99-76
Northrup Oil Company v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day
extension of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a Peoria
County facility.
PCB 99-77
Howard Warsaw v. IEPA - The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension
of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a Tazewell County
PCB 99-78
Kiehl Engineering Company, Inc. v. IEPA - The Board accepted this petition for
air variance
involving a DuPage County facility for hearing.

????? &
0 '9? % #5'5
City of Elgin v. IEPA - The Board granted this
request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a Cook
County facility.
Huntsman Chemical Corporation v. IEPA
The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension
of time to file an air permit appeal on behalf of a
Cook County facility.
Land and Lakes Company v. Randolph County
Board of Commissioners - The Board accepted for
hearing this pollution control facility siting appeal
involving a Randolph County facility.
Will County Sheriff’s Department v. IEPA
The Board granted this request for a 90-day extension
of time to file an underground storage tank appeal on
behalf of a Will County facility.
Carl and Nina Brunson v. MCI WorldCom,
Inc. and IXC Carrier, Inc. - The Board held for a later
duplicitous/frivolous determination this citizens’
noise enforcement action involving a Winnebago
County facility.
In the Matter of: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Incinerators: Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 229 - The
Board accepted the Illinois Environmental Protection
Agency’s proposal to amend the Board’s air pollution
control regulations, granted motion to waive various
requirements, and adopted a first-notice opinion and
0 '9? % #5'5
Central Illinois Light Company v. IEPA - The
Board accepted for hearing this air permit siting
appeal involving a Tazewell County facility.
People of the State of Illinois v. Lake of Egypt
Water District, Willis Dale Shadowens, and Gary R.
Rhodes - The Board accepted for hearing this public
water supply enforcement action against a
Williamson County facility.
People of the State of Illinois v. J.L. Clark, Inc.
Upon receipt of a proposed stipulation and settlement
agreement and an agreed motion to request relief
from the hearing requirement in this water
enforcement action against a DuPage County facility,
the Board ordered publication of the required
newspaper notice.
General Mills Operations, Inc. v. IEPA - The
Board accepted this trade secret appeal
involving a
Kane County facility.
General Electric Company v. IEPA - The
Board granted this request for a 90-day extension of
time to file an air permit appeal on behalf of a
LaSalle County facility.
Northrup Oil Company v. IEPA - The Board
granted this request for a 90-day extension of time to
file an underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a
Peoria County facility.
Howard Warsaw v. IEPA - The Board granted
this request for a 90-day extension of time to file an
underground storage tank appeal on behalf of a
Tazewell County facility.
Kiehl Engineering Company, Inc. v. IEPA
The Board accepted this petition for an air variance
involving a DuPage County facility for hearing.
AC 99-20
IEPA v. Lawrence County Disposal
Centre, Inc., S&S Grading of Illinois, Inc., and Gary
McLaren - The Board accepted an administrative
citation against these Lawrence County respondents.
AC 99-21
IEPA v. Charles Trammell d/b/a Trammell
Trucking - The Board accepted an administrative
citation against this Cook County respondent.
AC 99-22
IEPA v. William Cagle - The Board
accepted an administrative citation against this
Macoupin County respondent.

???? '
AC 99-23
IEPA v. Ed Kuresten d/b/a Greenland Tree
& Lawn - The Board accepted an administrative
citation against this Cook County respondent.
In the Matter of: Exemptions from
Definitions of VOM, USEPA Amendments (July 1,
1998 through, December 31, 1998) - The Board
reserved this docket for a routine identical-in-
substance update. The update includes any federal
amendments which occurred during the period of July
1, 1998 through December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: SDWA Update, USEPA
Regulations (July 1, 1998, through December 31,
1998) - The Board reserved this docket for a routine
identical-in-substance update. The update includes
any federal amendments which occurred during the
period of July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: UIC Update, USEPA
Regulations (July 1, 1998, through December 31,
1998) - The Board reserved this docket for a routine
identical-in-substance update. The update includes
any federal amendments which occurred during the
period of July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: RCRA Subtitle D Update,
USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998, through
December 31, 1998) - The Board reserved this docket
for a routine identical-in-substance update. The
update includes any federal amendments which
occurred during the period of July 1, 1998 through
December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: RCRA Subtitle C Update,
USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998, through
December 31, 1998) - The Board reserved this docket
for a routine identical-in-substance update. The
update includes any federal amendments which
occurred during the period of July 1, 1998 through
December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: UST Update, USEPA
Regulations (July 1, 1998, through December 31,
1998) - The Board reserved this docket for a routine
identical-in-substance update. The update includes
any federal amendments which occurred during the
period of July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: Wastewater Pretreatment
Update, USEPA Regulations (July 1, 1998, through
December 31, 1998) - The Board reserved this docket
for a routine identical-in-substance update. The
update includes any federal amendments which
occurred during the period of July 1, 1998 through
December 31, 1998.
In the Matter of: Amendments to Permitting
for Used Oil Management and Used Oil Transport:
35 Ill. Adm. Code 807 and 809 - The Board granted
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s
motion to sever the issues of used oil transportation
and used oil management facilities from docket R98-
29, and established this docket to handle them.
In the Matter of: Regulated Recharge Area
Designation, Durand, Winnebago County - No action

????? &
% # . ' 0 & # 4 ? 1 ( ? / ''6+0)5
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting 600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Conference Room
Springfield, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
1:00 pm
R99-10 Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Incinerators: Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-031
Chicago, IL
10:00 am
PCB 98-171 People of the State of Illinois v. Victor Cory Illinois Pollution Control Board
600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Springfield, IL
3:00 pm
R99-10 Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Incinerators: Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
Illinois Pollution Control Board
600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Springfield, IL
11:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting 600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Conference Room
Springfield, IL
1:00 pm
R99-10 Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste
Incinerators: Adoption of 35 Ill. Adm. Code
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
PCB 99-38 Lawrence C Sweda v. Outboard Marine Lake County Courthouse

???? '
9:30 am Corporation and the City of Waukegan Room 301
18 North County Street
Waukegan, IL
9:30 am
PCB 99-38 Lawrence C Sweda v. Outboard Marine
Corporation and the City of Waukegan
Lake County Courthouse
Room 301
18 North County Street
Waukegan, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
11:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting 600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Springfield, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
11:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting 600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Springfield, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street

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Suite 2-025
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
11:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting 600 S. Second Street
Hearing Room 403
Springfield, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL
10:30 am
Illinois Pollution Control Board Meeting James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street
Suite 9-040
Chicago, IL

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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
The Restricted Status List was developed to give additional notification to officials of public water supplies which are in violation of
35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle F: Public Water Supplies, Chapter I or the Illinois Environmental Protection Act.
The Restricted Status List will include all Public Water Supplies for which the Agency has information indicating a violation of any
of the following requirements: Finished water quality requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Part 604, Subparts B and C; maintenance of
adequate pressure on all parts of the distribution system under all conditions of demand; meeting raw water quantity requirements of
35 Ill. Adm. Code 604.502; or maintenance of treatment facilities capable of providing water "assuredly adequate in quantity" as
required by Section 18 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act.
A public water supply on the Restricted Status List will not be issued permits for water main extensions, except for certain limited
situations, or unless the supply has been granted a variance from the Illinois Pollution Control Board for the violation, or from permit
issuance requirements of Section 39 of the Act.
This list is continually being revised as new information becomes available, and therefore, specific inquiries as to the status of any
public water supply should be directed to the Division of Public Water Supplies for final determination. This list reflects the status as
of January 1, 1999.
* Indicates public water supplies which have been added to the list since the previous publication.
Acorn Acres Sbdv (Lake Co - 0975020) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 250
Alden Long Grove Nursing Center(Lake Co - 0971090) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 204
Ashley (Washington Co - 1890100) 6 Trihalomethane 825 06/15/92
Bahl Wtr Corp (Jo Daviess Co - 0855200) 1 Inadequate Pres Storage 700 12/15/93
Bartmann Health Care Center (Logan Co-1075169) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 93 12/16/83
Belmont-Highwood PWD (DuPage Co - 0435180) 2 Trichloroethylene 498
Benld (Macoupin Co - 1170050) 5 Trihalomethane 1,634 09/16/96
Biggsville (Henderson Co - 0710050) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 350 03/15/98
Blue & Gold Hmownrs Assn (Winnebago Co - 2015250) 1 Inad Pres Tank & 170
Source of Supply
Blue Mound (Macon Co - 1150100) 4 Nitrate 1,165 03/15/97
Bonnie Lane Water Supply (Kendall Co - 0930010) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 49 09/16/93
Bradford (Stark Co - 1750050) 1 Gross Alpha 650
Bradley Hts Sbdv (Winnebago Co - 2015050) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 192 09/13/85
Bryant (Fulton Co - 0570200) 5 Gross Alpha 310
Buck Lake Ests Sbdv (DeKalb Co - 0375100) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 200
Buckingham (Kankakee Co - 0910250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 330 03/17/89
Byron Woods Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1610070) 1 Arsenic 150 03/15/98
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

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Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
January, 1999
Campus (Livingston Co - 1050050) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 230 03/20/81
Carroll Hts Utl Cmpny (Carroll Co - 0155200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 80 03/20/81
Century Pines Apts (Carroll Co - 0150020) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 12/14/90
* Chester (Randolph Co - 1570100) 6 Total Trihalomethane 5,300 12/15/98
Claremont Hls Sbdv (McHenry Co - 1115080) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 330 03/15/96
Clearview Sbdv (Will Co - 1975360) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 420
Coffeen (Montgomery Co - 1350150) 5 Trihalomethane 800 03/17/92
Community Srvc Corp (McHenry Co - 1115350) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 750 09/16/83
Coulterville (Randolph Co - 1570150) 6 Trihalomethane 1,100 09/16/96
Coyne Cntr Coop (Rock Island Co - 1615150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 150
Cropsey Cmnty Wtr (McLean Co - 1135150) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 60
Crystal Clear Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115150) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 900 09/16/88
Crystal Hts Assn (McHenry Co - 1115100) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 93 06/17/96
Ctzns Liberty Ridge Dvn (DuPage Co - 0435650) 2 Iandequate Pres Tank 2,510 03/15/94
D and R Apts (Champaign Co - 0190030) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 26 09/16/93
Deering Oaks Sbdv (McHenry Co - 1115200) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 60 12/17/82
DeKalb Univ Dvl Corp (DeKalb Co - 0375148) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 950
DeWitt Cnty NH (DeWitt Co - 0395129) 4 Inadequate Pres Tank 80 06/17/83
DL Well Owners Assn (Lake Co - 0975380) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 125 03/18/83
Dorchester (Macoupin Co - 1170250) 5 Trihalomethane 480 09/16/96
Dover (Bureau Co - 0110350) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 200 05/25/81
Eagerville (Macoupin Co - 1170300) 5 Trihalomethane 187
East Moreland Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1975600) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 753
East Moreland Wtr Corp (Will Co - 1975640) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 135 03/15/96
Echo Lake Wtr Sys Block 7 (Lake Co - 0975820) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 48 09/16/83
Edelstein (Peoria Co - 1435150) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 125 03/15/98
Ellis Grove (Randolph Co - 1570200) 6 Trihalomethane 720 12/16/96
Elm Oak Mutual Wtr Syst (Lake Co - 0975736) 2 Inad Pres Tank 45
Emmett Utl Inc (McDonough Co - 1095200) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 39
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies

???? '
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
January, 1999
Evergreen Vlg Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1615310 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 250
Fahnstock Court Sbdv (Peoria Co - 1435200) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 30 05/25/81
Fair Acres Sbdv (Will Co - 1975680) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 185
Forest Lake Addn (Lake Co - 0975500) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 180
Frwrd-Skyline Cpy (Kane Co - 0895030) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank
1,300 09/19/86
Garden Street Imprv Assn (Will Co - 1975376) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 62
Glasford (Peoria Co - 1430350) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 1,115 12/15/97
Glenkirk Campus North (Lake Co - 0977189) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 64 06/15/88
Glenkirk Campus South (Lake Co - 0977199) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 36 06/15/88
Good Shepherd Mnr (Kankakee Co - 0915189) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 140 03/17/89
Great Oaks&Beacon Hls Apts(Winnebago Co-2015488) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 943
* Greenwood Outback (LaSalle Co - 0990080) 1 Inad Hydropneumatic Storage
Hawthorn Woods (Lake Co - 0970450) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 800 03/15/95
Heatherfield Sbdv (Grundy Co - 0635150) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 91 09/17/82
Highland Lake Sbdv (Lake Co - 0975750) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 294 03/20/81
Highland Sbdv (Kane Co - 0895530) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 09/16/83
Hillview Sbdv (Will Co - 1975800) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 99
Hull (Pike Co - 1490350) 5 Tetrachloroethylene 529
Huntley Cmnty Sbdv (Will Co - 1975840) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 48 03/16/84
Hutsonville (Crawford Co - 0330100) 4 Nitrate 650 03/15/98
Ingalls Pk Sbdv (Will Co - 1975880) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 690
Island Lake Wtr Cmpny (Lake Co - 0975080) 2
2,250 06/15/90
Joy (Mercer County - 1310100) 1 Inadequate Source 495 09/16/96
Kaho PWD (Macoupin Co - 1170030) 5 Trihalomethane 847
Knoxville (Knox Co - 0950300) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha
3,243 03/15/98
Lake Lynwood Wtr Sys (Henry Co - 0735330) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 98 08/31/81
Lakeview Sbdv (Whiteside Co - 1955150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 146 03/20/81
Larchmont Sbdv (Winnebago Co - 2015290) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 106 06/17/83
Larson Court Rentals (Rock Island Co - 1615728) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 48 01/14/82
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies

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January, 1999
Legend Lakes Wtr Assn (Winnebago Co - 2015300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 225
Lemon Street Wl Cmpny Inc (Rock Island Co-1615550) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 470
Liberty Park Homeowners Assn (DuPage Co - 0435600) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank
1,092 09/17/92
Lindenwood Wtr Assn (Ogle Co - 1415300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 50
Lisbon North Inc (Grundy Co - 0631000) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 30
Little Swan Lake Sndst (Warren Co - 1875050) 5 Inad Hydropneumatic Storage 250
London Mills (Fulton Co - 0574620) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 670 12/14/84
Long Creek Twsp PWS (Macon Co - 1155150) 4 Inadequate Treat Plant
5,000 09/15/98
Lynn Cntr (Henry Co - 0735100) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 147 03/15/95
Lynnwood Water Corp (LaSalle Co - 0995336) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 114
M C L W Sys Inc (Mercer Co - 1315150) 1 Inadequate Source 100
Maple Hill Imprv Assn (DuPage Co - 0435800) 2 Inad Pres Tank & 234
Maple Leaf Ests Wtr Corp (Monroe Co - 1335100) 6 Inadequate Pres Tank 39 03/20/81
Mapleton (Peoria Co - 1430500) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 350 03/15/98
Mayfair Sbdv (Tazewell Co - 1795750) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 03/16/90
McHenry Shores (McHenry Co - 1115020) 2
1,460 06/13/97
Mound PWD (St Clair Co - 1635050) 6 Inadequate Plant Capacity 1,800 06/17/96
Mount Clare (Macoupin Co - 1170650) 5 Trihalomethane 297 09/16/96
Mount Gilead Shlcrhm (Greene Co - 0615129) 6 Inadequate Pres Tank 28 09/16/83
* Mount Olive (Macoupin Co - 1170700) 5 Total Trihalomethane 2,150 12/15/98
Northwest Belmont Imprv Assn (DuPage Co - 0435900) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 115
Oak Ridge Sndst (Woodford Co - 2035300) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 240
Oakview Avenue Wtrwks Inc (Will Co - 1977210) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 350
Olivet Nazarene College (Kankakee Co - 0915279) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,450 03/15/94
Opheim PWS (Henry Co - 0735150) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 06/18/82
Osco Mutual Wtr Supply Cpy Inc (Henry Co-0735200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 115 12/15/89
Park Road Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1977330) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 60
Park View Wtr Corp (Kane Co - 0895500) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 150 12/17/82
Patoka (Marion Co - 1210400) 6 Inadequate Plant Capacity 731 03/15/97
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
January, 1999

???? '
Polo Dr & Saddle Rd Sbdv (DuPage Co - 0437000) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 95
Prairie Ridge Assn (McHenry Co - 1115730) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 140 03/16/90
Prairie View Wtr Assn (Tazewell Co - 1795900) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 55 03/20/81
Princeville (Peoria Co - 1430750) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 1,815 12/15/97
Ridgecrest North Sbdv (Grundy Co - 0635250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 85 09/16/93
Ridgewood Ledges Wtr Assoc(Rock Island Co-1615670) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 475
Ridgewood Sbdv (Will Co - 1977650) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 315 06/18/82
Save Site (St Clair Co - 1635289) 6 Trihalomethane 375 06/15/92
Sawyerville (Macoupin Co - 1170850) 5 Trihalomethane 570 09/15/98
Sbdv Wtr Trust No 1 (Kane Co - 0895300) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,120 03/20/81
Scribner Street Sbdv (Will Co - 1977660) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 50 03/18/83
Shawnita Trc Wtr Assn (Will Co - 1977690) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 125
Shipman (Macoupin Co - 1170950) 5 Trihalomethane 675 12/16/96
Silvis Heights Wtr Corp (Rock Island Co - 1615750) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,680 03/20/82
Skyview Estates (Kankakee Co - 0915526) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 65 09/14/84
Sorento (Bond Co - 0050300) 6 Trihalomethane 750 09/16/96
Spring Creek Wtr Assn (Macoupin Co - 1175450) 5 Trihalomethane 60 09/16/96
St Charles Cmsn Wlfnd 3 (DuPage Co - 0437040) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 30 12/15/89
Staunton Res Rd Wtr (Macoupin Co - 1175250) 5 Trihalomethane 70
Sturm Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977010) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 63 03/16/84
Suburban Heights Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1615800) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 114 12/16/83
Summit Homeowners Assn (Lake Co - 0975280) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 48
Sunnyland Sbdv (Will Co - 1977730) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 350 09/16/83
Swedona Wtr Assn (Mercer Co - 1315200) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 100 06/15/90
Sylvan Lake 1st Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977100) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 210 06/14/91
Taylor Springs (Montgomery Co - 1350650) 5 Trihalomethane 650 09/15/98
Towners Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977250) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 238
Trivoli PWD (Peoria Co - 1435510) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 350
Turkey Hollow Well Corp (Rock Island Co - 1615686) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 32 06/18/82
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Restricted Status List -- Public Water Supplies
January, 1999

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Utl Inc Lake Holiday (LaSalle Co - 0995200) 1 Inad Source & Treat Plt
4,908 09/15/98
Utl Inc Northern Hls Utl Co(Stephenson Co-1775050) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 290 03/15/96
Utl Inc Walk-Up Woods Wtr Co(McHenry Co - 1115800) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 763 12/17/82
Wermes Sbdv (Kane Co - 0895750) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 150
West Shoreland Sbdv (Lake Co - 0977050) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 220
Westfield (Clark Co - 0230200) 4 Inadequate Water Source 700 06/15/93
White City (Macoupin Co - 1171150) 5 Trihalomethane 280 12/16/96
Wienen Estates (Jo Daviess Co - 0850030) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 70 12/15/97
Wonder Lake Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115750) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank
1,161 06/16/94
Woodland Hts Ests Sbdv (Peoria Co - 1435760) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 245 03/20/81
Woodsmoke Ranch Assn (LaSalle Co - 0990030) 1 Inad Pres Tank 350
Yates City (Knox Co - 0950700) 5 Adjusted Gross Alpha 850
York Cntr Coop (DuPage Co - 0437550) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 240 06/15/88
2nd Street Wtr Assn (Lake Co - 0971140) 2 Indaquate Pres Tank 33

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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Critical Review List -- Public Water Supplies
The Critical Review List was developed to give additional notification to officials of public water supplies which may be close to being in
violation of 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle F: Public Water Supplies, Chapter I or the Illinois Environmental Protection Act.
A supply will be placed on the Critical Review List when Agency records indicate that it is approaching any of the violations which would
place it on the Restricted Status List.
This list is continually being revised as new information becomes available, and therefore, specific inquiries as to the status of any public
water supply should be directed to the Division of Public Water Supplies for final determination. This list reflects the status as of January
1, 1999.
* Indicates public water supplies which have been added to the list since the previous publication.
Bayles Lake Lot Owners Assn (Iroquois Co - 0755110) 4 Inad Hydropneumatic Storage 442
Bluford (Jefferson Co - 0810100) 7 Low System Pressure 465
Browning (Schuyler Co - 1690050) 5 Inadequate Source 495 03/15/98
Ctzns Chickasaw Hills Div (Will Co - 1975320) 2 Low System Pressure
7,700 09/17/92
Clayton Camp Point Wtr Cmsn (Adams Co - 0015200) 5 Inad Pumping Capacity 1,200 09/15/98
Clinton (DeWitt Co - 0390050) 4 Inad Plant Capacity 7,437 06/14/91
Columbia (Monroe Co - 1330050) 6 Inad Pumping Capacity 5,893 03/15/98
DePue (Bureau Co - 0110300) 1 Inad Treatment Plant 1,930 12/15/93
Dieterich (Effingham Co - 0490150) 4 Inadequate Source 568 03/15/94
Evansville (Randolph Co - 1570250) 6 Low System Pressure
1,838 05/25/81
Georgetown (Vermilion Co - 1830350) 4 Inadequate Water Plant
3,678 06/15/93
Hardin (Calhoun Co - 0130200) 6 Low System Pressure
1,175 11/25/81
Highland Hills Sndst (DuPage Co - 0435560) 2 Inadequate Pres Tank 1,100 09/17/92
Homer (Champaign Co - 0190300) 4 Inadequate Source 1,300 03/15/94
Kincaid (Christian Co - 0210250) 5 Plant Capacity 2,640 06/14/85
Lee (Lee Co - 1034600) 1 Inad Hydropneumatic Storage 350 03/15/98
McHenry Shores Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115020) 2 Low System Pressure
1,170 09/17/92
Mechanicsburg Buffalo Wtr (Sangamon Co - 1675150) 5 Inadequate Source
1,030 03/15/98
Pearl (Pike Co - 1490650) 5 Inadequate Pres Tank 322 09/17/82
Pheasant Knolls Sbdv (Lake Co - 0970290) 2 Inad Hydropneumatic Storage 130 09/15/98
Scales Mound (Jo Daviess Co - 0850400) 1 Low System Pressure 400

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Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Division of Public Water Supplies
Critical Review List -- Public Water Supplies
January, 1999
South Highway PWD (Jackson Co - 0775400) 7 Low System Pressure
8,189 06/15/92
Stockton (Jo Daviess Co - 0850450) 1 Low System Pressure
1,900 06/15/84
Sumner (Lawrence Co - 1010300) 7 Low System Pressure
1,553 12/13/85
Tower Ridge Sbdv (Rock Island Co - 1615780) 1 Inadequate Pres Tank 70
Utl Inc Lake Marian Wtr Corp (Kane Co - 0895200) 2
Low Sys Pres & 800
Inad Pres Storage
Walnut Hill (Marion Co - 1210600) 6 Low System Pressure
1,200 06/14/85
West Liberty-Dundas Wtr Dst (Richland Co-1595050) 7 Low System Pressure 693
& Inadequate Source
Wonder Lake Wtr Cmpny (McHenry Co - 1115750) 2 Inadequate Storage
1,080 12/14/90
Baylis (Pike Co - 1490100)

The following are regularly scheduled meetings of the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
January 07
January 21
March 04
March 18
May 06*
May 20
July 08
July 22
February 04*
February 18
April 01
April 15
June 03
June 17
August 05*
August 19
All Chicago Board Meetings will be held at 10:30 am in Conference Room 9-040 except for those noted.
*All Springfield Board Meetings will be held in Hearing Room 403.
The Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) is an independent seven member board which adopts the environmental
control standards for the State of Illinois and rules on enforcement actions and other environmental disputes. The
Board Members are:
Claire A. Manning, Chairman
Ronald C. Flemal
G. Tanner Girard
Kathleen M. Hennessey
Western Springs
Marili McFawn
Nicholas J. Melas
Joseph Yi
Park Ridge
Environmental Register
is a newsletter published by the IPCB monthly, and contains updates on rulemakings,
descriptions of final decisions, the Board’s hearing calendar, and other environmental law information of interest to the
People of the State of Illinois.
Illinois Pollution Control Board Illinois Pollution Control Board
James R. Thompson Center 600 South Second Street
100 W. Randolph, Suite 11-500 Suite 402
Chicago, Illinois 60601 Springfield, Illinois 62704
(312) 814-3620 (217) 524-8500
Web Site: http://www.ipcb.state.il.us/

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