August 15, 1996
    PARTS 811 and 814
    AS 96-9
    (Adjusted Standard - Land)
    This matter comes before the Board upon a “Petition for Adjusted Standards from
    Certain Regulations Governing Existing Landfills” filed by Commonwealth Edison Company
    (Edison) on April 1, 1996. The petition applies to Edison’s Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site
    (Lincoln Quarry or the Site).
    The requested modifications apply to the following standards governing non-hazardous
    solid waste landfill operations: (1) the standard prescribing a leachate collection and
    management system; (2) the groundwater monitoring requirements for certain inorganic and
    organic constituents; (3) the standards for location of monitoring wells; (4) the zone of
    attenuation standards applicable to the Site; (5) the standard prescribing final cover for the
    Main Quarry; and (6) miscellaneous additional standards that Edison asserts factually do not
    apply to the mode of operation conducted at the Site.
    The Board's responsibility in this matter arises from the Environmental Protection Act
    (Act) (415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.). The Board is charged therein to "determine, define and
    implement the environmental control standards applicable in the State of Illinois" (Act at
    Section 5(b)) and to "grant . . . an adjusted standard for persons who can justify such an
    adjustment" (Act at Section 28.1(a)). More generally, the Board's responsibility in this matter
    is based on the system of checks and balances integral to Illinois environmental governance:
    the Board is charged with the rulemaking and principal adjudicatory functions, and the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency (Agency) is responsible for carrying out the principal
    administrative duties.
    The Act also provides that "the Agency shall participate in [adjusted standard]
    proceedings". (415 ILCS 28.1(d)(3).) On May 3, 1996 the Agency filed a response and
    recommended that the instant requested adjusted standard be granted
    Edison’s April 1, 1996 petition for adjusted standard will be cited as (Pet. at __) and the
    Agency’s May 3, 1996 response will be cited as (Res. at __).

    Edison waived hearing in this matter pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 106.705(j). No
    other person requested a hearing, and accordingly no hearing was held.
    Based upon the record before it and upon review of the factors involved in the
    consideration of adjusted standards, the Board finds that Edison has demonstrated that grant of
    an adjusted standard in the instant matter is warranted for 35 Ill. Adm. Code 814.302(b)(1),
    811.319(a)(2), 811.319(a)(3), 811.318(b)(5), 811.320(c), and 811.314.
    The Lincoln Quarry, or Site, is located 1/4 mile south of the Des Plaines River in
    incorporated Will County, southwest of the City of Joliet and adjacent to two of Edison’s coal-
    fired generating stations, Joliet Stations 9 and 29. (Pet. at 2.) The Site is comprised of
    former dolomite quarries that are now divided into three units: the Main Quarry, the North
    Quarry, and the West Filled Area. (
    .) Although the Joliet Stations generate fly ash, bottom
    ash, and slag as byproducts of the coal burning process, this petition only concerns the
    handling of bottom ash and slag. Fly ash is shipped off-site for disposal.
    Edison deposited bottom ash and slag into the West Filled Area prior to 1975. The
    West Filled Area has since been leveled and vegetated. Since 1975 Edison has deposited the
    bottom ash and slag into the Main Quarry, which was permitted as a landfill for coal
    combustion wastes in 1976. The bottom ash and slag are mixed with water from the Des
    Plaines River (River) and then sluiced into the Main Quarry. Edison maintains the water level
    in the Main Quarry between 549 feet and 555 feet above sea level, approximately 20 to 30 feet
    below the adjacent groundwater table. The difference in water level generates a hydraulic
    gradient that is directed into the Main Quarry. That is, the groundwater flows into the Main
    Quarry from the surrounding aquifer. From the Main Quarry the water drains by gravity into
    the North Quarry settling pond and finally the sluicing water is pumped back into the River
    (under NPDES permit #IL0002216). (Pet. at 3.)
    As required under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 814.103, Edison notified the Agency that it
    would be closing the Lincoln Quarry by September 18, 1997. (Pet. at 3-4.) However, due to
    the unanticipated capacity, Edison now believes that it can receive ash wastes from the Joliet
    Stations well beyond the expected useful life of those Stations. (
    .) As a result, Edison
    amended its notification to extend the closure date of the coal combustion waste monofill at the
    Lincoln Quarry beyond September 18, 1997.
    As a result of Edison’s closure extension, it was required to show that the Lincoln
    Quarry would satisfy the standards applicable to existing landfills under 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    814, Subpart C. (Pet. at 4.) However, Edison states that as its mandatory application for

    significant modification indicated, Lincoln Quarry cannot satisfy some of these standards.
    In the instant adjusted standard, Edison argues that the generally applicable standards at
    issue cannot rationally apply to the operations in the Main Quarry. In addition, it claims that
    such compliance would require structural modifications to the Main Quarry which are
    technically and economically impracticable for what amounts to a questionable environmental
    benefit. (Pet. at 5.)
    The Illinois Environmental Protection Act at Section 28.1 (415 ILCS 5/28.1 (1994))
    provides that a petitioner may request, and the Board may impose, an environmental standard
    that is different from the standard that would otherwise apply to the petitioner as the
    consequence of the operation of a rule of general applicability. Such a standard is called an
    adjusted standard. The general procedures that govern an adjusted standard proceeding are
    found at Section 28.1 of the Act and within the Board's procedural rules at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    Part 106.
    The standards from which Edison seeks modification do not specify a level of
    justification or other requirement for an adjusted standard for this matter. Therefore, Sections
    28.1(c)(1) through (c)(4) of the Act are relevant in this proceeding. Petitioner has the burden
    of proving the following for an adjusted standard from a rule of general applicability:
    factors relating to that petitioner are substantially and significantly
    different from the factors relied upon by the Board in adopting the
    general regulation applicable to the petitioner;
    the existence of those factors justifies an adjusted standard;
    the requested standard will not result in environmental or health
    effects substantially and significantly more adverse than the effects
    considered by the Board in adopting the rule of general
    applicability; and
    the adjusted standard is consistent with any applicable federal law.
    Edison originally filed a site-specific rulemaking with the Board, R94-30, which was
    subsequently withdrawn after negotiations with the Agency determined that Edison no longer
    needed relief from the groundwater quality standards. (Pet. at 5.)

    Section 814.302(b)(1)
    Edison requests an adjusted standard from the rule-of-general applicability at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 814.302(b)(1), which states:
    Units regulated under this Subpart shall be subject to the following
    The unit must be equipped with a system which will effectively
    drain and collect leachate and transport it to a leachate
    management system.
    Leachate is defined in the regulations as a “liquid which has been or is in direct contact
    with a solid waste”. (35 Ill. Adm. Code 810.103.) Under this definition, Edison handles
    approximately 8.5 million gallons of leachate per day through its current gravity flow system.
    According to Edison this is a high volume of leachate, as compared to an average landfill
    which handles approximately 1000 gallons per acre per day. (Pet. at 50.) It is this substantial
    daily water inflow at Edison’s inward-gradient landfill that justifies its current tailored leachate
    collection and management system.
    Under the present regulations Edison would be required to drain, collect and transport
    the approximately 8.5 million gallons per day of sluice water, groundwater, and precipitation,
    all which flow directly or indirectly to the Main Quarry. (Pet. at 49.) Under the proposed
    adjusted standard Edison would manage the water through its current gravity-flow drainage
    system. This system includes drainage pipes which draw water from the Main Quarry into the
    North Quarry and a pumping station which discharges that water from the North Quarry into
    the River. (Pet. at 62.) This system captures all but 101,400 gallons per day, or 1.2% of the
    water volume reaching the Site. (
    .) According to Edison, installing any alternative leachate
    collection and management system to capture only the incremental water would “result in
    little, if any, discernible environmental benefit”. (Pet. at 63.) The cost of using the gravity-
    flow system would be $150,000 per year at present value, including capital costs to replace
    slag lines and pumps, and operating costs for the pumps. (
    Any additional compliance system which Edison puts in place would address the
    incremental water which bypasses its present gravity-flow system. Furthermore, Edison
    claims that any alternative or additional leachate system would simply change the path of the
    leachate, but it would still flow to the same destination. Specifically, the leachate which
    would under the proposed adjusted standard flow from the bedrock directly into the River,
    would instead flow first to its leachate management system and then discharge into the River.
    (Pet. at 63-64.) According to Edison there are no known wells or other known environmental
    receptors in the region of the Site. (Pet. at 63.)

    Edison examined various alternatives to its current gravity-flow system (Pet. at 51-62)
    and found those leachate collection and management systems to be “prohibitively expensive
    and present significant technological challenges”. (Pet. at 51).
    Initially Edison evaluated the traditional leachate collection systems and found them to
    be incompatible with its current operating practices. Edison sluices its ash waste into the Main
    Quarry and operates the Quarry as a surface impoundment. (Pet. at 51.) A traditional leachate
    system requires restricting the amount of water that reaches the waste. Specifically, Edison
    examined and rejected two traditional landfill methods to collect leachate: (1) an
    underdrainage system located beneath the waste and above a low permeability bottom liner in
    newer landfills, and (2) leachate recovery wells drilled into the waste from the top of existing
    or older landfills.
    First, the underdrainage system could be installed either above the existing waste to
    collect and manage leachate for future waste placement, or below the existing waste.
    Installing it above the current waste would not effectively address the groundwater which
    would continue to enter the Main Quarry and migrate downgradient after flowing through the
    waste. (Pet. at 52.) Edison could install the underdrainage system, which would involve
    removing the existing waste, lining the fractured dolomitic rock base and walls of the Main
    Quarry, and installing a low-permeability layer and leachate collection system. (Pet. at 52.)
    Edison detailed the specifics of removing the ash, and cited the problems associated with
    relocating the wet ash into not-yet constructed settling basins, including extensive dewatering
    at the Quarry throughout the installing period, dredging the settling basin, and the possibility
    of having to store the large volume of ash offsite. (Pet. at 52-56.) Once all of the ash was
    finally removed, Edison would install a three-phase leachate control system consisting of a
    groundwater gradient control layer, a low-permeability liner system, and a leachate system on
    the sides and bottom of the Quarry bedrock. Any new ash deposited into the Quarry would
    have to be under dry, and not wet, ash handling practices. When considering an
    underdrainage system, Edison is unclear of the potential environmental harms. For example
    risks associated with handling dry ash at the Site such as increased worker exposure to ash
    waste, increased truck traffic between the settling basin and the Main Quarry, and dust
    generated by dumping the dry ash into the dry Quarry. (Pet. at 56.)
    Second, Edison examined the possibility of installing leachate recovery wells drilled
    into the waste from the top of the landfill, at or near the downgradient boundary of the
    disposal cell to pump leachate from the waste into a leachate management system. (Pet. at 57-
    59.) Edison found such pumping wells not technically viable for the Site due to the fact it uses
    a wet disposal method. Under the current wet disposal system, 8.6 million gallons per day of
    sluice water, precipitation, and groundwater saturate the ash in the Main Quarry. It would be
    impossible for Edison to remove such a large amount of leachate daily through collection
    wells. (Pet. at 57.) Additionally, Edison believes such placement of the well would create a
    localized inward hydraulic gradient which, through pumping, would draw additional sluice
    water, precipitation, and groundwater through the ash to the well, increasing the amount of

    leachate in the Main Quarry and suspended sediments which flow from the Main to the North
    Quarry. (
    Edison found that converting its system to dry ash collection, to take advantage of
    leachate recovery wells would create a series of other associated difficulties. Those difficulties
    include converting several other surrounding wells, adding additional wells, and maintaining
    the water level below the River level. (Pet. at 58-59.) Both wet and dry systems face
    significant obstacles to any installation of collection wells, such as dewatering the ash and
    using barges to access the north wall of the Quarry for well installation.
    Edison also examined a variety of other more advanced leachate management
    technologies and likewise found them to be “technologically impracticable and cost prohibitive
    at the Lincoln Quarry Site”. (Pet. at 59-62.) Those technologies included a leachate
    collection trench, which proved to be prohibitively expensive to install, and a downgradient
    drainage gallery tunnel, with drain holes to accumulate leachate seepage from fractures and
    joints in rock walls, which may not even be technically feasible. (Pet. at 60-62.)
    As an alternative to compliance with Section 814.302(b)(1) Edison proposes to operate
    a leachate collection system at the Lincoln Quarry Site which assures that the water level in the
    Main Quarry is maintained below the natural watertable level, assures that the leachate is
    discharged to the Des Plaines River through Edison’s NPDES-permitted outfall, and assures
    that Edison has properly complied with all effluent limitations in the NPDES permit. (Pet. at
    The Board finds that, given the configuration of Edison’s Site, and the need to handle
    almost 8.5 million gallons of water per day, it is impracticable to require compliance with 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 814.302(b)(1). The Quarry configuration, including the differences in the flow
    regime, mode of operations, and waste characteristics, are substantially different from the
    factors upon which the Board relied in adopting this general regulation. Moreover, the
    adjusted disposal system proposed by Edison does not appear to result in any environmental or
    health effects substantially more adverse then those considered by the Board in initially
    adopting Section 814.302(b)(1).
    Section 811.319(a)(2) and Section 811.319(a)(3)
    Edison requests an adjusted standard from the rule-of-general applicability at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.319(a)(2), which states:
    Criteria for Choosing Constituents to be Monitored
    The operator shall monitor each well for constituents that
    will provide a means for detecting groundwater
    contamination. Constituents shall be chosen for
    monitoring if they meet the following requirements:

    The constituent appears in, or is expected
    to be in, the leachate; and
    The Board has established for the
    constituent a public or food processing
    water supply standard, at 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 302, the Board has established a
    groundwater quality standard under the
    Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (Ill.
    Rev. Stat. 1991, ch. 111 1/2, par. 7451 et
    seq. [415 ILCS 55/1 et. seq.]), or the
    constituent may otherwise cause or
    contribute to groundwater contamination.
    One or more indicator constituents, representative of the
    transport processes of constituents in the leachate, may be
    chosen for monitoring in place of the constituents it
    represents. The use of such indicator constituents must be
    included in an Agency approved permit.
    Along with subsection (a)(2) above, Edison requests an adjusted standard from 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.319(a)(3), which states:
    Organic Chemicals Monitoring
    The operator shall monitor each existing well that is being used as a part of the
    monitoring well network at the facility within one year of the effective date of
    this Part, and monitor each new well within the three months of its
    establishment. The monitoring required by this subsection shall be for a broad
    range of organic chemical contaminants in accordance with the procedures
    described below:
    The analysis shall be at least as comprehensive and
    sensitive as the tests for:
    The 51 organic chemicals in drinking water described at
    40 CFR 141.40 (1988), incorporated by reference at 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 810.104; and
    Any other organic chemical for which a
    groundwater quality standard or criterion has been
    adopted pursuant to Section 14.4 of the Act or
    Section 8 of the Illinois Groundwater Protection

    At least once every two years, the operator shall monitor
    each well in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(A).
    The operator of a MSWLF unit shall monitor each well in
    accordance with subsection (a)(1)(A) on an annual basis.
    Edison argues that the concerns which underlie the monitoring requirements in the
    Board’s landfill regulations do not apply to the Lincoln Quarry. Consequently, Edison
    requests that the Board limit the groundwater monitoring requirements applicable to the Site.
    Edison claims that the groundwater monitoring program was established to ensure that
    constituents from landfill wastes do not migrate into and degrade the groundwater. This
    migration is especially important when the wastes within the landfill vary significantly (i.e.
    municipal landfill), or where the waste constituent or the constituent migration pathways are
    poorly characterized. (Pet. at 65-66.)
    However, Edison asserts that an adjusted standard is warranted because it has operated
    the Lincoln Quarry as a coal combustion waste monofill for over 20 years, and has fully
    characterized the ash waste and groundwater constituents derived from that waste (the
    composition of combustion wastes deposited at the site has remained generally consistent,
    although the specific percentages of each constituent in the ash varies somewhat). (Pet. at 65-
    66.) Accordingly this should eliminate the Board’s primary concerns regarding characterizing
    the groundwater composition or impact on the environment of leachate from the landfill. (
    Edison also claims the Board’s requirement of broad based organic and inorganic
    constituent monitoring is not necessary at the Site because studies show no organic parameters,
    or volatile or semi-volatile organic compounds in the groundwater sampling. (Pet. at 65-67.)
    The ash samples contained primarily silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, potassium, magnesium,
    sulfur, sodium, barium, and boron. (Pet. at 66.) Edison argues that it is economically
    unreasonable to require it to monitor groundwater for organic and inorganic constituents that
    could have no environmental impact. As stated, there are no organic constituents in its coal
    combustion waste. (Pet. at 67.)
    The cost for organic groundwater sampling and testing for all the regulatorily required
    parameters would cost approximately $46,000 per year, as compared to the $1,000 per year
    ash sampling proposed in Edison’s petition for adjusted standard which would sufficiently
    examine the organic composition of its combustion waste to predict whether this waste could
    impact the groundwater. (
    .) According to Edison, the cost to analyze the groundwater for
    the regulatory parameters regarding inorganic constituents would cost approximately $28,600
    per year, versus the proposed testing at $16,640 per year cost to analyze only the potentially
    impacted parameters plus alkalinity. (Pet. at 68.)
    Edison’s proposed adjusted standard would waive the organic constituent requirement
    of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.319, and would only require Edison to annually sample for semi-
    volatile organic compounds which could remain in the bottom of ash and slag, and report these
    results to the Agency, and to institute sample of the semi-volatile organic constituents if

    necessary. (Pet. at 14 and 68.) Edison feels it is unnecessary to sample for volatile organic
    compound because they are destroyed in the combustion process.
    Edison’s proposed adjusted standard also limits the frequency of the groundwater
    sampling for inorganic constituents. Edison proposes to quarterly monitor the inorganic
    constituents of which it has detected statistically significant increases over background
    concentrations in downgradient wells. (Pet. at 68-69.) The other inorganic constituents
    regulated within 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.319(a)(2), those whose parameters were not detected
    in the groundwater or were found not to have a statistically significant increase in parameter
    concentrations over background levels, would be sampled annually simply to verify that the
    groundwater composition remains constant. (Pet. at 68-71.) Specifically, Edison proposes to
    sample, on an annual basis, all constituents for which the Board has established Class II
    groundwater standards; if a statistically-significant increase in any of the concentrations is
    shown, then Edison proposes to add those parameters in the sampling mode prescribed at
    Section 811.391(a)(1). (Pet. at 13.)
    Edison argues that its proposed monitoring plan, eliminating organic chemical
    monitoring of groundwater and focusing primarily on inorganic monitoring of those potentially
    impacted parameters at the Site, provides environmental protection comparable to the Board’s
    generally applicable standards. (Pet. at 69-71.) It reasons that “[i]f those [organic]
    constituents are absent, eliminating the monitoring requirement for those constituents would
    have no environmental impact”. (Pet. at 70.) Edison also observes that, because of the
    consistency and predictability of the groundwater concentrations of parameters attributable to
    the Site, “if previous monitoring results did not detect a particular inorganic constituent in Site
    groundwater, it is improbable that that constituent would appear in future sampling events”.
    (Pet. at 70.) As for those inorganic parameters which have been detected at the Site, Edison
    claims that the “groundwater concentrations should remain constant or decrease over time as
    the leachable concentrations of those parameters in the ash decreases”. (Pet. at 70.)
    Edison’s proposed monitoring plan, given the frequency and type of groundwater
    monitoring, appears to be adequate to justify the grant of an adjusted standard. The Site
    presents factors substantially and significantly different from the factors the Board considered
    in adopting the landfill groundwater monitoring requirements with regard to choosing the
    constituents to be monitored and organic chemical monitoring. Given the absence of organic
    chemicals and consistency of constituents for almost 20 years in this monofill, the concerns
    which underlie the monitoring requirements in the Board’s landfill regulations are not present
    at the Lincoln Quarry. The Board accordingly believes Edison has demonstrated that the
    instant groundwater monitoring requirements, Section 811.319(a)(2) and Section
    811.319(a)(3), warrant an adjustment suitable to the Site. The Board also finds that Edison’s
    proposed alternative standards provide environmental protection comparable to that
    contemplated under the rule of general applicability.
    Section 811.318(b)(3) and Section 811.318(b)(5)

    Edison requests an adjusted standard from the rule-of-general applicability at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.318(b)(3), which states:
    Standards for the Location of Monitoring Points
    Monitoring wells shall be established as close to the potential
    source of discharge as possible without interfering with the waste
    disposal operations, and within half the distance from the edge of
    the potential source of discharge to the edge of the zone of
    attenuation downgradient, with respect to groundwater flow,
    from the source.
    Edison also requests an adjusted standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.318(b)(5),
    which states:
    A minimum of at least one monitoring well shall be established at the
    edge of the zone of attenuation and shall be located downgradient with
    respect to groundwater flow and not excluding the downward direction,
    from the unit. Such well or wells shall be used to monitor any
    statistically significant increase in the concentration of any constituent,
    in accordance with Section 811.320(e) and shall be used for determining
    compliance with an applicable groundwater quality standard of Section
    811.320. An observed statistically significant increase above the
    applicable groundwater quality standards of Section 811.320 in a well
    located at or beyond the compliance boundary shall constitute a
    Edison claims that due to physical constraints at the Lincoln Quarry, it is unable to
    install the large number of groundwater monitoring wells required in the above regulations.
    Specifically, if the Board grants Edison its request to adjust the zone of attenuation for the
    Site, Edison will be unable to install a well at the edge of the adjusted zone. (Pet. at 72.)
    Edison argues that the landfill conditions relied upon the Board in adopting these
    regulations are not the conditions which exist at Edison’s Site. First, the landfill regulations
    assume a lined landfill located in a porous media, where groundwater flow rates and physico-
    chemical processes of soil attenuation are consistent and the entire site can be easily modeled
    with limited flow volumes. (Pet. at 73-75.) In contrast, the Site is located in fractured
    dolomitic rock. The type of limited groundwater monitoring required in the regulations would
    not present an accurate picture of the constituent transport. On the whole, the groundwater
    flow rates through the rock at the Site are very slow; however, flow rates within individual
    fractures and bedding planes can be very rapid. (
    .) As a result of this widely divergent
    ground formation, Edison believes an accurate representation of the Site’s water bearing
    material can only be achieved through a large-scale modeling process, unlike that required in
    Section 811.318.

    Secondly, Edison argues that due to the terrain surrounding the Site, it would be
    technically impracticable and economically unreasonable to install a groundwater monitoring
    system which would comply with the Board’s landfill regulations. (Pet. at 76-78.) For
    instance, there are physical obstacles (screening berms and security fencing) and natural
    environmental barriers (sheer vertical dolomite faces and deep ponds) within 100 feet
    downgradient of the Main Quarry boundary. Most significantly Edison explains that there
    exists a narrow strip of land between the Main and North Quarries which provides insufficient
    access for well drilling equipment and personnel safety to install a network of wells.
    Regardless of the physical constraints preventing well installation, Edison claims that any
    constituent migration or groundwater flow data would not likely be accurate. (Pet. at 76-77.)
    Due to the quarrying and other land use activities which have altered the natural groundwater
    flow patterns, and differences in the hydraulic gradients between the Main and North Quarries,
    any wells installed in this area would give atypical information regarding the entire Site. (
    Given the unlikelihood the required wells will provide meaningful monitoring data, Edison
    argues that it should not be required to expend capital to install such wells.
    Lastly, Edison states that if the adjusted zone of attenuation is granted, it would be
    technically impracticable to install wells at the edge of the zone. The adjusted zone of
    attenuation boundary is contiguous with the northern-most property boundary and is located at,
    or sometimes beyond, the banks of the Des Plaines River. Because of its proximity to the
    River and subsequent mixing of groundwater and River water, installing monitoring wells in
    this area would not provide reliable data regarding the pertinent constituents, nor allow access
    for drill equipment or personnel. (Pet. at 77.)
    According to Edison, it would be required to install 30 new groundwater monitoring
    wells to comply with the Board’s regulations, at an estimated total cost of $300,000. (Pet. at
    77.) Edison proposes to install a groundwater monitoring network, which instead of placing
    wells at or near the locations prescribed by the Board’s regulations, will place the wells
    beyond the regulatory 100-foot standard and within the North Quarry. Specifically, Edison
    will continue to use ten existing wells
    at the Site.
    Edison claims that although it cannot install all of the regulatorily required wells, it can
    “establish a network of groundwater monitoring wells that protects the environment” (Pet. at
    72), and which comprehensively and accurately depicts constituent migration at the Site.
    Edison states that the River is the only significant environmental receptor for groundwater at
    the Site. To accurately determine the groundwater flow to the River; Edison believes it is
    necessary to install monitoring wells under the North Quarry (as proposed in its adjusted
    standard request), as opposed to 100 feet from the Main Quarry (as required in the regulations)
    The pre-existing wells are: upgradient wells 92-2S and 92-2D in the South Quarry, and
    downgradient wells: nested wells R08S and R08D northwest of the Quarry, nested wells 92-
    5S and 92-5D north of the Main Quarry, nested wells G20S and R16D northeast of the
    Quarry, well 93-9 north of the Quarry, and well 93-11 northwest of the Quarry.

    or as opposed to the northern boundary line of the proposed adjusted standard. (Pet. at 78-80.)
    Only by installing wells under the North Quarry can Edison measure the water that bypasses
    its pumping system and flows directly into the River. If the wells were placed under or near
    the Main Quarry, it would primarily measure the groundwater which is flowing to the North
    Quarry due to pumping. Edison argues that its proposed network of monitoring wells satisfies
    the Board’s environmental objectives of monitoring environmentally relevant constituent flow
    at the Site. (Pet. at 80.)
    The Board finds that Edison has presented sufficient justification for an adjusted
    standard from Sections 811.318(b)(3) and Section 811.318(b)(5). The conduits present in
    such fractures provide for groundwater flow quite distinct from the flow in homogenous
    porous media. Such a significantly different groundwater flow regime was not the type
    considered by the Board in adopting the rule of general applicability. The Board
    acknowledges that a altered groundwater monitoring network may be required. Indeed the
    physical location of the Site with relation to the River in addition to the unique widely
    divergent ground formation at the Quarries, justify an adjusted standard.
    Section 811.320(c)
    Edison requests an adjusted standard from the rule-of-general applicability at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.320(c), which states:
    Determination of the Zone of Attenuation
    The zone of attenuation, within which concentrations of
    constituents in leachate discharged from the unit may
    exceed the applicable groundwater quality standard of this
    Section, is a volume bounded by a vertical plane at the
    property boundary or 100 feet from the edge of the unit,
    whichever is less, extending from the ground surface to
    the bottom of the uppermost aquifer and excluding the
    volume occupied by the waste.
    Zones of attenuation shall not extend to the annual high
    water mark of navigable surface waters.
    Overlapping zones of attenuation from units within a
    single facility may be combined into a single zone for the
    purposes of establishing a monitoring network.
    As alternative to compliance with Section 811.320(c), Edison proposes a zone of
    attenuation that is 100 feet from the edge of the Lincoln Quarry on the upgradient side and at
    the property boundary on the downgradient side. (Pet. at 14.) Edison believes this proposed
    zone of attenuation, coupled with the proposed monitoring well location standards discussed

    above, and an agreement with the Agency to establish a groundwater management zone (GMZ)
    at the Site, will be consistent with the Board’s current definitions and regulations. (
    The proposed zone is supported twofold: first, it places “all relevant site features that
    potentially contribute to elevated constituent concentrations in groundwater within a single
    zone of attenuation for the Site”; and the zone will be contiguous with the GMZ. (Pet. at
    86.) The Agency has agreed to designate the Lincoln Quarry Site from the waste boundary to
    the site boundary as a GMZ (apparently to address exceedences of background concentrations).
    Edison states two reasons to justify a modification from the landfill standards relating
    to the zone of attenuation. First, Edison argues that the Board did not consider water flow
    conditions like those present at the Site in defining the generally applicable zone of
    attenuation. (Pet. at 81-83.) Specifically, Edison claims the Site consists of fractured rock,
    where, unlike in the Board’s models, groundwater flow rates vary considerably. Accordingly
    the “degree to which attenuation and hydrodynamic dispersion can occur under these
    conditions depends upon the existence, number, properties, and relationship between
    discontinuities in the rock mass”. (Pet. at 82.) Edison argues that the “geochemical processes
    of attenuation are of little or no significance at Lincoln Quarry because there is little
    interaction between the chemical constituents and the rock mass”. (
    Second, Edison argues that retaining the zone of attenuation at the 100 foot boundary
    would cause it to incur tremendous expense for minimal environmental benefit. (Pet. at 83-
    85.) Groundwater degradation over background concentrations already exists beyond the
    Main Quarry
    due to disposal of flyash in the West Quarry and lack of attenuation. Therefore
    groundwater downgradient of the Site beyond the 100-foot zone of attenuation will continue to
    exceed the Board’s non-degradation standard (particularly for boron and sulfate) regardless of
    whether Edison takes additional precautions. (Pet. at 83-84.) As a result, Edison believes it
    is “technically impracticable to establish the zone of attenuation as required by the generally
    applicable standards”. (Pet. at 83.)
    Edison examined several different options to bring the Quarry into partial or complete
    compliance with groundwater standards at the edge of the zone of attenuation. The options
    considered include: converting the facility from sluiced to dry disposal and constructing a new
    landfill on the existing ash designed in compliance with the standards in Section
    811; closing
    the landfill and contracting for off-site ash disposal at existing facilities; closing the landfill
    and the generating stations; or closing the landfill and constructing a new off-site landfill for
    ash disposal. (Pet. at 84.) According to Edison each of the these compliance alternatives
    present severe adverse economic and/or social impacts for limited, if any, environmental
    benefit. (
    , see also Exhibit 12)
    Edison notes that none of the compliance alternatives studied would address the
    groundwater impacts from prior waste operations which account for exceedences at the edge of
    Ammonia, arsenic, boron, cadmium, chloride, fluoride, manganese, molybdenum, pH,
    potassium, selenium, sodium, sulfate, total dissolves solids, total organic carbon and zinc.

    the zone of attenuation. Edison believes those constituent concentrations would either remain
    constant or decrease over time, but would not decrease significantly immediately. (Pet. at 85.)
    Therefore, Edison would still need to request an adjusted zone of attenuation. If it desired to
    reduce the existing concentrations it could excavate the waste currently in the Main Quarry and
    West Filled Area (at a cost estimate $65-187 million) or install a leachate/groundwater
    collection system. Edison believes neither option is economically reasonable.
    Edison claims that the proposed zone of attenuation extension will adequately protect
    the environment. (Pet. at 86-88.) It claims that the only environmental receptor affected by
    the increase in the zone of attenuation is the River. The current constituent concentrations in
    groundwater have “no discernible impact on water quality in the Des Plaines River”. (Pet. at
    86.) Additionally, the contribution of constituents attributable to groundwater discharges
    which enter the River are indistinguishable from natural incremental deviations which are
    normally expected. Edison claims that “current discharges from the Site have no impact on
    River concentrations of constituents”. (Pet. at 87.)
    Edison also proclaims that the “proposed zone of attenuation does not impact any
    known or potential environmental receptors”. (Pet. at 88.) It states there will be no
    environmental impact on the area between the original and proposed zone, primarily because
    there are no current uses for impacted groundwater downgradient of the Site. (Pet. at 87-88.)
    In addition to current uses, the future use of this groundwater is also unlikely because Edison
    owns or controls most of the pertinent land, the impacted surrounding land is industrialized
    and unsuitable for residential development, and there exists an unimpacted, deeper acquirer to
    be used in the future.
    The Board’s rule of general applicability at Section 811.320(c) is premised on the
    presence of an attenuating porous media, which differs from the fractured and jointed bedrock
    that occurs at the Lincoln Quarry Site. In this circumstance, and in light of the chemistry of
    the Lincoln Quarry waters and the local nature of the groundwater flow system, the Board
    believes that adjusting the downgradient zone of attenuation to the northern property is
    justified. Moreover, because Edison commits to controlling future use of the groundwater, it
    appears granting the requested adjusted standard will not result in environmental or health
    effects substantially more adverse than the effects considered by the Board in adopting the rule
    of general applicability.
    Section 811.314
    Edison requests an adjusted standard from the rule-of-general applicability at 35 Ill.
    Adm. Code 811.314, which states:
    The unit shall be covered by a final cover consisting of a low
    permeability layer overlain by a final protective layer constructed in
    accordance with the requirements of this Section.
    Standards for the Low Permeability Layer

    Not later than 60 days after placement of the final lift of solid
    waste, a low permeability layer shall be constructed.
    The low permeability layer shall cover the entire unit and connect
    with the liner system.
    The low permeability layer shall consist of any one of the
    A compacted earth layer constructed in accordance with
    the following standards:
    The minimum allowable thickness shall be 0.91
    meter (3 feet);
    The layer shall be compacted to achieve a
    permeability of 1x10
    centimeters per second and
    minimize void spaces.
    Alternative specifications may be utilized provided
    that the performance of the low permeability layer
    is equal to or superior to the performance of a
    layer meeting the requirements of subsections
    (b)(3)(A)(i) and (b)(3)(A)(ii).
    A geomembrane constructed in accordance with the
    following standards:
    The geomembrane shall provide performance
    equal or superior to the compacted earth layer
    described in subsection (b)(3)(A).
    The geomembrane shall have strength to
    withstand the normal stresses imposed by the
    waste stabilization process.
    The geomembrane shall be placed over a
    prepared base free from sharp objects and other
    materials which may cause damage.
    Any other low permeability layer construction techniques
    or materials, provided that they provide equivalent or
    superior performance to the requirements of this

    For a MSWLF unit, subsection (b)(3) notwithstanding, if the
    bottom liner system permeability is lower than 1 x 10
    the permeability of the lower permeability layer of the final cover
    system shall be less than or equal to the permeability of the
    bottom liner system.
    Standards for the Final Protective Layer
    The final protective layer shall cover the entire low permeability
    The thickness of the final protective layer shall be sufficient to
    protect the low permeability layer from freezing and minimize
    root penetration of the low permeability layer, but shall not be
    less than 0.91 meter (3 feet).
    The final protective layer shall consist of soil material capable of
    supporting vegetation.
    The final protective layer shall be placed as soon as possible after
    placement of the low permeability layer to prevent desiccation,
    cracking, freezing or other damage to the low permeability layer.
    Edison claims that the Board’s generally applicable cover requirements do not apply to
    conditions at the Lincoln Quarry due to the mode of operation at the site. (Pet. at 88-94.)
    Edison examined the following environmental objectives in coming to that conclusion:
    minimization of water percolation and infiltration into the waste, control of water run-off from
    the cover, maximization of evapotranspiration, control of landfill gas and prevention of cover
    erosion, and minimization of maintenance.
    For instance, minimizing water percolation and infiltration into the waste would not be
    accomplished with a Section
    811.314 cover because the water reaching the Quarry comes from
    natural groundwater flows, not infiltration or percolation. (Pet. at 90.) The objectives of the
    impermeable layer and the final cover include minimization of water percolation and
    infiltration into the waste as well as controlling landfill gas and control of the runoff water. At
    the Site the water infiltration through percolation is relatively small compared to the
    groundwater infiltration into the waste area. Given the fractured rock and dolomite at the Site,
    along with the difference in water level in the Quarry and the adjacent groundwater table, the
    natural groundwater flows from the south through the Quarry to the River. A landfill cover
    system would reduce, but not eliminate the amount of water which reaches the bottom ash and
    slag due to precipitation. (Pet. at 91.) Maximizing evapotranspiration is not a factor at the
    Site because the majority of the water reaches the waste through groundwater inflow and not
    precipitation. (Pet. at 92.) The effect of the very small additional amount leachate through
    precipitation on downgradient groundwater quality would be undetectable.

    Because the wastes in the Quarry contain no organic constituents that might produce
    gases through decomposition, the type of cover system required in Section 811.314 is not
    necessary to control the gas. The waste at the Quarry contains only non-putrescible industrial
    wastes consisting of inorganic constituents, primarily oxides of silicon, aluminum, iron and
    calcium. (Pet. at 93.) Therefore, there is no need to control landfill gas because the coal
    combustion byproducts do not produce methane through decomposition as organic constituents.
    Another environmental objective examined, the prevention of cover erosion and
    minimization of maintenance, would require significant upkeep and maintenance at the Site
    because of the hydraulic conditions, particularly the fact that pressures caused by groundwater
    flow into the landfill could degrade the required cap. (Pet. at 93-94.)
    Edison argues that it would be technically impracticable and economically unreasonable
    to install a final cover system satisfying the generally applicable requirements for the Main
    Quarry. (Pet. at 94-98.) Edison examined the two alternatives which satisfy the Board’s final
    cover requirements. First, the installation of a compacted earth low-permeability layer
    covered by three feet of soil. And second, the installation of a geomembrane liner covered by
    three feet of soil. Edison thoroughly examined the scenario of installing a cap using a wet
    closure and a dry closure with a total closure cost of $20-28 and $8 million respectively.
    Lastly, Edison describes the proposed “Closure and Post-Closure Care Plan”. (Pet. at
    98-101.) Edison presents two possible options during closure, where the ash level in the Main
    Quarry is below and above the water level. If the ash level is below the water level for the
    groundwater table, Edison would close the landfill in its present “wet” condition. It would
    place a fence around the Site to prevent access and maintain the water at a level in the Quarry
    which supports the current inward hydraulic gradient. This would be the least costly
    alternative providing comparable environmental benefits. If the level of ash in the Main
    Quarry is above the natural groundwater table, Edison would install a two-stage cover system
    consisting of a “compacted clay layer that performs equivalently to two feet of compacted soil
    having a hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10 -7 cm/sec, overlain by at least four inches of topsoil.
    The cap would be sloped at no less than a two percent grade and would be seeded to prevent
    erosion.” (Pet. at 100.)
    Edison alleges that its proposed final cover standards in the request for adjusted
    standard will provide environmental benefits that are comparable to those obtained under the
    generally applicable final cover standards at a lower cost. (Pet. at 101-105.)
    The Board agrees that Edison’s operation at the Site does not lend itself to compliance
    with the Section 811.314 final cover requirements. The required impermeable layer and final
    cover operate to minimize water percolation and infiltration into the waste, and to control
    landfill gas and runoff water. At the Edison Site water infiltration through percolation is
    relatively small compared to the groundwater infiltration into the waste area. It therefore
    appears that there would be no environmental benefit to installing cover pursuant to this

    With regards to controlling landfill gas, Edison’s current discharges are only coal
    combustion byproducts with no organic constituents that might produce methane through
    decomposition. Therefore, there is no need to require control of landfill gas at the Quarry.
    “Attachment A” Standards (Sections 811.105, 811.106, 811.107(a), 811.107(b), 811.107(i),
    811.310, 811.311, 811.312, 811.313, 811.321, and 811.322)
    Edison includes as part of its overall petition request that the Board find certain parts of
    the Board’s landfill regulations be found to not apply to the Site. For the purposes of
    discussion, these will be referred to the at the “Attachment A” standards, based on their
    presentation in Attachment A of Edison’s petition. (Pet. at 110, Attachment A.) The
    regulations at issue are 35 Ill. Adm. Code Section 811.105 (compaction of waste), 811.106
    (daily cover), 811.107(a) (phasing of operations), 811.107(b) (working face), 811.107(i)
    (vector control), 811.310, 811.311, 811.312 (landfill gas monitoring and management
    system), 811.313 (intermediate cover), 811.321 (waste placement), and 811.322 (final slopes
    and stabilization).
    The Board notes that Edison’s request regarding the Attachment A standards differs
    from its request regarding the main portion of the instant adjusted standard in that Edison does
    not seek to replace the Attachment A standards with alternate, site-specific standards. Rather,
    Edison requests that the Board “confirm that these standards do not apply to Lincoln Quarry”
    and to find that “Edison’s current management practices adequately satisfy the purposes behind
    these requirements”. (Pet. at 110.)
    In addition, Edison’s request regarding the Attachment A standards differs from its
    request regarding the main portion of the instant adjusted standard in that Edison does not
    attempt to make the demonstrations required at Section 28.1(c) of the Act for any of the
    Attachment A requests.
    The Agency believes that the factors relating to Edison with regards to the applicable
    standards are substantially and significantly different from the factors upon which the Board
    relied upon in adopting the regulations of general applicability. (Res. at 4.)
    The Agency agrees that compliance with the applicable standards would be
    economically unreasonable and, with respect to some of the standards, technically infeasible
    for Edison to accomplish. (Res. at 3.) Moreover, the Agency states that it has “no basis for
    challenging Edison’s cost analyses”. (
    The Agency agrees with Edison that granting the adjusted standard will not have an
    adverse impact on the environment and specifically will not result in environmental or health

    effects substantially and significantly more adverse than the effects considered by the Board
    when adopting the rule of general applicability. (Res. at 1-5.)
    The Agency agrees with Edison that the Board may grant the adjusted standard
    consistent with applicable federal law. (Res. at 4-5.)
    The Board finds that Edison has demonstrated that grant of the adjusted standard
    requested by Edison is warranted.
    Regarding the request for adjusted standard from 35 Ill. Adm. Code 814.302(b)(1),
    811.319(a)(2), 811.319(a)(3), 811.318(b)(5), 811.320(c), and 811.314, the Board finds that
    Edison has made the demonstrations required under Section 28.1(c) of the Act. In reaching
    this decision, the Board finds it noteworthy that Edison proposes and agrees to abide with a
    series of replacement standards. The Board believes these replacement standards will provide
    environmental protection at least equivalent to that which flows from the current regulations.
    The Board will accordingly condition grant of the adjusted standard upon Edison’s compliance
    with the replacement standards.
    As regards the Attachment A parameters, the Board will grant Edison’s request that we
    determine “that these standards do not apply to Lincoln Quarry”. (cf. In the Matter of Wood
    Energy, AS 94-1 (October 6, 1994), esp. footnote 3). We will not grant an “adjusted
    standard” as such, since as we have noted above, Edison does not attempt to make the
    demonstrations required by Section 28.1(c) of the Act, and we do not wish to establish a
    precedent of acceptance of inadequate pleading in these cases. However, the Board believes
    that none of these standards are reasonably applicable to the circumstances encountered in the
    Lincoln Quarry disposal system. We will instead include in the order of adjusted standard a
    statement that the attachment A standards do not apply.
    This opinion constitutes the Board's findings of fact and conclusions of law in this
    Commonwealth Edison Company is hereby granted an adjusted standard for the
    Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site with respect to the following regulations: 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    814.302(b)(1), 811.319(a)(2), 811.319(a)(3), 811.318(b)(5), 811.320(c), and 811.314.
    In addition, the following Board regulations do not apply to the Joliet/Lincoln Quarry
    Site: 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.105, 811.106, 811.107(a), 811.107(b), 811.107(i), 811.310,
    811.311, 811.312, 811.313, 811.321, and 811.322.
    In lieu of the standards above the following shall apply.

    Edison shall dispose only bottom ash and slag from the combustion of coal in the Main
    Edison shall operate a leachate collection and management system at the Joliet/Lincoln
    Quarry Site that assures compliance with effluent limitations contained in an NPDES
    permit duly issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The leachate
    collection and management system shall consist of:
    A gravity flow drainage system that:
    Channels supernatant liquid from the Main Quarry into the North
    Quarry; and
    Assures that the water level in the Main Quarry is maintained below the
    natural water table level.
    A permitted point source discharge from the North Quarry to the Des Plaines
    Groundwater Sampling.
    Edison shall analyze groundwater from the monitoring well system at the
    Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site, in accordance with the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm.
    Code 811.319(a)(1), for the following constituents:
    Total Organic
    Total Dissolved
    Except for the constituents monitored in accordance with a), Edison shall
    sample its monitoring well system on an annual basis for all inorganic
    constituents for which the Board has established Class II groundwater standards
    under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 620.420(a).
    If Edison detects, and confirms through replicate sampling, a statistically
    significant increase above applicable groundwater standards for any
    constituent monitored under this paragraph, Edison shall monitor that
    constituent in accordance with the requirements of paragraph a).
    If, after monitoring for five years in accordance with this paragraph,
    Edison does not detect a statistically significant increase above applicable
    groundwater standards for a constituent monitored under this paragraph

    2), Edison may propose as a permit modification to discontinue
    monitoring for that constituent.
    Waste Sampling.
    At least once annually, Edison shall determine the semi-volatile organic
    constituent content of a representative sample of waste bottom ash and slag to be
    disposed at the Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site.
    The results of such sampling shall be submitted to the Agency within 30 days
    after Edison receives the analytical report.
    If Edison detects one of the semi-volatile organic constituents listed under 35
    Ill. Adm. Code 811.319(a)(3) in its ash samples, then Edison shall conduct
    confirmatory sampling and analysis.
    If the sampling and analysis conducted under c) above confirms the presence of
    one or more of the listed semi-volatile organic constituents, then Edison shall
    monitor its groundwater monitoring well system for those constituents in
    accordance with the sampling and analysis plan contained in Volume II of
    Edison’s Application for Significant permit Modification at Lincoln/Joliet
    Quarry Ash Landfill [IL 197809001] (May 1994).
    Standards for Monitoring Well Locations.
    In consultation with Edison, the Agency shall establish a monitoring well
    network for the Lincoln Quarry Site that achieves the monitoring objectives of
    part 811. The Agency shall not impose more stringent well location standards
    than the requirements in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.318(b).
    If any of the wells in the monitoring network established by the Agency fails or
    is rendered unusable, Edison shall request permission from the Illinois
    Environmental Protection Agency to replace the well with another well, located
    as close as practicable to the non-functioning well and sampling the same
    Zone of Attenuation.
    For purposes of this paragraph f), the zone of attenuation at the Joliet/Lincoln
    Quarry Site shall be defined as the volume bounded by a vertical plane
    extending from the ground surface to the bottom of the uppermost aquifer,
    excluding the waste, and located:
    100 feet from the edge of Lincoln Quarry on the upgradient side with
    respect to groundwater flow; and,

    At the property boundary on the downgradient side with respect to
    groundwater flow. If the property boundary extends beyond the annual
    high water mark of the Des Plaines River at any location, the zone of
    attenuation at that location will be reduced to satisfy the requirements of
    35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.320(c)(2).
    This zone of attenuation is depicted on [Figure SAP-5, Volume II of
    Edison’s Application for Significant Permit Modification, attached to
    Edison’s petition for site specific relief.]
    Groundwater quality at or beyond the zone of attenuation for the Joliet/Lincoln
    Quarry Site shall be maintained at each constituent’s background concentration.
    Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit Edison from petitioning the Board
    for an adjustment of the groundwater quality standards applicable to the Site, in
    accordance with the procedures established in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811.320(b).
    Compliance Determination.
    Any statistically significant increase above an applicable groundwater quality
    standard that is attributable to the facility and which occurs at or beyond the
    zone of attenuation within 100 years after closure of the last unit accepting
    waste within such a facility shall constitute a violation.
    Final Cover.
    For purposes of b) and c) below, “maximum adjusted seasonal water table
    level” means the maximum predicted water table level in the vicinity of the
    Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site, determined at the time of closure, plus sufficient
    elevation to ensure the integrity of a cap.
    Closure Below Water Table.
    If, at the time of closure, the level of settled ash in Lincoln Quarry is at
    or below the maximum adjusted seasonal water table level, no final
    cover is required for the Quarry and the Quarry shall be maintained as
    an impoundment.
    Water levels in the Quarry shall be maintained at or below a maximum
    elevation of 570 feet above sea level.
    A chain link fence no less than eight (8) feet in height, topped by a no
    less than three (3) strands of barbed wire, shall be installed around the

    Joliet/Lincoln Quarry Site to prevent access and shall be maintained in
    good condition at all times.
    Closure Above Water Table.
    If, at the time of closure, the level of settled ash in Lincoln Quarry is
    above the maximum adjusted seasonal water table level, Edison shall
    install a two-stage cover system, which shall consist of a compacted clay
    layer that performs equivalently to a 2 foot layer of compacted soil
    having a hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10
    cm/sec, overlain by at least
    four inches of topsoil. The cap shall be graded at no less than 2% grade
    and shall drain to a collection area located on the cap. Stormwater
    collecting on the cap shall be pumped to the North Quarry for settling
    prior to discharge pursuant to the facility’s NPDES permit. The cap
    shall be seeded to prevent erosion.
    Water levels in the Main Quarry shall be maintained at no more than 570
    feet above sea level through use of a gravel drainage blanket underlying
    the stormwater collection area. Water collecting in the drainage blanket
    shall drain by gravity to the North Quarry for settling prior to discharge
    pursuant to the facility’s NPDES permit.
    Section 41 of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/41 (1994)) provides for
    the appeal of final Board orders within 35 days of the date of service of this order. The Rules
    of the Supreme Court of Illinois establish filing requirements. (See also 35 Ill. Adm. Code
    101.246 "Motions for Reconsideration”.)

    Board Member McFawn Concurred.
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
    the above opinion and order was adopted on the _____ day of ___________, 1996, by a vote
    of ______________.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

    August 15, 1996
    PARTS 811 and 814
    AS 96-9
    (Adjusted Standard - Land)
    I agree with the judgment of the majority today that Commonwealth Edison (Edison) is
    entitled to all the relief requested in its petition. However, I concur because I believe that the
    relief granted from the regulations listed in Attachment A to Edison’s petition should have
    been included within the terms of the adjusted standard, and that it is inappropriate for the
    Board to merely state that those requirements do not apply.
    The Board has in past cases issued judgments finding that site-specific relief was not
    warranted because a regulation by its terms was inapplicable to a particular facility. However,
    this is not the situation in the present case. By their terms, the Attachment A regulations do
    apply to Edison’s facility. Therefore, the more appropriate means of granting relief would
    have been to have specifically included an adjustment from the Attachment A regulations
    within the terms of the adjusted standard.
    For these reasons, I concur.
    Marili McFawn
    Board Member
    I, Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk of the Illinois Pollution Control Board, hereby certify that
    the above concurring opinion was submitted on the _____ day of ___________, 1996.
    Dorothy M. Gunn, Clerk
    Illinois Pollution Control Board

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